1 THE BEE: OMAHA, FEBRUARY 1916. ! I7ant-Ad Rate: - (U WITB OBOIBi JLC rr word each Ineertlogt Special Iini Farm and Renrh Lands- tiam f ptr line 1nartls (Count l words to the Una.) roRKTON it DVEHTIPINQ trNPER AGENTS oil HKI.H WANTfcu CLASSIFICATIONS: e word .V,'., Ho per word . .tre consecutive tlmea CSUSI BiTIi. te par line V.ni,!l2. le prr line ....three consecutive time (IJOUnt ! WOT (in lo me to a rom T.B TWasT A TOTAX. Of toe 0 ! T14I 10 CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND , FCNKRAL. NOTICES: ae r Una ach Inaartlo (Mlntmum eharira 10 rna ) Blonth'T Rat for aiandlna: ala b hna of -opy 11 (Count alt worda to tna lina.i CaatrMt rataa cm a.ppUotom. tXK Br.B wtH not ka raaponalbla for mora than na Inrorract Inaartton advartlaamant ordarad for mora man ona tlrna. nVERTI!KRr5 ouM ,'n r'p!" lTari by Tha P In payment for ar.t Ada. aa no mlitaka ran ba ractlflaa without thrm. t'Brt THK TFIKrHONB If you cannot mOSK TTI.KR 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE rVF.VINO TUITIONS M. MORNINO KDITI0N8 t:00 P. M. . THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANORD DAILT. Aniworn tu tiuectloa "Wbr to go ionltbL" mrr nti i 'Vl r nTTr! T a Jli'Iir3. i.tui wuuuuaM SEL10-TRIBUNE NO. 16. "Tlie Bridesmaid 'a Secret," EnBanay. "JIughey, the Trocess Serv er," Vitagrnph comedy. Win, Rtiaaolt and fTiarlotta Hurton In "Tha Cravlrt " Mutual maatorplctiira da luxa in flva aonaatlonal acta, and r. aoloctod Kavatona comody. GARDEN, . 1318 FAUN AM Watch for Saturday, March 4 rrrat aortal. Free ladies' from II to . Soa our matinee GRAND, 1T1I AND B1NNET Tha Secret Seven," 4-ree Vltairraph drama. ' SellM-Trlhune. And a food corned v. ' UriHliOf. 24TH AND LOT11ROP. THanrie Keystona comedy nlKht Ray mond HIU'h'MM-k In "The Vlllaa;a Scan dal." and Fied Mace In "Tha Janitor Wlfe'a Temptation." iMtk, BOULEVARD. 33d aV Leaven wortlu Tonight at 7r15 and f'6. a feature and I'atlie. five-act liOHLFf, iTtil LKAVENWORflT Harold Ickwood In "The Other Side of tha Ixior." Mutual. One re-l comedy. ' ' Wnl, MONROE. 26E5 FARNAM. A anaotacular flva-part production of the famoui etravgana. "The JUIaca Crook " atk tlaa. BESSS 24TH AND N. F.arle WliUnma and Anita Stewart In "The Ooddoaa." chapter 18. "Hmi.'I Mrke." b-re Oold Rooater play feat. r- White and Uruca MrRao. CTlFHt-CM. ' K1 iiT "AVater Stuff," t reela, featurln. Art Accord. The Muffere," drama. "Mlachlef ami a Mirror," comedy, "bealrn at the Halli," comedy. s tar Features These, are Special Extra-Reel Feature now appearing! at the following Theaters, lal'OLLtj. J5i T3CAVEN VVt3Rt if i reels of good pictures, fc Erf SlC llf H A n7 i:srle Wliltain and Anita Stewart In 'The Oodlere," vhspter 1. "Hsxel Kli ke," Vreel Oold Rooater play 'eat. Pesrl Vhltc and Bruce McRae. So U LE V A kl, it LeaveuWorUx. A big five-act festure. ORANlX IbTII AND BlNNEf The Secret Seven." Vita, drama. LOTHKOP, 14 TU AND L01HKOP.J Triangle Keystone comedy night with lUyuiond Hitchcock In ,-The Vlllase Scandal,'' and Fred Mace In "The Janl iit.i a Wife's Temptation." ilUNltUa. 36&TrXKNAMr "The Blsck Crook," spectacular five part production. princess, rifTTinDoUuTIrVs: Wm. Rueaell and Charlotte Burton In "The Craving," - Mutual luusierptcture de luxe In five acts. hoiiLKF. "ii leave'nwoKTu Harold Lock wood In "The Other Side of the IHtor." "LUX F-H 'JUL?? LAVENDER Dr. W.- R., February 2. 11M4; aged W0 years. ' Funeral servkvs will he held from fsmlly residence. ija Burl street, Wediveadsy. March 1. at t oiiock p. in. Interment West Ijiwn lemetrry. Serv-ici-s strictly private, pleas uiti It f loon a. BE1TELMAN i Harry, February :;, 1'14 rs. aged la yea l-uneial Wednesday, March 1, at 1 o'clock p. in., from family residence. :t2H Decatur street. Interment Mount Hope i-einetery. Frlends Inched BARNHAKT Margarita, B4ej A years Daughter of Air. and Mrs. John, w' . U. iriwu.it Funeral Tuesday sfternoon from real- dence, lv7 Pinkey. at 2 p. m. inlerme.it lorrat I.ann ceni'Mery. Ah EM ANN Alfred, aged M yes7a Funeral Tuday, February , 1 p. m.. from u, rmi,ii Lutheran church at Mil" lard, Neb. interment Voss cemetery Millard. VVAONKR Cbai Us A.. IUr uary 27, svea iA enrs. t uneral '1 ueadsy at 1 o clock from family resld.-iire, i!is todse street, la ietnient sirlcly private. MAUSOLEUM. T HT burr your d-ad la tlui eold frround la stormy ' her ba you can buy tomb In a mnrt'e build ng st reaaooablo Prt-afTel. UAl'Mil.KilU CO, D. KB 4 1 KM A L OIIDI HI. A' L mi n, !! of It u lei tvebrsoh bnlse No. 1 are te'iuest.J lo attend the U. ieiul s rv of ur Wri!-Ieluved , bro'her, uiiurics A. Warner, from bis laie rej;.l ii e, y.'U Dcrtoe ISt , Tutsds at 1 p. in MAP.r BAI.SI'lt. 'resident. Uoi.DI.N, Niii'Uu) onnlntlv brlna or ani in your ,t j -nrMw-iii ni i nnni. . i.-i. Aak for I Want Ad Takirand you wIll'M. irj f; flandla V. flalloway. 4S. Wi. ro.lvJ Shi T.arn. ioo"aaryl"a aa whaa raplo; Rhufi.a Harrla, montha. -4 a?rwln your t tlu I offlcV North Twnl v-aovrnth: Kmoatlna ptoln- ellmini your Mil mi o hanan. 57. 29 Houth FlKhtonth; Katar florist. I REST gi'AI.ITV riT FIOWERH or riiinlt, Art t omninsi ions, snipped nvrrj hrr. Excellent service lo our cus tomers In past enrs r'"'inmnil HF.ss sn i t' iUAMt:iFsrnemSt.D MM. h A i'TTrST f iiimii s. ! Km iia m Si. D. L, ilK.VUU(SoN, 11 i'ougiss D. Mem r K I nrlats Tolegrspti !. An n A. DONAGHUE. l-3 Haney. Doug, ban. AHI OF TlltXKB. WK desire in riprrM our sincere thsnks for kind expre salons of sympathy dur ing the Illness and death of our son. Gilbert, tc the employes of Haydnn Bros, iiloi-e mid IW I Hatlllery company mployia, A. O. U. W. lodge nd our nmnv friends GEORGE JOHNSON AND FAMILY. BIRTHS) AD DEATH. Hit! h Jftntfa ami Anna lownmh, !.