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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1916)
nil-: ni:i:: omaha. satikdav. makh-ii 4. ism;. BK1EF CITY NEWS Mayor Jim Always Prepared TowBtBd for Sportla Good.." altlmor. SllT.r lMho'.m. Jewel.' tig-htlBr flitur.. Pnr(tns-Orn1en. Mt Moot Mat It Now Pftcon Proa. TT "Tern-Tlle" ahlaflM. 8un-lrlwid. Auto T1p Chain, Jaa. Morton Son Co. rop.rty Ctrd Tor To rrnt rrorcrty. e J. H. Dumont A Co.. Kcrline HMg "Today'a Mori rrorrun" c'aa'lfle ction tivlny. It apeeai In Tn B". -XCL.t:fI ELY. Find out hat the vi rloua moving picture Ifieatera offer. Billiard XaU Bobbad The Auto Row Killlnrrl hall. 2231) Farnani street. a visited by thieve Thursday eveniriK. who inrrlifl away 12 In cnniiKe and a revolver. Bpeaka at Y. K. O. A Dr. H. E. Hutch of Sioux City will adflrcsi the nun', inrrtliip Sunday at 4 p. m. at th Young Men'. .'hrlntlan association on the sub ject, "Wanted A Man." Trying- to Locate MoCorley Bnllltt The police have horn awked lo try and locate MoCorley Flullitt, whose mother is dying at Cumberland. Mil. The com munication was sent by TV. A. Ilullltt. Pork Stolen from Wag-on The Cudahy racking company Is mlnua ten pounds of perk a., the result of thieve taking a package from one of It. wagons aa It food at Twenty-third and Ieavenworth streets. Iioaaa Diamond Bing- K. P. Murray of the Her Grand hotel Informs the police that he left a diamond ring In a wash basin at the above address. Thursday, and when he returned a few momenta later the iln wa gone. Rock Island Makes New Rule on Carload Shipments of Grain The Rock Island road la putting into effect a new rule relative to loading grain cars, and the rates to be palJ thereon. The new rule will be effective April j3 and It Is presumed that all other roads will take up the eame, or a similar plan. The new plan applies to the minimum cnrlond of grain. Practically all the new freight cars on all the llnea are rated at a In.OnO-pound capacity and at the present time and during the past, freight chain. have been paid on this capacity weight The new order will permit of a reduction In the minimum weight chnrge. For In stance, if a car Is marked at 00,000 pounds capacity weight and the load 1s up to capacity, freight rates will be paid on thla weight. Hut If the weight is less, the charge will be on the actual weight of the, shipment. In securing the carload rates, wheat may be loaded to 4.O0O pounds less then the marked capacity weight; with oats and barley at 10 per cent less. In many Instances it is asserted that the new rule will work as a considerable reduction in the freight rates on grain, especially that coming from the country elevators, where many times it is impos sible for the shippers t o get together enough of any particular kind of grain to load a car to full capacity. 7Y OF MAYORS ON - I James H. Van Dusen Dies at Lincoln James If. Van Dusen, aped M- years, of the law flrra of Brown, Baxter A Van Dusen, died in the Bailey sanitarium In Lincoln Thursday night. lie ia survived by his widow, living &t the Winona apart ments, and three children, Harold A. ot Holyoke, Colo.;. Dana B. of tho Union Pacific law department and Helen Van Jhisen, also three slaters and two broth ers. Funeral services will be held from Btirket's Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, with interment in Forest lawn cemetery. Mr. Van Dusen was graduated from the law school of Cornell and came to Omaha In 1886, where he immediately established a practice. He was at one time state senator and later city attorney for South Omaha and was actlv in the clvlo work of both Omaha and South Omaha. He had been ailing for several years. To the Ladies of Omaha Have You Noticed That MISS FLORENCE M. PEET, the domestic science lecturer in the tree School of Home Economics beinj? held this week at Omaha Conser vatory of Music Building. 2301 Harney Street, uses Royal B akin rowoer CEMENT MEN NAME OMAHAONCE MORE Mid-West Cement Users' Association Decides to Hold Convention Next Year in This City. WHIPPERMAN IS RE-ELECTED Vosburgh to Watch Juveniles at Night Juvenile Iniquity Is going to ba a scarce commodity In Omaha from now on, asserts Juvenile Officer Qua -llller. lie has ordered his assistant, Marcua Vosburgh, to report for duty every day at noon and stay on tne Job until mid night. In order that all pool halls, dances and chop suey parlors may be visited at the busiest hours. "There is no particular reason for this Jii.t now." declared Miller, "except that It's a good scheme to operate." PERFECT ATTENDANCE AT THE DUNDEE SCHOOL The following pupils of the Sixth A and H grades of the Dundee school attained a terfect record of attendance