Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Girls! Lots of
Beautiful Hair
t5 cent bottle of "Danderine"
makes hair thick, glossy
and wavy.
Removes all dandruff, stops
itching scalp and fall
ing hair.
To be possessed of a head of ,heavy,
beautiful hair; soft, lustroua, "fluffy,
wavy and free from dandruff is merely
a matter of using a little Danderlne.
It Is easy and inexpensive to have nice,
eft hair and lots of it Just get a 3S cent
bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now all
drug stores recommend it apply a little
as directed and within en minutes there
will be an appearance of abundance,
freshness, flufilncas and an incompar
able glo and lustre, and try as yon
will you can not find a trace of dandruff
or falling hair; but your real aurpriae
will be after about two weeks' use, when
you will eee new hair fine and downy at
first yes but really new hair sprouting
out all over your scalp Danderine is,
we believe, the' only sure hair grower,
destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy
ecalp and it never fails to atop falling
hair at once.
If you want to prove how pretty and
oft your hair really Is, moisten a cloth
with a little Danderlne and carefully
draw It through your hair taking one
small atrand at a time. Your hair will
be soft, glossy and beautiful in Just
a few momenta a delightful surprise
awaits everyone who trlea this. Adver
tisement. TOCROW
M'ben your hair falls out, tlxr Is tack of nturV
nourlihinent, which cornea from the blood. Th
Modern Vacuum Cap draw the blood to th hair
root and nlvta it Tti:NEWU UKE. Thl U
forced circulation, whtih dUtnds tha nmatl blood
vet Is removing all tha rlujuad and liifcKlh
blood from around tha hair nsuta and aupplla
fresh new blood. The hair takes on new life.
XUkea your hair have a healthy Ijw. ttops It from
faltnff out and rtnes the life In the dormant
hair follicles so that tticv agin irrvw a ii.4eUby
head of hair. We nd our cats out on
tn your own home. We It-t you be the Judce. If
you are not sattwflfd with the sUoalna made you
return the Cap. and tbre are no chr.' We run
ail the risk that you will he Had to tiur -haae th-
'ap at the end of sUtv days, or WK IOSE. There
Is no publicity or unpleasant notorial v as nil
htpmenta are maile ly Panel Poet without ad
vertising. Write today for our booklet and par
ticulars, sent sealed la plain envelope.
Modem Yamum Cap Co.
643 Barclay IHoik, - Denver, Colo.
increases strength ol
delicate, n e r v o u a,
run-down people 100
llnTll'ill Pr cent tn te" da'
1 I H I I r I n many Inslanc a
I IV At 1 J1.?0 'orfelt if II
raits aa per run ex
planation In larK
article sooa to ap
pear In this paper,
frufgisc about It. Sherman A Mc.iV until
Pm tuorn always carry it la stock.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Nip . d la the bud; It MIA.
til If i
i -in
u.. quKMt way i.r-
iyy ""''" sjg : .!. ir I
II vr - li : iii : iii ii ,
Lincoln Men Trying to Frame Up
Something on the Bryan
( From a Msf f Correspondent.)
j LINCOLN, March .(Special.) An ef
fort Is bring ninde by loading democrat
of Lincoln to bring out democrats for
the four poHitlon of dccs.ntc-at-large
to the democrat. e natlnnnl conventltin,
who lll le strong supporters of Presi
dent WIlHon and his policies.
Names suggested aie those of gover
nor John H. Monhead of Lincoln, John
J. Sullivan of Omaha, William V. Allen
of -Madison mid William t. Oldham
of Kearney. The boosters of this quar
tet ey they are nil men who come
up to the requirements and represent
different localities of the state entitled
to recognition.
The governor comes from he Klrst
congressional dlxtrlct, Judge Sullivan
from the Second district, Senator Allen
from the Third district and Judge Old
ham from the Sixth district. It is
Insisted that all have won their spurs
in the democratic party and will be
! Indeed representative wen whom the
state can well feel proud of.
Ilryan Attitude Vaeertaln.
Just how this slate will strike the
Bryan men Is not known, but it is
not thought it will create very much
enthusiasm as petitions have been In
circulation for some,' time placing the
names of W. J. Bryan, J. J. Thomas of
toward, V. H. Thompson of Grand
Island and L. J. 1'lattl of Omaha,, In
the running for delcgate-at-large places.
