Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1916, Page 6, Image 6
titt: mrn: oNf aha. sAnrnnAY, makch 4. inir,. IS A MAP MAKER I AND FERN GROWER: Pcscendant of Napoleon Bonaparte ' tt Home Following; Most Peace ful Kindt of Pursuits. i KNOWS ALL ABOUT PLANT LIFE 1 I'AT.IS. 16. S.--rruut Holan.i Hons-I art. the only rrmlr iiracemlant of the oldest t'rmirh of th houFf of llnnnjmite j liRVltit; main frprrspntatlvr s llvins:, nd. rriKiur.ntly hi-sil of the family aor1- Id it to the ml" ft prlmogrnlt ure, Is j tnkinK a modest psrt In the war. Kk rludod from arilve srrvlre by the laa ft a tn'mbr of a, family hlii4 li Ixneil over hance. he ru altar-lied In Hie finality of rlvlllsn auxiliary to the f oRrn pliU til eettion of the army, and Imp lu-lped dlrr-rt tlie makinf of mil lion of map the field force have re quired. "I should have been slad to flsht for Franr In the field," prime KoJand paid to a reprraentatlve of the stssoclsted i re, "and I would have served dlain tf reptedly." he addi-d, "I have no Im lrlnl ambitions and no other dealre than to aerve a ! ran the cause of my country and the Intereata of science." phyalrally. I'tlnoe Knland recalls but fi-ebly hla famous uncle, "The l.lttle Cor poral." Hf la all feet tall and la built In proportion: what la characterful! ally Honaparte about htm la hla untiring enra:T, til t'oralcan complexion and a noae, that would look like Napoleon'a had It no muptachc under It, llertlaa f Ferae. "He o kind as to be. seated," he aafl to tha correspondent, pointing to an arm chair In which Napoleon tha first sat when at work In hi atudy. It atood In front of ona of Napoleon'a desks, on which wara pllea of arlentlflc hooka and documents, imoni them a ropy of hla la teat ptihllratlon, laatied alnce the war haran. treating tha 94 rroupa of fern a, amon which are thirty-five new aperlea and tweivtjr-four hitherto unknown forma of old snwcles. , Theae Intaat tllaeoveriea bring the. prince' collection of ferna alone tip to about jsj.noo different rarletlea; hla botanical collartlon -wltojtsther. comprises between ann.fli and l,n,000 specimens. 'Yea, I suppose J am really the head of tha houae of Bonanarre," he replied to the correspondent's iiueatlon, "but It doean'l matter much since eniplrea and emperora hare very little Intereat for me; and there ha been a wonderful advantage In not bflng an emperor, nor even a pretender. 1 have, gotten out of life a wondorTur lot' of fun and profit that I would never hare known had I heen an emperor. I have climbed tha Alpa IV) time; Napoleon 'did It hut once, and then H waa. neither for pleasure nor arlentlflc reaearch, hut with the rraponalblllty of a forthcoming military campaign on hi mind. "Pretending to the Imperial sceptre la ueeleaa anyway,' aaaerted the prince, "alnce the Honapartlat doctrine la the plebiscite." Receives Maay (altera. The prince live on the Avenue l'lna, in a modern apacloua nianalon big enough ;to be called a palace, but resembling more the quarter of an Imimrtant public InHtl tution or a well ordered commercial en terprise. There Is an air of 'liualneaa all about tha place. In addition to the mil lion and more of natural history apocl mens, an catalogued and dracrlhed In volumlnoua publications, there la a library of S0.0fl0 sclentifla work which the prince put to considerable use, Judging from the volume lying about on the floor, on the chairs ant) on the desk of hla own atudy, which adjoins a chamber where he alttepn In the lied Napoleon occupied at'Klba, There the prince recelvea with about the same hospitality as that ot congenial country gentleman, who doesn't see dot ma of caller every day and