THE RKK: OMAIIA, TIIUKSDAY, MARC1I 2, 1H6. 2 LEW YORK DEMOS ENDORSE WILSON i Bourbons in State Contention lUtify Foreign Policiei of President UOYX FOR HIS RE-ELECTION NATIONAL SECRETARY OF GIRLS' WORK OF Y. W. C. A. HERE. SYRACUSE, N. T.. March 1 In krnote ipwh and platform, demo crU of New York atat. assembled In Informal convention tonight, rati fied the administration of Tresldent Wilson and took Kepi to bring about bti re-election. Harmony marked the convention! deliberations, every proposal being unanimously adopted. The following delegates-at-large to the national democratic conven tion at St.. Lou la were recommended for the support of the party voters at the spring primaries: United States Senator James A. O'Gorman; William Church Osborn. chairman of the democratic state committee;; George J. Meyer of Buf falo, a German-American supporter of the president, and Samuel Unter myer, a New York attorney. Mark la Kedoraed. The convention also adopted a resolu tion recommending the re-election of Norman K. Mark of B'iffalo aa demo cratic national committeeman. Tha delegates to the national conven tion who comprise New York's "PIE Kour," were unpledged, but war nomi nated with the understanding that they aref to work for a second term for Mr. Wlleon. Tha keynote speech, delivered by former Oovernor Martin H. Cilynn. aa permanent chairman, aroused much enthusiasm. In addition to commending tha actions of .Mr. Wilson during his administration. It replied directly to the criticisms of tha president and his foreign policies, mado by Senator Ellhu Boot at tha recent re publican state convention In Naw Tork. Will Distribute At tha conclusion of tha speech tha con vention adopted a resolution providing tor tha distribution by tha democratic Stat commute of 1,000,000 coplea through out tb country. Tha platform expressed the faith of New Tork's democracy In the president and urged his renomlnatlon and re election. It was adopted enthusiastically amid prolonged cheering, it dealt solely with national and international Issue. It endorsed tha European and Mexican policies of tha president. A futile attempt was mad by advocates of woman suf frage to Insert In the pfatform a plank pledging tha party to support tha move ment. The platform aaysl " -We heartily endorse Wood row Wilson aa a president who has caused Co be fulfilled the promisee of his party. Me has asserted the rights of our elttsens and preserved the honor and dignity of our country and we believe that tb best Interests of all tha people demand nts continuance In his high offloa." V Little Bobbie's PaR He Become a Topic of Conjugal H Discussion Ford Says Filing of His Name for President is Joke DETROIT Mich.. March 1. Henry Ford said today he was not to be seriously considered aa a republican candidate for tha presidency. "I do not want anything to do with politics or political offloaa." aid Mr. ford. "The filing of my nam at Lansing waa a Joke." MAYOR THOMPSON CLAIMS YICTORY Opposition Disputes This and Points to the Renomination of Seven "Rebeli." SULLIVAN FACTION WINS OUT Railroad Station at Montreal Burns MONTftRATj, Mareh 1. The Bonaven tur station of the Grand Trunk railroad ws destroyed by fire today at a loss estimated at tMI.OlA. The polio declared that a preliminary Investigation Indi cated that tha fire waa caused by crossed eloctrlo wire, but fir department offi cials said they have reason to believe the building waa destroyed a a result of aa aatny plot Br WILLIAM r. KIRK. Last nlte wen Pa was to lodge meeting Ma had a caller, her nalm waa Missus Blodg. She calm to New Tork to live, she used to live In Brooklyn. War Is yur husband, sed Missus Blodas. I hoap the (Wr man Is well V happy. i O yes, sed Ma, my huaband la alwaya well & happy, espeshully along toward evening. He feels kind of alck 4 aad in the mornings stimttnea, sed Ma, but tha deer boy always perks up later In the day. I guess most of our husbands la that way, sed Ma. My husband Isent. ed Missus Blodg. He la jest aa happy In tha mornings as he Is later In the day. Tou see, my hus band Is strictly temperate, V wen a man newer touches