1IIK HKK: OMAHA, TIT.SUAY, KKHIU'AUY LV. HIC. "BINDING BANDIT" HAS CLOSE ESCAPE Dr. John 0. Wilson Hu Culprit in Hii Power bnt Lets Him Gt Any Way to Get There WOOL GROWERS ARE GETTING BIG PRICE Five Cent More a Pound for Their Wool Than They Received Last Year. m Away with Olib Excuse. THEN HE FINDS HE WAS ROBBED After having the Binding Ban dit' In his absolute power for nearly half an hour, Vr. John J. Wilson, dentist in 506 Brandeis Theater hu'lding, allowed him to escape on the strength of a glib story. All the while the bandit was standing be fcre the dentist, fervently manufac turing a barefaced fabrication, he had nearly all of Wilson's dental tools and most of the gold and silver lr. his pockets. Dr. Wilson returned to hla office Saturday night unexpectedly, and as he opened the door, which he found unlocked, he bumped squarely into a young man coming out. Wilson had his overcoat on and his rght hand in the pocket. Straightened out his forefinger, as though he had a gun covering the man, the dentist de manded that the other explain hla pres ence, all the time keeping him under rover of the "gun." I.ooklna for Doctor. y "Why, the door was unlocked," an swered the stranger. "I'm looking for the doctor." ' Tin the doctor, and I'm sure I locked that door before I loft." "1 came up here to get my tooth fixed It hurt.4 something awful, doc," pro tested the stranger. Dr. Wilson was still unconvinced, and he called the elevator conductors and the night watchman. Tho stranger became nervous, but stuck to his story. "Why, doctor, I'm a respectable cltl ten," he blustered. "I've lived In Omaha all my life. One of your good friends sent me to you." He gave Dr. Wilson a telephone number and residence ad dress, and finally, though reluctantly, iDr. Wilson pulled his hand from his overcoat pocket and allowed the man to depart, which he did without haste. "I was going to lot you fix my teeth, but I won't now," haughtily exclaimed the man as he left the office. Has Bltr Hinch. A few minutes later. Dr. Wilson got a big hunch. He looked over his supply of gold and silver used for dental purposes. Then he looked over his case wherein is usually kept a supply of valuable and portable Instruments. Then he stood squarely In the middle of the floor and invited the watchman and the two elevator conductors to kick Mm. Tools and gold were gone. Further investigation showed that the man had gained entrance over the transom. Dr. Wilson told his story to the police end gave a minute description, which was Instantly recognised aa that of "the Binding Bandit," whose fame has been , widely spread about Omaha during the last two months. t . Enaraed In Burglary It Is, however, the first Intimation the authorities have had that the "Binding Bandit" has been engaged in burglary in addition to his... peculiar method of stlckupa. In the last two months the "Binding Bandit' has entered a dosen business places, moatly In broad daylight, and upon finding only a single person In charge binds and gags them at pistol point and then pilfers at leisure. In no case did he ever trouble to mask. He is described as an apparently well-bred, cultdred young man of good manners and careful dress. He is about 25 years old snd about five feet ten Inches in height. He looks more like a riest.'y-dressed clerk rather than a bandit. Hla operations as a gunman during the last two months have netted him only several hundred dollars and a few artirles of Jewelry, but from the story of Dr. Wilson police think he has been doing moat of the "good" Jobs of house snd office-prowling snd that his Income from this source msy be estimated at several thousand dollars. Grain Stocks in Omaha Elevators Are Below Average Grain stocks In storage in Omaha ele vators at the beginning of the present wfk are 1.1M.(K0 bushels lees than on the corresponding date of fine year ago. The bin full iriK off la In corn, which has dropped from .",fS.0"0 to 1.0),0oo hiiahela. this decline being due to the Increased demand coming from the cereal mills and ll-.o feed lots. In bushels, the grain In storage now and one year ngo: Vow. l.tsn.noi l.lflnlllO HIM, I'm 4;.l 2.ami Year ai. 11.001 3.'N o o l.U.'.'oi t;;,.ooi M heat Corn Oat Uye I'm Icy Ttul 3.307.1 4,471.0141 Itc.clpts were light fur a Mondny, there being sit-flve cars o' wheat. 125 of com ti nd fourteen of oats. Following Chicago, there was a general decline In prices, wheat selling at o rents to 11.06 per bushel, a drop of 1 to 2 cents from Satur 1mv. Corn slumped 1 to l'i rents, selling at Rl to t' cents, and osts 2 to 3 cents, the prices ranging from 2" to 4-"4r cents per bushel, J. Howard Declares War On King George The Rritlsh government Is In for soma hitter criticism from Jerry Howard. According to Jerry the British govern ment opened a letter he sent acroas to a cousin In Ireland and took out a money order for 6 which Jerry sent his cousin. Jerry has a cousin for whom he was godfather about thirty-three years ago. This cousin la now a sister In a con vent In Ireland teaching French, German and other languages. At Christmas Jerry aent her post office money order for ts. Me hss Just received a letter from hr stating tlat the mall was rifled and