10 TUB BKH: OMAHA, KATTl.DAW FKIilUJAKY 20, 1916. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt. Light and Trade it Actire and Strong Sheep Tea Cents Higher. HOGS SELLEfO MOSTLY STEADY 7v:n M.rt W. WO' KVfr 7.7J 6 .WW .. 41.4: 4 74 4 M .Ml OMAHA. Febntsrr 21. 191. Ttecelpf were: Cattle. Hogs. heerK i'iiiriai Monday.. ,2W 121.4 orriclal Tuesday .il 14l) Official Wednesday ... ," 17 Official Thursday I 2H 1.S Lsllmata Friday 1.61 10.KH Hr days this wee-..27.n Sam day last week..21.(4o Ha ma dsys I week ago 19 74 fam day I wrfk ana 2J.2 Hame day week sgo fame dava last v..p iu Th following- tahla snoe tb receipt of est tie, hogs and sheep t th foutS Omaha market for tb j aat to data a compared with last year: 1M. 1!. Trie. Deo. ltl JH.4.MI j4; . """" 1.A 647 211 1114.114 8rie.p 7.i 4.1S9 W.s' Tha following labia iliooi the average prices of hoaa at tha umtht live atocg msrket for tha Uat low daya. with com Pr1son: Tate. I torn nmc m,i 'ion nyii i ml 1. 19i. Feb. Feb Feb. rb. Feb. rh. Feb. ri, Feb. Feb. Feb. Fob. Feb. reb. Ken. Feb. Feb. . . I 4 71 1 7Wl l 1 X . W.i 7 7i f 41! I 4ftl 7 1 12 I Wl II ) T 77 I 4W 411 7 I 7 (Hi 7 7S JT4. OlVai 1 WW 7 7 U W.I 24.1 8 lr 67 V a fl tu Hi f V M i. I Ml a f M v S 42 I U I 82, t X t Ml T 1 7 ' 7 N I 14 I W 7 t; I 12 I 01 7 01 I 7 i ft. 7 Hi 17 I Ml t 04i 8 tS It I 90 I 47 147 I 4 I 1 in Ml V 0SI I M IM a 021 7 l W r.i 7 0!'l 0i I ft :,; 7 "4. 2v 311I 'JS.t 21 rcker rt1 feedern. -Mf : ulk of al. t."..tv. flO. raivea, H H Mxl8-Hecelpti. 4.l hrad . market lower; hulk of aalea. t7.piw4.2A; heavy. $fHJ2f,; packer and butchera, fi.ft t.2f; llahta. r 7j07W; pl(t, ft; KHi'V.J.V HHEKI ANI LAMP.-Kerelpta. 2.1 head; market hlhr; lamba. $1" r1 1 .; erilnr, tsJMiW.00; welheri, IT.TiVij'H JC . ewea, fT.CVji.M. (HirAGO LIVK TO(K MARKET Cattle GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET I Wheat it Poomt Seller on Lilt and Pricei Range from Two to Seven Centi Lower. CORN MARKET IS UNSTEADY M'eak llaaa trobeea. Inaettled. CHICAGO, Feb. 25. -CATTLB Receipt". t.ct) head; market weak; natlva beef eteera, ftt.RT4i4.S0; western ateera, W7;W H); atockera and feedera, ft.tS5n7.7i; row and heifers, W.2.VU 26; calvea, tH.V) Oil Ml. H iOf Reowlpta, 2t Art) head; market lron. 5o to ltc hlsher: hulk of aalea, Wi' B; llht. t7 to-aft.ua; mixed. $t .; heavy, tx lj-yi .tmj; rough, n plK, tfi vT.ir). NHEF.P AND IA M PS Recelpta. in.r0 head; market unattlcd: wetbera, t fHVif .i; ea, o.7T3!i; lamba, l.2T.''o .. ftt. Jaaepk Mr fttark Market. PT. JOfKPIT. Mo . Feb. JB-TATTI.K- Reoalpta, 4rtl head; market steady; steers Mrment of iw.i,0(r btiabela last year. fl.HHut.On- cowa and heifers, it ZAi.M. ! . l'rlmary corn receipts were 1W10X t alvea t7.Oii4ilo.2n. I buehels and shipment 4V bushels, 1 KM II Receipts. .0n0 hesd; market jOKilnet receipts of ;, t.rs'iels and lower; top, t 4; hulk of sales. t7.ii r0 'Shipments of BK.OOO bushel la't yesr. HHEEl' ANl UMHH Receipts, .b l'rlmary oats receipts were l.ltn.0 0 head; market steady; lambs, f in.frftfi il.oo. 1 bushels and rhlpments sl.i.in bushels, , Issalnst reiclpts of s'',onr l.ushcls anl iKlilpmenls of sioo bushels Iset year. I CARROT HI-X'KIFTH. I Wheat. I'orn hlatto ' Mlnneapoll llM'I'ltl) ... I on e I. a 2 rKio i Kansas City .p0 OMAHA. Februsry 26, lil. Whesl was tha poorest seller on the list todsy, sell Inn from 2c to le lower. Tha receipts were good and tha demand for this