6 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, fTJlRUARY 28, 1910. IVant-Ad Rates lc OA.SK WXTK OtOIBi per r4 each Ineertloa pedal . I Farm and Ranch I .ends. t per lln each Insertion (Count Six word to th line.) rORriON ADVERTISING UNDKR AGENTS OR HKI P WANTfcu CLASSIFICATIONS: fe rr word on time lHe per word . .ree ooneeutlT time CHABOl Mt e pr lln V.n,.,J! tc per lln ....three consecutive time tCount 1x wotd to th line.) jto at Ttnir rom x.tm thaw A TOTAL OF too 0 TIAR 10O Mst DAY. CARD OF THANKS. rFATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: iin. each Insertion 19c per in n i m . ... i.t..rs tti eenta.) Monthly Rat for atandlng ad change of copy) P "" Count lx word to the line.) Coatrect rwtseoa epplloatlo. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion or an advertisement ordered for more man one time. ADVERTISERS should retsln receipts given by The Re In payment for Want Ada, a no mistake can be rectified without them. DPR TUB TELF.PIIONE If you cannot conveniently bring or avid In your ad. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and you will receive the ame eon1 service a when delivering your ad at the office. PHONE TTLF.R 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS 1?:00 M. MORNING KMTIONB :00 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. A ill were too question Where to go lonlgbL" iCMPHESS. l.'.tli & DOUGLAS SELIO-TKIBUNE NO. 10. Tho Bridesmaid's Secret," Essanay. "Hughey, the Process Serv er," Vitarxraph comedy. ITHnceS'S iTi rrrTiouo Lab. Anna Little and Jack Rlchardaon In "Double Crossed," 4-ct mystery drama. George Ovey, funniest man In America, In ' G.-!ng I'p." a comedy scream. "Cooking Hie (Innw." rlever com-dram. OARDEN. 1318 FARNAM ALICE BRADY AN1 HoLRHOOK HIJNN IN Till: BALLET GIHT.." Korth. ' 16TH AND BINNET GRAND, BKTKAYED A 5-ai't Mutual maaterptcture, rl.ig Grace D Carlton, and a romedy. tar- 'food UmiKUi', 4TH AND LOTUHOP. Resale Claw." Harrises) In 'The Golden Kealh. APOLLO. tit LEAVENWORTH. The Making Over of Geoffrey Man ning, l-W'l Yitagraph. Thepct Vany wiser ulfL;VAn). 33d 4V Le-venwortta. Todav, contlniionuly from p. m., ,ln l in lran In "The Uanaom;" an all- lir caul. JT6HlF 25C1 LKAVKNWOKTil "A rilln Roniince." with Cooper Cllffn and Porotliy Urren, Vox feature. l-rl rortiedv MONROE. M""I685 FARNAM. "Mealed Up," founded on tha famou book, "The Kllenc of Dean Maltlend," featuring the popular atar, WUII&m urtenn y , snath Bide. BKSSB J4TH AND N. "The Vll'aln Wotahipper," l-r. Kalem. "Vernon How Uniley Mketch Hook, of Chl'HKO." i:eana. W tirrri- Vnrrn." Kalem. CKfilfcUM'. I4TH A T 'Accori.ing to St. John," l-r. drama, 'lln Thoiiaht He Went to War," com. "Hilly Van Deuecn' Wed. Eve," Reaut. ".Mammy Koee," drama; vaudeville. Q tar Features These r Fpeclal Kxtra-P.eel Feature now appearing at tha following Theater. FdTLo. li i'i L A VEN VV 0 KT1L "Th ntn ' Slaking over of Uoffery Man- HoULLVAllU. "Th Riiom." 5-d L-vuworib, U HAN LI, luTH AND UlNNKY ' Betrayed." a l-ct Mutual maater nlcture, einrrlnst tirece I e Carlton. ilui ki Kv5K"ii'iri " ANo'TAixaIto?7 Earrlavalo In "The U old en Cw." laUNHOt:. Xb&b FAHNAM. "Pealed l,ln." featuring the popular e'er. W'im Coui inev riiiNcnss, iSi7-iru6X'(JAsT Anna Utile and Jack Richardson In "l-uiib!e-Cvued," 4-att Mystery drama. Yi 6 II Lr' FT" S5bt LEAVKNWOKT 11 " I'arlalsn Komanne" with Cooper Cliffe and lioroiliy liieen. DK4T11S AM ri KF.RAf, XOTlt V.H. M AUttOLKUM. HT bury your dead In th cold ground in stnrmy weather lio you ran buy tombtna tnurble build ng at raaunar.a t-rs.at T.l MAl'Si.,UIU CO . t. IMi. FLomT. LLr gTATiV IVY FLoWKKM or plant. Art C,mliltiat.ona, hippel every- wnrre. s.aceiiem irvic to our cua tomers In past era recommend 1II-SH h-vM)ik)iA, 141i Farnam bu lau. Ina irH sATH a. fiinnn. 1"i4 torn a in 81. tTTii.Nli i;SoN. ls.e iuuiia 1U Merohrr Kiorleta 'frlearsnn 'A Ass e ni !i'i'iu2j.,Ai !' Fa; nam t. A, LoNAtjiiUiC 161 Tta-cay. Doug. luuL LOST FOUND REWARDS IValAllA '-OI NC1L HH'IFa aTit-LX KA1LWAI CO-PANT. Pereoi.s having los soui artlula would to wi to call up tl:s otilce of tb Oinaha A Council lUuft btiewt Railway ruinjauy to aaourtaia xttwtkeg tsy lc1 It lo li. sir it cars. il an r am, lea eacu day r turned la si, J l ouinpay la utiuu to restor t ,-u tt tb rlgbUul ami, Call 1'toig. 4e. IW too ka aartkta aa4 will 4-rttaa M baea. n U u', 1 .-. h u touo ar aa k-at e-' K. t r ,aarta sea lMve4S4 ai.wi avrry u-r iaror tula cwluaui I W Faoaut luMI laM. atlrtos S' lir.i4 la aolbg that tta s.ia we U ia i.4-jiiiB u, a. tea aea l""-1 a -ri., n..l 4 oiuarwiaa U.mt a lu, ua U m, U aa hi a eaa la--, s aavaia saaaUa. LOST FOUND REWARDS LOST Ribbon woven si.id ,iln, brunette miniature; f.ioe fnnmt'M It. renter; .11--rinmin and ruii'n In hond!.:md. Reward. Colfax. SiS IajsT jtrown n pit bulldog. clipped Mil nt tall white face anil whit answers to ,v,!'4 name of Hull or Boole. M ST Black p.U ri.nlnlnln k-v. be- twe n Nth and A.'d 8i., on rrnra, or CoKfIllark Nma .-ti t Tritri r 'ir rnry and ppr. Reaard. i'hone Mr. Jlowera. I ' 1-w Vft L iPT Ante ton cover. Reward for re turn. riionePoiiUiyi- lyT-i-Aiiuoiii rm" 1 hone Wal. IX7. Vui Pnrniri. Hewerd. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Pnrnltnr e ! lloaaehotd OmiAi, Tt i H iA L I VF pa rlor iw t ," Ii ill nl n ru u table, 1 hard coal burner, I bed and mattreiieca. 