THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: FEBRUARY J7, 1913. f A HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY tvleimn. Foremen tnd Officials of Morrii P1jiU Meet in Omaha. WILL BANQUET AT THE LOYAL Some Ofty-five salesmen, formen and efflclau In the Morrlii Co. plants of Omaha and other western point will gather In a. union meeting at the local plant In the stock yards district this morning and afternoon. Among the men who will attend are F.. 6. La Bart, adrer tlnlng manarer of the Morris strings ef plants, and H. E. Stanton, superintendent f tha smoked meats department. F. HI Ames, local sale manager, will preside. Following a general Inspection of the plant from :S0 to noon the delegates will disperse during the noon hour, but will meet In the plant offices at 1:30 o'clock. The business of the meeting, a general renew of working efficiency In the sales and other departments, will be talks by Plant managers and foremen, will be taken up. A banquet will be held at the Hotel Loyal at t:90 o'clock. The meeting is the first of Its kind to be held In Omaha. Good Wetk 1st Horse. Local horsemen are petting themselves on tha back at the excellent results ob tained from the last week's campaign In tha horse division of tha Omaha stock market A higher grade of horses, cal culated to meet every strict requirement of the French buyers, who will start work next Monday, have been received to the satisfaction of the local dealers. The French inspection will start early Monday morning. A warning has been sent out to contributors to the market to hold back any Inferior or aged animals as they have not got the slightest chance of passing the inspection. Three classes of animals will be accepted, according to tha present schedule, and these will be be taken In strict accordance with the government requirements. Arrested on Theft Charge. Special Watchman O'Hara of tha Cudahy packing plant last evening ar rested Lew Brady, negro, on the charge of stealing four large hams. Brady was brought to the local station. Deaths and Funerals. Thomas Moran, aged 69 years, a South IHde old-timer, died at St. Joseph's hos pital Thursday evening following an at tack of pneumonia. The funeral will be held at the residence, 2&2S Frederick street. Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. Burial will be to the Laurel Hill cemetery. Chris Talman. aged M years, residing at 1813 Clark street, died following a stay of a little less than a month at the county hospital. The funeral of Charles Llnd will be held Sunday afternoon at the home, 2223 U street. Burial will be in Graceland Park cemetery. The funeral of James A. Stokes, Belle vue, will be held today at 1 p. m. at the resldenoe. Burial will be at Forest Lawn. , McCarthy Attends Dtsee. "That was some dance." This from Mike McCarthy, hero of the desk at the South Side police station. "Say, you know, I came near getting married last night." Also from Mike. Horror of horrors. Here Mike was ad mitting It himself. They held a leap year dance at the hall at Fourteenth and Har ney streets Thursday evening, February 14, that la. the Be tries', lodge No. 33 did, and good-natured Mike was there. McCarthy said there waa 200 couples at the affair Thursday night and ha was there In all his glory. It waa his night off. Some of the women were dressed 'a Martha Washington costumes. Tonnoeta Fmnersd Bandar. The death of Miss Beatrice C. Nounes, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Nounes, Twentieth and K streets, is one of the saddest of local deaths In re cent years. The little daughter, a stu dent at the Hawthorne school, was well known throughout her own school dis trict and a large portion of the South Ride. The funeral will be held after noon at 1 o'clock at the residence. In tennent will be In Schwata cemetery of Papilllon. Death waa due to heart failure. . rhnrch Notes. South Omaha United Presbyterian. Twenty-third and H, Albert N. Porter. Pastor Preaching at U; (Sabbath school at S:t5; Juniors at 8; Young People s meeting at ; prayer on Wednesday at . i Grace Methodist. Twenty-fifth