These petitions were circulated by Mr.
Bryan's chief of staff. Dr. K. Arthur
Carr of Lincoln, and were supposed to
bring strength to the Bryan dry ticket,
although Just how the dry campaign
could harmonize with at least two of the
men named and also with Mayor Jamos
Dahlman of Omaha, also named as na
tlona committeeman, the dry follower!
have not yet tried to explain.
Denis Play-In Trick.
Certain candidates for office on the
democratic ticket are otiddltng up to the
bullmoosers with the end In view of get
ting endorsements from that party. The
scheme is to have potltlons circulated
signed by moosern in different parta of
the state which will be sent to the secre
tary of state's office and then of course,
the recipient of the favors will simply
be compelled to accept the filing through
Frank P. Corrtck, state chairman of
the bullmoose party, has caught on to th-5
game and is bending every effort to
throw a monkey wrench In the machine
operating along this line and at present
is busily engaged in staving off action
wherever he can discover that the chem
Is being worked. The hastily filed bull
moose petitions made this week were put
in for the purpose of getting ahead of
work which it was understood was nrider
way to grit certain' randUnte of ',the
democratic party In line for the'endorse
ment of the moosera. '
Nonpartisan Democrat!
The latest wrinkle In the political geme
Is the ' contemplated organization of a.
"nonpartisan democratic" club In Lin
coln. Petitions have been In circulation
and some republicans have been caught
In the net, being told that "anybody can
join." , Jut what a "nonpartisan demo
crat" Is has not yet been explained. There
are several kinds of democrats this year,
but the "nonpartisan" kind had not be
fore put in an appearance. However, It
Is understood that the Intention was to
make the club a "nonfactlonal" club of
the democratic persuasion, but that too
this year is almost an unknown and un
heard of animal.
I.oomla' Name Pltfd.
The name of the N. II. LooiuU of
Omaha was filed with the secretary of
state for delegate to the republican na
tional convention from the Second dis
Harvey W. Morrow, of 4910 Casa street,
Omaha, filed for attorney general on the
bullmooeo ticket.
Frank Vedder of Bloomlngton Med for
presidential elector on the same ticket.
FALLS CITY, Neb., March 2. (Special.)
The following- announcement from the
Seattle Times hss been received by a
number of friends of the brlile-to-be here:
"Mrs. Hilda Huntington announces the
engagement of her daughter. Imo, to Dr.
Crawford Warren. The wedding; will take
place the latter part of March. Miss
Huntington Is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Washington and a member of
Chi Omega sorority. Dr. Warren is a
graduate of Northwesttrn and a member
of Blsma Alpha Epsllon fraternity."
Miss Huntington was a resident of Fre
mont and attended the Nebraska State
university for several years, going to
Washington to finish her last university
year and graduated with the class of
1AU from the State university at Seattle,
Wash. She has taught her sufficient pe
riod to secure a teacher's life certificate
and wss the youngest member of her
graduating class. When a student at tha
Xehraxka university she was popular
among the university set. Her mother
Is a resident of Falls City and hefdnugh- j
ter has visited here several times, wherv
she has been the honor guest at a num
ber of functions. She has many uni
versity friends over the state.
Mataat Inaaranre Company Clecta.
FALLS CITY. Neb., March 2.-Bpectal.)
The Richardson Coupty Farmers' Mu
tusl Insurance company held Its annual
meeting at Verdon on Tuesday with
about 2Ts1 stockholders present. N. I.
Auxier of Liberty township was elected
to the presidency and John Llchty. sec
retary. Josh Bloom was re-elected treas
urer and the members constituting the
board of directors were re-elected.
When to Taaa r baaaberlala's
When you feel dull and atupid after
When constipated or bilious.
When you have a atrk headache.
When you have a sour stomach.
When you belch after eating.
When you have indigestion.
When nervous or despondent.
When you hava no relish for your
When .your liver 1s torpid.
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement.
i i iiuuiuiiKH i i im i nrn qirn i i isinnrn cirri i-
Morehead and Chaso
Address Highway
Meeting at Aurora
Al'nortA. Mrch 2. (Ppeclal Th
Oood Boads flay of the Aurora Commer
cial club, with Oovernor John It. More
Nad and Prof. I.. W. Chase of the Ptatc
Agricultural school as speakers, yester
day, arouse 1 much enthusiasm in thli
county for better roads. Governor More
head addressed an open meeting In the
evening at the Commercial club rooms
and urged the expenditure of money,
time and effort In the betterment of the
roads. He Insisted that the farmers and
business men of Hamilton county cannot
do anything which wilt be so profitable
close attention to roadSvetterment.
