Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' 8 THi: KKE: UMAIIA. FRIDAY, MAHC1I 1!)1(,. . ,
Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Franco-Belgian Relief Notes.
The Franco-Belgian Relief society will
yiieet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock with
'r. F. P. Klrkendall for -n all day
Mwlon. The work of mskmg eurplle tor
the French horta1 will b continued
especially th rolling of bandagea Con
tribution to the committee of which
Mr. August M. Rorglum In chairman
r still rcmlng Into the society and the
lint of Omsha foster parent to wr or
phan is Increasing.
Quest at The Elmi.
Mr. J. I.. Baker of Omaha l a guest
at The Klma hotel, Fexcelstor Springs,
W m a n'a Light
Weight Wool and
heavy Cotton Fleecy
Llnad Veete and
Union Suits, worth
to $1. Friday
100 dotwn full bleach
ad huck towela, hem
med anda. Slta 20x
40 Inchee. Vary epe
clal for Friday, aaeh,
. WBrfT F-W . JBBF . -warn
f Women'! Union V5 ment I Kfrfin CnVn VSi ICS.
Suits and Panli V Bar- U 10 1! j VJ Re T)
W wmev Fia ctt.a a train. vs v ' ' V rrr
lata foalta, . gaiUS -., , 1 1 TZ2
I weight! lar trimmed ! lrfBaM ttB"
Whit Omnia, remnants
area malat eel
FebraerT eolro, Inrlnri -Ing
Low ("lath, Imhwr
dlna, Flaiaei, FowJIn,
laila ami
tl t 40
Worth ISa. Spertal,
Friday, "
Imperial Itiftltlh,
rhaanta flnlehi iiwa
white, free frwra fllllngi
InrhM wrlda. Pperlal
Friday, 11-yard
Cotton Crepe 2
Warm Engllah otloa)
Crete, In triie, plaid vj
and eheekai splendid for )
Tha first meet--i of the Benson I'o
mestle Science cluh, organised by Mlaa
Jennie Bellis, met Tuesday evening at
tha West Plde, school houee and had their
first InHtrurtlon umlr Mlaa Verda San
born. Those In the clM are:
Fern llrkard.
Anna Campbell.
Fashion Hints
haaaa dreweea and rhll-
I j faai foleri. Reqnlrea
M tranlna. t7 Im-hea m
whlai i ralne, j ard
Vera Freeman.
Nora Paaar.
Mahle Strnherg.
Jexi-le Ho I lis,
Anna Nlnoen.
Mll.lre.1 Tltael.
Rubv lavey
Mr. Lilly Kroyer
lorn Jonea,
Anna f hrletlaniten,
A. fr'Kr.
Vera Marshall,
(Jracc tenbeii,
utCj lyp i f;Hr:n 'hTt """" T"r
ll Friday 0)0 ! 'S, ? K S
r were
rch aa
and tlahi kaea arla.
All alsaai wart a ne.
Aa. MpMAal. aalt. kJC
Hnm'i Un Trlmaaad
' ranla, extra tarr all
I Your New Spring Suit Is Herein
nch Extra
Quality Kimono
Flanneletta, beauti
ful atylea and color.
Inaa. 12'.e val. Sot.
clal Friday, yard A
at f u . w
S Women'i Vest! vg
Wo man 'a Spring J
Weight Vaeta, wing
J alaavaa and aleeve
l lea atylaa; plain
and fancy laca trim
med; alao "Curnfy
Cut" Worth 25o.
t,h- 15c
Our Great Enlarged Basement
W Women'i Hose '
Women'a Medium
and Light Weight
Cotton, Llale and
Mercerlied Hoelery)
alee fine gauie
weight; black and
whites SSo quality.
