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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, MARCH inio. Want-Ad Rates . CAM WTTK OlBMl IC rrr word each Insert pedal i Ftmi and Ranca I"1. T nor Bn each Insert (Count six vorAi to the line.) foreign AnvFivriBivo worn AGENTS OH HELP WAMfct) CLASSIFICATIONS: . p.f word .'.""VJIC! lHc per word ..three oonsecutlvo times per line V, e per Un three consecutive times (Count alx wofdii to the l"i 0 A TMH TO TAW A TOTAL OP too O WM TI4 lOo PAT. CARD OF THANK. PKATK AND FUNERAL NUi i- le par lira each Insertion (Minimum charge 10 cents Monthly Rat for standing ads change of copy) p? (Count all words'to tha line.) Coattwct rataaoa application. THF. BER will not ba reoponelble for mora than ona Incorrect Insertion o r en advertisement ordered for mora tnan ona time. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts given by Tha Fee In payment Ada. aa no mlatake can ba rectified without them. t'BK THR TELEPHONE If you cannot eonvenlently bring or etnd In your ads, Aak for a Want Ad Taker, and you will receive the eama goon service aa when delivering your ad at tha office. PHONE TTLER 1090. WANT-AD COLUMNS CL08E mes'iNo fditionb m. MORNING EDITIONS tiO P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Answers tb question -Wbera to ko tonight" "THE YELLOW PASS PORT" WITH CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG. 5 reola of thrilling- dramatic altuutlona, In which ambition, beauty and youth triumph ovr brute cunning a groat dran-n tliatlon of a rroat book, SHItf-THhun No 17 fiiiNCKaC i3i7-i loiraLA.s. Arthur Maude and aJl-etar caat in "Kmbrra," a wondrrful aox problem play In five vivid acta, and a (elected Hi tryatone comedy. North. 45IIAND. " 1T1I AND niNNKt. Harold Ixckewood In a aperlal threo reel feature. "Red Circle" No 11, ami a Rood comedy. XJTHROP. 24TII AND I.OTHHOP. Mllian Olah and Dolly Roitk In "The JJIy and the Roee." also Chapter "V' off Bowth. A P I .U IKTHT 1-IiiA VENWORTH. "The Sealskin Coat," Kalem. "The Praguet," Brlir. "A Mlaflt Waron," Vim. "Tha Cold Fert Oeiaway," Vita. BOULEVARD. KV It LKAVICN WORTH. TonlKht at T:l and 8:4.'.. Tha Metro Picture fiervlce offera Kdmund lireuxa In "Tha Hong of the Wage Blare." ftOIlLFF. S&aXEAVKNWolLTH. Ionian tian in jne uiy ana ine Roee," Triangle, one reel comedy. Wwl, OlONROK. Ht,R FARNAM iloauUful Marguerite Flaher In a aen aatlonal and powerful Iraaon of maternity, 'Tha Miracle of Life." Don't miaa it tloiMIt Bide BJKFKE. . 24TU ANDT?, rHla; Tribune No. IS. "HU White Lie," HlogTaph. "In Arcadia." VlUaraoh. "The Red Circle." frat. Ruth Roland. aRPHEITM. 24Tf AND H7 "The (rreat actium RoMery," fea ti rtna: cnariea Murray. "The village Scandal, featuring Raymond, liltoh cock and Roacoe Arbuckle. C tar Features O These are Special Extra-Reel Features now appearing at the following Theaters, Al'OLLO. 2ST1I AND LEAV10N WORTH. Tha Dragnet. Srllg drama. S4TU AND N The Red Circle, featuring Ruth Ro land. ftoUL&VARD. S3d A LKAVKNWORT1L Metro picture service presents Kdmund Breese'ln The Hong of the Wage Slave. fiMl'IlKSH. MTU ANdTmFugLAhT Tha Yellow Paaspoit, efaturing Clara Kimball Young. Grand. 16TH AND BINNEVT Red Circle No. 1L LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROP. Lillian Glah and Dolly Rosika In "The Lily and the Rose," also chapter of "The Oodtleas " I Mo.NltOK. 2ui5 FARNAM.' Beautiful Marguerite Fisher In a sensa tional and powerful icsstm of maternity, ' The Miracle of Life pi n't mlna lt. OHl'llKTM, 4T"H AND M. Tha (J n. at Vacuum Robbery, feat. Chas. Mkirray. The Village Scamtel, feat. Raymond Ilttchcock A Roscoo Arbuckle I FlVl-NCKSS, 1317-W DordLAsT Arthur Maude and all-star cast In , Kinbera, a wonderful problem play lit ' yTn xi yrxEiui, notkk. I NOON AN Andrew, abed 67 years, March L 11C. Funeral Saturday morning from resl- aence, n.i r.ininet street, at s:;w o clock to Sacred Heart church at 10. Inter ment. Holy Keptilciter cemetery. UAUsOLRUH. WHY bury your dead la the eold fround In stormy weather when you ran buy , tomb In a marble build ng at reasonable pneer Tel. maiimii.i I'M i , n. tui. FLOKiais. BEST QUALITY Ct'T FI.GWKRB or plants. Art Combinations, shipped every where. Excellent service lu our cus tomers In past years recommends HKSd A SWOBODA. 14U. Farnam St. IV 1.4)1. PATH, floriet. 1m4 Farnam St. D. (. L. HENDERSON, Ul Douglaa D. llil Member Florists Telegrspn iM. Ass e XTDONAOHUE. 1421 Harnar. Duug. luOL BETTER M It has always been the effort of this paper to keep ahead of its patrons' needs and desires, and, wherever possible to increase its facilities and improve its service. Phone Tyler 1000 BIRTH ,n WRATHS. Rirth-C. K. snd Anna Ernst, 4r&5 North Fourteenth, girl; Joseph and Hel ena Kir nan, JHl T, bov; F.rnnst and I'au llhe Waller. 2'"1 ('harks, boy; Kinnk and Koae Curtis, hospital, girl; Lilgl and Ros Iha Knllna, South Twenty-second, hoy; R. P. and Anna Branham. 2J11 Douglaa. boy; Ulrhard and lyetltia Rerger. Mouth Thirteenth, boy; Hoy n ml IVarl Trrrv, 29JU Indiana avenue, hoy; Charles ami AOs Hudson. 