and B. Rev. Dr. J. W. Morris. Pastor "The Ttaie to Dance" will be the theme of the pastor's discourse Sunday evening. Hillsdale Baptist, Forty-third and I TUble study hour at 10; evening worship t 7:n. Bible study class at 7:46 Thurs day. Gospel team will lead Sunday even ing sermon. Trinity Baptist, Twenty-fifth and H Sunday morning service at 1L Preaching by Rer. A. W. Relnhard, western field secretary of American Tract society Sunday school at :5. Classes for all. Junior union at : Young People's union at : Mlslsonery topic. No even ing preaching. Midweek prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 1M. BowllnaT Score. TAGO BHOB. lt. 2d. M. Tot. Kelts -- 190 1 1SW 628 Kenyon MS M 141 455 Maxwell 1 "7 1 427 Johnson l' 1M 1ST . Mg Scarr 148 UO 130 38 Total 773 Ti WOOD BROS. 1st. id. Clark 11 128 Finch 148 li4 hcll 1M 110 ln lftf 1M Koth 177 1! 77( 1,323 M. Tot. 111 447 V71 1ST 150 130 473 4 489 Totals 7V7 718 769 2.284 "" Mafic City tioaalp. Office space for rent in Bee office, 2118 N street. Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. Houtli ir7. August Lorensen. farmer of Delolt. Ia., brought a load of nous to the local stock yards yesterday. The visitor reported hla trip as the first to Omaha. Members of the Woman's auxiliary of St. Martin's church gave a dinner laat evening from i to 7 o'clock at the parish home. Twenty-fourth and J streets. The Big Four dub will soon organise a bowling team under the auspices of the club. It Is expected that afternoon competitions with scrub teams of high school boys will be arranged, bowling will be at the Brunswick alleys. ALLIES WANT NO MORE THAN OUR SYMPATHIES PARIS. Feb. 28. The Temps, discussing the situation between the United States snd Germany, says: ' Neither Great Britain nor its alllea have been active in seeing a war be tween Germany and the United States. mirlran sympathies are sufficient and these have been won. One does not ob serve In London or Paris the least ten dency to Intervene In the German-Amer ican crisis, either with the object of bringing about a rupture or In favor of a compromise." Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use them for rtsults Baby Bom After Mother's Death Thriving ft l& 3 I . x ; i I 1 w I ..x '"V. . .X i.'!.- i m the Jersey City hoepltal they CJill him "Mr. Doojey," although he weighs but sis and one-half pounds. He Is the baby that came into the world two min utes after his mother gave up the strug gle for existence. When Pr. Irwin Mos kowitz, the physician, found that Mrs. Dooley was dead he performed the rare post-mortem Caesarian operation. The baby came into the world with, a double handicap. With his mother dead, the hospital authorities started out to find hla father. Mrs. Dooley had en tered the hospital from No. MS Grand street, Jersey City. When inquiry waa made there it was said that nothing waa known of the whereabouts of the real Mr. Dooley. "He was only a roomer here," was all that could be learned, in addition to the Yuan Shi Kai Sees Rebellion Result of His Lack of Virtue (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) PEKING. Pen. 36. Yuan 6hl Kal has again proclaimed his unworthlnesa to ascend to the throne and expressed his regret that lack of virtue on his psrt Is responsible for the unsettled conditions in Yunnan province and other parta of southern China; In an Impassioned speech to the officials of the bureau en trusted for the preparation for the en thronement the president made an ex planation of the delay of the enthrone ment as announced to the foreign lega tions on January Si. MAN INDICTED MONTH 1 AGO HELD AT LINCOLN SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 26. Secret serv ice officers announced here tonight the arrest of Jay J. Parker at Lincoln, Neb., on a charge of having had in his posses sion a die for making counterfeit stiver dollars. A secret indictment against him was returned here last month. The die waa found in a trunk purchased by a woman at an auction sale In December of baggage left at Seattle hotels. Receipts of fraternal orders found in the trunk were