1 divnwr, 4 kitchen chalra, dlnltia room chelre, aewlnit machine. For ch only. Call at Ho. Kth Nt. Sunday wftermx'n. OMAHA- lYnUTvV CO. Felt and lialr" m.ittrraaea made over in new tick at half the price of new one. I'hone (i for eampfo of ticking. lHr, Cuming et Doiiplaii A iiA KHA IN New I ui nlture," complete, in three-room apartment; cloae In; ready o occupy, t all, Apt. ), Keta hrook I'o'irt. felO BA IU) A I NR ' Furniture. i&; atovee, bade, aprlnga, mattr'a, II each; bedding eomforu, Menketa. N. ?4th. W. T. ALL HKHA1H Water front. furnae coll, etc. Quirk eervlce. Omaha Ptov RepalrWorke W l 1oii1ii. Tylr -m "piiKo and MaiiipaT'luatrWmeata. W) STANDARD make piano nif bench, uaed I month, will accept i,o. -jerm. I'i a month. IL'8 N. iHth ft. l'hon Webtcrkft"J. Vi per mom li. A. Huaoe, lAlt Dougla"T tore ail Ufflre lilm. t)r:KM, aafc acalea, ahoweaaea, ehalvi UK. etc. W boy, aell. Omaha Putur Wupply Co.. ! M. ltth. loilg.3it4. fltMS devt liHd five i urhad from Pnnto Craft Shop. 41 Hee Hltlg. Lept. 1. Jeer elry, Ulamonela, Wate-ea. BHOL'bUAAHU H ' lucky wedding ring-' at H h a n d Douglna a ta. t.lufclM, Fura, (. W buy and aell tailor made uk and overcoat. Friiwinmu. 1211 Doug I a Bt. MHIWI Miulilux. " BEWilNXTMAffl W rent, repair, aell needle and paxtg I ail tvmlng machine. MltKJDL'8 NEBRASKA CXCLS CO.. tlth and Harney ait. Uoug. itit, Typrvirrilera and ftuppllee. NEW machine aula the aame a rent.' li per month, See u before you buy or rent. Hlilpped any place on ten day free trlaU ilutt t'ypewrller Iixchani. Il B. tall., Omaha, Neb. " MIDLAND HIHUON A.ND CAItUON Ot. Wo tiiak thm In Omaha. WbatT Typewriter ribbon, flupplie for th office, poiiblna '.'147. '.'K Hee Rldg. i VI'Kt I A I. ouariinteed iv pc writer iTb bon 1 for ft. Reliance Ribbon A Carbon -i,i iJQiigia MJ. C II A KA N 1 h. c, '1' piwritiir KlLboti. f,", per dot. Rutta Typewriter Ko. ai it H lKt h . 1Tnt an Oliver typewriter I mo. for"VC Oliver Ty pewrltcr Atenc y. lw Farnai a. TVPF.R WIT Vjiii 7iid rented r)ialreiL CentrelTypewr'ter I'lxc. 1S Kitrrinm. TV PK WRIT KR for renCTroont'na7nrC Jjlwlli:iJ,'wrler Exc. m H. lutli St. b'-NT a ' ReuiLiRton ' noFlunt a tyue wrltcr. Low rent Cml JDouxl t "UlTn-rd'wuel I'oot Taalva. FOR EALlv New and ecoml-hand caron and pocket bl'llard tabiea and howling alley and acceanrle; end for cata logue; aay payment. Tha Brunaelok. Italke-v'ullender Co.. 407-4OU 8. loth Ht. Auctiua ttiilea. AUCTION KALI'Jrt! HOrHKIIOLD t4HDH, nr , 110 fcl'KDKTTM HT. Wednesday, Murch 1, at I SO p. m . harp, wo will ell th complete fiirnlah Ihk of , 6-room homx, conelatlng of II rug, pari jr. bedroom, dii.lng room and kltchrn furniture, lir.eiiK, Havlland dlaho. guitar and htiiidied of artlcjea too numerou to mention. 1HJWD AfCTION CO.. Auatloneer. Al'CTlON SALi; Or ID AND 4TH CI. AH 1 MAIL MATTKIl AT P08 TOI-'KICK. Monday and Ttiedv, February M and i), about nno paciR'fca coimMlng of nearly everylh'tiK, will be old. ona packnga at a lime, to the Iilnhet bid der. MHle atnrta at 10 a in., aliarp. JAMK9 L. IKVD, Auctioneer. Prlallnar aaltiHIr gaepllea. ON W wii! e r "prciw for piTnlTrTii" liTilTaThm typewriter b'tlera; one Invellil aanllat'y chair; one collopn.hln xo-cart. Tel. W,7l?i WXtKHS-RARNHART Tg. Co.. quallTy printing T-UDoug:ti, M4 f. 13th Ht fENTIlAli'iltoHngC iWoSEAijTit tOll6LA.-4 iVlnllng Co. fel. iio"uclaa U4, Mta-ellaaeaa. FOK SALhl ClilCXp; BuBlne Collage Joura. Full and ooiiiplet acholarsblp In on of h beat Omaha buainraa chool. Good reason for selling; perfeotiy relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold cry reaaonably. if Interested Inveatl, gale at ono, becauae spring term bvgln aoon. Thera are a variety of couraes for aale. For particular Inquli' at th of Hee of The Omaha Bee TUB BXCKUJIOR. . . . "T t)de Whisky Hhop." V.'e sell Ktandnrd botiltd In bond, whiaklr; lu and ll-yrar-uld whisky a apfvlalty. lit So. 15th Ft. iJWYHRH AT'r;NTION'Ongot NorTfir extern Reporter and large diaeaia fur sal at A barwaln. rite for informntlnn. Room !U0, IIA . Spring M , l.o Angolea, FliEE I ,b' fJ'WoKSpowier . Japan tea with eve.jr i 1V of beat too coffee, parcel post, at 12.7. Dav (off Market, Ull Laavanwortc Thirteenth and Doug la a. Rottlod-to-boad eihlaky. c, L0k, ti.$ lull I V. BY high standard of quality will b nmlniamr.l: 4 quart of Old Fontencll whUky, U.SS; bullied In bond Henry Pollock, mall order house. Doug, that; 1T?-1?4 NlMh Ht. SI''UMi-IIA N I) trip-hanuner, emery aland, dlac sharpener, power drill, band jaw and belting, k, Undhlad. North' t iue, iveo. COAL 4 bHakis delivered. 11: tUluoia v nut ,un,- Pr n. Doui gift. ANNOUNCEMENTS Foa i'iu'mv fTTfcAni iicirt EMMET Q. SOLOMON fcHODTTaAAUDS "Lucky U'eddlM R ni'i'' atjiiih and tloueli St, f XVn'.'lS!- AT "V'M C A -tr,7.i7,"-- m.o.' artklia Iwr Weava. ACCORDION, lde. knife, sunburnt, boa p;alm. cuvered buttons, all alae and styles; lieiiiatltililng, point edging: em broidery, hraitliig, braiding, cording, eyalei cut wora buttonhoira, .Manama. Ideal Pleating Co.. An Douglas block. Doutilaa t'.M fcill.K aaout tndei7iil Cyclone lry" Cleaner and l.ln un rvnlihln i i-reniu Mi. W. H. Mvnrs, Colfax 1471. SAiJ iden Ht.. Omaha. Coal amir a. THR largest stock of masquerade and tt-eairl al coatuiue In the couutry Tbeo. leiK-n jt l"ii.1M4 Howard D. 41 1 fi I EAT itlCAL ow lua, f ulT3rVaa suils, for rent ) N. I7tb e t.J oh n Fe Id man. " Cleaners aa4 Uxrxa. BTATE Dry Clng. Co. UO N. Uth. D. 6071 Iamaka LAl'IKX aun ivtnoUelud in theTslest a 1 vie. Ull Farnam, lUjU rej. jKlt .MAKING by Ilia day. Wo?' gusranxed. Webslur 4. D10-d.M AK1NG. i.ialu or"liiiy. l-ia.TT '!. Harney 4ly7 " lAYvicrk UiiMiiaJewlna. Ji.J iut 8 1 Myf-TXXZ? " aiimCer nTif tiTl 7" -iaiHr Dieaainalt lug Col lV:i i ll- NaC H en y Tie.i - k g coih c.?Hih Ik FiTnTui" VOUK ill AKANT-KD. WAI.XI'T t "aim ji t. lied ia.4. ,W1NG at boue or Oj ANNOUNCEMENTS hlrrai-tur, Iplaal A a Jul me ta. LKH. JuH.NSTON.H. Chlroprartore. of Hlieldon. la., wluli to annoiime their li slnn at N M.. Hnuth Omaha. Coneulteilon free and invited. I'hone Fnith 4oi. (l)R ULniK'RN, iNt.. and ItriMin. Woad ir. t cTta wren'-e, 1 iaird ld. 1W ChiropiMltatkt Carrie i. Pit-rd. tr" I'm. 1V. Red 4MTV Danrlaa lalrarOin. I H1VA IK leneona I o aorinl OnlKln by 'iiartiire' p'li II. Kor term" call H. iT7. Iatleta. T r Uradhury. No iln. 111 W.O.W. P Id g. ' fy'Tii e." i-r. ljl kl a, Uy Mi. Dank"? lait Len tal itoonia. lii 7 Don tflaa. V. " Jaalivea t ittm tm. H. II. CLA1HORNE. 