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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1916)
fill; UKK: OMAHA, SATUKDAV, MAJiCII 4, 191G. i L Iowa t'tovUlon for a warning to Amarlana to kwp off ship, dlsousaton may arise aal i hn tha sanator Sta an opportunity to rail It up, nit wrrlt. Democratic and republican Ualr aawrtad, howvr, that should It t railed up It would b forrad to tn calendar wr.r othr bustnest would pffwtually mothr It. Attack by ropfr, A bitter denunciation of tha democratic party In ireneral and Itepreaentntlve Har liaon of Mississippi particularly by Rep reaentatlva Cooper, republican of WIs- PVOILED i oor"ln- marked the ttoun eommltteo rneetin. Th attack wm rfeolpttatad by PKK MOINES. la.. March l.-(Special Mr- rton moving the previous quea fi. rwi..... k.i .k.. t,.eM Ion on a motion to lay tha McRlemore RAP TAKEN AT PARCEL POST , . r low Hardware Dealer Say Mail Order House Are Getting Better of It GOOD ROADS AHE been allowed to creep Into tha operation of the parcel poet and that retallera are betna- discriminated agalnat, the Iowa Hrtall Hardware aaaoclatlon passed a resolution today calling upon congress to remedy tha condition. The statement waa made that mall or der houees were doing; about nlne-tentha of tha parcel poat bualnaea under tha present system and that tha poatmaater general naa not naed hla powers wisely. The hardware men also went on record In faror of s-ood roads, revision of credit methods, atandardlcatlon of farm equip ment, abolition of "Joker" con tr acta, bual neaa extension work of tha fltat unlver Ity. Work of farm paper which are en couraging; home trading and passa- of national lawa looking toward restoration of legitimate competition, wera com mended. raaatry Pared noads. A brick laved road from Pea Molnea t Ames, a distance of about thirty-five mile, may be constructed thla summer. At meeting' held at tha county farm last night about son mambera of tha Ames l)e Molnea Good Roada aaaoclatlon wera la attendance. Many cf them wera farm era owning- ooseidorable. land. Ninety per cant of the membership expmeied a wlll ,'ngnaaa to be taxed for paving. t Confer n Fire Hera pea. A. I Vrlck, atate labor commissioner, haa railed a, conference April 4 of repre sentatives of flra escape factories and of superintendent of hoapltala to confer on the beat klnda of flra eacapaa for hoa pltala. Manager of theater will - alao ba called In for ft conference as to exlta, tha testing; of tha aisle and fire eeeape provisions St theatari. Blnre tha new law went into effect July 4 many problems are Confronting; tha department of labor, wbi-i has charge of tha enforcement of the flra escape law. Coal awladler Oeta By. A new swindling Kama waa made known ta the police here yesterday, whan ft woman carry'ng a young babe appeared at tha polloe atatlon and told of how she had given a stranger 15 for ft load of real which ha had failed to deliver. The ! stranger called at tha house and told her he had been selling off a carload of coal and It waa all sold except two tons, which ha would let her have (or &. Bhe advanced tha money. i Works for Iw Taaes. At a preliminary meeting held at tha Harery hotel yesterday , a call was ls sued for a permanent organisation meet ing to be held March, It. A. oommltte was appointed, to draft plana for. tha permanent organisation! , Tha committee consists of five members a follows: Senator Voran. Boone; Dr. George McCul locbi Wayne county; C. Mahaffa, Dea Moin; C. A. Bilford, Boone, and C. K. Tarman 'of Story county. VII1 Utofk lawa Streaas. E. C. Hlnahaw, atata game warden expects to put not lets than 60,000,000 plka In Iowa 'stream' thla year. He left last night for Washington, D. C, where ha will get 25.090,000 plka aggs and he has 'arranged' for a Ilka nun ber from other sources. Warden Hut' ahaw will apeak before tha annual con vention of tha National Protective and Propagation aaaoclatlon in New Tork and will tell of th success of estab lishing game preserves in Iowa, Mar Caadldatea. 