during February as a result of a "perfect at tendance campaign After electing officers final ad journment was taken by the eleventh annual convention of the Mid-West Cement Users' association at Hotel Rome. The directors then held their annual meeting and designated Omaha as the place for holding the next convention. In March, 1917, when another big cement show will also be held at the municipal Audi torium. Officers were chosen as follows: President, Q. W. Appo, Kansas City; vice president, C. J. Tracy, Loup City; secretary-treasurer,' Frank Whlpperman, Omaha, re-elected for a fourth term. As new directors, to serve for three years, the association elected N. J. Pet erson of Omaha, Isaac Hlrd of Manila, la., and William Acheson of Superior, Neb. A technical bureau, for furnishing mem bers with any dealred data on concrete construction, has been opened at Kansas City, It was announced by the officers, who have arranged with W. A. Colling of-that city to take charge of it. Friday evening and this evening were designated aa "Ladles' Nights" at the Cement show at the Auditorium, and no admission will be charged women who attend. The show Is attracting much fa vorable attention, because of the variety and popularity of the many exhibits. It will close Saturday evening. These addreaaes were given at the final cession of the convention: "Paving the Lincoln Highway," II. K. Davis, Des Moines; "Development of Concrete Con struction," W. A. Colllngs. Kan naa City, "Relation of Cement Manufacturer and User," C. M. Wood. Chicago. FIGURING SOME PLAN TO HASTEN THE MAILS .1. Burroughs. Colleen Kay. 1'aullne Johnston, tlretta Ix'ulie, Arthur McDonald, David M'tiahey, Sara Martin, I -co Massey, Harold Nichnlls, Ioia Smalley. Marjorie Pancoaflt, Donald Hurrnuihs, I'hailiw Clayton, Klanche Hamilton. liusseil JohiiHlon Clifford I.eiRh. Harold Powell. Konald Kockwell, Kvelyn Sigler. Doris Talmage, Mlrnam Wilev, UeorKe Youle, tonlon I'ray, leona Fa v. Harold (irlffin. Hazel Snyder. Chailoiie Todd. L. Abereromble, A lilouu lte Heall. Dnrothv Reedle The fol'.owinn succeeded in wlnninv a record without tardy marks, although absent horn us of sickness: Irene Hsseltnn, I.eon Ray, .lop McManin. William Rush. Mildred Nelson, Donald Thomas, Alton Kllhk. Uutli Wallace. Richard Koch, Refuses to Dress to Ride to Jail "Ninety days for you my man." Judge Reed In the South Side police court had listened to a story of the police about one George Prlcowlch. who had attempted to beat up his family ami other families In the same house where ho lived Wednesday evening. When ar rested he refused to put any clothes on and was brought to the station in his underlcothes. , The latter obstinacy displeased the, Judue. SCHOOL MEN'S CONFERENCE IS TO BE HELD AT WAYNE The Northeast Nebraska x hool Men's in ft mice is to be hill at Wayne, Neb., M rcb II Diau H. II. Hahn of the WuyiH- Siale Normal is the head of the tvufcrcnt c- C. II. Reach of Cheyenne, W. H. Rid ded of Chicago, chief clerks in the rail way mail service, are here consulting Indigestion and Stomach Misery Just Vanishes The moment "Pape's Diapep sin" reaches the stomach all distress goes. Instantly stops any sourness, gases, heartburn, acidity, dyspepsia. "Really does" put bad stomach In order "really does" overcome indigestion, dys pepsia, nas. heartburn and sourness in five minutes that Just that makes Pape's Diapepsln the largest selling stomach regulator In the world. If what ou eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undi gested food and acid; head Is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your insldea filled with bile and indigestible waste, remember the moment "Papes Diapepsln" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the Joy Is Its harmlessneas. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dia pepsln will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dia pepsln will Rive you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight In gold to men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. It belongs in your home should always be kept handy in ease of a alck, aour, upset stomach during the day or night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach regulator In the world. Pape's Diapepsln instantly neutralises the acids In the stomach, stops food fei. mentation or souring, absorbs gases and starts the digestion. The relief Is quick, sure wonderful stomach sufferers hae a pleasant surprise awaiting ihein. Ad- ci Hutment with C. A. Blackwell tc try to devise Rome more economical method of handling sixteen or eighteen "storage cars" of mall that pass through Omaha every day for the weot. These cars now have to bo sorted here and It