i f t t 1 1 ' V2 BRINGING NHY ARC "TOO CAJSTT WOMAN LAYING PLANS FOR BIG ATHLETIC CLUB Six Hundred Thouiand Building, Eight Btoriei High, it Now Being Figured Upon. MANT MEMBERSHIPS PLEDGED An elght-torjr budding, to roit In the nlshborhood of In now rontm- ptatctl for tha Omaha. Athlello club, hlcti U now In proc of preliminary orxanliRtlon. Tha rommitta of bualnxan in Intar rntrd In tha movement clung to a bual neM arwilon on tha matter until t o'clock at tha Commercial club room. Chairman W. A. Fraaer of the perlal committee, to devlaa mean of financing tha building, waa authorlaed at thl meeting to have an advisory committee of men particularly familiar with mat ter pertaining to tha financing of such project. Charlea r. Genallnger of Waahlnaton, I. C, who fcaa built a number of these cluha, had plans before the members at this meeting railing fnr a building to cost f7Vn. Thl waa shaved down somewhat by tha member until a sort of tentative compromise was reached at pz.v. Thla plan contemplates everything that a modern athletic club houae would be expected to tiave, Including big plunge baths, 1&0 hotel rooms and all conveni ences. The Initiation fee haa been practically agreed upon at $100. with an annual due of. perhapa 140. A Ufa membership would be sold for about fMO, It la said. Several of tha men present pledged fifty memberships, and other pledged memberships of a greater or a less num ber. "If the committee can make aatlafa tory arrangements with Mr. Oenallngnr," aald Mir. Fraser, "the club rtouie will undoubtedly be built." Swedish Athletes Will Invade This Country in Spring HEW YORK. March l.-Tt waa an nounced at tha Fordhara university game that plana are under wav for tha bringing of a representative t.iam of Swedish athletes to the United States next summer for a aeries of competitions with the beat track and field men tn America. The plan to revive international athletics In spit of the world war that Is draining Europe of its best men will be fathered by the leading men In ath letic In both Sweden and America. The team that will oome her will be a rat tling good one one that will b well able to do the work for which It will be Bent The Swedes will not meet' the united trength of tha I'nUwJ state tn compe tition a any time. They will engage In dual gamea with the beat men In the metropolitan district first. Then they will go to Boston to meet the New Kngland aaaoclatlon' combined strength. The Middle Atlantic association team will en gag the all-Swedish team probably at I'Ulsburgh, and finally there will be a clash with the middle wast, which will bo held cither In Chicago or4n the Ewd-tsh-Amerlcao. hotbed country out m Min nesota. Cubs Are Arriving for Training Trip CHICAGO. 111.. March I.-A distinctly aprlng-llk atmosphere wss manifest at the offlcea of the Chicago Nationals to day with an Increasing number of play era reporting for training. Zimmerman. Haler. Klack, rrendergaat. Wright. Vaughn, Brown and Hoolan are her and other members of the sauad are expected to arrive at any time. Max Flack, outfielder, who is holding out for more money, asserted he ex pected to confer today with President Weeghman and Manager Tinker con icrnlng terms. The sqtad will leave Chicago for Tim next ftundey. CRETE HIGrTsCHOOL FIVE OUTPLAYS UNIVERSITY PLACE I'NIVErtSITV PLACE. Neb.. March l ( Special . Telegram. V The Crete High achool team won a decisive victory over the 1'nlverstty Place team her thla after noon, defeating the Iccals, XT to 14. In a fast basket ball game. The Crete Lads took the lead from tha firat, but during tha first half tha aror waa close all the time, the halt ending 11 to M. The local team tarried during the sec ond a If and waa unable to find the basket. WHITE SOX ROOKIE MADE GREAT RECORD LAST YEAR Gcorg Stellar, a Chicago pitcher algnad by th Whit Box, won eighteen out of nineteen game he pitched for a seml-pro team In l'US. M'GRAW NoWhAS SIX OUTFIELDERS ON STAFF Manager Mjr cow l;u six out fielders. Besides itocsib. they are Kaulf, Burn Robertson, Thorpe and Babington. V v r 1 1 