Omaha Daily Bee. Call Tylor 1000 It You Want to Talk to Tbe Boo or to Anyone (Vmaected With The llr. THE WEATHIX. Fair VOL. XLV NO. 214. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY M011NIN0, FERRUAUY -J3, 1910-TWELVE PAGES. Oa Train, at Motel ti ataada. ee., la. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HE SECOND DAY OF THE MOTOR SHOW IS BIG SUCCESS Banken and Kiddies Are Both Hon ored on the Same Day at the Eleventh Annual Omaha Motor Exposition. OUT-OF-TOWN DEALERS ATTEND Already Oyer 1,000 Territory Deal-en-Have Arrived and Total for Week Expected to Be 3,000. TODAY 13 THE FARMERS' DAY The second day of the eleventh annual Omaha motor exposition found the big municipal Auditorium crowded from morning until night wUh an attendance that considera bly exceeded that of the opening aay.- Washington day permitted a holiday or a shorter working day for many Omahans and they topk ad vantage of this to attend the show. It wag Bankers' and Kiddies' day In one yesterday. Admission to the little folk was reduced to 15 cents yesterday afternoon and they took advantage of the offer in great num bers. The boys and girls seemed to take just as much interest in the ex hibits as did the grown-ups and many of them could talk much more intel ligently of the specifications and de signs of the cars than their elders. Th salesmen In the various booths en tered Into the spirit of the occasion and answered the questions of the curious lads and lassies with the same courtesy they would a man or woman In the mar ket for a car. Oat-of-Toirn Dealer Arrive. One of the most gratifying features of the show to the agents la the large num ber of out-of-town dealers who are com ing In. Last year 1,800 out-of-town deal ers visited the show, but this week bids well to shnttef that record asunder. Al ready over 1.000 dcalera have come In from tut-of-town. Every train brings many more In, and before the week Is over it la confidently expected that the total number will exceed S.OOO. And these out-of-town men are buying cars. Every single one of them has prosperity for his motto and believes that 1914 Is going to be a banner year In this territory. Aa a result they are putting In large advance orders. Many are buying whole tralnloads of machines for Immediate delivery. Trade territory tributary to Omaha Is not going to sutler any hard times this year, and the auto - men know this. They know business U ,-hoIhk to-bo-aotter than ever -veforr-and they are preparing for It. But dealers are not the .only owt-of- town 'men who are visiting the show -in largo "numbVrs. Farmers and chaps from the mailer towns near by are coming In by the score. The fame of the Omaha show haa spread far and wide and the men who are figuring on the purchase of a machine are taking this opportunity to see all the cars at one time In the same place so they can make their comparl sons. . Today Farmers Day. . Today is Farmers' day at the show and it Is anticipated that hundreds will bo on hand. This Is the first time the farmer has been honored with a day at an auto- (Contlnued on Page Two, Column Two.) "Man Charged With '' Stealing Mail at Utica, Neb., Taken MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. H.-John Cecil Mc Kinney, former valet to Arthur Achen, now serving a term in Stillwater prison for burglary, was to be taken to Omaha, Neb., late today to answer a charge of stealing a pouch of mail at Utica, Neb. Robber Loots Bank; Locks Two in Vault MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 23.-A robber en tered the Camden Park State bank here late today, locked the cashier and carpenter in the vault and escaoed with sm Several weeks ago the same bank was robbed by three bandits. The bank was closed today, but the cashier wao working on his books and a carpenter was doing repair work. The robber tapped on the front window, mo tioning the cashier to the door. When the door was opened the robber drew a Vevolver and ordered both men Into the vault. Some time later the carpenter, using his chisel, let himself and the cashier out of their prison. The Weather Tent pern tare t Omana Veatexday. Hour. Des. S s. m 35 s. in M " a. in 38 S a. m 34 a. m 10 a. m :h 11 a. in 34 12 m S4 1 p. ra 33 2 p. m M 3 p. m 3? 4 p. 111 34 5 p. in 35 p. m 34 7 p. ni 34 Comparative Local Krcord. Official record of temperature and pre liniiaitun rompared with the correspond ing .eriod of the last three years: 1 !!. l'JH. 191. Highest yesterday... Lowest yesterday.... Mean temperature.., rrecipitation 34 S 27 23 .... 82 ::i 3 1 ....34 34 ih U 0l .!) .4 .) Temi-erature and precipitation depar tures from the normal Normal temperature Kxcess for the day L'Total deficiency since March 1 5 Xormul precipitation Ot Inch rfciency for tlie day Inch To'al ra'nfall since March l..,2i1'n h"a I wlici-in ' :n e ilmcli 1 v; j .j, I .f luency ror cor. pill. t'lt. I Mlml.fl 1 'i f "u-i i, y for cor. t , jd. I I3. 