( Poiilh Koiirtpcnlh. hoy: Harry K. and I i:ih-l 'ondll. :UI Corby. toy; f'lnrenco ami Frl ItartlPtt. Twantv-aeooml and Wanhlnnton. Rirl: Anton and Mary An dryx'K. VM4 Month Firirrnth, Hiy; tla and Jamra I'alrftrr. If'il Howth Twrnty rlKhth, ulrl; (I. and Mary ('niton. 2420 l-cati:r, hoy; (ilWrr and liazH Fildrldita, M10 I'ndrTwoofl arnnn, flrl; Ttonjamtn and Tony IllrO'h. 11R South ThlrtlPth. Iioy; Opnrco and Cnrrl C'lrtla, hoaplial. I hoy: Kdwln and Kthfl. w South Twenty W'ond. atlrt : Frank and Eunice Blndelar. m Hoiiih Tnth. boy. Inth John Caawy. 73. 4:fi South Twan-ly-fonrih; Mra. K.mma Oordrn. J. hospi tal . Thomaa (. Irfiur. 9. 4Ci Houth Twm-ty-thlrd, llolma John. i. !S Vallry; Vonn Otia. 47. 13 North Twelfth; Illrh ard K. Walker. fA 109 North Ninth: Chrla Talman, V), hoapltnl: Waltare Ll'm kf. H month. 411 Rodman; Mra. Mary C. nmtho.ll 4. 4 Charlon; Thomaa Moran, O, ?sH Wodcrlok; Hortlra ('. Nawnoa. t'hatlnan. 77. 271J-North Twenty-lhth. HARRUliK IUKJHK. Tha folloMn rnarrlago llranara wore laauod today: Name and P.oaldont. Flmir A. 'ilofae, Korora, la. I.eaala Kmorh. 8h'iylrr Oanrm Ilayra. Omaha... Gra Howe, Omaha John F. Drlhrrt, Trla Grova, la f.va M. !ooor. Ida (Irova, la '.. Thomaa Mlrbltla, Omaha '. Mary E. Campho.ll, Omaha Ramnnd VI. Iinir. Altoona, Pa ltraala K, Mawaoii. Kanaaa City. Mo. Earl I. Orlcr. Rlalr....'. Joapphlnn Xamonoskl, Itlalr.. A fa. ... ?) ... n ... w ... si ... J) ... 2 ... 19 ... 2"i ... P ... V ... n ftobart Riifffom. Mondamln. I iMyrtle Wallaoa. Monrtamlii, la. p,nW jonOBi j.:,ot la (lAnna Mathor, Carbon, la Frnoat Taylor, Atlantic, la Hilda Froria. Amhnrat, Nob ,. Albart Wandcll, Ptnimaburr, Neb. Annla I'rraon, Omaha Mllo I.. Kroll. Omaha lOllin I Maado, Omaha William partlrtt. Jr.. Omaha Clara Lock I, Omaha Minor Nolaon, Omaha.; Itoae Iloffar, Omaha lit IMilU PKItMITS. 1). A. Johnmin. 3314 Decatur, fmrne (I welling, $2J. LOST FOUND REWARDS liuini jr. r riiiN.cn. m iTV. ituiit I RAILWAY COMPANY. I Persons having los eome article would ! de well to cail ud the orrioe of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain w aether tbey left I II li tne street cars. Many articles eacn day era turned la and the company Is aaxloua to restore them to tbe rightful owner. Cail Doug. At. IF TOU loss ssrthln sa will aTrllss It kara. ra will sural recover It It tnn bv sa hauMt seexia. Raioarkabls imttrln ara bruatfet about sTsrr or throiirh this tuluais THI UW-PntH sua line lost srtMlos srs starestod la allowing that Iks stats tew M Strtet Is requiring team tn saok too so,r Urunik aavortlMmaat aaS olhorwlaa l that s failure ta So , If saaie ssa bs srstaa, ls voioo s sovoto sosaliv. LOST A lady's amall handbag contain ing about IJu and a fountain pen, be tween 17th and Farnam and Dundee. Address 4i""2 Cass, Phone Walnut ). LonT oju between exebsnga building, South side, and Grand Ave. and Har ney SL car lines. Wood Oswald Co., South rl'M. Reward. CortT illa( k' bill book containing cur rency and tiapers. steward. Phone Mr. Bowers, 1.nglns il0. IiBT Auto top cover. Reward r re turn. Phone South . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Fnrnltnre and tlnnaehold (ioods. OMAHA IlLLOVV CO. Kelt and hair iu.tttreajKs made over in new ticks at half the price of new ones. Phone us for aamplo of ticking. VJl Cuming Bt. 1QU K 1 uut 47. A HAIU1A1N New furniture, complete. In three-room apartment; cloae In; ready to occupy. Call, Apt. la, Esta- brook Court. ETo-BA RGAlXa. Furniture. 14; stoves, beds, sprints, mattr's, It each; beddin romfVrte, blankets. I" N. 4th. W. ALL REPAIRS Water tronts. furnace colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove palrWorks. iyg : DouKlas. Tyler "risssa sndlrtHatral laetrwnaeau. rO) STANDARD make piano and bench. used months, will accept (no. jerms, t a month. 2J.1I N. Mth AH. Phone Webster VX SU por month, A. ' Hoape. 1511 Douglas. lore an Utflee Flalaree. t)KSKS. safes scale, ebowesses. shelv tag. oca. we by, sell. Omaha Fixture ft ftupply Co., 414-W-ls 8. Uth. Douf. lit lanterns and laoalak. Fit, S.18 developed tree If purctiassa from yhote t rail enop. sis ee rung, uept. Jewelry, Utaaaauada, Wslakss, bKODEUAAKDa 'lucky weddlai ring a ' tlotbina. Fare, kis.' V E buy and sail tailor made suits aod overcoata Friednian. 1211 Douglaa St. bow Inn Mneaineo, . BEWLNtTMAX'IlTKlB We rent, repair, aell neodlea and partn ef all sua Uig maoh loos. Mlv.sUi,t,'S NEURAaKA CICLX CO., Uth and Harney ttta. twuf. 14)11 Tpevrtre and Issjlle. NEW umTTnn.s sold Ute aauie as rent. , ....... m imtui, fgu vuy or tout, bhtpped any place on tea days five trial, jautls Typewriter Kavhabge, ao o laiu wiiiniin, IV,U, MlUl-AND Rliitto.-Vl AND CAlUiON CO. We make tiiein In Omaha. What? Typewriter ribbons. Supplies for the m otlice ImiMn ;if Hee Pblg. bl'i-ciAT. v.usi rnite.il tv ixjayritcr nlw boos I for i, Rellanc Ribbon 4k Carbon C"., Douglos StU i ti t' AitA x , nil, 1 pew i iter Ribbons, V per J d Hulls T)rrlier Kxc. lla B. lStu. ,-N I an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. fur Vx 0 1 1 ierTy pewrlter Axency, 1S) Farnam. 