4323 Ersktna. glrlf Joseph and Kffa Mlchalls. Forty Hxth and Harrison, hoy; Milton and Vesta Io(ll, 4603 Florence boulevard, girl; Henry C and Martha Shaffer, 4J0 Center, boy; Joseph and Ottilia Bydzosky, hospital, girl. Deaths Dr. William R, Lavender, A iriw Hurt: Dora Lyman, 11, hoapltal; Car mcln John 3, Wlo VaJloy; Rohrrt tJarrrtt, 1, .W'H I.rayrtti avrnur; Melchrr I'etrr ron. C.2. hoiipltal: I'errlval IVrduo, M, Jloiiao of Hope; William tlllbrrt, 13, 247 Bputh Klnhlr.nth. MARRItUR M( KMF.. The following llconsoa to wi-d have brrn Krantrd: vm and rrnldrnr. Vernn Mnrtren. Wahoo Ao. ....2T, ... 24 ?2 ... 23 ... 2fi ... ?o ... 21 ... 1H ... 27 .... 18 I urn Jarobon. Wahoo Walt H. I.und;rrn, Wahoo , Clnra Andrrson, V1ahoo Pat Millard. Fnn;ont l.llllaii Hanaon, Krrmont Orrid Ilarnra. Warrilnr Water Fallen L.nnehornt, Jvliawool Sri aa I mi Franclnrlo, Omaha. Maria Natruaio, Omaha Wnltrr Tomklna, Omaha Vcrurilra YMnkna. Omnha Audi at A I mature. Omaha 24 22 M Nelllo Bumar, Omaha bit Charlra I.. Prcka. Iemara, la........... Ti Eva Hlmffrr. L:irmr, Ja 14 Martin Mortrnann, Omaha Jt Jenslna Hkrudi r, Omaha 21 LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL RLL'FFo BTRBUT RAILWAY COMPANr, Peraona having loa aome article would do well to call up the office of tha Omaha A Council Uluffa (Street Railway company to aacertain whether they left II In the atreet care. Many articles eacn day are turned la and tbe company la esloua to taatore them to tbe rightful owners. Call Doug. 48. iy YOU Iom anrtbina an will atnrtlae It kr, re lll surair r it It ton4 br aa huM Mown. HmiarlMbla mmrltt are annual about tint 4r tbrouK Ibta aolama Till LAW Psapl vbe lloJ loat ertlelea are taunfUd la knswlag that tha eteta law U atnn la requiring taaai tn M tke ewar Uroaib advert tsmct aod otbarwlee. an Uiat a failure to a aa. If aaiea aa amaa. la taltH a awvara waalty. EoHT BlRckliiatlier pocketbook, oonlaln- lng amall amount or money ana miver vanity box, between 37th and 40th on Farnam. Return to Neb. Fuel Co, or call Walnut 2X10. Reward. fjUKKAL reward for return of black. Inether billfold containing mi. an Kvana, iWnl (Irand A. ColfaK 1137a. LOST A bunch of keya on ring; four trunk keya, two door keya, mono iy- Irr 2153 J. Reward. . Lt 8T Liberal reward for purse contain ing l or and vaiuaoio papers, ju- aenh Carr. 220 H. 13th Ht. ST R A V KD A dark brlntlle Boston bull dog, screw tall, long ears, weo. un. IjDW I .'nach dog w! on side; rewa rtr It rd 4370. E6sT White anTTirown bull terrloh; re ward, llarney suui. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS rurnltarw ad lloosehold Goods. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mattresses made over in new iicss at half tbe price of new ones. Pnone us for sample of ticking. VM Cuming bt. Dougl aa 2467. , ALL RKil'AilW Water fronta, furnace rolls, etc. Uuick service. Omaha Htuve Relialr Works, IM-H Douglaa. Tyler 2. FURNITURE! bargains; beds, si; taniua, chairs, tana, gaa stoves, 11; beitdlnxs of all kinds. l& M. Z4tn. weuster inn, COM I'LKTK furnishing of k-rooms; In ood condition, at reasonable prloa, 2W7 1 1 arney. .. Until HaTjC Furniture of aoniDlate room bouse, lncludlnir Piano, at sacri fice. ParlJoajvingcltjslaeym ROCK L it, parlor cabinet, china cabinet and other furniture. Walnut Piaaos aud Musical lostroroewte. rttiu h'l'ANUAKlJ make piano and bench, used months, will accept (176, Terms. M a month. 212S N. &lh bt. Phone W'ebster M. UMITU upright piano, A BARNES fine condition. 1125. Tyie r l1. -3?t per month. A. llowj, IiTlT uglas. tore aad Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, suowcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. nnana fixture a Supply Co, , 4 1 4 Irt-1 H JO 2 1 h. Dotig, t724. Cameras and Kodaks, FTljMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 4l nee Hitig. iept. l. Jewelry. l)Umna4i. Watches, UKOl iKUAARll'H "lucky weddtug lings'' at ltlth and Douglas sts. Clotblnir, Kara, Kto. WE buy and atul tailor made suita and overcoats. I-Tledman. 1211 imugias St. get I a si Harklara, -tSEWINO MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needlea and parta of all sewing machines. -MICKKL'B NEBRASKA CYCLK CO.. lBth and Harney Ht s. lotig. IHtg, , Typewriters and pwlles. JKW machlnea aold the same as rent H par month. Bee us before you buy or rent, Shipped any place on ten days free trial. Butts Typewriter Kxchau, llti H. lbih, Omaha. Neb. MIDLAND RIBBON AND CARBON CO. We make them In Omaha. What? Typewriter ribbons. Supplies for the office. Doubles 2147. t2 Bee Bldg. cW'KCIaL Guaranteed tywnier rlb bons I for $1. Reliance Ribbon A Carbon CUARANTEK Typewriter Rlbbona, $5 per oos. num lypewrner r;xo. Bin b. mtn. Bl-NT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for tC Oliver Typewriter Agency, I'm Farnam. f YFF.RW1 T hiRS sold, rculeu repaired? Centre! Typewriter Rxc. 105 Farnam. tTpEWRITKR for rent, t months, t&T But is Type writer K xc. 3IK M. ISth Bt. RkN'T a ' Remington" not just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 1284. Machinery sad Kaatare. NEW Works Sicoiiii-haiHl inulota, dynajuoa, magnetoa. 