la really glad you came. When Trtnce Roland wa eicluded from the army Just after graduating from Halnt Cyr. he turned to the study of the human race under the eminent anthro pologist. Ir. rioca. He has since seen nearly every speclman of humanity on Its native aoll. The toolngy of the ana. Botany, geology, geography, glacier and aviation subsequently occupied hla atten tion In turn and furnished him with the material for eighty different aclentlflo worke. Some of Prince Itoland a dis coveries in plant life have been of great value to the aclentlflo world, aa confirm ing the theory of the existence of an ancient continent In the Pacific compris ing part of South America, .Australia. Madagascar and India. He found apeel mena of the same varletlea of fern In all those countries. T l'HMefl States Twice. Prince Roland haa very agreeable recol lection of two vial l to the United Htate. In the course of which he studied the country thoroughly. He talka with aa familiar a knowledge of Unroln and Lee a of French statesmen and soldier. The latter he admires a the greatest of Amer ican general and one of the most admir able strategists In history. I have many highly esteemed friends In America," he said, "some of them are personally unknown friends, like William K. Maxon of the Smithsonian Institute and aw gloason of Bronx park, who sent m specimens of fern that Tnae valuable additions to my collection. What appealed to him most waa the re markable development American Univer sities and the means for aciantific r. search. "America la doing wonders In scientific reaearch." he said. "You are devoting more money to h than any other nation and science haa now gone so deeply Into tha mysteries of nature that much money la required for further researches; Amer ica will one day lead the world. The war Interrupted a great deal of scUn tiflc work, but you see I am continuing " "When a nation imnto war," he said, however, "It aliould vtago war to the limit and when the adversary resorts to methods not countenanced by ussge or by the common rules of humanity, he should be paid in kind. I have no rrlil ciem to make on the policy fulot.t.d by the l ulled States; It has occurred to me. however, that President Wilson la a pn dlgtous note writer." ' Thlaka W lleoa WHter. Prince Roland lVnaparte 1 president of the (leographical society and a 1 ,?m-U-r of the French Institute;, honor ha esteems quite aa highly as hi title of prince imperial, which lie has not always iwn entitled to. lucln Iionaparte, hla grandfather, was excluded with bis fam ily by Napoleon from th Imperial suc cession, because of divergencies of matri monial views. nurlr.g the hundred dk I.uclen was restored to hla family rights In recognition for the service he rendered Napoleon. Napoleoo 111. however, modi fied the- decision of Najoleoo I. and though J. dvscrndi-d from a Junior branch t?f the tuiiprle fmjnily, class Luck-p a descendants among the Vil'H' Family.'" Hedan having cancelled this imperial de free, Itoland Bonaparte h since' been n:ojnlil pnnr imperial, the same aa prince Victor, the pretender who des rend from the younicrr branch, that of Jerotne. king of Westphalia. 