Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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The Be Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered at Omaha postofflre second-class matter.
By carrier Ttf mall
per month, pfr yr.
Pallr and Sunder Ko t
Pally without Sunday....' 4f-o 4 00
livening end Sunday... v '' .
Frenlng without Sunday. .............. .. 4.00
iundav B only - o 1.0
I'M Lit and euuuejr jjr. three yra to advance llw.iM
ford notice of (.nana of address or complalnte "t
Irresularlty in delivery to Omaha Baa, Circulation
Krniit ly draft, ex i irons or postal order. Only two
ront stamps received n p yment of amall arcounta.
IViionM checks, esrept on Omaha and eastern ax
ciinnge, not accepted.
Omaha The Bm Building.
South Omaha HI N afreet.
l ounrll Bluffa 14 North Mala atrctt
Lincoln 6i Little Building.
''ilcss'T M Peoples Oes building.
New York-Room 1108. J Fifth nvenua.
Bt. Louis 60S Naw Bank of ('nmmtm.
Washington 72t Fourteenth street. N. W.
Address communications relating to nawa and edi
torial mattar to Omaha Baa, Editorial Department.
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa:
Dwlght Williams, circulation manaar of Tha Baa
Publishing rompany, being duly aworn. aaya that tha
average circulation for tha month of January, lilt,
as (1.102.
DWIGHT WILLIAM". Circulation Manager.
Subscribed (n my praaanca and aworn to bafora
ma, thla Id day of February, 11.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Publla.
Subscribers hearing the city temporarily
should haa Th Be mailed to them. Ad
drcM wUl ba changed often aa requested.
Of all the foxy politicians Governor More
head la tba foxiest of tha bunch.
Generous hospitality reinforces tba triad
hand grip of Omaha's market week.
Racord-breaklnf receipts of grain and ltt
alock emphasise Omaba'a reach the
market town.
Tba hamlllatlon of high class ticket offices
presses the limit when a crippled railroad slips
over a cut rate.
Iatlmatlons filter through the byways of news
indicating that Italy and Austria are still shoot
ing up tha Alps.
Take not that City of Omaha bonds still do
not bring as big a premium as do the School
District of Omaha bonds.
Well! Well) Now It Is Minneapolis that la
too wicked for description. Doea thla mean
that Minneapolis Is soon to be a sojourn spot
for Billy Sunday?
Yes, but how It Is possible such terrible
vice conditions could exist In Minneapolis where
tha parent newspaper of our Omaha yellow la
supposed to bo on vigil?
Victor Murdock is back front the war land,
firmly convinced, that we are not loved abroad.
Since American affection In that direction Is
confined to a few heiresses, the loss is theirs,
not ours, ,
( U will be hard to believe that Omaha has a
city planning commission so long as that
hideous welcome arch spreads its ugliness over
tha only conspicuous beauty spot In tba center
of the city.-1"
The south is in tba saddle, for sure, but tha
saddle is not as secure as It looks. Tha "tost of
loyalty" quickly unhorsed tha drtvere of south
ern civil war claims. Vigilance Is tha price of
treasury safety.
Tha cement show appeals strongly to all
engaged in constructive work and related ac
tivities. Thosa who look for fundamentals be
neath tha atmosphere of current thought here
find a surprising array of concrete facts.
Tha brewera and liquor dealers have no
polltlca and seithar hava tha anti-saloon Ists.
They both play all ands to tha middle and ara
democrats" or "republicans" or "nonpar
tisans" aa they think they can further their
own interesta. ' i
Tha power of publicity la now being In
voked to Inflate a wholly artificial boom for
tha democratic nomination for governor for a
young man with plenty of money, but almost
wholly unknown except In his own little baili
wick. Can It be done? We shall sea what we
shall e.
Cold wave riaga may flutter and fling a
groundhog scare among tha thoughtless, but it
does not alter tha fact that Boreas Is hobbling
on the last lap to h's annual graveyard. Old Sol
works on high speed during March, gaining one
hour on tha thirty-day run. Soma flarebacka
may come, but Boreas is 'going and Medicine
Hat cannot save him.
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
Compile frees Baa Warn.
Oty Engineer Whitney of Kansas City Is looking
over Omaha for point of Information about our pub
lit: works and our system of paving. Ha waa piloted
abuiu by t". D. Woodworth.
