TJJK KKK: OMAHA. WKDNKSDAY. l KHUUAHY .3, lniU. 11 . . i FOR RENT FURNISHED Apnrtinent and IKww. sf'I.KNDlD NK FURNISHED A PA KTMKNT. KIKKPHOOK. TKAVEHTON MTU AM) LAN DON riU'RT. Catering to people of refined J""'"' Apartment is completely e-tull-ped foi houwrkeertrs;; up-to-date and com- IO,tb'C- IRAVER HUOS ti. Doug, l't. w om. N"'- 1 "' t.i evenlnES or sunaave THREE rooms. 2717 1 ewey A ve .. Tl IK WAYNE. built-in bed. c ; walking distance; no car fare. ! Mrr.lf.hV. NEW No. . U '"u,,J ' in winter: leaae to Oct.. 191v "".JV. I A- Hpvflen. 1M4 Harnrv 17V. jiarnry Ave,, The Wayne; I a b.t-lnned "close Jn. . - ..... fare: nicely furnlsneo:. new No" 9. $27 summer. $ wirier; lease, to October. Hastings "' dent, 1WI Hiiwt Pt. , Honors. 4-ROuM house. $1S month. 4.12?. "Phone Dour. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RKNT Two all modern -rontn houses on 34th St. nr Howard; easy walking distance. For full Information C" THE BTFflN REED CO.. Phone Douglas 2t7. 2'3 P. l'h t, 2i Douglas; modern. 8 room 1125 8. 3lat; modern, 8 room. $... 21 8. 41st; modern, 7 rooms, $23 Oil. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 6M. 8-R. houiie. Bleeping porcli; leio ciud Pint. 9"H S. 3Mh Ave. Harney W. North. KG It RENT Nice 5-room cottage, bath. ii and electric llht. at 1412 Evans. jjo per mo. 1615 ORANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, $ T. F. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg, Doug. 74'X. oat a. FOR RF.NT 7 rooms, new oak floor, new plumbing; and electric llghte. 1304 South 2th St.. M 00. Benaon A Myere ro.. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, $EfcIRABLE 6-room cotUtge. modern ex cept furnace. 6 8. lth Ave. Hlxea bangh. D. 4m . l-ROOM, strictly modern house. M08 8. 11th St. , Mtscellaneoaa. 15-2S1K Woolworth Ave.. 6 rooms. $.11 ng a 26th Ava.. 6-room brick flat, all modern. VTO7rt4 s. 31st. rooma. modern. $ir, sons lod(re, 8 rooma, modern. $.'i;iR n. 33d, 5 rooms, modern, very good. . $37.60 Field flub. 7 rooma, modern. $40704 8. 24th. modern, 8-room flat. OT.OVEn SPAIN. Douglas 8362. 919-30 City National. KOR GARDEN INO AND POULTRY. -r., downtown, colored; $12. Also a t and a 8 (like bungalow) and ACRE GROUND. $rt and 87. Also S-r., Cali fornia bungalow and acre, $14. Tel. I). 2J07. Kvenlngs. Wal. .87. HOU8K8 FOR RKNT. CREIGH. SONS & CO. 608 BEE BLDG. DOUG. :. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS Weal. The Mayfair Just Completed 2 Left CLOBK IN. located at 1222 Howard St.; good location; walking dlatance; no car fare; contiistlng of living room with built-in bed: dining room with built-in bed; good light kitchen; tile bath. t ROOMS WITH 6-ROOM. ACCOMMO DATIONS. All outside rooms. well ventilated, " beautifully decorated, choice lighting . fixtures-.- Individual porches; IN FACT everything to make It ono of the most complete and up-to-date apartments In the city. Will rent Apt. No. 3 for $11 . sum.. $.14 winter: apt No. 12 for 132. oO sum., $:!8.M winter. Open todsy for in spection. Janitor will show you through. HAXTINOS & HEYDEN, . IH14 Harney Bt. Douglas . A FEW of - the very well arranged "Dwlght Apartments'1 left. This la a brand new building and la certainly Ideal. Apartments ranging lrom 5 to I . room. CALKINS & CO.. Douglas 1313. Clt y Nafl Hank Bldg. $ ROOMS. $25; close In. the Avalon, 'Mi R. 2Xth; good light rooms; walking dint., no car fare; tills includes heat, water and Jan. service. Janitor will show you HASTINGS & HKVOEN. 1614 Hafney Bt. i ROOMS. $.7.60, with built-in bed In liv ing room, at 318 8. 27th THF, ROYAL, close In, walking diHtance; NEW: Jani tor will show vou throuich today. Hastings A Heyden, '114 Harney St. VKRY choice 4 or 5-room steam heated eparunent. on West Karnam Ht. JOHN W ROBBINS, !Sf2 KARNAM ST. V1;RT choloa 4 or 6-room steam heated apartment, on West Farnara St. J OHN W. ROBBINS. U)2 FARNAM BT. SiODERN 6-room apartmeut. Including sleeping porch. WU located. Harney 159. Ron a. FOR RENT-NEW FLAT. 4 rooms and bath; hard oral stove fur nished. $17 per month. MS N. 16th St. J. B. ROBINSON, 448 Bee Bldg. Doug. 8097. 4r6uK and 7-room apartment near P. O. ; low rent. O. P. Stephens. lost. NORMA NDIfi APARTMENT Park Ave. and Pacific, fine first floor apartment, consisting of large reception hall, very large living room, dining room, two big bedrooms and bath, large kitchen, pan try, closets, maid's room. One of the best arranged apartments In the city. Immediate possession. Price $50 per mo. D. V. 8HOLES CO., I1MI City Nat l Bank Bldg. Doug. 48. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, very desirable; the Chula Vint a, $oth and Poppleton Ave.. Ml.iA. la Bran dels Thester Bldg. Doug. 1671. M I seel lane as- MONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT $-r. and bath, apartment, brick; mod. except heat; good neighborhood; $12.60. D. E BUCK. 912 Omaha Nat. D. 6228. 6-ROOM apartment ... $18. 813 eluding water and g nd gas range. 21st Street. Douglas l6L MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van and t men, $1.26 per hour; storage, 12 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Doug las 4338 and Tyler 230. GORDON VAN CO. Tacking, storage and mov ing. 218. N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 34 or blarney 1937. OMAHA Truck. Van and Storage Co., moving packing, storae and ampplug. FIDELITY LKNTAL SKRV'ICK FREE Phone Douglas ZM for complete list of vacant houses and apartments: alrfo for moving. Pith snd Ja'Kaon Sta. F1HEPR.60F WAREHOUSE beparale, locked rxms, for household gouua and pianos, moving, pack lug and anii'H.oa. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGES CO., ij B. Pith St. Douslss 419 J C ItEED EPf Co. Movmg. V' packing and stores.. l't rinuin 01. louglss Sl-i!. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROFTY k tores. o Ml U 1. aiore room, very ueslisble. rtnt .. . . r : iJ. cass sl tONHAU YOUNG tit Brsndels Thester. Douglaa lf.71. 6TOKB ROOMS st 1-111 Ksruam Sl inos. r . nan, w namge Bldg. u. 7408, REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED wet. S-E-V-E-N IS 100 MORE THAN THREE AND ONE-HALF Our GUARANTEED DIVIDEND EARNING STOCK pays 7 dividends, payable January 1 and July 1 each year. You participate with us in the earnings of all our Apartment Houses, Hat?, Additions, Farms, Mortgages and Contracts. You can buy one or more shares now at $107. This stock is guaranteed to pay 7 on par value, but has always paid more. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $300,000. "SAFETY FOR SAVERS." Hastings & Heyden, 1614 HARNEY STREET.' West Farnatn 7 Rooms Modem $3,500. Only two blocks from the corner o" 40th and Kamam. Up-to-the-minute square two-etory house, flnlahcd In the finest of quarter-sawed oak. On full lot. with the paving paid In full. Houve la just newly decorated end In apple-pie order. Here Is one of the most com fortable homes we know of, in a loca tion the equal of any In the city, at a price for leaa than you could build a house for. It's a snap. Act quickly. Armstrong-Walsh Co., fyler ir.3. Keellne Bldg. Good Home Cheap Nonresident owner has reduced the price of hla homo to K"10. which con sists of a good 2-story modern house, located on an cunt and eeuth front cor ner lot, with benullful shade trees, on paved street. The house Is now vacant and can be shown any time by ap pointment. Location one block weat of 4th St. car line. Be sure nnd look this up If ( at low If you are looking for a good nome price In this locality, iteason- able terms. GEORGE & COMPANY. Tel. D. 7.SH. 902 City Nat. Ban kB Idg, BUNGALOW EASY l'A YM"liNT BARGAIN, rrlce cut from $.1.0"0 to $2.M for quick ante mm owner needs the money: five- room and tiled bath, all modern and up- to-date, oak floors and rinlali, tun 1 1 in huffet. etc.: full cement basement and guaranteed furnace: full lot, located close to car line, near Teaf Institute In fine neighborhood. This Is a sure enough snap and will probably go this week. BEDFORD. DOUGLAS JW92. CRElOHTON'S 1ST. Five-room cottace. Just completed, strictly all modern, oak finish, furnace, elegant fixtures, full Cement basement: esst front lot, 42x140; close to school; splendid location, near Han aro m park. Trice H.WO; $m0 cash, bal-r ante monthly. C. G. CARLBERO, ' 31? Brnndels Th es ler Bldg. " 8M CASH Will buy a brand new all modern bun galow, just finished, at $oth and How. ard St. H. A. WOLF. SU Wart Blk. Doug. XW8. liVER ItEAIteone of my specifications? I'hone Benson 122. F. B. TRULLINOER. W. U BELBT A SONS, INSURANC .Nerta. BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK Z7 13 Ames Ave., 7 large rooms, bath and sleeping porch, screens and storm sash throughout; south front, fine shade ard hedge. $100 cash and $40 monthly, from responsible psrty. Keys at my resi dence. B. J. Scsnnell, ?7n Fowler Avt. Phones Doug. 8i8 or Colfax 3511. CHOICE modern 7-room residence, H block west, of Miller Park, worth $4,500; considerably less will buy It. Very rasy terms. R. H. LANDKRYOTT. 302 Neville Blk. Doug. 8766. 5WN A SWELL 10-ROOM HOME This Is worth $12,000, hut owner Is go ing to sacrlfio it at $8,760. House la oak throughout and has beamed ceilings. Paneled walls, book cases, and a dandy PRAIRIE combination sun room and sleeping porcn. in tact, mere is not a nouse in Omaha that will compare with this at sucu a price. This place is located or 88th Avenue, a short distsnce north ol Farnara St. This U new. When can you see it T PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. 6th Floor Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg.. D. 1781. o WHO WANS THIS? 8 OS No. 20th St. No caving taxes. lAr inn, dining room and kitchen und 2 bed rooms and bath on 1st floor. Attic floored: full basement with furnace. This place is nearly new. Did you ever hear of a place of this kind In this loca tion for $?,400. But owner wants $! cash. Come quick, for it won't uait ions at tnii nnee. PAYNE N VESTMENT COMPANT, 617 Om. Nat. Bank.. Ioug. 1781.- GOOD HOME Six-room bungalow all modern. 410 IM. net. Tel. ownr. Co fsx 223. FOR BALE Strictly modern. 11-room house; hot water best; south front lot. -rice. wi.i'JQ. fhone I 'ouglas mis. oalk. NEAR HAPPY IIOLlXJW. S rooms, modern, two lots, good barn: non-resident owner says make price iiih win cu 11. ret us. F. D, WBAD. 810 8. 