1 Bron Electrlo 3iH-a s. K'th Bt. Billiard aad Pool Tables, FOR BALK New and eeoond-haud carora antl pocket bl'llard tablea and bowling alley and accessories; send for cata logue; easy payments Tha Brunswick Balke-Oollender Co.. 4Q7-4W B. 10th BL relating ana Of flee Supplies. ONE nti r prcau fur priniing Imitation typewriter letters; one luvuli.l banllarv chair; on- eollapa bio go-cart. Tel. W.7lj W A i' KHH- B A it N 1 1 A RT Ptg. Co., quality priming Tel. Doug. 2li. fill H. l'th St t'KSTKAl, Printing t'o Dt il 'tlLAS ft4. IxilMLAK I't-lntlng Co. Tel. iMiuglaa S44. V HA l" he had to sell: An automobile? a motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morria chair. And be sold 'hers through TUB BEK Want Ad columoa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MlaeeJInnenna. Hlt HALK t'H KA V. Rualnaa College Courae. Full and nnnplrte acholara'ilp In one of the brat Omaha btialm-aa achoola. tiood rraaon for erlllng; prrfrctlv relia ble: worth full prlrr, hut wMI be aold very reaeonably. If Intiirratrd Invea tlgate at once, hecauae aprlng term N'glna aoon. Thrre are a variety of courara for aale. For partloulira Inquire at the nffloo The Omaha Her. THR F.XCKLSIOR "Te Olde Whisky 8lmp." We aell atandrtrd bottled In bond whlaklra; lo and 12-year-old whisky a specialty. 1 llPo. J5t hfit. MY high standard of quality will ba maintained: 4 quarta of Old Fontenelle whlaky, 13.31; bottled in bond. Hrnry Pollock, mall order house. Doug. 7161; 12?-1?4 N. Kt. ALEX JETKS' LIQUOR HOUSa Thlrtrrnth and Douglna. Rottled-ln-bond whisky, fco, 11.00. 11.28, f"M r.imrt FOR BALK Dry, dean, klndllnir wool, delivered to all parta of tha cl'.y. Phone Dou gl a a1 . sF A t )N J -If KSU butcher s cooler, fix. In fine condition. Omaha Window and Poor Frame Co. Webster 791. WHEN the renting probfem Is under con siderationeither from the standpoint of the tenant or landlord the Renl Es tate and Want Ad Guide to ull of Greater Omaha Tha Bee Is the best medium for sura and aatlsfactory re suits. ANNOUNCEMENTS KftTlCU Walter Deeta and W. A. -Colla-mor, doing bualnras In the firm name of American filnn Works, Is dissolved by mutual consent. FOR COUNTY TRKASURF.R EMMET O. SOLOMON fepODKOA A HD'B "Lucky Vv adding R'nra" at :Blh and Douglas Hta. KXF.n'ciBR AT T.M.C.A. Buatne ' men Krvryihlajg for Wssita, ItCCOHDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered buttons, ail slgea and styles; hemstltrhlng, point edging; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholea, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 2U0 Douglas block. Douglaa Its. Coatatmee. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lichen A Hon, 1514 Howard. P. 411lx (THEATRICAL gowns, full dreaa suits, for rent. N. 17th Bt. John Feldman. Cleaners antl Dyexs. BTATB Dry Clng. Co. 120 N. 11th. D. 1071 Dreumsklbg. Lai lh.'tt suits lemuueled In tha lateat at yie. Mil Farnam. Douglas 2829. r ash. dref-iHiiiuHitiK, aiteratitinH. DRW.SWiMAKINO and plain sewing. Red 4.Vi9. PAY work. Wash Ilia. sewLng. Red. r C6UI. ilHH. MOTTAZ. rlressmakt-r H. 24 j Av. Kelster'a Dressmaking Col. 18211 City Nat. terry Dressmak'g college. 20 Ih A Farnam. jlAViNO at home or out. Red 38,'Tl Chiropodist. Carrie J. Buford, MU Pax. Oik. Red M7. 4 hlroBractore, Kulnal Atljuet aieats. DR. HURHORN, 1m. and Farnam, Wead mag, u. mt, l aimer acnool granuate; Ir. j, C. Lawrence, 1 tsatrd t.ldg. I). Miil Uvottsta. Vt. Bradbury. No palu. U W.O.W. Bldg. fyoni.ea. nr. Ficklua. city .vat. Bank. 7 ait Dental Koorua. 16i7 Douglaa. D. 2il. J oat ices ot tke Peace. H. 11. CLAlHORNli, bit Paxton 111k. Red 7 all iNQtary p upi ic; uepoamun wno. C. W. bitlTi, MOl Barker liiuuk. Drags. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues tree. Sherman A Mo Conneli Drug co., oman. hsu. Fixtures mmd AVirlse;, rTnl.'T V7 Electrlo washing machines. AUXVi in electrlo Irons and reading lamps. ZKSi Cuming nt. uoum.iovt. Aocossuau. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A, 433-437 Ramge Bldg Tel. Douglaa 7404. (irooerlM. UHoCIiRlBH, fruits and vegetables and tender. Juicy meat. Prompt delivery. Tom Johnson's Branch Store, 6t24 N. Sith Bt. Phone Colfax 16, furriers. g AM KNEtCTER, 19a) Farnam. Red W34. r arnsm. unwoith. It. RutnulS, 2M6 l.-V H. 27iJT Movluaf Picture aiacttluea. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. lfa. tlon picture macnine antl 111m oargains. I'ateuts. p. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red THT 1. A. Sturqes, tW Hraniiets Theater Bliig. Piano laatrnetloau Ragtime piano playing positively taught in 20 lessons. t. uming. tvai. aj.a. W lura stud Llgsurs. BUT your family liquors at Kllen's Liquor house, bs2 N. Pith. Douglas ins. Csryeatrn ana Contractors. Lessard A Son, Uta) Cspltol Ave. T. 1631 I. w. Hukanaun. 2u0 Lvnwth. Tyl. 21MJ-J. J. YOUNG, if .3 Miami. Web. 17:ff. Deteetlvea. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Block. HM- oence securean au casesiyier UJa. LANG Nal'l Detective Agcy.. Inc. Kee- llne Bldg. D. 44!i Strlttiy confidential. I'liumi aad t'lawsr. HABERBTROH. 4U2 Hamilton. Wat KTL Llvu Stook taukuuwiaatra. MARTIN BROB. A CO. Exchange Bldg. Oaleoiiala I'ayalctaaa, JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 61$ Bee Bldg. Palatl-s aad Payer liaatlag. HUtl-CI.ASS work, low price. Tyler 1132. jlfGH-CLAfrS work, low price. Web. 7j2. boalo Hettalrlaar. Dm, Standard Scale Co.. 611 3. 12th. D. l 1. !! Celllasa. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S- 31 Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. D. RU. Trunks aad Salt laaes. STRELING A PTE1NLE. ljlOS Farnam Bt Watch K pre la Ha I a. " " rhrlsllansen2d fU Paxton Bk ltyr. exp. Wtdalsg Vtatloaery. " Wedding announcements. Douglas Ptg Co. AdvrrtUluK Auvelllea. M. F. Sharer A Co. 12th-Farnam. D. T474. Arvhllects. grerett B. Dedd. ll Paxton Blk. P. jon. C. T. Dickinson. SU Paxton Blk. D. 104 on. su paxton Bll llakerles. g. Tf REEDFR. 1504 N. llth. Web. JT. Brass aad Iroa Foundries. faxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bta Daat'las Aeadeutlra. PE LUX ACADEMY. Ill B. 18th Bt Kleetrleal Ueyalrtah rAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D. 3T. IdleelrolyaW. Vlo Allender. CM Bee Bldg. Red (0U ant-Ad and Put an WANTED TO BUY 8KND-HA.1) trip hammer, emery stand, dine sharpener, power drill, band saw and belting. II Lindblad, North riatle, Neh. - DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, houu-ht, sold and tradt d. J. C. Ree.l. 1207 Farnam FTb'.VV and second- hanil meat fixtun-a fTTr our new stor. !!a krt Stores office, fll rtranrteU Theater ltll. I'hon- Tvlrr 4l WASTED t;ood tlrllvery wanon carrying caput it y i,;uo i.ouihh Write . A. r . Sainmtr. Oakland, Neb. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FARM FOR AUTO Ji acr. Fall River county, South Dakita, 12') seres readv for plow: small house; fenced three sides; land verv rich, gently rolling, f wheat Innd; tltlt, A-l; mortga4 WM. Price H.Oi; want southern land Omaha property, automobile, diamonds, or S'-ll rlsht. -Jl'!J'Lii?"r''lJtLr-jUinb'J CNE die p ate with f leg cutltnn from l'i to 2 Inches, one die plate with d!ei cutting from 't to 1 Inch, tap.i to l'- Inch. liainmeia, atilmin wrrnchea. monkey wrent lies, chain pipe wrenches, ona boiler tube expander, all new. W'lil swap for motorcycle of some make. Ad- rt i t , . ( tis ),..( .12 BRF.AK-OFJEN II. A A. revolver, pair spring skates, slse 11; F.dlson Home Phonograph; single-shot rifle; air hip boota, sl7e 9; new canvas shotgun cae. Want typewriter, shotgun, roll top deas, or what have you. Address r. C. 10J4, Hee. fTl il.L Wiitch, nw; one hunting rasa watch, 10-year guarantee caao, with tii gold chain, about Itl size, ex cellent timekeeper; want motorcycle, Vlctrola, pump shotgun, rolltop detdt, Colt revolver, mandolin, cornet, kodak. Address H. C, lo:t.l. Re. 1TAVJ5 a special Fairbanks-Morse gas engine, aleo a 110-volt dynamo; outfit will run 76 40-watt lamps; It Is In fine condition; will trade separate or com plete; reason, town just Installed Isrge Plant. R. K. Crandell. Chapman. Neb. fcOADSTKH. lightweight. lwu-aseiiKtr. iia moooi, jjat overhauled end fully equipped. Will awap for the best 11 model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide oar outfit I can get: but It must be A-l condition. Address 9. C 7a. Bee. ADDINU machine, Burrough s machine. In first class condition. The standard machine, exchange for Ford, bookcase and books, picture, diamonds, Jewelry, or what have youT Address 8. C. 1016, Pee, 7 Buff Orpington ducks, the greatest lay ers on earin, laying every day; will trade for Buff Orpington chickens, or what have you to exchange? Address B. -.. 1055, Omaha Bee. IHGH-ORADB player piano, brand new; must be seen to be appreciated; have no use for It and will consider light auto, diamonds, or what have youT Ad- areas a. loLn, nee PAIR lineman's spurs or climbers, raln- coai, , urnuu nw; r.ver-iieady sarety raxor, 24 bladea, never used. Want Mandolin, rolltop d?sk, or, what have vou? Address S. C. 10?2. Bee. IlAVfc, furniture ot rooms, nearly all new. Including Cramer piano and ono month freet rent for automobile, or what have you 7 Act quick. Address B. C. inn?, Bee. llAVli a hand power "vacuum clearner, will exchange for Kdinon Diamond Dlsa records or electrlo lamp, to the valuo of $16. or what have you? Address B. C. 12. Bee, MOTOR BOAT-e-paaaciiger, cost $ii60, almost new, Including loat house that coat $3tt); located at Carter Lake Club; will trade for automobile. Address S. . 