The program of tha Ladles' Musical eoclety con
sisted of instrumental numbers on tha piano by Miss
lamle 11 Loomlx and a aolo by Martin Cairn.
fipecutl Policeman Jamea presented to Marahal Cum
nilua nineteen new wooden clubs to ba given to thoae
m-iiiU-rs of tha forco who do nut now posaeaa them.
X. t. Kath of Albuquerque. N, M.. Is visiting his
Im-ilar. iC. 8. Kath. of tha Omaha Havings bank.
An Informal meeting of tha members of the two
lodges of tba Ancient Order of United Workman waa
held to meet P.. P. Ellis, grand organiser for northern
T. V. Blackburn of the paaaenger department of
the l.'nton Pacific, was entertaining hla brother. It. A.
HUikbu, a recent graduate of tha Hahnemann
MilcJ to'.U ge of t'hUagw.
'Jem Hackney, sut4rliitendrnt of motive power if
t. l"nin Pacific, received from Topeka a handsome
pair of bay horses, together with a gold-mouuled har
ness and a styllah buggy. The entire outfit waa pre
sented to air. Hackney by tha motive employee of the
Hanta Po before coming to Omaha, and cost 11. hm,
contributed by 1.500 workmen.
Docile New York Democrats.
The democratic donkey in New York Is not
altogether a stupid ass; It knows from whence
floweth the nillR and honey on which it thrives.
The informal convention of the Empire state
democrats modestly and without undue ostenta
tion gives Its endorsement to (he president, and
tentatively at least promises him support In hia
second term aspirations. Leas than this could
hardly have been expected. The gathering at
Syracuse was notable for absence of the men
against whom Mr. Bryan launched bis thunder
bolts at Baltimore. Tammany sachems wera
discreetly kept In thai background, while tha
up-state chiefs beat the tom-tom and did tha
dancing. This doesnt mean that the 1 1 tier's
appetite is not as keen aa ever, or that he has
given over any of his propensities. The men
who control the machinery of the party in New
York are expert enough to know when to ba
docile. Tbey will be in line at St. Louis all
right, and will not relnqulsh their present hold
on the public payroll until they have to. The
continuance of Norman E. Mack as national
committeeman shows how perfect the con
cord Is.
The Vice Explosion in Minneapolis.
Having been periodically advertised by pro
fessional reformers as "the wickedest city In
the world" Omaha has a sympathetic fellow
feeling for Minneapolis, which is the latest to
be so branded, and yet, with the experience of
our own town in mind, we would not want the
good people of Minneapolis to take It too hard.
Only a few weeks ago. It was Baltimore that
had a sensational vice report exploded beneath
It, and before that It was Chicago and Pitts
burgh and various others. Tha presumption is
that It is a mighty poor town that cannot yield
up sufficient yellow-hued material for a scath
ing arraignment of Its morals to Investigators,
well meaning or not, bent on finding what they
are looking for and that one live town differs
from another In this respect only In degree. It
goes without saying, too, that people have to ba
told every little while how bad they ara in order
to make them try to do better or to stop them
from growing worse. The agencies of prevention
and Improvement, however, ara working all the
time If lost cities had no way to be aaved ex
cept by these sporadic outbursts of vlce-ex-posers
snd reformers they would. Indeed, be In
tight lines.
Mystery of Passenger Rate Making-.
When the lay mind sets out on a Journey
through the labyrinth of railroad tariffs, it
soon succumbs to the mystifying Influence of
the tangle, and on recovery is willing to admit
that tha science of rate-making surpasses any
other known form of hocus pocus. Just a few
days ago, tha railroads of tha west were plead
ing befora tha Interstate Commerce commission
for authority to raise passenger rates. At the
same time, the Missouri Pacific was befora the
federal court in Omaha, asking for an order to
restrain tha state board from enforolng tha
2-cent rate. In each case the plea was that tha
rata permitted was not remunerative, and In
each case relief asked for was granted. Now
comes tha announcement that tha Missouri Pa
cific has reduced interstate rates between
Omaha and Kansas City! Its Una connecting
these two cities runs through tha l-cent tone of
Nebraska and Kansas. Tha public will not re
sent tha cut, but will be left wondering how it
could ba made It tha Missouri Pacific's plea in
court was honestly presented.