20,000 California Violet 15c a Bunch of 50 Fine fresh cut Carnations, all colors, 39c doxen. Largs assortment of Spring Flowers at very unusual little prices. Potted Hyacinths In all colors, Saturday, at 19c Leather Bags, $1.00 and $1.98 Some New Arrivals In Leather Bsgs, fancy silk lined; newest designs. A complete line, at $1.00 " $1.98 m 4 Mm ifliiiiBii ' jl " ' '" 1 ' , 3f - . , ... f U83V Willow" Handkerchiefs Shown and Sold Here Exclusively in Omaha The New Pussy Willow and Silk Crepe Handker chiefs In all new colors; fsney rolled edges; sm broldsrsd corners and Imitation Armenian QCw ts- Ve lace edges. Each 7'2C 1,000 Oozsn Sample Handkerchiefs worth 12'iC to 25c, at Women'a Fancy Embroidered Comer Handker chiefs In colored and white- Come Point Venice lace edges. Also men's Sample Handkerchiefs at the same price. Great Offerings of Apparel For Women and Misses mm to Make A Memorable Saturday Kvrry offering is an opportunity a most unusual opportunity to purchase the right styles at the right prices, and every woman who appreciates the up-to-the-minute snap and go which these garments possess will buy in a jiffy. Saturday will be a great Day in the Apparel stores. 5r"V Will m Smart Tailor-Mades at $35.00 For Women and Misses Several new models just received, showing many of the very latest and smartest innovations for the coming season's wear. The nifty flared box coats, the smart belted Russian flared coats; skirts f -tS Wl,n wule 11111 cul forming eneciive rippies. J-y Hueh materials as the beautiful Velour Checks, Poire Twills, , I '. Gabardines, Whipcords, Poplins, etc. Kvery practical, new and desirable color. I . r. m A.e v.v .as Interesting apriog lop toats tor VYorneB and Misses $10.00, $15.00, $19.00, $25.00 Of all spring garments, the top coats promise to be th most de sirable. Every ocension is going to demand a wrap of some kind auto, sport, storm, dress and outing. Every good short or long model, in a wide variety of materials. High Class Novelty Suits, $25.00 Some of the smartest of foreign models have been copied and reproduced to make the wonderful possibilities for style and price that are found in this group. Colors that will figure so mueh this season are the new Bay Leaf, Hague and Belgian Blues, Grays, Tans, Navy and Black and White Checks. A wide range of materials give an assurance of your most desired cloth. Sizes for misses and women. Silk Dresses ftr Afternoon, Bridge and Formal Affairs $19.00, $25.00, $35.00 A moro beautiful assortment or greater variety of these fetch ing and practical dresses has never been shown. Regardless of the occasion, we will be able to supply your want. Taffetas, Gros de Londre, Poplin, Chiffon, Charmeuse, Crepe Meteor and Crepe de Chine. Women's and misses' sizes. Girls' School and Dress Coats Dandy little girlish top coats in good serviceable tweeds, serges, mixtures and checks. The nobby sport effects with the big pockets and wide belts. $3.98, $5.00, $6.98 and $10.00 Girls' New Confirmation and Graduation Dresses Dainty new white filmy dresses of organdie, voile, lawn, etc., with beautiful fine embroideries and laces; fine tucking, pretty ribbons, etc. $3.98, $5, $7.50, $10 to $22.50 Muslin Underwear Three Remprkible Offerings Crepe de Chine Camisoles, trimmed with val Insertions and ribbon run; flesn and white $1.00 Gowrs trimmed with dainty yokes of embroidery and laces, made of good quality lingerie cloth; cut full and long; set-In or kimono sleeves., a.$l Sleeve Oorset Covers, made of sheer lingerie cloth and trimmed with Ger man val lace and embroidery tZf Insertions. All tlzei OUC $2.49 Gray Hair Goods In a Sale Natural Wavy Gray Switches, $5.00 quality, at Natural Wavy Gray Switches, 24 Inches long. Reg- d0 Cf ular 17.00 quality. , P.iJU Natural" Wavy Gray Switches, 110 quality.. Gray Transformations, all shades eicept white. Regular price $8.00, sale price $5 $3.98 H air dr easing t Mani curing, Shampoo ingf Children' s Haircut ting a Spe cialty. Appoint ments by Phone. A Sale of Imported Blouses Bsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw MsssisiiMssiiWsssWMssss ssMBBHMssai mmmammmmmmmmimmmmmm tmimmtmmmmmmmmmm One of the most charming groups of Waists we have ever had to show will he on view here or. Saturday. Dainty, hand made types from abroad with all the ear marks which the deft fingers of foreign artists know how to im part. This is the sale that hundreds of women have been waiting for the most critical follower of FaShion will admire and want these. 