cereal was fair. Tha coin market was very unstesdv, ellna; 1c higher to 1c lower. Thera ws very poor demand for rorn. nt were quoted unchanged to Ifl l'c lower, although most of tha aales were made at VnV lower. " S"ld Ic lower. Clearsncas were: Wheat and flour equal Clearance were: Wheat and torn e Unl to tl,On hiKhels; corn, 20,'mO bushel: oats, r.7,nro tushels. I'tlmary wheat receipts wete 1,021.101 bushels and shipments lA'".'""' bushels. stnlnst receipts of "Win hi'shels an ttaek la lht. 1 Recelpta of live stock at the flva prin cipal western markets yesterdsy: . Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha j ono o.r 5 vi Chicago j. nrti 21 in sv Clous iy ft) Kansas City sm St. I ,ou la m) K.rnio 4 0 14.100 Total ..S.Sflil 63..1D0 It. 500 CHICifiO GRAI AMI PROVIIOj 'Sunday. CATTL.lv Hecelpt were about on an ateraga for a Frldsv, sluty-foitr car being reported tn Thl make tha totsl fi.r the flva dav this week i7.W hesd, the largest of any recent week with the exception of two weeks ago, and larger than a year airo by 7."D head. Ai a rule, Friday market I dull and slow, hut theiti ws a noticeable excep tion to that rule today. The demand waa very much better tlisn on most Fri day and everything, in lght sold at an early hour at good, atmng twice. This would apply to cow and heifer a well a beef steers. While thera were no choice steer In sight, there wa ft pretty decent kind, good enough to bring tt.JO. For the weekklllera are around 2Vi4V higher, which mean that they are at the high point of the year to date. Ptockere and feeders were firm today and for the week fully 26c higher, there being a good demand for warmed up cattle suitable for finishing purposes. uuntatlnns on rattle: Oood tn cholo peeve. $s.uJi.o; fslr to good beeves, t7.70i(on; common to fslr beeves. 7.f 7 70; good to choice heifer. tfl.S04(7.6; good to choice cows. ft.2b4J.7e; fair to good rows, fc.d0f.2r.; common to fair cows, $4 2f.'"S iu; good to choice feeders, t7 2Mf7.i6; fair to good feeders, t7 U7.!lri: common to fslr feeders. fttomttT.OO; food to choice stacker. t7 44 6: Block heif er. .25i7.2B: slock cow. V.V4t Wj lock raivea, ef"'n0; veal calve, fl.'Si &-,: ImiIIs. stag, etc., SKinfl.tiO. HOlS Hecelpt or hog moderated sharply today, arrival of 142 cars, or shout lO.SiiO head, being the smallest of the week to date. The five dsys' gupply foot up 71.731 hesd, aa against ai,H(6 head last week, W.AM) two week ago and 7 .;. for the corresponding day of last yesr. The merkct opened out very dull again today anri early sale to shipper were steady to aa much 5c lower In spot, while paker talked Wo lower price. A a general thing seller felt that thl was the day to check the decline and the result was that shipper were unable to buy many hog early, while packer got nothing at all until lata In th fore noon. All buyer raised their hands alowly and tn the end aslesman got their way, steady prices being the rule when the bulk of the offering finally started to move, while at the best time trade looked. If anything, stronger. Hhlpper got Into the game after nacker got started, and before the day waa out had bought a pretty fair share of tha offer lug. A usual, though, competition was keen only on the heavy and a little of the best light stuff, and tha close found the. regular accumulation of common light along with a few scattering load of desirable hog unsold. Order were pretty