y r v r r UP FATHER WHAT CAN WOMEN OO-U TAXK, A MAM TO ffc QObb" I Marquard Predicts Brooklyn Will Have Easy Time This Year NEW YORK. Mar. 1 Rube Marquard, who was sold by the Olant to the Brock lyn Robins lst Peptember, seems tA be In excellent shpe to begin hard training at Hot Springs, Ark. Marquard wa among the base ball notables at tha Waldorf- Astoria several days since, and expressed the opinion that the Olant. even with Kauff, rtarlden and other Fed plsyers In the lineup, would be easy fnr the Robins In tha coming pennant race. "Vncla Robbie haa a great ball rlub," said the Rub confidently, "and If he landa Chief Meyer to catch for him, the Brooklyn will not 'only beat out th Giants, but also will com very near win ning the National league pennant. Of course., I feel aura of coming bark this year In my beat form. My heart will ba In mv work; Hut leaving me out of the calculations, Jut consider what a power ful ataff of pitcher Robhte will have thla year. He haa T'feffer, Jack Coombe, Larry Cheney, Wheeier Pell,' Rherrod Smith, Nap Rucker and Walter Malls, a left-hander who will make good sure. Billiards on Train as Cubs Go South Far the first time In history railway travelers will have a chance to Indulge tn a gam of billiards while riding on a train, when th Cuba' special train leaves Chicago March 4 for the training camp at Tampa, Fla. As a novel feature. Bob Carmichael, who will personally conduct the tour for the Illinois Central road, haa arranged for a blllard table to be placed In th lounging car. The scheme was before ha been tried,- but the railway ex pert thing a good game I possible. Indication are that a poor player will ba abl to make his point always If he lets th ball roll until they finally get together. Music boxes will be In th man's car. as well as th observation car, and those who deslr It may fog trot. Th featur of tha dining car will b tn presence of a half doien canary blrda to furnish musle during meals. Coast Doo Rivals , Bonesetter Reese Pr. Charles H. Fpeneer ot Los Angeles, known on th Paclflo coast as champion of all bona setters, will endeavor to r orgahlt Johnny McOraw'a time-worn Olant pltohlng staff. II Is to doctor th ailing arm of th great Christy Mathew on and haa high hope of turning him loos at th Polo Grounds next spring in all Big Blx's halcyon aplendor. Pr. Spen cer I secretary of the Colleg of Osteo pathia Pnyslolana and Burgeons, Los An geles, in th west h recalled so many base ball player from their "glaaa arm" nightmare that his fsm In that spe cialty surpasses that enjoyed by Bone setter Reese of Toungstown, O.. several years ago. It was Pr. Hpencer who brought back Rd Walsh after the fa mous pitcher of th Whit Hex had given every evldeno for two season of being completely through. Thirteen Colleges Enter Indoor Meet NEW YORK. March I.-Thlrten col legea hav contributed M. name to the entry (lata for th second annual Indoor Intercollegiate meet, to be held at Madl aon Square Garden on Saturday, March 4. Of thla host of athletes, Cornell, the In tarrollegtat track and field champion ship holder, has nominated M; Princeton, 1V; Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy, 102. and Pennsylvania an even 100, Columbia heads th list of New Tork City colleges, with ninety-three, ranking ahead of Pennsylvania State college, with seventy, and Michigan, th long represen tative of the middle treat, which for warded lh name ot. fifty competitor. Yale entry blanks contain forty-five nom inations, giving the Blue a numerical ad vantage over Harvard of eight. Other oo. lege and their entries are: Brown, twelve: New Tork university, eleven; Syracuse, nine, and Amherst, seven. LIFE OF BALL PLAYER IS TOO SHORT. SAYS JONES Fielder Jones, manager of the amalga mated St. ioula Browns and Feda. thinks the average life ot a ball player In ac tive service la all too short. With proper care, he says, a player ahould b In th gam at 3ft or 40. "Th life of th average ball player I not more than ftv or six year," said Jones, "but the life of a star Is something better than fifteen years. Rtars endure because, to be a star, you must tske proper care of tour self." JIMMY SHECKARD WANTS TO PURCHASE BALL CLUB Jimmy Sherkard of Columbia, Fa., for merly with the Chicago Cuba, I negotiat ing with Reading, Pa., bualaea men for th lease of ground and for th raising of a guarantee fund to bring th Troy. N. Y team, of the New York SUte league to Reading. He want to raise 0.