300 Handmade Lingerie Blouses Hand tucked and embroidered Values to $10.00- 150 Dressy Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Chiffon Blouses . Values to $25.00 $10.00 The colorings and styles of these blouses are exquisite. See our windows. As the quantity of these blouses is limited, come early Saturday. Second Floor. $5.50 4 S Between Season Suits for Boys Splendid Velour Fabric Suits, medium weight, with Two Pair of Full Lined do QE Pants 0)f O 'They come In light gray, dark gray, brown and blue, in the new neat stripe effects. Splen-' did spring model with three patch pockets, plain front, fancy pleated back; new three-piece detachable belt on coat. Both pair of pants are fully lined, belt loops and watch pocket Plenty of every alte. . A Sale of Knee Pants' Odd salt Knickerbockers that are worth double and even more. Tweeds, Casslmeres,' Cheviots and Worsteds; all fully lined. Match yonr boy'B old suit with a pair of these. All ages, to 17 years. In one lot. 65 C Here's Exceptional Hose Offers rOK MKN, WOMEN, HOYS AND iIRLH. Women's Pure Dye Thread Silk Hosiery, all colors, plain and fancy; embroidered silk rlocka and iiistepa, stripes and many other fancy designs. All full fashioned, high Rpliced heels 'and toes with double aoles and wide' double garter tops. Regular sizes, Q flare tops and outsizes. $1 qlty., pr... OIC Women's Silk Thread and Fiber Hose, black, white and colors. Seamless and full fashioned. Double heels and toes and elastic garter .tops. or 50c quality, special, pair OOC Men's Fiber Silk Hose, seamless. Black, white and colors. Some with fancy clocks, others OC 'plain; double heels, toes and soles. Pair. . .. a3 C We are exclusive Omaha agents for tbe "No Mend Brand" Hosiery for Boys BCd Girls all sites from 6 to 10. Mercerized and plain lisle. Fine ribbed for girls, with double knees, hepls and toes, all-linen splicing. AIho boys' hose In medium and nr heavy weights. Pair .wOC Knit UnderwearUnusual Offering Women's Union Suits, fine littles and rottons, "Cumfy-Cut." Crochet, beading and French band tops; cuff and umbrella knees. Qf" Worth to 59c OOC The First Peep at the Newest Silver and Bronze Hats "Joseph" of Fifth Avenue, New York- is responsible for these charming styles, to meet the increasing demand of matching Hats with Shoes. These are cop ies of the originals, however, made in our own work rooms which en ables us to fell them at a very moderate price. Trimmings include peacock beard, mixed with tied ostrich pompons, fitted top facings or faced under. Others with link chain ornament (brand new). (China split straw or lizere for tailored models) or real horsehair in dressy styles. $10.00 Each Untrimmed Hats China split, or as It is sometimes called, Llsere, a smooth and very shiny straw seems to be favored In both the small turban, mushroom, pokes and the large droop or straight brim sailors for this season. We have a wonderful assortment In black, beige, pearl gray, navy, brown and purple $2.50 to $5.00 Clre Flowers and Fruits, such as grapes, currants, cherries, etc., are shown in great profusion on a num ber of new models, while curled quills and Imitation paradise and goura ef fects in gray, black, navy and brown, are well thought of for tailored mod els. We have wonderful assortments of all the wanted trimmings 39c, 69c, 98c and up Drugs and Toilet Articles At prices that no one can afford to ignore. These are staple needs in every household. Msdsni Tsl.'s Tooth Powder, le sis. OntTM Tooth Powdr, th. can Java, Rtcs Fsc. Powdsr, th. bos Ida Ma? Fac. P.wdsr, 2&c also, box , Madam Ins. ball's Talcuaa Powtisr, !