1"i'. Bee. EDISON home phonograph 3 and 4 minute machine; in excellent condition; large signet horn; want medium sUud Icebox enn small rango Antneiw w. i:. mm, neo, ALL or part of 3.OU0 serial looka and magaxlnes; want a good camera, horse, wagon, furniture, or anything that I can uae. Address B. C 1011, Bee. llAVE good turning lathe with -ft. bed In fair shape, valued at $160, will awap for auto or something of equal value. Adrirces B. C. 10QB, Bee. 16 HAFKTY liair cutters, worth ti each: great for children or Invalids; want typewriter, baritone, clothing, or whatT Address n. c KHZ. nee 5NH 17-Jewel watch, 20-year caae, and " one leather handbag to exchange for typewriter, or what have you. Address ', nee. WHJj trade 1 good light 3-sprlng wagon. 1 hand ana loot power saw, x loot mortlser for truck or Ford chassis. Ad dress 8. C. 1026. Bee. Ton TlcADE 1 bllllardand 2 pool tablea, complete witn cues, fucks, Dans, etc., ready to do business- want 1915 Ford car. C. A. Tennant. Grlswold, la,' HAVE a good 1,000-pound canaclty motor truck I. ID C. make, trade for chassis, or what have you. Address p. c. oM, nee. i SEATED buggy, rubber tired, partly worn, gooa paint, rair en ape, ror sale or exchange for chickens. Address B. C. 1019. Beo. "JjEHT offer takes wood-turning lathe. motor, counterparts, petting ana emery wheel, complete, ready to run. Address 8 C. 101N, llee. e-HOKSE-POWK-R Alamo gas engine, A-l condition; will exchange ror a or 5-H. P. A. C. motor or sell cheap for cash. ON hi runabout auto and one light truck for ft In or trade. Phone calls not answered. Address 8. C, 1010. Bee. . Kl'..Ml.GTON typewriter. value $40. What have you? No junk wanted. Ad dress S. C. 1013. Bee. VO young thoroughbred Hamburg roosters, will 1 trade for hens. Address B. O 1027. Bee. NO. Mf7 of last weok can swap enlarging camera ror kodak or other property witn S. C. 1025. Bee. I1AVB furniture of 6-room cottage to trade for automobile. Address S. C. 1"17. Bee. WllAT have you to offer for a dandy lot In Albright, clear title. Want dla- mond. 8. C. 681. Bee. I HAVE, a clear title to a lot In Al- bright for sale or trade, worth $160. B. C. BHO, Bee. TWO auto head lights for Prest-o-llght with electric reflectors. Address . C, ltd. Bee. LIKE new; Smith Premier tpewrlter; value .; make offer; hurry. Address S. C. 1014. Bee. SllRROR 64x24 Inches for bedroom door. to trade fur anything of equal value. What have you7 Address S t. 1029, Bee. SMITH .'r-jmlor typewriter to trade for ' l"iJ av y 2 "" Box B. C. 1031. 1 ice. ITAVE good furniture; will exchange for motorcycle. Box, S C. 10-JO. Bee. WELDING outfit to trade for good turn ing lathe. Address C jtl, Bee. &KAT "market for" property. O 827. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALK Bllllnrd and bowling hall In live county seat town, also U. 8. land office located here. Reason for aelilug other bualneas. A money maker for a live man. Inquire Billiard Hall, Box A Sundance, Wyo. FOR BALE New stock of general mel rhandise. Will Invoice $l,T00. Pofttoffice In connection with store. Good country and jjuod money maker. Answer at oneJ. Address Y 279. Bee FOR SALK-iMock of drugs, paint and wallpaper. Including the reliable line and only soda fountain in town; stock and fixtures Invoke about $t,00. Eager Mercantile Co., Beaver Crossing Neb. Service for The Bee's Want-Ad Section is a great pub lic service institution that works for everybody big and littlerich and poor it's benefitsmusf be available to all with perfect freedom. Ad in Now Results Are Sure BUSINESS CHANCES MoVlMi l li t ure 1 beaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-band. Bee us. OMAHA PUPPLT CO . B "tr M1 11 '. Doug. 0. For fALK- iniaMs rhildren a and la dles' furnishing store at David City. Neh., st a iarra'r: beat location la town: doing en excellent business; wsnl to retire Box No X. David i ty. Nea. FOR BALK (iood. clean stork of Hard wsre; live town central Nebraska. Oood reason for selling. Re quick. Ad ores, r i'oi. tire. WASTKD Location foi one or two-chair shop; must be chrap, n more than tU rr rmn'li, 711 H IjAve Dowti fale and Xuctlon CoTT" Omaha, have closed out more intlse. storks than any other firm In U. S, WrLe for terms. I? MALL Cl'lAR FACTORY lor sale, uo Ing concern. 'Jotnl reason for selling. R. A. !' mpson, Blue Mill. N e h. WILLIAMS, "established 19 years, to buv or sell hus'nrss; oe hhn. 411 McCague Bldg., reference 17. fj. Nat. Bank. 24 ROtiMS VI light h'ousekeepitiK apart ments; fine location; full of roomers Must sell. J. (lit. Bee. BLACKSMITH rhop and i. lots for snu- 14 p.-xrt cash. Write K. C. Gross, Knlrrlm Ta. ORPTCK for real estate- or Insurance; Feme floor as Bee office; 11x21 feet; $3i The Pee Bldg.. Office Room lOt THEATKRP Buy, tease or sail your th atr. mnchlne and supples through Tlteater F.x. Ce.. 140 Farnam D. W7. FOR HAI.E- Hakrrv and building; sells tl to $2,7 per day. .,123 Leavenworth. See at once W BELL or buy a business, rail c Htiscti A Borghoff. FTensar Bl. D. r T( gtitkLr sell vour business anr. where, write Jim Wray. Bloux City, la. " (IMT In or out oi business call on OA NO EST AD. 42 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477 BA KHKR H1IOP and pooi hall for sule. 34H3 Ames A ve. FOR BALK mall resUurant. 