An Excellent Appointment
Considering that Governor Morehead was
bound to choose a member of his own demo
cratic party to fill tha strictly nonpartisan posi
tion vacant on tha district bench,' his selec
tion of Arthur C. Wakeley commenda Itself
aa an excellent one. Tha new Judge Is not
only a lawyer of good standing who would
never stoop to disreputable practices, but
ha comes of a flna Judicial family, hia father,
tba lata Eleaser Wakeley, having presided over
the same district court before him, always with
credit and due appreciation of the responsi
bilities of tha office. To have another Judge
Wakeley on tha bench will therefore bring tba
sound of a familiar name and we feel sura, from
long personal acquaintance, that tha record ha
will maka will be likewise creditable to all con
cerned. v
Cannon of the Future.
Prof. Rausanberger, expert gunmakar of the
Krupp cannon factory, expands with profes
sional prlda when talking of tha achievement
of his forty-two-centimeter monster, but mod
estly admits that even greater possibilities
await tha future builder of cannon. Ouns nor
projectiles have reached the limit of their capac
Ity for destruction, according to this designer,
which means that even greater preparations for
defense must be made. Thus will 'the duel that
has gone on from the very beginning of things
between offense and defense ba continued
never to be ended, till man learns to devote his
constructive ability to better purposes.
The present war has awakened a spirit that
may lead tha race of men to a plane where can
non will not be the court of final resort. Tha
thunder of the guns that shook down Liege and
Louvaln, that battered Przemysl and Warsaw,
and now ara ahattering heaven and earth at
Verdun, haa atlrred the soul of mankind to
thinking of other things than guns. The thinker
Is looking far ahead to a day when right and
Jrstlce may be establ'shed without the sacrifice
of countless human lives or the destruction or
unmeasured wealth. Through what agency this
end may be gained is not so easily determined,
but in Urns some meeting point will be found
where man's many concerns and dlverso Inter
ests may be harmonized and his energy turned
to creation. This Is yet the day of the sword,
but tha time will come when the sword will be
sheathed, when order will not rest solely on
The possibilities or the cannon maker have
r.ot been exhausted, nor haa tha peacemaker
reached the limit or hia ability. If the war in
Europa teacbea any lesson, it will be In the in
terest of peace.
Considerable heat under tha collar Is rusnl
leated by New Yorkers because Henry Ford pub
lishes his opinions and pays for the space. In
dignation is expressed in resolutions condemn
ing the automobile magnate as "a near-traitor"
to his country. But the indignant citizens
shrewdly avoid psyin8 space rates for their Indignation.
Thrift vs, Conscience
1 iaaaoU ana. "
Mn who know what conscience me ens hava a
rhanca to reitle with an Interesting problem.
Tha dletrlct rourt recently held thai District Court
Cleik Robert Umlth may retain something ilka W.a
he had collected aa surh officer In fees for issuing
naturalisation papers In Omaha.
Tha federal law provides that naturalisation pa
pers must he secured through tha office of tha clerk
of tha di'trti-t court, and anthorlsea a tea for tha
service. There la a state law which requires tha
clerk In ea h district to make a report of all feea
collected by him, and fixes tha amount of tha salary
of clerks, which varies by reason of classifications
on account of population.
Thla law makes no distinction as to tha sources
of such fees, but through soma provision of tha fed
eral law It seem a poeelbte to hold that naturalisation
fees go to the clerk In addition to hla compensation
through his salary allowance.
A great many of tha dletrlct clerks of the ata'e
paid ovet to their respective counties tha fees col
lected for it. la service. Just ss they did tha fees re
ceived tinder the stata laws, but tha Douglas county
district clerk did not. It waa only after long litiga
tion that the court held that Clerk fmlth might hang
to tha eVXO.
Now the problem ia, how do thosa clerks feel who
paid them over to their countlea? How would you
feel wera you In their places? Would you feel that Jrotl
had bilked yourself? Or would you fall back en con
science and set satisfaction out of tha conviction
that you had done your duty In making tha aac
rlflce? Or as another alternative, would you bring
ault aaalnsl the county for the recovery of th
money ?
Aimed at Omaha
Oakland Independent: That "the female of tha
species la mora desdly than tha male," was shown
pretty strongly when an Omaha woman went to Hast
ings and shot her mother-in-law. Men are content to
ahool gibes at their mothers-in-law.