4TT-EM VV i'i 1-ltS sold lonteu repntroJT Cen'rel Typewriter F.xc. 1I8 Farnam. t"Vi'ESV RiTER for rent, t "months. tiT Huns 'typewriter Exc. 3i S. 1m li St. Rr-NT a ' ReuiUiaton ' nut just a lype- wrtter. Low rent. Call DourfUs l.4. Anvllwa kales. AUCTION SALES. Household t;oi8. IS'lti LUKDETTii ST. WediieorUy, Miirch L at 1:30 p. m , sharp, we will sell the complete furnlslt inss of a 5-room liome, confuting of kali rugs, nrl r. bedroom, dli.lng rooir) snd kilcha furnllure. lineno. iiavllsnd dlshea. guitar and hunlieils I of srtlcles too numerous 10 mention. POWD ACCT I o s Ui .. Ausiloneera. AUCTION SALE " OF 3D AND 4111 fl.Ah.4 MAIL MATTER AT PoSTVJFKlCE. Monday snd Tuesday, February 2& and '. about ovU pavkugvs coiulnilng of nearly eveivtb hi, will be sold, ona pm a a Ke at a lime, tu the hlKhert btd uor Saia starts at 10 a in., sharp. JAMES L. IxtVVD A u-tloneer. Milliard aee! Pool 1 s felon. FOH BALE Now and seoomi-haud Car,,es snd po. ket blilaid . tables and bowling Sileya and accnonories, s-end for cata log ue; easy i-ayim-nia "I be Hi is Ic W. bala-v'ul.eidor Co.. 4vf7-ou a. Ukk gu FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS PrlnlUg anal ffle Sapnllea. CM; writer pri -as for printing Imitation typewrt'er fetters: one Invalil sanitary chair: one rollspa hl co-cart, Tl. W.7br w a i it hh-fTa rn !a fvrTti. Co., quality printing Tel. Doug, tit. l?4Rtl(h Bt CE NT I i A L T r tut in g Co. DOUG LA a ti- Loi l.i.AH Printing Co. Tel. Dnuflti iMi Machinery and r.lr I.' W Secona-hand motor, djrn nvxgnetoe I,e Benn , .l a mo. k.lectrl Works, t!-B 8. 12th Ft. MlM-rllaarou. XK HAI,K C'H KA H. Buaioaa Collaa CourM. Full and oomplrte a:holarahlp la oaa of tha baat Omaha bualnoa achooln. Oood men for aclllng: pprfoctly ralla bta; worth full prl, but will ba aoid Vary reaaonahly. If Intrraatad Invaatl f no at onra. bacauaa aprlns tarm beirlna avion. Th. ra arc a vartoty of cmirwi for aala. For trtlculara tiviulra at tlia of lire of Tha Omaha Ho THK F.XCELSIOH 'Ye Olde Whlaky Hnop." Wa aell atandnrd bottlod In bond whlaklea; I) and 13-yrar-old whlnkjr a IM-clalty. Ill Po. 15th 8t. TTTpJi 1 o Qunpowdar or ""-4 Japan te with avarj 10 the, ef brat It"1 ooffea. panel poat, at tt-la. Dava a Coffaa Mark at. Mil laavanwort Hi . Omaha. Nab. ALtX Tkiw UQUOH HOUSK. Thirteenth and Do u (lava. Bottled -In-bond hlaky, auo, IL00. $LO, full q 'J art. MT high atandard of quality will ba maintained; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelle whisky, 13. X; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mall order bouae, lJoug. 71t3; 1M-U4 N. hith Kt. Utt'iiMi-llANIi trip-hammer. emery stand, disc aharpenor. power drill, band saw and belting. K. Llndblad. North. riatto. nob. ADVKHTISK your property aa UioukH you ballared Ita Bala or rental to be important, by keeping It Hated tn the Pia; Houa. Home and Real JCeUte Oulda-THK 11 KR COAIj ' haaketa delivered. H: lUlnola Jr "ut or lump. W per ton. Dourlea tin. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COirNTV TRKASUKRR EMMET 0. SQLX)M0N UOUiC(JAAUU S ''Lucky Ueddlnit R'npa" at Kth and toucla a Wta EXF.rtCt.SF, AT Y M.C.A. -Bualneaa men. Krerrtalaar (air Waats. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, bos pleating, covered buttons, all elsea and rtyles; hemstitching, point edalng; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., ZOO Douglaa block. Douglas lM'l. loiiin'i. THE largeat stock of masquerade and tlieatriial coatumeg in, the country. Theo. Ueen A Hon, 1514 lloward. D. 4I1K. f 11KATIUCAL Kowna, full dreaa sultx, for rent. 4i N. 17th He John FelJman. Cleaners nnd Uri. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 1J0 N. 12th. D. 5072. Urennalilki, LADIES suits rumoueled in the latest tyle. lll Farnam. Douglas ma. DHK88MAK1NO, plain or fancy. "Rtaaon ahle. Hnrney 44K7. 1AY work. VniiiK, sewing, lied. 60 ! XI It J CTl i'l 'I' A ' A .uu n. L. .. r.r u 7T. T crV t.'rr ---iL Dressmaking Col. lUs City Nat, luerrv lireasmnk g college. 30th A Frn.,n UTTTTTiii'tA n A NTk-Fn WALNUT K...1 fjl-.WlNG at home or" out. Rei3&T. " C a Irv tod Is ta Carrie 1. Buford. 670 Pax. Hlk. Red 45 Kb. Iklraurselura, Mplaal Adjust monls. DKH. JOHNHTONd, Chiropractors, of Mieldon, la., wish to announce their locailcn at 2407 N St., South Omaha. Consultatlua free and Invited. Phone South 4M H. CR. BURHORN, int.. and Farnam, Wcaii "jojs. Mii; 1 aimer echoui graauate1 ti. i. C. Lawrence,""! laird bldg. D. i Danclna Inatrnction. 1'RlVATsl lessons ill social dancing by Chambers;' pupil. For terms call H. 657. Dentists. i rr. Pradbury. No pain, oil W.O.W. Bldg. 1'yorn ea. ir. Fk klca, Yii City Nat. BatikT fait De'atal Rooiiu. Iil7 Douglas. D. 2iW. Jnstiuva t tUe Peace. H. H. CIAIUORNE. bVi Paxton Ulk. Rod 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. C. W. BlU'l'l. Ml Barker i Biuuk. Draaa. DRUOS nt out prices; freight paid on tl orders; catalogues free, bhsrmau ok Mo Cunntll Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. " ir'islarea aau Vtirlas, nTTT?KTM Electric washing machines, A w lci.tr10 irolU ,,,,,1 rea.din. lamps. 2K3 Cuming bt. Doug. H61S. Aitcosslsslh E. A. DY0IiAK, C. P. A, r4n-437 P.amge Bli g. Tel. Douglas 74X arrlzra. f AM KNKKTER, l'J'A) Famsm. Red Wt YT. ilutliolx. tola Leaven worth. It. TdT JUovlna Picture Aiavhlaee. OMAHA FUm Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo- tlon picture machine and film bargains. A'atoata. P. O. Bsrnell, Paxton Ulk. Tel, Red TUT, tl. A. Stui ges. b.i Brandets Theater Bldgl Plaaa laotructloa, Ragtime piano plsylng positively taught In VI Feaaiviis. t. unung. vvai. oJ.S. W tnea and Litiaora. BUY your fsmlly liquors at Klien'g jLj(jUor nouse, in N. mm, Douglas lusx Cnrnonters and (.enlrnotura, teasard 4V Son, 1 Capitol Ave. T. 1m CTw. liokansun. tout Lvpwth. Tyl. iU.'.-f. J. J. VUINO, St..a Miami. Web. 1737. Ueteetl 3AMFS ALLAN, Ut Neville Blook. Evl. dence secured n all cases. Tyler Hal Varaaon aad 1 In vvnjo. HAFFRBTROH. 