2C1 N St., Kotith Omln. lo-ROOM modern flat; men roomera; close in. Douglas, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. NOTICE TO FARMERS. Whon In - need of he'.p of any kind wncc, tetepnene or can on us. CUNNINGHAM LABOR AGENCY, 111 S. ISth Bt. Omaha. Neh. COLORED man wants position of any kind; experienced as Janitor, cook or porter; can furnish references. Address, John Johnson, 240S Bt. Mary's Ave. Phone Douglas 4WU. MAN wants work of any kind; expert- encen as miner ana carpenter. John A. Rempel, care Labor temple. Phone Douglas 7178. YOUNG man wants position In automo bile business; experienced In this line of work and can furnish best of refer ences. Call Douglas 8RSJ. POSITION In live bouse, elevator, ex perlenced. Other positions considered, reference given as to ability and char acter. Guy Piatt. Cook. Neb. HARRIET roan. .. years' experience as city salesman . and collector; 8 years' exi-rlence as bookkeeper; references furnished. Webster 1673. ALL klnda of odd Jobs and janitor work by hour, day, week or month; expert enced In all linns of work. Webster $038, Ask for Johnson. MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as foreman; able to handle any street, sewer or mason work; good references. Douglas 8719. FIRST clotts plumber and steamfltler wishes situation: will go anywhere. W. Hardy, 6035 S. 26th, Omaha, Neb. Soy with good wheel wants work on oacuraays. ana nigtus arter acnooi would prefer South Side. Call So. 8423. VV ANTED Position as - an all-around! 000k In a country hotel. J. H.,- U04 S. th St V STL' DENT wants place to work Tor meals Willis Taylor, 820 J. 20 th FlRST-CiAASH etlckerman or planennan wants position. P. O. Box S. Florence, BNO. P. CARLSON. Painting and Paper Hsnrlna. 342 N. SSth St, H. 1S60. EXPERIENCED man wants work farm close In. . 2738 Parker St. Female. . LADY wants pos.iion as housekeeper In country or small town. Mrs. A. M. Spencer. General Delivery. Omaha. C&LORED girTwIshee work as houae- Keeper. wepster Z3.6. Laundry aad Day Worlt. WASHING, Ironing, sweeping and dust- Ing by colored woman. Webster 2362. EX PE Rl ENCED7 woman wants work cleanltig or laundress. Tyler 2698. DAY WORK or bundla washing. Csil Web. 7BN8. - . - PlRFECT bundla washing, reasonable. Harney 1)61. . Experienced laundry or cleaning. W. 70'4. Small family A bundle wanning. Weo.lS.19. WASHING. curtains done, Tyler 1144. BUNDLE washing or day work. H. 1044. LAUNDRY, washing, cleaning. ' liar. ll tt'NDLK washlnp; neatwork. WebT2TT DAY work of any kind. Web. 6826. Mary. L.M'NDRY. Ironing, f.?:. S. 27th. H. 438 L WANTED Day work. Phone Web. 7410. WSjf5KD Day work. Call Red 7526. ANY k I nd of . day work. Douglas. M6$. WASHING nnad ,1 ronl ug. Colfax 2S0O. WOMAN wants day work. 1460 S. 16th. WANTED Duy work. Call Tvler 206." ANY kind ot day work. Harney 17S0. HELP. WANTED MALE fttorea and Office. ADVERTISING AGENCY wants experienced ropv writer; state full particulars as to age and Just what you have done In uopy writing. All communications confidential. M. h2. Bee. SALESMAN. Auto. $200. Salesman, A-l proposition; salary. Solicitor, city, $6n to 176. Bteno. and gen. offl, $65, (Stock clerk, fk); office boy, $26. WATTS RKF. CO.. 8t-42 Brand. Thea. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAUER. Traffic managers are In demand. The field la moat fertile for an . ambitious man to arise into a high salaried posi tion, '$300 per mo. and up: Special Coach Ing and training 1401 W. ft. W: Bldg. Sgi'ARE PiXlS IN SQUARE HOLES. We flhJ a position that fits you. t'O-OPKRATIVK RKF. CO.. 1015-16 CITY NAT L BANK BLDG. AN experienced furuituro man Icr posi tion rts t'llHJinnt tl-'ik; MUBt' und rstand consiiucilon of furniture, re'inlshl.-; and be able to handle men. $75. J 33, Omaha Bee. SA LKSM AN (Specialty) ..$ia BTENO tout town) $7b BOOKKEEPER (Investment) $10o THE CANO AGENCY, 600 Bee Bldg. Profession and Trades. WANTKl A good horseshoer and black smith to go Into busmen for himself; good location and large building (down town): t can furnish aoms tools: rent very cheap. R. R,umbel, 1C4 Grant St., O'OHle. 1 WANTED Hotel clerk with thoriugh ex perience. Must have best of references. Addreiss S M6, Bee. Y AN'l h. D-F.x iwrienced baker, Welch's, 14" Douglas. HELP WANTED-MALE Profeaalnna and Trades. WANTKl -Thoroughly experienced por i ho Is capable ortaking charge ter. on w of force of portera; only those who are rrllaPie neett apply, n sti. Fn-g More .inapa. Knelrt. Bee Pltlg talesmen nail Solicitor. . 8ALESMEN. Young men who think they are salePinen snd can sell advertising spure to merchsnts ran land a perma nent position with good future If they cun make good. Want clean-cut. live, wide-awake snd sggresMlve men who ran get In terviews with business men and tell their story in sn Intelligent manner. SALARY AND COMMISSION. Tell all shout yourself In first letter. Address B R. Rre. S A LESMAX WAN TE D Strictly hln-grade man over :t0 years of age. 