much filled by thl time, and tha wlndup wa dull and weaker, the ssmo aa it has been practically every day thl week, noon finding quit a few hog atlll In first hands. Th general market wa about steady, although trade wa very uneven, rang ing fruin weaker In spot to. If anything, a little stronger at the best time. Bulk again sold at I7.iwijs.10, and lb top equaled yesterday's high price of a.2o. . fctiice Monday best hog held close to steady, while light and mixed grade have dropped 10u-"c- ' BHKKl' The supply, while a little amaller than for any previous day of the week, was of pretty fair else for a Fri day, the estimate calling for twenty-three car, or k.i head. This put th total fur th week tn date at 41A-2 head, which I slightly larger then for the ssmo dsys of laal week, but 7.UW smaller than two week ago and lf.Ooo short of last year. The brosd demand which featured yes terday' lamb trade waa again very much in evidence thl morning and Thursday loc advance waa duplicated on the bulk of the lamb offering. Tha market opened tn good season, and was fairly active, a fair clearance being affected by the mid dle of the forenoon. Hulk of the deslr- able stuff sold around tlO.W. ahlle one string of westerns, mates of yesterday 1 10 sua. topped the trade, selling at til. 00. Mexlcana wera again conspicuous by their absence. October clipped lambs that wera nothing extra so jar aa finish waa concerned, but carried a pretty good fleece, brought tlO 00, Th general run of lamb prices today la about steady with the high point at last week' close, al though nothing sold over 111. 00, and doubt was expressed aa to whether even best Mexicans would have beaten that figure. There was a much broader supply of ewes here today, but the outlet contin ued broad and another dime advance In prlcea waa registered. Oood Mexicans aat a new hlsh mark for the year to date. selling to t.1.00. while both Mexicans and westerns touched 17. so, th bulk of the efferlnga moving at this figure, with " leaa desirable kinJa on down to 47. 6l. As compared with a aeek ago ewaa are l..aJ5c higher. There have been no ma ture wethers her In day, but ludging ly the trend of the market at other peinle they have probably shared the ee advance. There have been hardly aay yearlings her this week. Two loads showed up yesterday, but they wera of a low dressing variety and weia still Un sold at a late hour today. quotations on sheep and lamba: lambj, good to choice. tiO.W'u'U ; Ismbs, fair to good, tl0.W4il0.su; lambs, clipped. t.t talO (, yesrllugs, fair to choli light, ti.tb ? 7; yearlings, fair to choice heavy. i IV. wethers, talr to chol'-e. t.'.Mp .; ewes, gooa to rnoice, ,7.l.vU, ewes, fair to good. 7.lA(r7.7. Itrpreseutatlv sales. No. .-. Mexican ewes .-4 Mexican ewe 2i frd lamba Fratare of the Tradlas; and I losing Prices aa Hoard of Trade. CIIICAfin, Feb. 25Rlg export sales helped tday to overcome In the whest market the nervousness brought sbont by the crisis between Uermanv snd the (filled htsles. Quotations closed firm. l'c net higher, with Alav at tl.1 snd July at 11 .IM,. rialns were scored too. by all other lesdlng stsnles corn, stfAno IO lc; OStS. H9C.C. ami nrAViil.in. 9U. a.iil - Aithnilffh the mamliud. r v,. n,. chsslng of wh-at for Furope wss not rully understood until after the session WSS t Stl end the frl was wll knnan thst a liberal total would he nnnotmrod. Aa final! v