Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Retail Merchants from Half Doten
States AiBure Omaha Whole -aim
They Will Attend.
UKfrii continue to arrive dally at
the wholesale houses of Omaha from
retail merchanta throughout half a
doin states within Omaha'a trade
territory, indleatinf that the crowd
that are to attend merchants' mar
ket week activities - and entertain
ments this year in Omaha will be
exceptionally large.
Merchants' market week thla
yiar begina on February 28. Adver
tising matter aent out by the com
mittee this year has gone Into every
corner of Omaha'a great trade ter
ritory. Merchanta have been Invited
to bring their families for the week
and many will do to.
.Mora and more tile retail merchant
are brlnainc their famlllea for thla occa
Ion, as they are coming mora and
mora te appreciate the Judgment of their
wire and daughters In the matter of
the design, quality and quantity of
women's apparel to atock up lth at cer
tain aaaona of the year.
Turaday, Wednesday and Thuraday
evenlnsa of Merchant' eek will be the
.r'no!nal evenlnga from the atandptlnt
nf the entertainment plnnned.
at I a: niaarr and laace.
A theater party at the Orpheum la
B':heduled for Tuea'hiy even!n. On
Wednesday evening a prtae night la to
he held at the Commercial club room.
Hundred of prlsea are here to te dis
tributed to the visiting merchant and
ther families. On Thuraday night the
dinner and dance I to be held at the
Kontenelle hotel. This will be the crown
ing event of the week.
Tickets for these varloua entertain
ment are to he limited and lastied only
visiting merchants and families, aa on
account of the vast proportions to which
these activities have grown It I found
Impossible to accommodate also the
throng of local merchanta who would
like to attend. Ticket, the committee
ays, will not be Issued to any of the
Omaha or Council muffs merchants,
Howell Switches
Hughes to Pummins
According to word from Lincoln R. H.
Howell, who wants to run again for the
Water ' Board and for member of the
national committee at the earn time,
ha switched on president from Hughes
to Cummins. He was down at Lincoln
to confer with the manager of the Cum
mins campaign In Nebrsskg and assures
him of his co-operstlon In the Cummins
propaganda. Howell was one of the
ring-leadeis In the meeting held In
Omaha the night of the Burton address,
called to project' Senator Norrls aa a
randldate for president, which, however,
decided Hughes would be stronger, and
signed up and filed the Hughes petition,
which petition the Judge forthwith repu
diated. Four years ago Howell was a
loud Roosevelt rooter, but when Howell
ran for rovernor Colonel Roosevelt came
to Nebraska and advised all hi followers
to vol against him.
Pcho$ -KMparlntendents from all over
the countn r at Detroit at present In
the t3Vanfon of the department of su
perlntendi )u. Omaha is In the field as
a candidate for the next place of meet
ing. The Omaha and Nebraska delega
tion of superintendents In attendance are
working for Omaha as the next meeting
place. K. V. Farriah. manager of the
bureau of publicity, who aent out many
hundreda of lettera to the various super
intendents asking them to vote for
Omaha, has also gone to Detroit to look
personally sfter the rase of Omaha aa a
candidate for the next convention place.
Health Commissioner Connell announces
he is very much In earnest regarding
his order against admitting children un
der U years ot age to places of enter
tainment. Ha saUl he had Information
against four offenders, who will be
prosecuted In police court.
Manager Byrne of the Orpheum has re
ceived advice from Martin Bock that
Frllsl gcheff had been booked for Omaha
for the week of March 6. Miss Scheff
appeared t the Orpheum three years
ago, the engagement proving one of the
MggeJt of that aeason.
On account of the funeral Judge F.n
1 h this morning no seaaion will
he held In the various district courts dur
ing the morning, snd seasiona will be held
in the afternoon, only In pending rases
where Juries have been Impaneled.
Judge Seat haa named Baturdav,
March 4, as th day for memorial tier. .
vlcs by the Omaha Ixnch and bar fi.r I
Judge English. Ha will appoint a com
mittee un arrangementa and program
Wsnt Ada never shirk their work they
w II ret results, If anything will.