8peclal Friday, pair,
8peclal Friday, pair,
Children'! Hose
Chlldran'a Faat
Black and Colored
Cotton Llele and
Mercerlied Hoelery,
flna and heavy rib
bed; all aitee. Regu- m
lar 25o vale, pair
Women'i and ?J
Children'! Black 2
Weaaen'a Catlan Baaai m
kaa Uaalary, bUck aad "
aplU aalaa. aaaaa rlbbwl I
laoa. Kraalaa la qui-
..r?-...7V2C 2
t fclldraa'a CXaa itmrn- mm
aa. raat Htoak lioa-
laryi rer. 1 aaal- Zk
tty. nor, TV4- 4k
J Mr aw mr v .
PMen'! Sock! fe
leaa Socka, black and
tr colore) lOo quality. a
TVi 1
a - Men'a Heavy Gray
Mixed Cotton Sockai A
8ao quality. Friday, v
l V
uuy lit fiiuajr ai a wuuuviiui eaiuii uust owjio, wwi tuu
material that you have wished for, and the price is onlv $14.85. - Jr
Just think of buying such wonderful suits as these for so small
a price. Hundreds to select from now, dozens of new, pretty, right .
up-to-the-minute styles; fine all-wool materials; fine workmanship;
fine linings and trimmings. Copies of much higher priced models.
A visit to our creat basement suit store Fridav will convince vou
that we are stating positively bona fide facts about our wonderful
suits at $14-85.
where near the price. .The styles are Sr
au ine laiesx loose oacK, nare DacK,
taffeta silk and cloth combinations, silk
poplin suits, fancy check suits, fine all
wool poplin, gabardine, etc. All the new
colors and black.
Sizes 14 to 20 for Misses.
Sizes 34 to 44 for Women.
Sizes 43 to 55 for Stout Women.
VALUES TO $25.00, AT
Outing Flannel
J'-lnch Fancy Out
ing Flannel, light
and dark grounda
and plain graya. 10c
valuea. Sale price,
tha yard
fx Of?
5ic &
The Genuine Everett'
Claeelo Dreaa Ging
ham, beautiful
atylea and coloring.
10o valuea, yard
rerk. 2 South Thirty-eighth.
J. P. Mliler. l,fi Ohio.
Jack bulla. xu riouth Nineteenth.
Past Festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hamilton enter
tained at their home Wednesday evenina
In honor of the . degree staff of Mon
damln lodge No. Ill, Fraternal Aid
l.'nlnn, of which team Mr. Hamilton la
raplaln. The evening waa spent at
cards with an 11 o'clock supper. PriEe
were won by Meedamea Thomaa Downey
and Charles Hansen.
Miss llaxel Anderson save a bridge
luncheon at her horn?. The guests were:
Misses Misses
W. Arnshurst, Helen Anderson,
Kthyl Tlerney, Hattle Krnii,
Marsaret Matthies, Viola Jlorlarlty.
For Noted Sculptor.
Mr. teredo Tafe, who Is to apeak be
fore the Fine Art society thla after
noon, arrived In Omaha thla morning
and Is at the Fontenelle. Mrs. W. O.
t're jtave a luncheon to six (ruesta thla
afternoon at the Fontenelle for Mr. Taft.
On Mi. Taft's return to Omaha for his
talk of March It before Flna Arts so
ciety, he will be Riven a luncheon at
the I'nlverslty club by the board of di
rector. Luncheon for Guest.
Mrs. n. F. Crummer gave a luncheon
to twtlre guests at her home this After
noon In honor of her guest, Mrs. I CJ.
Von Furman of New York. The decora
tion were Killarney roses.
Tuesday Bridge Club.
Mrs. Barton Millard entertained tha
Tuesday Brldgn club at home thla after
men. The iruest of tha club was Mrs.