traced through the societies' general offices at Denver and supplied the clew that led to Parker's arrest. HEAVY CANNONADING IS HEARDJNJEIFEL REGION BERLIN, Feb. 26. (Via London. Feh. 25, Delayed.) The Cologne Voiks Zeltung reports that a heavy cannonading has been audible in the Eifel region (a low mountain range In Rhelnlsh Prussia on the west bank of the Rhine) since Mon day. The sound Increased on Tuesday rooming to drum fire, which could be heard even with tho windows closed. Heavy reports of big guns and the con tinuous rolling of smaller pieces were distinguished plainly despite a north wind. The cannonading is comparable with that of last September. Morseathau gees 'Wilson. WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. Henry Mor- genthau, American ambassador to Tur- Heard in the City Hall "Spit in the gutter! Six months ago Blanche Manning of the comptroller's office lost a valuable garnet-set ring. On Friday one of the clerks found the ring in a box of papers In the vault E. J. Seroy, Commissioner Kugel's sec retary, weighs 230 pounds and la the smal ls Ls of eleven brothers, the heaviest weighing; ISO pounds. Commissioner Hummel calls Commis sioner Jardlne "Jardlnler," and Com missioner Wllhnell calls Commissioner Hummel "Hummelsteln." There Is a city smoky chimneys. ordinance against The Auditorium rental schedule has not been changed for a week. A. E. Blaufuss, slaughter house Inspec tor, is a professional piano player. The publlo Improvemt-nt department ex pects to have fifteen mi It a of paving work ready when the paving season opens. Plumbing Inspector WeiUcl and Klwr tricai Inspector Currsn are learning huw to operate ruaInler automobiles. EEJZTJt "WOODS. t fact that he waa there no longer. There are five other little Pooleys. four of whom are In St. Joseph's home, while the fifth Is an Invalid In the Jersey City hospital, only a few feet away from where "Mir. Dooley" squeals lustily at regular Intervals for his bottle of warm milk. Miss Bertha Woods, the nurse who summoned Dr. Moskowlts when she found Mrs. Dooley dying, smiled proudly at the tiny mite. "Isn't he a grand baby," she said, "I suppose if his father isn't found he will by turned over to tho State Hoard of Children's Guardians for adoption. There have been many persons here to see him today, and I am aure he will get a Rood home. Kor everyone Is Just craxy about him. Perhaps he will be presldont some day. Who knows?" key. told President Wilson today of hla efforts to protect Armenians, and gave a peneral informal report on events ana conditions in Turkey since the outbreak of tho war. DURAZZ0 DOCKS UNDER FIRE OF THE AUSTRIANS BERLIN. Feb. 26. By Wireless to Ssyvlllc.) The Austro-Hungarian offi cial communication issued here today says: "In consequence of our hard pressing of the Italians east and southeast of Durauo, they have been driven to the isthmus west of the Durs lakes. The (Durazso docks are under the fire of the Austro-Hungarian batteries and the em bark men t of men and war materials have been effectually hindered. "Up to the present In the combats eleven Italian officers and over TOO sol diers have been taken prisoners and five cannon and one machine gun captured. EPIDEMIC OF TYPHOID THREATENS MILWAUKEE M I L WA UK EES, Wis., Feb. JS.-An epi demic of typhoid became ao threatening here today that city water waa ordered shut off from schools following a re port that eighteen new cases of fever hsd developed over night, bringing the list up to 109 cases. ' School children have orders to bring bottles of boiled water to school until the situation is under control. Every hospital in the city Is reported to be filled to capacity and waiting lists are the rule for typhoid patients. t'rsre Support of 'Wilson. PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 2T.. The West ern Retail Lumbermen's association adopted resolutions here today calling upon members of congress to support President Wilson's program for national preparedness and pledging the undivided support of the orKitnizatlon for adequate measures of defense. James I rare I'rr