r I HI-: HKYi OMAHA. TIUKSDAV, MAKCH J. liMC. 3 i r i . i ' v. 1 1 J Nebraska BARHETT AND LANE RUN INTHE FIFTH MoCook and Halting Men Ar Can didate! for Republican Dis trict Delegates. HANSEN FOR MOOSE GOVERNOR (From a Staff Corespondent.) IJNCOLN. March L (Special.) Infor mation comet to IJncoln that the repub licans in th. Fifth district are studiously at work securing- signaturea to numerotui petitions for the purpos. of placing the names of A. Barnett of McCook and C. C. In. of Hastings a candidates for the republloan district delegates to the na tional oonrenllon. The, two gentlemen have selected (Trank A. Dean of Holdrege and Daniel Oaxber of Red Cloud, respectively, as their alternate. f Mr. Barnett is a lumberman and has been associated with developments In western Nebraska and Is a good roads booster, while his alternate-is a banker t Holdrege. Mr. Lane Is president of the Exchange National bank of Hastings and one of the I leaders In the movement to get the re- publicans together. Daniel Oarber. his j alternate. Is a well-known republican, not only of that district, but of the state, llaasen for Governor. Candidates for state office on the bull moose ticket are beginning to put In an appearance, and today flllnas were re ceived at the secretary of state's office for governor, and treasurer. Jamea K. Hansen of Fremont sends in a filing for the bull moose nomination for governor. W. C. Crooks of Lincoln would like to be state treasurer from ' a bull moose standpoint. Other filings were E. C. Newland of Holdrege, who files for the state senate on the republican ticket from the Twenty first district, composed of the counties of rh.lpa, Oonper, Furnas and Harlan, rep resented In the last two sessions by Jack Grace of Mascot, Nrbl. for Klector. Colonel Henry Clay Richmond of Omaha, after performing a Job aa general engineer at the legislative league banquet last week that puts him in the class with ! jimonico, Waldorf-Astoria, Tobaeco and a few others of great reputations as ban quet englneera, appeared at the state house this morning in the role of official booater for Sophua Neble for presidential elector. Among the names of well-known patri ots, scholars and statesmen on the pe tition are .James C. Dahlman, Arthur Mullen and BJehard I Metcalfe, ao It Is rldent that Colonel Neble has been able to mix the aheep with the goats and get wy with It successfully,. and wiU prob ably land all right, thanks to the excel- work of his suave and Cheeter fleldlan friend and neighbor. Colonel Usury CSay Richmond. Mrs. Underdown Again Sues Railroad :. for Thirty Thousand ' ; FATRBTJRT, Neb.. March 1. (Special.) -A $30,000 death elalm case against the ; Burlington railroad was' filed with the .Jerk of the district court here Tuesday by Mrs. Delia Underdown of Reynolds, .'Keb. This Is the second appearance of this case Into court. Less than a year ago ft was filed by former Adjutant Gen eral John C Hartigan and oame up for the preliminary skirmish November 8, 191 1, , before Judge L. M. Pemberton. He ordered the case transferred to the United Btates fedral court at IJncoln. Four months have elapsed and the federal court has decided the case belongs In the dis trict court at Falrbury. William C. Underdown was killed by a fast Burlington train en route to Omaha near the yards at Ashland. Neb.. De cember 14, 1M4. He was employed as, a aborer and while working on the tracks With a work train he stepped in front of a passenger train. The attorneys al leged that the passenger train approached at an excessive rate of speed without any warning; also that the deceased's vision was obscured by the escaping stoam from an old and defective worktrain locomo tive. Mrs, Underdown avas appointed admin istratrix for the estate May 11, 116. Bhe alleges that she and her four children have been deprived of the maintenance and support of ths husband and father and has been damaged to the amount of tao.ooo. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County BEATRICE, Neb., March 1. (Special.) The second annual banquet of Mt. Her rnon Commandery No T, Knights Tem plar, was held last evening at the Pad-, dock hotel, there being about 100 sir knights and their wives ln attendance. Kir Knight 8. C. Smith was the toast master, and those responding were Sir Knights U. O. Brown of Omaha, N. P. Patterson, Mrs. C. A. Spellman. Miss Katherlne Webb of thla city and Rev. J, E. House of Spokane, Wash. Frank Ward, who was arrested Sunday evening by Officer Buchholi aa he was in the act of prying off a lock at the year of Morris 4 While's grocery store, was arraigned yesterday before Judge Kills on the charge of breaking and en tering. He pleaded not guilty and his case was set for hearing Friday morning at 10 o'clock. In default of .VX) bond he was remanded to jail. At the weekly luncheon of the Commer cial club yesterday ninety of the members present voted unanimously In favor of the city manager plan of government. Mrs. Elizabeth Cotton, mother of Mrs. A. Hewlett and J. M. Cotton of this city, died Sunday night at a local hospital, aged 86 yeara. he came here ten years ago from North Platte after the death of her husband. Two new cases of smallpox were re ported yesterday In West Beatrice. There re in ail five cases in the city at the present time, I wo vtrUdlaga mi Syracuse. SYRACUSE, Neb.. March '.-(Special.) A pretty wedding occurej last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Reuter. Their daughter. Misa Louise, was married to Fred Helm. Rev. E. H. Gabriel officiated. They will reside on one of A. Reuter s farms. August Brinkman snd Miss I.lnie Karo were msrried Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karo. licv. K. H. Gabriel tud the knot. The bridal couple was at tended by Harry Amende of I'eru and MUs Erna Flcter of Norfolk. Nebraska TO ADDRESS FINE ARTS SOCIETY AT FONTENELLE TODAY. for ..-election by a nl.e malority. Mr. Lortfdo Taft. well known Chicago sculp-?n M -ov.ral tor. will addrosa U,e Omaha Society of I1" lnr' '"'" "n my duties as Fine Arts at the Hotel Fontenelle this : ,m"or and 1 m "rtln "f '"'"' h afternoon at 4 o'clock on the subtect I coulJ "' "ny go.d things nbo.it my ad "tlothlc Sculntnre" Mi v n i mirlstration. H could tell you that In chairman of the program committee for the art lectures of the society, entertains Mr. Taft at luncheon Mr. Taft s second lec ture Ttor.....n. Sculpture," will be nour and place, March M. The board of i. . . . ... . i unrviurs vi ine r ine Arts society give a luncheon for him that day. Burton Asks Pool to Leave His Name Off Prima. paiinr.iDawes Republicans? uu,. , --.J Form Organization fnlted States Senator Theodore Burton, nu.nv. v. . . , ... of Ohio In a letter to Secretary of B'ata CHAr,RO:v- March l.-(Speclal.-Pool, received today, asks that his name ' Tha r",ublip'n of r,n' ""? "'' be withdrawn as a candidate for the re- ' not,"r " attended "get together" publican presidential nomination for pros- I mV',,n'r at th r0,,rt hou"e ' decided ldent. His request will be granted In his ' to ,"PPrl ,he following for offices at letter. Mr. Burton says the petition, ask- I ,ne I,rlrnr' ""lon next month: Ing that his nam. oe placed on tbe ballot I treasurer Royno,(5"' Cl adron' for "l,0 to be voted on as a presidential prefer ence, was filed without his knowledge n1 cor""'nt and he had no intention of entering the prlmury In Nebraska. I , . Joint Evangelistic Meetings at. Crete CRETE, Neb.. March 1. (Special. )-A big three weeks" series of evangelistic meetinga started ln this city Tuesday night. The meetings are being conducted under the auspices of the Methodist and Congregational churches.. The week eni stsa niu (.UIHIUtirtl 111 LUI Ity the two pastors. On Saturdays and Sun days gospel teams of prominent Omaha business men will conduct the services. The first team to be here will be Satur day and Sunday of this week Rev. TV. A. Tyler Is pastor of the Congregational church and Rev. H. IS. Hess Is pastor of the Methodist church. The first night's meetings were largely attended. Falrbary Newa Notes. FAIRBURY, Neb.. March l.