Valentine Republican: The mayor of Lincoln,
Neb., wants to help Omaha. Tha "Bee" hastens to
Inquire: "Is there anything Lincoln wants Omaha
help her people set?" Can't you get a two-year
lease on the executive mansion together with tha ex
elusive use of the governnr'a office In the cspltol
building for Brother Charley with the privilege of
Beatrice Express: "Senator Hitchcock's support
of President Wilson has been consistent." saya the
Omaha World-Herald. This la another Joke Item
from tha World-Herald "funny man" that will be ap
preciated by all who hava kept tab on the senator's
activities In the United States aenate.
Newman Drove Reporter: An attempt waa made
last week to blow up the stats ctvpltol building by
placing bombs In a little used furnace. Wonder If
that Is a part of Tha Omaha Bee'a plan to gat a new
building? Kven in Its most earnest moments wa do
not beMeva Norfolk has aver considered that method
of moving the court house In Madison county, al
though It Is evident to all that this plan would moat
certainly move it.
York Newe-Tlmea' Omaha, with several pillion
other towns. Is now seeking nation-wide publicity with
press dispatches claiming Jean Crones, tha death-ln-the-soup
artist, haa been seen there.
Twice Told Tales
Over Pawtlnolavv.
t negro porter, nearly to years old, was arrested
oma trivial charge, for which he waa later dis
charged. It proved, during the trial, that ha had
never seen tha Inside of a court before, and the buatla
of events greatly dated and embarraeeed him.
Aa ha stood up when his nsme wss called the clerk
aang forth:
"Do you aolemnly awear that tha testimony you
shall give In thla esse ahall be the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
And the negro atarted back, gatplng. Then lie
turned quickly to the bench.
"Mr. Brllea," ha aald. for he knew his1 honor from
boyhood In an unofflolal capacity, "Isa puffectly
wlllln' to tell da truf. but mua' I ba all catched up
datter way. In case I might want ter git dea a step ot
two of fin' de road? Hit don't give a man no leeway,
auh!" Case and Comment.
tarrylaa- Law.
Very few of our lawyera carry the green bags which
were once a badge of that profession.
"I think the sight of euih a bag once kept Joseph
It. Choate from coming to Philadelphia to make a
speech." Mr. Conlen aald.
Mr. Conlen and another lawyer tied gone to New
York to Invite the ex-ambuaador to England to de
liver an addresa In Philadelphia. Mr. Conlen s com
panion carried a green hag. which ha laid upon Mr.
Choate a table, evidently to the great lawyers annoy,
"What do you carry In that thing?" ha naked.
"I hava some law hooks," the young Philadelphia
attorney replied.
"When I waa a oung lawyer," Mr. Choate aaid.
rather coldly, -l waa taught to carry my law in my
And the Invitation was declined. Philadelphia
People and Events
Ughtnlng drawn by the steel rod of an umbrella
caused the death of Mrs. Louisa Kruger, near East
Jt. Louis, and set her clothing on fir. Bvery bit vt
metal in the umbrella waa fused into a tump.
The Irish wife o' a Turk haa been divorced at
la Angelea because be used a sclmetar In aplltting
tha biscuits she made. Domestic compatibility hasn't
enough reallienoy to stretch from Conetanttnople
to Tiprarary.
An Investigation ot a powder milt explosion at
Pottsvllle, Ta . ahowed the causa to be the fall of a
drop of sweat from a workman Into a tank containing
cotton and nitric acid. The danger line In a powd-r
mill la almost Invisible.
- A recent ahake-up and ahake-down of municipal
officeholders gave Memphis three different mayors
within an hour. Thomas C. Aaheroft, a banker and
former nawapwpor man. la now an the Job with an
unexpired term running to the end of W.
One of tha business getters of a saloon at Biaail,
Ind., ia a pet monkey, trained to do various stunts
for profitable customers. On a raoant Sunday morning
the monk, awakened by a crowing rooater. atarted
to rough house tba premises and bombarded the owner
and Janitor with bottlea. forcing both to beat a re
treat. A policeman's stick subdued tha aiTTmal, after
tha owner and Janitor were Bent to the hospital.
Sea serpents are rather scare at tha Florida re
aorta thla winter, ao the native utilta the alligators
for the thrills. At on resort a three-foot alligator
disporting in a hotel tank, crawled out of hla pond
and Joined tha Daugbtera of the American Revolution
at their banquet Tha unbidden guest persuaded the
banquetera to mount chairs and remain standing
until a sound of waiters backed the alligator Into
his pool. The affair proved a genuine scream.
