Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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TT7" J TT7 7 777 7 TT 7 7. TT t 7"T 7 7 7 m
Maria Lincoln Pnlmrr In th Delineator.
All types of regetsbles, green vegeta
bles, roots lind tubers, should be crisp
nil firm when prepared for cooking.
Ideally (peaking, becauaa vegetable be
gin to ferment and lose their wholeaom
flavors shortly after being gathered,
they should Jump from the garden to
the kettle on the fire. Thla Is an en
viable possibility for the housewife with
a home garden. Should the vegetable
to be cooked have lost Its tirmnesa and
bp wilted, soak It in cold water until
crisp and firm. But do not pare such
eEPtnblea aa potatoes until after they
hnVA annkcH
Whllo vegetables are commonly boiled,
steaming Is a method which should be
more generally adopted. Thla Is espe
cially true 01 those which belong to the
cabbage and squash families. Kood
cooked by stam Is generally more pal-
stablo and easier to digest. The re
ntage of evaporation or loss is lesa
In the case of steam-cooked food. Only
one-third as much is removed
as when they are boiled. The dry heat
of steam cooking has a different chem
ical action on food from the boiling. The
succulence of the vegetable la retained,
while the cellular fibers are thoroughly
separated, and the vegr'able is rendered
very tender.
Whenever vegetables are to the boiled,
he sure that the water is boiling when
thy are put In. and the water brought
n train to the boiling point as quickly aa
flow tn Itlanrh.
Blanching, as opplied to cookery, is a,
process wulrh is used in connection with
boiling, as It removes the strong taste
and improves the quality. To blanch,
drop the prepared vegetables Into an
nbundanee of rapidly boiling, salted
water. Boll rapidly from five to twenty
minutes according to the vegetable. In
an uncovered dish, irain off the water
find finish cooking, with butter, season
ings and very little water or other mois
ture. '
In cookery, vegetables are divided into
two classes: those which have a strong
flavor, such as onions, cabbage, turnips;
and the sweet-juiced ones, such as corn.
beans, peas, spinach and young carrots.
n the case of strong-juiced vegetables.
no softening of the cellular structure
inny be aided by iie use of a little soda
In tho water If the water Is very hard,
in the case of sweet-julepd vegetables.
soda should not be used, as It destroys
the delicate flavoring, whereas salt in
i r-.-pes it, b t only a small amount of
Halt should be used. Salt tends to draw
nut the Juices and toue-hens the fiber.
Practical I'oint.
As the majority of vegetables contain
volatile oils in small or larger amounts,
till vegetables when boiled should be
cooked with the cover cf the receptacle
partly off. This methed permits the
olatlle oils, which are ..aerated by the
heat, to pass off In the steam. As sweet
flavored vegetables owe their special In
dividual flavors largely to the presence
of these oils, they should invariably be
boiled in this manner. Vegetables are
thus rendered more delicate, of better
flavor, and more easily digested, as well
as more Wholesome than when cooked
in tightly covered receptacles. - "
Cabbage, for example, contains a rela
tively large amount of sulfur. 1 This,
when retained in the vegetable, renders it
indigestible and causes flntulenc' On
the contrary, it cabbage is cooked In
plenty of water which is kept constantly
boiling rapidly, with thorough ventt
lntion, It will be delicate nnd digestible.
Cabbage is very useful, since it Is pro
curable when other green vegetables are
ot Ton Moeb Water.
Sweet-Juiced vegetables ' should be
cooked in as little water as possible.
Tho water in which they arc cooked
ould be served with the peas and beans,
or In a separate dish, to be added by
those who care for the liquid. It cantalni
valuable mineral salts which are ' the
most important elements. Any surplus
liquid may be used for soups.
Cook strong-flavored vegetables rsp'dly;
simmer gently the sweet-Juiced.
Do not previously melt butter which is
to be used as a dressing for vegetables;
the heat of the vegetable should be suf
ficient We need to attach more Importance to
the proper paring of vegetables. With,
the exception of turnips, which should
be pared inside the dark encircling line,
nil vegetables should be pared as thinly
as possible to prevent, unnecessary loss,
especially of valuable mineral salts.'ege
tables which are cut before boiling lose
much of their valuable material.
Time. Needed for Cooking. .
