Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 14-A, Image 14

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    run omaiia suxday hkk: feuhuauy 21, iyiti.
Tr apples which are qnlte untrue In
Vtifr y av hwn revived br O. W.
Ilarray. asaootnta editor of the Tntlrth
Century Furmrf, from a friend In Ohio,
Thomas MoNsry of Jefferson county.
Tby are apples which an) not rrown In
thin section of tha country end ara from
traee whtoh are WO years olt On la a
large yvllow ballwflnwar and the other
la vandlver, an oil style apple which
la not listed In the prant-ir appls
Hutu. Tha two trs wro plantM In
Jftlt tiy tha srandfathar of tha present
own or, who la 73 yea r oM. Pmra aa far
back aa tha present owner can remember
thee treea hara hoon uniform baarera.
Tha orchard adjolna tha farm on which
Mr. Harvey waa born and rslsed. In
thla community tha old orchard ara sn
eraJly gone, but there ara atlll a few tree
which arc bearing-.
Read Bea Want Ada for profit. Una
them for results.
Carrie Champney, teacher of tha aer.
enth rrada class at Central Park school,
la taking; forty boya and erlrla of her
room on visits to local Industries, theaa
object lessons being In connection with
their g-(Taphy studies. On Friday they
visited tha amelter. Tha yoiine; folka ara
much mtereated In tncaa vtalta.
Prank Fantium betrayed tha fact that
ha wma a strsns-r "In our midst" by ac
costing tha pollca moral ?uad at Six
teenth and Chlcaco streets and offering
to whip them Indlvlduaty or collectively.
Ha failed and waa brought to headquar
ters, where he will remain for the next
five days.
It takes but a mmute of time to savs
dollars when you read The Bee Want Ad
Allen 1. Albert, president of the In
ternational Assoc la t !." of Rotary Clubs
and a prominent publisher In Minneap
olis. Is to address the Commercial club
at a public affairs luncheon Thursday.
March 1. He will tak on "Forces that
Make Cities."
Laces and Embroideries
Beautiful Baby Irish Band. Os loons
and Insert lona, from two to four Inches
wide: a few linen ones Included.
Worth to 60c yard, at in
yard IV C
Very Pretty Longcloth Edges, In the.
convent needlework, from I to I
Inches wide. Very serviceable for
underwear. Worth to 25c. Fpe- q
ctal Monday, yard 10o to.. JLaC
' pakau fciiillalahalllsiH. 1 -""A 'HiahSMaaksku, : J-a1lli i i)f i
- i - tTI
Februarv Sale of Hair Goods
A maker's stock of hair good purchased at a price that enables us to offer
high grade Switches at almost One-Half Regular Prices.
Fine Ormds Switches, tn colors from black
to Monda,
welsnt I vaj
la, 14 Inches lens, f rCi
.f.'.u.'" . . b.y o
Gray Switches. 24 Inches long.
weight I ounces. Regular
$12.00 values, at
Complete Revue of the Selected Spring Fashions Opens Tomorrow, Emphasizing WIDE ASSORTMENTS and LOW PRICES
To fee this comprehensive showing, it is difficult to realize that European sources of supply
arc seriously curtailed, for we are amply provided with heavy stocks of all fabrics which will be
wanted, and they will be sold by us, not necessarily at prevailing prices, but in accordance with
the low prices we paid. Every yard of silk offered in this exposition is the best that is pro
duced in the various qualities. We make this superlative claim only after the most painstaking
investigation and comparison.
"NYe have said before and it bears repeating, that the incomparable advantages enjoyed by the
patrons of our silk department are largelv due to the fact that this store pays cash and buys in
immense quantities; also, through our European offices and their branches, we acquire at tho
most opportune times the best that foreign makers produce. We are confident that silks of these
qualities at prices quoted cannot be duplicated elsewhere. And the wonderful array of the new
est weaves, textures and colors adds emphasis to the unusual pricing.