4tC- Hamilton. Wal. 2971. Live elwvia tvstsiiHliiscrs, MARTIN BROS. A CO. Exchange Bid OsteuoMtts. PnU'laaa, BQSEPHINW ARNf-iTRONO, 6U Bee Bldg I'alallas and Paper Haagias. limil-Cl.AS.S work, low puce. Tyier U.ut. tl 'I'li'll -CL ASS work, low price. Web. IViT fecal tionalrlaa, fm. Stsndard Scale Co., (13 8. l?th. D. 11 j fetoel 4.rilia: ' fARTF.R Sheet Metal Company, 110 B. Towel a pill t es. OMAHA Towel Supply. 20T 8. 1h. D. 528. Trsaki and Bait laars. FRF.UNG A PTEINI.E. 1S0S Farnam Pt W a tea k nee U Ho la. rhrlstlanaen. ?d fl.,l'sxton Bk.. II yr. up. Weddtwsl Btallnaerr, Wedding a nnou ncements. Don g. Ptg, Co. Advertioinn AnveTiios. f. F. Fhafer A Co.. lfth-Farnam. P. T474, Arehtlecta. oCvarett 8. Dodd. tit Paxton Blk. P. Tn. Attorneys. C. T. Dickinson. Ml Paxton Blk, P IS04 Uakrrita. ' t. H BFFDFR. 1804 N. It; h. Web. ?7 Brass and Iras Fnandrlee, ' Faxton-Mitchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bfa Uaarlas Academies, PK LUX ACADEMY. Ill 8. 13th 8t- B-leetrteal hcpalrlaf. C AH1LL FI.KCTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. P. 3gTt Lleoirvlysw. ' Vloa Anender. 24 Beo Bldsr. Rod BOSS WANTED TO BUY DESKS DEHKa DESKS" New desks, vised desks, bouizht. sold and traded. J. C. Iteei. 1 11 Farnam. Rt W and aeconuTTu7.il tin at flxlurea fur our new stores. Baoket Stores office, (11 Brsndels Theater Hidg. Phone Tylor 44i. W ANTEle- Concrete 1 01 111 builder for out-of-lon work. C B. Reynolds, 4U Bovero HI. It t'ounell Bluffs AA.v l r.i liL 1 Ulil, Old Cello. I'r.- CA.ll Ktii IS 1 l..v.S i slste rtyle. numUr W .tilled to buy VVllte Y ?4. lice. SWAPPERS COLUMN uVl 'K. imxh-l F-lX ' roTiullt Into a trui k. will haul about 1.0uo ta., Juet recently overhauled, new chain, sprocket, en gine and tranamlaalon bearing, pump P'ara snd shaft, cona clutch thrust earinir, timer, plupa, etc. It s all up In good shape ready for a hard seasons work. It has ample Imwer, runa fine a.nd la Just the thins; tor th? dairyman, farmer, inter or any one that haa iiee for a good Ittrhl truck. 1 have pur chased a larrer one and I haven't the room to houee two. This one ran be had for tl' spot cash, or will trade for what have youT Address T 77J. Hee. ONE die p ate with f leg cutting from 14 to t Inihia, one die plate with dins cutting from ' to 1 Inch, taps S to Ut lncn, hammera. etilinm wrenches, monkey wrenches, chain pipe wrenches, one holler tute extender, all now. win swap for motorcycle of some make. Ad it.. . . -. j e. r.-e. 11AVK paid on hiah-rale piano, balance can be handled email monthly payments. Will awap my equity (or anything of eq.jal value. Would con alder eewlng machine, shotgun or rifle. or w im nitve you : .Aqnross W. (. PH4. tiOAUOIKl:, liKlitweiMl.t. twutpasartiKeT, li'IS model, lust overhauled and fullv equipped, wilt swjtp for the best Kit J, J"1 "bJt ft't.-. ft " . VlsTltee muati motorcycle or tl Me car outfit 1 ran get: cormitton. Address ADDIN" machine, fturrough s machine, In first claaa condition. Tne standarrl machine, exchange for Ford, bookcase and books, pictures, diamonds, jewelry, or what have you? Address a. C lols, Hee. HAVli furniture of 6 rooma, nearly all new, Including Cramer piano and ono month freet rent for automobile or what have you? Act quick. Address S, y. lu7. Bee. PLAYER PIANO. Price & Teeple make, coat tWA), will awap on a valuation of tXA) for cowa, pigs, chickens, horse and buggy, or what have you? Address H. C. ), Pee, ADDING MACHINE Standard Bur roughs mschme. In perfect condition, will exchange for Ford, bookcaae, books, oriental rugs, Jewelry, or what have you? Address H. C. B.'T, Bee. HAVE a hnnd power vacuum cienrnr. "Will exchange for Kiixon Diamond Ilao rn'ords or electrl-.1 lamp, to the valuo of lln, or what have you'.' Address B. C. loS. Bee. UUIUH KUAI-H-..WI1IIVI, cost 'jU, almost new. Including boat house that cost H.V): located st Carter Lake Club; will trade for automobile. Addreaa 8. mio. Bee. EDISON home phonograph 2 and 4 minute machine; In txceUent condition; large signet horn; want medium sisud Icebox and small rann Addieea S. C. luu. Bee. ALL or part of a.nno serial books and niaff&aines; want a good camera, horse, wagon, furniture, or anything that I can use. Address 8. V. loll. Bee. HAVE Food turning lathe with tV-ft. bed In fair shape, valued at Si&O, will swan for auto or something of equal value. Address 8. C. lOOO. Bee. lu SAFETY hair cutters, worth ti! each; great for children or Invallda; want typewriter, baritone, clothing, or what? Address S. C. 1012. Bee. i8 BATED bufrgy. rtihbcT tired, partly worn, good paint, fair shape, for salo or exchange for chlckena Address 8. C. 1010. Bee. I HAVE furniture of 6-room cottage to trade for automobile. Address 8. C. 1K17. Bee. lS-KWT Michigan steel boat, sliKl)tly used; will trade ror light roadster, or what have you? Address B. C, 1002, Bee. ONE runabout auto and one light truck ror rnlo or triiric. t'hono calls not answered. Address B. C, 1010, Bee. NEW ttt Buscher B-flat cornet with C-B-flat z-A attachment, to exchange for new Ford roadster body. Address ft ( tort. Hee. BEST offer takes wood-turning lathe, wheel, complete, ready to run. Address S C. 101 S, Bee. WINCHESTER shotgun. .12 gauge, to trade for revolver or chickens, or what have you? Address f. C. 1000. Roe. BELGIAN hares to trade for Homer pigeons (white Homers preferred). Ad dreaa S. C. S5T, Omaha Bee. REMINGTON typewriter. value 140. What have you? No Junk wanted. Ad drees 8. ( VX Roe. 1DH five-passenger Dodge, brand new. win trade and take In good Ford. Ad