parrdneas. NEW YORK. Feb. 26. I'rglns? economic?. bh well as military preparedness, Kd imih'l J. James, president of the J'nl vemliy of Illinois, speaking tonlKht be fore the Kcononilo club, sKerted the power of the nation should be toward de veloping all the strerm'th of the people, Individually and collectively. Brother In llase Ball. Georwe Whltted's brother has .lnd -with the. Norfolk club of the Virginia league. Mayor Dahlman la going to St. Louis next week to attend the conference of mayors on national defense. A local com mittee of fifty-four are privileged to go if they pay their own expenses. Some will not go. Dairy Inspector Bosste will go to Fre mont on Tuesday to advise the officials of that town on their new milk ordi nance. Ross I Shotwell of the water depart ment Is studying law In hla spare time. "Forthwith" and "Instsnter" are fa vorite words In the city council meetings. Margaret Boekhoff Ui teaching some of the city hall girls how to crochet. It. E. Koche says he would like to learn. The vlalilng nurses on the fourth floor have luncheon in their west room. Pipes aro becoming fashionable among smokers of the school department on the fifth floor. City Attorney lne says his name Is "John A. lUne." not "J. A. Rlne." Charlie bherman of the Water board can play a iiioutn organ. Three more days snl then pv day! I FAINTS IN FEAR AT AWFUL SIGHT Tooth Descends, Gnu in Hand, Into Cellar of "Haunted" House and Gets "Him." FALLS TO FLOOR IN SPASMS "I got blm! I got him!" crltd Charles Uarrold, negro, who resides with his mother and Ulster at J1J6 North Twcntv-eeventh street, as be taggered into the parlor about 11 o'clock last evening with a smoking revolver In his hand. At this be fell to the floor in spasms and shattered a Urge amount of chtnaware tn the room before the members of the family succeeded In getting blm under con trol. Uarrold, It seems, had descended to the cellar to build the furnace fire and had returned a moment later stating that he had seen some- thing In the basement and procured his gunM A few moments later the family heard a shot and Charles. wild-eyed, ascended the stairs and fell on the floor in spasms. The police were notified and Dr. 0f January 3 are: Killed, twenty Miller, police surgeon, hastened to j seven men, five women and fifteen the house and found Uarrold fright ened Into unconsciousness The fain tly declares the house la haunted and expects to move to a new loca tion In the, near future. Uarrold waa unable to tell what he had seen. Only Young Men For the German Aviation Service (Correspondence of the Associated Tress.) PARIS, Feb. 14. A German aviation pilot who was obliged to land In a French village near the front Is quoted by the Temps' correspondent as asserting that the Germane are now doing less flying along the front because they feel there Is little need of it. "We have all your posi tions photographed," said he. "The recruiting of pilots with us," the nllot asserted. "Is very easy. Only men under 28 years are admitted In the avla- I tlon servloe. snd those who at tha end of several weeks do not show enifflclent j aptitude are sent hack to their corps. Tho , others are Instructed In the aviation , schools snd later become specialists In . the work of reconnolterlng or In regu- j latlng the fire of the big guns. Those , who are on the fighting aeroplanes are nearly always volunteers. There la near j namourg a special scnoui wumo ter perfect themselves before leaving for tha front. "We have excellent machines. My en gineer, who remained for six months In the same squadron, has not seen one ma chine changed because of wear and haa not notloed one ease of breakdown be cause of defective motor. "The up-to-date fighting machine now la the Fokher, which can make a speed of 160 kilometers an hour. It Is armed with a quick-firer, hut Its ammunition carrying capacity Is limited. "Each squadron comprises six machines besides two reserves. Out of these six machines two regulate the cannon fire, two are for reconnolterlng and two for aerial combats. We attach the greatest Importance to photographlo