-HSpa'clal.) J. McCall, an employe ln the Rock Is land locomotive shops, received a painful Injury last night when his right hand waa caught in an emery wheel and badly mangled. McCall is a well known base ball player of this city. Charles Hughes has filed for the demo cratic nomination for clerk of the dis trict court. - Three republican aspirants sre already ln the field and Include Messrs. O. N. Garnsey, A. F. Smith and Charles McGee. A number of Nebraska division passen ger engineers" are laying off this week from their work. These runners include Messrs. C. II. Laird, N. Downes. A. J, Kelley, O. B. Clarke, C. B. Davis, J. J. Mulkey and F.'S. Green. C. I E. Blausser has filed for re nomlnatlon as democratlo representative from the Thirty-second district. He rep resented this district ln the last session of the legislature. Jamea A. Axtell has filed for the republican nomination. Cards are out for the approaching mar riage of Mlas Abble Ireland of thla city to MUo Brown. The wedding will be solemnized at the home of the bride-to-be's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ire land. . W. H. NIda, a farmer living four miles smith of Fafrbury, held a public sale to day and sold his live stock and farm Im plements. He expects to abandon farm ing. Your First Thought Should Be Your Health WHY NOT? It is a priceless osses sion arid deserves utmost cure. One of the greatest . drawbacks to health is a weak stomach, but this can soon be corrected by careful diet and aid of H0STETTEITS Stomach Bitters It is a reliable first aid TODAY'S BEAUTY TALK You can make s delightful shampoo with very little effort and for a very trifling coat If you get from your drug gist a package of canthrog and dissolve a teaspoon ful In a cup of hot water. Tour shampoo is now ready.. 'Juat pour a little at a time on the scalp and rub briskly. Thla create an abundance of thick, white lather that thoroughly dissolve and re move all dandruff, excess oil snd dirt. After rinsing, the hslr dries quickly, with a fluffiness that maaes it aeetn heavier than It I, and takes on a rich luster and a softness thst makes arranging It a pleasure. Advertisement. Nobraska Madgett Intimates Carson Is Trying to Aiu Liiu uuiiiocrais : HASTIXUR. Ncr... March t.-iSpeelal (Mayor Madgett fired his second hroad slila yestordsy at H. K. ("arson of l.ln- coin. S).rerintenlcnl of the N, breaks January teiclttan -e. according to Untrue Anil -Saloon league. who has undertaken ; 1 1ons except thlriecn. The counties fail to organ-ge the dry rePul..cna of the !(, ,, Krr v , ,. , Mste for . I,. Sutton of Uinah.t. I follows in nis rejclnitcr lo Mr. (.'arsons nil mwi.ii inni aiaagcu is recent convert and snould bo content to plnv an Incon- spii nous iart t.-. mayor ss: "I have lived In llixsMnga practical'.)' 'all my life. do not drink, smoke nor I chew. My life Is an open boos and when 1 mat e the rare last spring for ""jur ui urn tiiy ui neMinga .laainai n dotnoctatic brother of Mr. Carax.n's, 1 had the support of the church federal Ion and good people of ila.tli.o. and sue- t ceded In defeating his democratic orother I n,akln!T PPolntm nls I srlocted good. iT""". " men "n1 th"1 ' h"v' j chased out gamblers, boot-leggera ami iprtatllutes and hv gri.erally enforced "Tho frlenoe of any cause should ever oenr In mind that browbeating, rule-or- ruin, crushing anr! threatening political i boycotting methods d-n't go with a peo illfi that are as lutein.-:. t and law ! abiding as they aro In Nebraska and ; people who believe In proper methods and i a square deal." 'I J K. I'orter. Crawford, for senator, dla- trlct No. 28. A. Itartlctt. f'hadron, for representative, district No. 74. M. J. Mumford. for clerk, Dawes countv. Iwls Cartright, Whitney, for trens- IV n i. .1 .... AH ..... . . . s tornev. ' ' ' I . olvltigton for assessor. j Dawes county liss organised a repub- I llcan club, with JuHite v R HiiH nt ! 'Wayside as president., Forty dollars was pa,d ln b tnol,e Present to start with for V'rire, -.. TABOR la" Mh" T . i vv K: J" ' Maf, 1 "?tC"' N' Affi Monday evening at hia home in West Tabor arter a brief Illness from rneumonla. The deceaaed was S4 years old, and besides his widow is survived by two sons and two daughters. They are Floyd Wadhanis of Percival, Mrs. Flora Hawley of Craig, Mo.; Mrs. EJIth Lyman of Tabor and Elbert Wadhams of Corning. The funeral will be held In the Congregational church of Tabor Thursday at 2:30 p. m. '.., ' Dry Ferfrrattna Elects. ST. EDWARD, Neb., March l.