Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1916, Page 7, Image 7
Till; ISEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 191(1. ,0' BKIEF CITY NEWS "Towvssad's for portln oas." I .realtor's guppllee, Ju. Morton 4k Bon Co. Llghtlag- riatoree Burgese-Oranden. alUnors sUlver Edholm. Jeweler. are Moot Prist It Now Beacon Preas. AatO Tire Chela, Jaa. Morton Son 0- rire, tornado, automobile, burJry In surance. J. H. Dumont. Koellne Bldg. Overcoat Rtolaa George Elliott. 11 5S North Sixteenth street, reports the theft of an overcoat from his room at the hove number. "Today's Movie VYerram" classified ctlon ttxiay. It aptars In Ths B.o KXCL.US1VKLY. Find out mhst the va rious moving picture theatera offer. iruia Mala Jtsts f 451.60 The 603 pack rass of unclaimed mail sold at auction In the local postotflce during the left three days brought 4U.uO. eat to Jail Harry Portner. found prowling about the basement of the M. - Mary's Avenue Congregational church on February 1 was arraigned In police court and sentenced to sixty daya in the county Jell. rUea ITow Complete The manner In f which bo many of our aybecrlbers have ( responded to cur recent request for miss ing copies of The Evening Bee for our hound files Is certainly gratifying to u. Our flies are now complete. We thank you. THE BEE. Us "Tex.TUs" abingles. Sunderland. Ckos la Acquitted Louis B. Cokoa. nn Omaha labor agent, was acquitted of the charge of conspiracy to sell a rail road pass after a trial In federal court. Three Greeks. James Adamapoulos. James Zaflrspoulos and Peter loanu, were the men he is alleged to have sold the pace to. wlae Papers Boost Ornate Show fcteven of the leading journals devoted to a win have oome to the publicity bureau with articles strongly boosting for the swine show at this city In November. The ahow pro mines to bring 2,000 to 1O0 Hhow swine. It will be held At the Bouth Omaha yards horse barn. Sugar (tolas; Higher Must raise soon. Best beet. 100-lb. bag. W.; chick food. 100-lb. bags. $1.T5; -lt. bag. 13c; Pearl Ortts, lb.. c; 100-lb. bag. 63c; Ben Davis spples. bbl., 12.65; pk.. I5c: pure buck wheat, lb., 6c; 10 lbs., 4So; 10 bars D. C. soap, 25c; S-lb. sacks graham or whole wheat, 21c; at any of the Basket Stores. MUSICAL DIRECTOR HERO OFTBE SHOW For the Reason that He Must Wit ness Soldiers in the Trenches Act Every Night. Starting Very Like a Lion PROGRAM HAS REACHED OMAHA Ml Iowa Editors Will Be Guests of the City This Evening Fifty editors of western Iowa are to he guests of Omaha this evening and Saturday. They are members of the Western Iowa Editorial association, which Is to hold its convention In Council Bluffs Friday evening. At 6 o'olock Manager E. V. Parrish of the bureau of publicity of the Com mercial club la to go to Council Bluffa and pilot the crowd to Omaha, where the Commercial club Is to entertain them at a dinner in the evening at the club rooms. Following the dinner, V. F. Baxter Is to lead a discussion of the subject, "Community Interests and How f tho Press Helps Develop Them." K. V. Tar dish Is to follow up the subject with a further discussion of community build ing, with especial reference to the part the press and publicity plays In this work. C. C. Bheaffer of Randolph, la., la eec retary of the association, F. W. Hanton of Grlswold. Is., and E. P. Harrison of Oakland, la., are president and vice president, respectively. On Saturday morning Mr. Parrish e pects to pilot the visitors aoout the city. Soldier life in the trenches of tbe ' war sone of Europ has Us enjoyable features, according to a program j sent from there and received In Omaha by Miss Elsie Stuart, Capitol avenue. Miss Stuart 'Is of French descent and has a large number of relatives and friends at the front. The pro gram that she received from one of these persons is the b'll of a play g'.ven In, an old shed at some place in France and Is entitled, "The Babes In the Woodi." The bill of the play makes the an nouncement that "the cast has been en gaged at enormoua cost Kitchener's trade union wages paid." The play Is put en In five acta, and opens with the scene, 'the haunted glade." In dealing with the scene, on the bill the announcement is made that "Owing to the scene painter getting twenty-eight days for appearing with dirty coat but tons we leave a lot for your Imagine tlon. In thin scene the demon, the baron and two villains will attempt to sin songs in their own Inimitable style. (They t really have no style they are plebeian V The second act shows a street In Ms- , rhreetown, and the audience la assured that "here will