Paul Gallagher.
ml in la
; Hlll;';'4-li;:ri '
Beautiful Leader
Vollee, thla aeaaon'a
neweat atylea and
eo I o r I n ga; dainty
aheer and crlap. 15o
valuea, yard J5
12ic ,3
T mar . aTf.
now spring Merchandise at Bargain Prices ISJilfffTlUl)
Girls' Sprint Cotti
Two very apaolal lota,
agea to 14 year. Dosana
f vary pretty eoata at
twe apaolal prieee, valuea
to H.00. Juat tha thing
far aohool wear, alao many
vary dreaay eoata. Made
of flna all-wool aergee,
covert I t h , novelty
clothe, faney mixture,
etc Many different etylea
with belta, pique collar,
embleme an aleevea, etc
$1.69 and $1.05
Glrla New Spring and
Summer Waeh Dreeeea, many
atylea to aelect from, alL up-to-date,
coatee affecte, middy
Oreeeee, belted dreeeee, eto.
Priced at 48o. 680, 07o
Girl a' Ralneoata, agea to
14 year; plain and checked,
with eapa and achool bag to
match. Regular I3.S0 valuea,
apeclal Friday, tha entire eet
Women'a Long Klmonoe,
good quality eotton challle,
fancy patterne, faney trim
ming. Regular 7Bo valuae,
apeclal 39 0
Romper and W a a
Dreeeee, very pretty atyl
agea 2 to t year. 2So and
29o valuea 10 O S
Chlldran'a Hack Sateen
Bloomere, all eliee. Very
apeclal, Friday, pair.... 19c j
Women'a Coraet Cover,
embroidery and laca trim
mad. All alz.e. Extra ape-
clal, 2So valuea for. ...15o2
Women'a Fancy Pattern
Crepe Dreaatng Sacquea, SSo
valuea, Friday ........ 23o
Women'a Embroidered and
Plain Bottom Long Mue
lln Pettlcoata, S9o valuae,
eh 250
Beet Grade Dreea
Printe, Slmpaon'i
and American choic
est atylea and color-
Inge. All the want-
ad atylee. Sale price,
"f" ' "OV Smh duirabl article from
NJliL Aa VWl ding department. All the odd i
I'f ' ( tXri" I ' ' vry 'light ly soiled and
lAWlJ'Vv6S rom handling, priced for quick
Xtv3V ".fSyi Italian Raw Silk Slumber
LVW -&sifA valuea to 12.50: eala
iv Handkerchiefs
C Wanaa'a Maa Umtb
a? MamlkareUafa. faa aiaia VJ
V and laawy, white a Ml
t eala red mhraMerad 1
aad lalllaU.
Hea'a CattM Raadkar
ihlefa with whita aad
handaaaai kni
"5 fcaa
Friday cm will hold atptcial$l .00
odr bed-
lots that
ei no
price, each P1UV
AII-Wool Double Crib Blanketa,,
4 and Single Slia Mattreee Protect-
lj era, valuea to 1.7; aala J 00
BF a. I aak..a m a
4 BiKral aWairVf UOUOIt UOIXOH J
V Blanket., valuae t. 1 J5; -I AA
AyJ aala price, pair PleUl mamm"
Silk Mull Covered Baby Comfort,
Gooae Down Filled Plllowa, eaxe
18x24 Inches, valuee to
11.50, Friday
Mixed Feether Filled Bed PI Howe,
Wash Goods
Thouaanda of yarded
of Waah Goode, mill w
remnanta and rem- 2
nanta from atock; 1
valuee to Sc. Friday. 2
while lot laate, yard.
Br i-a ntrosTEi'sr,.
Black and white are nlways fashion
able and appropriate on the woman who
favors conservative color contrasts. Here
the combination Is discreetly shown In
a gown of panne velvet and embroidered
georgette crepe. A long trsln of the
panne velvet sweeps the floor by a yard.
The georgette crepe forms a full flaring
tunic and Is embroidered In Jet motlfa
at Intervals throughout. The bodlc Is
extremely simple, with Jeweled embroid
ered garniture, part of which forma the
shoulder straps. A high black silk net
butterfly bow is fastened In the back,
But They Are Leading fcnguin
Maids and They Pack Vege
tables for North Sea Fleet
By MKI.LlFiriA Marcfc .