the! hen It got to her all she received was an envelope postmarked "Omaha, Ne!j., I'. S. A.," that It had been opened snd mhn It reached her contained neither icttrr aor money. W T ML CRACKSMEN BLOW C. W. JULL SAFE Professional Yeggroen Successfully Apply 'Soup" Prooess and Es cape with $600. HAPPENED SUNDAY NIGHT The large safe in the office of C. W. Hull company, 316 Omaha Na tional Bank building, was blown open after 6 p. m. Sunday by profes sional cracksmen, who made their escape with $600. C. C. Morgan, vice president of the company, reported to the police that he 'was in the office for a few minutes just after 6 o'clock, tarry ing only long enough to get some prpere he needed. While In the of fice he observed that carpets and rubber mats bad been thrown over the safe, which articles he at the time thought had been, thrown on some convenient place by the scrub women. The police believe the "yeggmen" were hiding In the office at the time Mr. Morgan made his hurried visit. The maselve door of the safe waa blown from Ita hinges and the Inner door waa forced with cold chisels. The rob bers found 600 In a small box. Nobody In the building heard the explosion. ' The burglars used an explosive known to the police aa "soup." which Is made of nltroglcerlne, the liquid being poured Into crevices through a soup cup. This is the usual procedure of professional "yeggmen." The thieves had hours start before the police got on their trail. Besides the cash and a lot of checks of the Hull firm there were a number of checks payable to the Knights of Pythias, as one of the office force of the Hull company Is treaaurer and had collected theae from members. Amlela Droplnaky. a charwoman In WHY HAIR FALLS OUT , --u.-Ln.a-ij L - u L u i. J u . J u i. u u u u i. u u i. u j 1 Dandri'ff causes a feverish Irritation of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen snd then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a 26-cent bottle of Danderlne at any drug store, pour a Utile In your hand and rub well Into the scalp. After a few applications all dandruff disappears and the ha'r stops coming out. Adver tisement. Children Hate Pills, Calomel And Castor Oil V .... - Give Fruit Laxative when cross, bilious, feverish or constipated. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels. Ixiok bark at your childhood days. Remember the "doee" mother insisted on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against tak ing them. With our children It's different. Moth ers who cling to the old form of phsle simply don'l rfallie what they do. The children's revolt Is well-founded. Their lender little "Insldes" are injured by them. if your child's stomach, liver ar.d bowels need cleansing, give only dell cious "California Syrup of Figs" IU action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit Uxa- I tive" handv: Ihev hnnw children love to tnke It; tnat it never falls to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten th stom al ii, and tnat a leaapoonful given v.xlay saves a sick mild tomorrow. Aak your druggist for a W cent bot tle of 'California Syrup of Ftirs." which has full directions for babies, children of all ages snd for grown-ups pltlnly on each bottle, lie ware of counterf. : sold here. See that it Is made by "Califor nia Fig yrup Company." Kefiis.. u,i other kind with contenn t. - Ad . i rtUi ment. W 1Mll 1 the Omalia National Hank building, dis covered that the safe was blown this morning shortly after 6 o'clock when she csme to the building to begin her work. EMMA CALVE WILL SING AT 0RPHEUMINTW0 WEEKS Emma Calve, the world's most famous Carmen, will be heard at the Omaha Urpneum, week of March 13. Calve has been heard in grand opera and concert In Omaha a number of times, but her coming to the Orpheum will be especially welcome for prices wilt make It possible for many more to avail themselves of hearing the great Carmen. SPRAINS ANKLE WHEN HE SLIPS ON SIDEWALK C. El. Williams, 3.111 North Twenty-sixth avenue, slipped on a sidewalk in front of 201i North Twenty-fourth street and suffered a sprsined right ankle and was attended by police surgeons. lll!li!IU!!!ni!!!iyill!lllt!ilS!li!!!!3lllll!l!lilil!l!li!il!!l!!!iil!!!ISI!ili;illl!Ilil!!IN 11 l'ti.,l ivv, fill V 0r- w ...J i J stratum? tm&M a s Wk iiiiiiiiiii!iii!!iiiiiiiiiniiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiii!iH Phone Douglas 876 HAND BOUQUET TO RAILROADS "The twelfth annual convention of the Wyoming Wool Growers' asso ciation, held at Casper, and which adjourned Saturday, was the largest and most enthusiastic gathering of the kind ever held in the west, at least so far as 1 know, and I have attended most of the western meet ings." asserted W. H. Jor.es, division freight agent for the Northwestern. Mr. Jones says that the Tssner con vention waa attended by Son florkmss ters. they coming from all parts of Wyoming. They reported the lightest winter losses In tlis history of the sheep rstsing hiislnesa. The winter haa been open and with little snow sheep have been on the range most of the time. Al ready buyers are Itv the field making of fers for the clip that will be taken off this spring and contracts at SO and SI centa per pound