Cooking various vegetables depends
on such factors as whether the vege
tables are young and tender, old and
tough, fresh or wilted. In general, cab
base will boll In twenty-five to sixty
minutes; large, firm heads of cauliflower
ntver require more than thirty min
uter, small heads twenty to twenty-five
m'nutcs. Cauliflower begins to lose ita
delicate quality as soon as it is even
I'trhtly overcooked. This condition can
told by the development of a dark
eclor and disagreeable flavor. Over
cooking also makes cauliflower indi
gestible. Brussels sprouts need fifteen to
twenty minutes, depending on the sUe
of tho heads; spinach, fifteen to twenty
minutes; asparagus, frbm fifteen to thirty
minutes, depending upon its freshness aa
well aa tenderness.
Young, tender peas will cook -,n twenty
to thirty minutes. Green beaua need
to be blanched for twenty minutes, then
drained and cooked in boillag salted and
buttered water until tender, twenty to
forty minutes. When over-cooked, the
Creen benns become yellow.
Older string beans often require from
one snd one-half to two hours. It is
ilwaya wise to start the boiling in plenty
of time, aa they are not injured by stand
ing if kept hot. Shelled beans require
simmering for two hours; green limas,
forty-five to sixty minutes.
Moiled potatoes of the usual slie re
quire twenty-five to thirty m'nutes;
baked potatoes from forty-five to sixty
minute. Toung carrots require thirty
minutes, while older ones cut in larje
slices require forty-five minutes. Olery
needs at least forty-five, usually sixty
ikn peas, green corn needs special
are in cooking. When a few young ears
are put in plenty of boiling unsalted
Water thev should be cooked In tan min
utes; where a large number aie cooked at
rnre, a longer period la needed.
Young beets will cook In an hour; elder
'eta require from two to four hours.
JIlfdS of CL F OCXtit 07 Paradise coiJgM.iiLcmi soIlJSll
"They include some of the most beautiful of
all the feathered race. The loveliest has a bloom
of purple, pure white, rich chestnut, across the
breast a band of golden green, the head pale
gold. Most exquisite of all are the long, rich
drooping plumes that spring from the body and
dress it all in yellow and pale, gilded brown."
This the bird of paradice! the palpitant, liv
ing creature clothed in beauty, made for warm,
soft climes and flowery places. We see her
glimpses of her In the city world, faithful copy
of the bird only-in her silken splendor of plu
mage and gold, and perhaps like its name to
some worshipper.
Birds of only a feather! For her heart is
not the timid thing that pulses under the bird's
"bloom" of purple. Sometimes it's as hard,
surely', as a dried little green apple, for she
wears the dead', pitiful paradise bird in her hair
or bat, made for the jungles and odorous opens,
but swinging the soft gold of his dead adorning
at the opera, in the muddy streets, on a thought
less woman's dressing table, glass beads where
his bright eyes were, his kind growing fewer
and more. few In the islands In the South Bea.
. So you "see her heart is not "of a feather."
She is hothouse grown, and the bird dies In cap
tivity. Her network of comings and goings is
laid out in a town, and the bird keeps to no path
even in the trackless air.
Just in a. picture, Just for play, just for r
minute of make-believe, let's pretend that the
exquisite little' bird of the Papuan Islands hov
ered a breath on a fine lady's finger to show you
how like his plumage Is to hers all purple and
fine gold. NELL BRINKLEY.
Advice to Lovelorn
By Beatrice Fairfax
et Proper.
lar Miss Fairfax: Fur the last two
years I have met certain young man
on the train going to and from busi
ness. Coming home the otiier night h"
spoke to me and said be had often hopen
that he might be introduced by someone,
but, not getting this opportunity, lie took
the liberty of addressing me without an
introduction. He asked me If he might
call and I hesitated. Kindly advise rn
If It would be all ilglit for me to keep
up the acquaintance. R. B. I.
No, it is not proper for you to continue
this acquaintance. It is not even safe
All you know is that you like his looks.
Of his character and imputation you have
no knowledge.
ese Two Books Free!
