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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1916)
2-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 5, 1916. BOOSTERS OF BEAUTY DOPE. BACKED UP 7acle Sam Fata 13,000 Crook Out of Buiineu in Four Yeari. HUGE GOLD MUTES PLUGGED Futn Is th larrest collector of rclpes and prescriptions for harplnees and wealth In the tautjr health. world. In the ar.-hlve of the PrwtofNre de partment In Washington there are thou sands nf thrift Trpn which ere aajrl to prodin-a any of tha murh-to-ha-dlred re ailta In an astonlshtns; short time, and tha toll charred la all tha way from a postage (tamp to thounda of dollar. Jlowever etranare aa It may m, tha for tunate thin la that after they rcarh tha department. In nlna rases out of tan they never reach tha public aanin. but ara carefully fllad away for future reference. During the laat four yaara these over night haanty producers. Instantaneous health helper. Bct-rlch-qulrkers and hap piness promotera hava awlndlad the pub lic out of ovar l2XMX,n or at tha rata of about $AO 0.000 a year; and thla In aplta of tha fart that Judas William H. Umr, solicitor for tha Poetofflce da partmant, together with hl aasaitant, gata up aarly and worka ovar tlma trying to kaap gullible paople not only from he In Imposed upon by quacks and fraudu lent schemes of everr description. . but from endangering their lives and property by Invaatlng In tha thousanda of aurh scheme) advertised all over tha country. The promotera of tha achamea do not rark vlrtlma, for thla la proved by tha figure presented by the Pnstofflce dv rartmant ahowing that In four yaara the department has d alt with orer 1S.000 raaea Involving fraudulent uaa of tha tnal'.a for auch schemes, and tula received and anawered something- over X,100 com munication relating to tha frauda., I-aat year aJnna tha Inveatlgatlon were under taken In ovar 4.CW0 auch raaea. and more than 0.ft0 complaint and Inqulrlra were received. Kicking Hrlaas ResaltS. Tha 40,000 complalnta and Inqulrle re ceived by the department laat year repro aent only a amnll percentage of the peo ple who have been defrauded, aa there are hundreds of men and women who have been taken In, but who do not Ilk I to confess. However, now and then a woman, for example, whoa complexion ha been Irretrievably ruined by a praicrlptlon from aome quark beauty doctor will become ao Infuriated that ahe will cry out In her rage and disappointment for help and revenge. Then the wheel of the Poet office department will b aet going and Inspectors and agent of the government will ruah gallantly to tha reecue of thoo aanda of her stater to aave them from a like fat. Thouaanda of people have Invented a dollar Jn "lueky atone" which coat SVt to 15 cents, in order to make the pro moter of thla atone $44,000 annually, or 1300.000 within a few year. Thla stone, waa aald to be endowed with the myste rious power by which lost jewelry la re stored, true and falsa friend pointed out, tha sick healed, the poor come Into pos session of great wealth, tha unemployed gt work, hard luck Is banished, and hua dreds of secrets which have Ions putiled the greatest scholars of all time are re pealed. Thar were evidently soma pur chasers who were bitterly disappointed by tha atone' failure to produce tha wonder ful results advertised, so Uncle flam was notified, the concern waa ahut out of tha mall and the bujiineta discontinued. Uk mushroom, the fraudulent schemes spring up over night, and the man who was disappointed In the lucky atone doubtless took a turn 'at one of the preaerlptJone which Uncle Sam now guard a so carefully and which sold for H an ounce Jf the first offer was ac cepted, or U or 12 if the flrat.prlce quoted was thought too high by the prospective buyer.. This prescription announced to cure, by means of dropping It Into the eye, consumption, paralyala, bright dia eaae, bow legs, flat foot, the morphine habit, epilepsy and many other Ills that flesh Is heir to. The government chemist and other ex pert have found that the formula for thla remarkable preacrtptlon called for ten ounrca of salt and ten ounces of BiiSar dissolved In one gallon of hydrant water, and that the actual coat Of the solution ws C