have hern made for wool, this price being about 5 cents bet ter than Inst yesr. Relative to the railroads, the flock mssters changed front and Instead of fighting them, aa lias been done so many times In the past, by a unsnlmoui. vote adopted the following resolution. Whereas, The increase In the effective service rendered by the railroads of the state to the live stock Interests has re sulted In financial gain and harmoni ous relations between the railroads anil the live stock Interests, and. Whereas, The railroads have repeat edly demonstrated by the service rend ered by them In bringing hay, grain and other fond products to the range for use of the sheepmen in time of storm that they have the Interests of tho aheepmen at heart. Now, therefore, be It Resolved, that we do hereby tender to the railroads of the state the sincere thanks of this association for the effi cient service, rendered and cordial rela tions promoted by tho management of these railroads. Moving Picture Men Denied Order by Judge Leslie Judge leslle yesterday deled the Injunction asked by twenty-one moving i picture show proprietors to restrain the. health officials from enforcing the or ler to keep children under 12 years of age from attending picture shows. The court holds thst the order Is clearly within the powers conferred on the department of health by the. statute. Health Commissioner Connell slated that In two weeks he expects to remove the order against children being sdmitted to motion picture shows. He notes a gradual Improvement. In the scarlut fever situation and Is confident that before March 15 there will have been much abatement. The Champion of Moderation HENRY ROHLFF CO 2567-9 Live Stock Comes Through Winter in Best of Condition tiiMieral Mgiingcr lloldrrge of the H.ir llngton has returned from standing sev isl days at his i attic ranch near Mrtd rld. IVrklna county, this state, and 's very enthusiastic over the live stock and crop prosiects According to Mr lloldrcce, rattle have wintered well am! are i onilng out of th winter In splendid shape. Relative to the crop outlook, he asserts that the ground Is In first class condition, there having been a fairly good quantity of moisture and snow enough to proter' the winter whrat from the winds. SOUTH SIDE 'PHONE TOLL PROPOSITION LAID OVER The city council committee of the while disposed of the tmiaha South Hide telephone toll proposition by laying the matter over for sixty days. FACE FULL UF MICHES Itching Almost Unbearable. At Night Could Not Sleep Good. Face Looked Bad. HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAPAND OINTMENT "large bumps broke out on my forehead and face. They were hard and red and fostered. My face, for a long while, was full of ugly blotches and the Itching waa almost unbearable. At night 1 could not sleep good and my face looked so bad I waa almost ashamed to go to school. "The trouble had lasted about four months before 1 began to tise Cutlrura Boap and Ointment. After the Orat application I began to notice a difference In the appear ance of my face, and after three months' treatment with the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment I was healed." (Klgued) Mlm Anna Shepherd, R. P. D. 8, North Man cheater, lnd., Aug. 17, 1915. Keep your skin clear, sratp clean and free from dandruff, and hair live sod glossy by ualug Cutlcura Roap and Ointment. Sample Ench Free by Mail 'With 33-p. Rkln Book on request. Ad dress post-card "( ullcuri, Dept. T, Boa too." Sold throughout tbe world. MATED iEIOn Increases strength of delicate, nervous, run-down people too per cent In ten days In many Instance. 1100 forfait If It fails aa per full ex planation In largt article aoon to a. pear In this paper. Ask vour fliMtar as Irugglat about It, Sh.rmsn A MmVnneU Drug btoraa always carry It In stock. Leavenworth Street. Omaha, Ne li iwi mm iiiiiiiimi."! 1(1.1!)" BERG SUITS ME i I , ,,.',;.,,..,. w.i.wH,...:.' r "'v'v ';'v Extra Pay To Commemorate This One Extra Day FEB. 29TH We Are Offering For That Only Some Very Extraordinary Values Special Events Call For Special Inducements HERE THEY ARE FOR TUESDAY ONLYl Kfs- MSK OUC Men's Fine Hilk Home; black, white antl colors. 50c KKS In styles. Fadeless Blue Serge Suit Styles for men and young men. In two and three button model. Heavy and snrlnir weights, suitable for prewont or future wear, Ynlues up to W2."V.0; mkm-IhII.v H'lcd for Ibis extra day alone. (Co'or mmre"eed.) Effi Track Examined Daily The constant inspection patrol of our solid, well ballasted roadway adds to your comfort and safety. At this sea son of the year, especially with its rains, snowstorms, thaws and freezing weather, it affords a feeling of security to know that all along the line ahead of you track walkers are examining every foot of the track you know it's safe and sound. T" Ci D.l J See real estate columns for bargains BafleS i'K i- several f-r XKCKWKAIt OUC Ilanlmni silk l-in-liamls In new spring patterns and strles. i u ji. raui ana Minneapolis Trains leave Union Station, Omaha, X:10 p. tn. and 7:29 a. m.; Council Hluffs 8:30 d. m. and 7 : B0 a. m. I. V. IMNOUIK, c. r. A T. A. 1BS8 rarnam St. - Omaha. Phone Douglas 860. (t'mi4uiM 7ie "GREAT")