t R B... r m A: ' r t Drew I v. - t. Zaizra y.-.-.s-s 1 Earnest: A.TC1I Totir Stn." a mualoal W comedy produced by Charle UUUnthom.- which baa reU tcred uccbsc of ns tionaJ natur In both New York and " London, will be -3 X.ri O ' Oi tored ton'uht In Omaha for th flrt tlm and tomorrow at the Brn- ". dla thaater. with a Pccial matloe per- ' formanc. In deference to popular d maad, Monday afternoon. The plao will bo pre Hen ted here aa lt wa ahown at the New Amterdam theater. Nw Tork. for a period of more than alx inonthati lt will b performed by a cast wtaloh la cludea Mra. Vernon Castle, Frank Tlnnejr, Barnard Granvlll. Elizabeth Brlce, Charles Kln(f, Harry Kelly, Harry Ellla and numerous other foollight notables. V In addition to thos of th principal play era, every name associated with "Watch Your Step" la on that has been mada llluatrlous by memorably successful achievement In some particular avenue of th entertainment field. As a producer ; Mr. Pllllneham has jrlvcn the atage a score of musical comedy and operetta triumphs; Harry B. Smith, who wrote th book of "Watch Your Step." la probably th best known of AmcrU-an librettists; Helen Dryden, who desluned th aeenery and costumes for the ploce, enjoy an international reputation as art originator of women's clothe fashions; Irvlna; Ber lin, who Is responsible for the music and lyrics. Is without queBtton the most popu lar of modern aona; writnra hla produc tions are played, suntf -and whistled- all over th world. ' Attempt to tell the story of "Watch Your Step" were a futile proceeding-. Th piece haa three acta and seven scenes. It begins and nda with some reference to a plot. But while the story Is working Its way to a satisfactory conclusion, Mrs. Castle danoes, Prank Tlnney takes th audience Into his confidence, Granville king's and dances. Brlce and King- sing;, Harry Kelly talks to his ridiculous doe "Llxzle," and a hundred and one other thing's calculated to amuse and enter tain take place In such rapid aucceaalon that every one Is perfectly well satisfied to let the story work out its own salva tion. John Drew, one of the most polished and experienced light comedians on the American stase. will come to the Brandelt theater next Tuesday and Wednesday with special matinee Wednesday, when he will present a comedy of modern life and manners laid In England, entitled "Th Chief." Mr. Drew's qualities as an actor are too well known to be dilated upon at this late day. 'The Chief la th work of Horace Annealey Vachell. long known as, a writer of fiction, who alno h turned til thoughta toward th stag a year ago has had no less than four plays successfully produced. The story unfolded deals with the earl of Tester, an rx-colonlal governor. The earl was In love with a g-'rl named Cynthia. A Mrs. Barg-tis, duilrtng the earl for her daugh ter, separated the lovers and thus suc ceeded In her plans. Ton years later when th play opens the earl U a widower and his household la under the rule of his mother-in-law, who now plans to marry the enrl to her remaining daughter. But Cynthia, now an attractive widow, comes upon :h seen to ask the earl to secure for her a position. He Immediately takes her into hi own household as his aitrre tary. Ilia old love for her la reawakened and Mrs. Barcus seeing this ODenlr ae- "Vjcus Cynthia of having purloined a bans VI Varhell ( ton Willful Armm- tut, however, to aend hln audience away disappointed and without clearing up the young woman's reputation and securing bar happiness as well as that f th courteous and anlat le earl. The plsy Is la three acta and haa Ita sotns laid In I t ' A ? ; ;S . it l " . i . af I - t : 1;: BrenSalbwle Ethel Mutt -AhtfieRe. London. Laura Hop Crows haa th role of Cynthia. Thais Lawton 1 th lZmlly, Katherln Stewart th Mrs. Baxgus and Consuelo Bailey th earl's young ward. Oeorg Graham and Vauehan Trevor ar alao in th cast. Hyams and Mclntyr In "My Home Town GtrU" Perry J. Kelly's nw muslcil comedy production and pronounced th big success of th present aeaaon, will be seen at the Brandcls theater for three days beginning Thursday, March 1 Sup ported by a notable cast in aa elaborate soenlo produotlon, with new pretty muslo and singing and dancing girls, th two popular stars have s vehicle In which they easily rival theanselvea In their for mer great success, "The Girl of My Dreams." It la a musical play with Plot. Mr. Hyams appear As Tony Darling, on his good behavior for a year to qualify for a 11,000,000 Inheritance, with his alert aunt holding th watch. His friend. Dud ley Van Oourtland. about to marry ienor Arlington, calls upon Tony to extrcat hlrn from the consequences of speeding in company with Lata Lorraine, a dancer of the "lollies." Tu two meet In the bride shop of Madam Mali on Fifth avenue, where they are Interrupted by Eleanor after Tony agrees to shouluV the blame and dispose of Lata. Eleanor supposedly moral-warped uncle, Peter Pettybone. with his unsophisticated adopted niece. Dorothy (Mlas Mclntyr") upset all calculations by appearing at the bride shop, wher K'anor thinks they will be shocked by the display of gowna Madame Marie recognises peter as her old sweetheart and they renew the old romance. Dorothy and Tony are mutu ally attracted and a belated newspaper article from New Haven tells the story of th arrest, giving La la a nam In corv nectlon with Tony's and he la dlrsred. At Eleanor's home on the lilr Hudson. Dudley suggests that Tony's trouble be passed otf as a Joke until afisr th wed- ; ! Mr"' r 1 - TIIE OMAHA - " i - f t . V If. 4 "A ! Siilnj Carol Pars oris ding, a Tony la to b best man. Lala appear and discovers ah haa th wrong ham for her victim. Dorothy disguises as Lala and meets Tony, who In denounc ing her dlsoloaes th time story of the trouble, and then all Is cleverly cleared away. At the Brandcls theater for three night and Saturday matinee, beginning Maroh May Robson presents her comedy vehicle, "The Making Over of Mrs. Matt." from th pen of James Forbes of "The Traveling Balesman" and "Th Chorv Lady" renown. In staging I)avhl"vVarflcld,a latest play, "Van Der Decken," In which the famous actor will come to the Brandei theater for two nights and Wednesday matinee. March 14 and U, David Belasuo la said to have given the famous legend of the "Flying Dutchman" a new Inter est and Intent. Th atory goes back to Amsterdam a long tlm ago, and In the very artiatlo and esthetlo manner in which Mr. Bslasco has clothed his play, an atmoepher of romanc and poetry Is said to have been created which makes "Van Der Decken" on of the really notable productions that ha been put upon the stage In recent years. On of th moat notable engagements in Omaha this season will be William Faversham In "Th Hwk." Mr. Faver- sham will play at the Boyd theater a two days' engagement, March Z2 and 23. The-opening of the Eva Lang Stock ouiiinjr at in noya ineater la an nounced for Saturday evening, March 26. Mliss Lang comes direct from Den ver with her stock company Intact, with th exception of th leading man. whoa Place Will be filled hv Kdwanl Tjvni.li Many reservations have already been made for th opening night, as wall as for th ntlr engagement. Miss Lang's opening bill will be Jerry,'' Billy Burke's famous comedy. This will glv