anything at an, excep water his coffee, he leemlnds on of a canary bird, blithe gay all the live long day. Hevlngs help my husband. sad Missus Blodga, If he ewer woak up complaining of hedacha. I wud know rite away that ha had fell from grace. Ware Is yur husband, that he la not at yur sldo nowT sed Missus Blodg. I let him go to his lodge meeting tonlte. sed Ma. He talks a lot of cumfort out of hla lodge. Kvvar since h joined the Knights of Ambrosia I havent herd a cross word out of Mm. Its sed one of the teachings of that lodge waa that no member cud quart with hla wife. I'll bet thay are a deer bunch of good boys, sed Ma. Shaw, sed Missus Blodge. 1 doant think a man Is entitled to any credit for not quarling with hi wife. My husband la afrad to quart wlh me. Ha knows better. Mayb h is a HHal bit ef a man. I sed, mayb he Is afrad of yur sis. That will do Bobble, sed Ma. Tou run along play or else keep still. He la a odd lltte! yungster, sed Ma. Re la vary forward, and Missus Blodg. I hava no children, but If I did hav any you bet thay wud know thar place at all times. I dident Ilk that vary good neether did Ma. I wish ra had been thar wen ah aed that Pa alwaya talks my part but ha calm In rite after that X was glad ha calm. Huaband doer, sed Ma, you hav often herd me apeek of Elinor Blodg. a eld gurt chum of mine out west. Elinor, aed Me, this la my husband. I am glad Indeed to know you, sed Pa. I hav offen herd my wlf speek high of you, sed Pa. Mr wlf Is a grate booster, she newer knocks, aed Fa. How do you Ilk our llttel old Island of Man hattan? Pa asked. I am a llttel awed by Its Immensity, sed Missus Blodg. Ton shod newer 1ev yur wlf a Ion tn a grate canter 11k this, turn burglars mite steel hex. Burglars doant steel wires, sed Pa. IsVoaat of the poor devils Is married them self knows how It Is. Thuy will talk una awful ehanoas, but nqthlng Ilk that How do you Ilka our shack? aad Pa. Tou hav a vary bultful apartment sed Missus Blodg. I shvd think you wud want to spend moar of yure time in It Pa looked at Ma's frend kind of funny. lteely, he sad, do you think so? Wife, aed CHICAGO. March l.-Both adminis tration and anti-administration men claimed victory today after analys ing the vote at the aldermanle pri maries yesterday. Mayor Thompson pointed to a total of twenty-seven republican aldermanle nominations supported by him as evidence of vic tory, and the antl-admlnlstratlon i forces baaed their claim of success on the fact that seven of the "rebel r.lne" aldermen, as Thompson's prin cipal antagonists were styled, had toeen nominated. Mayor Thompson lost bis home ward, the Twenty-third, by 2,500. Both republican factions declared their determination today to con tinue the fight. Tot la Verv Light. Th vot easl was lighter than ex pected Leader yesterday expressed tha op nlon that tha fight in a number of warda would result In a vot of nearly "0,000. but returna show that not mor than JTS.ono persona voted. On th demo- ratio aid a victory waa recorded for the Roger C. flulllvan forces over th Harrison-Dunn faction, th former carry ing twenty-seven of th thlrty-fiv ward. Th female vot waa considerably lighter than was looked for and amounted to but 8.1 per cent of the total female registration. Tha mala vot was SI per cent of registration. Tea- terday's primary femal vot. aa com pared with that cast In th Wi primary was: 11S. 1M.SM; 11. ItlTl. Tha socialist party nominated candi dates In all but three wards. This waa dona merely to comply with th law, as tha party nominations had already been mad by th regular party referendum. Th progreaslv party nominated can didates In only two wards. Mayor's Fla-bt We. Unusual Interest attached to tha strug gle by reason of tb mayor's ambition to succeed Roy O. West aa republican national committeeman, and curiosity aa to what effect on th vot th enforce ment of th Sunday closing law against saloons by th mayor would hava. Mayor Thompson In campaign speeches asserted that tha fight against him In th nln leading "revolutionary" wards waa due to tha actlvlMea of former Oov ernor Charles W. Deneen, who always has supported Mr. West for re-election as national committeeman. In tha First ward, which includes th downtown district, the republican eon teat produced a womin candidate, Hilda Johnson Haaklna. Of th fsmal vot ah received M, against 107 for William H. Bhradar. Th democrats, following Immemorial custom, renominated Alder man John Conghlln. known In former years aa "Bathhoue John." He was unopposed. Wives of Officers of Navy Study First Aid to the Injured NEWPORT. R. T. March l.