1 Ben Edwards of Amea vested y asked for nomination papera for atata senator. Ha will ba a candidate for atata Bunator from District O, which Includes Boon and Story countlaa. Frank P. Bollnger of Aflon, today filed nomination paper aa a, candidate for representative from Union county. I K. Ayar. Jr., of Lao county, la a candidate for delegate to tha Progressiva National convention from First district and O. A. Oraeseka of Henry county is candidate for alternate district delegate. Big Coalraets Awarded. The Dea Molnea Bridge and Iron works waa today awarded tha contract by tha tate Board of Control for tha sewage disposal plant and seutio tank to ba In stalled at tha atata epileptic oolooy at Woodward for 116,000. Tha Empire com pany of Pes Molnea was awarded tha ron tract for the sanitary sewer and atorm sewer on their bid of 14.. Other plumb ing, heating and electrical equipment con tracts are yet to be awarded. " HOUSE FOREIGN AFFAIRS BODY FOLLOWS SUIT , (Continued from Pago One.) resolution on tha table. No one replied to his remark a. The committee's report was adopted by a voto of 17 to 1 without a record vote. Representative Rhackleford. who has been actively supporting a warning reso lution, voted affirmatively. The report, In the main, was drawn from a resolution presented yesterday by Representative Torter of Pennsylvania, which the republicans found tt easy to support because It contained no affirma tive expression of confidence In th president Tha text of the report follows: Test f Report. . 'That house resolution No. 147. known as the MrI.rmore resolution requesting tha president to warn all cltlsena of the United States to refarln from traveling on armed merchant vessels, be re pored to the houae with tha recommendation and that It be laid on the table. Under the constitution, the practice and precedents In this country the conduct of diplomatic negotiations has been left to tha prest' dent and with thla tha commute does not feel It proper for the house of repre sentatives to Interfere. Wa know that If th president reaches a point In negotia tion with a foreign government at which he has exhausted his power In the prem ises, ha will In tha usual way report all facts and clmimetaneea to congrea for Its consideration." Three other proposals wer voted down by th committee. One, offered by Mr. Rhackleford, declaring confidence In the president and containing a warning fea ture, received only four votrs. CJets On Tote. Th Gore resolution, offered by Repre sentative Thompson, got ona vote. Rep resentative Harrison motion to report tha McLemore reaolutlon and reemmend Ita tabling without further comment waa defeated without a record vote. "Th administration la well pleased with th committee action," Chairman Flood aald later. Under the rules of the house only forty minutes' debate will ba allowed on the rule -under which tha report will be brought up. The rules committee will meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock to provide the necessary ruU'to bring the matter before tha hOouae: There waa a general disposition displayed among all factions to dispose of th entire contra rersy as quickly as possible. Thc."?ge Mary Page Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of What Happened to Mvy" Pictures by Essanay SYNOPSIS. Mary Page, actress, Is arcused of th murder of Ivld Pollock and Is de. fended by her lover, Philip Langdon. Follock was Intoxicated. At Mary's trial she admits she had the revolver JUT maid testifies that Mary threatened Pollock with It previously, and Mary's leading man ImnMmte (.nnvilon. How Msry disappeared from the sarie of the crime Is a mvsterv. Itramlon tells of a strange hand-print he saw on Mary'a stioiiHier. Further evidence shows that horror of drink produces temporary In- niiT m Mary. Tne oerense la re pressed psychosis." Witnesses described Msry's flight from her Intoxicated father and her father's suicide. Nurse Walton the kidnaping of Mary by Pollock. (IMPTF.B VII Continued. "To'i aeo, ha knew Mary had made a hit, and that the show had got over good, and to have to train In two new recruit for our part before the next night waa some Job. 8o h turned on the soft sop and pretty nearly pro posed, msrrtsge In his anxiety to do the right thing by us before he got through. Then he got mad and began to sling language to mako a slage hand blush, and so we beat It towards the door, and Mr. Langdon marches up to Ecky and hands him his card, aaylng calmly. These girl