T. L Comb. ex-preldnt of the Ainer
icsn ru-tail Jlcr' association, has
t-oi.e lo Allr.iiM)t)li to attend end ad
iif.a the annual convention of the
.Minnesota Retail Healt-re' association and
bamtiiet this week.
JikIk Jacob Fawcett, associate Jua
tl' of the Nebraska supreme court,
came rp from Imoin for a dy to visit
ln Mint, W. J. and I. IX Fawcett of
omaiia. He alao rslltd on friend at
I ho county court houaar. Including Judge
t;cile A. Day.
I KoJ-n, former a.jperlntendent
of ilie city hall, is v, slung his maha
fi leixja.
I'. I'. Ktouah of Lincoln, aecretary to
Justice Mvrr.awy of the Nebraska Su
pixi.e court, is here for a day.
Jul:u umeow of Aicher Is In Omaha
viMtlnt- J'o'Ue Of fuel i Imrlis Chapman
'.mmtniw came lo tunaha to at'end the
Automobile show.
Enthusiasm of Amateur Gardeners
Waxes Great These Warmer Days
Jim'' Nlckerson. deputy Celled Statea
marshal, waged cnthuslaatlo these warm
day about the "ever-bearing straw
berries" that (he says) he la going to
raise thla aummer.
"Jim" Is of confiding nature.
v Pprlng after erring ha has put bis
trust In some horticultural wonder, only
to see Ms hopes Masted In the early
Once It was "Himalayan berrlea." He
bought a "hush" and planted It in all
good faith. The bush waxed great, at
taining a length of fully fifty feet by
fall. But nary a berry appeared, "Hima
layan" or otherwise.
galn it was a "red Aatrakahn" appJe
tree. The tree grew tall and bruad and
finally the fruit appeared. But a I a. It
was small and sour and altogether un
plesslng. Then, one spring he and Captain Hate
ran across so advertisement or "sis
trawberry plants for 10 cents." They
Tecumseh Man is
Hurt by Explosion
at Mason City, la,
MASON flTT, la.. Feb. 21 -(Ppeclal
Telegram.) Clarence D. R!ly of Tecum
seh, Neb., driller for the Intermountaln
Bridge and Construction company, work
ing on a big aanltary aewer here, prob
ably waa fatally hurt thla morning
when he drilled Into an tinexploded dyna
mite charge In a aewer trench. Ha will
lose one and probably both eyes If he
lives. A workman standing beside him
waa not Injured by the explosion.'
(Prom a Htaff Oorreapondcnt.)
LINCOLN. Feb. Zl. -(Special. )-Offlces
In the state house were closed this after
noon and the tressurer's snd Hoard ot
Control were locked up all day.
Secretary of State Tool kept open house
to receive filings from csndldates who
desire to serve the people and the fol
lowing responded :
1 J. Qnlnby of Omaha would like to
have the democratic nomination for con
gress from the Heoond congressional dis
trict. J. II. Mscomber of Omaha desires the
nonpartisan nomination for Judge of the
Uouglaa county district court.
Heuator Jack Grare, who has filed for
renomlnatlnn on the rtemocratlo ticket
from the Twenty-first senatorial dlatrl't,
ha a filed for the socialist nomination
Charles Chappell of Mlnden dealres th
democrat lo nomination tor the state sen
ate from the Twenty-second district,
which In the last aesslon was represented
by IVter Wink of Kearney,
Albert IaIiounty, who served In the
lower house at tha last aesnlon from the
Hlxty-slxth district, file for renomlna
tion on the demorratlo ticket.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Fob. .-8peclal.)-Orlginal
habeas corpus proceedings were filed In
the office of the clerk of the supreme
court this morning brought by Kllen t.
ICast to recover prssesnton of her 11-year-old
daughter, Qoldl East, whom she
alleges la being unlawfully detained by
Probation Officer Ous Miller of Douglas
county and deprid of her freedom.