The new 40-inch Gabardine
Crepe; something just a little dif
ferent from the ordinary crepe
with all the good wearing quali
ties of heavy crepe de chine; a
new silk that will surely please
you; in all the new street shades;
40-Inch New Crepe Satin Suit
ing, the most popular suiting silk
of the season; in black, navy,
Copenhagen and IXO
gray. Yard POeOU
The new Foulards are in! We
are showing Cheney Bros.' 40-in.
Shower-Proof Foulards in the
new dise-floral-sport stripe and
plaid combinations in all the new
colorings. Do not fail to inspect
this practical aa-3 popular silk;
40-inch All-Silk Cashmere
CharmcuHc a soft, lustrous,
heavy silk, just the thing for the
new gowns, in a splendid range
of new colorings; a very desir-'
able fabric of superior quality;
during this exposition the price
is, yard
-40-Inch French Crepe in the
new hemstitch effect; in stripes
and plaids; just the thing for
blouses ard gowns, (fr C ft
Special, yard tplsDU
Sports influence the suits for t
spring, and our 33 and 36-inch
Kushtung and Cascade Tunsaha
Suiting Silks made an ideal fab- ,
ric for those smart suits; the new
oyster white, tan, blue, navy,
brown, rose and wisteria; offered
at, yard-
Taffeta, silks are very popular,
but . also very scarce, although
our showing of 36 ,and 40-inch
Chiffon, Swiss, Radiant and Rad
ium Taffetas surpasses former ef
forts; gray, saxe and indivisible
blue, orchid, amethyst, change
able combinations, etc.
$1.25 to $1.95
36-Inch Shepherd Check, Chif
fon Taffeta and Louisine; for
shirt1 waists, dresses and suits;
new checks in all sizes. f Q
Yard . VOC
"We are proud of our Tub Silks.
Our showing is the largest and
most varied in the west, consist
ing of the newest 36-inch Stripe
Pongees, Shantungs, Crepe de
Chines, Radium, Natural Japs,
Ilabutais, etc.; beautiful and
practical. Yard
79c to $1.95
36-Inch All-Silk Suiting Faille,
a silk of true merit; it has the
proper' weight and texture for
the prevailing styles. "We have
only a limited amount of this
beautiful and practical silk in the
newest spring shades. Special,
per yard
36-Inch New Stripe, Check and
Plaid Chiffon Taffeta ; in mono
tone and vari-colored effects; a
very beautiful
fabric. Yard . . ,
You undoubtedly find it quite
a task to get Georgette Crepes to
match that new spring gown, but
our great new spring stock of
Georgette Crepes in all the new
est and most wanted shades, '
'makes it a very pleasant task.
Offered at, yard
For your new spring blouses
40-Inch Novelty Georgette Crepes
in the new satin stripe, plaid and
floral combinations, all the new
dainty shades of the season being
shown in this exquisite fabric;
made specially for us. Yard
$1.95 to $2.95
36-Inch Black Messaline; good
weieht: soft finish: rich black
and a lustrous finish. A splendid
fabric for general
utility. Yard.'.
79 c
40-Inch Crepe de Jeunesse, in a
most wonderful and bewildering
array of new designs, floral,
stripes, checks, plaid and disc,
being shown individually and in
combinations; all new 1916 ideas
shown exclusively by us. Offered
at, yard
Silk suits are the correct thing
for early spring wear. Our extra
heavy Striped Chameleon Suede
Cashmere Satins, in beautiful col
or combinations; are heavy and
warm enough for the cool days of
spring; 36 inches wide. Yard
42-Inch new Novelty Georgette
Crepes ; in stripe, plaid, floral and
oriental effects; for blouses and
gowns, Priced
wns. Priced (No nrj
$1.95 to P3..D
Beautiful Toie du Nord Plaids,
in an extra heavy, soft Swiss
Chiffon Taffeta. A fabric and de-.
sign especially adapted to the
new full ruffled skirts; pink,
blue, navy, lavender and green;
36 inches wide. Specially priced,
v '
I ,,.-,, ... ,
Castle Lace
1 Exact Pattern as
worn by Mrs. Ver
non Castle in the
accompanying i I -lustration.