warble, weather permit- I ting. Mother Machree, the kids. Mr. Af- ! mon and the prince." The assurance is given that during this set the coffee bar will be open. At the Coffee Bar. Aot three shows the "Festubert woods, closely related to the haunted glade." In ! giving a description of the act the writer J of the program asserts that "dirty work I Is done In this act." and that "there will be hand grenades with butter supplied by the coffee bar. The baron Is foiled. Act four opens with a police court scene, "Just like home." The baron and the tws villains get the "dirty court-mar tial" with sentence. All sorts of scenes are seen In this scene, except the obscene. snd smoke helmets will be Inspected. Act five portrays the "wedding feast," and In this the audience Is Instructed like this: "Please observe the Invisible marble staircase, the fairy fountain with electrical effects, supplied by the pio neers. Five million gallons of real water not used." The act closes with a "dance as performed by Lockhart'a elephants." On the back of the program the space Is devoted to advertising, Dr. Iodine urg ing. "Try No. Nines for sore feet and blisters." One advertiser, erithout giving his name, asserts "the troupe Is disinfected dally with Cresol. Try it In your stew." The musical director of the show com pany la put down as a hero, the reason being given "that he has to see this show every night." Rotary Head Makes a Long Auto Ride RECEIPTS AT POST OFFICEJET HARK Fe binary Receipts Show an Increase of Twenty-Two Per Cent Over February of Last Tear. LEADS ALL OFFICES IN LAND All records were broken, smashed, completely shattered by the Feb ruary receipts of the Omaha post office. Here they are compared with the receipts for February, last year: BECClITf. February. IMS em.JM.TS Februsry, 1J15 100.SS4 10 XASCAHET rara n imie i run uu i Mi m 33 0 Oil WE tialn S The increase over the same month last year is 11.1 per cent. In spite of the fact that February, 1915, showed a healthy Increase over Feb ruary, 1H. No other poitofflce in the whole country shows any such rain ss this, nor near it. Many showed a falling off In receipts. Postmaster John C. Wharton wrote a letter to First Assistant Poatmnetar Oen eml Roper. In which he declared he "feels like the colored woman In the Methodist prayer meeting, "too happy to testify." "The Increase la das." he said, ''to the high efficiency of this office, to the busl ns methods under which It Is run and to the great prosperity of Omaha. The cltv Is forging ahead 1th tremendous strides." A fifteen-mile ride In an open automo bile into the teeth of a sharp north wind was braved by Allen I. Albert of Minne apolis, International president of Rotary clubs. In order to arrive In Omaha yester day. Mr. Albert was scheduled to speak at a publlo affairs luncheon at the Commer cial club at noon. He came to Omaha from Topeka and was scheduled to arrive her tn the morning. But the engine fur nishing the motive power for the train on which Mr. Albert was riding Into Omaha broke down near Papllllon and the train was stranded In Sarpy county for aiumber of hours. F. W, Grebe, a Sarpy eounty farmer, cams to Mr. Albert's rescue and offered to drive him to Omaha In his machine. The offer was accepted, and Grabe and the Rotartan made the chilly fifteen-mile drive Into Omaha. They arrived Just be fore t o'clock, a few minutes after the publlo affairs luncheon was over. Wester Union Boys Made' Happy' With'; Big Raise in Pay Half a hundred operators and super visors in the main offices of the Western Union were feeling large and fine yester day as a result of a brief visit made by B. Li. Brooks, division traffic superintend ent, of Denver. Mr. Brooks came to Omaha and raised fifty salaries, the amounts varying from 15 to $1S monthly among the employes whose yeara and quality of services en titled them to reward. He left late In the afternoon for Denver. According to Information given out at the local offloe, the Increase in pay is made simply put of a feeling of good will and appreciation of good services. It could not be learned definitely whether or not the Increase stands for the entire Western Union system, but several who talked to Mr. Brooks judged so from his conversation. Bright Rays from Motor Headlights Frighten Holdup "Gimme a match, will yuh please, mister?" requested a hard-looking Indi vidual of Dr. James P. Ooets, 153S Park avenue, as Dr. Ooets turned the corner at Thirty-second and Pacific streets on his way to make a call on a patient. The doctor atarted to comply wKh the request, when the hard-looking Indi vidual