The afternoon meeting was composed
laraely of farmers and road supervisors
of the county. The county commissioner
had sent out urgent Inflations to all of
the road men under their control andiWts Ms) and the National Aeroplane
moot of them attended the meeting. In
spite of the cold weather and drlfUn
Prof. Chase advocated the employment
of a road engineer by tho county. Ho
declared that the salary of the engineer
would more than ho returned to tho
county in the better roads. He cal'et
attention to Polk county, where an en
tlncer had been employed. After nn ex
amination of this man'e work, he found
that more had been done under his thro
years' anpervi'lon than had been doni
throughout the history of the county.
Prof. C'hnse told the commissioners and
road supervisors that an organisation of
their forces could be effected whereby
every mile of road In this county can le
dragged and kept In condition. He called
upon the commissioners to get the farm
era organised for a dragging oampaign.
After the roads have been properly
graded and drained, he said, systematic
attention to them with drags will keep
the roads of Hamilton county in excel
lent condition.
LINOOTvN. Neb., March 2. The Bur
lington Railroad company this evening
notified the State Railroad commission
that It would lift the embargo on wheat
and that It Is now ready to accept that
grain for shipment. For some time the
road refused wheat shipments In Ne
braska in order to care for more pressing
demands on its rolling stock.
The notice follows an Investigation by
the railway commission of the shortage
of cars, and an order Issued by It by
which from fifty to seventy-five box cars
will be dally returned from the eat to
delivering roads In this state.
It Is estimated by the commission that
within a short time from 1,600 lo 2,000
cars wilt be sent back to the grain-carrying
lines In western states.
BEATRICE!, Neb... March t. (Special.)
Charlea Vraver Is lying at the point
of death at his home nine miles south
west of Marysvltle, Kan.,: and Wa brother,
Frank raver. Is In jail at Marysvllle
ss the result of a shooting affray which
occurred at the former's home over the
division of some property. According to
the sheriff at Marysvllle,' Frank shot
his brother In the head with a shotgun,
probably Inflicting a fatal wound. ' Little
information has been . obtained of the
affair. The wounded man is (0 years
of age and has a wife and three
BEATRICE. Neb., March a.-(Specll.)
Beatrice, has dropped out of the Ne
braska Speed association because the
dates askad for, July S, 4 and G. wns
given to Kearney at the meeting held
at Fremont Tuesday night, and horse
men of this city are now making plans
to hold a big Independent meeting at the
Queen City park on July t, 4 and 5.
TECUMSEH. Neb., March. J.-(Speclal )
At a meeting of tha Tecumseh Board
of Education last night Prof. W. F.
Cook of Lincoln was elected to the super
lntendency of tha Teoumseh schools for
the coming year. Prof. V. L Strickland,
who has had tha auperintendency for
five years, was not a candidate for re
COWLES, Neb., March t. (Special.)
Carl Lindstrom, section foreman out of
Lester, six miles south of this town, was
hit by a northbound extra yesterday
morning about four miles south of town
and Instantly killed. Tbe wind was blow
ing hard from the north and the train
(aught him on a curve.
LTONS, Neb., March t-(eipeclal.)-Dr.
A. T. Hill, pioneer physician, droppod
dead yesterday morning while starting
his kitchen fire. Dr. Hill came here In
the early 'o when the railroad was first
built and has been practicing here ever
since. He was a prominent Mason.
Two Kails City Weddlaars.
FALLS CITY. Neb., March .8pecial.)
.Take O. Phsver, son of James fihaver
of Atchison. Kin., snd Miss FJlen Mae
Houti of Falls City were married by the
county judge. The father of tho groom
was present to give his consent, as the
young man was but 20 years old. They
accompanied the groom's father to Atchi
son for a ' visit and wMI later return to
this city to live.
Fred Foulh of Hamlin, Ksn., and Mlsa
Vlrgie Nixon of Falls City were married
at the Brethren rarsonage on Wednes
day. The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Klxon and the groom the
adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pore!.