3 til Inches l A. VtKLMI. j.,i :.server. AMERICA PLANS A BIGGER NAYY THAN THAT OFOERHANY Object of Building Policy of United States Formulated in 1903 to Surpass Teuton Power on Sea. THIS NOT SUFFICIENT NOW Present Program is to Hate Fleet Equal to Greatest Within Ten Years. ADMIRAL BADGER IS WITNESS WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. The object of the building policy for mulated in 1903 by the navy gen eial board, it was disclosed today before the house naval committee, v as to keep the United States ahead cf Germany In the race for naval supremacy. The statement was made by Hear Admiral Charles J. Badger, a member of the general board, who explained that the policy bad contemplated a fleet of forty eight first line battleships by 1919 t" accomplish its purpose. The statement did not go into the record of the hearing and Admiral Badger did not amplify it to show why the board had thought such a course necessary. The admiral was replying to a suggestion that the object of the old policy, abandoned this year by the board for the first time, was to keep the American navy In second place. While that was the effect It had, he said, the real object was to keep ahead of Ger- nmny. Cbaove of Poller. This year the board fixed as Its poller the creation by 1925 of a fleet eaual to the most powerful afloat at that time. The committee did not go Into the board a reasons for changing: Its Ideas hevnn drawing out the explsnatlon that the board believed that a Poet 1 per cent superior to any fighting force that mlaht be brought against It would be necessary to insure against the invasion of Ameri can soil by an enemy. Under oiestlonlng by Representative Kelley. Admirsl Badger said the con struction of three additional riread- naughta and eight battle, cruisers would Piace me navy on a par with the capital snips or the German fleet today. Ger many now has twenty-two dreadnaughts and eight battle cruisers, he said, ac cording to the best available Information. while the United States has all told nine teen ships ft the dreadnauht alss.' oeMri-Oreat Brltalrrsprobable TTeet within two years. Admiral Badger said the United States would be obliged to have a total force of forty, dreadnaughts, rirteen battle cruisers, twenty-flve ewlft scouting craft, 500 submarines and de stroyers. . He was' not favoring such a program, but merely answering questions by Representative Butler. Such a fleet could not be built In two years, he added, though it might be constructed In four. Jast Wot HI Enoagh. In urging a great increase In the fleet Admiral Badger said he did not wish to be understood as saying the present force fwas not a thoroughly efficient one. T" did not want to ' give the Impres sion," he added, "that our fleet is no good. The only trouble with It Is that It Is not big enough for possibilities. It's a good fleet, well drilled, well equipped and well organised. Wo are now pre pared Just as far as our power will per mit us to be. More power means more ships." Regarding the present piece o: the United States fleet among the navlos of the world Admiral Badger said he classed It as third in fighting power, w!th France a close fourth. "I think we are No. i," he aaid. "Japan Is coming along, but has a good deal to do to equal Our fleet In military power fighting efficiency I think we are a pretty good third, with Franc not far behind." ' Denver Gets Opti&n on City Water Pant DENVER. Colo., Feb. M.-A contract approved late yesterday by the commis sioners, by which the city secures an option of the plant of the Denver Union Water company, was said by officials to be the longest step yet taken toward the acquisition of a municipal water plant, litigation over whose affairs has Involved legal controversies In state and federal court for several years. The purchase price Is exported to be determined In an appeal to the United States supreme court from the decision of W. J. Chlnn, special master appointed by the federal district court, whose val uation figures of 113,415,000 are to be passed upon. After the decision of the supreme court the electorate of the city la to decide at a special election whether the property Is to be bought. Amateurs Relay Radio Message to All Parts of CHICAGO. 