The esse is one in connection with the
arrest of L. T. Ooldsberry, charged with
statutory assault on the person of th
Fast girl. Mrs. Bast claims that Goldie
Is not a bad girt and that the alleged
crime was committed while she had been
placed by her in the charge ot Cioldi
berry, rvho was going from Lincoln to
Omaha and agreed to take charge of the
girl on the trip.
WISNER, Neb., Fob. K.-(vipclel Tele
gram.) Wlsner defeated the Bloomflold
Uun club In a challenge shoot tuday for
th Charles K. Reeae trophy by ninety
two targets. The weather waa very un
favorable, with a strong northwest w:nd
and cold. The score, out of a possible
to targets:
Severson ,.. 7(1 Rloodhart fi
fttrlcklnr "aCrahan 77
M. Thompson
K Wyatt 64
Alnertiis ...
Thlemke ...
Kalffald ....
Dr. Morse .
A. lmmll
K. Passe ...
T. lemmli ,
TH A. It. Phllson.... Hi
77 Hlackmor
SI Cook e
71 Pnaplall l
. M Bodikar 6
,-7ardner 71
.7011. J'hllaon 71
Total ...76a Total 74
CRETE. Nob.. Feb. U. (Special Tele
gram.) The Poena college trustees met
In semi-annual session here Monday, Fi
nancial conditions of the college were
reported excellent. Coach Schlssler waa
re-elected. Be Potter wa mad li
brarian In place of Christian Dick, who
reslgneJ. An athletic fee of tl.W per
semester to be required of all student
and to admit to all athletic contests was
Be Meal let Bank ta Sold.
BENEDICT. Neh.. Feb. Jl.-tSpeclal.)-The
Farmers State bank cf Benedict,
which has been controled by C. A. Me-
Apex Whiskey
I aJ. LJL7
4 Full Quarts. . .
8 Full Quarts. . ,
12 Fa 1 Quarts. .
4 Full Quarts.
12 I ull Quarts.
20 Full Q arts.
Ml Prepaid In Iowa and Nebraska.
Uiittido of low and Xebraaka
you iuut add 10c m quart or
40c m kali on to I prepaid.
Wrif tor Csmpsfo View Liat. . 1114 Dougtat St., Omaha, Neb
both promptly sent their dimee snd but
let us clrsw the curtain kindly over th-it
sad story of a cruel deception perpetrate.l
on trustful horticulturist.
And now It's "ever-bearing strawber
ries." Despite repested disappointments
hope springs sa high ea ever, In. the
breast of Nlckerson.
He's telling Ms friends how they start
bearing when the frost Is barely out of
the ground and keep it up all summer
snd most of the fall.
Not satisfied with such prodigious !
labors these remarkable plants use their j
spare moments In producing new plants
which carry on the "ever-hearing" busi
ness the nt summer.
Oh, It's grest! We can hardly wait till
the frost's out of the ground to see 'em
Mebhy-now, this ain't official but
mebby, "Jlm'H" put In some cream
plants In on corner of the garden sn"
some sigar bushes In the other.
Then there will be sompin dotn,' huh?
Cloud, president of the First National
bank of York, waa purchaaed last week
by a n'imler of business men of this
place. The bank will be conducted en
tirely by local men.
Billy Clark Held la Jail.
TnVON, Neb. Feb. (Ppeclal.)
Billy Clark, who ws arrested Friday on !
information sworn to by hi daughter. I
pleaded not gulltV before County Judge j
Hack, Saturday afternoon. nd his bond (
Is set for March 11.
War Needs Increase ' j
World's Crop Area:
ROMK. Feb. 21. (Via Paris. Feb. .)