are quite within their rights be cause of what has happened. Added to hlch I understand that you told M'a rage you didn't need her If she wouldn't accept the attentions of men obnoxious to her. Well, I'm a lawyer and I'll look after their Intcreats. You can send your attorney to me at any time.' And he Walked out and Joined us. The girl had 11 come out by that time, and the crew were stanllng nround, and Kcky didn't dare say anything more, so we not away and went honu jobless but hsppy. Of course when w told them at home Mr. rage said Mary must give up her stag areer. but she waa too spunky for that, fine said no, that the mistake she'd made i In getting a choru Job, and that If I waa willing we might try for aome road company and work our way up In tha 'drama,. I would have followed Mary any place, so I said I waa on, and we even talked Mr. tangdon down before ha left." "That Is all, thank you, Mis Barton," said Longdon with a smile as aha fin ished, snd Amy, looking around be wildered, asked tha Judge confidentially. "What do I do now, your Honor?" "You answer a few questions for me.' said tha prosecutor with a honied sweet- HYMENEAL , ... nBSB-8atl. WIST POINT, Neb.. March I.-(8pe-del.) Tha marrlaga of Lauren Hansen of Tllden and Mia Marl Fall -of Wiener was solemnised by Rev. William Man gelsdorf, pastor of t. John's Lutheran church, at tha realdenc of Mr. Oaro un Bloedorn. Th couple will make their horn at Tllden. nee. "Mis Barton, vrn are a very good actress, are you not?'' "Go ask my press agent!" she an swered pertly; and he flushed. "Well, at any rnto you tan be very convincing In saying thingslet's call It reciting lines that hrve nothing to do with evrnts that really happened, can't you? Especially In a sympathetic rolor Amy clinched her little hands and frowned st nlm. "If you're trying to put anything across." she said slowly, "you've come to the wrong shop I took the oath and I don't swear to tell the truth nnd then He. I'm an actress, not a lawyer." A burst of laughter swept the room. snd tha judgo's gavel came down sharply, though the corners of his mouth twitched aa he aald to Amy: "You muat confine, your remarks to answering the question put you. Miss Barton." "I urn," she replied ImperturbaMy, and the prosecutor flushed as he asked sharply: Isn't It true that you aald you would do anything In the -world to save Mary Fatr "Isn't It true that you're doing every thing Pi the world to ruin her?" That is not answerinj my question," roared the prosecutor. "This is con tempt of court-you liava sworn to tell the truth tell It." Tell It to a policeman!" scoffed Amy. "I hav told the truth, the whole truth and nothlnf but th truth, and there Isn't any mora to tell, unleaa you'll let me tell you what poor business I think you have for yjur part of the show. "Silence!" roared the Judo and the prosecutor in unison, and now Amy, look ing up nt his honor, smiled and brought Into view a dimple, a ahe said quietly "Your honor, I don't mind answering questions, but I'm so used to being hol lered at in rehearsal that the usual line of chatter Just slips out" Again ft gal of laughter swept the room, th hysterlo mirth of those whose emotions had been brought over cloee to th surface by tragedy, and tha prose cutor, realizing that the pertness of the actress was a shield behind which he could not penetrate, and feeling that her testimony was after ell unimportant, dls mlssod her with a shrug. At her glad, "Oh, can I go?" the laughter broke out afresh; but It died i away when she ran strslKht to Mary's el'le, and before the bailiff or l-nngdon could stop her. had leaned over and 1m j piilstrely kissed her cheek. ! "You darMnc!" she crle.1, and suddenly ! burst Into teirf th genuine childish soba cf one whoce heart Is overflowing with pity. When she was led hack to the wit ness room she wis no longer an obscure little actress she was famous. Kor the time at least she even overshadowed Mary so much does the world love those who laurh and yet have tender heart leneath the gaiety. (To I'.e Continued Tuesday.) former" grand opera star dies at chicago demand for a 20 per cant advance for day labor to 10 per cent. The operators moved to cut the pend ing tonnes demand of t cents to I cents a ton with proportionate decreases in other denmnds. This was refused by the miners arvl the operators then re jected the proposal of the workers. Found Simple Remedy that Relieved Child CinCACJO, Marrh S .