&c slss, box...! Pond's Cold Cream, Sio sU. tub. Aubrr Sisters' Compact Powder, box Meloros. Beaut Cream, o sis. bx Marruerlt. Sylra House. tOc Bis. Kirk's Jsp Rose Soap. special, the cake Pur. Castile Soap, 1-ls. bsr for Armour's Luxor Rouse. to slse Sloan's Liniment. 10c s:te Dottle 12c 12c 29c 16c 16c He 35c 29c 29c 5c 12c 39c 29c Mentholatura. ISO Jar, Saturday . . . Hays- Hair Hsaltk. I fro sis. bottle 29c .29c Horllck's Malted Gty CQ Milk, hospital slse...'fc..Q? Jap Ross Talcum Pww- 11. der. special, can I w Rubber She. tins. II In. OQ wide, rard -30 VelTet Powder Puffs, regular Ito value. . ... .12c Melba Pac Pwwder, ffto OQ sis. box WO !!?.49c 4711 Toilet Water, alio bottle Johnson s Floor Wax. nn. 1-lb. can Liquid Vrneer, loa sis. OQi bottle 91 Polly Prim Floor OH. CQn 11.80 slse Fels Nsptha Soap, spa- OQn clal. 1. bars for OOO Wlsard Floor slop. 1. kind .59c Specials in the China Department It. f,,yt. ..rftid, fancy plateau Cut 'Glass Water Sets, rich, brilliant floral cutting. Pitcher, six tumblers and C?l QC fancy plateau. Set. inner Sets, Johnson sh porcelain, hand- N- "-'tjTTZZZ sotnely decorated with pold, on the new' Derby shape. 4MK W shape. Set. Aluminum Kettles, with cover; 3-quart size. Sale price, each ,. (liiernscy Kaiuikins or ( ustard t ups, brown with . A -v $3.98 39c white porcelain lining. Kadi. Delicious Candy For Saturday The Delicious Nut Divini ty, full of chopped Q C nuts, pound sCiOC Cream Dipped Brazil Nuts, Saturday, pound llome-Made Cream Dip ped Cocoauut Kisses, vanilla, strawberry and 1 chocolate; lb IOC Old Fashioned Mack Walnut Taffy, 9 j? pound sdOC Fresh Maple Confections every Saturday, pound Those Delicious. Creamy PonipeUn Chocolate Hitter 8weeis and Swiss Style- Milk Chocolates, nut and QQ fruit renters. Lb. box.jbaC 39c 20c WallPaper Specials For Saturday (iood papers-for kitchens and bedrooms. Eegu- O lar "c grade, roll....OC Charming New Bedroom Papers, with cut borders and binders. Regular 15c ST: T::. 8V2C Parlor, Dining Room and Store Papers, a wide selec tion to choose from, with 9 and 18-iiuh borders to match. Worth to 1 10c, ape., roll... O 2C Varnished Gold Papers, suitable for living rooms, library and reception halls. Worth to 20c, special Sat urday, roil 12V2C FOUR POPULAR VICTOR RECORDS AND THE FAIREST PRICES ON VICTR0LAS Are You From Dixie? CAUSE I'M FROM DIXIE, TOO Other Side of Record Is "DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT'8 FEEDING YOU." Record No. 1784210 Inch... 75c My Mother's Rosary. Other 8ide of Record la SHE'8 THE DAUGHTER OF MOTHER MACHREE Record No. 1794810 Inch... 75c A Little Bit of Heaven. Dance Music. Other Side of Record la MOLLY DEAR, IT'S YOU I'M AFTER Record No. 35522 12 Inch. II .25 Go to Sleep My Dusky Baby. Other Side of Record Is ROCKIN TIME Record No. 1791810 Inch... 75c Vlctrola XVI . Cash 125.00. Vlctrola XIV Cash 120.00. Vlctrola XI .. Cash $10.00, Vlctrola X . . . Cash )10.00, Vlctrola IX .. Cash 16.00, Vlctrola XIII Cash 85.00, Vlctrola VI S200 $16.00 per Mouth. $150 81500 per Month. $100 87.00 per Month. $75 800 per Month $5' $5.00 per Month. $40 $5.00 per Montn. 825 1 Vlctrola IV sh $3.00, $3.00 per Month. Cash $3.00, Ytetrate Devi., rssapsleui Room. Jtes?- ZZ 1 (-1 I, $15 $3.00 per Month. Everybody reads The Bee. -AUVUI ilUl C3 JcIl JUVt3I Willi UI1U yJcXjJUl jl