The February report of the International I
Institute of Agriculture, compiled from j
official data supplied by each country, ;
Indicates that war needs have Increaaed ,
tha crop area of the world 7.1 per cent, j
Increases In corn, wheat, oats and rye
In the t'nlted States, Canada and else-
where are more than neutralised by a j
decrease In cultivation in Russia and
Hungary. The forecasts that the wheat I
production of Argentina and Australia j
would show sn lncresae are confirmed. ',
Cattle In the I'nlted States increased j
6.8 per cent, or 8,1 1 J, 000 head, thus making
a total of (1,441,000 head. - j
Cereal crop conditions are backward In
France and Kngland, and favorable In
Italy, Swltserland, Irdla, Algeria and
Egypt. In Spain thera i an Increase of
I per cent In wheat, of 31 per cent In :
barley and of 17 per cent In oat over the
corresponding period of last year. !
Good Roads Meeting
To Be Held Saturday
A special meeting of the executive
cn,r ;j of tne commercial club is to
be held Saturday noon to go farther Into
th matter of the proposed bond Issue
of H.G'O.C.jO for the building of good
roads in the state. Th good roads com
mittee at the meeting of the executive
committee at noon reported in favor of
the county commissioners' - plan of pav
ing with . brick the present, macadam
roads of th county, and the matter was
then discussed at some length. It is
to complete the report and th discus
sion that the special meeting I to be
held Saturday
rt'EBLO, Colo.,, Feb. K.-Mahlon t.
Thatcher, Pueblo millionaire banker, died
this morning. He waa 78 years old. Death
was due to a general breakdown.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. I3.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Fred M, Phauvers. Kddlvllle,
Ta.. and Miss Louise Lechlelter of Colo
rado Springs were married hers today by
Rev. A. M. Reltael of the Lutheran
Don't Use Dangerous
Antiseptic Tablets
It la an unnecessary risk. Use the safe
antlaeptio and germicide, Abaorbine, Jr.,
It killa germs qul-kly and surely with
out any possibility of harmful results;
mad of pur herbs, non-polaonoua, and
there la no danger whatever If the chil.
dren get hold of th bottle. It retains its
germicidal power even when diluted one
part of AbautVblne. Jr., to 100 part water
and it antlaeptio powers one part Ab
aorbine, Jr., to too parts water.
The germicidal properties of Abaorbine.
Jr.. have ba-in tested and proven both In
laboratory and actual practice. Detailed
laboratory reports mailed upon request.
I'se Absorblne, Jr.. wherever a lini
ment or a germicide Is Indicated; to re
duce sprains, wrenches and swollen
veins; to haul cuts, bruises and aorea.
Absorblne, Jr., 11.00 and 12.00 per bot
tle -at drugglata or postpaid.
A liberal trial bottle postpaid for 10c
In stamps.
W. F. TOCNQ. P. D. F. .
104 Temple St. Spring field. Mass
; 3.03
$3.20 a J I
6.25 V
9.25 u. I
'asaaslMgSBWs--- .
Members of Bench Had Agreement
to Stick Together for the Com
ing Campaign.
The aneipected death of Judge
English hag already completely
transformed the contest for the
8ev'n district judgeships to be filled
at thia year's election.
Up to this week it was understood
that the seven sitting members of
the bench were not only all to run
again, but had entered into a "gen
tleman's agreement" to work to
gether and competitors were shy in
manifesting themselves. The death
of Judge English means that at
hast one place must go to an out
sider and likewise breaks the com
bination with corresponding stimu
lation to he ambition of would-be
J-tdge by removing the one reason
for hesitation to file.
tipror ta Kill Xanmmrr.
Oovtrnor Morehead will have the filling
of tn, ..,,.,.,, ,m '
,.,,, Cflne , A fc "
. " "l,,B
We've prepared many
splendid sale events for
this week and know you'll
find a visit here most
A Truly Wonderful Showing of Values in Wonderfully Attractive Styles
Is what you will find awaiting you in the Women's Ifrnd-to-wcar Section on Second Floor. A display reflecting all that is
nest in the garment style ideas for Springy Never before has the early display been so varied or attractive.