111.. Feb. 22. -The message sent by wireless to governors of the states and mayors of the larger cUies at 11 o'clock last nlgbt from Daven port, la., aa a demonstration of the radio preparedness of the country's S.OOO licensed ematour operators, reached the remotest parts' of the country through various relays, according to advices re ceived here todsy. On account of the number of relays It required about an hour and a half to send the measage to the Pacific coast, more than 2,400 j miles from Its starting point. The message, which was authorised by the I'nlted " States goceritmnit and signed by Colonel w. J. N'ch -l?on. commander at the tint k Island gjandl, is f. follons: EIGHT KILLED IN WRECKOF HAYEN Six Firemen and Two Passengers Killed as Passenger Special Hits Freight. PROMINENT MEN ARE INJURED MILFORI). Conn., Feb. s persons were killed and iu"' vvf , a score injured today in a wy -on the New York, New Haven &.Hart ftrd railroad near here. A special passenger train from New Haven ran into the rear of No. 79 from Springfield Just as a freight train was passing on the other track. Parts of the three trains were piled In a mass of wreckage and several coaches rolled over and 'over down an embankment. A statement at 2:30 this afternoon by the New Haven said six trainmen and two passengers were killed. The know dead are: ' ALLEN, t'roton, Conn., died in hos pital as result of injuries. PATRICK COLLINS. New York, died in hospital as result of Injuries. Prominent Men Injareil. BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. Feb. 22 Among the Injured passengers from the Mllford wreck who are at a hotel here are John R. Kllpatrick of New York, former tale athlete and foot ball player; Alien Corey, son of William E. Corey, former presi dent of the United States Steel corpora tion and former Tale base" ball captain; Morgan O'Brien, son of former Justice Morgan J. O'Brien of the New York state supreme court, and Ford Johnson. All ere Tale men and were on the last car of the passenger train. It Is not be lieved any of them suffered serious in Jury. RsTra Itoad Statement. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 13. An of ficial statement Issued by the New Haven road here at 150 o'clock said: 'Train No. 79 stopped on track three, about three-quarters of a mile east of Mllford, because of trouble with air hose between engine and head car. While working on It passenger train No. 5 ran Into Its rear. Engineer and fireman of No. 5, flagman and Pullmnn car porter of No. 79 were killed. The engine of No. B was driven over the emhan-.ment and the rear coach of No, 79 was driven over on to a freight train which was moving In the same direction on adjoining track No. 1. Sixteen persons were Injured, some of them seriously." Bonaparte Sees War For United States a Few Months Away .NEW YORK. Fob, It.-I'.fM for "jr parcdnets, wtlh a warning by Charley" J. Bona jpaYte." former t States attorney general. lthat the United States was facing grave perils. . were voiced toCay Vr speakers at a meeting of the national committee of the American Defense aocloty held here.- , Rear Admiral Flsk had been expected to deliver an address, but had been for bidden to speak by Secretary Daniels. Referring to this prohibition, Honry Rou terdntl, momben of tho board of truatoea of the society, sold: . . "The mnstora In errors in Washington have gagged the officers of the army and navy, who, In the patrlotlo move ment for preparedness cannot even say that two and two make four. The gag rule In general Is by order of the highest authority in tho land." Tho warning Issued by Mr. Bonaparte was contained In a letter read at the ireutlng. In It he said: "The failure to use the days of peace in fitting the country for the trials of war can only lead to monstrous losses, a fearful expenditure of blood and treas ure and the gravest danger to the na tion's prosperity, honor and even life. "We have now before us a period which may be very short and cannot be very long, in which to put our country In a respectable" state of defense before It can be, In all human pobablllty, exposed to the gravest perils, perils which may well await It within a time measured by months rather than years." . More than 100 members 01 tho commit tee were present, representing every sec tion of the country. British Steamship Dinde is Sunk LONDON', Feb. 22. Sinking of the British steamship D:ngle is reported by Uoyd's. There probably Is only one survivor. No details have been received. The Dingle, of &SJ tons gross and 170 feet long, was built In 114 snl owned by the West Lancashire Steamship com pany of Liverpool. BLAST ON BRITISH SHIP INJURES FOUR SEAMEN NEW wRK, Feb. U. n explosion aboard the Rrltlsh steamer Stormount, In dry dock on the Brooklyn water front, today Injured fifteen persons, four seri ously. The explosion was said to have been due to gas. U. 5. in Short Time "A democracy requires that a people who govern and educate . themselves should be so armed and disciplined that they can protect themselves." Boy Scouts were on hsnd todsy to de liver the messages to the various execu tives throughout the country. DAVENPORT. Ia.. Feb. C-Twenty minutes from Davenport to. Hoqulam, Wash., was the record established by the radio message on preparedness sent throughout the country last night. The message left the station of W. II. Klrwtn. formerly of tho United Mates army at 11 o'clock, central time. It reached Hoqulam at I'sciric tlma, twenty minutes afterward and was delivered to 'h Puvit hound navy yards and re-(do.i-d fr ly the crniinsinlaiil. GOVERNMENT HALTS TO PAY HOMAGE TO FIRST PRESIDENT Frer; .'