18th St.. Weed Bldg. FOR SALE Strictly modern seven-room nouse, neany new, f ield club district faces eaat on the boulevard. Will set cheap If taken at once. Buy direct from owner. rnone tiarney T.yis. MlsMllaueoas. SPECIAL SPRING BARGAIN Latest style bungalow, 6 extra large rooms, well arranged. oak finish, beamed ceilings and other special fea tures; cnoiee east rront lot. paved St near ma ana Lira nts. mjd cssn, or gooa tot win 00 tor iirst payment, RASP BROS., 10 Mccone P Id k. a.RDnll Til MfllTM JTW at M SIOKY HOUSE, NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT $3 400; REASONABLE PAYMENTS. ur.awjn it CAKM1CHAEL, DOUOIAS 172 U PAXTON BLK. ACREAGE 1 have for sale 1. lU. 1 . 6 and two 10-acre tracts. Prlrva rlirht on all. f none Doug. 1610. William Colfax, ouiie run Keellne Hldg UP-TO-DATE biingslow, 6 rooms dsndy, onlv $2.mio. W. II. GATE. n Omsna Nat. Bk. Bldg. Iug. 124. FIRE and toinado ins. Myrtle Deue', tiTl mi. ruune i.iiiii ium attar it a. nv FOR RENT SUBURBAN CHOICE modern suburban acres of lend on Paved road near Ktnr. noe. R. H. Lauderyoo, JU: Neville Blk jT'lun e'"a. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED West, REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED XV eat. 6rtK UK for acreage; have i.holce trso north of Florence. R. II. Lenderyou, !0J Neville Blk. Tel. Ioug. im. North. North Side a) harguins Ixt 13, block I. Woods' Dare, South front on isherwood Ave, tone blork south of Lake Ht , hetween l".th and Ifith Sts.l. 41x1.11 ft. Price only tM. loi b, block 1, Paddock Place j tlocated on nurdette. between luih and 11th ta.), facing south. Trice only $nU0; else Mxl.K ft. These lota have sewer, city water and sidewalks and sre within walking distance of U. I". hope and now Ford factory. Act quirk. Reasonable terms. Payne & Slater Co., 816 omahn Nst. Bank Bldg. 100 Beautiful Homes are being planned for Minne I.uaa this year. The most wonderful development ever seen In Omaha wM take place, there. YOU tan make money hy buying a lot or two NOW on easy terms. CHARLES W. MARTIN' at CO., Ownrs. TrTitKK ' loot lots near FranKiln school for ll.lo"1 a bargain. AN III aril sep arately for $40. each. GEORGE G. WALLACE. Keellne Hldg. C'i .xiAtj, aih St., ii or 44 I eel; must he sold to close estate. GR1MMF.L. 84 dm. Nst. Bk. Bldg. Soata. WILL HUILO TO SUIT. Have 16 first choice lots In t.eevsn worlh Heights Add.; easy terms. Doug. M. Carl E. Bolen. 814 Psxton Bldg! OilCE lots, nearTith and Pine Sts.,"f. r f 0. TKBBEN8. W. Omaha Nat. Bnnk. "" ailsoeliameoia. Will You Build this Spring! Do you want a well built Home? Do you want a Home you can point to with admiration to your frlendsr Our facilities for buying material; our experienced crew of carpenters, give you the advantage of getting the best for the least money. We csn furnish you the best refer ences SATISF1 ED CUSTOMERS. Let ua help you work out your Ideas and furnish you an estimate. Can help you finauca the building of your home. Hiatt-Fairfield Co., 200 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglss 4 lei. VACANT LOTS If you contemplate building a home this spring, do not fall to see ua. We have a list of choice vacant lots In both north and west parts of the city. A. P. TUKEY SON. Tel. Doug. 502. 1J07-8 W. o. W. Bltfe. TWO ARES, close In, $'; and" btRer aereage, 3o to tsuu. no uaj.s. Pat terson, Douglaa 2847. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGES FOR JtXCHANGk. Land clear of in cumbrance, in Dundy countv, Nebraska, for land In the Red River Valley of Minnesota or North Dskota. Will as sume. E. F. Andrus, 330 E mi I cot t Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Wi STUDEBAKER, electric starter, lights, all good condition, for eaulty In cottage. B. P. BOSTWiCK 4 SON, $00 UilOlCh. so acres, near town. Johnson -o., tor gooa omsna property. CAMP BELL 4 CRAIG. Keellne Bldg. D. 4.'3. GOOD income and farm to exchange lor ana in central tseoraaka. Toland at Trumble, Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchange anything you have to offer. C. J Canan. McCague Bldg. NORTH DAKOTA farm to trade for new automobile. H. I- Lyon, Glenwood, la. REAL ESTATEWANTED HAVE buyers for Mud. N. side cottages, bungalow, easy payments. Young man, 1 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Doui 147 WANTED To buy on montnly payments! emeu aiure room, wun living rooms above, in Central school district. Phone Had U64. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPTY ease tor Bale Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE $10 Square) Feet $$0.00. The Bn Building Co. Room 108. - WHAT he had to sell: An automobile, a motorcycle, a summer oottags, a Morris chair. And he sold 'hem through THE BEE Want Ad ooluntoa. WANTED TO RENT laf aratisaed Heeaea and FIs IJ IT NOW TODAY Teiepnone ua a tuting of your vacant house, store or fist. Thqs. L. MeGarry. Keellne i-iing. Red 4M4 V ASTED-By young married couple un furnished room with or without kitch enette In modern apt. or home. Must be in good neighborhood and exception ally clexn. 