Thousands of New Suits, New Dresses, Coats, Skirts and Blouses shown
for the first time Wednesday at Remarkablv Attract! v Pricine-a.
tlassy INew
Silk Suits
and combination'
cloth and silk suits in
wide assortment of
' distinctive designs
$29.75, $35.00,
$39.75 up to
New Spring Coats
in broad assortment
of the up-to-dati
styles, plain colors,
plaids and checks; all
sizes, 16 to 44. Very
Special: "fl A
value, at P 1 U
In the season's newest styles and most popular
fabrics and colors. Sixes 16 t9'46.- And' worth
much more than Wednesday's CI CI H A
sale price jl7UU
New Laces and Embroideries
"ZZ t : :
Special piRva" in Ooid and Sil
ver laces.
Embroideries of all kinds
Allovers, etc A big variety,
Loom Strips.
A big case of 4V to 6-yard
strips of extra fine Swiss and
Nainsook Edges and Insertions.
Regular values. 10c, 16c, 25c and
50 yard. Bale price, the yard,
SS 7, 15 nd 25
18-in. Corset t'over Embroidery,
regular price 25c. Yard... 15
All-Over Kmbrolderiea at 15,
25. 50 and 75 yard,
worth 25c to $1.60.
18-Inch Swiss Corset Cover Em
broidery, regular price 60c, 25c
18-Inch Nhlnsook Corset Cover
Embroidery, regular price 60c.
Yard 35
16 Pounds Best Pure Granulated Sugar for $1.00
10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C
or Laundry Queen White Laun
dry Soap' . 25c
IV bars . Pearl White Laundry
Soap for H3c
7 bars Electric Spark Soap. . .23c
4 pkgs. Domestic Macaroni, Ver
micelli or Spaghetti 25c
4 cans Golden Wax, String, Green
or lima Beans .line
4 large cana Condensed Milk, .HHc
3 large cans Pork and Beans. .25c
16-ot. pkg. Condensed Mincemeat
for fit
S2-oi. Jars rvre Fruit Preserves
for 25c
It-os. Jars Pure Strained Honey
for 2Sc
6 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines lr
Fancy Queen Olives, quart... S5e
E. C. Cora Flakes, pkg Sc
advantaga to the man he picks out. The
presumption la ha will chooae a demo
crat Inasmuch as Judge Knglish was a
Among the name being mentioned are
firmer Judge Charle T. I cklnaon. S. A.
Fcaile who waa under consideration when
the last vacancy waa filled by the ap
pointment of Judge Redlck. W. A. Foster,
Frank Ii. Woodland and Police Judge
Charle K. Foster, all republicans, and
Arthur C. Wakeley. Robert W. Patrick.
John P. Ware E. C. Page. W. M. Oilier,
alt democrata. It la suggestrd aa a pos
sibility also, that County Attorney Mag
ney might look to the bench for his line
of promotion as did Judne English when
county attorney.
Sixteen New Cases
of Scarlet Fever
Sixteen new cases of scarlet fever
have been reported to the health office
aa follows:
F.mll Kubat. 201 South Seventh street.
Oeorge Bengen, !3 Charles atreet.
Frank Ltchtwald, 19 North Thirty
fourth street.
Hetner. No. 2S. The Helen.
Mra. A. Mullen. 2?S Capitol avenue.
Arthur Jacobs. 63 ( South Sixteenth
Irene. Martha and Frank Frederick,
Emmet street.
Oeorge Mclnerery. 3410 North Tventy-fl-st
Human, ?149 P.urdette street.
Stflpleton. M! South Twenty-ninth
Tatbrek. HIS William street.
Ilec-kwith. "1n Imvenport street.
Hiv Mead, 314 South Fifteenth street,
fnnrndaon. 2112 Douglas street.
v New Laces.
A special sale on Wash
Laces, Oriental Laces and
Fine Dress Nets.
A big line of Vals, Tor
chons and I'oint de Faria
t 3Vi. 5t nd 7H
Cluny traces
t 10. 15 and 10
Silk Nets, 080. S1.75
and 83.25
A big line of Fine Chit
ons, regular price 60c.
ale price Wednesday,
aerd. only If)
A special line of fino
All-Over Laces, worth .2.00 and
93.60. On sale, at, yard. .08
Flouncings, Bands, Edges,
and at special low prices.