cents per gallon. As absurd as this schema was, then Judge Lamar Issued' fraud order against It shutting It. the books of the concern showed sn ajiiual Income of s0.XA . . . HlrSlrn a ad Valaeas. It la the perversity of human nature to want blond hair If one la the poaaraaor of black, or to have a desire to preserve the charms of a loo fast fleeting youth by dyeing the silvered locks a beautiful cheat nut bruan; nor when avoirdupois Is la creasing at a race-horse rapidity la it un natural for one to be taken In by a glow lng advertisement to the effect that the anguish felt when the manly or girlish figure begins to take on the burden of fioah may all be aet rtohl by a small dose of lavender or blue pills. . A gigantic scheme of the latter ac.i which robbed the public of 11.500.000 in a comparatively ahort time and epent in on postage stamps stone represented its promoters as being able to teach any one the eecret of magnetic power by which he could hypnotise sub jects at a distance of l.ot mlla. and thus make hlmaelf supreme master of ny situation. The methods employed were calmed to be insiantaneoue and eauullv effective whether the patient were sleep ing or waking, whether It waa used, by telephone or telegraph, and the consent f the uhjrt was not n.4ir The amount charged for Inatruj lions in this art waa Ci. but, if the applicant rould not afford that much, in eome cases It waa reduced to I'u The poslom.-e tnspec. taia found that the promoters of thla were Ignorant men of hypnotism. A modern Moses offered to lead the ack and helpless from suffering to the trilllant light of health, wealth and happl.veaa for tha sum of M rents for the first treatment. Ills circular waa a deep, black-bordered card, on which was printed: "Itememlier my address In the hour of approa' hing death." The "rura re to be made by moans of a diet, the ama preacrllx-d for all, frgardlesa of the ' tendent of the maintenance dltlalin of ymiitorre dee-rlhd. Just how th diet'1" anpervlrlon architect office, H. G. wa to Increase the tank account was hot mad clear. Ad Ore rswrt lllsrh. One recipe that t'ncle Ram is guarding carefully In hi collection, considering tt too precloua for promiscuous distribution, clatma that too much butter and rheee 111 produce deafnea. discharge ears. ...,.. iow sinrus .na ,oerea viiauty. euatodlan employe and generally In and appended te the reclro U a booklet creases the salaries of charwomen, la giving Instruction how to send for a , borer, firemen, watchmen, elevator eort biank to fill out with symptoms la order 'dactor. Janitor, coal passer. l to get further Instructions In pursjlng Irti lan engineers, srs'stant engineers the proper diet to produce activity of the penter. S. S. LA PROVENCE, French auxiliary cruiser on which over 3,000 lives were lost, groes down with nearly 4,000 people on board, including many officers of French army. Y:tt Wt- . f 4 vl. h-r -." I V v. Ji" "X:. "J -'-w; --fe' Vh ? .-ww-. .--."'.( 1 v-; t. "' j ' .-j I . 1 - - ' v. ." ' " ' t ' '' brain and cure srpendlcltls at the aame time. After the blank is received, $1 be ing the charge for It, a letter follows say ing that for ftfl, ton or 75, as the exigency of the rase may demand, the treatment will be acnt. However, whatever the symptoms, the same treatment was pre scribed "Vn hot eat butter." " Soma of these schemes are hatched In Washington, and ao cleverly are they wordod In their literature that the Im pression la given that they are conducted under the government guarantee, and fre quently with , the assistance of tha sci entific department of the government The letters "V. 8. Be" In many caaes are appended' to the name of the author of prescriptions arid quack nostrums. These letters simply mean that the party using them Is a "fellow" of the Society of Bet enre, letters and Arts of London, the payment of V allowing the use of the letters. Bait for Easy Money. A few year! ago 'a big business was conducted by a concern which offered to the public for fl a finely executed por trait of George Washington, engraved by expert government engravers. The ma jority of those who received for this amount the portrait of Oeorge Washing ton engraved on a J-cent postage stamp felt too foolish to complain, so the busi ness continued for some time before It waa stopped. Ijind achemes, mining and bond get-rlch-qulrk schemes thrive like green bay trees, though many of them seem so ab surd on their face that it la difficult to believe that people would pay attention to them. . Curing the year ending June, 1911. 