changed his tactics and hurled the command. "Throw up your hands." at him. "Tea. bo." quoth the physician, as b t began to reach for the blue sky over head. Just aa the bandit was about to start the doctor' a valuables on a Journey to an acoommodattng pawnshop an auto- mobl.e awung around the corner snd the stream of bright ' light ' from ita head lights fell directly upon Dr. Ooets and the holdup. The light continued to fall upon Dr. Qoetsi but the holdup was on his way down an adjacent dark alley a fifth of second After the first ray of light struck him, and the doctor's valu ables will make no excursions for a time at least. PLANS TO RELEASE FREIGHT CARS IN EAST UNDER WAY "The congestion along the Atlantic coast, where freight has been piled up In the hope of eventually sending it to Europe, has reached gigantic propor tions." asserted President Mohler of the Union Pacific, who has returned from an eastern trip. president Monier asserts that by rea son of the freight congestion great num bers of freight oars of western roads have been held on sidings of eastern terminal cities for weeks and months. However, he sees some relief In the near future, as plans are under contempla tion for building enormous sheds In which tbe shipments will be stored after being unloaded from the cars. With these plans carried out a large number of cars will be released and sent back Into their territory. New Company Opens for Business Here The If. M. Orschel company Is a new company opened for business yesterday with offioes at 130S-09 Woodmen of the World building and a warehouse on the aecond floor of 1102-4 Famam street. The company ie to handle e-erything in the line of asbestos, roofing and Insulating materials. Thla company will cover tha territory of Nebraska. Wyoming, the southern part of Bouth Dakota, northern part of Kansas and the western part of Iowa. A $30,000 stock will be carried. For the office force ,and the road ten men are to be employed aside from the construc tion force at work all the time. J. M. Coleman Is sales manager and Al M. Peterson Is office manager. Dr. Gifford Will Build Seven-Story Hotel on Famam A aeven-alory fireproof hotel will be erected on Famam street, between Nine teenth and Twentieth, by Ir. Hsrold Gifford. The contract for the erection of the hotel building has been let to the Selden Breck Construction company and work will be started aa soon ss the ground is cleared. Dr. uifford recently purchased an elghty-eu-foot frontage on the south side of Farnam street from the Dufrens estate and It la on this site the new hotel will be erected. Four stores and a cafe In addition to the lobby of the hotel will be on the ground floor. The hotel will have ISO rooms. The total In vestment will represent saoo.wo. The Consnt Hotel oompany has taken a thirty-year leaae on the building and will conduct the hotel. RENTFR0W SELLS WINDSOR HOTEL TO RUN THE MILLARD Iiou Rentfrow, for the last decade pro prietor of the Wlndaor hotel at Tenth snd Jackson, but now In charge tit tha re habilitated Millard' hotel, haa sold the Windsor to Sam Falre. Jeweler, for $12,000. Mr. Falre for yeara operated a Jewelry atore on Tenth street, lie haa given up his old business, however, and has al ready taken possession Of his hotel. Mr. Rentfrow will devote hie time ex clusively to the Millard from now on. Enjoy Life I Stop Headaches, Sour Stomach, Biliousness, Bad Breath, Bad Colds, Constipation. They're a Treat! Cascarcts Is Best Laxative tor Men, Women, Children 20 Million Boxes Sold Last Year. htraighten up' Remove the liver and bowel poison which la keeping your head dlssy, your tongue coated, breath offen sive, snd stomach sour. Don't stay bil ious, sick, headachy, constipated snd full of cold. Why don't you get a bo ef Caeoareta from your drug store and eat one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest. gentlest liver and bowel rleanatng you ever experienced? Tou will wake up test ing fit and fins. Casoarets never gripe or sicken ilka salts, pills and calomel. They art so gently that you hardly reallie you have taken a cathartle. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious or feverish children a whole Cases ret any time they act thoroughly and are harmless. XsOIO 5 ' PRICE 10 cents! AS CARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. Glee Club at High Will Give Concert The Choral Union Boys Glee olub and orchestra of Central High school will give a concert in the auditorium of the school this evening under the direc tion of Kunloe Enaor, and the Girls Oloe club will appear under the direc tion of Miss Fannie Arnold. The publlo Is Invited. The following program Is announced; "The Girl Who Pmllea" Orchestra. "Send Out Thy Ught ' Oounod Choral Union. . "Gavotte" Dowd Popper Edwin Clark. "The Evening Wind" Balntrfaens Ruth Gordon. Edwin Clark. Neis Nordquist and Choral Union. "Until the Dawn" Parks Boys' Glee Club. 0, Divine Redeemer" Oounod Miss Coffey and Choral Union. "Nightingale and Rose" Lehnert "In the boat" Orelg Girls' Glee Club. "Murmuring Zephyrs'- Jensen ( "Lullaby" Oodard Msrv Jackson and Charlotte Bkldmore. "From th Water" Land of the Charlotte rikirmore. "Will-o'-the-wisp" t Girls' Glee Club. Sky-Blue caoman Cherry BELLBOY CHECK ARTIST TAKEN BACK TO DETROIT Morris Feldman, arrested In Omaha, last of a bend of bellboy check artists to be apprehended, will be taken back to Detroit by Deteotlve Sergeant James Quinn, who arrived here from Chicago Wednesday night. Feldman expressed his eagerness to start serving his time, and Quinn, who asserts that the gang's activities are not as extensive aa iave been reported, thinks it possible that the Ford Social Welfare association of Detroit may secure a parole for the lad and put him to work. VETERAN CARRIER DIES FROM PNEUMONIA ATTACK Andrew Noonan, 1424 Bmmett street, died as a result of a nervous breakdown and pneumonia Wednesday night. He leaves a widow and three children. Miss Sadie Noonnan, Eugene F. Noonan of Omaha, and Mrs. W. J. Donahue of Albion, Neb. Mr. Noonan was a veteran Omaha letter carrier, having been la the em ploy of -the government for twenty-nine years. His route extended south from the Union station. He was born in Windsor, Conn., and was U years old. The funeral will be held Saturday at 10 a. m., from the Sacred Heart church Interment will be in Holy Sepulchre cemetery. WALLACE TALKS ON HUMAN INTEREST IN ADVERTISING R. B. Wallace, president of he Omaha Ad club, gave a very interesting talk to employes of the Ford Motor company Wednesday evening on the subject "Human Interest in Advertising." In the course of his lecture, Mr. Wal lace stated that there must be a human Interest in eery advertisement if It Ie to be profitable. He gave as his inter pretation of advertising that it Is "ar appeal to cupidity." Mr. Wallace dlf ferentlated between publicity and adver tising. He said that publicity without advertising Is an empty shell; that all advertlHlng ts publicity, but not all pub licity is advertising. s Mew le PreTtst Cross. When the child Is subject to attacks of croup, see to It that he eats a light even ng meal, aa an overloaded stomach may 1'ilng on an attack, also watch for the Hint symptom hoarseness, and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse. Obtainable everywhere Advertisement RAILROAD PASSENGER MEN TO HAVE STAG PARTY MONDAY The Omaha railroad passenger agents are making plans for a big stag party In the Rathskeller of the Henshaw hotel at SO .clock next Monday night A di versified program has been arranged, and It Is asserted that there will be amuse ment for all who attend. The stag dinner party of the railroad men Is under the direction of W. H. Rock, W. H. Rowland. Fletcher C. Balrd, C. R. Hamilton. Joe I.ightfoot. Royal D. Miller. F. P. Rutherford. Claude Stockham, V. Bchmlttroth and P. F. Bonorden, wllb Arthur Maloney chairman of the com mittee on entertainment Lemuel Goldsberry Denied New Trial Attorneys for Lemuel Goldsberry. who was found guilty 01 bringing uoiaie Earl, a 14-year-old girl, from Beaver Crossing, Neb., to Omaha, were denied a motion for a new trial. Goldsberry 111 be sentenced to a term of from three to twenty years. PARK SCHOOL KIDDIES PRACTICING ON "AHS" It is within the possibilities that Park school will have a new yell and It Is prob able that the new yell will be mostly 'ah." The school yell of Park Is not an everyday demonstration, but Is reserved tor special and Important occasions. A few weeks ago, when Principal Mason brought In a copy of The Bee and read of tha proposed new building for the Park district, then the hoys and girls gave their school yell, because that was an Im portant news event The story of ah, as It pertains ts Park school, begins with Nurse Kaiser, who makes the examinations of the children. When examining the children's throats It Is customary to use tongue depressors. but not at Park school. All the nurse ties to do is ask the children to say "ah," Snd she can see sny throat without the aid of a depressor or a periscope. This situation makes the work easy for the nurse. Besides, it ts saving the expense of tongue depressors, aa each depressor can be used only