Miss Dorothy Marie Brown, daughter
of Mrs. Thomas Brown, who was at
school for three years In England, has
received an Interesting folder from a
former schoolmate telling of the "Vege
table Products Committee." The com
mittee Itself reads like a pag of Bnrk.'e
Peersge with a surplus and over of dukes
and earls. The president Is that lovabl.
and hearty old Irishman. Almiral Lord
Charles Bercsford, so popularly known
In America, and especially with the of
ficers of our own service aa "Lord
Charlie." Other names on the commit
tee well known here are that of Lady
Jelllcoe, Lord Norton and the Earl of
The object of the committee la to de
liver freah fruit and vagetables. not for
getting preserves. Jams and candy, to the
men of th. North Bea fleet.
The British railways carry these con
signments free of cost. The more perish
able thlnga are taken on the passenger
The folder brings out the curious fact
that the men of the British navy must
buy at their own expense all freah fruit
and vegetables they may eat.
Miss Brown's Kngllsh schoolmate. Miss
Joyce Hanson of Gainsborough, la at the
hesd of a circle of girls who give all
their time to the packing of fruit and
vegetables collected, working? a long
hour as any packing house employee
with long stretches of overtime. The
Han eon home, "The Morton," a very gay
social center before the war, baa been
turned Into a packing and shipping es
It 1 considered a great mark of social
favor to be allowed to work for the
Vegetable Product committee, and the
girls so honored are determined to prove
their worthiness.
o ci nrs
I Bed PI Howe. lyOS?"
SUIwaS..!. $1,001 "SJ
-Extra Heavy Single Woolnap EngM.h Lona,
Blanket., valua. to 11.50. 1 Ofl ? N 1600? 38 In
There will be many other exception- .
al bargalna, the quantltiea of which
are too email to advertlee.
All en one large bargain aquare, t5,
wide. Beautiful aoft
lingerie finish for un
dermu a 1 1 n a. 12! ie
value, a p a o I a 1 1 y
prices., yaro
$1.00 Diaper ."5
Olotha, 89o
One case of 27-Inch
Birda Eye'Dlapar
Cloth, the eoft and
antiseptic kind. - 10
yard plecea, for
hl.p.r.M.'.'. $1.00. 8c
A Big Sale of Dress Goods Remnants lP
mmm mmmm-m MlUlin
Remnant, and Mill Enda of Wool Dreea
Oeode, In lengtha from Hi to 4 yarda. SS to
54 Inchaa wide. In all the aeaaon'a naweet
weavee and coloring. Te be aold by tha
place only. Divided In two large lote for
Friday aelllng, each C- Cm,
plec DUC andOC
Traveler' and Manufacturer' Sample
i n i r a ...j
ana min,v riifi vt vriH uuwu , yuuu
many new epring materials, many matched K
plecea In aufflolent quantity to make up '
suite, dreseea, aklrta, etc., atrlctly all wool,
Special Friday, Iflf Q
each piece 1UC and AaC
y8o Crash, 60
Full bleached cotton t
toweling, trie dam
ask f f a e t , 11
Inchee wide; aoft
and absorbent qual- I
Ity. Yard 0
Basement Corset Department
...Coraefa that ar mad to fit mnd wear
well, at a eery low prtca.
Front Laeed Corsets, In white and fteeh colored cou
til, made with ehleld under laolng. Long hip with elaa
tlo band at bottom of back. Slsee 20 to SO. tt 1 ff
Speolal , 41.UU
Coraete In extra aliee, made to fit medium and large
flguree. Medium high buet with long aklrt; extra wide
front ateel. Slice 20 to SS. Special a rv
Friday 49 C
Fleeh Colored Coreeta, medium to top, with wide am
broidery trim. Long hip; extra heavy garter afp
attached. $1.00 ooreete for OC
Soya and Girls' Underwalate, wHh two pair rr
of garter. Special Friday dOC
Men's Negligee
l-Inrk Tab lint
MaaUa, 1 grada. aa -
mad Ika4 eaallly.