1.M0 lottery enterprises were suppressed. Judge Lamar says: "Many pf these schemes are most vicious, possessing all tha vlcea and al lurements Inherent In the ordinary . lot tery, and In addition to their harmful In fluence they opened - wide the , door to fraud. JBecausf of th ' skillful and In genious manner In . which " they r wet framed In attempts to evade the law, It I possible' to' detect the lottery features only after tha plans hava been carefully studied and fully analysed, some of the elaborate and Intricate bond . investment schemes requiring the services of expert accountants for weeks la a single case." besides - these various 4 workaday schemes. Uncle Sam Is the possessor of hundreds of sentimental and heart-rending matrimonial loiters unique Iri their kind, which he haa collected from matri monial bureaus. These agencies for Cupid come In for a large share of his attention, for he ,llkes a square deal In all such cases. Woe be to the individual who trifles with the affectlona of any of his people, whether tbey be It or 70! It Is remarkable how many people take an Invisible chance at matrimony by means Of th malls and send along their guar anteed check to close the transaction. The Inspectors of the department find these eases very hard to - unearth, aa wounded affections sre delicate things to deal with.' Uncle gam often finds Itfllfflcult to prosecute these dispensers of enchanting beauty recipe and prescription. The promoters have a monopoly In the get-rich-quick "part 'of the Scheme, and are able to employ legal talent to defend them when they are haled before the depart ment to show cause why a fraud order should not be Issued against them. Washington Star, fMan Who Wounded Guard Says He Was Hired by Strikers NEW TOniC. March 4.-WI!llam Sher wood, arrested for tha shooting of llennle Welnsteln. a guard employed by 1. Kap lan V Sons, shirt waist manufacturers, confessed today, according to the police that It was employed to do th shooting by a shirt waist makers' union, the mem bers of which are now on atrike. . Inspector Cray, head of th detectives bureau, say a that Sherwood stated that he wa offered a "contract" by the union uuder which, fie waa to receive S1X and to be put en the pay- roll at flS a week in return for his fcervlce In 'hnotlng up" the Kaplan guarde. .V ' Wclimtetn nd seven other guard were eacortlng K slrla to the Kaplan factory yesterday - whan four men opened tire upon them. Welnateln waa shot in the back and la in a serious condition. SALARY REGULATION BILL FOR SPECIAL EMPLOYES UP iKrom a Staff Corresaond-nt.) WAS1UNUTQV. March 4. i Special Tel. (tain.) t'ongivesiiiuti liheck'a commit tee un expenditures liv the Treasury de partment had a mcctlnu . toJav to con sider a hill for the rtgiilnt'on of nalary in the o.stodlan service in th Treasury department. Assistant Kocrvtarv of tha ! reaaury Byron Ncton and the supertit- pt-erwood. were heard In bohalf of th bT In .which a number of employe of th city noatnffic arc interested, coming a they, do undor the charge of tha cus todian of th poatoffic. Representative Sloan attended the meet ing also, several federal employee resid ing la his district being interested The bill gives a new rlatalftcalioa to TEUTONS HAMMER " AT VERDUN GATES French Infantry Reported to Be Dis puting; Every Inch of . Territory- ncnnjTG ron no ad to paris Tha German armies at the gates of Verdun are hammering them hard with heavy artillery, but at latest accounts had suspended Infantry at tacks, in the last flphtlng reported the Initiative was on the side of the French, who desperately drove back fit the Germans in a counter attack which rained them ground. The German thruntnln the-new phase of. the titanic struggle are be ing delivered with heaviest force at present on the salient to the north east of the fortress in which lies the Douaumont plain. Nere the Trench last week were driven out of Fort Douaumont, and Just now from Dou aumont