They alll live on the Llchty farm, three
miles south of the state line tn Kansas.
Declamatory Coateat at Lyoaa.
LYONS. Neb.. March l.-Bper.lal.)-Th
Lyona High school declamatory contest
was held In the new gym here last night,
and Mlas Anna Smith won first place and
will represent Lyons in tha state contest
at Fremont. Mlsa Gladys Welker won
second. Superintendent Poucher, Super
intendent M (-Commons of Craig and the
sVperlntendent of schools from Pender
wera tha judges.
Aviation Schools Write to Guard
Headquarters Offering to Give
Free Instruction.
(Frotn a Staff Correspondent.!
LIXCOIA. March J.-Spcclnl. Two
crrera have come to National Ouard
hcadmailcM Inviting tieneial llnll to
select a man from the guard of the st ite
to lake a course In aeroplane flylnir.
One of these comes from the Curtis
Aeroplane school which has schools nt
Buffalo, IlammandsiHilnt. N. T., New
pott News, Va., Dan Diego. Cel.. and
another being established at Pheephead
lay speedwny nt New York, while the
other comes from the Orlnnell Aeropluno
company of - Iowa.
The Ourtlsa school offers to furnish free
instruction for one year, which usually
club of New York adds $lil for expenses.
The Curtlas school believes that the
I'nlted States should hsve at least an
army of 8.000 experienced aviators for
army service and says that If It had the
country could rest comparatively easy.
General Hall expects to tnke the matter
up with Governor Morehead and If it
meets with bis favor, the offer of one or
both schools will be accepted and somo
one Interested In the aeroplane work will
bo assigned.
Mellor's Home on Fire.
Secretary of the Plate Board of Agri
culture W. It. Mellor had a new experi
ence this morning when he discovered his
house on fire. The fire raught in the
furnace room In the basement and wnsi
put out before the house had bvn dam
aged very much, although there wan
quite a toss from smoke and water.
nidarrl to Ran.
Fire Commissioner Wlnfiold ftcott Rld
gell has at last decided that he really
wants to be railway commissioner and
this morning accepted the petitions which
came in the other day, consisting of peti
tions from seventeen countlea containing
W3 names. He la filing on tho democratic
ticket, which this year takes conslderablo
nerve, but being a fireman he has faced
some hard conditions before and is used
to It.
Omahan Weds.
Clarence O. Marston of Omaha, aged
28 years, and I-eona K. Marston of the
same city, aged 24 years, were given
a license to marry In Uncoln yesterday.
Three Born February SO.
Three girls were born In Uncoln this
week, who will have to go through life
with the handlcnp o fhavlng one fourth ,
as man bothdays as the average in-'
dividual. They were born on leap year,
day, February si), and will, of course,
have a birthday once In four years. Their 1
first one will not oome until February
I'M, 1?20.
Bonds Registered,
State Auditor Smith today received
the application of the city of Omaha
for the registering of .bonds of that city
In the amount of $.'76,000, The bonds are
for park and street improvement, ac-1
cording to the "history" which aocom- j
panled the application. The, records of i
the auditor's office dlsoloaea that the(
Demand Considered Marvelous ,
by Those in Business i
World. 1
t When one realties that exactly one !
million bottles of Tanlac wera sold nine ,
months fo the day after Ita Introduction, i
It can lie readily understood why Tan- !
lac s success success built on merit alone,
has been considered a romance of the
slsld business world. Its instant leap to
popularity throughout the United Btatee
1n surli a comparatively short period
has been looked upon as almost a
miracle. y
. Teniae must have wonderful merit, or
why would a quarter or a million peo
ple unhesitatingly come forward and pub
licly endorse it? Tanlao appeal to the
best people. In every community where
Tanlao has been introduced. It will be
noted thab. prominent and professional
people, whose reputation and word are
beyond reproach, are among tha flrat to
endorse this Master Medicine.
The secret of Teniae's sucoess wtilch
haa surpassed the record of any other
... K. at.,,, nnuwn in vna annaia or
proprietary medicines. Is Its good reputa
tion, which has been established In every
community where It has been Introduced.