(O. of which he will give one-half hlmM'i: t thi: iw:K: CnpyrlrM. 115. Tnterra tljinl New grrvlre. IT aurenoMrMY Roy- THINK WOMEN BORNASCO FIYE TRIMS INDIANS Burgeii-Nash Five Win. 26 to 11, by Putting Up Better Work. ST. MARY'S COME TO THE FRONT Better sll around playing gave the Bur-gesa-Na.ih an enay victory over the neCovti college basket ball team In a Trl-Clty league tangle last evening to I he Toting Men's Chrletlan association. The Uumaaro carded 21 point as against II for the Tndlana. Maxwell at left guard for Bellenie made six of tha eleven tallies. Allen and Plrcott also showed tip well for the Suburbanites. Warren Howard, Paul Anthes and Fin ley were the stellar passers for the Burnaaroa. The line up: ' BKLI.KVUK BI'ROKSS-NASH. Allen R.F.f l.f Balderon Plccotte LF.lH.K Hydo Klnnler CI c Anthea Irwin R1. !,.( Amhemun Maxwell .U. I R.O Howard r'nbslltute: Flnlry for Anthea. Field foals: l'lcrottc. Maxwell (3, Hyde, a demon, Anilie (5), Flnley (21. Howard (Si, Amherson. Foul gials: Allen (1, Hyile 4. Foiila committed: HHIevuc 11; Burgere-Naah. 10. Referee: Chariej worth. nrnmmond gave Game. Overcoming a 14 to 4 lead which the Calvary FapTats had totalled up the first period, the Ft. Mary's Congrcgatlona'a came bark strong the last half and dur ing the laat few minutes of plsy put over a victory, 29 to 22. The win was due to the accural flipping of Prummond, coach of the Commercial High school team, and holding down . right forward for the Congregationals. Prummond made eight goals th laat half. The line tip: COVnREOAT. BAPTISTS Prummond ....R.F, L.F... SlWbv lake L.F. Gates C Lnngwetl R.O. Foenan '. UU. R.F... C L.O... R-Q... .... Kverson Winn Brldenhaugh Hood (Substitutes: Harper for Foenan, Polan ky for Winn. Anderson for Brldenbaugh. Field goals: Prummond It). Leake ". dales, Kverson (4), Hlahy (.'). Winn 3, lolansky. Foul goals: I .esse CO, Polan sky it). Fouls committed: Congrega tional, S; Baptists, . Referee: Charlv worth. Mrs. Moore Exhibits Valuable Dogs Three of the moat valuable dog In Omaha were exhibited laat night at the meeting of the Omaha Pet Stock club at th court house. They are Kngliah toy spaniels, owned by Mrs. O. H. Moore, 2(21 Maple street, who made an Interesting talk about her beautiful lit tle pets. She will soon wthlblt them at th Chicago and St. Louis dog shows, where some,Hf her dogs have previously been awarded blue ribbons. Mrs. E. A. Singer, 6012 Vnderwood ave nue, waa electod to the vacancy of vice president of th club. Victor H. Paul, 138 North Thirty-sixth street, wa chosen secretary treasurer, In plac of Ralph H. Poud, who resigned on account ot leaving the city soon. Th first Mon day evening of each month was dealg nated as the time for the regular meet Ing of th club. Allows More Seats at Willard-Moran Bout NEW YORK, March .-The atste boxing commission announced tonight that It had granted permission to the promoters of the Wtllard-Moran chain plonshlp match, to be held In Madison jusre Garden, March 21, to provide an xtra row of box seats In the arena. It waa aa'.d that all box seats provided In th original plana have been aold and there Is a demand for more. The commission also announced thut It had granted permlaslon to Sam M Vey, a negro pugilist, to try to win 130 offered by W 11 lard to any one who ran floor him during a boxing aesslon In hla training for th championship bout McVey said bis reason tor applying to the commission waa that he did not wish to break any of Its rule. SENIORS olJtPLAYSOPHS IN CENTRAL HIGH TOURNEY Th senior defeated the ip,.omoif Frldsy In the Central High school girls basket ball tournament. U to 1. Thla Is th third game played In the tourna