Tillage to the west. Raaea vrlth Violence. In snd around the village the battle has been raging with violence and with heavy losnes. on both sides. Unofficial accounts aatiert that there ha been nothing on the western rront to equal the ferocity of the attacks delivered by the Germans, while the French Infantry Is declared to he dis puting every Inch of ground and In their lateat effort to have forced the Germans to rest on the laurels so far won and leave the continuation of the battle to their artillery. , . .; fans advice alrew 4kat no doubt re mains In the minds of the French that there 1 nothing; in the .nature of a feint In tha German effort, the belief existing that the crown prince has determined to capture Verdun, and If 'possible break through the French line and open up ire way lo re rm. t . . t ' French Official Report. i PARIS, March 4.-The official com munication Issued by the war office today regarding th fighting around Verdun reada aa follows: : "In the region of J'erdun a yerjr violent bombardment baa been In progress all day on the left bank of th Metis at Hill 304 and Cote de L'Oie. On tha right bank th nemy, after an Intense bom bardment directed on the Haudromont wooda east of Cote du Polvre. launched ak-alnst our positions an attack which was atopped by our machine gun and in fantry fir. 'n the morning the Germans had cue reeded In again gaining a foothold in th village of , Douauinont, from which w had driven him last evening by a counter attuck. . "The struggle continue deaoeratalv. with alternative advances and recoils, for the potaoaalon of the village," DEATHRECORD. twin tart aw, V , Ludwlg Carlo w. aged 77 year Thirty third and A streets. South Bide. dlet Trlday at a. local hospital.. He Is sur vlved by a wife, two sons and two dauah. ters. Funeral services will be held Bun day afternoon at 130 from Gentleman's chapel, with Interment In Graceland Park cemetery. Dorothy Gordon. Dorothy Gordon. 1-year-old daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Richard Gordon. 713 South Forty-fourth street, died Friday evening, after a ahort illnesa with throat Infection. Funeral services, conducted by Dean Tan, cock of Trinity Cathedral, were held Sat Urday afternoon from the home, with In terment In Foreat Lawn cemetery. The family had just completed preparation to o to Kngland to live, but will now re main here. tepheat E. "Weddlac. IACREL Neb., March 4.-(8peclal.) the body of Stephen U Wedding will ar rive late tonight from Bioux- City. Mr. Wedding went to a hospital in Bloux City three week ao for an operation for p- i-Miuiiiiis. oui nit ase, 7 year, and health were ajalnst him. He wa a prom, Inent farmer north of town and leaves a widow And several children. Abraham Sedaa, FREMONT. Neb.. March 4 -fSnar.i.l v Word haa been received in the city of the death at Elou fitu r ik..i ' - J nviWJBIIl Sedan, for years a prrsneroua former ni. the bluffs north of Fremont. I'lerr Ire Jaw . kreaks. PIERRE. 8. P., Murch 4.-(Pperlal Teld-grau.)-The te jam Up river which flondcl the low lsniis on ' Teorla bottom" thla forenoon, broke this afternoon an.l brought down a six-foot rise in the river here, carrying tr up to the fifteen fo mark -and flooding the lower poe. tlooa of Fort Pierre on the tytst sl.le f th stream. Tonleht the river 1 falUnx and very. little Ice is running. Key to the fituation Bee Want Ada. DrssrlMtsI Orders. WASHINGTON. March 4.-.Spclal Tel ecram.V Riiifii letter carriers appointed . " a mger, Kninas Jeffrie;. Iowa wood, Han.nmn K Caley: Lemara, John Vt Kempe, Manning. Rudolph H. r.nh lefsi Storm lka. Walter V. Peterson Assistant heoretary Newton haa aa. lected the site for the public building to be erect. d at Cherokee, la. at fl - -. t. comer of Bast Willow and North fWond street: the p-r to he paid ta UtOirt. The sites were offered by at l. Jlu.fonn, W. U Nelson and Ireorse Kruumier. Civil I- "in nominations will be bold on an-h S fur pu:iu&:rr a- lus".in. Krb. Orrrl fcj-t wvf Iowa Will Have Record Number of Elections This Year DE3 MOINES, la., March 4. Iowa will have mor primaries and election thl year than ever before In tho history of the state. Issues at stake also are of more Interest than for years part. For the first time In the history