A t 1 Elsasser Family Has Its Annual . Reunion in Omaha Tba annual reunion of the Elaajuwr Vtmily, aald to be the Urgent In Omaha, PIIK OMAHA SUNDAY JIKK: .MAKUll 5, J16. 1 . Stack Falconer undertaking chapel. Burial will be In Forest Lawn. Mla Hartwell had been nick only rtht daya. She worked at the Putt Typewriter exchange alnce nrraduatlng from the Mg-fi achool laat year. Three alaterg aurvlve her, Mra. Alcott and Mien Kate Hartwell of Omaha and Mra. Hazel Abdell of Salt Lake City. waa held rrMar ernlne; In tha parlllon of Hanarnm park. flYntp-flre rouplri wr on tho dune flnor, while tha eld erly and Infant memhera at"hed the terralchorean frollra of their rHatlvea. The heada of the varloua hranrhra of thla eatenalve family are William, Jaroh. Fred, Teler. Herman. Chrla. Mn. W. F. Rire and Mra. C'harlea OeUrhmann. Thy have famlllea ranrln from fifteen to fo'ir children earn. Thee reated famlllea have a-mwn to aurh an extent that It la nereaaary to have a rr'mlnn to et them alt toa-ether. DANISH FOLK DANCES AT WASHINGTON HALL TODAY proprtale cnatuiwe will he featurea of a dance to he riven Pnnday evenln at Washington hall tr th Ianlah Plater hood, an oraan'aatlon with a. memher ahlp of Sno. Mra. C F. Borenaon haa charm of the pmpram and will be aa elated by Meadamea C. A. Depcke. Chrlat Jenaen, Charlea HertI, J. . Smith and Jene Laraen. Bluteen youn men and women irVl offer the folk dancea. NATIONAL CREDIT MEN MAY HOLD MEETING HERE ''niaha, are working for Omaha as the meetlna; Hare. FUNERAL OF MISS HARTWELL IS TO BE HELD TODAY The funeral cf Mlea MUCred Hartwelt. IS yeara old. who died of acarlet fever at her home, an North Eighteenth afreet, will be held Sunday afternoon at the Omaha may be aelected for the neit meeting place of the National Credit Men'a aeaoclatlon. The convention la to he held In Auituet. R V. Parrlfh of the bureau of publicity and J. W. Metcalfe, aecretary of the Aseoclated Retatlera of Old time Fanlah folk danoe In Dress r abrics, $1,50 a Yard 50 to 54-Inch All-Wool Gabardines, Poplins and Epingles, medinm weight, suitable for either dresses, suits or coats.. These cloths are dyed with the old standard aniline dyes and are guaranteed colors. All the season's newest shades, also black and blue. A regular $2.00 value, Cf special, Mondav, yard P JL eivVJ -,-v'v .''-y, y yX '", yS', ys, V: yyiy;y?yii . 1,1 apMppnnpaapppppjpM p pa. a p pp pp. pa wm p aa p p . a a aaxa epappp sp. p I p; . a a . as. p .a p ppa.fi P. p a, p .ppi a a ... a, a . . . . . I f. J n nun i - ' f ii in ip w -- " 4 'V. M c oi tie Mlair $14,000 Stock of The Byrne Shoe Co., Nebraska BOUGHT FROM 8. ROSENBETRQ OF BO8T0N. MEN'S-WOMEN'S-BOYS'-YOUTHS'-MISSES'-CHILDRENS'-INFANTS Si i v: Si IffiRE IS A SALE THAT WILL CROWD THE SHOE STORE TO ITS CAPACITY ON MONDAY MORNING If you desire to share in the savings this wonderful event offers, you should come as early as possible even thousands of pairs will not last forever when prices like these arc put upon such shoes as . "QUEEN QUALITY" and "BOSTONIAN" Remember, this is not the kind of Shoes, usually' 'offered in sales.' ""QUEEN QUALITY" Shoes for women are known from one end of this country to the other, and they sell every day in the year for from $3.50 to $6.00 in this sale you may buy them for from $2.25 to $2.95. The savings average, if anything, more than the conservative estimate we make at the top of this ad. "BOSTONIAN Shoes for men have equally as good a reputation as the "QUEEN QUALITY" Shoes, and any man who has the slightest reason for adding to his stock of Footwear simply cannot afford to miss this chance to save. This Sale Gives You the Opportunity to Save Almost Half of Your Purchase Money There are Shoes for every occasion a stock from which you may select all your Footwear for the entire Spring-and Summer. There are High Shoes and Low Shoes Shoes for .Dress and Street wear, and even some for dancing. -"QUEEN QUALITY" ' Shoes are Bronze and Tan Calf, Patent Leather and Dull Calf. High Louis heels and high cut tops, also others with Cuban and low heels. All. the latest, and best lasts. A shoe here to satisfy every woman perfectly. Every size. "BOSTONIAN" Shoes for men are here in high and