vivrn nut thn a.MiO.niiO bushels, making B.0"0.0no bushels In the Isst fortv-elahl hnlira ,l,tU'A of abO.floii hsrrels of Cunadlsn flour, equsl to I.SnO.OnA bushels of ahest. Aside from export business, however, the hull nsd the advantage most of the time he. causevf signs that yesterdsy' selling imrry was over. lone, snd that some feasible way might yet be found to prevent sn niitrluht breach with Oer many. Mulllsh domestic crop advices counted somewhat also to give the mar ket sn upward trend. leading trsders who yesterday threw Whest overboard riuhf and laft Unm, Ineralstent buyers todsy. especially when ever, as happened oon after the open ing and again at mldJay. the market temporarily fell below yesterday's mini mum figures. Tha chief feature of the bullish crop new current was a report by a well known authority thst the out look In Tex pointed to only half a normal yield. Corn showed strength throughout the day. Receipt were light, and there wa soma export Inquiry at the sea bos nl. Oat appeared to be principally gov erned by the action of wheat and corn. Word waa received of export sales of 400.OX) bushels. Provisions moved up with grain and hogs. The best demand wa for lard. Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No, I red, tl.l7fl.li; No. t red. tl.lVy l.1',; No. I hard, tl 17tM.1t; No. t hard. V.Wtf 1.1.1. Corn: No. 1 yellow. 77V; No. 4 yellow. 7btr71Vc; No. 4 white, 71li71H (mts: No. white, 42t43c; standard, 44j440, Rye: No, 2. KVutttc. Barley; MwlSc. Heeds: Timothy. t'.7.''bH.oi'i; clover, tl0.WU 20.00. Provision,: Fork. tUMu JO.rai; lard, 10.06; rtbe, flfl.7MPll.Ki. H I 'TTF.lv Higher; creamery, 2tS,ri:o. FK1B Higher; tecelpta. 4. 2m cases; firsts, t2Vc; ordinary firsts, Zlc; at mark, canes included, tOiU22VxO. POTATOES Receipts, 2u car; un changed. lOll.TRY Allva, unchanged; fowl. 15c; springs, l7feo. .201 ...'i ... . ...!' ...Ill Ht. Ja.iiIs Ii Winnipeg H47 Theso sale wera reported Wheat .no. i hard n Inter 2 cars, fl.wi; 1 csr. tl.07',,; N car. tl.'; & csrs. fl.ng. No. ter: 2 cars, tl.iifi; 2 cars, tl.OI I csrs, I1.U2; a cars. fl.Om 21 1I 41 Oats. today: I car, fl 09; cars, fl.07: 1 4 hiird (ri ll ( ars, II. HI; 2 cars. II "1: 4 cars, fl it); 4 enr, !. sample hard win ter: 1 car. Use; 2 cars, lf7c; 1 car, Wc ear. Kk-; 1 car, 87c. No. I durum: 1 car, II I.!. No. 2 durum: 2 car. t1.i;. Nc 3 durum: 1 car. tl 12. No. t mixed durum. X enro. 11.12. Humple dur im: 1 cac, fl.04. Itye No. 2: I car. Sic. Ilarley No. 4: 1 car. 63c. Hample; H car. Me. Com N. t white: 1 car. 7c. No. 4 white: R cars. c. No. 6 white: S curs, Site; 2 tsrs. ,'hV,c; 4 cars. oHc; 1 car. fii'ic No. 3 yellow: 1 car. !e. No. 4 yellow: 2 csrs. fi;c. No. .". ellow: 2 csrs. fi."c; 1 car. Hc: 2 cars, tic: J csrs. wtc. No. yellow: I csr. Mi. Hample yellow: 1 car, ft"ic; ,11 csrs, 4.'c; u cars, 42'c: 2 car, 4c. No. ,1 mlied: 1 isr. 7c; 1 car, 7c; 2 csrs, Kc. No. 4 mixed: 1 csr. 61V; 4 csrs, StV; & csrs, Mo; I car. 63'. No, 5 n.lxed: 1 rar, Wc; 1 car, Wtc; 12 cars. 5c; 2 csrs, ftuVjc; 4 cars. oHc; l car. bi'c. No. mixed: 1 tar, 54c; 1 car. 52'c; 2 csrs, f2c; "4 car, Mlc. Hample mixed: 1 csr, fxc; car, 50c; 1 car, 4o; S cars, 4.: 2 csrs, itr. Oats No. 3 while: 3 cars, 4I'c. No. 4 white: 4"; csrs. 41c. Hamu! white: 1 rar, :',; 2 cars, 37'nc; 1 car, 37Vic; V4 car, Omsha Cssh I'l Ices Wheat : No. 2 hard. 11.001.1(1; No. 3 hard. tl.urH1.ol: No. 4 hard. Keen! 1.04; No. 2 spring, tl.ovnl.10; No. 1 sprliiK, tl.MMl.i. No. 2 durum, fl IZt'l.p- No .1 durum. 