of Iowa politics presidential elcn tors will be selected by direct vote of the people. Iowa Is unusually interested In the presi dential campaign this year, as one of her favorite eons. United State Senator Al bert B. Cummins. I a candidate for the republican nomination for tha presi dency. Another Issue of decided Importance to the Iowa electorate will be settled June 5, whan a constitutional amendment giv ing the ballot to women will be voted upon. ' In addition ev4ry state, city, county and township office Is to be filled. Beginning with this month, primary elections for cities of various claaaea will be held. Tho presidential primary will be held April 10 and tha state and county pri mary June 6. April 26 Is the laet day of filing for era to candidates and May S for county candidates. So far tho exact dates of none of tha party conventions has been selected. However, the state conventions of all of tha political parties must be held the latter port of Juno orVarly in July under tha laws of the stale. The democratic party wilt hold a special convention at Clinton May 10 to ratify the selection of delegates to the national convention to be held in St. Louis, June 14. Des Moines has been selected as the place for holding the regular democratic convention. Sunday Schools of Iowa Will Exhibit ' At the State Fair DCS MOINES, la., March 4.Iowa Bun day schopla will bo represented this year at the Iowa State fate. They will have an exhibit of the latest leason materials and samples of the work of tho younger students. If the recommendations of a conference held reoently at tho Des Molnea Younft Man's Christian association meets with the approval of the stata con vention of the Iowa 8unday School asso ciation, to be held In Dubuque. Juno 22 and 13. ' - Th proposal was made by fltty-flve president and secretaries of county Bun day school associations. Though th con ference ha no legislative authority over the state association affairs. It outline plan and policies) of the year's were; for recommendation to the atate convtntlon. It la the plan to have modeling and other hand craft work displayed in the exhibit. . . ( NEBRASKA CITY BANKER : IS AW OMAHA VISITOR ' Robert Marnelt of Nebraska City, the Mark Ilanna of the Nebraska Bankers' association politics, waa In Omaha yes terday visiting with J. C. tt?Nlsh. for mer president of the association, and now located In Omaha. Incidentally they are doing aome boost ing for the big ..og show of the National Swine Growers' association, which is to bo held In Omaha this fall. There Is considerable rivalry between these two bankers a to which can grow the beat live stock on tholr farms. HYMENEAL Herfel-Raber. RANDOLPH. Nb.. March 4.-fSpeclal.) Elmer Herfel of Allen and Viola Raber of thla place, war married her Wednes day. They will make their horn on the groom' farm near Allen. SANATOntlirf, TMa tmamttlo la tha aaly one la th caatral wt with parwU boU&las alt3at4 la thalr ox. amala rroanda, yot antlreJy tilt tlnet, 'and rendering It poaaihlo ta classify easaa. Tha on binding bint ftttad for aad 4vot4 to U treatment of non-coatagtous and non-mental dlaaaaas, ao othrs bo lng admitted; tho other Roat Cot tago batng doulgnd for and da Totod to th oicluslr treatment of select mantal easaa roqulrlag tor a Urno watchful car and ip olal nursing. A merchant who r&o't afford to s advert!, eaa't afford to hire) clrrka, or pay rrot 4t sJl ccmorm la tho cottrao of bosloesa. Advertise) In THE RKK. r (7 HOUSE WILL TAKE UP ARMED SHIP ISSUETUESDAI (Continued from Tag One.) the votes to make their victory complete and undisputed. Many Member Absent. tader einUlned that the pntnon mont was agreed upon baoaus of tha ah aence of ao many members on wek-end trlj. Many left yesterday umler the Im prMslon. It was said, that the house ses sion today, which began at 10 o'clock, was to end at noon and would consider Only claim bills. Sharp Statement by Tamntly. Arouned by the publication of reports yesterday that Treilclent Wilson, because of the strain of the foreign situation, waa considering resigning from office, the White House today issued this for mal statement: Whan Secretary Tumulty's attention C Women's Neck Fixings New Every Few Days To keep posted on the latest fashions one has but to visit the neckwear section, where the newest things are shown first. New collar of lace, crepe and embroidery. Collar and cuff sets that are different. Vestees of laces arid crepos are good. Colored vestees and collars In blue and pink are a striking novelty. Ruffllngs In all the newest styles. . All are clever designs and are finished with unusual attention to hav'ng details perfect. Two Glove Duplex Fabric Gloves, regu lar ,1.00 quality - 69c New Val a n4 Torchon Laces A large shipment has arrived; six hundred dozen .Vals alone-Patterns that are new and pleasing. . 