From tha plow to tha editorial chair of Woman's
World, with clerking, working through collage and
medical Jurisprudence aa Intervening rounds of the
ladder, apana tha progress of Hiram Mo Oreene
once a erountry hoy ot Fremont. O. Mr. Greene haa
recently been managing editor of the Illustrated
Sunday Magatlne, where hla talent brought hint to
th attention of tha publisher of Woman s World,
headquarters la New Terk City.
Legislation sal Special Interests-
OMAHA. March t.-To th Editor of
The Bee: Tour editorial of February M
headed, "Progressive Legislation," la In
deed a timely exposure of th popular
fallacy, that there exists a sinister coali
tion of the so-celled "special Interests"
to defeat progressiva legislation.' This
matter has been so persistently drummed
Into our esrs that It receives far more
credit than It deserves.
A great deal of the lobbying in our law
making bodies ia merely In defense
against blackmailing attempts aimed at
public service corporations, railroads, in
surance companies, lloeral interests, etc.
I know that auch attempta are regular
occurrences at every legislative session.
The so-called Interests assailed, however,
have their own axes to grind, snd hsve
no time to aid th other fellow. This ap
plies especially to the liberal Interesta
quite generally misnamed th "liquor In
terests." It la generally admitted that
some corporate Interests hsve often fos
tered and created prohibition waves In
order to divert attention from their own
troubles. Many Instances can be cited
and especially the connection between tha
Colorado coal strike and the prohibition
campaign In that state. Some people
may honestly believe that there Is som
connection between the various private
Interests and the libera' element. Politi
cal tricksters and demagogues are cer
tainly making capital out of these ever
lastingly repeated charges In order to
make a convenient scapegoat out of. the
liberal element, and professional prohibi
tionists delight In picturing them as an
all powerful octopus.
This is sn era of headllners and catch
phrases like "preparedness," "watchful
waiting," "brewery tools." "booie." etc.,
do more to confuse the "thlnk-laty"
reader then all other agencies combined.
The Romans already had the saying, "the
world want to be deceived." Barnum
only resurrected It. F. HAAR.MANN.
Nebraska State Senate, 191.1.
aa to Waahlaa-toaTa Birthday.
OMAHA. March l.-To the Editor of
The Bee: I may he somewhat old fogy
Ish about It. but I never could see any
rood reason for closing the schools on
Oeorga Waahington's birthday. I should
think tha best plan would be to hsve
som special exercises on that day com
mamoratlva of the life and tlmea of
Oeorg Washington. I will wager that
not on pupil out of 600 even thought of
Washington on the twenty-second day of
I aaid to on high school pupil that I
ahould think it would be more appro
priate to hold soma exerci.tea that would
bring to view the Ufa and dolnga of Wash
ington. Ho said he did not think ro. for
then they would not have any fun by
having a holiday. He admitted to me
that he did not think of George Washing
ton on his birthday until Just as he wa
getting ready to go to bed and then sim
ply remembered tha fact without any spe
cial thought of Washington.
It would be of mot benefit to the ris
ing feneration to have anme klnH ...
erclses commemorating th deeds of
Washington than to hava them run wild
on the streets with no special aim In
view. Why would It pot be a good rlan
for th school authorities to fix up i
program for February 22, JM7. that will
b of benefit to the pupils of th schools
of a far mors reachlrur character than
what they will learn by running th
afreets because they have a holiday.
Ther is plenty of time to fix up a flno
program for the schools for next year
and It would not hurt to begin at once.
Then cut out the holiday next year and
devote the r!ay to teaching patriotism In
these critical days of the world.
Principle Above Theory.
OMAHA. South Side. Maroli . To the
Editor of Th Bee: When governments
are formed by breaking away of colonlea
from countries having control of them,
or overthrowing of a government by tha
people and the establishing of a differ
ent form of government, certain great
principles of government are aet out to
not only meet the occasion, but resch to
the future prosperity of the country.
Aa applied to this nation, let us con
sider text In an inverse order, so that
theory may be eliminated If possible. W
ar told by authorities that theory 1s a
doctrine or scheme of things, which ter
mtnates in speculation or contemplation
without a view practice; mere saccula
tion. It naturally follows then that that In
th formation of a government It must
b dedicated to som principle that meets
th requirements of the pre Kent and will
reach to th future. Equity and Justice
to all men being among th cardinal
principles to which this nation waa dedi
cated in its formation, it only remains
to ascertain whether the faith of tha
founders has been realized, and self
government Is not an experiment, but a
At th outset much doubt was expressed
by tha civilized world as to th practi
cability of forming a government whoae
cltlaena are sovereigns, but that doubt
haa long alnce been dispelled, and those
doubtless have bean forced to acknowl
edge the growth, prosperity and standing
that this nation Is now placed In among
the nations of the world, its influence
being felt and courted by all nations.