-(Hpe-clul.) The dry voters of Beaver pre cinct organised last evening for the fall campaign. A. Powell was elected chair man; F. A Robertson, vice chairman; A. P. Peterson, secretary; E. Earl Nlcker- aon, treasurer; Harry Wells. North Beaver committee man; A. E. Arms, 1 Committee man for South Beaver. ! Sentence Qalckly Given. BEATRICE, Neb., March 1. (Special Telegram.) Jamea Billings today pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery fend was sentenced to from one to twenty years In the penitentiary by Judge Pemberton. Gray Hair Restored to its Natural Color Id a few application to Its original dark, glosiy shade, no matter bow loug It baa beea gray or faded, and dandrull remoTed by tit nit m Ve no one will know yon are tiling It. ie. 80c, II. all dealer or direct upon receipt ot price. Stnd for booklet "Beautiful Hlr." Pbllo Uy Specialties Company, Newark, N. J. p The rtTS snaps p RA . ' ra RAY th Word RAY RAYMO "mo"a RAYMO RAYMOKD RAYMORD Pone to fix In your mind perma nentlywhat RAYMOND means as It Is used HERE. There Is no power In this name any different from other names that have a pleaalng aound, until you have Identified It with aome thlng definite that la of USE to YOU. The RAYMOND QUALITY HOME FURNISHERS Omaha's new furni ture stors that will greet you with open doors at liia-llilS Howard street, and. READY for buslnras In Just a few DAYg more Is going to mean more than any mere name can Imply to you In the solution of a PKUPLKX 1NO PROBLEM, that of leaving In our POCKET or to your credit in the bank a bigger balance than you figured on after your buying has been com pleted and your orders left with THEM. This is not accomplished st a sacrifice of quality in this brand new stock of furniture, rugs and draperies that are being placed' on their SALES FLOORS for your In spection, BUT for the best of REA SONS RAYMOND PRICKS ARE LOW. The prime output of thf best AMERICAN FACTORIES from the country's biggest manufacturing cen ters, bought at the last dollar of legitimate discount In quantitiea that create a BUYING POWER that we are going to SHARE WITH YOU. Then U") Uht expense in reselling you dirVftly .with this M KUCHA N DISE sf fords soother mean cf ad vantage tbat they are passing on to you aa a customer in the giving of VALUE together with the lowest pos sible price. Watch for Opening Announcement. Nebraska i County Treasurers ! Nearly All Paying Up From a Staff Correspon.tent ', UNOOLN, March I. -(Special.) State , Treasurer Hall lias issued a statement to I day In which ho shows that all county treasurer in the stato ,.,i ........ . m.i ( limine county William Mi (.ii:ilj. I ' est ivinl " county. V. A. Osndnll. 1- i 1 uulas mnntv tl. I're, Omnha. It. Ciambera, i l?opcr county, Kl- a CM Hi .loi noon county CUrnneh. Lincoln county, rinlte. Kobert .1. Mbbe, Te A. NT. Durhln. North Nemaha county. 1. T. Olllllan, Aulnun hr. .""'T' '"" Jonnson.. .No 1 1 .-tipy county, K. A. Duff. ril!l,n. alley county. 1. 1. Tolcn. tird r.s-,i- county, i ii. Rtinsiii, P.ei Voik county. A. A. Mutt, Votk i i . . 'iia uir muni n or rnruary a year j ago we received remittances from nine- tern of (he eoiuity treasurers for the Jan taiy col.e t ons In the amount cf tf,Jt!.JI, This er we received remlttsncee durlnsr enruary from seventy-eight county treasurers Tor January collections In th amount of $!fis.i(!l 41. I tl 1 r-wa r- w I " OUIVirAN T MtMbbKd MUST PAY ASSESSMENTS (From a Staff Correspondent. IJNCOLN, Msrch 1. I Special.) Com r.Mirmiii oi me mate lusuran-e board has been Informed that many policy holders of the Mutual Hall Insur ance company of the state arc refusing to pay their assessments to the compan ies. He savs resWidlnr th mn !.. In a mutual assessment association of thla kind each policy holder la legally liable for ths full amount of his saaesa ment levied against him and should pay thla assessment promptly and wlthou; compelling his company to reisort to tht courts In order that the company niny thereafter be enabled to pay Its lossei promptly, and that ahen a member re fusea to pay his asaessmenl he wrong tach of his associate momhers In th company. Junior Short t'onrae at t'larkaon.' CLARK SON, Neb., March 1. (Special.) A Junior ahort course In agriculture and domestic arts will open her next Mon day morning at 10 o'clock and continue for