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a girl 22
years old. 1 work in an office and dress
very well, due f tho fact that 1 make
my own clothes. I was Introduced
a wealthy young man, who became in
fatuated with me. He took me out to
dinner several times in his machine and
nwould proclaim his love to me. He als"
sent me very costly presents. I did not
like him at first, and tried to avoid him.
but I suddenly found myself Infatuated
with him. Finally he asked to call at
my home, and since, though It Is very
simple, I am not ashamed of it. I con
sinted to let him. But when he called
he was very evidently disappointed in
the home, and I have not seen nor heard
from him since. 1 think of him all the
time, and wrote him a letter, but re
ceived no answer to it. -What shall I
Your first, instinctive feeling of dis
like for this man was probably basec
on a subconscious recognition of his
character. He is a snob and a weakling
and you would do well to dismiss a'l
thought of him from your mind. Seek
other companionship and busy yourself
about your work. Don't wast your emo
tions on a man who simply Is not worthy
of a place In your thoughts.
Jy' You will be Interested tn these two books and I would like to send i
ff them to you free, with my compliments, and you needn't even ear the 'rt
You will be Interested tn these two books and I would like to aen
mem 10 you tree, wito my compliments, and you needn t even pay toe
postage. They are big ISO-page Seed Book, and a Sample copy of
our Garden Magasine, Field's Seed Sense. People who claim to know
say these two books have more gumption ana common sense to the
square Inch, and tell more real Inside truth about the seed business
and gardening, than anything of the kind they ever saw.
Are Yon Interested in Any of These?
8kkUk Grass Flewera tkat Onions for Market Iowa IOS Oats
swun wuidumoi iMUrtMiiMBtK leper? Be
Alfalfa Sms Cdm Sawie tVrwheariag 100 pmr
CIotot Seed laal wUl Grow ftlrawkrriM Seed Cm
Yob will Had fall Information about all of these Id thes twa books.
Tell it fa YaurTmuhltia ,trna hThd troowe growing
S7SS ItIO vur U ny certain crops, tell me your
troubles snd maybe I cao help you. Advice, such aa It U, is free, also samples,
Rfllfl On AnfirOVal Ethln we sell Is sold subject to roar ewa
OUIU VU nplUVdl te.t and approval, "your money's worth or your
ssoncr bark." And we make the prices light, too. Write for special prices sud
samples on any thing you are in tares ted in.
Write TodayThe Bootes Are FREE!
All you need to do Is to send your una and address, and I will eeud you the twa
books free. And then I want your seed order, fur I know I can suit you. W grow
th beat aeeds in the world here in the Farad ise of Iowa." but gst the books any
way. You'll u)oy them. Address me personally.
Hanry Field, Pres. HENRY FIELD SEED CO. Bn 22 Sbaadfc, Iowa
The Game
of Marriage
The great thing that the present mania
for outdoor sports Is doing for w-omen
Is not so much In giving them stronger
muscli-a as it la in giving them stronger
mental and moral fiber. And its crown
ing blessing Is thst It Is teaching them
how to play the gamo of life squarely,
and accept ita results without whining.
Women sre not sports by nature.
They like to gamble, but they want to do
It without risk, and when they loee they
howl to heaven. They cannot under
stand why you cannot have your oak
and eat it. too, nor why one should stick
to the bad hnrgain one has made.
One of the chief reasons that there are
so many divorce Is because women are
so lacking In the sportsmanlike spirit.
A girl will deliberately marry a man
knowing him to b a drunkard, and then
divorce him because he drinks, which
Is manifestly both absurd and unjust.
Or. a girl will marry a poor young man
and make his life a torment by her con
tinual complaints because she can't have
the clothes and jewels and automobiles
of a millionaire's wife.
If these women had a drop of sporting
blood In their veins they would accept
with philosophy the fates they had
brought upon themselves. The drunk
ard's wife would meet her Intemperate
spousn with a red rose In her hair and
a smile on her lips when he came reel
ing home at I g. m., and spend the bal
ance of the night applying Ice cloths to
his fevered brow. The poor man's wife
would be strong for the lov-ln-a-oot-tage
stuff, and almply flaunt her hand-me-downs
In th face of her little world.
Indeed, to do anything else la for the
woman to stultify herself, and give the
husband a crooked deal, for he, poor
man, waa under the Impression that his
wife knew what she wss getting when
fhe married him, and that he represented
her choice In life partners.
This spirit of the tin-horn sport Is also
abundantly manifested In the way that
so many women perform their obliga
tions to their families. They da their
duty, hut they do it with groaning and
complaints that make their ministrations
hard to endure.