Pal prtc lh. ri
yard OVoQ
Se-Iarh niewhed Vu- I
l'p. extra Baa eeality, s
a(t and free frm
drmlnc; ie valaa.
ew.ial Friday, ryi
A Widely Traveled Fur
niture Man Expresses
Himself About the
Raymond Store.
Mr. Van Nostrand of Blnghamton. New
York, has represented on the road the
Blnghamton Chair Co.. for more than
twenty-five years, making all th prin
cipal cities throughout the country from
New York to Baa Francisco, talks en
thusiastically about Omaha's new furni
ture establishment.
"In all my travel over the country,
covering a period of twenty-five years
or more and acquaintance with house
furnishing concerns throughout the coun
try. The Raymond Store Impresses me aa
being one of the most completely organ'
lied stores I have ever looked into. I
know personally every man connected
with th. management, having met them
in other parts of the country In my
travels, where they have enjoyed con
nections with the largest and best furni
ture houses in our best cities, and I am
familiar with their fitness for thla un
dertaking. I waa taken through th
beautiful and well arranged sales floors
of the Raymond Btore at 151S-151S Howard
St., which are aecond to NONE I know
In tasteful appointment and neat decora
tion. I had the opportunity to see th.
QUALITY of the goods they are open
ing tip for this store. I observed there
the goods from the most reliable factories
of Grand Rsplds and all over the east
constituted the greater part of them. The
management took me through the large
warehouse and delivery SERVICE de
partment, and I can emphatically say
there are few concerns In the country
that approaches the RAYMOND EQUIP'
MENT for handling their trade.
I noticed the price tags thst are being
placed on their goods and this was a
cauae for genuine surprise on my part.
aa they are marked vary low when the
quality of the stock Is considered. I wss
shown over their general WORKING
plsn, their light expenses compared to the
volume of business they are prepared to
handle, and already knowing the buying
POWER of the atore, it la made PLAIN
why the RAYMOND STORK can offer
unusual inducements to the furniture
I buying public, as they certainly have
the goods, the prices and th service that
I go to make a thoroughly modern business
house, end I have no doubt that the Ray
mond Store will take Us place among the
very best of Its kind In the country.
Honor Choir Leader.
A surprise party was given Wednes
day evening complimentary to Mr. J. D
Hlgxins. who leaves Thursday to take
a position at Hillings. Mont. Mr. Hlg
gins has been a member of the North
Side Christian church ever since coming
to Omaha about six years ago. He waa
actively engaged In all departments of
the church, but especially identified with
the choir, which he led. The guests ar
rived at o'clock and were served
picnic supper. The remainder of the
evening was spent with music and
games. The guests, who all belong to
the young crowd of the North Side
church. Included:
Messrs. and Mead a me
John Williams,
W. A. Forrey
Ooldle Vaughter, . .
Hasel Anderson.
Maud Pierce,
Ruth Petera,
Laura Ross,
Hasel Groves,
Blanche Klrchner,
Gladys Lyons,
Marie Evera,
A. Ij. R. Cramer.
Aubrev Whitehead,
Herman Mlrendorf,
William Btewart,
B. William.
i o ir pi i Tz
ana uon onins ; w-'V
M k. A aZ - 1 - mm
lots and slightly massed JJp
shirts, including such ma- Jr
terials as Percales, Cham- 7
brays and Madras. Regular I
values up to 75c. Special, '
for quick selling
W I Kl
U. Lynne Kllgore.
Kate Davis, ; -Mary
Jessie Cady,
Lucile Peters,
Anna H ask In.
Eleanor Btewart,
Pearl Hlggina.
Han-let Cady.
Flodell Hlggina.
Lew Mlrendorf.
Earl F. Bragg,
John Btewart.
J. D. Hlggina,
R. F. HUglns.
Alfred Chard,
Leap Tear Party.
A lean vear hard-times party was
given by th. Amltlc club Tuesdsy even
ing at th. horn, of Miss Dorothy Singer.