five days. There will bo separate classes for boys and girls each morning and afternoon. There will be an Illus trated lecture on boys' and girls' club work Wednesday evening at 7:H0. Team stolen at Vennnsn. GRANT. Neb.. March 1. (Special.) A team of horses belonging to Grotman Bros, of Venango was stolen from the main street In that city Saturday night between 11 and 12 o'clock. A reward of HftO has been offered for the arrest and conviction of the thief and $36 for the re turn of the team. Alliance Alaranl Win. ALLIANCK. Neb., March 1. (Special Telegram.) The Alliance alumni basket ball team defeated the Hyannls "All Stars" here last nlg.it, ! to 17. The ieowieclge THE CHILDREN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA Answers Every Question a Child Can Ask Literally a mine of Information of all the Important knowledge of the world, It s arranged In the form of delightful reading books with complete encyclopedia index. There lg really nothing with which to compare this work, for it is indeed, gut generis, THE BOOK UNIQUE IN THE PUBLISHING WORLD, THE CHILD-WORLD, THE WHOLE WOULD. THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE Is a storehouse of the important and essential information of the world, written In the plain and simple language that a child can understand. It teaches the child hw to think and what to think how to find out for himself every thing be wants to know. For over three years we have been talking to you, fathers and mothers, who have the welfare of your children very much at heart, and are anxious to supplement the work of the school by laying the foundations of a well-rounded education In the home, about the re markable publication railed THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDOE, The Children's Kncyrlopedla. Is Your Child Still Waiting for the Greatest Educational Help of the Century? That a work so essential to the education of every child should he made easy to acquire even by those of very moderate means Is the desire and intention of the publishers. A very smalt paymen places within easy reach of the children ALL THE IMPORTANT KNOWL EDGE OF THE WORLD 10,000 striking educational pictures, 360 colored plates, with complete index. The WAR haa increased the cost of materials used in printing books. We have not YET ADVANCED the PRICE ON the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE. Mail This Coupon for Free Illustrated Book "The Child and the Ikx.k of Knowledge." written by the Editor-in-chief of tbe BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, explains the different de partments of this work, their use and meaning ana me ne cessity for it in the education of the child. It also contains 250 tremendously interesting questions taken from thousands answered in this work, with pic tures and colored plates show ing: The Light That Explains the Stars; The Space No Man Can Measure; The Living Flowers of tbe Sea; The Rlggeitt Magnet ln the World: The Unbeen Ship with the Wonderful Eye; The New Chariots of tbe Sky; Tho Wire That Huns Under the Sea; Messages That Fly Through Space; A Coal Mine With the Lid Off. and others. Nebraska Secretary of State j Rakes in the Cash! i From a Siaff Co-respondent.) LINCOLN, Mat h 1 Special ) -Nebraska reuulres aM corporations doing business within lis I orders to pay for i the privilege of enlstlng as corporations ' The records In the f', ef Secretary of State Tool attest that a special t has no deterrent effect, as Is shnwn by a comparison of the cash receipts from that source during the month of Febru- I ary for the last two years, as follows: I Februsty. 