11 11fil.ll: sam ple, StyiiKc;. Corn: No. 3 white, i'A''iti7c; .su. Unite, trt''ll'.ic: ,o. u white, ut'ir UfH'-. No. white, fi3f-Va?: No. 3 yellow, No. 4 yellow. 6rtii',c; No. S How, ii!iVu2V: No. yellow. r.1'(H.ic; .1 mixed. ilOfit7uc. No. 4 mixed, Vi 4c; No. 5 mixed. .VivtnlOc; sample. SS'.j, sk. tHits: No. 2 white. 4?viic; stand ard. 424j42'4c; No. 3 white, 4l'.Ti41l-4c; No. 4 white. 4vlitlc. Harley: Mnltlng. !,vqC-; No. 1 feed. Uft'iUc. Rye: No. 2. KI'iH2ci No. 3. liVufllc. Chicago closing price, furnished The Ree by I.ngsn A Flryan. slock and grain brokers, SIR Hnuth Hlxteenlh ft., Omaha: todsy and prices were firmer on cover ing and demand from trade Interests. At noon prices were t to 7 points higher. Dry iwds Market. VF.W YOtlK. Feb T.-PRT OiOPS Cotton roods snd inrns wer flrrr. snd sdvsmed today. W'ool markets were firm. Ready to wear production was roimpcred bv liibor diflcultles. Jobber' did a good buslners. lotion Market. I.IVERPOC1U, Feb. r. crTTr)V-8rot. easier; good middling. i.v.xi. midding. 7.72d: low middling, 7.3fcd. Sales, t.OOt" bales. Av. . ttt . M . M Pr. I 60 7 ) 10 to t. tal Lie Iterk Market, HT. IXl'IS, Me., Feb. tt. CATTLE Hwetpls, Isst head; market steady; na tive beef steers, 7 Bwi Oo; yearling ej and helfera. PiJt'U !; cows liVtu.a 7 JE. sto kers and feeders. I-S ktii7 hi; Texas and Indian steers. to.fuQtt.uo; cowa ai.d heifers, ft uufja.uu, native calve, fcOJ fell 0". HtxiS Receipt. 14.1tx head:, market trt 1c lower; pig and liglits, f.u.tl.4.i: mixed and butcher. f. 5u. good h-sw. U fruit m. cMi;KI' AMI I.AMBM Receipts tOO bead: market steady: yearling wethers. I? iAilo.u. la in Us. y.auull.4o. ewes. hi.M tl'. kleas lty Litre lltrk Market. HIOL'X CITY. Feb. 26. CATTLE Re ceipis. but head: market stead v, native icrri, y.vitl.bii, butchers, lot-uVC; -ows and hrifeis, f5.ufV.50H bulls, stags, nr.. t crtn o. IK n.ff J'.etcl.ts. 4 ' head: market bit I c lower; heavy, ttvo'isls; mixed, 7 : light, Ii.7wi7.iw, bulk of sale, f.'.fti ii i. kHKEP A.'l LAM 118 Receipts. 7(s) heed. Kaasas t Its- (.lie lisrk Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 85. CATTI.E ltxeipis. ' hed, lusiket etiong; prime l.d st ' 'ere, f. .iy uu, dieewd be. f steels. 7 i,'i, V'li.tiu slerrs, f7.t .fri. NEW YORK KRItKRAli' MARKET (laotatlaa mt the Day on Varloa t'osnssodltlee. NRW YORK, Feb. 2J.-FU)L'R Vn ettled. WtlKAT Spot market, firm: No. I hard, ll.V No. 1 durum, l.37a; No. 1 northern, Ituluth, (l.eOVi; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, I1.4HU. f. o. b. New York. Fu tures feverish; May, fl.ffiV CORN H pot market, firm; No. I yel low, iflH7i, c. I. f. New York. OATH HiMit market stesdy; standard. 61Wli'-': No. t white, 0OH'u.2c. HAY-Htady: No. 1. $1 2;-lt 1.1TH: No. I, fl.nmjl.22Sx; No. t, fl.omul.UO; shipping, 8. IIOI'H Steady; state, common to choice, 1lft, ir-ti'J7c; 1I4. Mjwc; Faciflo coaat, 1H15. lSixlSc; !!, MilOc, HIDKkW Firm; Bogota. SZQOSc; Cutrl America, H4o. I.FiATIIKH Firm: hemlock flrt. M (i4c; (econds, S:i(.t(c. pllOVlHIONS I'ork. stesdy; mrs, f21.00; family, fJlotlOO; abort clear, f..0tn 22.60. Reef, steady; mess, fl7.0vi'l7 60; fsncy. III. WWIIH60. Lard, firm; middle west, flO.ikkuio.tO . TAl,U)W Hteady. RCTTKK Htrong: relpt ,M tub! creamery extras, 3sti17Ho; f I rata. XUftKifcc; aeconds, 9I J3c. 1-sHJS Unsettled; receipt MKA cane: fresh gathered extras, 2din 'sio ; extra firsts, 2tVci first. tttjSc; second. Z2S u.ay- I Ilk-KSri-flteady; receipt. 