-Th wives of officers at th naval station and at tha War college will recelv a course of training In first aid to th In jured In a eerlee of f.fteen lecturea be ginning next Saturdsy, It was announced last night The cours was decided upon after many requests had been mad by th women in naval circles hers that they be allowed a part In th movement for national preparedness. Tha lectures will be given at th hos pital apprentice school by Aurgeoa John B. Kaufman. Practical training in ban daging will be given, with. hospital np- prentlcea aa subjects. High Price of Flour Causes Big Strike in Capital of Spain LONDON'. March 1.-A neuter dispatch from Madrid saya that a trika which began among th bakers In that city on account of th high price of flour has developed Into a general strike and brought trad to a standstill. Blots hava occurred and several persona hava been Injured In conflicts with th police. Dis turbance asumed a mor serious form In th suburbs where there was not suf ficient police fore to cop with the situ ation. Th mayor of Madrid haa resigned as a eoneeauenoe of th trouble. IowaAnti-Tipping Act Declared Void aiOTTX C3TT. la.. March 1. Th Iowa antl-tipplng law was held to ba uncon stitutional by Judge Oeorg Jepson in th district court her today. The court held tha law waa class legislation. The decision was rnderd in th raa of a barber arrested for taking a IB-cent tip. GERMAN OFFICERS HELD INJEW YORK Flans of American Forti Found on Two Men Arrested on Charge of Miinse of Mailt. SENT OUT BEGGING LETTERS NEW YORK, March 1. Plane of I'nlted States fortifications have! been found In the possession of ! r.l chard Von A rend and Rudolph ; Von Kracht, two young Germans, ar-; rested here on a charge of using the I malls to swindle, according to a statement made today by Assistant I'nlted States District Attorney E. YV. McDonald. Von Arend and Von Kracht, who claim, according to the federal authorities, to be German lieuten ants, were arraigned before a United , States commissioner here. According to postofftce Inspectors, th two men had conducted a systematic begging campaign through the malls asking for help on tha ground that thay were destitute German army officer. They are aaid to have refused tha aid of representatives of charity organisa tions because they did not wish to make public their ontecedrnts as required by ; such organisations. Von Arend and von Kracht were held ! In 15,000 ball each for a hearing Satur- ' day. They denied over having had any j plana of American forts and said the only thlnga answering auch a descrlp- ; tlon that they owned were picture sent i them from Germany by relatives. I Bheedy th Jeb. Esrl Fheedy, first baseman of th Spokane Indians, last week presented F. C. Farr with hla algned contract for thp Ulrt season. O'Xelll Slarwa toatraet. Catcher Steve O'Neill of th Clevelanl club has turned In hla signed contract ta 'Manager Lee Fohl. Liner with Guns is Given Clearance WASHINGTON. March l.-Th Italian liner Naooll. which reached New Tork several days ago with guns mounted p- reemenber old Hank Tank, th ritrT aboard, was ordered cleared today under I wn- 'vary " think I will aasuraneea almllar to tho. In tha eaaa run oaver to hla flat for ft cuppel of of th Unera Ban Gugllelmo and Gluaeph Verdi, that Its g-una would b used only for defensive purpose. NEW TORK. March 1-The Italian llnr Napoll la due to sail from her for Mediterranean ports March 4. our Certlngly, deer, red Ma. Olv Mm my beat reegarda. Pa want out as fast aa he had rains In. Oaly Oat IROHO ttl'I.ftNB. . To get the genuine, call for full nam. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. Orov. Cures a Cbtd la On Day. JSc. Advertisement The National Capital WtaBM4ar, March 1, Mtaaeaaella Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 1 WHEAT May. Ilio's: July. I1.WS. Cash: No, 1 ard. l.lT; No. 1 northern. iludlu. No. I northern. FLOI K-Fani V patenta. SS-tOt first clears, ti SO; other grades unchanged. KARLF.Y-MNo. RYK MVaQftM. FRAN I.U(J!. OOKN No. t yellow. IMWa OAlft-No. I whltet SV0c a Ki-reaa. tt.fcot.n. Xey to th Situation Ba Want Ada. T geaat. Attempt to reach an agreement to ft a Urn for a vote on Shields water power bill fallod. Publio lands oommttte voted not to offer Myera water power bill aa an amendment to th Phlrlda bill. ' tranil In luirr continued. ftiaa.1 Inquiry continued by agricultural eommlttM. Th H Foreurn affaire eoroinlite considered acton on revolution warnluir ATnertoans aatnrt travel on armed merchantman of tMtl!irnLs. National dfms program considered by Daval and military committees. Fbitipiiltt liMlepeniteiu bill aa passed by aar.ale ordrd reported to Insuiar af fairs commitie. The Treatment of Influenza or La Grinpi Ills salt refreshing thes days to read o a Irly deflned treeiiueul lor lunuoot oi l unup. Ia aa ariiel la ttie lnot CUnle,e ir. JeJseS bell, ol hew York City eejrs be is onv:ooed tnet too much mecucs Uoo Is bulk nnaeoessary aud Injurious. When eeVied K a case of la srlppe, tU aattent la uaualiy sa wbea. tb lersr I prut, aa tbe cktll wblok ocoatouall. uabera la tra diaeaae.baa praotteaiiy ;. lr. ball tbaa orders taat il bow1 be opea4 Irealy wll salts, "Aetotda" ilirM il taaes!e. Tut th fciK lev ser kedacbe, paia and general soreue' vim anll-kainma tablet every thrf b'' te auirkiy (l!owd b euinple'.e r ' Apklor A-K labieta. Tbev are emu : -i4 lor boactie, ueuraleia 'J . t;. i Read Be Want Ads for Profit' them for results. A Medlclna That ' Overconiss Most Obstinate Kidney Troubles About lleCH I waa bothered about two yeara with a sever attack of kidney trouble. My condition waa such that I was hardly able to drag around th houa and do my work. I did not hav any ap petite and oould not rest at night and I felt mor tired In th morning than I did en going to bed. My doctor treated m for about on month; he aald that I had kidney trouble, but he did not give m any relief. By chance on day my husband was in town and noticed Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root on a druggist's shelf and decided to brine some horn for m te try; th first bottle gav auoh relief that I continued th us of Swamp Root until X was restored to good health, aad I hav had good health for th teat ten year. X obserfully reoommond Swamp-Root te others who hav kidney trouble. Tours truly, MINNIE DO ROUGH. Antlers. Okla. Personally appeared before me this first day of March. HIS, Minnl Dorough. who subscribed th abov statement and made oath that th same Is true la sub stanc and ia fact ED. BROWN, Notary Public In and for Pushmataha County and Stat ef Oklahoma. Xtt t 1T. KUsaev a Co Btingbanstea, V. T. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for Tou Send tan cants to Dr. Kilmer ak Co.. Blnghamton, N. T.. for a eampl ais bottle. It will convince anyone. Tou will also recelv a booklet of valuable In formation, telling about th kidney and bladder. When writing, be sure and men tion Th Omkha Dally Be. Regular ftftyvoeat and one-dollar sis bottles for sal at all drug stores. ifilPrdiniiiirBp When you foal a oold coming on, stop it with a few doses of LAXATIVE BROMO QUlNlNb, which destroys germs, acts as a Tonic and Laxative, and keeps the system in condition to throw eff attacks of Colds, Grip and Influenza. Laxative dromo (Q)uinino Removes tho Cguoo of Colds, Crip and Influenza bui rcmcmbor thcro la Only Ono "Bramo Qulnino 99 mnd look to tSJm mJgnmtmnm mm box PHom Som OmU to tua mmrntm TUP J Guardianship should In prudent, s i experienced hands. No loss through the careless ness, incapacity, or poor judgment of a guardian should halt the child's education or turn him or her into the world without support Your child's capital will be safe if this Company is made guardian, 11 u&rJS M0m i a ....