Th. evening waa apent in dancing. An
enjoyable feature bf the evening was the
exquisite flute playing by Mr. Earl Tick-
nor. Those present were:
Misses Misses-
Lillian F. Rlseman, Stella Besael
Anna Melchlor.
Htella Wool f son,
Dorothy Singer,
Pearl Bernstein.
Naomi Trustin,
Messrs. 1
J. Wright,
nam thwarts.
Will Cherness.
Fred Chernlss,
H. Horwits.
H. Handler.
Aaron Lewis,
Esther Zolkovlts,
lierttia Nardy.
Kadye Blumenthal.
Rella Singer.
Mnllle Singer.
Sidney Robinaon,
Philip Borsky,
Harrr Singer.
Harry Meichior.
Bam Katleman,
Earl Ticknor.
Birthday Party.
Another of the many 29th of February
birthday parties waa given by Mrs. James
Brawley to her husband. Tha evening
was passed at cards and with music An
It o'clock buffet supper was served.
Those present were:
Messrs. and Mesdsmes
Henry Humpert,
Harry Mrlnturu,
u, i', ljonovan,
L. J. Platt I.
Lelis Mayer,
Marie Donovan,
Henrv Brawley.
Frank Humpert,
Earl Humpert,
William Humpert.
A. S. Moore.
Jack Hsxelton,
James Rowley.
M iases
Francis Plattl.
Kark Ktangel,
Robert Moor..
Dinners Preceding the Dance.
The last Subscription club danoe of th.
season will be given this evening at Tur
pln's hall. It will not be until the mid
dle of next October before the club will
again take up these very popular affairs
which have added very much to the ao
rtal life of thin season. It is alao the laat
dance before Lent, a sort of a carnfval
affair. All the members In the city are
expected to be at Turpln' this evening,
end it is whispered that the carnival
spirit prevailing will continue the merri
ment farther into the small hours of the
momlng. Several little hlnta are out of
surprises at affairs preceding the dinner,
one hostess, it is the rumor, haa a most
unique little scheme and motive In her
The largest dinner of this evening will
be given at the Omaha club by Mr. and
Mrs. Frank W. Judaon. Forty guests
will be seated at smalt tables. A pro
fusion of all ' the spring flowers, tulips, -daffadils.
Jonquils, violets, hyacinths and.
lilies of the valley will work out a beau
tiful decorative scheme. The guests of
honor will be Mrs. James H. Learned of
Boston, the gueat of her eieter, Mrs. Wil
son Low, and Mra Titian J. Coffey of
Los Angeles, who will visit h.r sister,
Mrs. Howard H. Baldrlga, during Lent.
Another dinner of the evening will be
given by the Charles C. Georges at their
home to ten guests. Spring flowera will
decorate the dining room and table. The
out-of-town rueat will be Mrs. Meredith
Nicholson of Indianapolis, who la now
visiting her brother, Mr. Charles Thomas
Miss Ida Sharp .gives another dinner
with spring flowers in her decorative
scheme. Th. affair will be at her home
to twelve guests.
The O. C. Redicks will dine Informally
at their home, with eight guest, preced
ing the dance.
Relief Corps Meets.
The kenslngton of the V. S. Grant
Woman's Relief corps Tuesday afternoon,
at the home of Mr. R. F. Schneider, waa
well attended. Some interesting facts
were brought to light concerning our
martyred president, Lincoln.
One item of Interest waa that many
year later the daughter of the hostess
began her school life in the identical
building In which the famous Almanaa
trial waa held. Alao that Mr. Andrew
Traynor was firman on th. engine Vul
can' that drew Lincoln's private car.
Those present were:
Mesdamee Mesdames
J. M. Taliaferro. L. Richardson.
Jn unger.