18-Inch Skirt Flouncings, at, yd.,
10, 15, 25. 35. 50
$3.00 Embds., per yd., 98c.
A srteclal lot of extra quality
18, 27 and 4 6-inch Embroideries
in Swiss, Nainsook. Voile. Mar
quisette and Handkerchief
Cloths; worth $3, $3.60 and $3
yd. 8iectal sale price only OS
This is an exceptional line for
party dresses, graduation gowns,
summer frocks, etc.
A special f counter of Cam
bric and Swiss Edges and Inser
tions. Large bottles Worcester Sauce,
Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles, as
sorted kinds or Mustard, per bot
tle B'jc
The best Soda or Oyster Crackers,
per lb 7c
6 lbs. Choice Japan Rice 25c
Yeast Foam, pkg. ., 8c
Tall cana Alaska Salmon 10c
7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch
tor 25c
Gallon rana Golden Table Syrup
for Stic
The best Tea Sittings, lb...12tc
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, a
Use drinker, equal to coffee sold
at 30c: our price, lb '.20c
NO. 1 Ef WiS, M-r dosrn 23c
The best Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk lb S3c i
First Verdict is
Returned Under the
New Jury System
The first verdict ngninst the street rail
way compnny under the new Jury system
waa returned In District Judge Troup'a
court this mornliiK In the suit brought by
Oeorge H. Woodward. He sued for $20,(00
anil the verdict awarded hlin damages
of II W.
It Is said that the Jury was divided ss
to the amount of damages to assess, and
at first ranged In opinion from It to 13.XX.
Then they averarcd the sums they
thtitight right, and f nally agrved upon
An unusual fcatur of the case waa
thnt the lawyers fir Ine plaintiff had not
filed a Mon for a large sum. ro Wood
ward had some chance of potting lime
cssh out of the small Judgment. He sued
en account of a leg Injury sustalfied at
Forty-sixth and Cuming atreet lost Sep
tember, while getting off a street car,
which had stopped at the end of the line.
A double weildlnc was forecasted Mon
day by the issuance of two marriage
Peen-'e. in Which John snd Barbara
Volenec. both of Omaha, figure as groom
and bride In the two respective
Volenrc waa ;iccnsed to marry Rosa
8ytiost of Omaha a:id Frank L. Knipp of
Clurkson was licensed to wed Miss
A bevy of classic btjVes in the newest check and
plaid taffetas, plain poplins and men's wear
serges, etc. Greatly under- -. $ r lt
priced X 45.UU
Hay den's Noted Silks
Our enlarged daylight Silk sec
tion is a busy place these days. The
ladies are delighted with the splen
did north light for selecting their
silk. "What a great improvement,"
is the usual comment. Just re
ceived 300 pieces of New
Spring Silks In a great
variety of new weaves and
colors. Soire Silks, Green
Russian Satin Taffetas, Chif
fon Taffetas. "Pussy Wil
lows," Kadlum Taffetas,
Gros de lxmdres, . etc., at
from 81.00 to.... $1.08
50 pieces of 36-Inch handsoniu
Satin Striped Taffetas which pro
mise to take tne lead Yor spring
frocks. Pekln and Monotone
stripes, Taffeta Checks with satin
stripes. Ombre effects in the new
grays, blues, browns, greens; a
fine showing of the dashing
black and white effects. Full yd.
wide, $1.00, $1.25, 91.50
50 pieces of beautiful satin stripe
Tub Pilks. all silk materials in
fast colors;' white ground with
colored stripes that are in great
demand for Indies' Waists and
Men's Shirts. Very Special Wed
nesday 85
200 pieces of New Spring Silks ai
special prices; 40-inch all silk
Urepe de Chine, new Silk Poplins,
S6-lnch Chiffon Dress Taffetas
and Satins. 36-inch Satin Messa
II ne in novelty stripes, 40-inch
Crepe Foulards and Printed
Crepe de Chine; $1 to $1.50 val
ues, at, yard 68. 95
An attractive showing of New
Spring Dress Goods in our lay-
4.8-lb. Sacks Best High Grade
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery
Butter, lb 80c
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter,
per lb 27c
Fancy Full Cream Young Amer
ica, Wisconsin Cream, New York
White or Wisconsin Brick Cheese
per lb. . , . ,2tc
The Orange of quality, Cali
fornia Pride, kissed by the sun,
moon and stars, for Hayden Bros.