Teniae's best advertiser, it haa been
shown, is the grateful man or woman
who haa Buffered all the agonies of atom-
ach, kidney, liver disorder, or kindred I
ailments, and has found relief through
this wonderful reconstructive tonic Tan
lac. It is this person, who spread the
good news to his or her friend In order
to give them the benefit of the discovery,
that has paved the way to ucces for
Another great point In Tanlao' record
Is the large repeat sales. In other words,
tho sales record established by Tanlac
Is due to satisfied customers, who have
realised the benefits of this wonderful j
tonic and have returned for their seoond,
third, fourth and often fifth bottle. j
It la true, however, that only one bot- !
tie of Tanlac often haa been found suf
ficient to relieve. In long standing cases, '
however, it Is beneficial to take a thor- I
ough Tanlac treatment.
Teniae has proven very effective In I
Stomach, livdr, kidney nd Intestinal dls-
orders, and through lis system-cl-anslng I
I lowers and tonic effects gives the best '
results for catarrhal affection of the
mucous membranes. I
Nervous, run-down men and women.
whose strength hss been sapped by mod- '
ern maladies sprinting from a disordered
stomach, liver, kidney or catsrrhal trou
blea, which are tho base of so many ills. '
and who need more strength, better as
similation, regulated circulation, quick
and effective toning up of the nerves;
In short, a purification of the system,
will find thst nothing compares with
Tanlao in It remedial effects.
Tanlac la now being Introduced In
Omaha at the Hherman & McConnell Drug
store, lth arid Dodge streets, where Us
merit are being explained dally to aenres
of man and women.
Tanlac may be obtained In the follow
ing cities: Ashland, Cone'a pharmacy;
Blue Springs. B. N. Wonder; Benson,
Hchlller-Beattle Pharmacy; Central City,
Schiller Drug Store; Grand Island, Clay
ton' Pharmacy; Weeping Water, Meyer
Drug Store Advertisement.
II :?, line.
city already 1ms o-.tstandlng hniuls
antoiiDtlug to :;,r.Vt and this ulll
run the amount to tis.Cvofrv
FAIKlll'RY. Neb.. March . -(Special
Telegram.) A mass mooting of rural pi-
trons of tho lancoln Telegrahph and Tolc-
' ,,,ono company anil a committee from
me ranoury Ommorclnl club
was held
In the court house hero this afternoon to
argue tho matter of Increased rates to
rural sulmcrlhers.
James A. Axtell, rhalrnmn of the com
mittee, presided, and a larue number of
speeches were made.
Pan KavanauKh, president of tho Com
mercial club, made a speech In Ix-half of
the Commercial club members, saying he
thought tho farmers were justified In re
senting the In rates.
Jefferson county farmers for over two
months have bitterly fought tho advance
In rates, asserting that the onmimnv is
not ghlng first-class service and that It
Lump, Eeg or
Keeline Bldg., 17th and Harney Sts.
Phone Doug. 252.
MiaipiH Hi ''"""''I'r1"' n-T-.pssm'S"""'"
?n rn
. "Q uee n Quality "
and "Bostonians"
From the BYRNE SHOE CO. of Lincoln, Neb.
Boaght through S. Rosenberg of Boston.
On Sale Monday, March 6th
c on
See the Wonderful Window Displays
Look for Details in Sunday Papers
This "PUB" S hsarily loaded with germ such a Bacteria of the
abominable broods that cans inflammation, abscesses and other kind of tls.
u poison. This poison causes the rheumatism and other abov dta'ase.
Hhariod spot shows how a Pus Kac.
formed beneath the root uf a tooth
may be so hblden that an ordinary
dentist's examination may not reveal
Offioe Hour, 8:30 to . Wednes
day and Saturday to F. at.
Sundays, 10 to 1i30.
Tha Man That Put T-MT la
14th and Farnam St., 1334 rarnam.
Ffcon Douglas 8873.
We want you to see our Rustic Per
gola, Flower Boxes and Bird Founts
On Display in Southeast Corner
of Auditorium
Omaha Concrete Stone Co.
Tel. Colfax 886
fnlhd to carry out the promises and re
bull, I lis xstcin in Jefferson county.
Considerable evidence wns Introduced to
substantiate this assertion, as farmers
from all parts of the county testified that
the compiny had failed to cary out Its
contract to tho letlrr.
O It. Jones nnd 1L I1. I'onoon, prom
inent farmers of this counts, recently al
trnred lcfore tho railway commission at
Lincoln, protesting aanlnst the Increase,
of rates to rural sulHcrilers.