112 Pattern Blk. nd 7401. Notary puh'lc; Uepoltlon lleno. C. W. UHli'i. dm jtarhtr muck. PFUOS at out pricea; freuht paid on 110 order; catiUoauM fiee Hiertnun & Mo Connell 1 m g Co., Omaha, Neb. 'rltiar-a a n4 V iria. MDTTtMIN Klectrlc waahing piachlaaa, iUUiviii eiectrlo Iron and reading I I'mpa. 22g Cuming M. Doug. AfcouoiU E. A. DWOllAIv, C. P. A, I 4'3-Ti Ramge. Rldg. Tel. toug)aa 7. Cairrlera. f AM KNItrCTRR, l Fame-m. Red 4. li HotlioUi "l . AJeaveuworth1 11. ttvX ilevlna 1'lctare Mack I are. OMAHA Film Ex., Hlh and Doug. Mo tlon picture machine and film bargain. l'alrnte. p. O, Pernell, Paxton Rlk. Tel. RedTltT. It. A tui gee. SM lira nilei TTieater Ulilg.' Via aw Inatruvtlvm. Ragtime piano playing pneltlvely taught In W leaeon. 4o Cuming. Wl. 321$. Wlaea il Llqaere. liUy. your family liquor at ftllen'a .l 't 9 u o r hi hi e, t:'2 N. l'ith. Dou gl a 10. Carpenter mnH aracor. Leaeerd Bon, lNt Capitol Ave. T. 1t. CTw. Htikahaun. l!:iuTL"vnwth. Tyl. 2IH?-"JT J. J, YOl'NH, ,Vl iHinl. Weh. 17;f7. be tee live. JAMHA ALLAN, 112 Neville Rloek. ltvp. den e eecured in all caeoe. Tyler Itst. I irimna nil i lanare. IIAI1FR8TIIOH. 4"M Hamilton. Wal. StTL Live Vlock ( oinaiiMioacn' MARTIN UROH. A CO. Kxchflnge Rldg. Oaleupal- 1'i.r alctana. BOSKPHINFI ARVWTRONQ.il IBee Bl.1f I'alDttaa; aaiil'aarr Jiaaafna. HKlH-fl.AB.H wnrK. low price. Tyier 113a. HhH'l,AHi) work, low nrt'e. Wtb. ?:" Scat Heoalrlauin ' Cm, standard Wcnle Co. . Bit B. th. D. ;nu. teel t elllaaa. ' CARTER t pheet Metal Company, 110 g. :. "T o r r gnppltea. OMAHA Towel Supply, imT W. llth. D. 521 Truaka aad gait Caaea. y-RBLlNQ PTFTNI.K. 1AQC Farnam Bt Watch gpeclaiUia. rhrlitlanaen, M flpPaxton Rk., J yr. exp. WealtflnaT gtallonerv. Wedding ennntmcementa. Doug. Ptg. Co. AdTertlaluar NovelOea. M. F. Phafer A Co . 12th-Farnm. D. T47. Arcbltecta. gverett B. Dodd. lit Paxton Blk. D. fan. Attorney, Dlcklnaon. till Pa-ton Blk. T. lM C. T. Uaerlea. g. IT, RttEPER. 150IN. lth. Web. 87. Brae and Iron Kaauiirlra.' lton-Mitchell Co.. 17th wnd Martha Bt. Danelnir A eailrnilra, PE LUX ACAD EM T. Ill g. Wth Bt Kleetrleal Repairing. CAItlLL ELKCTRIC CO.. Re Rid. D. M7t. KlectrolyeW. Uloa Allndr. 124 Be Bldg. Rd ao. WANTED TO BUY CASH FOR HUTTKW AND RHUS. N ill pay hlgheat market pi Ice for choice country butter and fresh epg sunt to 11 by P. I', or otherwise. Wr.te for particular. C. 11. lloehl, 0S Park Ave., uiimna, ipd. UESKS DESKfc iEi$ka New desk, used desk, bought, sold nl traded. J. C. Reed. Igtf7 Farnam. RlW and seconj-haiid meat fixture for our new (tores. Haaket Ktore of flco. Ml Rrendel Theater Rldg. I'hone Tyler 44-i. WANTKl Concrete form builder for out-of-town work. C. H. Reynold, 4oi Rogers Rldg., CouncUHluf fs. I AM looking for the best cot lane l,( cash will buy. Mut be on er near car. hiiiW, Omaha. CASH KKdlTKKH wanted to buy tate srjle, number. Write X 21, Re. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Xlt'lOK. moder Sr-iA, rebuilt into a truck, will haul about l.Ouo ill., just recently overnauieu, new chain, sprocket, en gine and transmission bnariiiKa, pump gears and alia ft, cone clutch thrust wearing, inner, plugs, etc. It all up In good shape ready for a hard season work. It ha ample power, runa fine and la lust the thlmr for tl lu rl.lpi'm.n farmer, painter or any ona that ha uee .for a good light truck. I have pur- . mu m miner one ana 1 raven t the room to house two. Thl. m had for flw spot'eash. or wbl trade for - "" nave your AUtlresa Y 27.1, Hee. ONK die p'at with f leg rutting from 1H to I inchea, one die plate with die cutting from to 1 Inch, tap H, to Hi inch. hamiuera. stillson wrenches, monkey arenches, chain pipe wrenches, one boiler tube expanuer, all new. Will swap for moiorcycl of sums niako. Ad 1n n. 1 i'H. iue. riXVk j5 pila on hlgh-gisd piano, balance can be handlod email monthly payments. Will swap my equliy for anylhlnc of equal value. Wnuu iur sewing machine, shotgun or rifle, or what have you? Addreaa 8. C. lmn lOlXJHHOAT-rbav an li-foot" MuluTS steel boat, newly redecked, and alat, a e-H. P. rro engine to trade. Would consider a Ford chaasia, or what have ouT Addrete B. C. Wi. Dee KOADalc-.it. IUIitwliit. tu-i.uriur, lull model. jt overhauled and fully quipped. Will wn for th beat 1811 mouei luoturcyci or motorcycle and ida ear outfit l ran get: but it must be A 1 eendltiui. Addrea 8 C t. He. ADDIN14 machine, Hi-rroughV" nia hlneT In first class condltlin. The standard machine, exchange for Ford, bookcaae and books, picture, diamonds. Jewt li v, or what bav yogT Address . C. Wis. Ree. , ITaVK furniture o I room, nearly all new. Including Cramer puuio and one month freet rent for autninulille, or what have youT Act quhk. Addrea f. C. Bee. I'LAYr.ll I'lA.So, Price A Tierpi make, coat 1.00, will swap on a valuation of tor COWS, pigs, chickens, horse and otiggy, or what have you 7 Add r. c. HW, Bee. ADDlNii MACHiSkI' fe't-n"diJ Burl rouMiia msctnne. In perfect condilion, will exebana for 1- i.rd, biokcae. 