How many a housekeeper do you
know whose abode Is Immaculately clean,
whose food Is always deliriously cooked,
whose thrift Is marvelous, yet who
makes hnr home worse than a pestilence
because she Is always complaining about
what a stave she Is, and how hard she
has to toll?
Ifow many a wife flo you know who
really does do her wifely ditty to her
husband to the last button on his shirt.
hut who fobs it of all flavor by con
tinually reminding him of the sacrifices
she makes for him. and the work she
does for him?
How many mothers do you know who
do devoto themselves to their children,
who toil snd economise that their girls
may have good clothes, and their boys
go to college, hut who never weary of
bemoaning the hardships of a mother's
lot, and telling what martyrs they are
to their children?
These women can never underatsnd
why they era not honored for having
done their duty by their families, and
loved for the sacrifices they have made.
It la because they have not played the
game In a sportsmanlike manner. They
haven't taken the loss, along with the
gain, with an even mind.
There Is a gambling maxim which says,
put up, or shut up," to the bluffer. To
women might be added this further ad
monition: If you are going to do your
duty be a sport. Do It without whining.
ForLargest and Quickest Result?, You Should Always Place
Your Classified Advertising in The Boe Ik'tsults Tell the Tale
Tha Finest Bread on the Market.
The Sonsswlft's
9 Autos 3 Wagons Delivering- IX
One Trial Will
oonriao you of Its superiority.
We handle a complete line of
those. They are guaranteed to
give satisfaction.
33d ana Arbor Dts.
Kara 37. atarosy loeo.
mini ir "
Our friends nrr IVarl nd Main Streets at Council Bluff will
oon he learning, about our CASH and JOY.
Fancv Rodn Crackers, per lb Bo
by th box, lb Tlt
Oyster or Bocla Crackers, lb 70
by the box, lb S'i
Tip Hiking powder. 1-lh. le can 10o
three for 8to
Pods, 1-lh. pkg . Tip 60
ryramld Washing Powder, JHe pk.
for lftoi 5c pkg. 4o, three tor 10O
Tip Cocoa, Vih. !Rc ctru lao
Chocolate, 2M- -lh. cak. Tlp. lBO
Karri In What Vood, th cream of
the best wheat, pkg 114
Tip Catsup, 20o bottle 110
Cider Vinegar, gallon lo
Tip Vanilla. HOc bottle lie
Climax Macaroni or Spaghetti, 10c
pkg. 7o three for ,. ISO
Calumet Baking Powder, JRe sl
for ISO
Minifies, Inverted or Cap, l.c qual
ity for ISO
Light House Cleanser - real money
saver; per can o
Fanlflush, ran ISO
J-oi. Jar Pure Fruit Preserves SOo
Mcljiren Peanut Putter, 11). ..110
Large Holder's Houp can To
small can '. So
Pur Roan Chins. In. Tej 1 fnr..lo
Promcibiry latea, pkg So
I'ncolored .Tapnn or Uunpnwder T v.
regular 1'c grad, lb. ........ oo
pest Tea Plftlnas. 1-lb. pkg IBe
AmM Ba Bavts, pr nek. by
wfrh. It lbs., 8o war bbl.,
Jonathaa, ISO to 1SS sis, boa, Bl.SS
now is about tho same as wholesale.
Iiad up we must raise soon,
OCI TEED rmiCBB should Inter
est you
'racked or shelled corn, per 1.00-lb.
bag S1.40
White Khorta per 100-lb. bag ai.3S
Pearl Urlt. In Monday, better than
ovater shell, lb. 0 100-lb. gaa
for 3e
bokoox. BtrrruEB
History Covers, large or small.. So
History paper, per 100 So
Hradlry Paint 8 "ts 13c
KBAT ssrr.
frlsro S30, 45c too
Horseradish. lOo bottle To
Strictly lesh KOOR, doien Mo
pot KOAHT, tender and Juicy, per
pound ISO, 100
Chuck flteak 19H0
Hlrloln Hteak you'll like, lb. SOo, ISO
Moiling Href. )h 9o, To
Malt White KMsh. lb 40
Hutterlne, J-lb. roll 40
Putterliie, 2tc gradl 310
Iry ShU Pork, lb loo
Open Kettle Rendered Pure I.ard.
per lb ISo aad 13e
We had some bought, so our price
100 lbs. HeM. BS.4S Can, SS.03.