'who has been successful In In stirarco or similar line; must b a man who Is wideawake and pro;resive and of unnjiestionBhle Integrity. This orfer will 1 ro e highly rcmint i ntive to tho right man. Address L S 6. Bee. AGENTS WANTED Wrll-eotsbllshed agents to rover home territory with beat tractor prop osition on market: exclusive terri tory. Write for Information. A 830, Bee. TRAVELING salesman Tor well known ilnc of gasoline engines, cream sepa rators, vehicles and farm Implements. Liberal commissions. Big money hand ling as side line. No samples. Omaha Western Sales Co., Saltley Bldg W A NT ED .Mock and bond (talesman. Standard Security A Investment Co., 127 W. O. W. Bide.. Omnha v WANTED Reliable salesmen. Standard Security and Investment Co., 1207 W. O. AV. Bldg.. Omsha. Neb. Experienced fire insurance solicitor, wotk In Omaha on nnlary and commis sion. E 630, Omaha Bee. Hotela and Restaurants. RELIABLE employment agency, 1410 Davenport St., headquarters for hotel help: spec, attention to distance orders. Trade Schools. SAVE $25 6EE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you csn t attend day school you can hold your job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLASS. OF NEBRASKA A UTOMOBILTS SCHOOL, 240 LEAVENWORTH. RED Slid MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while learlnK Tools Included. Open to every one. Write. for catalogue, 110 So. ,14th St.. Omaha. Neb. ' is KN wanted-to-learn -the barber trade. Tuition, 1608 Cass St., Omaha, OM All A BARBER COLLEGE LEARN barber trade, more than make your f iltlon while leanvng. Pet of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write lor catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. trS Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. Mlacetraneoua. TJ S! Government Wants Clerks $100 month. Omaha examination April 12. Sample questions free. Franklin lnsU tute. Dept. 221 M., Rochester. N. Y WANTED Names of ambitious men, 1$ or over, wanting Railway Mall clerk po sitions. 376.00 month. Answer Immedi ately. Y 241, Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE tores ana offlses. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, $40. Stenographer, mfg., $40. THE MARTI COMIPANY, W. O. W. Bldg. TEDKPHONM Operator and Typist, Ho TELEPHONE Operator $30 BOOKKEEPER (Insurance) $40 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 Bee Hid. STENO., out ot town, $66. P. B. X. Opr. and Typist, $36. WATTS REP. CO.. 840-42 Brand. Thea, UEDGKR CLERK, Bohemian, $60. THE MARTI CO Ml FA NY. 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. EXPERIENCED atenographer; position pays $oO-$6C, according to experience. ciz, omana nee. Professtou and Trade. ion GIRLS wanted at once for packing era laoenng. rKinner .macaroni co. Apply at factory- WAN TED Experienced lady fitter for suits ana coats, ts. rrea, istn ana Douglas. LEARN halrdreaalng at The Oppenhelm. IloaehoId and Uoaaeatle. . . FP.Ek. Ads for servant girls accepted three days free of chargo for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to THE BEE office. Phone 'f yler 10QQ. WANTED Capable college or high school girl to assist With light house work In exchange for -room and board and car fare;, new bungalow; Uanscotn Park district Call Harney L'86 GOOD girl wanted for light housework. A home for the girl that Is looking for same. Fairly - good wages to start Address, J-M5I. Bee. GIRL or woman for general housework in country, no children, rtteady place for right person, Platte View Farm, Islington, Neb. . GIRL for general housework; no wash ing, small family; white preferred. Call 611 N. 20th Bt. WANTED Capable cook: references re quired. Mrs. L. A. ' Spleaberger, 3619 Farnam St. Call Harney 1879, between ft snd 7. WANTED at once, an experienced white second girl with references. $7. per week. Girls under 26 neel not apply. Har. 668. WANTED A good cook, four In family. Place where second gin and wash woman are kept. 137 B, 35th. Har. 313. WANTED Girl or middle-aged lady to do housework: good home and reason able wages. 1014 Pacific St. REFINED lady to take care of baby, on who can go home nights; small wages and board. Address "H" 5f7, S. 26th. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; references required; $7. 3511 Harnev St. Harney $390. COMPETENT girl for general house work, no laundry work, good wages SJ15 Burt St. ' WANTED Young girl for housework. No washing or cooking. Phone Walnut 1176. WOMAN or girl for general housework. 5118 8. 39th Ave., S. Cmaha. So. X!rA. SS MONEY In accordance with this policy The Bee is now accepting Want'Ads over the telephone at the CASH RA TE of one cent per word all you have to do is pay the collector when he calls. HELP WANTED-FEMALE llonael -h oJddJomoal. WOMAN to work, general nouewwoi t .nrf K.,r,l 7 J IfOtlglSS. WANTED Young girl or student to as siet. with hoi seirJrtt-yJ!r?