dress S. C. KW. Bee. . NICE five-passenger auto, without top, to trade for good roadster. Address . t'. jooi. Bee. FULL blood Hampnhlro boar for cow, riorae, or what have youT Address o. C. 1005, Bee. LIKE- new; Smith Pretuler typewriter; value .x; make ofrer; hurry. Address S. C. 1014. Hoe. f-PAsa. auto to trade for Ford roadster. Address 8. C. Bea, BUSINESS CHANCES WI-1I.L located moving picture show In city. Equipped with latest rowerr A machine, piano player, opera chairs and everything complete. Business has always been a ' money maker. I am leaving city and will aell cheap with or without building and give reasonable terms. Address owner at 4.30 Soutn Itfth St.. f"'h Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE New! up-to-date lunch counter, 18 stools, doing a good busi ness, cheap rent, little expense, in one of the best Uttls towns In Iowa, si lu sted between two depots, catering to a mixed trade; iu will handle, on ac count of sickness. Address J. A- Smith, K'4 East 4th St., Waterloo, la. IF YOU have tl.voO to take a stock In- terest, it will give you a reasonable salary for your services, In a reliable - business enterprise, with opportunity for advancement. Give all particulars about yourself in reply. Address B care Bee. -A ai smith to go Into business for himself; f ood location ana large building (down own); I can furnish some tools; rent very cheap. R. Rumbel, 1424 Grant St., Omaha. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains, machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. See us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. Doug. tfijO, CLEAN tlO.ODO hardware business In eastern farming county, for sale; tll.ool per year gross profits, and K00 per year net profits, for the pa three years. No trades. Address Y ?. Bee. TIlATj'i-Bllllardand bowling hsll in live county seat town, also I . B. land office located here. Reason for selling other business. A money maker for a live man. Inquire Billiard Hall, Bog tS, Sundance, Wyo. Newly Patented Device Party with ti.000 fcr manufacture and distribution, bee and be convinced. J HIQ. Hee. FOR SALE Meat market In eastern Ne braska, good business, excellent firming community, will aell right tor cash. Ad dress Y 271, Bee. . WOULD you Invei-t t7:0, rot I at once, but on easy payments, if you were sure It would tncreass to ll.O'Al and yet be safe? If so, b srn bow by calling on ua. W. T. Smith Co.. B13-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOU SALE A good up-to-date variety store In live town In eastern Nebraska For particulars write I, Kit BeO; WILL pay bonus on wx-IIO.uu Invest- j 1 1 shed business. G ft'1, Bee. FOR SALE In far la children s and la dies' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a varfaln: beat location 4a town: doing sa excellent business; want to re'lro Box No. . David tty. Nob, KiVlMtTATTLE pooOialt for sale, almost new, good town of l.oUO, good country. Will sell cheap for caoth. Will give terms if dexired. Address Y T9. Bee. WANTED Location tor one or lwo-halr nhop: must be cheap, no more than 111 per month. 714 8. 17th Ave rxwd Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mure mdse. slocks than any other firm In U. S. Write for terms 16 KtKj3iS. all full, cheap; must sell. Write P till. Bee. FOIl SALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware; live town central Nebraska Good reason for selUna. H quick. Ad dress, Y 267. Bee. 14 lluo M S 12 TTn lit Luusekeeplug apart tnents; tine location; full of rooiuera Must sell. J. iv. Bee. W I LL1AMS, frtLUlied 'M eara. to buy or sell business; see htm. 411 McCague Bldg . reference V. 8. Nat. Bank. F"R SALE-Small rvetacranL r N M . South Ointiha. T'H SALE Completely eulpoed cafe, doing good buolnesa. In a hotel; an at tractive proposition. Addreas E Tit. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES 6 F PICK Tor real eaTate or lnsuraiir; . same floor S s Bee cf floe: Uxtl feet; (A The Boa BUIg . Office Room 10a m TTTkATKR I(uf. lease or sell yonr the e'er, machine and suppliea through TTieater Ci . 1 Fsrnam I IW, FOP. HA1.K HMryr( building: sells 114 to 2r. per dy. lcaven worth. oa at oiirt. or bur a buslnoes, call e Hnsen Porghoff. Frenser B"t. l. iO (tfUIt'K LIT. sell your bualnoss any where, write J!m Wray. Slou City. la. TO OI'T tn or out of bualneaa ca.l on OANOrcsTirP. 4P Pee Bldg. Pong. S4T7. W AN T F. 1 A good location for mT FTrst claas pool hall. Address Y 249. Bee. . SITUATIONS WANTED Male. NOTICE TO FAHMEKS. When In nee of help of any kind ! write, telephone or flail on us CUNNINUI1AM LABOR AtJENCT. Ill S. lith St. Omaha. Neh lYOLNO man with good character wan carpenter and painter: be-: working f veara on this line: small wai its eon go at bealnnlng. Address Jack Evans, Oeneral Delivery. MAN and wife, no olilldren, want work on farm or ranch; ages KZ and Z: ref erences. Address J. f. Lock wood, Oen oral delivery, City'. MARRIED man. years' experience as city salesman and collector; I years' experience as bookkeeper , references furnished. Web. ."STS. ALL kinds of odd Jobs and Janitor work bv hour, day. week or month; experi enced In all lines of work. Webster 6034 Ask for Johnson. YOCNCi MAN, experienced, wants posi tion In automobile business. Can drive any make of car, and furnish beat of references.- Doug. fcVK. EXPERIENCED lineman wants work. One year experience as all around man. Address P M. Bee. NO. P. CARLSON. Painting ani Paper Hanging. .143 N. 35th St.. H- 2MPV Femmie. WANTED A position aa cook In hotel or boarding house, by experienced colored woman. Csll Webster (Ml. WIDOW, with two children, desires hous keeping;. Youngest child 12. Ad dress K Ml, ftee. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position as maid In hotel, in or out of town. Doug. 72:w. EXPERIENCED Colored girl wanla place as chambermaid or dishwasher. Web ?;73. . Laaadr Day fVnrat. EXPERIENCED woman wants work cleaning or launnress. TYier DAY WORK or bundle washing. Call W eb. 75.S8. PER FKCT bundle washing, reasonable. Hsrney Ml. , BUNDLE or latnily. washing wanted. South 2548. WOMAN wants Jay work. Douglaa ejvii. BUNDLE washing or day work. H. 1"44. LAUNDRY, washing, cleaning, liar. ii. BUNDLE washing; neat work. Web. 2167. DAY work of anyTcTn3. vVeb. 2i. Mary. vVANTKI Bundle Washing. Florence 311. I .A 1 ' N 1 K , Ironing, e;T. S. 27th.. H. 4 ;L V'ANtf.D-Day work. )hone Web. fffiT" WANTED Day work! Call Red 7326. ANY kind of iV work'. I)oilas X4J. WOMAN wants day work. ItSO S. 18th WANTED Day work. Call Tyler 2:-0. ANY kind of day work. Harney 17i. WASHING and Ironing. Colfax lHRg. Mlacellaneons. WK have a large list of stenographers bookkeepers snd clerks, -Tell us your needs. No charaa for this service. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER .COMPANY, Pouglas 1284, .' HELP WANTEDMALE ' Stores and Of flees.' BKPK. tlo; Bkpr. and Steno., ton; Bkpr. and Steno.. 175; e Stenos., 40 to t5; 4 'salemett. 7J to tl25. . . Western Reference A Bond Aaa'n, Inc. Originators of the Reference Business. 7n2 Omaha Nt. Bank Bldy. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAGER. Traffic managers are in dem&nd. The field la most fertile for an ambitious man to arise Into a high salaried posi tion. 1200 per mo. and up. Special coach ing a nd training. 1'1 V. o. W. 1 1 Id g-. SyUARE PEGS IN SQl'ARE HOLES. . We find a position that fits vou. CX-OPKRATIVB REF. CO., 1015-18 CITY NAT. WANK BLDO. BOOKKEEPER (Heglnnerj t4. LEIHJER CLERK 40. THE t'ANO AGENCY, fiOO BEK BU"3, THE MARTI COMPANY, .employment ripeciamts, lit'7 W. O. W. Bldg. aleainem and Bollcltorm, WE ARE GROWING WITH 'OMAHA. 11 you ara energetto and . desire to grow with an organisation that does things, get a contract with us to sell a Hna of Industrial insurance that has never before been effered to the peo ple of Omaha. . STRAIGHT LIFE; LIFE, HEALTH , AND ACCIDENT COMBINED IN ONE POLICY. ACCI DENT AND HEALTH. This combina tion of contracts spells stioeese to the man who will work, . You men with in dustrial experience, let us explain our proposition; - we have something at tractive to offer you. PIONEER INSURANCE COMPANY, 513-14 Karbach Bldg. SALESMEN AND SOLlcitORS-Coun- try .evs-mt' wumcu in ench county who Is well known among farmers.- Must have automobile. -Experience necessary. If you are a worker and persistent, this opening will pay you from 11. Wt) to JP.OoO annually. Only one man to the county. Give experience and references witi address in first letter. .Address E S07, Bee. SALESMEN and Solicitors, Omaha: Wanted Two high-class - talesmen, large Omaha corporation, to work Greater Omaha. Worth tOO to tSOO monthly ro right men; to start special training. Permanent to men who qual ify. Give experience and references with address and phone number in first letter. Address C . taW, Bee. TRAVELING salesman for well known line of gasoline engines, cream sepa rators, vehicle and farm implements. Liberal commissions. Big money hsnd llng as side line. No samples. Omaha Western Sales Co.. Ssttley Bldg. WANTED stock and bond salesman. Standard Security A Investment Co., 12W W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha WANTED Reliable salesmen. Standard Security and Investment Co., 1207 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. .Hotels and Heataaraata. REl.lAt.'LE employ meat agency, lftiO Davenport St., . headquarters for hotel help: spec, attention to distance orders. Trade Bekoala. ' SAVE $25 BEE OUT SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If iu cent atienq uay school you can hold your Job and at the same time get your automobile education if you enroll In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBIT.R SCHOOL, 240o LEA VUN WORTH. RED tllu. . M0LER. . BARBER COLLEGE. ' - Men wanted to learn the trade. Mr have oils mated a plan to teach It quickly and. earn back tuition while lean 11K Tools included. Open to very one. Writ for catalogue, 110 So. 14th St.. Oma h a. Neb. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learn ng. Set of tools included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for cstslogue. Hoi lMvlge. TR1-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. II EN wanted to learn the t arlier trad. Tuition. A. 1001 Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBKR COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on S4tos ana electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COIXEGE. Bl Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE I laeellawonaa. J. fi. Government Want Clerks frij month. Omaha enamlna'.ion April 11 Sample questinna fre. Franklin Inati tnta. Dept. Ul M , Rocheater, N. T Wlll'iri, male, all-arouiid restaurant cook, capable of taking chants of kitcnen- reietences recjuired. Address Faekerd'g Cafe, Helmond. la.- WANT Kl Nantes of arnblttoua men, l cr over, wanting Rallwsy Mall clerk po sitions. tTa.OO month. Answer Immedl- . stoly. Tt4 1. Pee. IHF.N for firemen, brakemen, tlM month 'r;. experience, .unnecessary.. Railway. V ta. Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. bTEN0 KAPIIEHS end typists furnished for any typewriter Cur lervlra la f- Itnval 1 vnemrttep cn mn s i,n Tei. I iivfl. TELEPHONE glri wtlnled; steady posl tlon. Mk-iO N. lith St. Prefesalons nnrt Trades. Vv ANTEl Experlen ed makers. 1.ACY A TREMAIXE. Millinery, 1M Farnam St. LEARN halrdresslng at The Oppenhelm. Honsekold and Desnoacle. VV AN't'Ei Keilnod and experienced Protestant woman or girl for general housework in prtval family: must be good conk; washing done by extra help; references required; good wages. Wal FREU. Ada for servant slrls accepted three days free of charge for vcsldcnir of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring;, send or phone your ad lo THE BF.E office. Phone Tvler inoo. WANTE1 Woman or girl for good p,nce In country, goneral housewoiK, family of -five.. -Steady place to right person, who must be capable snd of good char acter. Phone Walnut irJ7.- WANTED t aiaoie huh bciiool or col lege clii over 1 years of age to assist wit n housework in exchange for hoard, rrom and emrfl -ABC'S. H'lrncy WANTED -Vlld'lie-Hged Isdv or "good girl, with references to help tvlilj llcht housework for room and kourd. .,tr4 Grant St. Tel. W'eh. 31. OlItL for geneial housuv.orn; small tarn IW; good place for good girl. E. G. Holslnpton. X",1S N. lMh. 'Web. 72SO. V ANT1',1 White girl for. general house work. Small house, no cooking. 17U4 Lake St. Weheter 2S1. W A NTED Coinirt'tent houaekeeper for small family. Call South 1239 after 7 o'clock evenings.- v W ANTEli An experienced white girl to do second work. 137 8. Soth St. Call Harney S91t. ' .... - WANTED Compel en t girl for general housework; no washing. Mar. 990. 3323 Harney. . GIRL for generrtl hounework; good wages; in small family, lot 8. 31th St. WANTED Girl for housework. No cook Ing. no washing. Walnut 1171. WANTED A girl for general housework. ItXf Psrk Ave. Hnrney 3.V.5. WA NTED Experienced cook. References required. Harney 4310. WANTKI) Maid for-general housework. 60S 8. 29th St. . . . EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell, Ing. a variety of course In a reliable Business School, one of the lending busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very ' reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon.. Call office, Omsha Bee. . FOR sale, the following scholarships in a fltst-olass Omaha Business College: One unllmlLed combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. Cr.e three-months' business or steno graphic course. .Will be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. .... V , . . PAY dCTIOOL;- BOTLES (JOLIGE. - 1 ' NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping. Shorthand, . Stenotype. Type writing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLTCS 'COLLEGE, .' lih and Iarney Sti. Tel. Douglns lBffi. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY ROOK KEEPING. Dsy Sohool for Young Women. v Evening School fof Young Men and W omen. - - Saturday morning' class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Ownor and Manager. S08 . ISth St. . Omaha. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Class or private lessons. Lowntown studio, rhone wen. tail. PAXTCN Blk. School of lettering and Art teachog payinf traded prlv cately. R. Hit. PRIVATE Instruction in Gregg snorthand and touch typewriting. Tel. Wal. 2327. PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured.. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula nd other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. II. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kid ney trouble, goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferers are successfully re sloied to health by me. . Examination Free. , Call Bulte" 812 Be Bldg. DR.' W. H. KNOLLENBKRG. Chiropractor. Tyler 193 Usui Til PENSION IVVAI.ll.H The Ladies' Home Journal $15 The Saturday Evening Post tl.60 The Country Gentleman tl.OS ' ) aubacrlbtions each month till April earns that 3,iXm for Tbe Inva lids' Pension Ass'n. Your order or re newal contribute 60c. Urgent, 10 needed In February. Phone Douglas iid.1. or address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE) MAN. ' Omaha. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omahf as siransers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station THE Salvation Annv Industrial home ao llclts your old clothing, furniture, mag axlne. We collect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 41.16 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homa 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St MAfeSAGE AND ELECT RIO BATHS, chiropody and manicuring Mlsse Gray and Head. 210-212-214. Balrd Blk., 17lh nd Douglas Iouglss 14.8. RTTPTITniV Successfully treated U I X U IV rj without a surgical operation. Call or write Drs. Wray A Mstheny. 808 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. SMALL CIGAR FACTORY for sale. Go ing concern. Good reason for selling. st. A. Simpson, Blue mil. iveo. STRAW hats dyed; look like new. Plumes snd Psrsdia sls-rettes cleaned and dyed. Lo ro. I e le;D. iS2. 1 1 j4 CM y Nati Bk . jTlGH cialadtes' tailoring. H. Fischer, Floirwar Hotel lldg. Opposite P. O. oVl N. i;t h. Tyler 2 v7. pERriONAL M lases StapUw and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open t a. in. t p. m. Douglas 713. 41 Wsre Blk. MAE B RUG MAN. team and shower baths. Mssssgs. Red 27J7; Room . Ksrtiqch Blk. EXPERT Mwevluh lady, graJuste chiro- ? ratio, electric treatment. 1715 Iodge, lo KELLOGG i 1111 udieos. Wi.l. A. 1 lenker. Write. PERSONAL HHKI MATIKM tratersucco.fullv. re sults guwrant d. Dr. Bowser. 