ment up-to-date and no team haa suc ceeded In winning by more than a two point margin. Adelaide Stone starred for the seniors and Vernettla Pric for th sophomore. Ruth Hall took th plao In the lineup of France Jones, who was unable to play on account ot aa Injury to her wrist, suffered In tha game against th Juulors on Tuesdy. The lineup: SOPHOMORES. I Hall F.fF. Pric ff. Flnley C. C. pole C.IC. Pfelffer U.JG, Morey U. O. SENIORS. Stone Coulter Thompson ... Magill Hansen ... liacht Uoals from field: Bton li. Coulter (- Price (&. liall. Free tliroms enone (.), t'rl lit. I'.efrreo: Mlsa puke. Read Be Want them for results. Ads for proflu Use omaha, satihday, makch 4. inir.. rri 1 r lt OUT OF TUt )AZ WtAK NEW CHAMP AT THREE-CUSHION BILLIARD GAME. By defeating Alfred Pe Oro. the Cuban wonder, Charles (fipori) i.i.m f i iu burgh, becomes the world's champion at the. three cushion billiard game. The matches between Do Oro and Rills were held In Philadelphia. The total acore was:-Kills. lftO; pe Oro, 129. Th match waa played ' In blocks of fifty points each. Old Philly Loses the Army and Navy Game To.NcwXork City PHILAPELPHIA, Mar. S.-Th Army and Navy foot ball game, the moat spec tacular gridiron struggle In America, will not b played here next fall, and prob- bly la loat forever to thla city. Following , conference between Pr. J. William White, representing th University of Pennsylvania, and Lieutenant W. T. Smith, who spoke for the two academies. Pr. White announced that the next Army- Navy gam would be played In New York. The determining factor, accord'ng to Lieutenant Smith, In the aelection of New York, waa simply a question of seating capacity. Arrangements in New York are such that accommodations can be pro vided for 00,000 spectator, ao that even If It were possible for the University of Pennsylvania to offer tho academies th entire 21,000 seats on Franklin field thcr would b a difference of nearly .oco eat. Smoky Joe Wood Is Consulting Medico NEW YORK, Mar. S. Joe Wood, pitch- Ing leader of the American league laat sea eon, la In town genius ireum his arm. He I fellow patient ot Rein deer Kllllfer of the Phillies. The pair are being treated by th same- physician who took the kinks out of Dutch Chalmer s arm last winter. Wood aay he will not sign up with tho Red Box until he finds out ?iov his mm will behave next spring. If Wood s aim does not come around Joe will turn his attention to the ouvfleld department. H always waa a pretty good hitter for a pitcher. FIREMEN'S BOARD OF C0NTRCL IN SESSION YANKTON. S. p., March 1 - Special. For the firat time In eighteen yer th atate board of control of the So-ith Da kota Firemen' asaoclatlon Vs In aeaslon here. All the members are present, a-s follow: President C. H. Freney, YsnK ton; Vice President F. P. Hoper. Ripld City; Secretary A. I. OWHng. RedfielJ; Treasurer W. S. O'Brien, l.eed. and Di rector John Mueller. Hot Sprlnx; Wa' Buhren. Parkston, and P. H Coqulllett Miller. Many other member of the ar elation are also preent. It I likely th j week of June 1 will be selected as the j date for the tournament, provided this doe not conflict with other state con ventions. The sum of Hi") ha been set sslde for prises for the numerou racfs which will consume four d.iys of the week. LINCOLN WILL PLAY CRETE SUNDAY NIGHT t'KEIB, Neb.. Marcr 1 8neclal.-In what wUl'be th laat and probably th biggest gam of th season Cret High achool will play a game her with Lin coln High school on Saturday evening In th new Poan gymnasium. Unooln Is not going to snd It team bar without encouragement, and It la understood that a special train will bring a couple of hun dred rooters here 13 aee the conteat. Coach Squires of the Crete team predlote a close game, with ti. odds In fsvor of the local III I - 1 I I ill 1 . w 1 r - . : s"- 3 Drawn for The Bee by George McManus tXJN-T' TH MEN DO ALU THE FICMTIN AND Carter Lake Has a Lighted Eel, Seiners and Lacks Protection Our old friend Hullhru,) wandered inta ' the office yrsterlny, wilh a riuK gleam I . . , , .. In his eye, ilenoMug the fact thut