-me. Mario DIro Marlon, fit years old. a former grand opera star, died at her home here last night. Physicians said acute pleurisy caused the death. Madom Marlon had I made her home In Chicago for more than a quarter of a century- ABANDON HOPE OF MAKING INTERSTATE WAGE CONTRACT NEW TORK. March i All hope of negotiating an interstate wage agree ment for -he soft coal fields of tha middle-west was virtually abandoned to day when proposltlnna offered by both operators and mlnera were voted down by the subcommittee representing tha two sides. A difference of 1 cent Is all that stands between the contending forces. Today the miners shaved down their 10 per cent Increase demand for dead work and ardage to 5 per cent and also cut tha Pain Gone! Rub Sore, Rheumatic Aching Joints Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob'g Oil." f' : Stop "dosing".: Rheumatism. ( It' pain only; not on oas In fifty require Internal treatment Rub tooth ing, penetrating "Bt. Jacob Oil" right on th "tender spot." and by th tlm you say Jack' Koblnson out come th rheumatic, pain and distress. "Bt. Jacobs OH" Is a harmlesa rheumatism liniment which never disappoint and doesn't btirn the skin. It take pain, soreness and stiff ness from aching joints, muscle and bones; atop sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Umber tip! Get a small trial hottl cf old-time, honest "Bt. Jacob Oil" from any drug store, and In a moment, you'll b free from pains, ache and stiffness. Don't Buffer) Rub rheumatism away. Advertisement. New Spring Hats for Smart Dressers Our stock is so complete and the value so apparent in every one of our 30 different styles that you are certain' to find a hat to suit your fancy. Derbies or Soft Styles In all the new and wanted shades $2 $3 $4 It's the early purchase that is most satisfactory, because it means a longer season and a larger stock to select from. 1516-18-20 Farnam Street. WW. Mild, Laxative Compound Cor rects Stubborn Ca$e of Constipation. An Important duty that devolve on parents is th regulation of their chll dien's bowels. Health In later Ufa de pends In large measure on early train ing and a child ahould be taught from Infancy to regular habits. Whtn from any cause the bowels be come congested with stomach waste a mild laxative ahould be emp;oyed to open up the passage gently and carry eff the congested mass. A most effec tive remedy for this purpose la the com bination of simple laxative herb known as Ir. Caldwell's Pvriip Per'"- Mra. W. I), nulls, of Reed, Okla., used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for her baby boy, llarley Buren Bulla, and aaya "It did him more good than anything we have given him. HI bowela are very stubborn about acting, but they act easily every time I give him Dr. Cald well's Fyrup repsln." Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin contains no opiate or narcotic drug and is a splendid remedy for children and older people a well. It ha been on ths mar- f ' ,,".- t A 'if HASLET BTTHKir MVJ.J.9 ket for more than twenty-five years and Is the family standby In thousands of homes. Druggists everywhere sell It for fifty cents a bottl. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writ ing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 464 Washing ton St, Montlcello, 111. cause of technical parliamentary en tanglements. Senator Lodge, ranking re publican member of the foreign relations committee, said the aenata had gone on record aa "opposing a warning to Ameri cana and against Inferferrftee with tha executive." ' Actio Complex Oae. ' The action which ffectually disposed of the Gore resolution was a complex one. Henator Mono moved to bring the reaolu tlon before tha senate and benator dor then obtained permission ,to change his reaolutlon. Retaining the original pre amble, he substituted th reaolutlon with the following: . . "Revived, That tha linking by a- sub marine without notlc or warning of an armed nu-rehant vessel of It public enemy, resulting In th death of a cltlien of the I'nlted Mates, would constitute a Just and sufficient cauae of war between the United States and tha German empire.