812, Bee. Baalaesa Property, WANTED An empty bulliilng m a good live town suitable for a restaurant. L A. Murray, Arlon Is.. Box Mt. Mieeellaaeeas. WANTE1 Desk rooin, ultli phone w rv lio, and use ot desk ar.d typewriter. P Q. Box W7. WANT ED Private" garage; atale priTe per month and location. Address P O Bo 8.V " REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ftoatH aa. i ACRES'" an.nJoua.' South PT3e; fine place, well Improved, fruit. ee. $4.MU. W. T. UKAHAM. Bee Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Katete, Loams, Mortaaaes. WE are ready at all Uuie to make oa flrst-daag city property and eastern Nebraska faring. Ratot on request UNITED STATES TRUST CO. 112 So. 17th 8t $ TO for loan on beat oWas city rerldim-es in atitounie 3,i0 up; kIihi farm loan Reaaonable comnilralona. ! ICTF.Ht TKi ?i tA-. rarnam t. OMAHA lioniea. tAt NeDraaka fartna. O KKKFK RKAL K8TATK CO i$ National. Thone Douglaa 171$. ' kl15HTT Ti) U)AN, for I yeara. on Improved propertlea PHOPKN CO., Ioug. 414. .liOSl S4A t-'maha Natl .. Hk. Hldg. $100 TO $lo.00 made promfly. K. U. W w eea t,ing..ltin cs r .... i pi.. klON EXon hand for oliy and farm ioana. 11. V. Binder. Oty N'allonal Hank Bldg. ern la. Toland aV Trumbull. 448 Bee Bd CITY property. W. H. Thomaa Lnme luaiyi a apeclaliy. 2.' ptateiianK mag. 'CTrV and farm loane. &, 6Si. per oenU J. H. Pumont 'o.. 4I taie Hank. Cc CITY LOAN 8, C. ti. Carlburg. Q 2 tlrandem Theater Bldij. cTT MONK. UABHiaoN & MORTON. O i4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. stocks and Bad, $J.m) per cent well secured, pereon aliy guaranteed farm mortgage for sale. $;5'HiO Douglna Co., Neb., farm mort gage bearing 6S per cnt Secured by pmjierty worth $7,700; 17 inllos from Omaha. k,onn purchaae money mortgage, 10 years optional. Secured on farm near Irving ton. Nob., whlrh sold for $!2.O'0. Draws A per cent, will discount to & per cent hsala. J. H. Dumont & Co., 41S-14 Keellne Bldir. 2-yl- n: YoU CAN GET i O.N VUl'lt MONEY in HOME RUll.DEKeV PREFERRED SHAKES, also a part of remaining profits. V merles n Security Co., Fiscal Agta.. S W. Cor. 17th and I'ouglaa Sts.. Oniwha. il.rtTF Alt Mmort gage bearing 7 per c-nt, seriu-rd bv property valued $ll."t. Tal mage Iooml In v. Co.. W. Q. W. Bld. Abslraels mt Till. GUARANTEE Kff!;; cheapest. Room 7, Patteismi lildg. V;sl TlmJ I Title uUHisniee and Abetrsct K fill IV Co- a modern abstract office. 805 3. 17th St. Tel. I. Mlj7. . rVkd AUSTIIACT CO.. oldest abatiacl office In Nebraska. W Brundela Tlica, REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE Truckage for Lcuhe. Will Ichc tiackag-i. lots i:uixlf0, Union fn.-iii. tracks on property, 11th snd t-cword f'ts. Norris & Norris. m Bee Building. I'uone Douglas 4270. FARM AND RANCH LANDS California l.anda. CAI .1 Ft )UN1A FARMS for sale. Write fur list. K. 11. Wailo, Shawnee, Okl. Iowa l,asil. 10 ACRKS. sll in trees, uppiee, etc., on Lime Klin road, at lw pur acre. DAY & 11LSS COMPANY. 123 Pearl Street, Council Bluffs, la. 60-ACRE farm near Council Bluffs In the hills, 6-room house, suminci kitchen and barn. Possession at unue. Prloe $16 per acre. DAY A HESS COMPANY. 123 Pearl ftreet. Council Bluffs, la. MUaonrl UlsOa. IN DK..V1'. CO., MinSOUKi. I have some line bargains in unproved latins of ail sixes; price. $15 an acre and up; timber land, that will make good lamia worn cleared, in tracts of i acres and up: price, $8 to $16 per acre. 1 have Just ieturntd from down lliero and feel sure the country will suit you. tall or write for Dooaiei. vv. h. FRANK.. 21 Neville Blk., Omsha- Ul.tK t.rans Aind 2J0 acres highly Itn proved, nu miles south of Kansss City, 101 yards to shipping point on Frisco. An ideal general purpose farm. Your iiKILlrles are solicit!. Walter M. Kuoop, Dwlght Blda-., Kaunas City, Mo. Gitr.A i' HA KG A 1 N 8 $i down, $i monthly. buys 4U avreri. good fruit ana poultry land, near town, southern Missouri, I' only $.iu. Address Box son, Lx celslor Bprlnga, Mo. Msstsss Lssda. FOUR sections eastern Montana corn belt land. Will sell for $6 to $13 per acre. For terms and Information write Sam'l O'Connell, Rosebud. Mont. " Meltraalua 1 d a. boLD to 0. ii. Weldner, Fremont, Neb., the lw acres ad ver lined last week. Write blm for but opinion of Cheyenne county. We have IM acres, well im proved, level land, black soil, perfect location; 70 acrea plowed: i mllea from town and accredited high school. We wont have it long at this price $4,000, $.,800 cash; balance, for 6 yoais. No trades. Write Nugent de lonupre, Lodtfe Pole, Neb-, Al.l. THE TIME YOU WANT Owner of $40 acres In Cedar county. 48 mhes from Sioux City; will make very literal turma to first-class farmer who can make a reasonable cash payment: farm has about ISO acres In crop. Is well Improved and close to town, Prtoa. $lu an sere. What's the use of renting T PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. omaha Nat l Bsnk Bldg.. Omaha. 46 IlUSHELS WHEAT LAND. PER acre; Cheyenne Co., best small sruin Co. In state, few snaps for early buy ers. Live agents wanted. Wrllo Fuud liigsland Inv. Co.. Sidney. Neb 3M ACftk'ti improved gram and stock farm. $3u per sore, $3,0u cash; bal. 