-- , KPKHi.N r.i "n'ri I'T general hoUse work. ll!Hoi'f J-:. - WANTED A girl for Kehl house Work. 12 Park .Ave " A.nTkT A "giil lor housework, nut 1176. w";r- educational: BUSINESS COLLEGE ' STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For aale. with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of cpurye in .''L"bJ," Business School, one of the leading busl nrrs colleges of OtYlftna, W 111 of 'fill I very reas.1n.1ble away below TfpHr price. If yu are considering takllig a catirse Investigate this at once, sine Spring Term begins soon. Call ofnc, Omaha Bee. . . FOR snle, the following scholarships 1ft a fltst-clses Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination , bullosas and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic ours. One three-months' business or steno-g'-nhlc course. ' win be at a discount at tha ofnoe of The Omaha Cee. DAY SCHOOL. - BOYLES COLLEGE. . . NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Every -day In enrollment drty. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotype,. Type writing, Telegraphy. Civil Service all.. C0mmerel.1t and English brancnes. Cat alogue free. . BOYLES COLI.EQB, Uth and Harney Sts. " Tel. Douglas 1588. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Pav School for Young W'omen. -Evening .School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewnUng. lone C. Duffy, Owner and Manafer. Sflt S. -1th St. Omaha. BCHOOL OF MODERN IJkNOUAOEtV Class or private lessons. .Downtown Bttidlo. Phone Web, C554. PAXTON Blk. School of lettering and Art teaches paying trades privately, n, ouL PRIVATE Instruction In Gregg shorthand and touch typewriting. Tel. Wat 2327, PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldf. RHEUMATISM, stomach. Uvsr and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous nens and asthma sufferers are suc cessfully restored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite 312 Do Bldg.. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERO. -Chiropractor. Tyler 198$. $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Ladles' Home Journal $1.6$ The Saturday Evening Poet il U The Country Gentleman...... $1.00 800 subscriptions by April earns that $3,000 for The Invalids' Pension Assn. Your order or renowal contributes JWc. Phone Douglas 7193, or address .GORDON, THE MAGAZINE- MAN, Omaha, Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as. strangers are invited to visit tn loung Women's christian association building at 17th St. and St Mary's Ave,, where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station ' J - THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag axlnes. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon, will call. Call , and lnspeot our new. home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. (DR8. JOHNSTONo, Chiropractors, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 2407 N St.. 8. O. Consultation free and Invited. - Phone South 4018. RUPTURE S'Jcf'"ful,3r treated V A. u without a surgical operation. Call or write Dts.- Wray Matheny, 30 Bee Bldg., Omaha. STRAW hats dyed; look like new. Plumes Parartlse-nnd aigrettes cleaned and dyed. i.ora r.taeie. i. aoa. iija . iiy jsat 1 UK. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATH'S chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210 214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglaa, D. 84n8. flTGH class ladles' taitoring. H. Fischer. Flomar H?tel Bldg., 204 N. 17th. Tyler PERSONAL Misses Stanle. tiA Rh.f.r bath, electric treatment. Open a. in. to p. m. Douglas 713. 401 Ware Blk. SWEDISH - graduate chlropractlo treat ments, expert lady operator. 1716 Dodge. 10 to 8. , .. ' Mae brugman.. , steam and shower baths. Massage. Red 2727. Room 203. Karbach Bllc tt RllXf ATl6?jT frfsJ .Men..,, II..1 una guaram a. ur. Bowser, sit Bee Blag. BASsAdE-Mlss Webster. 618 Paxton Blk p.-3227. Rod 7631. after 6:30. p. m. SCIENTIFIC" massage. 620 Bee B3g. Phone Douglas 4372. , - , - v FOR RENT-ROOMS FarnUhed Room. MASON ST., 2913-Two front rooms with kitchenette, well furnished, modern home one-half block from Park car. Call Harney 7602. REFINED business gentleman, who would appreciate fine room In modern, home, West Fa main, walking distance. Call Harney 6193. FOR REN T Furnished room In private family. West Farnam district. Gentle man preferred. References required. K. 630, Bee. IToTelbXn ford. iMTeliiarl&y; liith and Farnam. - 20th and Farnam. hC?,'lal?al?a to Permanent Quests. RTcELY furnished modern rooms; gen tlemen preferred. 2i'lo Douglas. .Tyler NEWLY furnished large commodious home. Would like to hear from club of men. Douglas 4961, PLEASANT furnished sleeping rooms; 22oQ Farnam St. Douglas 7876. Sweet wood Ave., 410 Large front room; good location: walking distance. D. 6762. MAON, 8012 Nicely furnished modern room. Phone Harney 4406. Ilouaekeeplnar Room. LARGE, outside, steam-heated, two-room apartments, furnished for houaekeeping; $5.&v and $6 per week. Lincoln Apart menta. 2102 Chicago. Tyler 20u7. WELL heated houaakeaptng rooms; hot and conl water; no objection to eoll dren. i.dt California. .....L S"T28Til. 4 Parlor floor suite, overy convenience, walking distance. Har. 183d. to Come