As exigencies have arisen. Americana
have seen th necessity of reaching fur
ther and hare so amended their organic
law to meet thoae neoeasltles. and by
proper legislation aought to carry auch
amendments Into effect.
In acquiring additional territory It haa
never been th policy of thla government
to add thereto by conquest, but by pur
chase on an equitable basis. For wrongs
dons, only such compensation has been
asked as equity would demand. By a
strict adherence to principle, a strong
foundation haa been established and man
kind benefited. Result In strict adherenc
to principle ar numerous and laattng.
Shall we continue in suoh course or shall
we begin to theorls with no high Ideal
in view. I, for one. say. look to principle
for th high Ideal, for In doing ao this
country Is safe in tha hands of Its cltl
sein. CLINKER.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Germany la going
to let us have enough dyes for postage
stamp and greenbacks. Nevertheless
tha color of our bills Is the least thing
we worry about.
Ixulsvllle Courier-Journal: Tha moral
advantage of th screen, as compared
with th stage. Is that the love-lorn
matluee girl cannot hang about the atage
dtor waiting to meet tha hero. '
Houston Post: Hrvan will make
epeerpee In Texss. but there la Dick Met
calfe up In Nebraska daring him lo come
up and debate preparedness with him.
Ptck la n surh orator as Bryan, but
ther ar time wba common sense
varoomea professional chin music
Nebraska Editors
Editors Reed and Templln of the Shel
ton Clipper have added a model Z llno
tpe to their equipment.
J. W. Robinson, editor of the L'plsnd
Esgle, Is a candidal for the democratic
nomination for senator from the Twen
tieth district.
O. B. Miller, editor of the Osmond
Republican, has filed for the republican
nomination of clerk of the district court
of Plercs county.
O. A. Mohrman. editor of the Nellgh
Register, hss filed for th democratic
nomination for superintendent of schools
of Antelope county.
The Franklin County Tribune Is the
name of a new paper started at Blooming-ton
last week. Colonel H. B. Holmes
Is editor snd proprietor.
Tho first Issue of the Belvldere New
appeared lest week. It Is a four-column
quarto with ready-print inside. P. J.
Oeori.e, formerly of Hebron, Is the edi
tor. The Alliance Herald, John W. Thomas,
editor. last week printed an Illustrated
eight-page section devoted to Industries
and farm resources of the "American
Valley of tha Nile."
James C. Elliott, editor of th West
Point Republican, has filed for the re
publican nomination lor county attorney
In Cuming county. Mr. Elliott was for
merly postmaster of West Point.
Eusene T. Westervelt. editor of the
Scott's Bluff Republican, la a candidate
for delegate to the republican national
convention from the Sixth district. His
petition, which haa been signed by hun
dreds of voters, will be filed this week.
Kdilor W. H. Green of th Crelghton
Liberal Is trying to call off some of his
admirers, who are circulating a petition
to put his nsme on the primary ballot
as candidate for delegate to the demo
cratic national convention. He saya he
prefers to remain a perfect "neutral"
so that he can shoot It Into th crooks
within the party as well as those with
out It.
"Was her father violent when you asked
him for her hand?"
"Waa he? Oreat guns! I thought he'd
shake my hand off." Town Topics.
"I don't think women have a sense of
humor, en Id the men with opinions.
"Most of us," replied Mlaa Cayenne,
have the very highest sense of humor.
We know when not to laugh." Washing
ton Htar.
Church What's your idea of this pre
paredness business?
Ootham Getting ready for a second
term. Yonkera Statesman.
einnta RosarmaL
VIST5 pURlkkf WE WV.'
Patience What did you think of Peg
gy's new diamond ring?
Patrice I didn't notice It
Patience Didn't notice it? Gee, are
you atone blind? Tonkers Statesman.
"I fear that maid I hired away from
Mrw. Flubdub ia rather Incompetent.",
"Why so?" '
"She doesn't seem to have any gossip
shout the Flubdubs worth mentioning."
Ksnsss City Journal.