'V. If not sold by March 1. will leaae; $670. Hox p, , tirosen now, ieo VERY SPLENDID 2.U4aire Nb. ranch. bargain price; well located; highly im proved. Kelyca at Glfford, 311 Ramge Bide-. Omaha. WHAT have you to sell in farms an? city property? Bee us. F. T. .valker A Co., 97 Omsha Nat. Bank, Omaha. Texas La a da. AnPOWMAN'S OPPORTUNITY A farmer cannot get a start In this country and pay $1. to $juu per acre for land, because keeping up hla In terest takes a big share of what ha makes; furthermore, he cannot hope to see his land grow very much in value. The time has passed for $30 to IM lend In this country so thst ths real, wide awake farmer has to look elsewhere for such land. We have some A-l lend In Western Texas, below the Panhan die country, that affords wonderful op portunities for the poor man. The coun try In question has fertile soil, rainfall haa averaged 37 inches per year for 16 years, tne climate is almost laeai, cool In summer and mild in winter: the water supply is unlimited and of the very best quality. A great variety of crops Is being successfully raised here. Including corn, wheat, alfalfa, cotton kafflr corn, malse. f teiito, sudan grssa etc. This Is not a desert country nor a mountainous waste, but a fast de veloping prairie country, with excellent is 11 road facllltlea and fast growing towns. Think of getting the price of your land back in one year a crops. This nss been done time and again Why not get Into a country where you ran raise good crops and see your land go right up in price each vear? These lands may he bought on a payment of $6 to Is per acre down, balance eaay yearly payments. Write or call for descriptive metier. Come to our office and see the ntspisy of products. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. l'JUS. Ground Floor, McCague Bid. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Mlaarl $jiaiile. ;S0-ACRM Imptoved farm, ' mllea from MlnneniHilla, HX aoree under c'llvlvatlun, balance meadow nn I paature: good aoll; lo-rooin hcuee, barn and all other build tngi that are nrede... achool houae oa land; prl.-e, t-V per acre; one-nait raan; or atlfaeil farm wltn full equipment of! bora.a. cattle, machinery, etc. Will j make very rvaaonattln price on peraonal properly. Immediate i.eeaiion ran be had. feichaab Broa.. 1.'8 I'lyinouth Hutl.Hng. Mtnneapoha Minn. WUpna.ia tMBMa. CTFR Tt v ISi'ONkI.V-lUtii dairy anJ general crup state In the union; aeltlere anted: lauda for sale at low oa eay itrrnn. Ank tor DouKiei ii on ie- t riitral lnd Uiant. Ricellenl 1 conalii land fr atu.'k ralalng. If Intereated Id fruit lauda ak (or booklet on app,e orchaid. Adilreas Land and lnduatrlal Iirpt.. buo Line Hallway, Minneapolis. Minn . f level la ateaa. HAYK OiJ A t.KKSt roK aALbf Write a goo1 description of your land I and send It to the Mo us. City (la. I Jour. pal, "Iowa's Most Powerful NN ant Ad Med um." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different da for UlotW word. $4. or 6 words, $. Lars-cat circulation of any Iowa news paper, gov,xai reaucre oau in u..r a1 1 states. I 1 - - - ' FARM AND RANCH LANDS FoR any and all kinds of ee roans located , Mr rmr line rail K. L&mi& ' 116 Bi-andeis Theater IHdg. Do.if. S814. FOR RENT-FARM LANDS HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES I- or Sale. HARNESS Big Imrneaa sule, save '.HI to 50 er cent; write today for my Inn gain price. Mervin C. Van Derveer, tv.-s s. 2m li St., South Hide, Omaha, Nelv. Phone South 4'l0. I FOR SAl.B One brown mare, 4 years old, weUht about 1.1M) ins.; city broke, slsu single wngou and harness. 1 401 Wirt St. Webster 41 Thirty-two milk wagons tor sow. cheap. Johnson-Dniiforth Co., 18th and Clark. HAY-$7.0p ton. A. W. Wagner, liOl N. 18 Harness, fcadrflea anil Trsski. IlXRNESsTADbLtih AND TItUNK-4. we iiuikc tiicin ourbclcs and aull them dlrert to the consumer. hy psy two when vou ri gel hlgh-aisdo goods at first cost? Al.r ltKO t tmisii si j)., 1210 Ksrnam St., Omaha. POULTRY AND PET STOCK CYCLE hatcher snd brooder for ele. Flftv-egg else, has been used for a number of successful hatches, lis ay, cheap and irni'tical to operate. Cot i. will sell for $V 111 N. 41st SI. Haiti-y 1W17. Vn"H ITE SPITZ I'TFriF-S. thoroushl.reT. only $8 this week. Mas Gelsler Bird Co b.17 Ksrnsm St. " A Nl l -l Gooii liom for a house dog. Coll Hurney I4. MXD grain, ioo ls.. tuTi. Wagner, 801N 18 i.'l I 'CK i:NS for sale. Benson 61". AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE TIRES ADVANCING But we keep the price down. Have $"..0"o stock, all standard makes aurli as United States, Diamond, Good rich, Flake, Ranlne, 4,om-Mlla Guar anteed and others. 30x3 $73 30x3V. 32x3 Vi l-80 32x4 ..IIS. 00 3U4 112. 60-114. 25-IU 36x4 113.B0-I16 36x4H 120-122.00 37x4 Mt $20 37x5 $21.60 Bom used tlrei at $8. Come and see write or phone these bargains or Duplex Tiro Co. S13 Farnam SL Douglaa 4878. COME and look these ears over. All sre In perfect condition and we csn save you considerable money on a car. Read them over: Chevrolet Roadster $-0 Chalmers $-'M Ford Roadsters 2W Enger ".' good ss nsw, 1hi,'i Msxwell Touring. IIIK. Maxwell Truck. bargain. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 2218 Fernaro. Doug. 163. itis BRAND new M'onTtor touring.... $73 1816 Ford touring, good shape , 80 1814 Studebsker-alx. touring too 11)13 (Jadlllao touring too 114 Ford del., closed; Ilk new.... teO 'lM Overland touring, self starter.. 374 auto Clearing Home, ifa Fa rnnm. D. 3.3 10 BARGAIN IN A HEAL CAR. IT'S A LEXINGTON. Rutenber motor. Tlmken bearings throughout, Warner transmission, elec. trie lights snd starter, double Ignition, csr In perfect condition. See owner, V u M.latar Itnlio. 1113. XTTf OWnBlLlTmTuraneo fire, theft lla- hlltty and damage, aui, ld.