4 it boxes: tste whole milk, flats, held colored pedal. l'(!lRV,o; state whole milk, white, lsc; stst whole milk, colored, average fancy 17tytyl7c; white, average fancy, 17tf liVc; flats, current make specials, 17ni7V,e- flats aversge run, lc. It)ULTRY l)resaef. weak; prlcea un. change; alive, steady; chickens, 15 W losxc. fowls, 1V'. ' Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 2S.-4X)FFKK-The enffe futures wss nervous and Iregular during today trading wtlh a large part of the business consisting of exchanue from March to later deliveries. The open ing wss J'us points lower under scatter ing liquidation, which seemed to be prompted by tbe circulation of March notice, estimated at about 15 000 bags. At some further widening of differences tertween months It seemed poeslble to swllih March fi-eely In to Ister deliveries and prices ateadled up to 7.67c for March and luoc for Heptemter. or about Si7 points net higher. Offerings Increased later however, and further March lluul datlon served to unsettle the market with that position selling off tn 7.Nk wulle rtep:eniler also reacted with the general list closing at a decline of t points to an advance or 2 points. Hales, Includ ing exchanges, Hu.fta bsgs. quotations: February. 1. 67c; March. 7.57c; April. 70Sc; May, 7 ?c; June. 7 nc; July, 7.mc; Au gust. T.tMc: Hrptemler, 7.IXX'; October, 7 lrc: November, 0ii ; IVecviulier. .U7c; January. tUa. Spot market, ateadv: IUo 1 7s. e; Hsnlos 4s. loc. Very few cost and freight offers were reported here from t'.raail. but there were rumors that the tone was slightly easier, especially for Rlos and It was also aaid that some ocesn freight room had been booked wlihin the last dsy or two at fl .' per bsg. atlhoiigh no change wss reported tn (tlie official rate of f2 per bag. Oil and Heels. KtVANNAII, O.. Feb. Tl'RPKN-TIN-Klrm at 5tS: sales, none; rei-etits. none; shipments. IM bbla.; alock. .4'i Dills. ROHIX Htesdy; sale. I.OJg bbls.; re ceipts. 1.54 bids ; shipments. 6al bbls. S-uofslious: A, It. C, 1, K. MKA; F. (1. f47Vil4sU: II. ft 8Cl6.0O; K. fi.SO; M, fvoj6.7u; N. fti.uO; W, U. fii.ti; W W. K60. IT Article; open. I Hlirh irr " -. i 1 1 ' i WhSHt 1 19-1 1 14i "01 15V May July. Corn. Mav.!7nii4i77 JuW.I7ii'fcfit Oats. I May. 4,Vf(44 July. 43 u '.I rorK. May. 1 1 1 1 I 77 Low. ' Close. I Yen'y. 1 1'i 1 13t 1 H 1 LiTs I July. Lard. May. July Rlhs. May. July. to ! 20 6JV 10 M 10 60 11 XI II 50 71' i TSfi 7tH'(ini 1 1 -an 4-,-il 41 1 4T4 mV 'i so 'i jo 70 i to rii 'hi r.i.m: ai inu 10 37W1 10 30 I 10 33 10 6711 10 50 10 s2 1 1 I . ..!, II W 11 32" 11 4." II 67H " 4N-"I H lihaiaae City Urala Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 25. WHEAT No. t hard. tl.1iKUI.lf : No. 2 red, fl.Utf 1.14; May, fl.UvT; July, fl.09. COKN-No. 2 mixed, WVtc; No. 2 white. 70c; No. 2 yellow, 7imi'i2c; May, lc; July. 71'41j78'o. OATS No. I Whlt,, I7J4i; No. 2 mixed 4t'u45c. BCTTKH t reamery, 32c; f lists, econds, 2Kc; parking, ISc. K(.H Ursls, 24c; seconds, 21c. I'Ol I.TRY-llens, UWc; turkeys. prlngs, lijo. i Mlaaea polls Oral a Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feh. 2fi.-WHH.AT-Mav, fl.l7S'117i4 to II 17: July, l.l. Cash: No. 1 hnrd. fl.2l; No. I northern, 1.171 at- No. t northern, fl.lt1.16H, FUil'R Unchanged. ' , HA Itl.KV-l'n'c. RVI'V4H)Hsil'fc. H!AN-fl.MiV21.00. CORN No. 3 yellow. 