Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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Good Road People Interested in
New Highway to Hare Session
Here in April.
Afrit ?4 an4 S have been derldrd upon
the dates for the meeting for the or
ganisation of the proposed Savannah ta
Seattle Highway association. The me.'t
Ins la to be held In Omaha. The
roada committee of the Commercial c un.
and the Omaha Automobile, club, are back
of the movement.
This meeting la to start tha movement
definitely to lay out a route from Seattle
to 8avannsh, diagonally arroaa the lnlrd
Ftatea. Pome enthuslaata believe thla
route will rank In Importance with the
Lincoln highway movement
Invitations to this organisation conven
tion have been sent to Commercial and
Automobile clubs of the following rltlea
along the proposed route: Seattle and
Spokane. Wash.; Livingston and Hutte.
Mont.; Oodr. Wjro.; Dendwood. Mitchell
and Floux Falls, 8. D.: Floux City, la.;
Atrhlaon, Kan.; Kansas City, Ft. Louis
and Cap Girardeau, Mo.; Memphis.
Tenn.; Decatur, Ala., and Atlanta and
Pavannah, Ga-
Invitations are being sent to tha follow
ing Nebraska cities: Fremont, Columbus.
Norfolk, Nellgh, Long Pine, Chadron.
JllaJr, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons and
Oalg. Each city will be entitled to two
delegates and the votes from sny one
of the ctt les must be east by a represent
ative of that city In order to be counted.
All delegates will be entitled the priv
ileges of the floor, and each city send
rng delegates will be entitled to two vot'S.
Those -who sttend this convention will
e that the Seattle to Savannah highway
is properly organised and pushed for
ward on a pra ileal business basis. Omaha
Is the natural meeting place for the first
convention. Inasmuch as it Is midway
between the two extreme ends of the
proposed hlghwsy. Trartlcally the entire
distance along the proposed route Is made
up of road already logged snd well traved
Much of the route la already marked and
a considerable portion of H Is hard sur
face road. Motor enthualaata will look
forward to an Interesting convention next
Dodge Bros. Gar
Wins Hill Climb
At a recent hUl-climbtng contest at
Montrose, Colo., a Dodge Brothers car
performed a feat never before attemped
on a hill near the town by climbing
to the top with nine passengers weighing
a total of 1.780 pounds.
" The contra was started for cars carry
ing their seating load and the Dodge
Krothers car won easily. A aeven-pas-enger
car that had stalled requested
permission to cut Its load to five and It
then was successful. But to demonstrate
its superior power, the Dodge Brothers
car was loaded with four men In addition
to 'Its first passengers and easily made
the top.
The hill was but 0 feet long, but It
wjs crooked and the average grade was
J6.U per cent, the steepest portion having
a grade of 45.21 per cent and the moat
(we! part a grade of only 7 per cent.
There were originally a number of cars
rent rfuled to try the climb, but when
storting time arrived only three would
Largest Truck on Omaha Streets
HwiK - ; . .. v
i r'- Zi J
. , (
T- TT ,r 1 1
war a- H
The I.lnlnger Implement company de
livered to the Ncbranka & Iowa Steel
Tank company last week, rno of the
largest trucks ever seen on the streets
of Omaha. This truck was b illt by the
Service Motor Truck company of "a
baah, Ind. It Is a worm drive truck of
three snd one-half tons capac'tv. The
wheel base is 130 Inches. The body Is
seventeen feet long and seven feet six
Inches wide and tha aides are five feet
high. The length of the truck from end
to end la twenty-five feet six Inches. The
truck equipped with ten-inch single Giant
tires In the rear.
Supreme Conrt Orders Election Com
missioner to Put Harte'i Name
on the Ballot.
Heard in the City Hall
Supreme Conrt Hands Down Deci
sion that Nebraska Loan Shark
Law is Constitutional. .
McShane Motor Co, '
f to Handle the Hupp
F. I. McShane of the McShane Motor
company has closed a deal with tha Hupp
Motor Car corporation of Detroit. Mich.,
which will Involve the handling of Omaha
sales and sale In tha territory tmraedl
ately surrounding Omaha of the Hup-
This move was mad In connection with
tlM recent decision of tha Hupp people
to establish a direct factory wholesale
branch. In Omaha.
Matters Case Will
Come Before Court
of Appeals in May
The raea of Thomas H. Matters of
Omaha Is scheduled to come up before
tha United btatea circuit court of appeals
at PL Paul, Minn., May It, according to
a printed Hat of the caaea Just received
litre. . Matters waa convicted of aiding
and abetting President Lueben of a de
funct 8utton. Neb., bank In illegal finan
cial operations and la under sentence of
six years' imprisonment
A big victory for rlctlmg and fu
ture patrons of to-called . "loan
sharks" Is found in the action of the
Nebraska supreme court In decla: ' .g
the present "loan shark" law to be
Tha high tribunal affirmed the
Judgment of the district court here
last August, In the test rase of the
State against Jules AHbaus, an
Omaha money lender, who was con
victed and fined for lending money
without license and for charging an
excessive rate of Interest.