All Silk Radium Laos Flouno
Jngs, very attrsctlTS, exclusive
"designs. Especially suitable for
entire evening dresses, fancy
waists and separate sleeves;
Jso collar and vest widths.
These come In wnlte, black and
ochre shades, and are 9, It and
88 inches wide.
Inch Width, yard 30o
18 Inch Width, yard 91.08
SS Inch Width, yard $3.85
Imported French Organdies
31 inches wide, handsomely em
broidered. The season's newest
designs. 27-Inch Organdies, em
broidered In colors, very new and
attractive designs. Worth to VSc,
special Monday,
59 c
All-Silk Radium Allover Ltces
Very newest novelty for blouses,
separata sleeves and trimmings.
Many beautiful desrgns, shown for
tha first time, tn white, cream,
ecru, gold, ochre and black; 86
Inches wide. Regular 01 OO
12.00 values, yard ... vltO
New White Fabrics
'For drtt, blouit$, $po
etc., at special prices.
Heavy White Corduroy, fast
pile, for sport skirts and suits; 3(
Inches wide. d O C
Yard Olea3
White Embroidered Voile, new
designs, 88 Inches wide. AC r
Special, yard XvC
Beautiful Range of White Nov
elties, In military and wide clus
ter stripes, plaids, lace effects,
etc., 38 Inches wide. f fi
Yard OUC
38 Inch White Cotton Crepe,
medium heavy, for undermusltua.
25c quality, Ofl-
yard ZUC
rt $kirt, $uit$, jacket$.
Heavy Wlilts Corded Skirting
Gabardine, strip effect.
88 Inches wide. Yard ... OUC
Imperial Nainsook, soft finish,
for fine undermusllns; 81 Inches
wide. 18 yard $ in
bolts D117
Family Nainsook, 88 Inches
wide, soft and silky, for slips,
foundations, undermusllns, etc
Monday, 12-yard f. f
bolts 3 leOU
Fine Quality Imperial Long
cloth, pure white, contains no fill
ing; 38 Inches wide. 12- OP
yard bolts ODC
Wonderful Assortment of the Season's
Most Pronounced Style Features
Brandeis Stores,' as usual, first to show complete stocks of the advancing sea
son, have for your critical inspection the most comprehensive and complete line of
Women's, Misses' and Children's
Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts
The smartness of the season's tailor-mades is intensified by the little
new and odd features created in the forming of the coats and the won
derful shaped skirts. The copies of the foreign models show many entire
ly new ideas and the American adaptations make them very attractive.
Colon New Reseda, Rose, Hague Blue, Navy, Mauve, Copen
hagen, Bay Leaf, Black, etc.
Materials Gabardines, Poiree, Poplins, Taffetas, Silk Poplins,
Or os de Londre, etc
to $119
New Domestic Fabrics
Wondar Pilk. this dainty. ahr
silk and cotton fabric ha a beau
tiful, rit-h. luairoua ftnlan. auft and
d.llata ahadaa; in litaaj for fMtrtjr
and avantns draaaaa. La r
II th b"t ahadaa liJC
Ytvrih lc. Mundar. r-
38 inch Chiffon Silk, tn the sea
son's best patterns and colors,
for blouses, dancing frocks and
evening dresses. Worth tonr?
29c. yard huC
The Genuine Clarmont Batiste,
sheer, crlep quality. In a choice
assortment of neat floral designs,
as well as neat stripes; lie
;:ir.:. 12!2C
32 Inch Finest English Shirting,
In all the sport designs, fast col
ors, lie ralue,
yard Wl2C
Tha Genuine Lonsdale Cambric.
jj in good serviceable lengths; every
" piece stamped. Kagular 15c Q
value, Monday, yard J C
, r
Volla Calasta and Spray Velta.
tha mino moat cbolca waah
fa bio, baaullful aliaar cloth In all
dtffarant rolor. whlta and tlntad
backgrounds; floral pat lama and
all tha arantod airtpaa.