reconnolter lng. Eight specialists are provided to make the most delicate developments and enlargements. These specialists are at tached to each of our squadrons. On our reconnolterlng machines we have photo graphlo apparatus which nan be utilised at 2,000 meters altitude and other which may be employed for photographing from J.B00 meters." Read Bee Want them for results. Ads for profit. Use Ship Dashed to Pieces, LBWFJB Del. Feb. 2. The British steamer Trecarrell, Huelva for Philadel phia with a cargo of ore, which went aground on Blaekfiah shoals sixty miles south of the Delaware capes during a gale late yesterday, wsa dashed to p ecet hv the rough seas today. The crew of thirty-five waa taken off. His Cigar Doesn't Taste Right And Vet It Is the Barae He Was Hnmklng With Bo Much Ilellsh After Dinner, Iast Night, Out of the Very Bame 1kx, Too. Every smoker has experienced this peculiar condition of the stomach and liver, the result usually of Imperfect digestion of food. And the blame is usu ally not put where it belongs. What' 8 the Trouble? Such men are usually high livers, hard workers mentally, living under high pres sure snd high draught, and It doesn't take a great deal to disorder the stomach r render the liver torpid. They should make It a pr act toe to use the triod and reliable Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, that will aid Nature, and take rare of the sudden attacks of Indigestion. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digest food where the stomach can't. Bruin workers ran rely on Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. All druggists carry them In SO-eent boxes, or get a free trial pack age by mailing below coupon AT O.NC10. Free Trial Coupon r. A. Btnart Co., 834 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, aiich., seiwl ma at once a fre trial package of Stuart's Dys. pffpsia Tablets. Name - ', Street. . . City 8Ute. TUKNb' UrP MUMS IN SCOTTISH CITIES Country from Aberdeenshire to the English Border Darkened as Result of New Order. DONE FOR THE FIRST TIME LONDON. Feb. 26. Scotland, from Aberdeenshire to the English border, was darkened last ntght for the first time, as a result of a strin gent lighting order. Aberdeenshire Is on the east coast of Scotland. From there to the eastern border to the north coast are the counties of Kincardine, For far, Perth, Fife, Edenbnrgh. Had dington and Berwick. Included In this territory are the important cities of Aberdeen, Iiundee, Perth, Edinburgh, Lelth, Dunbar and Ber wick. The revised official figures of the rasunlties tn the Zeppelin raid of January 31, over England were given 'today as sixty-seven killed and 117 Injured. The official communication i announcing the figures said: ' "The final figures of tho nlr raid I children, a total of sixty-seven; In jured, forty-rive men, fifty-three, women and nineteen children; total, 117; grand total, 184." MAXIMUM PORK PRICES IN BERLIN INCREASED BERLIN, Feb. 24. Vla Indon, Feb. 26 (Delayed.) The magistracy of Rerlln hss raised the maximum pork prices at the request of the butchers of the city who are unablo tn eecurc swine at the existing prices. The new prices run from I pfennig for a head without Jowls to ISO pfennUs for fresh hams, l.Vt pfen nigs for belly, shoulder and similar cuts snd 240 pfennlirs for tenderloin and culotr Portions of dressed hog, whU'h may be converted Into saussge, .have been fur ther reduced. Dr. Clark THE Painless Dentist Ills patients are his best advertise ment. When in nd of Iental work call at his office. Teeth . Without Plate Teeth extracted absolutely without pain by the use of vapor mist, or ns pay. ( Vapor Mist Is a local aneathetlo Just applied to the gums for the pain less extracting of teath and all oilier Dental operations without the least danger of heart trouble or sickness. Office 004, Second Floor, Fsxton Blk. 16th and Tarnam Bta. Opea slaaday, 1;30 to 3:30 1 srvenlngs Until Lady Attendant, Send for Booklet Telling All About the Care of Teeth, Phone Red 1201. "11" Humphreys' Seventy-seven For ColiU, Influenza, Grip has many manifestations, it may fly to the head, causing pulns, soreness, dizziness and Influenza, or attack the throat and chest, or the kidneys, with lame hack and aching bones. To gt the best results, take "Seventy-seven" at the first sneeze or shiver. If you wait until your bones begin to acne, have sore throat and Influ enza, It may take longer. 