delays the mail about two hours. Teachers of cookery, and baking experts generally, use Royal Baking Powder because they know it can always be relied upon to make the finest and most wholesome food. Experience has taught them that it is not necessary to risk the loss of flour, butter and eggs by the failure likely to result from the use of an inferior Baking Powder. a Royal Baking Powder Contains No Alum . Perfectly leavens and makes the food more delicious and wholesome. Omaha Wires Mayor i to Hold the Fort i i The Strategy board of the Dahlmsn Democracy wired Mayor Dahlman, who Is nt St. Donls. that the good ship Julia has been sent with reinforcements. The message urged the mayor to hold th-t j fort. ! The foljca at the city hall read with In terest the tiems that the mayor of Omal.a and the mayor of New York engaged in polemic in the office of Mayor Kell j nt St. Louis Thursday evening. i r FUNERAL OF VETERAN MAIL CARRIER TO BE TODAY Funeral services for Andrew Noonan, 1424 Emmet street, veteran mall carrier, will Ibe held thla morning at 9:30 o'clock from the residence to Sacred Heart church at 30 a. m. Interment will take place In Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Key to the .Situation-flee Want Ads. All Omaha Talks of Prince Lei Lani (E. K. Rose) You've Another Chance to Hear Him Saturday, March 4th at 2:30 P.M. t M Docs This Gifted Hawaiian Imitate the VICTROLA--or-does the VIC TROLA Imitate Him? IVinre 11 I,ani MADK many A the original Hawaiinu re'orU now diatriliutetl the world over by the Victor Onnpany. And now, after hp lias made the) records, he alnfc. WITH them, o cleverly, so beautifully, ao perfertly, that yon cannot tell the "Prince" front the record, or the record from the Prince. Hear him Saturday. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Cor. 15th and Harney Buy Right Buy Now Sure Savings" Splendid Satisfaction Any Man Who Has a Clothing Need Should Buy Now The1 Great Kingf-Peck Stock Offers Unexcelled Values in Suits, Overcoats, Top Coats and Pants The man who wants good service from his clothing the man who desires to get the best of style the man who seeks the most elegant patterns and the materials that give highest satisfaction all these . things he will find in this stock of fine clothes at prices that will simply astound him. and remember this---if you delay just became the weather it not T quite right, you will pay much more when wear time hat come Big Stock of Pants at $1.49, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 There are Pants of the best makes, such as Dauntless. Paraxon. Jack Rabbit, etc. The best terials, such as Cassimeres, Fancy Mixed Worsteds, Silk Mixed Worsteds, Fancv Stripes etc bottoms, plain bottoms, semi-peg tops, English models and conservative stvles. All sizes for and young men, from .'30 to 50 waist. Fine Suits Overcoats 7"$10,$1 5 .lust make up your mind which you need most the Suit or the Overcoat tho price will take care of everything else. The man who determines that he needs both will be doubly fortunate in a two-fold wiving. ma Cuff men Top Coats $7.50, $10.00, $15.00 Your wrar Reason it our dispersal time and just when you are Ihinkin? of buying a Top Coat we are making arrangements for Summer wear. If there is one particular portion of this great King-Perk stork that comes in for unlimited praise it is the Top Coats. Coon-Skill OverCOatS frm UlP Kir,P IV,k st(,(,k- A fine lot f Coat that will'be particularly in- teresting to stockmen and farmers. This is one of the very exertional fea tures of the sales Corking (iood Coats at great saviii"s. Men's Furnishings All Marvelous Values -Spruce up your spring wardrobe. Huv now when can get these things at extremely little prices. Two Remarkable Shirt Offers vou Lot 1 Consisting of L'OO doen new Spring Shirts, neat effect, in fine iifility percale and madras. Many of this lot of shirts ure sam ples. Neckband style with soft French ruffs. Some mil am h. tarhed. .Regular values to $l.,J.r, special, at ... . 69 c One lot Men'i Cape and Kid Olovei. Regular 11.00 in values, at J!00 doz. Men's Uale Hone In (an, white, black in and gray; ape., pr, Juat received Manhattan Shirta for ear. beautiful pat term, S1.50 . . One lot Mena Sample Lot 2 About L'.iO dozen Men's sample shirts and shirts made up of sample- pieces of shirting. In this lot you will find fine quality corded madras, percales and satin striped soisettes, wonderful shirt values in neckband style and soft collars attached; values Qf to $2.00, special.... OiC a shipment of prlug $3.98 Ca trim ), plain colors, neatly nie4. Regular $1 CO J i ff valuea, at J 1 .UU One lot Men's Sample Night Shirts. Worth to $l.oo, rf cpeciaU at OiC J