Vkorta 1 So. Monday,
32 inch While Madras, neat
hairline stripes and other good
patterns, very desirable for ladies'
shirt waists. Regular- 4 Ol
ly worth !5c. yd.... lay2C
The Very Best J7 Inch Dress
Gingham, In all the latest styles,
plaids, checks and stripes. Length
to Z0 yards. Worth Ol
UHc. yard 0l20
34-Inch Longcloth. No. 2000, fins
soft finish. Monday, off f1
the bolt, yard & 2 C
Bleached Sheeting, extra
heavy round thread, full bleached,
free from dressing. Our regular
26c sheeting. Monday,
"""",,"" "" "
The predominance of Russian effects in the new models for
this season makes them attractive and very much desirable.
The soft Gros de Londre, Chiffon Taffetas, Georgette Crepes,
etc., in the smart afternoon, dinner and semi-dress models.
Beautiful colorings in the soft practical shades.
Corsets for Stout arid Extra
Stout Women
"It it not necessary or you to have
your coriett made to order on ac
count of your mi I--we carry a com
plete tine of coriett in extra sizes
for short, medium and tall fig
ures, in tKe '
Nemo Corsets
Our corsetleres take extra care In the cor
seting of stout figures, for one must be com
fortable to look well, and it will surprise you
how good you will feel with your corset on
when you get the proper support.
-Please remember that the Nemo
Self-Reducing and Wonderlift Cor
sets, besides being a scientific help,
are made to conform with the new
fashions. "
Come In tomorrow and let one of our cor
setleres fit you and explain the merits of the
model suited for your figure. No charge for
Model for short stout figure, tn sizes from 38 to 44
For Medium figure, with extra abdominal band
For Tall figure $7.50 Other models $3
w 1
to $10 J
First Showing of
"Harry Collins" Blouses
Tomorrow we will show fifteen new
and entirely different styles in Spring
Blouses just received from Ilarry Coir
lins, the well known American creator
of fashions. They will at once appeal
to those who seek styles away from the
commonplace. Priced from
Second Floor.
A Big Wall Paper Sale for Monday
We are showing the largest and best line of
varied, but the prices afford a saving of from
Odd Celling Papers, worth to 4c'
sold with borders, Mon- 1 1 C
day. roll 1 2
Varnished Tile Papers for Kitch
ens and Bathrooms; the kind you
can wash. Sold all trrer for
26c; our price, roll JLOC
Bedroom and Kitchen Papers,
regular 6e grade, Mon- Ol
day. roll W2C
roll ...
roll . . .
wall papers In the city. Not only Is the assortment large and
i to su per cent.
Grass Cloth, blends In all
with pretty borders to
Regular 40c values.
Store. Parlor and Dining
Papers, with borders to
All colors and designs.
to 10c, special.
Plain Imported Oatmeal Papers,
JO-lnch stock, guaranteed non-fad-able;
In colors, blue, red, tan, green,
brown and putty shades. Regular
SOo grade, sold with cut in
borders. Mondsy, roll .... Xa?C
New Bed Room Papers, all the
season's newest goods. Worth to
New Spring Curtains and
Curtain Materials
New goods are arriving every day and our Drapery Depart
ment is rapidly assuming a spring newness and attractiveness.
We will show Monday hundreds of pieces of beautiful new
Scrims, Cretonnes, Marquisettes and Imported Madras. Priced
unusually low.
We also have newretonne Curtains with valance, complete
ready to hang, to sell at $1.98; Marquisette Curtains trimmed
with pretty lace edges, selling the pair lor $1.75; Muslin Cur
tains for bedrooms, at 93o a pair.
Imported Duchesse and Quaker Lace Curtains will be shown
Monday for the first time, coming in endless assortments, and
telling at ?s.U3, ?3.l3 and 57 .DU a pair.
Talis Va.