000 a, orltuial run. Ivwelry, or what nave your Aujreaa M. c. V:. Hee. klOlOK )Wi '1' s-ptuHwTiger, ooai JiwoT almost new. Including boat house that coat HoO; located at Carter 1 ka Club; will trade for autonuiblie. Address b. C. I'll pee x-DlSON home puouiKiapi 2 ami 4 minute machine: In iccilent condition: amn aignet horn; want medium slxcd icebox a ml email range Add! en H. . )', H W ILL trjile my lao-acre valuable farm for new residence or buimalow In I'rnaiia, clone in- or Will laka i,uuu cash a Jiin ii y Tyx nee. Al.L or part of .uw scria.1 book auj inagssiiies. wantagooti caiiera, horse, wsgon. (urnlluie, or anything that I ran nee. Addce 8 C. lull. Hee llAVK'gWKl turning lathe wfteTtCfl. fcavl in fair shape, valued at lloO, will swap, for auto or something of equal value. Address 8. C. lire. L Mhi.il oHir cut Ui a, worth tJ each; gic.t lor childien or Invalids; want typewriter, baritone, clothing, or what? A.orea 8 C. I'UJ. Hee 1 1 HAVE Iwinilur 01 a-rtHii i-ott ,-,r;,i J p.j;. tae t J for automoblif. Addreaa B. . n SWAPPERS COLUMN IH-Foot .Vlchitnn mvil hoa', elithtly need; alii trade for light rortier, nr wbet lie jouTAdilre,!, a jr, p O.S li runaiHiut auli and one llan trin a f"r nlr or trnrfe. fhoti" call not nwereiV Ad"lre PI. C, loin, Tie ht.'v nuect.er Hflet cornet whTT '-H-flet J-A attachment, to exchange fnr new Ford roadxter body. Adilrea M f liVH. Hce Hl.l.UI AN - heree to trade for Humer pleeone (white Homwi preferredj. Ad 'li"M t. i'. fjftr. fmha H.. v 'INCH K8TT.lt eholaun," .lJiaue; to trade for revolver or chicken, r what y,"Y"J!. Addreaa P. C. Bee. LA KOI-MZiCI trunk t7 eehanH-e for Mroom riia or round dining taV'le, or whet hwve you. 8. C t74. He". HKMI.N'H'I'OW tytwrlter. value I VI. What have you? No Junk wanted. Ad-d-ca 8. 10U. Pee. !! flve-pneeehKer lolge, brand new. Will trade and take In good Ford. Ad drejiB 8. C. Wf. Re; NICrJ f Ive-paawcnaer auto, without top, to trade for good roadster. Addreea n i nee. FL'LL blood Hkmi'Milie boar for coa-. horee, or what have you? Addreaa S. C. !. Ree. L1K.H new; hmlth Premier typewriter: value f-'W; make offer; hurry. Addrea 8 C. 1014. Pee. ALTOMOBILKH For other automobll bargain see th "Automobile" classifi cation. 551S P.ODY KrUHseU ruif nllKhtly worn"! for good trunk. Co:fax l.-g-j 6-PAf'S. auto to tiade for Ford roadster. Address B. C. MX, Be. BUSINESS CHANCES P A T E N T S THAT PROTECT AND PAT BOOKS AND ADVICK FRER end sketch or model for search. Hlgheat reference. Rest result. Promptness assured. "Watson E. Coleman, ,pAA;rX 24 F Ht , N. W.. WA P H I N ? TON. D. C. Our Nobraska farm mortgage ar not af fected by European war or panic. Amount !4i) to 9J0.sx. W collect all 77o Interest and principal free of charge; 30 year in the Nohraaka farm field without a 1o i our record. KLOK.B INVKHTMhiNT COMPANY. 1 Omaha Nat. Rank llldg., Omaha, Neb. UKUAlN! Complete moving picture out fit, coat over I.S50, Includes KUIaon l!n derwrlter .Model Ftreproof maolilne, rheostat, rewind, steel-lined fireproof booth tportablej; i poster frames, screen or roller: all small accessories; will Install outfit, teach you to operate same for and trsnnportutlon outfit and self, s., Rox fcVi, Rellwood, Neh. AN E8TARLI3HHD manufacturer wanta tate manager to open office and man see salesmen. New, hlith-class article; 1200 to 1700 tapltal ne .easarjr. Tou haivll own money. Will pay expense to Chi cago If you are man we want. Address fcecretary, 1012 Republic Rldg., Chicago. I)K YOUK own boas, work for yourself. Rrtght man wanted in every county to act a our sales and distributing agent, auto oils, roofing compound and other product, direct to consumer; HW capi tal required; fully secured. Thl prop osition will pay 13,000 per year and more. The Voss Oil Co., 403 Ware block, hnshs. Neh FOR KALE Three-story brick building 26x100 at Reatrlcn, Neb., with good basement and elevator. Cmnent plat form, full length of building, and side track, on main bualnes street. Ideal location for wholesale, produce or manufacturing business, low price if old soon. Address William Wlobe Co., Beatrice, Neb. W'KIJ- located moving picture show in city. Equipped with latest Powers' A machine, piano player, opera chair and everything complete. Uuslnesn ha alway been a money maker. I am leaving city and will sell cheap with or without building and give reasonable term. .Address owner at 4220 South 1 tth St.. South Omaha, Neh. R'R riALE New, up-to-date lunch counter, 18 stools, ' doing a good busi ness, cheap rent, little expense. In one of the best little town in Iowa, altu ated between two depot, catering to a mixed trade; 500 will handle, on ac count of slcknee. Address J. A. Smith, Ji4East4hJJt.L Waterloo, la. AN atfXCEPT lO NALPPORTUNTTY Is offered energetic person who rn In vest t-VO on goods and manige office. Connect with growing firm. You handle own money: good for lt,)D first yex. Reference exchanged. Address Y y- Ree.J- WaNTKI A good horaeshoer and black smith to 00 into business for himself; good location and large building (down town); I can furnish some, tools; rent very cheap. R. Rurabel, 1C4 Grant bt.. I .Til It P klOVlNd Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. Bee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Rldg. Doug. SZX). Foil KALE or trade, 4-ycar lettao, uFown Park baths; the only natural laxative mineral water baths in Douglas county; ' established 18 years; doing a good bntd- iihn; Investigate. 