low cut styles all sizes. The popular Bull Dog toe ,and the extremely stylish latest English last. Some with rubber heels and soles. In the lot are Kan- 5aroo Kid, Tan Russia Calf, Gun Metal Calf and 'atent Leather. A Shoe for every man, for every occasion. ' . ' Women's Shoes C - , mm jr m & j 0 ' rk. Priced This Way -WOMEN'S $.00 AND W.00 HOE8, AT 82.05 I WOMEN'S MOO AND $5.00 PUMPS. AT. IT Bkf r aft 1 IA aV tvl ii AA SUr a. na tllAllftlia ak k nj. ak aa...... " '1 "wmtn im.ov rvu onviaf ni a.kLO numtn a 4.uu Anu 4.DU f Urn fa. AT. ... l ow Slipp 41.50 WHITE AND COLORED GAITERS. fiO A PAIR, ; A Q- ANC.t RRESS SUPPERS... JLOQ - ai uuib I.3U nwust BLIfrtHS, at, a pair flTn 2.65 Misses and Children s Shoes -Misses and Children's $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes, $1.60. Infants' $1.50 Shoes at 87o a pair. -Misses' and Children's $2.00 Pumps, $1.25. Infants" 50c Soft Sole Shoes, 25o a pair. Men's Shoes in the Sale , Wrairn'a Ftiaa Oaallly MaM, all atsaa, s pair. MEN'S $3.50 TO $00 SHOES, AT ....J2R5 MEN'S $3.50 AND $5.00 OXFORDS, AT I50 MEN'S $2.00 HOUSE SLIPPERS, AT Il BOYS' AND YOUTHS' $2.60 AND $3.50 FOOTWEAR, AT fti'Ss LITTLE MEN'S $2.50 TO $3.00 SHOES, AT k Sl&O WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' SHOES IN X THE MAIN FLOOR SHOE STORE, NEW BUILDING) AND ALL THE MEN'S SHOES IN THE MEN'S SHOE STORE, MEN'8 SHOP, MAIN ? FLOOR. OLD 8TORE. X f Enter ! The New Hats The First Showing of Spring Models New and unusual fashions in millinery models, from such American makers as Lichlenstein, Bend el, Joseph A FEW FRENCH HATS Trotteur Hats and Sport Types originated by Rawak and Ilyland Bros. Reproduction of French Hats from Earl Tailored Hat Co. ffirrL g 1 Other faithful copies of late Parisian successes or original conceptions from our own workrooms.. A Sale of Stylish Silks At Very Moderate Prices 36-Inch Striped Taffetas,' 36-Inch Striped Messalines, 3G- 0 Inch Shepherd Check Taffetas and Louisines, in a splendid range oi colorings; good weight; sou, lustrous f q finish. Yard JOC Printed Radiump and Foulardp produce the required effects for the new aprlng gowns. We show a wonderful array of those beautiful and practical sllki In the new floral. dlBC-motlf, checks and plaid combinations. In the new blues, grays, rose, orchids, etc., etc.; 40 Inches wide. Specially priced, per " Ct CI OK yard P 1 OVl and J 1 VO The Prices of Crepe dp Chine hare climbed skyward, but fortunately we are able to offer you for a limited time 40-Inch Crepe de Chine In a splendid weight, every wanted shade shown. A fabric that Is a bargain t 1 OQ at $1.60, yard pla7 40-Inch Bedford Silk Suiting, a weight that will tailor perfectly. Navy, gray, tan, brown, wistaria and QQ Copenhagen. Worth $2.00, yard '.OC ' Our Tub 8llk Department Is replete wrth all the newest weaves and stripe combinations, for waists, dresses and men's shirts. In crepe de chine, radiums, Habutal, peau de crepes and pongees. Specially 7Q J1 QC priced, per yard I tC to Jl7iJ Laces and Embroideries Lead the Way With Low Prices Gold and Silver Lace Flouncings, 18 and 27 inches wide, embroidered on silk maline nets, Larnac lace flouncings in gold and silver. Silk radium demi-flouncing in black, white and ochre shades also. novelty bands and demi-flouncings in matched. 40-Inch fancy flowered and beaded QQ silk chiffons. Worth to $2.00, yard ,f tOC Imported Shadow Lac Allovers and Flouncing, white and cream, 18 to 36 Inches . wide, especially suitable for party dresses, waists, separate sleeves and fancy camisoles. Large Assortment of Gold and Silver Lace Edges and on. Yard OJW tJand, up to 8 Inches wide. All-Linen Cluny Lace Bands and Edges, in matched sets. All new patterns; 3 to 6 Inches wide. Worth 1 r. JLUb to 50c. Special, yard. and 25c V Embroideries -A very pretty showing of New Fancy Colored Embroid eries, in organdie, batiste and voile, in matched sets; 18 to 45 inches wide. A beautiful selection to choose from; worth to $2.00, Monday, yard . . . 