25c and II. al all druggists or mailed. Humphreys' Hotnoo. Medicine Co., lu! William Htreel, New York. n a rr y n)na who is judge l i slaMl of K0"' ll'iuoi, and he "wkB Mill tell you tliat our reputation for the) finest goods at rraonubl prices Is not ex celled by any one la th city, and If you want to see how true it Is, give us a call. f old cmow. OLD TAYXjOB, czdas BSOOI, Oman bt mrvam. OucxBsr- 11 ei m cm, clakk a am, old ores. HOLT, USTMY Bztoor, (And acaay Others.) BOOT) WMIS- Take home a mil Quart, to 10 Tears Ola Aay of These ramoos Whis kies. BOTTLED 1ST XBT. rail Quart 7so to si. as CackleVa Tamoue Borne Made Orape Wine, per gallon i.a 2 Vuart llottlcs of lleer. .JJ5d Ask for ITe China Coupons. Cackley 1TX A SID CAPITOL. We Solicit Mall Orders. Write tor rree Catalogue. ZEPPFLIN BOMB KILLS A YANKEE IN BARBER CHAIR IKiSTON'. Feb. M.-The death. In Furls by a bomb from a 7.eprlln of Wllllmn Piinn, a former ssKlelant of TUi hurl Canflolrl. In the Hlter's sarnhllng enter prises at New York, Paratnse and Nnr raanxett pit r, wns announced toilay by Ms brother. Joeeph Dunn, In a letter ! from the Hrltlsh consul at TarK The i letter eidd that rimn was hilled while seated In a barber chair In a 1'arls hotel, January 33. I eav for Fort Rasaell. BAV niAVdwn ral.. Feh. The Twenty-fourth Infantry, 1'nlted State arniv, a regiment, entrained toilny fir i'Vrt l. A. Hussell, ami left tha of Fen Frnrtoo, theoretically Fftrrlsoned by three reclments with three companies of roast artillery. llonmanlans Mini lteport. I.OXIH1V. Feh M. Itetiter'a Amster dam correnponrtent sends a dispatch from Kui-hamt Hint the Kotimnnlnn nr offic hen announced t hnt all nsturallieil Koummilnn cltlsens between the ncee of i'l r.j i nuidt report themselves for military service. Snlarlf 'Will lie nalsed. ItornUTON. Mich . Keh. . The snl arles of l,irt employes will I increased bv Tvi per cent, beginning March I, It was announced here today by the yulnoy MlnltiR company. WHAT YOU MAY EXPECT OF THE RAYMOND STORE J5I3-1M.1 Howard frltrvet. FIRST of all the working PLAN of this house is PROFIT S1IAI1 1NU in Its nature. If wo ltiterett you In our success It will be be cause we have been Instrumental In a substantial HAVING to YU on your vurthsses; thereby con tributing to your own success directly as a result of TUJY1NU your FURNITI'UK necessities from us. Kverybody who thinks. KNOWN that the CONKUMKlt must pay for the expensive methods of the Merchant. In the prbo of an A KT1CLM not that there exists a difference In VALl'KS, necessarily, hut, because of reaching you by the shortest route at ths smallest ('(ST. with our merchandise. WK CIIKATK the means of leaving In your pocket MONET the kind we call VELVET. Thnl which Is LK.FT after YOVlt purchase U inailo at a satisfying price. It Is a mighty good feeling that we experience when an outlny has been mmlo for certain purposes (often with more or less sacrifice), then when the transaction Is com pleted, and you have placed your self In lOSHEK810N of Just the thing desired to find a lot of RK.AL MON I'TT left In the family WALLrTT, that you were already resigned to spend. lOU MAY EXPECT OF 1'H a LOW line of prices on a line or High Goods throughout the entire Store. YOU MAT EXPECT a Service that Expresses nothing short of absolute SATISFACTION. OPKNINT1 I'AY Is not fsr dis tant. WATCH for announcement. RAYMOND, QUALITY FURNISHERS. 