3U Bee Bldf . SOlliTfTlTiC ma'seage: 520 Bee Bldj's I'hone Donglaa a'172. Ha saAlKMTss Webster. SIS Faxton Blk. Douglas 3:?7. FOR TENT ROOMS Knrnlahed .11 on wis. ATTRACTIT newly furnished fronl room: modern home: good service; walking distance. Will serve break- jfaatJ Harney SIW. FOR RKS 1-Furnlshed room In private family. West Farnam district. Oentle man preferred. References required. K. tan, Bee. iiOTEL SANFORD, HOTEL HARLET, l:th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Fpecial Rates to Permanent Guests. Mil snd Davenport, two sleeping rooms; one unfurnished for ladies or fentle men. Red OSi. MKUK modern room, prlvste family. Two gentlemen preferred. Harney 18M. i 27 So., mouern, quiet sleeping rooms. Harney 4Q14. llouoekreBlnar Rooms. TWO beautiful rooinn. completely fur nished for light housekeeping. Every thing furnished modern. Hanscom Park district. I-V.OO per month. Phone Har ney 457T DEWEY AVE.. 2-ilo Two rooma, nicely ' furnished. Hod 6S3 DAVENPORT. 2010 Light housekeeping snnrtment. furnished, modern. FOUR rooms and bath on 2d floor, lllC Emmet. Board aaal Kooms. 2i'J ST. MARY'S AVE.; walking dis tance; $4.60 and to per week. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment and Houses. A part meats. MONTH FrtEE RENT CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 3-r. snd bath, apsrtment. brick; mod. except heat; good neighborhood; 12.t0. 1. K. BUCK. 912 Omaha Nat. D. 62-S. Ilonaea. FOR RENT My beautifully furnished stucco home. Including garage snd garden space. References required. "Web ster 7033. TvVo five-room, strictly modern cot- tag-es, 3221 -sea Leavenworth. Harney FOR RENT-HOUSES West. FOR RENT Two all modern -room houses on 24th St., near Howard; easy walking distance. For full information ' call THE BYRON REED CO.. Phone Douglas ?S7. 212 S. 17th St. vv HAT'S between outside paint and ln slde plsster? Watch one of my well Til"1 J0"1" "der way. Phone Benson 122. F. S. Trulllnger. 5-ROOM house. S.VW X, 28th Ave., 110, Phone 'Webster 4A00. HOUSE, five-room, modern Call 121 S. 12th St. for rent. ortn. 161j GRANT 8T.-l-r.om., modern, t-'i. T. F. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 74T. Sooth. STRK'TLY mod. five-room cottage; walking distance; good condition; t. Wal. 71S. ' DKSIKABLE 5-roam cottage, modern ex cept furnace. 62 S. lth Ave. Hl.no baugh. D. 423S. . S-R. house, sleeping porch: Field Club Dlst. 90H H. 35th Ave. Harney 834. 5-room cottage, own yard, K36 S. 21st St., i:. rten FOR RENT (i-rouni modern house, il aJIscrllaneoas. FOR GARDENING AND POULTRY. t-r.,- downtown, colored; $12. Also a 1 and a 3 (like bungalow) and ACRE GROUND. . and 17. Also 5-r., Cali fornia bungalow and acre, tl4. Tel. D. 2107. Evening. Wal. ivrj. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIUH. SONS A CO. WW BER BLDG. DOUG. 200. 1125 S. Hat. modern. 8 rooms. 130. 2"r66 Douglas, modern, t rooms, $33. 2il S. 41st. modern. 7 rooms, tT3. JOHN N. FRRNZKR. DOUGLAS 554. tlO.OO 4-r. house and 4 lots, 3415 Maple St.- ija.ou i-r., strictly moo;.,: kmo Franklin. t.'t.OO 7-r., strictly mod.. 1718 S. 26th St. tW.OO 7-r.. strictly mod., square house. TK16 Psclflo St. These are all good houses. Look them over. SCOTT & LULL CO., Douglas 1009. FOR RENT APTS AND FLATS West. li PARK AVE., new modern steam S heated flat, large bright rooms; sum- ' mer S42.M). winter JsiO. Itlngwalt, Bran dols Theater. Very choice 4 or 5-room steam heated apsrtment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINS. lfrt FARNAM ST. FOUR rooms; soutn .front; good condi tion; walking distance. The Hamilton. Doug. 2F41. ' iiODERN 5-room apartmeut. including sleeping porch. WUl located. Harney law. North. FOR RENT-NEW FLAT. 4 rooms and bath; hard coal stove fur nished. 117 per month. Mtl N. 16th SL J. B. ROBINSON. 442 Bee Bldg Doug. 8087. til Four rooms, partly modern, brick riat, nice floors. 2WJ Willis Ave. Web. 3? r , Boat). FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, very desirable; the Chula Vista, 80th and Poppleton Ave.. 142.50. 8-3 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1571. Mlaeellaaeaas. COMPLETE LIST Of Heated Apartments. Flats and Houses PAYNE & SLATER CO., OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN. itt Omaha Nat l Bid. 1 MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, move, packs, ships; 1-horso van and 2 men. tl.tu per hour; storage. ii per month. Satisfaction uaranteciL Douglas 43.(8 and Tyler 230. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 21 . N. Uth SL Phon Douglas 8M or Harney 1937. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage) Co.. moving, packing, stota 4ud uinla-. I'hone Double 14!sk FIDELITY RENTAL SERVICE FREE Phone Douglas 2M for complete list of Vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. lth snd Jackson Pts. nRTlPROOF WAREHOUSJ. Separate, locked rjumi, for household ooJs aud piano; moving, pack lug and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. sm H. '.'.th St. Douglaa 418. "T (' UFFD EP'a Col Moving. packing and sic packing toraa. VM Farnam Bt. oougiss (lot. WANTED TO RENT Fnraiobed Ilonaea, Flat a. IS VOL R PitOPEKTY VACANT? Druuei-t this kind we cannot meet It. Call our K-uiiai drpattmeiii and fciie us an op portunity to place one of the mam jrvauecLs In your property. Phone Doug. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. K14 Harney If ao let us rent It for you to one o the many pix.specis we have waiting for XasV ' 4. 5. 8 and 7-room modern houses, cot tagee and flats in good locations. The ,T d-insnd Is so giast for Drouei-tles o' t V 9 A 0