'Jiih and O Sis. O. 8. Concannon. 80. 7i. CLEAN ilO.Ortrt hardware business In eastern farming county, for aale; U,W per year gross profits, and W.0O per year not profits, for the past throe years. No trades. Address Y Hee. TOH 8ALrRllllardantrbo"wllng hall in live county eeat town, also 1', 8.' land office located here. Reason for selling other business. A money maker for a live man. Inquire Rllllard Hall. Box IS, Sundance, Wyo. Newly Patented Device Party with 3.X f r manufacture and distribution. See and be convinced. J A)0. Ree. IK YOU have l,ouu to take a stock in terest, it will glv you a reasonable alary for your ervfee. in a reliable business enterprise, with opportunity for advancement. Give all particulars about yourself in reply. Address H Sk3, care Bee FOR RALE Meat market in eastern Ne- Draska, good buatneH. excellent farming community, will e:l right for cash. Ad drees Y 27. Ree. "woi'Ll) you Invent V'O. not a.t at one, but on easy payment, if you were euro it would increase to U.fcoO and yet he safe? If so, learn how by calling on us. W. T. Hmlth Co., 13-14 City Nat. Bank Rldg. WANTED-To hesr from owner of good arm lor aais. rtno oasn price and de scription D. V. Rush. MinneaiMilis. M'nn o Piiil SALl'-A good up-to-date variety' store in live town in eastern Nebraska. For nartjiMilam wrl'e I. iH. le. CTTaSTcIj of a llfet line. Leaving city, must sell half Interest In one of finest picture show In Omaha. I40J. Address J 77, Ree. WILL pay bonus on t.MWU-l,i,w invest ment, for half Interest or all In estao llalted butlles. O n, Hi-e, FOR siALE lntapls. iltiMren s aud la dies' furnUhlna atore t David City. Neb., at a arain: beat locatioa ia town: doing aa excellent business: wsnt to re' Ire Rox No David ll Nek F-ilrlUtAliL;"iHi"ol halT for ssleralmost new. good town of 1.M0, good country. Will aw-li cheap for cash. Will give terms If desired. Addresa Y , Hee. VN A,Uli-l'iiin for oitttortwn-chMir shop; must be cheap, no more than lli i'vt imiiin. iif o. i. in Ave nowiTsaie and Auctlou Co., Ounha. have cloaed out more mdae. stocks than any other firm In V. 8. Write for lerma. fci: Wigon and rout and team. 47 Blondo. 14 ROOMS, all full, Write P 611. Bee. cheap; muat sell. FOR 8a77e GoihI. clean .tola of UaiJ. ware; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. He quick. Ad dreaa. y t!)7. Ree. FOR 111 SALE l.i bbl. flour mill, sltuaud Kanaas wheat belt: In oneration: money maker. Addreaa Y 241. Wee. U R'OoMS, U light houeek.'uia- apurt nienia; fine hatlon; full f roomera Jiium aeti. j. via, Joe. lLl.IAMS. eatablitihed years, to buy or sell bus'nraa; see him. 411 McCaxue Bl'':-.rt ferem-e f. 8 Nat. Hank. FOR at ALE Small restauiaiit, M , South Omaha. Mil N foil BALK 4u.pUiely equluid Cafe, doing goo.1 buaincR. in a hotel- an at tractive proposition. Addresa S TO. Be. BUSINESS CHANCES nrMc'i: for reel etete or Ineuraiice; tame floor aa Be office; Uin feet; HX I- Pee Ride: . Offlre Room 103 TTTPTAf KRs "Puy, eeee or"eH yo ir the e'er, machine and atippl ea through Theater E, Cc, l0 Kutium it IH Ik ti want to market, develop, fine nee or promote anything we can help vou. MnreMi of Information, 5t. Ixtile; Mo.' I HtxM ro inline houee, ;! full; Income" a minti: fi,s ch If taken tMTure Mo-l.iyTel. 1. ili2 I.VlT1F.HTfklAT!jTl ri; IS. Au- thentln Prlntlnir fo . lit Urooklyn. Kan- eejNty.lo1pmple. VA NTKI in ouy a motion picture ehow in lfin of r-nm ).I0 to 10,0V poulation. Addreaa O fall. Hee. FiH SA1-Rakry tit to IW per day. and building: sells 1121 Ix'avenworth. ee st once. "SEIJL" or otiv a buaineais. call e nwh Borghoff, Frenter Blk T77 ullCKLy aell your buaineas any- Where, write .Tim wray. Ploux City. la. TO QKT In ut of btiaTnee eall on O ANO P.STA D. iO Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. V?ANf KI A good location tor aTlrst Clsss pool hall. Addreaa Y 244. Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED . Male. NOTICE TO FAEMMS7 When In need of help of any kind write, telephone or call on us. CUNNINGHAM LABOR AGENCY. 111 P. l.'th Kt. Omaha. Neb. WANTKD Connection with som reliable concern by traveling salesman (building mateital preferred). 8outh Platte and Northern Kansas preferred. Addrepa Y M5, He. lOL'.NU man, M, S, year' experience. drugs, soda, wall paper, paint; posi tion where chance for advancement; best reference. Cha. A. Herndon, JH Farnam. YOl'NQ man with good character want jon as carpenter nd painter: boon working E year id thl line; small wage at be inning. Address Jack Evans, flcneral Delivery. MAKKIKD niHii. year' experience as city salesman and collector; 8 years' txperlence as bookkeeper; reference furnlohed. Web. i"673. MAN with wife and 3-year-old child want farm work; strong man, good worker and sober. Loula Kallup, 1918 8. isth. ALL klnda of odd job and janitor work by hour, day, ween br month; xperl enced In all lines of work. Webster eu.1t. A sk for Johnson. . K?PERI ENT'TD candy-maker want po Itlon in retail confectionery etor or oda dispensary in Omaha. I). F. Drel- b u Jiw1P mam. Yol'NG MAN, experienced, want poal tlon In automobile huctnesa. Can drive any make of car, and furnish best of reference. Doug. 86.1?. EXPERIENCED porter and dishwasher wvits work In hotel or restaurant. Ref erences. A. C. Lock wood, General De livery, city WORK wanted by experienced colored porter and ,1a nl tor; no bad habit and sober-minded. 2225 N. 26th. W. b!W. YOUNG man, 20 years, wants position to run a Ford car; experienced and licensed. 8404 Cass St. EXPERIENCED lineman want work! One yer experience all around man. Aonrea r mi, ne. NO. P. CARLSON. Painting and Paper . Hanging. 