Edward Simon, J. P. Falmer,
Nela Lungren and other Omaha leg
islators who were prominent In en
acting the present law, expressed
themselves as gratified oyer the su
preme court'a decision In upholding
the law.
"It mesns a great deal to poor and
unfortunate people, who are forced to
borrow money," they declared. "The re
ault will be that the interests of such
people will be safeguarded under the
licensing provision of the law, and not
over 10 per rent per year Interest can be
charged. Instead of 100 to SCO per cent, as
heretofore. '
. Kabat Inpwti Fine.
City Prosecutor T. 3. McOuire. then
acting prosecutor, secured the conviction
and fining of Althsus In the test case
last August. Acting Police Magistrate
C. If. Kubat fined Althaua I7& and coats.
On appeal to the district court. Judge
Willis G. Bears overruled a motion in
arrest of Judgment, baaed upon allega
tions that the law waa unconstitutional,
In that It violated both state and federal
The case against Althaua waa . based
upon tha charge that he made a loan to
Alonxo 1L Wlnalow without having a
license under the anti-loan shark law,
and he charged Sty per cent per annum
interest and auo exacted a cnaiiei morv
gage and an aaatgnment of salary and
It Is expected .that tha upholding of
tha new law will drive many of the
usurious loan sharks out of business, as
they probably will not be content with
tha maximum of 10 per cent per annum
interest on their loans.
Two More for niehmoad.
President Ed Barrow of the Interna
tional haa transferred two more former
Newark players to the Richmond club.
They are Pitcher TVyatt Lee end Out
fielder El(llo Mensor.
Warring Mayors
HoistWhite Flag
J. P. Butler, chairman of the strategy
board of tha Palhman Democracy, re
ceived from Mayor Dahlman a telegram
stating that a truce has been arranged
between the mayors of New Tork and
Omaha at St. Louis.
George Flack, who left last November
for a trip to South America, has
turned, pleased with tha country and Is
enthusiastic over its undeveloped
sources. Mr. Flack croaaed the iathmui
and went down the w?et side, crossing
to tha east through Argentine and then
up along the east coast by easy stages.
i 1
Thousands of Farm Tractors will bo sold
in the Middle "West this sen-son. , The
Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Company of Mil
waukee, "Wisconsin, who are one of the
largest manufacturers in the United
States, are building ah extremely suc
cessful, light weight, medium price
tractor. This engine has been thor
oughly tested. It is fully guaranteed
by an absolutely resjwnsible firm of the
highest standing, and offers a rare busi
ness opportunity to Implement and Au
tomobile dealers or individuals to be
come .their distributors or general
agents.', Very small investment neces
sary, and but of secondary imjortance.
. Wonderful jKssibilities for the right
people. Write or wire, giving ex peri -
once and territory preferred.
Address Sales Manager Tractor Dept.,
lis-Chalmsrs Llfg. Co.
Milwaukee, - - - Wisconsin.
Bank Cleariners in
Omaha for the Week
Break All. Records
The largeet week In the history of
the Omaha clearing houae waa recorded
for the current week.
Tha total bank clearings for Omaha
for the week were f3.936.09a.SA, a gain of
over M.ono.ono over the previous high
mark established the week ending 'Jan
uary S thla year. The former record
waa l:5.82M!4.5.
Hank clearing! thla week registered a
gain of A,Oon.ono oven the corresponding
week In IMS. The 1515 clearings were
Clearings for Saturday ahowed a gain
of :.0nfliOfl over thla day last year. They
were 4.I1, ()!. while the clearings for
the corresponding dsy last yesr were
A messsga from the Nebraska su
preme court stated that A. C. Hsrts
won his rs wherein be sought a
writ of mandamus to Vequra Elec
tion Commissioner Moorhead to
place his name on the primary ballot
as a candidate for county commis
sioner from the old Third 'district.
Instead of from an outlying d strict
as prescribed by an enactment of the
last legislature.
The lsw which has been iirs't rr
vlded for a "country" county rommlj
floner district In a territory outs'd cf a
two-mllo line from the limits of Om.iha
and South Plda, the proposed outer dis
trict, yielding about 1.7:0 vote', as avalnst
approximately Z4.nno votes for the other
and Innide districts. waa shown that
the new district arrangement, if carried
into effect, would legislate Mr. Harto out
of office.
Myron Learned represented Mr. Harte
before the supreme court and was op
posed by a phalanx of legal talent, in
cluding several Judges.
Thirteen dsvs to Pt. Patrick's day.
The Podge atrtt viaduct will be
started some dsy.
Al Kugel Is having his teeth repaired.
He believes In prparednesa.
Tedlculus." wrote a school nure to a
parent of a child sent home. "Rldlcu-loua,-'
replied the parent. In the old days
pedlculus waa not written thus. The
school nurwa find more than learning
In the hei!a of some children.
"1 Hear You Cal'ing Me," is Harry
Fharty-a favorite selection.