-IB Hy PHI I. IW'H'.I v-U. l-li. P. Msxweil roHilater, electric lights. self-stsrter, excellent condition; seen f lee. E30 B. 2th, Harney liM. GOOD eerornl-hHitd 1 ,'- pound Bulck truck, $. NeorasKa huick auio to., U14 Farnam. Douglaa 731. GOOD car p; easy payments; It will lay you to look into tnis. uoirsx o. Aato l.lvery and Garaes. iidustrlRl Oarage Co.. 20th A Harney ft to. Aalo Tlra aaa guppllee. "AUTO tirtts llA'Lr PRlCd. Homer Hill. 1611 Chicago Bt. Aalo 8tegafriaa nasi saiallaat. Automobile painting "Hone by expe lis ; years' experience Tn Omaha: work guar anteed flrstclajwJohnson-DsjifornhCo. DUI'LltX-tires last lunger, are strooser and more durable; ax$yfc, $4.60. U Farnam St. Douglas 4X78. $100 reviard fir inaKiieto we csn't repair. Coils repaired, baysdorfer, 310 N. 18th. Free wTITter storage when cars are paint ed snd repaired. Johnaon-Danfort h t'q Omal.a Radiator Ren Co.. K. 36 FsTr. D Hf L Mlseellaweoa . AUTOMOBILE INSVRANCK. Fire. Theft, Liability and Property Damage at Lowest Bates. KILLY. ELLIS A THOMPSON, 13-11 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 3818. MOTORCYCLES AND BICXCLES HAliLEV-DAVllJou.V 6tOT6KC YCLES. Barssln In used machines. Victor Itooa, "The Motoicyule Man.'' f,u Ia vsnworth. LEGAL NOTICES " xotic"CF sTRifoLDEiar MEETING. Notice Is hereby slven lhat ths regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the OUTII PiJTTE LAND COMPANY will be hold at tne omce or said Company, Room 7ol First Nsilonal Bank building IJncoln, Nebraska, st 11 o'clock a. m, oa tJie Iirai, uny u. w-n . a. u., :fis. Lincoln, Nebrsska. rebruarjr lac, 1811 C. Jl. MORRIIJ PreeideoC W. W. TURNER, Secretary. Feby ld30t OMAHA LIYEJTOGK MARKET Cuttle Market is Fully Ten Centt Higher Than At the Close of LAst Week. HOGS ALSO ABOUT TElJ HIGHER OMAHA, Fehruary U !!. Peeelpts were; Cattle. Itoita Hhee' ee rueiai Monday .SS rjllma(e TueaiUy 8.4 14. l,rj 7.0k 2u.. 1I.V7 Twa davat hla week..M.,R Same dava laat woek. lo.svt Smne diva week aao U.l.. 7.411 si .. ?4.r..'i 2"m" 'J") ' eeka ago ir.'M Some daya 4 weeks a no lu allo nva last tenr..cM wisi The following table shows the rex-elpts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha market for the year to date as coitiprtd with last yar: ... 118. 1I fne. Peo. ttle !o,.iK7 l;i4 IM 71.734 ,lo(: 714 HOT 4U4 Rh4 JU.14S rheep S7,U .? The following table shows the average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock market for the last few daya, with torn- Dale. Mats' h1V '1914. Ilflll. 1 !1 2 ltSll.'llIO., Feh. . T iT' Ml 8 40 I IV.1 1 811 8 47 !Feb. 10..' 7 T.l mi i ii t nl l vi t Ml 8 44 voh M.I T 77 I I 401 I 41' 1 Ml I 7 211 8 M pvb. Feb. reh. Rh; 671 I 13 IK! 8I I 871 ( Ml I N mu 8 8 T7 o; 8 2 7 8ft T TV T 74 18 8 ati $ n 7 Ml 8 Oil 7 Oil 8 7 T 17.1 8 IM 7 19. 7 T !T7 t ft! 8 141 8 011 t Ml 7 - 8 141 7 i 8 04 '; 1 J 01 i 11 US' I .'.! 8 42 M. axi a :vi Feb Feh n. 5i. ' iiwi itx T wi w i mi - Feb. Si. I 1 K I i in 10' O" 7 Oil 8 80 I 8 12! 01' 7 0l 01 Feb. S3. 1 8 11 M ft' I -wuinisy Receipts and disposition of live stock at Union Stock YsnK Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending st $ p. m. yes terasy: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs.Sheep.H'r's ., st. it st. r Wshash 8 Missouri Psclfle,... 8 Union Psclfle (SO C. N. W esst. ...17 N. W.. west.,. M C., St. P., M. A O.. 81 ., H. V Q., esst.,.. 8 '., B. A J., west.... M C.. R. I. eaat. 11 C. R. A P.. west. .. HMnola Central 8 Chicago Gt. West... 4 Total receipts. . .871 S 8 87 20 8 1 0 4 16 t $7 7 8 1 . 1 1 1 180 S3 DISIV31TION -H KAD. Cattle.Hoita.Bheep. . S J I'O 1.14 Morris Co swift A comnan .1.0K3 . 7I ,l,(rj 2. wet 847 3. 21 248 2.700 J. 188 Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Srhwsrts A Co J W. Murphv Morrell 2:1 Lincoln Pscklng Co,... 2 f'orr Packing Co. W. B. Vansant Cn 1HO Benton, Vansant A L-. 10 Hill A Son 4M F. R. Iwls 1 Huston A Co 4 J. 1. Root A Co 1M I. If. Bulla 2 I F. Huas 1 Roaenstnck Bros 74 F. tl. Kellogg W Wetthelruer A legen... 140 H. F. Hamilton M Sullivan Broa Rothschild A Krebs.... 11 Mo. A Ksn. Calf Co Chrlnlle IliKalna 1 Huflmsn 7 lloth ii Meyers I Gianni. erg 3 Banner Bros 1(1 John llsrvey. ,.. 8f4 Dennis ft Francis Jt Kline 1t 108 Jensen A Lungren 84 Other buyers (28 Totals iTlM 632 11,0111 8.343 modersta CAriLE -Receipts were today, only 267 cars being reported In. The receipts for the two days are quite moderate and, aa the demand has been vrry good, the market was strong to a little higher again this morning. For the two days It Is safe to quote the mar ket around loo higher than last week's close. Trade was resaonshly active at the firmer prices and the big end of the offerings changed hands In good season. Quotations on cat lis; Good to choice beeves, $7.8tvN.40: fair to good beevea, $1.35417. 80;. common to fair beeves, M.6" 7.66; good to choice heifers, IVi Xm 7.00; good to choice eows, $6.n4t 80; fair to good nows, 6.X00: common to fslr cows, $4.86'(fC; good tol choice feeders, $7.1&t7.l.O; fair to good feednrs. common to fair feeders, $.VmG4.76; good to choice stoekers, $7.0tf7.lif; stock heif ers, $u.rt7.6; stock cows, $6. 60; stock calves, $.Kn8.00; veal enlves, $.!, Hlt;; bulls, stag, etc, $6.0Otr.iO. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. I tl 1 17 It II to 17 At. Pr. Ke. At. 1 ...imj I SO ... BJ0 1 13 , ..lmo 7 ) ...IOTA 7 M ...11M 7 M ... 