1G13-1D1S Howard St TODAY'S BEAUTY HESIT It Is not necessary to shampoo quite to frequently If your hair Is properly cleansed each time by use of a really good shampoo. The easiest to use and quickest drying shampoo that we cun recommend to our readers may be pre rared very cheaply by dissolving a tea spoonful of canthrox, obtained from your druggist. In a cup of hot wator. Thl.1 ruhbed Into the scalp creates a thick lather, soothing and cooling in its action, well as very boneflulal to scalp and hair. After rinsing, the scalp Is fresh and clean, while tha hair dries quickly and evenly, developing a bright luster and a soft flufriness that makes it Seem very heavy, Advertisement. srjfsjs Photo Engravings Not how chenp. hut how good. Yon rronahly have experienced a trvlng argument with your nrlnter over the faulty anesr anra of some printing work you were Interested in having as near perfect as possible. A printer cannot obtain su perior results from Inferior photo engraved pistes. We make the very best ulatos for all kinds of printing that equipment, high priced labor and care will produce. Bee Engraving: Dept. Tyler 1000. Ben Building. Omaha. Neb. DR. R. H. Osteopathic Physician. Offloe Offloe, Booglas 4813. t X. ma in 1 a lit f tip T1 i. IIS 1 11 in "TV0 HEARTS THAT BEWAS ONE!" One Bunch of Brothers Sits in Council in Planning Any of the New "Dresner" En terprises. Dreader denning II ant and lreher Tailor Shop Under One ITiomo X amber and (nlded by Rome Ktiwrience. Whenever you hear of a "Dresher" enterprise in Omaha, rest assured that It'a the same) "Drosher" that has ao popularized the cleaning and tailoring busi ness in this section of the west. In fact, the celebrated Dresher Brothers' Cleaning riant at 2211 22 IS Fa mam street and tha Dresher The Tailor establishment at 1615 Karnam street, are "Two Hearts That Heat as One," Not one of the four Dresher nrothers will make a single riots without consulting the others, and the result Is a brothely co-operation that has made this one of tha largest enterprises Of the sort in tho UnltPd States. Take the "Dresher The Tailor stora for Instance; it laid the foundation for all of the other "Dresher" enterprises that havo been Introduced since. This gar ment shop is today, as it was at the very outset, seventeen years aKO, a symbol for all that is good and stylish in men's wearables. Preher makes suits to order at $30 to $55 and makes "em rightly; makes 'em so stylish that there are; today In Omaha, hundreds of men mho have worn clothes of this maka for seventeen years. They won't hear of anything but Dresher-marlo clothes after onco they've worn them. ' The DrePher line of fabrics, by tho way, is now in readiness for the Spring of 1916 and Mr. J. W. Nelson, Omaha's foremost design er and cutter, win lay down tha "style lines" for you. Dresher The Tailor also carries In stock the men's hats that are manufactured at the Dresher plant one price covers all the hats $2.50 each only and you'll say to yourself: "Didn't think they could make 'em so swell in Omaha." The growth of the Dresher Bros." Cleaning and Dyeing plant at 2 211-2213 Karnam street Is. of course, well known to you; you know of the immense additional building that is Just being fin iKhed and you know of the two other buildings that are already up. Itemembei' Dreshers were the first to Introduce the idea of pay ing carrying charges one way on any siv.ed bundle to any point in America, and Dreshers were the PIUST to feature down-town branches in such prominent places as the lirandeis and Burgess-Naeh stores. One phone number reaches all Dresher enterprises Tyler 845 call it early and often. 25c Size Bottle of Swissco Hair Tonic PrrMtit this coupon st any of ths Rhr mn McOonall limi Oo.'s 4 Hloraa. anS rvrolvo trao, a full jr.o ! houls uf "Bwlaaoo" HsJr TrMtnoaL StrMt. City Slats "Swlwo" Imparts color to srsy or rndM hlr, ;! hlr growth, rmo. dandruli, tops Ulliac hair ana seals irDubln. Ooupon Good ITntll March 7th Tho out 4 of Onuka will cot s frw bottlo Of tending omaxM tn iltmitl dirvt't to SwlMk'o Hslr Trestmont Co.. 02-O. f. Hquaro, Cinrlnrmtl. Ohio, to httln COTor ponw or pack Inc. poatago at. StoptYourp ff Dealers and $et Free Sample" A of this wonderful baby chick food. G2z Buttermilk STARTING FOOD is all you need ffced your chicks for the first three weelt lTHE(ltCOHKEYC(iaeYcbi(Laii STEWART SEED CO, IIS North lit St GILTNER 707-9 Brandeis Stores Building M. to ll;90 1 SO 4 r. Be., Boar. SS. i SSs fi