(.i 'ialltll j I JbWIBMIMI 8Ta.EETsif ID lljIJJJKilU I I' 'I. ! ABSaSBaaiimi ll.illl ,1,1-s . IHJJiaJLi ll"l' I'yFA-imtJaJhJ While the Assorfnenh Are z Their Best I AH tho Furnishings for 1 Ynili Hnmn i I . i.ic H Save About On (U)gEL7S Twenty-Five Thousand Dollar Stock Now on Sale at the Sentral Furniture Store F.hkes This Big Saving Possible. Rubel'i splendid high grade stock of rugs and drap eries, elegant dining room and bed room furniture, re frigerators, etc., all are marked at prices which should be an extra inducement for you to buy now, everything you can possibly use for present as well as future needs. AS USUAL. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS THQIIPSpN-BaDEN&CO, .Hie Fashion CleroTlhefllddleWesl. Establish lo86.' ....see,. Opening Display of- Exquisite Spring Hats Tailored and Scmi-Drcss Reflecting the Latest Ideas From Paris Also Original Models of Our Own Designing at Moderate Prices A Very Attractive Selection of Smart Tailored Hats $7.50, $8.75, $10 and $12.75 Millinery Section- Second Floor " ....... "& THONPSON-BELDmaCO, The Usshion Cenfer oF live Middle Wesr, Csbblishedl886. Tailored Apparel for the Spring Season An Advance Display of the Newest Fashions in Suits, Coats, Dresses Showing the Styles for Spring in a Fascinating Variety Models Appropriate for Wear on all Occasions. Pleasing to Every Woman Who Demands Individuality in Dress. Prices Are Moderate Jiml'" iiiiii AUl'tEMMTI. iMvimnirri. What Is an Osteopathic Treatment? Ther la no auoa thln. howaTer To mar b trt4 r a pfcysl- elan eateopathioallr, vhloh meana' that aealdea the general routine dtavnoaia and care I take Into eon elder tlon th caua ef your de fects Inatead of treating sjmJ tonis bllndlr alway remetnbertnt that wall proven faet that lesions bony. llnntous or nueouUr, play aa Important part In caua Ing disease. I build men and woman let me mail you 100 per eent efficient. Consultation free. DR. GILTNER Braaaela 8 tor Building. Ihoa Doug, tsia; Rea. Doug. U AMI'IEMESTI, omiA'i tvx exirfiiv t&jClttZlA at..,i-aa-o yvrpowly Booked Far Merchants' Market Weik cllYZV; RoseUnd Girls SSSSS.. rjz?j'& ?; t-ta.vv.'.: KIB JTrtday al.tat. Prtaclaala: M u AufuJ. C" o' N. " t.. lxull KrUuiJ -wlov. Ju. rmr4 I .W fflp.t,B tedls SLas KatUee Week Pay. Hat .- i it- V. Mi, Kpl. Strol.lnpucr, Today NEW O tonlte 2:30 illkRuiC:20 Worth Broa. Btoek Co. la UIDUHt" Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale column: read it. 1 J Boala TODAY pouv uinm co., "Tha BargUV Chrlstaaa Tree" "HWOWl laPPT TAatrXT "Tha BTnme IVo1 HOkTOa MOa, ?iHOtOOT Battexta. I IKTf anaarlag and Taiktr- - "rai TSMOW ASSVOr With Clara" tUabaU Youag Aaniaatoa U aad to viwObbt itaoinr in roirr Tonight aad rmiOAT aad B A TUB. DAY KiTIIal lATVaOAT Svaga., 850 to ta.O0 VLU, tie t $1.60. aa., S p. am. i Ktaaha IIbu, Tlolia Oealas Vkoaa Dong. Tea lirl vauasTuxe. TIOTOV KOU1T a oo. This Week Mstlne and Night Dally: Ethel Clif ton and Brand Fowler: Btaln'a Tan Bark Com THE FARNAM lei raraam TODAY TaTir&SSAT XVAOKXAlXam" A feeei- aatiag tory of a woaul rereag ea a would ke blaokmaller. BAYED BY A BOM" Wit Baa WUsoa la the leadCaaT role. d laaa: bxtba ATTBACTIOsT r l o r rial oxbtbudk taidiuut M 1 1 lr- I OBO. MOOBB. Frank Crumlt; Pletro; Orphaum Travel Weekly. ftlm: Mat. Oallary loi lata Mo. luel at. a . a a a n. Nlahia. is at-M A n. rr? TODAY ORRIN JOHNSON IN D'ARTAGNAM 2 Keystone Comedies I HIFeP TODAY rlarguerlto Clark IN "OUT OF THE DRIFTS" Turpln's Scnool of Dancing Tenty-elhth A rei-nan. Bew Olaaeai L.UI year oane aoa. Private lessens aaj lima BAB BY .la. Kitty Gordon's Back Agiia HAttK Mia 91A.1U I Weaid preaea aapintis.a pay f a Uf of aulary o aadaea death t Caa ala b hlddea freas the eye f Baa aad to ttghtt W are ij hamaa aad proa rr. Voat )dg he baetUy. Ytrat e KITTY GORDON HA8 IX A U0KIO GLAU" DOYD THEATER YOBAY aVAaT TTBrBB, Btaleoay, Ael Xower Tioot, Joe. i l w. aa. e it w. aa, OoattaaHS ' READ THE BEE WANT ADS Where the Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen r Alt AM THEATTR CAJCERAPHOKB OEM LOTAL PASTIME LYB-IO MAOK HAN9COU IYY PAXAOl WAMOKP BCBx ALMO OXAJSA DEXBOIC rLOKXKCK i Jar (