121,1 1th ...1 n) T K . ..liC At II..,. I.... it.... :i.... a.... H. ... IS.... II.... ...KM 18 r t ... 744 1 40 ...11 T 10 ...ID 7 Tt ...ItH 7 M ...UM I OS ...IW4 t II ); I is 10. ..14X6 m STEERS AND HEIFERS. 18 II i.'.'.!!! ',11 I N. I toil 7 71 COWB. 1140 4 M ' I 101 4 Oft I 1IM ISO 10 1I 6 0 1140 IS COWB AND HEIFERS. 1077 8 71 M BULLS. 11 7 4 ,1108 $ 80 100 i 3 ,IM I 40 .nieo $ oo 88 1 88 la 6 M 1 14A8 $ M 1IM I Tl 1 14M 6 00 8a?0 I is 1 list $ II 1100 I 84 1 .UU I 80 CALVES. 81T T II 16. 14 T 40 10 I is 8 st i 1U Ml 4, v w . l,lL' 1 " STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. T? 4 I M It 448 g ttv mt in 017 $ n am t as is ill 7 00 hn 1 K 11 S74 T 11 lms 7 to 17 ion T M OM 7 s rt Tl T 44 84T T 60 81 wt T I HOGS Receipts of hogs ware mod erate as oomnered with most recent Tuesdsys, only about 20U cars, or 14.800 head, showing up. Total for the two days of 27.413 head Is 4,000 smaller than a week ago and more than short of two weeks ago, but better then 1,000 larger than for the same days last yesr. Uualitv or today s receipts, while net ter than yesterday, was not aa good ss usual for a Tuesday and with liberal shipping orders weighty hogs that bad anv pretentions to Quality were bought resdlly on rirat rounds at prices mat looked all of 10016c higher. As high as $8.K6 was paid for choice heavies, and bulk of the shipper purchases was made at $ these prices being me High est psid since last octoDer. With packers It wss a slower prop osition. Opening rounds were very dull so far as they were concerned and few bids wers put out. tter on, nowever, the heavy shtopor uuyins forced kli r to get In, and while their first bids were little higher nothing moved until offers had been raised to a Kuiao nigner oasis. At no time did lae market become very active, but in the end the bulk of the hoss sold at the advance named However, if sellers had visions of get- Una away from the usual weak close on life stuff they were disappointed. One Dusker had never raised bis bids ui much better than a ateady basis. He naturally failed to get anything early and towards ths close, when he was the only man Itfft In the field, the market died out entirely. Sellers refused at first to accept the sharp reduction asked, and later found that buyers had quit and left the yards. At noon mere were still a good many hogs in the pens, the num ber being variously esumaiea at irora twenty to thlrty-fiva loads. Hulk ot tne nogs movea at rlth ouite a few ngnts unaer tne nui, n4 tous at $1.26. Average cost went above $4,000 for the first ume In over four months. Ss. AT4 ga. tt. N. At. ga. rt. rr in ... is M nl m so iig in loo 1 oo as ist ... let 17 HU St 6 10 80 141 ... I lit ti arr ... 614 rr u ... $ it II MT ... IN SI Ml ... IB at stl 88 181 U. ssl ... 6 81 811 EF.P Supplies were very moderate. the estimate c ailing for only twenty-nine ears, or T.OuO head. So rar this week re ceipts have been 22, (WI head, as agalnat 20. Obi last week, ll.aia two weeks ago, and 31.00 during the earn days of last year. As was the case yesterday, the lamb market opened out very alow. One three car string of Mexican lambs sold at $!100 early, the price being the same aa waa paid for lambs from the same feed lot yesterday, put ss a general thing pack ers made bids at a l reduction, giving reports of a hesvv run snd lower price at Chicago as the reason for wsntlng to "Inks off." Hellers were In no hurry to mske so Wg a concession . having In mind the wsy prices finally strengthened up yesterda. Today It proved to I a different story, however, and after holding until nesrly midday salesmen found bids onlv a little Iwtter than they were esrly. and finally cut loose st shout loc lower prices. Out side the one early sale no Mexicans sold over $10 8ft, while fed weaterna failed to best $iiinO. the bunch that brought this price being a rut from the same string ss thne that landed st $10 8ft yesterday. W'lte a few lambs sold downward from $iu.7 and some that had a fat top. but were nn the whole unfinished were till unsold at noon. Ewea were In Isrger supply than on Mondav. and as a general thing prices slumped along with lambs. It took a real 5ood kind to ring $7.i6, and bulk of the eeent to good stuff sold tinder $7.50 No feeders of consequence were offered up to noon, the few lots lhat changed hands being Just small packages. Quotations on sheep snd lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $lu7Mrll.fl0; lamba, fair to rood. $10 4w 11.7V lambs, clipped $0ii ITS 76; yearlings, fslr to choice light, K5M76; yearlings, fslr to choice heavv, $1 W,ii.3f.; wethers, fslr to choice, $7.;J tj.0; ewes, good to choice, t7.8nlj"?fn; ewes, fair to good. K..ltri.Si. . Representative sslea: No. Wt. Pr. 4." fed lambs 7S 1 70 l fed lamba M 10 80 97 fed Inmbs so 0 Oil 0 fed lambs JO K" Kt fed eeea 101 f en 78 Mexican lambs 89 U on MIICAfJO MVS STOCK MAftKKT I ledr t !llr liners I IlKiat llltkrr Ihees Weak, 1 CIUCAOO, Feh. $3 -CATTHC-Re- ceipta. 4.M0 head: market steady to , Native hi weatem aiMr. Sri beef steers, 8s.kVfr8.0A; 7 MTS. 10; stoekers and I feedera. $.4r7.70: eows and heifers. 83. "TifihlH-.1 1-m -..-v.. I A?,. ' J,' ? t;2: Jnr'"t e'i."ia nun i"u inn n i iieer : niiiK m BiBajeast. $s 2MiH.R0; gM. r.W8.4: mixed, 88.1 Off IM; heavy, $8..IJ866; rough. $, Pisa. r i"w an SHEEP AND IvVMB"-ReeelrU 18.000 hesd; market week, lambs lOfffl- lower; wethers, $7.9tMr8.S6; lambs, $S.7r( Kanaaa City Live (Meek Market. KANSAS CtTT. Feb. .