7i'.4iri774c. OATS No. 3 white. 4142')c. FLAXSh-iCU f2.3lil2.34. t. LotAs Urala Market. HT. LOUIS. Mo., Feb. 2&.-WHKAT-No. 2 red, 1120; No. 2 hard, 11.17; May. 1.14MI1.16; July. f1.12i. COKN-No. 2, 73c: No. 2 white, 73' 734c; May. 76e; July. 781e. 1ATS No. 2, 43UWo; No. 2 whlt nominal. Liverpool Qrsla Market. LIVERPOOU Feb. 25.-WHrAT Spot, No. 1 red western winter, 14 7'd; No. 2 hard winter, gulf. 13 6d; No. I hard win ter, new and oholce, nominal. CORN i pot, new, 1U Sd. aaa'. Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 2.1 -81 'OAR-Raw, nominal; centrifugal, S.02tiio.05c ; molasses, 4.2.'4l4 2Hc. Hugar futures were more active THE EXCELSIOR "Ve Okie W hiskey Shop." The horn of old whiskies 10 . and 12 year old whiskey our ape cialty. We aell all atandarl bul lied In bond goods. Ill KO. 18TsT ITgBtT. TIM OAI.Liaa.ir, Mgr. Fine Oakhiinks H.tsoncd, ripllt, Ifcxljr Yood, rttt to convr-nlcnt lengths for flrrplnoe use. 16-ln. Pine Slabs Direct from the MinneMtit lumlrer mills. Dry, clean, sound wood. Nothlns in Omaha ao ariMid for fiimnre kindling quick, s n ft p y heart Ii fire. or for a rrnckllng Low Prices QUNDERLANn BROS. CO. Phone Douglas. 27'. Main Offlie: Keellne IMdg., J Ttli and Harney HI. GET YOUR SPRING CLOTHES NOW And Have Them CHARGED! H . ' K' HTH H e - ' "V B "HI f I! :rr!' B I B ' I fl ; i . ... B a W' I 20 M U ;''. '. I i men III I ' - Im - n i ..... .... n 11 47" M Ml : V a ' i Just Pay Mo $1 a VVeek , Hundreds off New Suits, Coats and Dresses Now Ready uifs $-1750 1 1 UP Goats Dresses$10 1417 Douglas St. Out-of-Town People Can Buy on Credit, Too. Write for new catalog and terms. I "iij'' " ! L . 1 - s j 71 'HtV i'iiW'.VVt"' I Air- Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 26 -METAIJJ-Iad. f 36 bid. Keller not quoted. Copper, firm; electrolytic, nearby, M 60; June and later, 1 tr. itrit -'. Iron, steady and unchanged. I Tin, strong; snot. f42 b bid. At London: Hpot coier. lu 6s; fu- ' lure. AluO; elet troltic. lVi. Hinit tin. iist: fututres, A.1M loa Iad, i2 7 sd. Hprtter. A-l. . i Fvaperated Apples and Dried Frail NEW YORK. Feb. 26 -EVAPORATED 1 APPLES I u II nd normal. OR1KO K'U ITH-rdi ne. steady, j Apricuts and peaches, steady. Kala lis. dull. JMIIS 1077 BDAilBV THE BEST OVER THE BAR -writ te- TOH3 C. JARV1S Council Dluffs, Iowa D)(b ss I I I ILJ UU X X Every man and woman in Omaha who knows the value of extra dollars should cash in wow on Bee Want-Ads. Thousands of people want things all the time-want things that you can provide for them, and when people want things they look through The Bee Want-Ad columns. Therefore, if you want some extra dollars, advertise anything you have for sale in The Bee. Here are a few of the ways Bee rWant-Ads" can make money for you: Sell Household Goods Sell Used Automobiles Sell Used Machinery Sell Horses and Carriages Sell Store and Office Fixtures Sell Residences Sell Boats and Yachts Sell Kodaks and Cameras Sell Musical Instruments Sell Dogs, Poultry arid Pbti Raise Capital Secure Partners Sell Whole Businesses Sell Flat Buildings Sell Farms and Ranches Rent Anything Exchange Anything Get Competent Help Find a Good Position d get YOUR ad Be sure am to THE BEE office in time for THE BIG SUNDAY CLASSIFIED SECTION. Bring, phone or send your adanyway, just so it gets here before 9 P. M. The PeadBgone Is Phone Tyler 1000