34? N S5thrtt. H. lem. fTetMale. WANTED A position a took in hotel or boarding house, by experienced colored woman. Call Webster ml. . WIDOW, with . two children; desires house keening. Youngest child 12. Ad dress K 111, Pee. - EXPERIENCED girl wlsbe position aa maid in hotel, in or out of town. Doug. 7239.- . WANTED, by a refined woman, posi tion a housekeeper, in or out of city; rood cook. Irene Chsppel, Oen. Del. POSITION wanted a housekeeper, coin- panlon or n or practical nurse. Mr. Davis, Y. W. C. A. care EA PKR1 hNCEl colored girl wants placa aa chambenriaid or dlsb washer. Web. 7771 . WANTED Position as housekeeper; call In person. 33" Leavenworth. I.aaadry aa Day 'IVarlc. EX PKRIENCKD woman walu wTrk cleaning or -laundress. Tyler gttiB. VAX w6iu. or bundle washing. . Call Web. 75S8. - ... PERFECT bundle washing, reasonable. riwriiey 1. BI.'NDLE or South S48. laiully washing wanted. OM AN want day work? DnuarlMe LA 1 ' N URY. washing, cie a ning. Har. Tll BUNDLE washing; neat work. Web. 21677 DAY work of anv kind Web. tia6. ry. W ANTE Bundle washing. Florence X IAl'NDRY. Ironing. i:V. 8.-27lh. H. 4 161. WANTEPybay woili. PhoneWeb. lili. " WANtED-Day work.Cjjrggja5T ANY kind of day work. Douglas Veil WOMAN-wants day work. USD g. leth. Vv ANTl'JTi-Day work. Call Tyler WASHING and ironing. Colfax 2Soft? ANY hind of day work. Harney 1780. WASHING and ironing. Colfax lm. HELP WANTED MALE Store aad Offices. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAGER. Traffic manager are. In demand. Th field la most fertila for an ambitious man to arise Into a hi-h salaried Doal- tlon, $200 per mo. and up. 8peclal eoacb- lng and training. 1401 w. o. w. Bldg. Profresluas aad Trades. TWO good A-l palmers, steady work, and one neat paperhanger; married man . preferred; can uae good brush hand; stat particulars In first letter; no boosera need apply. J. A. Conrad, Gordon, Neb. Box . Drug store snaps, job. Knelst. Bee Bldg. galeaaaea aad Solicitor. WE ARB GROWING WITH OMAHA. If you are energetic and desire to grow with an organisation that doe things, get a contract with us to tell a line of Industrial Insurance that ha never before been offered to th peo ple of Omaha. STRAIGHT LIFE; Life, health and accident combined in one policy. acci DENT AND HEALTH. Thl combine Hon of contract spell uccea to the men who will work. You men with In dustrial experience, let u explain our proposition; we have some thing at tractive to otfer you. PIONEER INSURANCE COMPANY. M3-14 Ksrbach Bldg. SALESMAN wanted In each county who ia well known among farmers. Must have automobile. Experience unneces sary. If you are a worker and per sistent, this opening will pay you from $1 to $3,u00 annually. Only one mat. to the county. Give experience apd reference, with address In first loiter. Address E. r7, Hee. WAN'f K D H Ig h-claa. solicitor, S moot hs' trip, Nebraska territory. Take order for 111.00 made-to-iueaaure clothing. Single man between 24 and K. Will con sider nest rererence only. Tell your "story" first letter. Address Mr. Under, L 7W. Ree. SAI.KSMKN and Solicitors, Omaha: Wanted Two high-class - salesmen, large Omaha - corporation, to work Greater Omaha. Worth 2ft) to !3o0 monthly to right men; to start special training, permanent to men who qual ify. Giv experience and reference with address and phone numlier in first letter. Address C Ml, Hee. WANTED Salesmen. The Ouarante Fund Life association can use you un der favorable condition. Frederick liveluv. i Hrsndela Theater bidg. MAN WANTED Call fjd S. ilh. SALESMEN. SOLICITORS. AGENTS Wanted at once, I good. Intelligent men to sell article of aosolut necessity to property owners; too to $60 per week easily made. Call before 11 a. m. North west Readv Rooflnr Co.. 111 8. list St SALESMAN WANTED Experienced In selling wrapping paper-bag, stationery, woodenware and kindred lines Give full Information regarding exper.ence and reference with first letter. Ad drcaa 1417 Hlh St.. Ie Motne. la. TRAVEI4NG a.leman for well known line of gasoline engines, cream sepa rators, vehicles and farm Implements, l.tueral commissions, big money hand ling a side line. No samples. Omaha Western Sale Co.. Saltlvy Bidg. HELP WANTED MALE laleawes find pllcitora, WAN'i Kii .-t.M g and bond kalesman. Ptandard Sci-urlty A Investment Co.. lit W. O. W. Rldg.. Omaha BALF8MAN-T0 e from factory to dealer, gla. china, white, giay an) royal blu enamelware. Rig commis sion raid weenl). Pmall samples, part or entire time. Live ssleemsn ran make 7j to $100 Per week. Herthal Manufacturing Co.. ."tLou'e. Mo. o WE PAT $M a week and expense) to men with rigs to Introduce poultiy com pound. Yer contract. Imperial MBg. Co, Dept. i Pxraons, Kxn TO sell now nd uiuil June 1, cardboard fans for advertising to all clse of trade; fine alle lino; earn rt0 weekly and up. Fsn Dept. Kemper Thomas "o.. Cincinnati. SELL advertising pipes: sample and par ticular free. Japanese Novelty Co.. Clinton. In. o WANTKD Flr.U clns r1o. mm for west' em ioia and ' ,11 c' i i' ii iii;v. G'.ve references, salary dest'eil Immediately. JOzerCarr!ag Co.. lrs Moines, Jn. WANTKIJ Reliable snTcHmcn.' Standard Security and Investment Co.. 137 W. O. W. Rldg., Omah. Neh. Hotels and Hestaarant. RKLIAHLE employment agency, Iio Davenport St., headiiuirters for hotel help; spec, attention to distance orders. Trade Schools. SAVE $23 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. it you tn t aut'.ii mv school you can hold your Job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll in the NIQHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA A I'TO VtrtRTt H SCHOOL, i. LEA VISfiVORTH. RED SI 10. MOLEB BAKBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. W have originated a plan to teach it quickly and earn back tuition while leering. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue. 110 So. 14th Rt.. Omaha. Neb. EEa HN barber tradm more than make your tuition while learn ng. f-et of tool Included. Job- guaranteed. Call or writ for catalogue. 4oa Dodge. TR1-CITY BARHER COLLEQF!. 11 EN wanted to learn'the baiber trade. Tuition, $25. ions t nss St., Omha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEtlE. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos ami electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2S Farnam St. Omaha., Neb. ailacellaaeonal TT S! Government Wants Clerks $100 month. Omaha xamtnaUon April 12. Sample question free. Franklin In tl- 1 ate, uept. 3Z1 M.. Rochester, N. Y WHITE, male, all-around restaurant cook, capable of taking charge of kitchen; reference required. Addree Packard' Cafe, Helniond. Is. WANTED Names ot ambitinu men, 1$ or over, wanting Railway Mail clerk po sition. $76.00 month. Anawer immtdl- ateiy. y 241. Bee. YOUNG man to look after our interests In Omaha; Salary atartln?. $13 weekly; no canvassing. Frontier Mfg. Co., Niag-r-Fal, -N. Y. . MIEN for firemen, braaemen, $120 month ly; experience unnecessary. Railway. Y K12. Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS UAKislUK'S iron Itusi Soup Co., KkM Lancaster Ave.; Phlladnlphla, Pa. Qnrt snie iron Itusi Soap (trade mar, print and copyright registered in the U. 8. patent office) remove iron rust, ink and U unwaehabl stains from clothing, marble, etc. Good seller, big margins. gent wanted. The original, inc. a tube. Beware of Infringement and th penalty for making, selling and using an infringed article. AOENTSLarge manufacturer want re 11 a tle men, women, to sell guaranteed hosiery, underwear, shirt, direct to home. Write for free camples. Madi son Mills, tow Broadway. New York. o AGENTS Pell rich looking Imported, ix8. rugs: $1 wach Carter, Teuu.; sold 115. In 4 days, profit $"; 't can do same. Write for sample offer scllln plan; exclusive territory. Kondon. 1m lorter, Rox 12, Stonlngton. Maine. DRLK, sick or ctasy not us, but we let you collect the money and keep it all. Small capital needed ' to start. V. 8.' Mfg. Co., Dept. 11. Columbus. O. HELP WANTED FEMALE gtorea and Offices. STENOURAPHEBS and typists furnished for ny typewriter Our service is free. Royal Typewriter Co . S1H S. llh. Tel. D IftSO.- TELEPHONE girl Wonted; steady posi tion. 11S-20 N. 12th Bt. Profeaatoa aad Trades. . LKARN halrdrei-plng at The Oppenhelm.' Sale Women aA Solleitor. HANSOOM PARK HOME. On account of leaving the city, the owner ha put his beautiful residence on the market. Nine rooms, strl.-tly modem, with hot water heat. Extra large lot This placa la located near tutu and Pomiicton Ave. Worth $10.uu0 but can be bought for $7,250. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. e37 C'lliKha 'al. Rank Rldg. 11. 1VW. o LARGE manufacturer will establish ac tive lady of good address and ability In permanent, profitable business In her home town. $50 to $100 per month. Ex perience unnecessary. All or spare time. -Occupation congenial to woman of refinement. For partlculara address Parker Mill. 2764 No. Uth St., Phila delphia. P. o WANTED Three young ladle capable of selling children's library and dem onstrating, or breaking in new salos ladies; one for Omaha, one for Sioux City, one for Dea Moines. Apply Fri day, Saturday or Ionday between 10 and 12. F. D. Browning, 812 Balrd Block. TRUSTWORTHY women paid liberal spare time Income to lntroduoe Prla cilia Fabrics. Laces, Hosiery, Dresses, among friends. Liberal terms. Fitx Charles Co.. Trenton. N. J. - DEMONSTRATORS to travel, experi ence not essential; expenses, salary. Bale M anogcr. 1a! Chicago St. HeBiefioIA aau UoBurslle, W ANTED Retlned and experienced Protestant woman or girl for general housework in private family; must be good cook; washing done by extra help; reference required; good wage. Wal. 9U74. FREE. Ada for servant girl accepted three da free of charge for resident of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to THE 11 EE office. Phone Tyler jOcO. WAN TBI Woman or girl tor good place in country, general housework, fumlly of five. Steady place to right person, who must be capable and of good char acter. Phone V alnut h)7. GoOD GIRL wanted for housework. Good home for deserving girl and th best of treatment. Fairly good wage. May pay more later on. Tel. Harney la, or call In person at 70 So. gith. v ANTED ioung' girl to astilat with general housework; family with two small children; good home for right party; colored need not apply. Colfax 70s. WANTE1 Capable, high acnool or col lege girl over 16 years of net to anal T, - 1.niiiHark in exchan-M foe h,,.M 10m and smnll wages, Harney 4SsS. VfANTElv Middle-aged lady nr good Rlrl. with references to help wpli light ousework for room and board. 2764 Grant St. Tel. Web. Xlp I I I 1J IV,, -' " " -,..., (MI.. ly: good place for good girl. E. G. Wolelneton. "15 N. 1"h. Web. Ttt. TaNTED Experienced girl for general housework; no wsshing or ironing; good wsees. SK11 Jsckhon. WANTED GJod while gbl to assist with general housework; no washing, no cooking. Tvler 2t-W. Vv ANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing. liar. K. Sir: Msrney. WANTED Competent while girl fur gan eral houaework; reference required. Weh. :. WANTED Girl for general houaewurk; small family. AiioW 114 N Sab kU. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ilnnarhnld and liaweailo, GIRL fi.rRsiier.il houee oi s: Rood wascs; jmmnJIfnT-;ly. 1"1 S- 31 h St. WANTF'd A girl for ;eneriil housework. 1 srj Park Ave. H''rrieyJ,',;i.V WANTEI Experienced second gill. 137 S S.'.th St. Mnr. !.! W ANTF, 0 .'laid tot aenoia, 6M 8. I9th St. housewoi k. WANTED-GIrl for gencrsl housework. WpI " 1 it R2-t. WANTlTTwA girl for housework. Wal nut 1178. Mlaeellnae-aa. WANTi:i Experienced dem onstrator. One capable of handling toilet articles. G CIS, Bee. E have a lare list of stenographers, bookkeepers and clerks. Tell us your needs. No charge for this service. REMIXUTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Douglas 124. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reason for sell Inn, a variety of course In a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a caursn Investigate thl at once, since Spring Term begin soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. OK sale the following scholarship In a flist-clHJ Omnha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthiuid course. One unlimited stenogrsphlc course. One three-months' business or teno grnublo course. Will be sold at 1 discount at the offlee of The Omaha Pee. DAY SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL Every day I- enrollment dsy. Rook ketplng, Snorthand, Stenotype, Type writing, Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branciies. Cat alogue free. BOYLE3 COLLECTS. 18th aiid llarnev Rt. Tel. Douglas 1565. TILE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY ROOK KEEPINQ. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and W omen. Saturday morning class In typewriting. Tone C: Duffy, Ownor and Manager. 8 18th St. Omaha. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANG u AG Eb ola as or private lessons. lowntovvn studl-v Phone Web. t5S4. PAXTON Blk. School of lettering and Art teaches paying trades privately.. R. 111. PRIVATE Instruction In Greag suorthnni and touch typewriting. Tel. Wal. 2K7. PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonials. DR. E. H. TARRY, 40 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kid ny trouble, goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferer are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite 812 Bee Bldg. 1 - DR. W. II. KNOLLJ-NBERG. Chiropractor. - Tyler IPS!.... W.0UO TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Ladies' Home Journal $l.fA The Saturday Evening Post $160 The Country Gentleman $1.00 no ubscrihtions each month till April earns that $3,000 for Th Inva lids' Pension Ass'n. Your order or re newal contribute COc. Urgent, 1H), needed in February. Phone Douglas T163, or addresa GORDON. THE MAGAZINE! MAN, Omaha, Neb. , YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted, lyook for our traveler' guide at the Union station THE Salvation Army Industrial home so llolta your old clothing, furniture, mag aslne. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call nd Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. STRAW hats dyed; look like new. Plumes and Paradise aigrette cleaned and dyed. Dora Kisele. D. 9632. 1136 City Nat'l Bk. MASSAGE AND ELKTTRIC BATHS, chiropody and manicuring. Misse Gray and Head. 210-212-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. Douglas 3458. RTT T rn TT T? V Successfully treated UI i. U IV X without a surgical operation. Call or write Drs. Wray A Matheny. 8W Bee Bldg., Omaha. . SMALL CIGAR FACTORY for sale. Go ing concern. Good reason for selling. H. A. Simpson. Hiue mil, reo. PERSONAL Misses Staple and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open a. m. ti p. m. Douglas 713. 401 Ware Blk. MAE BRUGMAN. steam and shower baths. Massage. Red 2727. Room 203. Karbach Blk. EXPERT .Swedish lady, graduate chiro practic, electric treatments. 1911 Doug las, s to 7. KELLOGG is my addresa. Will. A7 Denker. Write. RHEUM A T 1 S M treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 814 Bee Bldg. SCIENTIFIC massage. Bee BldgT Phone Douglas 6372. BASSAGE Miss "Webster, Bit Paxton Blk. Dougla 7. FOR SENT ROOMS Famished Reoaia. t-OUTH amh St., wis Three fine large rooms for 8 or 4 gentlemen; room fur nace heated, electric light and modern bath on same floor with plenty of hot water; walking distance; private fam ily. Also let garage room; rent rea sonable. Call. Tel. DouKlas 77S! TO gentlemen who appreciate nice, clean steam heated, comfortable, homelike room, nicely furnished; residence dls- trlct. Call Harney ATTRACTIVE, newly furnished front room; modern home; good service; walking distance. Will serve break tat. Harney 3!8. IloTEL 8 AN FORD, HOTEL HARLEY. L'th and Farnam. kh and Farnam. 8pe,-lu.lHates to Permanent Quest. TTevVLY furnished, 'arge, commodious home. Would like to hear from club of men. Douxlas ! - fctil nd Davenport. two alcepinar moma: on unfurnianeu lor ladles or gentle- men. Red J Ku. I 100111 in private family for one or two gen tlemen. 2: 17 St. M ary Ave. LARGE modern room, private family. Two gentlemen preferred. Harney 1823. S DuTH ST., -Tel. IVougla Nicely furnished room. 41. RiM.)M for gentleiueu, cheap. 1 8 .A ve. Red 6X7. 7 .43 Jh)., Illoueril, Harney 4014. qi.l.rl sleeping roonaV lloastkeegilaa; Haoaaa. lii S. iBl'H ST. 1 front rooms. 11a ht housekeeping suite; rooms clean, wed furnished, modern, steam heat, walking distance; block from Farnam ea. Phone Hani- 4-frL " t It If Ill ft i V