-CATTT.-Recelpta, 8.600 head: market strong; prime fed steers. $H 8nff,00; dre sod beef steers, $7.flor.40; western steers. $.7M $8 40; stoekers and feeders, $O.001r7.7&; bulla. $"i .4i60; calves, $ MveMO.76. HoOS-Beeelpts, 14.000 head: market, higher: bulk of sales. $800f8.80; heavy. $x.N4i,86: packers and butchers. $8.0M ..!: ngtit, XT J'tix.2n; pirs, gHsotii an, SHEEP AND I-A MRS Receipts, (800 ket lower; lambs, 10 Sr-ff 10 80; t.$MrlO.00; wethers, $7 7a; yearlings, ewes. $7.20. I. I.oals Live Blork Market BT. ' IX1UIB. Fob. M.-CATTIJ-Rs-celpts. 3.800 head: market hlgner: native beef steers, $7.6fI1.0; yearling steers and heifers, $t6Otrv.60; eows. $6.6nj,7.0O: stoek ers and feeders, $o..Vfr7.60; Texas and In dian steers. $6 $Mr8 00; cows and heifers. $4Hrn00; native calves. $.0Hn0.7 HOtJB Receipts, 8,100 head; market higher: pigs and tights, $AOir8.80; mixed and butchers, $8.30 66; good heavy, $8.60 r.8Jv SHEEP AND LAMBB Recetpta. l,00 head: market steady; yearling wethers. 88 OvVitlO.00; lamba, $W.aQni 60; ewes. la.oO HTN.IO. 8low City Live BtirOk Market. ' SIOUX CITY. Is.. Feb. !?. CATTLPJ Receipts, 8.6H0 head: market 10c higher: native steers, $7 JMI 10: butchers. $A.00i 7.0O; cows and' heifers, $fi.3fft.R6; stoekers and feeders, M7(M7.46: calves. $6.6007.71; bulls, stsgs. etc., IfvilM.W. HOIS Receipts. Ifl.oiO head; market 10e higher, heavy. K 06ti.Z6 ; mixed. $7 W 8 06; light, $7 W.8'l; bulk of sales. $7.86 i$4 16. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 1,000 head: market, steady; ewes, $8.60; lambs, xs.wnnaio. Bt. Jeaepk Live, Block Market. ST. JOSEPH. Fob. 13. CATTLE Re- eelpts. 2,200 head; market higher: steers, $7.f(fe.26; eows and heifers, $4.0048.60; calves, HOGS Receipts. 8,o hesd: market higher; top. $8.36; bulk of sales. $8.06 J 8.80. ail HEP AND amhs neceipts o.oon head; market slow; lambs. $10.JOtfll.l0. Leadoa Blaok Market. INNDON. Feh. 13. American securities on the stock market were lifeless owing to the American holiday. SILVER Bar. 3vd per ounce. . MONEY-41i4i per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short bills and three months, 6 per cent. IX)NlON. Fen. xx.. Tne Ton owing wers tihe London closing prlcee. with their equivalents In New York; onaon. is. iork. 'onsols. for money 6x4 British 4 war loan 87 Vh Atchison 107', Baltimore A Ohio Ho' 1M M 17o 12V 6IHj Ta JON, 30V 63 108', laos 104, H8a "anadlan Pacifln TTMs Chicago Great Western 13 Chesapeake A Ohio.... 644 Clil., Milwaukee A PL raul. t Denver A Rio Grande Erie Hrle 1st pfd 64V Irand Trunk 18 Illinois Central V 4 I,ouiavllle A Nsshvllls 0374 Missouri. Kansas A Texas.. e New York Central .110 Norfolk A Western lttH Ontario A Wee tarn-..-. tw Pennsylvania .... Reading 81 4 Southern Railway . I1W Southern Panino ......1'H'4 Union Paclflo ....1H4 United States Steel 87 D Beers lfl"4 88 188' 83 Rand Mine La sal tea i irltlea. Quota (teas n slsks 4 W . Brisk a r. 44 Omaas Mattoaal beak swIMIsg. nraes IM. aavaa. p a rw.. pro. ex-eiv 444 l VI 10SH is 12114, too ini ao too n tt ISO 1S Tl 7 44 er . 4 41 H lao 7 4 T 14 MVl IfttN in at 10a e in lot 1 II 4H ISV4, I 84S 1 t M or 0SN, 10 101 Haatrlee Q usem ' f east sre..,, Fairmont Omimft, T mmr eaat mii.. irmoat rYeaaverr , era, ex-Jult die, F rmoat C m . 8 per ea a4 seer., (koorh Mill, a 88., T see sent pti B. , Llnrola Tel. A Tal. mnm 1 mmr eaat., M'aiatala States Tl. A Tal Omaha C. . St. Rr., pf4 ,., Omaha SC.. Rr, A ., sea ftmaria I Q 6 81. Ky.. eest , Paters -111 Co.. eM T'aiae ainrk TaMa t s. a. ei-drr..., wmtat Fni1 Oil Os... Koeda rvnndee Realty 0a. 1M , ChUajo Kr-. Berleo A, 188T Ilatoa, Tax.. 44a. INI Maoola Tel. A Tal. la, 14 Kanaaa 1tr. Mo., grhoela 4a rimala WaJar WU 4Ha. IX I Omaha C. B. ex. Re, ta. IMS Omaha, Oas 4a, HIT ParlflR O . ta. JS4J KeS CI 4. Nab., 4m, IN rVvlft a cm ta Wlrtitla Cut Btoak TaeOs 8a. 1M. Llrorwaol Gravis Market. LIVERPOOL Feb. . WHEAT flnot. ateady: No. 1 hard winter. Us 3d: choice hard winters. 14s 8Vrd) No. I red western' winter. Us 10d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new. lla 3d. Cottoa Market. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 22. COTTON S not . quiet and steady; good middling, $.0ud; middling, 7 7d; low middling, LiZd; sales, 8.000 bales. SUFFRAGE BAZAR IS PLANNED FOR MARCH A suffrage baser Is being planned by the Omaha Suffrage association to be held about March 18. at some down-town location. Cakes, oandles, pies and other goodies, fancy work, rag rugs end a sale of parcel post packages are expected to bring enough money Into the euffrage coffers to fill Its pledge of $50 to the state fund. A committee composed ef Mesdames W. H. Hstteroth. O. W. Co veil, Herbert McCoy, Thomas Brown, Sherman Felt. & A. Capea and Thor Jor genson, met at the home of Mrs. Mo Coy Monday afternoon to plan the do- JAMES H. MACOMBER TO FILE FOR DISTRICT JUDGE James H. Macoraber, Omaha lawyer, last night dispatched ta the secretary of state by express a petition to havo his name placed on the non-partisan ballot for district Judge. Mr. Macomher'a pe tition will be the first for dlMnnt ,, for this district to be orlUU'! t.'X l