it won t be very lon now till the waters of Car- j ter lake will .be devoted to their most ' natural use, that of soaking flshlines and drowning worms. Bullhead edged slowly arn.ind the room till he reached the desk of his best friend, i and then unboaomed himself, telling In a modest, halting way the following tale: "Tom MeOovern mot T. Jeff, but tho ex-commlssloner) aaerts that while fish ing by lantern light on Larson's dock at Carter lake a few eeasona ago he hooked a giant eel and after a desperate heave he landed It f. o. b. on the dock. "After considerable squirming and twisting and looping It reached the edge of the dock, where It became entangled In some manner In the wire meshes of thj lantern, but finally succeeded in regaining Its watery abode, carrying the glim with It. "Tom further avers ihst last season he I Garlow's Colts Meet Jetters of the South In Match Sunday Garlow's Colts, champion bowler of Omaha, will meet the Jetter'a Old Age of the .South Side in a three-game series match at the Brunswick alleys Sunday aftetnoon at 3 o'clock for a .pr.xe to bo announced later. The matoh was ar ranged following considerable rivalry on the part of members of the two teams who are considered the best bowlers in the South Side. The Colts are not a regular team. Mem bers bowl on different teams of Claas A and B divisions of the Magic City league and bowl a one "team only in special matches arranged by their organizer and manager. Herb Garlow, of ' the local Brunswick alleys. The Jetter'a team la composed of the oldest and - steadiest bowlers in th South Side.. The two teams will Una up aa follows: Garlow'a Colts, McDonald, captain; Pevine, Peder- son, Kennedy and Tanner. . Jetter'a Old Age, Frltchner. captain; Chadd, Ham, Brlirgs and Fagerberg with Peterson as alternate. PERMIT REFUSED FOR WELSH-MUNGER BOUT APPL.ETON, Wis.. Mar. . The . Wis consin state boxing commission today re fused to sanction the Freddie Welsh-Ford Mungcr ten-round boxing contest sched uled her for March 10, claiming that Munger "class" as a boxor Is not of sufficient caliber to warrant a match with th lightweight champion. An effort r New Style Features in Young Men's Spring Suits Narrow Lapels Stripes Flannels Belted Back Coats These are the noticeable changes in our New Spring Models. Kensington and Soeietv Brand Suits. Investigate the "Double Serv ice" feature in our Society Brand Suits. Spring Clothes $20 $25 $30 MAOEE3 413 Sooth 16th Street. 4 :tVM LA sfc m7 us EL. TO yFn flphtcd the oforcaahl rcl, with hrislitly burning lantern, still pure :1m? i s linKe- nes-like way throdgh-thc water of thr Bll(, ..Now com0B a report. via snipe vine underground, that one of the seining pirates who still Infest the lake, while making a midnight drag, suffered a bndly I iwin ni'i inrougn me eiioria or wnn n declared was a flve-cantlle rom-er electric eel In making Ita getawsy "Perhaps Tom did not know his eel from other eels when he saw It. On the other hsnd, perhap but figure It out yourself! "It's a eelevft story, anyway. "As only three local deputy wardens have resigned and six new ones have bpen appointed, the lake Is still unguarded, though tin stars are as numerous In Douglas county as Iron crosses In ono of the belligerent countries. "As former Game Warden Miller truly remarked. "Them local deputies ain't worth the powder to blow 'cm to Stndy Point.' " will be made, to secure another opponent for Welsh. NEBRASKA WESLEYAN BEATS KANSAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY PLACE, Neb., March 3. (Special.) Nebraska' Wcsleyan added one more to Ita string of basket ball vic tories by defeating the Kansas Wcs leyan team here Wednesday night 45 to 16. Kiltie played an unusually fast game for Nebraska and kept the visitors guessing a good deal of the time aa to the whereabouts of the ball. The Kin aana are the class of the Kanaas col leges and played a fast game all the time, but admitted that they had met a faster team than any other yet played. Including the Kansas-Aggies. CENTRAL HIGH RACQUET CLUB PLANS TOURNEY The Racuuet club