Miss Lang msny opportunities to display hr charming personality as a oome- dlenn. gj-i. Victor Morley, with his company of twelve, will present "A Regular Army Man" as th dominant feature of the Or- pheum bill for the current week. Th of fering la a musical comedy for which cnannlng Pollock, Rennold Wolf and Clifton Crawford are responxlble. Ethel Clifton and Brenda Fowler have estab lished themselves aa playwrights and players. Two of their ona-act dramas have recently been aeen her. They them selves will not be aeen In "The Baint and tho S'nner." a play they her written to ault th expression of their own dramatlo ability. New singing and dancing novel ties will be Introduced by Oertrud Van derbllt and Oeorg Moor. Miss Vander bllt was last seen here while supporting f layraond HUchoock In "Th Rad Widow Both ah and Mr. Moor wer seen in "The Lady In Bed." Two little dogs and uie onwinate mule cailej jerry appear conspicuously Ir. Stalne's Tan nrk Cir cus. Florrle Mlllershtp has an ait termed "Llltl Miss Dainty,'' and her aonca and V f ' .."' ' ' . .t SUNDAY BHR: FEBRUARY 27, 1910. ...... 1 , i-1 .. . . em. Leila J J7 hrf rTrt 7tn Hyams At t fit Mrs. Vernon CasZe &tjMeJffrnde3 Genevieve jRussell At- &Ae Afiutf costume changes ar nald to bo as pleas ing as they ar novel. Frank Crumlt. a singing comedian, also plays instruments skillfully and la an effective story tuller. As a plano-accordlonlst Pistro will dem onstrate that he la exceptionally gifted. Subjects for th axcluslv motion picture featur of th Orpheum travel weekly will be old parts of Brlttaisr, Sevlll and Australian forests. 1 Frital Eaheff, making her second tour of the Orphoum circuit, will be heard at th looaj Orpheum next week, starting I Sunday, March S. Mlsa Bhetf's last star- I ring tour was In "Pretty Miss Smith." I TJmberto Kaochettl. 1st of th Metro- I polltan and Boston Grand Opera com panies, th tenor who was picked to originate the role of Dlok Johnaon In ' Puccini's "Tho Girl of ths Golden West," t has bson signed for a tour of th Or pheum circuit. Mr. Hacchettl'a engage ment hers Is scheduled for ths week of May 11 Solly Ward and Virginia War ar being welcomed back to Omaha with Mutch" Cooper's "Th Roseland Olrls" at th Oayety theater, wher they opened last rilpht for the week, playing twice dally. Solly Ward ha long been a favorltet with th patrons of burUsqu, and Miaa War has been apply term.d "Th Lady Dainty of B'iriesqu.' Mr. Cooper hag provided "Th Roseland Olrls" with an ntlrely new production this season. Th book and lyrics wr provided by Billy K. Wells, the well known vaudeville comedian and humorist, and th soor ( feu. i 1 A Pompooi by Wtiltam H. rrrrll. Jmi K. Cwjwr tl th book whll M1K Amrlla Murtolrttl. formerly prtm tallorln of th Mutfopolltrn Oprrn TToiim rompany In Now Tork, h P rnM th tnwmMt iiumbws n4 t1 th dnoo. '"Iov. lw ni1 rolltlog" la th tit 1a ft th nnnlrnl ftt1r which forn th flrt prt of th prr(trm fcnA "A CU tot Vo1mtrr" I h itrmlr oonvuli!n frviy whlrh l th lftt rt. Tli fifth edlln wwmony to hv bxn rlebrti1 on th (Vrty t mill occur next FrMny nlKhl, Mrch . Th prtnclp! r Mix Augvmt Cutf of 14) J1 Ni"ih Thlrty-wm1 trot. n1 ls Krmm. n cmpio)- or Tn tnnnt'r. j t Juflr rrtwrd Icdor IH ofriclut, tn ntlr mifllf-nc Acting w1tn. "Kindling." on of f.mr playa brought ; tn'n Tr itiitnenoo t v Fr in'i K'nv'n and s'nrrin vehicle for Mrrt llllniton. I ; will b offered hv the North ltrna. S( cH I , enmrnny at th King theater fni a week j 'antng matlree tod.iy. with nmtnl f.imilv matinee on Thnrsd.iy anl Fst-Tdiy . I - lovo ftiiwll wl'l W n In the jjend'ns role. wh1-h Is her favoil . Van- proiiurflfn