4i-lb. sack. Runklst Flour...
48-lb. sack Petiant Flour
18 lbs. Fine Granulated Sunnr
11 bars Laundry queen White 1 -sundry Soap
Fresh Dressed Chickens, per lb
Pest Cuts Sirloin or Short Cuts Steak, per lb
Fancy Breakfast Bacon, 1 to 2 -lb. squares, per lb.
Good Back Bacon, S to 4 -lb. chunks, per lb
n 1 s-R
r .
8 1.1 HI
8 lbs. Neck Bones for 25
Plf Pork Sbonlder, lb,....
Pig Pork Butts, lb 12 M
Iloma Made Sausage, lb.. 12 lie
Choice Beef Pot Roast, lb., 12 He4
Dry Salt Spare Ribs, lb. . . . 7H
Dried Peaches, lb 7M
20c Pure Comb Honey 15d
Pie Peaches In cans 7
3 6c pkfg. Rub No More for 10
Sorghum, pure, 16c cans. . .7H
10c pXg. Corn Flakes -5
'SRc Jars Pure Preserves .... 1 Ot?
8 cans 1 Oc site Jam
Large Fancy Mackerel 10
We dcllwr free anywhere In clt j Mall order shipped at above price.
Sff' The Peoples Market
Puro Leaf Lard, 10 lbs. for . ..... 98c
PIS Pork Loins. Fresh, Rot Frczen. ... 11 3-4C
Koraquarter Spring Lambs. .. .1140
Fresh Dressed Chickens 1S40
Hteer Pot Roast lOo, SO
Pig Pork Roast
Pig Pork Butt ISo
Young Veal Itoast llhi
Young Veal Chop. lVio
Mutton Chopa 14V.0
titer Steaks Mtta
Spare Rlba V
Bait Pork
Armour's Star and Cudahy's Diamond
C Hams 1TH
Skinned Hams IBS
Umall Ham. lOHs
Hxtra Iean Breakfast Bacon. . .iao
Rugar Cured Bacon 130
Oysters, no water, quart SOo
Mall rdrs flllsd at eaea. -
CeUrerlM to all parts of tho eSty.
Opp. Wool worth Be and 10c Stone. 113 Sonth 10th St. Tel. D. 14307.
PIG PORIt LOINS, Fresh, Not Frozen, 11 3-4c
Puro Leaf Lard, 10 lbs. for ..... . 90c
Fresh Dressed Chickens
Steer Pot Koast
Pig Pork Roast..
Pig Pork Butts. ..
Young veai noasi......
Young Veal Chop.
liSmb Legs ..........
Mutton Chopa
lamb Ptew, ( lbs. for..
Bteer Steaks
DaUv.rtoa to' all parts of tha atty,
Spare Rlba Bfia
bait Pork SS
Armour' Star and Cudahy's Diamond
C Ham 1TH
klnned Ham .....ISHo
Extra Lean Urea k fast Bacon.. . ISu
Sugar Cured Ilaron , ...UHO
From t to p. m., Umb Chops,, . .So
From to 10 p. m. Pork Chops... lOo
It all orders filla4 at oaeo.
I IOS Isf MADffCT 1610 Harnov Ot
rWWbslV hinilUhs PhonB Douglas' t73
Cackley's Remodeling Sale
Still in Full Swing
7? , takes home a fall aart of B to 10-yar old whiskey.
II 11 II 1 - Just aa fine aa you want tn drink. He if your fnvur-
1 Vv tfo It brand la here: OLD OMW, OX.D TATX.OS, OBDAB
Special Sale now on Whiskies, Brandies, Wines,
a Qnart Settle. Boer, 830.
Bead for Tt Catalog Today. ISth aaa Capitol At., OmaLa.
Vi If 111
Tor old whiskies see us Old
Tavlor. t'edar Brook, Sherwood
Rye. Hlienley Rye. We handle no
whiskey less than ten years old.
TtsC OAXlaOAB, Mgr.
A Good Sunday
caa bo ohosea from the offerings
mado oa this pags.
is for -
aS av.. Mms S
a ir-a
fhxron & GntLAontTb Go.