once. The new Park school yell will sound something like thin: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ha! lie! Ha! Park! Park I Park' Aha! Aha! Aha! Put Stomach in - Fine Condition Says Indigestion Results from an Excess of Hydrochloric Acid. Undlgeated food delayed in the stom ach deoaja. or rather, ferments tbe sams aa food left In the open air, aaya a noted authority. He also tells ua that Indigestion Is caused by Hyper-acldlty, meaning, there is an excess of hydro chloric acid In the stomach which pre vents complete digestion and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours In the stomach much ilka garbage sours tn a can, forming aorld fluids and gases which Inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. Then ws feel a heavy, lumpy misery In the chest, ws beloh up gas, ws eructate sour food or bavs heartburn, flatulence, water-brash sr names. He tells us to lay sslde all digestive slds and Instead, get from any phar macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast and drink while It Is ef fervescing and furthermore, to continue this for a week. While relief follows the first dose. It Is Important to neutral ise the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate tho kid neys and thus promote a free Tow of pure digestive Juices. Jed Baits Is inexpenslvs and Is mads from tha sold of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla and sodium phos phate. This harmless salts la used by thoussnda of people for stomach trouble with sxte-isnt results. Advsrtlsemnt Twenty-Five Thousand Dollar Stock How On Sale at THE CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE Presents an Excellent Opportunity for You to Buy A Complete Home Outfit, A Splendid Piece of Furniture, An Odd Rug, A Guaranteed Steel or Cast Iron Range, Heater, Gas Range or Base Burner At a Price Which Will Mean a Saving to You of About One-Half. Anticipate your wants, make your selection now while the assortments are at their best and as usual make your own terms. Li For Iiargest and Quickest Results, You Should Always Place Your Classified Advertising in Tho Bee Ifcsults Tell the Tale lovely Healthy BSCS Tho Boil Engineering, Staff OMAHAN HEADS INDUSTRIAL BRANCH OF THE MILWAUKEE W. 0. Howell, who started his railroad rareer with the Milwaukee In Omaha some twenty-five years a so, March 1, became head of tbe Industrial department of that road, with headquarters In Chi cairo. Mr. Howell wes first a clerk In the Omaha offices tinder ths late F. A. Nash, general western agent, and subaequently was sppotnted a traveling freight and passenger agent, working out of here. Later he was transferred to Chicago as assistant general freight agent Now he Is promoted to ths position of general In dustrial agent. MISS MARTHA GAINES TO DANCE AT CLASS PLAY Miss Martha Oaines will appear as the solo dancer this evening at the class plsy to be given by St. Eirrhmsn'a asd er.iv. when modern snd ane'em dances will be presented, fche will dance Shu bert's Moment musical. Mis Oalnea. who la a member of the class of 1910, has gslned a most enviable reputation ss a graceful dancer snd will add rerstly te the class program. Milannds ty Dally Use of Culicum KeptsoE Boap and occwtonal tjuttcura uiu intent light touches of Nothing better than them) wiper-creamy emollients. Sample Each Free by Mail Wluo J-p. Hkin bok on request. Ad dress puet-carrt "Cxiraia, U.r SmW." Sold tss-OMSjhonl la eurld. . Working out complex scientific and engineering problems, the Bell Telephone System has a general staff of more than 600 technical, electrical and mechanical experts. Most, if not all, the telephone instrumentalities that have led to Improvement in telephone service In the world were either evolved by, or adopted and developed by, this staff. The Bell System's general engineering staff includes a greater number of scientific, technical and mechanical experts of a higher grade than can be found in all the other government or private telephone administrations in the world combined. By means of this centralized general staff the Bell System is able to keep in advance of the telephone art, avoid repetition and duplication of work, and give each Associated Company in the System expert advice and expert assistance. The cost of this work is largo, but it is spread over a vast system and the cost to each community is very small. The expense has been warranted a hundred fold by results. It has enabled the Bell System to give the best and the cheapest telephone service in the world. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY L ((3)0)