59c, 75c to $1.25 Fashion's Fairest Fancy Finds First Showin Here In This Great Apparel Store Fascinating Frocks. $25.00 For Afternoon, Street and Dress JWear. Manufacturers have brought out a wealth of new and charming styles in silk dresses to meet the great demand. Made of taffetas, groa de londre, charmeuse, crepe de chine, etc. New Russian basque ef fects, wide flaring skirts, etc. Women's and misses' sizes. Silk Frocks, $35 and $19 lieautiful combinations of Georgette crepe, with soft taffetas, pros de londre, crepe meteor, etc. Smart striped novelty bilks with plain com binations; small figures and plain, soft colors practical for every occasion. The inspiration for many novelties and smart ideas comes to us from foreign designers. . American maufacturers have seized the opportunity and have quite outdone themselves this season, and the most fascinating display of Dresses and Suits we have ever shown is the result. The prices are extremely moderate. Silk Dresses for afternoon, 6treet end evening wear are shown here in wonderful assortment. High Grade Tailored Suits Reception or Evening Gowns Showing the smart Russian basques, the full wired hips, the beautiful draped tunics and the "Pouffe" or bustle effects. Gold and silver laces combined with delicate silks. $49, $C3, $89 and to $133 Our showing for this season of the year is by far more versatile than ever before, every known model from the artificer is to b found among our hundreds of 6mart garments. $35, $39, $49, $69, $75 and $98 The wonderful fabrics used in their construc tion are interesting, and the colors of the season have never been so soft, and at the same time practical. Women's and misses' sizes in all groups. 1 Smart Tailor-Mades, $25.00 These suits are especially attractive, as they "contain every good model shown in the higher priced lots. The art of reproduction has made it possible for the manufacturers to give us these wonderful copies. Materials: Gabardines, Poplins, Taffetas, Serges, Checks, Etc. Silk Petticoats, $5.00 In special colors and styles. Every good, desirable color to go with the new frock or suit. 27-Inch Swiss Baby Flouncing; In pretty eyelet and floral designs; others In dainty ruffled and hemstitched QQj effects. Worth to 69c. special, yard OtC 18-lnch Corset Cover Embroidery, In cambric and nainsook. Also a jilce lot of 18-Inch riounclngs In very pretty OC patterns. Yard , aOC Unusually Good Cotton rabnes At Exceptional Prices Genuine Imported Dress Ginghams, direct from the British Isles; such well known makes as Anderson's, Glasgow, Scotland, Haslam's and Whitelaw's of Manchester, England, etc., In all the nr season's newest color combinations. Yard saOC 27-Inch Spray Voile, beautiful sheer printed fabric on 1 J ... XJ SVzc plain and tinted grounds; 1916 newest colorings, Spe., yd.. Genuine Applaweb Dress Ginghams All the wanted checks and plaids and regulation nurse stripes. Monday, yard The Genuine Renfrew Woven Tissues, soft, sheer and dainty; absolutely fast woven checks, plaids and stripes. 1 r 25o value, Monday, yard M.10C 46-Inch Dree Percale, mostly light shirting styles, all neat patterns; good quality. Yard 712C New, Crisp Wash Fabrics for Spring Beautiful New Beaux Art Printed Voile, white and tint ed grounds with large floral designs ; 45 inches 7 C wide. Yard New Awning Stripe Skirting, In pink, blue, green, black hello, for sport skirts; 86 Inches wide. Special, yard Handkerchief Linen for blouses. In all plain shades. 36 Inches wide. Yard Woven Flaxon, In wide and narrow stripes and checks, for street and bouse dresses, chil dren's frocks, etc. Fast colors that launder perfectly. 23 Inches wide. Yard. 50c 65c 22c 25c Beautiful Collection of Print ed and Woven Voiles, in all the latest designs and coloring for street and evening wear, danr clng frocks, blouses, etc. 40 Inches wide. Special Monday, yard Tub Silks, colored stripes on white, grounds, fast colors; 32 inches wide. Qg Yard OOC Dainty Printed Voiles, Mar quisettes. Silk Stripe Voiles, etc.. in new designs and color ings; 36 and 38 5Q Inches wide. Yard.... O tC Books Clean Up at 25c Publishers' Outlet Sale The overplus which publishers have turned over to us fresh, new, clean Books that have sold at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 and $2.00, now all at 25c each. The leading publishers of llotitou, New York, Philadel phia and Chicago are represented. S ; "