I lark Highly M
liad Black Itetsea. band
wavwa, pecianaeit
Balsa. 1 taaUty. po
rtal rriday, tb. yard
"f v' AW nVwIinaaaaw in f I ANM RIM avfaa Bk . & . . w - al
. attached. a 1.00 aaraata far A -1 IT I - I t l atv 771 I S
k f fTt -11' i Bove and Qlria' Und.r.l.. wUk aI'll! I alk-lt- . WVlV5 If
aBaaaaw - fj re waka aV - w mW m W aW r MT stmrn a mw jM I a al
-st -7 . T'A"; j-ace uunains a'H zina ftcnms erxc saeta v
i.m IVt tT.rll ! mm i ' 1 Mi I
TTa- -r-rT .71 . . " ' About 1,700 yards of S 1x90- nch Bleacheo 1
VMT Caae at rtaa fa- 7Y aln. fitrallnwr s-- 1ft0 Scrlma Vailaa an4 . ... . k V
. tr a4 Maaw i .M. W" qo 'fVI 1? '"d Vr? r0' Sheeta, extra J tf
4. ,a. Tk. Z lar. ...., t CT tTt !ZltL IRp O weight, linen,
t 1UC V un..t.Mi ii i. tt fry tard w-gtha S-lnch heme. S9c
Itangalaw a ad Hiet V, la. haa wide. KrMax. 04 36-Inch Colored Bar. ... ' ?
an!"1 x dar fierima wxrl - - .
Theee a r a hemmed
ready far use, made
of a nice quality
mercerized damask,
In the breakfast en.
fe. yC 35c. 30c fe. $"lB ' 45. 8ic 55C S
98c, $1.25,
55C aa
Hindoo Secret Banished It it It Never
Retursss After Elactrieit, ssd Miny
Dspilstories Hid Failed.
Vatll sesrly ailddls as I soraljr troubled kr
hlaaatu HuiHlauua Hiura. Mr v a aitbi.
IUl a baaivjr ou.Lt'h. aa air I 7 luid a UMiaa
bamj-4 oa air thla. Mr ana wera alao hily
covarad. 1 triad aaa tatna art.r anofaar without
sum. electric Will only aiada lb (rowt.
aoraa. Ktmllr. my huahaad. an llffrr lo tk
Brill. Army, aarur-d Ixofa a Nall.e HIM Sold If r
(vtHia. hla ba radl 111a rloal -au.rdad aa.rat af
tha llliidm Hclll.. which (..rb.r.. Hindoo on. a
U hav. ira til. aliiklaat I rare uf hair na aar aart
o body .io.pi lual oa tkalr kaad. I sard It
aad la a lew daya my balr-srowth. ha antlrel.
pv - ipua,7 aut a trtc 01 it vaa aa
I will aaad FVea aad without
bllaa,tiea to aar ou. full ta-
ormatluaaAdcomslata laatrua
tlaoa aa mat yoo raa follow
aiy aiunpl aad roaislatrij
daatroy all I rare without bav
ins i roaart to th daaawmua
laotrlr neodla. ro alow waat
ln yaar aioae aa wnrthloaa
lasllat.inr arooaratUma aad writ
ta toJay. avviss rour aaata an4
add raa.. elating whetaor Mra.
k la. that
le tam
aviatara Ad
Mrs rrerleriw.
aaoa. Sul'a ai s).
Main atroet, Al-
tlatera, Mao.
IMPORTANT NOTE Mra Mudana koloaaa ta a
tuld taaillv. klah la goallak Koriai: atia I ran
1 aaM.d wIMt leodtaa adflriala lam aad la tka
widow of a arowilaoat officer la tha MHtiaa
Arwir. aa you raa wrtia bar wltk aauiw aaartdaaco.
ka. raaaod aw aTlr la Aiornoa lar tha keoo-
. I .allorora Iraai Miaorflaooa Hair. Her (all
Mra Frwdrnrw, H"Som. . Balla M B
. p. add raa.. atatlng wb4
- ,'. r 1 ar Mlaa All I ad
' 1 1 ou ti m a
A for relurm p.M.