Direct from the Grower to the
W ednesday reg. 40c size, doi. 8c
Wednesday reg. 35c size, doi. 25o
Wednesday reg. 30c size, do. 20c
Wants Court to
Confirm Divorce
llMM--l -1 I WW'S 4
UltUlLCU 111 XOUCi
In order to make her eligible to draw
a government pension aa a civil war vet
eran's widow Mra. Lettle Smith, a resi
dent of California, wife of the late
Alliert C. STnlth. has filed a petition In
district court to now secure a formal
decree as of date 1SS2, affirming a
divorce which her husband secured then
from his first wife. Mary A. Smith.
It appears that Smith was granted
such a divorce by default In 1S83. but
through an oversight the formal decree
was never signed by Judge Jamea W.
Savage, and was never entered In tha
Journal of the clerk of the court. Smith
then married again and lived with his
second wife for over thirty years until
his death.
When the second wife, the present Mra.
Lettle Smith, sought to secure a pen
sion she was unable to do so. as no sat
isfactory courl record could be furnished
proving that a formal decree of divorce
from his first wife wss ever granted
Mr. Smith. 9o in order to clear up the
marital status of the late Mr. Smith and
prove that Mrs. Iette Smith wss his
lawful wife the present petition has been
brought for a "nunc pro tunc" decree,
that la. a decree now, as oT the date of
the original divorce. ,
Stella B. Wilson, one of Omaha's first
woman lawyers, la attorney for the
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
See the immense display
of women's spring outer ap
parel styles. Visit the justly
popular Daylight Silk De
partment. o-
Chic Check
Tailored Suits
in a great diversity I
ot clever designs.
They're very much in
vogue for spring
wear, at
$19.50, $25.00,
$29.75 up to
New Spring Blouses
The most artistic de
signs and choicest
values werd ever
shown. We call -special
attention to the
splendid A Qj
new stocks. .Tri7J
light Silk tud ureas Section. Not
withstanding the adverse condi
tion of the Dress Goods market
owing to the steady advance of
raw wool and scarcity of dye ma
terials, our prices will show you
a remarkable saving Wednesday.
50 pieces of all wool French Ve
lours, in plain colors and novelty
checks, handsome color combina
tions in blue and green effects,
navy and white and black and
white See them Wed'day $1.08
30 pieces ot 42-in. all wool Pop
lin, a light weight material for
spring, just right to combine
with taffeta silk, at 08
We are now taking orders for the
Spring Suits and Skirts. A fine
large stock of goods to select
from; made in the latest styles;
first class fit and workmanship.
Come to our Daylight Dress
Goods Section Wednesday and
look them over.
Suits made to measure, $25
Skirts made to measure, $2
Diamond H Flour $1.45
I'OXSl MER, a Savin of 50 to
lOO. As we advertise so we sell.
15 lbs. best Red River Potatoes
for 80c
Large bunches Fresh Beets, Car
rots or Turnips 4c
3 Urge bunches Fresh Shalots or
Radishes lOe
large Soup Bunches ; .lOe
Home Grown Turnips, per lb., le
Fancy California Cauliflower, per
lb me
Cape Cod Cranberries, quart.. 10c
Fancy Head Lettuce, hd., ftc, 7H
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 15c
Fancy large Cucumbers, each, 15e
Fancy Wisconsin Cabbage, lb., le
Fancy Ripe Strawberries, box, 40c
Each 5c, 7Hc. fc
-Si i i.-i-