a worv e In every respect 'ager Cole of th Km promles a splen I did v-fdnctton. Htm Director Itllllsrd nas put lonn speoai fun i - , Lrt week all recor were broken at OniMi" perrnxnent stok company the- ! er. The Thursday matinee parties are STowlnir In favor each week. The man- ; sarment announces that the engagement or in rinrn nro. riiK-a rii'r -,- , msnent. The Oilcago ladles' orchestra hts a new procram each week and Is sharing th honor, "eat for th week i ar on sal today and ar1y reservation era sireted for this weeks bill. Clean wholeeotn plays and a policy of polite- lies are proving factors of euccee. j Heading the bill at th Empress theater for the first half of th j week, beelnnlng Sunday, February . 11. will be the "Porch rariy." heralded aa I th claaslPBt art In vaudeville. The aoenlo effort In the net r shove the ordinary nd It promises a treat for theater goer during Its stay. Ed and Jack Smith vlll entertain In new songs, danes and say ing. "Th Smoko Quoen," a humorous Vlt. will h presentod hy Cnsnldy and Longton. Completing th bill will be Swan and Swan In a novslty. "Dancing Jucglers." For th last half of the week Dolan. Lenharr company Hill present "The Burglar Christmas Tree." Seymour's happy family, a novelty canine art, will present something unusual In a Mil of foaturts. Ben Smith will alng and talk, j and Mortbn brother, paperology and harmonies exports will offer a novelty to vaudeville. The sixth episode of "The Strega Case of Mary Page." featuring Bdna Mayo and Henry B. Walthal, will b hown during th first half. "Th Bridesmaid' Beoret." in wh'ch the bridesmaid and th groom-to-be meet In embarrassing situations, and "Hughla, th Process Server." m finish the movie part of th program. "The Tellow Passport." a flve-reeler, fea turing Clara Kimball Toung, will show Iluselan life dur'ng th last half. 4 " Sthsl Schutts, heading a mustoal com edy and burlesqus company playing a stock engagement at the Rex theater. has boon in the theatrical business since i ah worn ztt year old. Mlas Sohutta Is 1 considered on of th best mal Imper sonators on th stag. Hr special forte Is putting over such song aa "Don't Bit the Hand That Fda Tou," ' and "Mother." Bh is known aa th double voice girl, taking both a tenor or ao prsno. Ethel Snhutta' Burlesque and Baby Doll minstrels la crowding th house every night at tho Pox. TodayrfREWATonlto 2:30 LiRUU 0:20 Tot Tea Barformaao, ITABDABO CTOOK SBABLaB AT MOVXB rBICXB THE NORTH BROS. Omaha's . Best Theatrical Bargain roarxTUAXi STOCK CO. Traak Ksayon'a Itaaisrplso, KINDLING" XBBcixrrxBiia yaicri g si.servea eats Boo. as f J. Us ramlly Matiases 1 fl I- r.r5burs. and Bat. VC Join Th. Horth Bro. Out Ola.s Club, , 'V TH COUPOS." K.xt Week "aOXBO BOMB." REX Theatre, 1)11 Douglas Street KUsTOAT 1COBDAT TVIIOtT "A FBIBCB B A BAT" Xthsl Bchotta, Jack chutta and Oharlls Bell do a "Tramp" art that is Immea.. Bpeolai faatar bela- a parody on "MO O' HY BrSABT" By Xtbl ohntt. Holiday Bight Vrofessonal Bong ltia-ers' Contest. Tuesday Night sr.wsboys' ris Bating Ooateex. W.dn.aday lrifht Wrestling by Antat.nrs. Trtday Bight Cballsags Wrest, llag Bout xtt Jerry Fwok vs. Tom Bay. BOO Bnow for Bo OUTH JTTBBT. HENSHAW CAFE Concert Dansant EVERY EVENING FROM 10:30 P. M. SPECIAL NIGHTS Monday, l'rlduy and Hatorday Augmented Orchestra Entertainers. PIANO RECITAL Mm.. Marfu.rlts Melville. X,l.iBiwska BSOWHELL Hall Tuesday Sv.ulug, r.b. 89, 8 O'clock. Tickets, $1.00 Btudonts Half trio. For Bal at Baydea Bros. Piano Dept. W. It. Mathews' Book (Jtors. w A L T E R WHEATLEY TOIOB ABB OPTRA lasTBcoTioa. Apply Tbar.days BOOM BUS X.TBIO ILDO, Pbons . S704. Turpln's Scnool of Dancing rwnty-elyhth A Farnam. Bw Claaaea, 1st your nam ooa. Prlvst lessons any Uut BAJBSTUT Bits, TnniRflT AND TOMORROW I UlilUII I SPECIAL MATINEE MONDAY oiiiui xn.i.nroKAjri mao ran biot WATCH MRS. VERNON CASTLE. FRANK TINNEY, BERNARD GRANVILLE BRICE A KING HARRY KELLY HARRY ELLIS ICO OTHERS Tim sna-msnted Orchestra SIS; FEB. 2 9 "Deal Play Mr. Draw Has Had CIIAHLF.H mOIIMAN rrfsmta run mi u i W J h,l JO u,nmmS Li VjL as JY XOBAOa AmriRXaBT TACKZI.T sats ea sale aow Trloi sTIghta, Oroh., ga k tl.BOi Balo., 11.80, tl ft YS 01., go, stat., lower floor, ai.80 ft 1 Balo., II, TBe ft B0 OaX, tso. 3 con Tiiuns., urn. 2 TXB BBASOB'S BXOOXST sftTSIOASj OOKBDT SVOOBSB PERRY A KELLY, OFFERS JOHN LEILA A COMEDY WITH MUSIC AND GIRLS A FID NOTABLE METROPOLITAN CAST Baa von X.ni Alma Toulla Maud Bealty Sort V.raoa Dorothy Beloa Boy Bnrvlanos Oharla Bora Oeorge Tox PRICESi TiwBB--too. boo. Toe. ii.oo and i.M.Spjtt Wow Se!!!r riflwUI BTBB1B0MB SSO, BOO, TBO, 1, 1 1.60 ft ia C8l nOIT dCliitlg MAIX, OBOBBS riXUD BOW BO 1BIB XJMT BB OBXOZBAZj ABB OBXT COMPABT SUNDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH STH -- AT 3:00 P. M. SYIISCHA ELM AN, Violin Genius VBZCBB BOO, $1, I1.S0 and S - SBAT SAXB TTOXOmmOir. iniiiT'insfimimiiMisr-iiir mix unM im r nnuiMM. TUB BEST OF VACDEHLLK. ' Iailj Matlno, a:15. Trlepbono lkujlaa 404. WEEK STARTING SUN. FEB. 27 VICTOK HOBLGY And Big Company of Twelve la "A REGULAR ARIYIY MAN" A Musical ftailtary Manual hy Ohaanlng Pollock, BsaaoM Wolf and uurioa GERTRUDE VANCERBiLT & GEORGE MOORE Zn V.w tnginr aad Saaolng STOV.ltl.S. FLORRIE MILLERSHlf X-ittle Kiss XalBty PIETRO Plsno Aooordlonlst. iX I k A AT ETHEL CLIFTON & FOWLER IN "THE SAINT AND THE SINNER" By Ktss OUftoa. PB1CK8 MaUnssi Oallery, lOo, ba.t seats (exoept natarday aad Bu&day) Sao. Blglita, loo, BSo, boo sad Too. Phoas Douglas t TODAY THE IHlUt'II PARTV "Th. Clacsl.st Aet la Vand.vtll." (MSIIV ii LONU'ION "The BJmoke Qneen" Kit it JACK h.MH'11 "HoTigs, Psnces and Haying" hWA.N ii h WAN Dancing Juggler til II KTISODK lOUAV "The Strange Cass of Mary Pa- Iaturtng Edna Mayo aad H.nry B. Walthal 10c A D tVI I SS I O N -20c "BtaOTBT BABOAIIf IK TO WW Couiliur Thurstlay "Th Y.ilow Passyort" SO BOYD THEATRE Monday, February 28 PLASTUiA ths inaa that heat Btranglsv Xiewlai the oaly luaa who wres tied Joe Mteoket for B fcoarei ale beat Martla, CHARLIE PETERS POPULAR PRICES 613 ONLY TIMES Dnintre soc to $2.00 Hurry! Hurry! Three Carloads ef Seaasry. - MAR. 1, MAT. WED. In Yoarg." JV. 1. Utrnld. rvn "At Hit BiCH A. T. Po$t uj "A Dellfhf -2v. T. Bun And Oompaay of nty Peopls "Home Town Otrr ymphoay Orchastra 7 Mnt ij 1:15. H Every 8: TrJrphons) Douglaa 404. orawiora. Tan Bark Comedlaas. FRANK CRUMIT A Oomadlaa Who Can Blag, Play SB. straments aad Tail s Btory. UllTHEl'M TRAVEL WEEKLY Around the world with th Orphans elroolt's motion victors photographer. IRACTION BRENDA ! organists! 8 Now it The Tim to Study Or tan I j SPRING TERM j I Begins March 1st S) prsparea I or IAS CBnroh serrlos, oonoart aad reoltal wark. BxoepUoaal Advaatages fog Organ PraoUoe. a CONSULT I VERNON C. BENNETT CONSULT 1311 Farnam Street Colfax 691. "OH A T? A Ml Tmw nvmos V00H STEP J Colfaa 631. Doug. IS33. 4V-tVe' Bvsu gs, la.aS-ao.7oa . Purp-arljr ilook4 tut Mcrabaals' Market fnk. "BttTTCH" D0SRlnJ fiirlt afusloal CUOPEB'S nvS-lunB UIIIS Barlssqus rtemariaD anily Wire, W sardciMT la tktt bautnw (..wur oi tun end fr4rnc La w.Mli,g rrloar Blbt. Prlucipvl,. Miu Aiuu, I'.tM. f lAlli. hi A c, . , Iadl' Dim afatlas Week Days. DeLONE g -:HARP:- T 805 LY1UO B1XK1, T DOUGLAS 8704 A Harps Rented to StBdasxtBj I 1 r 4