1i1S It i; to) February, l.ltt S.3M.H ( The total receipts of the office for Feb- j ruary, 191i. were tlt:'A while In Feb- ' ruary, til, they Increased to I1.7TS.M. The ! folloalng are the source from which j these receipts were collected: i Corporation permits $ 4HS .00 "r'iion pens Mo SM, ' n "rniratlon.... t.J t " , For filing notsrv commissions.... ice ' . ...n.,.4 4H.O0 For fl ing certificate and tran scripts !Oi0 Sale of statutes l!il to All other sources 10.19, Tola! M.;t?m; In the antomobiln division of the e, re tai y of state s office a total of .TM i plates and licenses was mailed out dur- ' Ing February, making a total of W.ttl j platea and license leaned during the first two months of 1916. The eipense for. operating the automobile department dur- ! Ing the last month Is a follows: Salaries Kxtra help Telephone Office supplies...; Irsyage , riate I S01 .14 4IW Cll III K'l 16.10, Tolsl ll.O.Wj llolilnnt Aeeepta Terms. I Shortstop Pill Orr. one of the few of j CUrr HIsnkenshlp's reulsrs of mi, who ! has been holding out, has alg-netl n Halt j ljike City contract. l.oalsTllle Gets a Fed. j MsnsKsr tlymer of Ijonlsxllla haa pur chased Shortstop Wilbur O. Roach from I the lluffalo Keiieral league cluh. i Prouah with Oakland. j The Oakland club of the Pacl'lc raM league haa signed Pitcher Prongn. Ouch! Backache! Rub Lumbago or j Stiffness Away Rub pain from back with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." When your back is sore and lame or , lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you , stiffened up. don't suffer! Het s email j trial botlle of old, honeat, "St. J stops Oil" at any drug store, ponf little In your hand and rub It right on your ach ing baik. and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lameness la gone. Don't slay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil need to be used only ence. It takes the pain right out and ends the misery. It 1 magical, yet ab solutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica, backache or rheumatism so promptly. ,t never disappoints! Advertisement. f o N. E. FAIN, General Sales Agent, 6U6 IlrandeU Theater Illdg. Omaha, Neb. msass mall ma aeaerlptlv book, "T fca cnlld aaa ths Book of Kaowu ads-a," aplaialag tke psyeAology of ths work. Name Ad urph's Bee J ,'1 .Book Attorney General Reed Still Very 111 tFmni a f-'taff cm respondent. I LINCOLN. Mvrli 1 -(Spo, -lal.) At torney lienors.! Willis Itee.l Is still very III al his apartment a( the L'nco.n hotel. Mis brother. lr. Iteed. of lows ass ailed and arrived last night. Mr. Reed la suffering from a relapse from a former attack of gilp. He was called to loaa oy the death of Mrs Heeds father, an, I upon hi leturn look t.p some Important esses In ciurl and tlv exertion ass too nvich for him. lie aa':i went lo bed and 1 suffering from pneu iMOnla and other complications, thou'i It la not thought that thn Illness will be critical unlrra another relapse occur Ksy to the Sit nation Bee Want Ads ll.em for result. Krelaht Car Itsmtlna. LINCOLN, March 1. -(Special. )-Tl).-freight car situation In Nrbraaka on February n at 5 p. m.. aa reported by the State Railway commission, allowed that there were f.oit cars ordered for loading. 1.712 empty at stations, JM empty l-i trains. I. Nil at stations to be unloade I. V In bad repair, 31 cat of grain InaiKt ! in last twenty-four bonis and LOO ot'ie 1 cars loaded In the sstoe period. - The foundation of good health for your children is laid when they learn the thrice daily use of E9r.lyon's i perfect TootEi mM Vspareaf by m Doctor of Dental Snrgwry Send 3c stamp today for a gansrous trial pack age of slthar Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dantal Cream. 1. W. LYON A HONfl. Ine 5T7 W. 27th St., N. Y. City . As Spring approaches it is pleasant to re member that the side panels of the Closed Car can quickly be removed. It is not necessary to take down the closed top during the uncer tain Spring months. If a warm spell conies suddenly, freo passage for fresh air is furnished by removing the panels. The tire miles re is unusually high The price of the Closed Touring Car or Roadster complete, Including- regular mohair top, Ii I960 (f. o. b. Detroit). Tbe price of tbe Touring Car or Roadster complete is 1785 (f. o. b. Detroit). Murphy-O'Brien Auto Co.. 1814-18 Farnam St. Phone 123 A Five Cent Breakfast in five minutes I What a boon to the busy housekeeper! Two Shredded Wheat Bis cuits, heated in the oven to restore crispness and served with hot milk, make a com plete, perfect meal, supplying all the strength needed for a half day's work at a cost of four or five cents. The rich est man in America can buy nothing better. Contains more real nutriment than meat or eggs and is more easily digested. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. THE Hi I . f j w