Jerfereon county farmers are willing ti
compromise on a stratuht t.X rate.
Owing to the Wlrxard prevailing in this
county, tho attendance at the mass meet
lug ns not as IniKe as contemplated.
Read Bee Want
them for results.
Ads for profit. I'so
Farm tlonse at l.lrnnirr llurns.
HKATRICK, Neb, March .-(Special.)
The home of 4afo Meivlnney was de
stroyed by fire In (ilenover at 2 o'clock
this morning with all Its contents. The
origin of the fire Is unknown, as tho
family was away from home. Tho loss
will amount to $1,00,1 with no Insurance.
Per Ton
the Doll
The name of heart disease,
'onrlooHr-ill Ih," frequently orlKlnati-a
In th Jaw frotn "ius Ba-."
A kind of paralysis that may dis
able a person entirely haa Its causa
Hliuilarly located.
An a'Uto Infection of the Joints,
uttrtbiitmlile to a small local trouble
of tho Jaws, rimy Inflict frightful
agony ami In a few (lays kill.
sxrrrEKEB ooxs to dewtist
The sufferer goes to a dentist. Hut
the latter docs not suspect the ex
lMt nice of the pus sac. There Is
nothing external to suggest any trou
ble of the kind. The "l'us" nor being
able tn tome through the month and
bo curried off by the tuniai h. in
Hlisorbed by the blood and carried
through all parts of the body.
"pus sac" Kirowsr here.
Our expert dentists can 1 lax none
your without use of an X-ray.
LKT us talk the matter of your
teeth over Willi oil. All
work gunranteed 10 year.
Hee our Price List and rnmpara
It with prices you have ull for
work elsewhere.
Stiver rilling. . . 60o
White Crown $4.00
Best OS-k rold CrownTTT. 84.00
Brdg Work. tr tooth $4.00
Best Pistes.
RS, $8 and $10
7"".T" $1.00
W give mileage for 60 mils
on Out-of-Town Contract for
$10 or mora.
jplWiW SM'II W I I I II l inilhl I Mil in .
28th Ave. and Sahler S.I
Style "F," $75
1 f 111 ' B " "
.iSllllili llJi iiy,
f '!
Come to our store and
ask to hear this dainty lit-
tie cabinet model of the
"World's Greatest Phono
graph." It possesses all the won
derful "Vocalion" fea
tures Great depth, rich
ness and "carrying qual
ity" of tone.
Unapproached ability to
reproduce the most deli
cate tone-tints in their
natural shades.
Other model from :W to
Small monthly payments.
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam St.
Exclusive Retail and Wholesale
Distributor!- for Nebraska,
Western Iowa snd Ho. Dakota.
Denlrahle Territory Open
for Reliable Dealers.
Your Last Chance
and You Will Have to Hurry
to get a remarkably fine Govern
ment Homestead under the North
I'let to Irrigation project In Soott's
II luff county, Nebraska.
This Is a settled section.
No waiting for yenrs for settlers
to come to yoti.(
I .and lays well. Is covered with,
nutritious grasses, foil deep black
loam, underlaid with clay. A
good as the famous Scott's Bluff
Close to t niriHpoi Utloli. Just tlio
place to raise stock, sugar beets,
wheat, oats, hurley, alfalfa, pots
toes, etc. No more healthful local
ity anywhere.
Rut you must select your pleco
of land prior to March lfllh, 1!U6. '
so there' no time to lose.
You make a down payment on
the water right of I-.75 per acre,
then no more for five years; then
tl'.'ti each year for five years, then
13.85 per year until you have paid
In, all told, tr&OO, In addition, you
pay a filing fee of 15.00 to $10.00
and for making up the papers.
75.000 acres Box Butte county
land at auction In tracts to suit'
purchaser on very easy terms.
Auction begins March 22, 1916.
This Is all fertile and level
prairie land, located near Alliance,
Neb., a city of over R,"00 people.
This will he an absolute salo and
your price will lie our price. Your
first crop will pay for tho farm.
Kor full particulars free write,
wire or call
IV. G. Tcmplcton
;) lice Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
. Memphis,
New Orleans
Two Solid Steel Trains
Tickets and Information at
407 South 10th r.t.
District laa(enKer Agent.
I'hoiie Rouglaa 201.