of Central ' Hish school elected the following officers at their meeting yesterday; Evelyn Doug las, president; Helen Pfelffer, vice presi dent; Mary Red wick, secretary treas urer; Marie Thompson, reporter. .The girls' spring tournament will be held directly after the spring vacation. Anabel Pouglaa, who won the fall tour nament, will defend her championship against the winner of this tournament. Geneva Defeats Hebron. GENEVA. Neb., March S. (Special.) One hundred and fifty rootera went with the Geneva High school basket ball team by special tnUn to Hebron last night. The score: Geneva, 26; Hebron, 11. Itoey an Umpire. Jack Hoey. one time Sea Gull's first baseman, will call decisions In the South, Atlantic league this year. a. -"Ur "'llsaaj V ' - !' :J:M 1 f.' -".w i MANY TIME.- OO HAVE TELL, YCU PtCT TO IN HERE WTh OUT A COAT ' t J Geneva Shows Class By Beating Beatrice Geneva asserted a definite right to be called a leader In the state champion ship race by defeating the strong Beat rice quintet by a score of 29 to B on the Queen City floor Wednesday evening. O. I nsthbun, foot ball coach at Beatrice, ref creed the game. Beatrice waa crippled by the loss of Ward, veteran center, and was helpless to avert the attack r.f Coach Thleson's students from the smaller town. The score at the end of the first half was 9 to 3. In favor of the visiting team. The result of the contest gives a good Idea of what team will enter tha third round and eventually the semi-finals, as they are sure to meet again tn tha state tourney In this round. The lineup and acore : GENEVA. BEATRICE Oils R.F. R.F Smith Martin L.F. L.F Cnsford Ashton C. C Hubka. Great Old Remedy For Skin Diseases S. S. S. Drives Poison from the System. Get It fixed In your mind that sklii eruptions. Scrofula, v Eczema, burning. Itching akin, and all akin disease are due entirely to Impure blood. If the troublo wa on the outside of the skin, by simply washing and keeping It clean you could obtain relief not, even ointments and salves would be necessary. Agree with us in this belief, and you can b restored to health. S. S. 8. Is a purely vegetable treatment that you can seour from your own druggict it is a blood tonic that will purify your blood and cause a de cided abatement of your trouble, and finally make you well. Fifty years ago 8. 8. 8. waa discovered and given to suffering mankind. During this period It has proven its remarkable curative properties as a blood purifier and tonic. Haa relieved thousands of cases ot dis ease caused by Impure blood, and chronic or Inherited blood diseases. You can be relieved, but you must take S. 8. 8. Therefore be sure. Don't take chances. don't use lotions. Get 8. S. 8. from your aruggisi. ii yours is a special case, writ for expert medical advice to Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta. Ga. Made to Meet a Demand Not a Price The wise parent is in the majority and that is why we are selling more pairs of TEEL HOD HOES every day. They out wear two pairs of the Ordinary Boy's shoes, hecause they are Drexel quality throughout. HOYS' 1 to 5U.. .$2.50 Little Gents' 9 to 13"2 ....$2.25 Parcel Post Paid. DREXEL Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Why Neglect Your Eyes? When In many cases neglect produces nervous dyspepsia, headaches, forge; fuluegg. dlnlness floating spots, tyes; thick , red Itch- waterv pvai' Li:Vv7 ing. buminr nd AV5r' f. lac.1' of PPlica- A ' X non in your work 4 A 't3L lne sDove symp- r rs, tonig a r dence o t r . ' ., i ,. . . .n. ucii). v diiiu in m. 1 will examine and correct vnur rinfarta with train I will Ui proper glasaea Mr prti-a are th lowest In the tity for high-class eerrk-e. I guarantee Btlsfation In every ras If you have not the raiy money, pay aa you ran. Dr. J. T. BtcCAmTaTT, alt 111! W. a W. Blag. FioM Boa, aits. J. Koehler L.O. LkO . .Shcllenbarger Substitute: Stevens for Beatrice. Field goais: i osrora c, Munxa Z). hhellen- Kbvctah 1 1 l ........ ,n, I . . i HI. Ashton f2). H. Koehler (3). Free throws: Cosford (2), Smith, Martin (.. Referee: Rathbun. i I