- . . Senator McCumber, a republican. Imme diately introduced a euhatttute similar to Senator's Gore resolution warning Ameri can off armed ahlpa pending negotiations with foreign powers to revie the rule of International law to meet th new condl lion of naval warfare. Mtl ( Jaaaa. Senator James, on of th administra tion leader then moved to table all pro. poaaJa tha WcCumbar resolution, the original and aubstltut resolution rferd by Senator Gore and all amendment. Th notlorr wa carried with lxty-elght san wtor. fort -seven democrat and twenty one republican, voting with to admlnl , stratum and twiv republicans, two democrat voting against It Th demo crats recorded In the negative wer Sen ators Chamberlain and CyGorman. After his substitute for th Gor reso lution had ben alaughtered In the general motion to table, hens tor UcCurnber of North Dakota, reintroduced It a a new it ablution. As touch as it cuiiLuiua a Take Elevator Save $10 The Greatest Daylight Shop in Omaha Selling $25 Clothes For No High First Floor Rent No Credit Department No Sales No Delivery Expense Barker's Clothes Shop Second Floor Rose Bldg. Sixteenth and Farnam Charming Jaunty Spring Millinery By all odds the finest collection of feminine headwear we have ever shown. Two Record Values Saturday, at $D50 $00 S AT f I I I 4X j ll i Unusually , smart and becoming shapes are shown in Hemps, Milan Hemps, Split Braids and Satin and Straw Combinations. While a very pleasing novelty is shown in a two-color straw effect. Winsome roll rim Saliora are In evidence. Large Taffeta bow trims and neat; tailored arrangements will pleasantly surprise you'. Benson & Thome Co. 1516-20 Farnam St. E .. i m )iro!igs aoidfl ToiBell: ArfticSes avirog Prices Notwithstanding war conditions our stocks are almost unbroken, as our splendid con nections with importers and manufacturers are of especial value at this time. You Can Save Time and Money By Trading at THE FOUR REX ALL DRUG STORES Frrwh Ja Rice Pow der (Hour jots) in green Saturday for. . lC FACE POWDERS ,"Oe Carmen Powder In four shades. Oft t7i; Rice at WV Imported Java row dcr Green Ol 9c box, at 25c Elder Down Powder 3 shades We have over 100 kinds of toilet powders. RUBBER GLOVES The warranted ACkt kind. Saturday.. HcuQt Horllck's Malted ?Q Milk. 30c and. . Os7C Usterin. 12?, CQr ID. 390 and. v7C A BARGAIN INDEED 8.V and noe value in steel die and aluminum rret writing papers, Baturday, per - y box. at 1 C This is rloae out. We bate your Initial. THESE CIGAR BARGAINS SAT URDAY. Iflo Reynaldo 1 A tirandloitAS for . . 1UC nK of bo d i n C Little Tom. . J 1 aOO Box of 60 J Jf Ilenry George 4 1 a03 10c La Marca f" for DC 25c Carter's Lit tie Liver Pills. Genuine Castorla, 3 5c kind 50c Doan's Kid ney Pills . 50c Genuine Syrup of Figs.. $1.00 Plnkham's Compound 60c Pape's Dla- pepsln for 25c Packer's Tar Soap for Sal Hepatlca, 10c. 34 and. Scott's Emulsion, qa 43 nd 07C 25c Danderine we a sell for 1C 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder, 4 kinds, per can i2c 21c 34c 34c 64c 29c 14c 69c 12c FINE TOILET SOAPS Cashmere 10c 4711 White Kom 8"p for ...... KliV Juvenile hoap, for Medium aise liouquet Soap, for 12c 9 c 60a Hick seeker's Q Toilet Cream .... t V C Red Cress Hand Cleaner, large can, Satur- r day for DC Witch Hasel, large bottle . , Wood Alcohol, large bottle. . , $1 Tale's Almond Blossom Cream 2 dozen Aspirin Tablets or Capsules for Hinkle Tablets, 100 for 100 Bland's Iron Tonle Pills 100 2 -grain Pure Quinine Pills Crude Carbollo Acid, for disinfectant, OC large bottle OC 15c 15c 164c 35c 19c 29c 49c An an sorted lot of 25c Talcum Powders, q (Saturday, at.... tC FINE PERFUMES l.RO Frenrh I'Jer Kiss Triple Extract d - 1 A Per o P Ll Roger & (.allet'a VoUet htract, Per ounce , tiuerlain' French J lrkey Kxtraxt. Per 31 ounce OxC Rlserker' Golf Kxtrart. Per sunce 59c Queen 39c Hoahlgant's 12.50 Ideal Kxtract. (t f Per oi 4 1 sO7 TOOTH PREPARA-TIONS 14c 14c 2.1c Rubifoam for 25c ftanltol Tooth Paste, for Sanl Flush Cleanser, naiuraay, at ....... 14c SUE WW & UcCOMELL DQB6 C Corner 16th and Dodge Streets OWL DRUG CO., 16th and Harney LOYAL PHARMACY, 207-209 N. 16th HARVARD, 24th and Farnam