. I Whaaa Soldier Hu.baad J "ua
'. Braer Se-ured I ha So-1
n-rad Hindoo Sot-r-.. I
j In . I .
I kola M
Church Musicale Given.
Over aeventy-flve guest were present
at the musicale given by the Woman's
auxiliary of St. Paul' Episcopal church.
Rev. A. H. Marah, vicar, at the home of
Mrs. C. i:. Baldwin last evenliig. Among
those who purti'-lpatej in the m'.isical
and literary program were:
B. K. IXffenbacher. G,
A. A. Whitney,
A. A. Foster.
A. O. Ferry.
A. A. Fnater,
O. S. Guild.
A. Traynor.
Jerome Llllie.
R. 8. Wilcox,
A. M. Newell.
Thomaa Allen.
F. W. Henderson
C. R. Theim,
Cora Stern,
R. M. Wills,
R. E.
F. B. Bryant.
Harriet 8. Mae-
M urphy.
Matti. Davis,
Beulah Davis,
J. Court,
A. Melvln,
Kmily Longneckar,
R. F. Schneider,
William UcMurry.
Sophia Schneider.
Bess Howell,
Gladys Fumes.
Helen I'shltM-rs.
Ignore Wllllama.
Helen Sturtteas,
Amy Howell.
alary Aiexanaer,
T. P. lsitt,
Harry Vnltt,
Mabel Hiiuie.
Verna Fowler,
.Madite Mae Bourne,
Kllaabeth Sherlock,
Kdna Karnes,
louglss lsitt.
Rev. W. M. Pure.
For New York Guest.
Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith gave a
very pretty luncheon at her home, with
spring flowera In her decorative scheme,
this afternoon In honor of Mra Kverard
V. Ferguson of New York, who Is visit
ing her daughter. Mrs. Lowrl. Child.
Thoe. preaent were:
M-edamee Mesdamee
F- V. Ferguson, Arthur C. Smith,
r. X. Wllhslm.- lowrrta Child.
Frederick Conner. Clement Chaee,
W. J. Connell.
Missionary Meeting Changed.
A defective 1 eating plant has caused
a change In the arrangements for th
snnusl meeting of the Women's Mis
sionary society of the Calvary Baptiat
church.' A lJUcheon at the church
planned for Friday, but the meeting haa
been changed and will be held at t
o'clock In tha afternoon Instead at th
home of Mrs. J. F. Carpenter, K North
Thirty-eighth atreet. Mrs. Isaac W.
Cerpacter la the prealdeat.
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and . Mire. Owen McCaffrey cele
brated their thirty-fifth wedding anniver
sary at their home Wedneaday evening.
The rooms were decorated In Killarney
roses. Misa Helen McCaffrey, assisted
by the younger members of the families,
were In charge of th arrangements,
which were successfully planned to ba a
surprise to Mr. and Mrs. McCaffrey. The
affair was opened by a dinner.
Cinosam Dance.
The Cinosam Dancing elub give its
ninth dance this evening at Scottish Rit.
cathedral.. The lant dance of the club
will be given Mtarch lt, at which time an
election of officer will ba held.
Social Gossip.
Miss Margaret oorShane, with her sis
ter. Mrs. Will Colling, of Baltimore, are
at the Hotel Knickerbocker for aeveral
weeks. Mlaa McShane goes from New '
fork to Scran ton to visit a former
school friend and then returns to BaUtt
mora. Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith will leave'
on the 12th for New York City, where aha
will bo Joined by her daughter, Harriet,
Just return'ng from Palm Beach. Mr.
Smitli ion, Arthur, attending Fay
s hool, near Boston, ami her daughter,
lit len. atnding Mis Spente's achool In
New Y01W. -.ill Join the psrty ar.d all wl'l
go to Hot Springs. Ya , until Easter
when Mrs. Smith expects to retjrn hem.
It takes but a minute of tun t save
dollar wba you read TL Bee Want A4
cot tuna.