Btranger (entering) 4u the cashier In?
Manager No.
Strang-er Gone for a rest?
Manager (sadly) No; gone to avoid su
rest Stray Stories.
"Sadderman aeems to be always worry
ing over something."
Yes; he is generally troubled with
three kinds of trouble sll at the same
time all the trouble he haa ever had, all
he has now, and all ha ever expects to
have." Puck.
Mrs. Brown Finally Restored to
Health hj Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound,
In illllinilllllllllMMIi!
I - V -J
Cleveland, Ohio. "For year I suf
fered so sometimes it seemed as though
il could Dot stand
it any longer. It
waa all In my lower
oreana. At times I
could hardly walk,
for If I stepped on a
little stone I would
almost faint One
day I did faint and
my husband was
sent for and tha doc
tor cam. I waa ta
ken to tha hospital
and stayed four weeks but when I cam
horn I would faint just tha same and
had the saro pains.
A friend who Is a nurse said for ma to
try Lydia RPinkham's Vegetable Cora
pound. I began taking it that vary day
for I waa suffering a great deal It
baa already dona ma mora good
than tha hospital. To an yon who is
suffering as I was my advice is to stop
in the first drug-store and get a bottle
of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound before you go bom," Mrs. W.
C. Brown, 1109 Auburn Avenue, Clara
land, Ohio.
Why not take Mrs. Brown's advice T
Write for free and helpful
dvics to Lydia E. Plnkham
Medicine Co,(confltlentIil,),Lynn.
Household Economy
Hew ITav th Beat Owgh
Heanedy aal Save S3 ky
aklac It at Ileae
Cough medicines, as a nils contain a
large quantity ot plain svrup. A pint of
grsnulated sugar with S pint of warm
water, stirred for 2 minutes, gives you)
as good syrup as money can buy.
Then get from your druggist 1 ounces)
Pinex (CO cents worth), pour into a pint
bottle snd fill the bottle with supsf
svrup. ibis gives you, st a cost of only
64 cents, a full pint of really better rousti
syrup than vou could buy ready made foe
f2.8l) a clear saving of nearly 2. Full
directions with Pinex. It keeps perfectly
and tastes good.
It tskes hold of the usosl conch o
rhest cold st once snd conquers it in 2-ei
hours. Splendid for whooping cough
bronchitis snd winter coughs.
It's truly sstonishlng how quickly fl
loosens the dry, bosrse or tight cough)
and beals snd soothes the inflamed mem
branes in the case of a painful coucha
It also stops the formation of phleirm inj
the throat and bronchial tubes, thus end
ing the persistent loose cough.
Tinex Is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pine extracts
combined with STisiacol, and has beets
uned for generations to heal inflamej
membranes of the throat and chest.
To avoid disappointment, ask vtmt
druggist for "2ty ounces of Piner,"' and
don t accept anything else. A guarantee)
of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt
ly refunded, goes with this preparation
lbs Finex Co., it. Wayne, Ind.
"I wish I could afford
a Typewriter"
This is what people say
every day.
That's easy; easier than you
Let us RENT you a Visible
3 Months for $7.50
After you have had that
Remington for three months
you will wonder how you
ever got along without it;
and you will probably want
to buy it. All right, that's
where you save your $7.50
for if you buy at the end of
three months, the $7.50 ap
plies on the purchase price.
Doesn't that offer strike
you ju6t about right f Then
let us send you the rental
Remington Typewriter
201-8 South Nineteenth Street.
Telephone Douglas 1284.
You can -wear and nwn a kxhi
ful Genuine Diamond by simply
opening a t-narge Account with
na La Val
uer, fine solid
gold. English
finish, 1 brll
llant diamond,
eight fine real
Pearls, Baroque
Pearl Drop; l-
soiid rill
Si4aW. Ij
aaa Ladles' Dia
mond ring, ilk solid
g-old, "Psrfec. CCA
Hon" m'n't'g. . .U
M l Month.
XT. 4 Men' Dia
mond Ring. prong
Tooth tn'n t'g, 4ffC
14keolt.t a-oM..w
ai-sa atoasa. I a week.
Opts Daily liil I f. R. Satsfiiys TLI I 30
or writ, for llloMraUd eslsloe Ns. XU
-"in nou-!". 1444 snd Mlefiusn will call.
m Lists St, Oiahs
(Hear W areas Street)
1 1 a
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.