5c a Yard Ask to see them Monday. Unusual Values iri New MERCERIZED POP LIN (27-inch) in every conceivable plain shade, . fast colors, a very high finish, 25c A YARD. SHIRTING PERCALES (36-inch) flat foldlight grounds, with neat stripes and figures, at 1212-15o A YARD. Have You a BUSINESS of Any Kind? Do You ADVERTISE a That Business? If you do not money-making get new business is by using the umns of The Trying to make money out of without advertising is like, trying to reap .'the harvest of the fields without a harvesting machine. I. If you have anything to sell, no matter what it may be, and you want speedy results, use Bee Want Ads. 'KB lmjwjjLmamj&M0iuHmij, aav, WiMiajKsa w. V". . . ' inn saTisi grim sjrra wa cailed to the atory appearing In cer tain papers that the president had re 7'Kned or waa considering resigning, he saia: " 'An American newspaper lhat would publish a story of that kind In a situa tion ilka tho one which now confront America, dishonors Itself." Administration officials said today that praotlcally all senators who Voted yes terday to table the Oore resolution were 'ottng for the president's policy, and that should tha house fall to vote to up hold tha president In decisive form, the fight might be carried back to the sen ate for a direct vote to defeat the Mo Cumber resolution warning Americans off armd ships of belligerent natlona. The conference adjourned with no for mal action except a decision to hold a rules committee meeting at I o'clock to day. A so-called gentleman'a agreement waa made not to have a vote before Tuesday. Tt takes but a minute of time to far dollars whan you rad The PeeWant Ad columns. , jj'i TKOflPSON-MLDEN 5CO, Tlio Fashion (jCTferoTiijoM'iclcIleWesl- ' Established I8Sl Specials Mocha Glores, In gray l and black $2.00 quality, Rl.KO 11.50 quality, 81.00 showing for COTTON FOULARDS (36-inch) for d re s s e s, kimonos, etc A large va riety of patterns and new color combinations. 25c A YARD. TUB SHIRTINGS in woven and striped ef-' fects, also dress fabrics . of silk and cotton. A - large assortment (27 inch). 25c A YARD. Basement Wash' Goods Section. you are not conducting it in. a way. One of the Bee. Grand Army Will Uampativansas City Next Year , j KANSAS CITT. Mo., March 4.-Th national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will be held In Kansas City from August 29 to September 1 next. It waa announced here today, after a meeting of national Grand Army official. It I Bk t to Ktl l.ako Bed. riERKK, 8. D March t. Bpeial Tele gramsIn affirming the case of C. I-. Anderson et al. against Fred Ray et al.. In a decision of the supreme court by presiding Justice polley, what Is known as tho "Red case1' In Brule, county, la disposed of and tha right of communi ties to flood old lake beds which have beon meandered Is sustained, as asalnst the claims of adjoining property owners. . . . ', - ' f : The Store for Shirtwaists V New Dlouses Will Be Shown 1 Monday for the First Time Among the new styles is one of par ticular charm-a Rose Georgette Crepe trimmed with cream lace.' A most be coming style. Price - - $6,50 - Many other new blouse fashions just; as attractive and new are found in this Monday. second Floor. Wash Goods DRESS VOILES (40, ;t inch). ' All new color . combinations, plaids, checks,; stripes and flor al designs. 25c A YD. EGYPTIAN TISSUES, . the always ' popular wash fabric for dresses, ' waists, etc. All new pat-, terns; colors absolutely" fast (27 'inch). , 25c A , . YARD. best ways t Want Ad col your business mim wi gsjj jM i-i,-, nrnTiirriiTi an mm.. f il m ; r I r - j-f i A 4 1 J J Iff f ri i W FTI . MM si i I r . z. M 11 Awawsj II