Jeff ". fcedford was seen at the city
hail thla week. He celled to see how
A few city hsfl nsmea: Nsoml, Susie,
Bessie. Alke, Nellie. Florence. Eunice,
Secretary Bourke of the Hoard of Edu
cation Is a grsndfathef. He wishes tha
golf seaaon would start.
things had been going alnce he left the
city council four yeara ago.
The qulestest man of the street de
partment is nsmed Noves.
.TnUn Prexel la Indnlrlrg In aquatic
potations at Excelslf.r Pprlnsa.
Twill soon be time to get another dog
A pay telephone oootn has been fn-
1 stalled In the municipal building. 'Tl
aald that one of the young women has
slresdy had a call from Sioux City.
runt rrofs your brldgea until you
come to them." said Mr Frown of the
building department. i see It." rejoined
the chief clerk. (Read It in the paper
and then see It at the movies).
Pld you ever stop to think thst three,
of the rity eommloeloners are "Joseph,"
"Jamee" and "'Jobn-''
Jim" Is in St. Louts.
John nine went to St. Louis twice last
week. He s a regulsr gad-about.
Jiioge T. C. Munger and Clerk of the
Federal Court R. C. Hoyt will open tha
federal court In McCook Monday for s,
weejt's session. '
Rock Island Lines
Apply Three-Cent
Fare in Nebraska
Having been granted permission by the
federal court, the Rock Island Is now
applying the three, instead of the two
cent passenger rate between ststlons In
Nebraska. There Is no change made in
the rates between competitive points.
The Rock Island's Increase In rates af
fects twenty-four stations In Nebraska.
From Omaha to stationa along the Una
the. increase ranges from 4 to S) cents.
The greatest Increase Is from Omaha to
Beatrice. Between theae points the old
rate was CM. The new rrte Is $2.97.
Jdoior Cars
IN addition to the element of con
venience, motoring can and right
ly should be a pleasure" and rec
reation free from the endless an-'
noyanccs due to inadequate equip
ment. '
It is true that electric starting and
lighting systems, demountable rims
and other refinements can be pur-'
chased and added to the car that
lacks these devices. But experience
haa shown that to buy the entire and
finished car from one manufacturer '
is not only less expensive, but much
more satisfactory in that responsi
bility for the whole product can be
'centered in one institution.
Maxwell Motor Cars, being other
wise designed to earn and retain the
approval of particular people, are, of
course, provided with every acces
sory of established merit that would
add to the convenience and comfort
of their owners.
Om Caaaaia, Five Baay Styles
Two-Passenger Roadster ..... $635
Flva-Paaaenger Touring Car . . . 6SS
Touring Car (with AU Weather Top) 7 1 0
Two-Paaaenger Cabriolet .... $63
Sift-Passenger Town Car . . . . 913
Full equipment. Including Electric Starter
and Ugbta. All prices F. O. B. Detroit.
ar sold io Omaha by our repreaentatiTe,
C. W. Francis Automobile Co.
2216-18 Farnam Street . Phon Doug-. 853
Wf Ji,tvTA?r(?'Tiw,T',,f'ff'I,?'T'T'''
l : .T . 1 . U . i ' ' i ' i 1 i V )W T(e7C
Riding in just "an" automo
bile and riding in the Eight
Cylinder Cadillac are two dis
tinct and different things.
' The Cadillac neither rides
nor drives like any other car.
The Cadillac "Eight" is a car
of practically throttle control.
From a snaiVs pace , to express-train
speed, without hesi-
tation, without tremor, without
change of gear.
Cadillac Company of Omaha
Geo. F. Reim, President
2060-64 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 4225
"vl'vVyisi:i'yi. V . Y.'r . v"i'Vi.i'.'Vi.Tgv-t:
m Fair field
X i5 1 ii 'H I Ill vf (I r
s " ""Y
twmwmm tt ac v ii hi i xx
n V V Y.
6ti? Standard of Value and Qualify
OME, brother wake up. Sniff the air and you will find
that the thrilling breath of spring already there.
, Look about you. Sense the newest the freshness of it
all. See how the laggard step of the crowd has quickened
into a full swinging stride.
See those cars "break" at the traffic officer's whistle watch
them come down three or four abreast at the "getaway"
hear the shrill, merry note of the sirens and the good natured
. chaff of the drivers.
This means Spring. This' means the "open season." This means
Touring at its best.
Surely, you are not going to be "left behind" this year. Surely,
you are not going to keep the wife and kiddies indoors
when all the world is hiking far afield.
Ferhaps, you already know it but what you need is a big,
handsome, sturdy Paige "Six-46".
Nothing less will completely satisfy you nothing more is
necessary for any man no "matter how wealthy he may be.
So, don't hesitate don't procrastinate.
Tell the stenographer that you will be "out" for a short
spell and hustle right over to the Paige dealer. Tell hini
jour troubles and let him prescribe.
Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan
Murphy-O'Brien Auto Co.
1814-18 Farnam St. Phone Tyler 123
FU.tvr.od "Sis-iV!
$1050 ' -
f. b. Detroit
t t
A ...
y' 1 v.,v