. 'abinet "Members and rttt Attend Celebration at the Continental Me morial Hall. CONGRESS SUSPENDS BUSINESS Washington's Farewell Addren in Listened To by Senator and Representatives. MANY VISIT MOUNT VERNON WASHINGTON', Feb. 22. Every afency of the American government paused today to pay homage to the memory of George Washington in tie capital which bears his name. President Wilson, Secretary Lan sing, Ambassador .lusaerand and other national figures gatherel at a celebration at Continental Memorial hall, under the auspices of asso ciated patriotic societies. Both houses of congress urciulcd busi ness while Fsnator Johnson of Maine and Representative Rsker of California read General's Washington's farewell address, with Its poignant phrases of warning against "insidious wiles of foreign In fluence," 'rrlachlrfs of foreign intrigues," and "the Impostures of pretended patriot ism." Tli farewell addvess las been read In congress every year for genera tions, but probably never before was Washington's words so closely npptleJ to present-day conditions. At Mount Vernon on the Potomac wreaths and flowers were laid on the first presidents tomb, many made pil grimages to the mansion and reverently passed through tho rooms where he lived and tiled, and others visited hti monu ment which towers from the Mall here. The day was practically a holiday here, with all of the executive departments of the government? closed, most of them all day and some after noon. Views on Prepared neaa. At Continental Memorial bail the president and a large audience ap plauded the reading of Washington's views of national preparedness In ex cerpts from mis message to congress. "Although written more than a hun dred years ago, these words of Wash ng ton sound as If he had Just awakened from his long sleep to utter them, so applicable are they to us now," de clared William C, Flttn, former attor ney general of Alabama, one of the speakers. President Wilson made no address. . " Speech ' Read In Senate. Vice President Marshall, In designating Seriate r Johnson to read the address, aalflv -r '" - -.J- . .' - ,v"In a -time of stress and tumult when men, mad with the lust .of passion and of war, are seeking to tear 'up the nclent- landmarks of ' civilisation,' re move the lighthouses and the buoys. It la fit that the great father of the re public should be honored and revered in the United States senate chamber and that the concentrated wisdom of his life time should bo listened to not only by the senate of the United States, but by the people of the republic" Senators on both sides applauded vig orously. . Recess was . taken until to morrow In respect to Washington's memory. Austrians Make Air Raids Over Northern Italy BERLIN, Feb. 22.-(Vla Sayvtlle.) Air ralda over Lombardy, with damage re ported at points attacked by the avia tors, are announced by Austro-Hungar-lan army headquarters In today's official statement, received bere today. , The statement says: "There have been lively artillery com bats on the I sons front, especially near Plava. An Austro-Hungarlan air squadron attacaed factories In Lombardy. Two aeroplanes advanced as far aa Milan for reconnoltering purposes. Another air aqadron attacked the aerodrome and docks of Desenxano on Lake Oarda. In some lnstancea hits scored on objects of attack were observed to both enterprises. Ail the aeroplanes returned safely In spite of heavy artillf ry fire." Italian Forces Are Victorsin Mountains ROME (Via Paris). Feb. 21-The Italian forcea have conquered the moun tainous sons of Cn.Uo, between the Lar- ganxa and Cegnle Torrents In the Kugana valley region. They have also occupied the towns of Ronchl and Roncegno. This section lies aoout fifteen miles east of Trent. LEPERS DRINK WOOD ALCOHOL; FIVE DIE IIO.VOLL'LI". T. 11., Feh. 2?.-A'band of lepers st the leper settlement on the islsnd of Mtoloksl found a tin of wood alcohol and drank It, wilh the result that four men and one woman are dead and several others sre seriously 111, ac cording to word received here today from Kalaupana, the principal village of the settlement. Washington fessed up to hacking the cherry tree, rather than tell a lie. In business the truth serves better than a lie every time, but you must let the people know it. Advertise in The Bee NEW ORLEANS FIRE LADDIES IN NOVEL PRACTICE The picture shows firemen being instructed in the latest methods of fire fighting on a specially constructed training tower. v . ' ; ' f safe. : :r" k: ! ' v ' v'- ! i V I 1 ' J ' x ; t , - v" I 'it sit.'- -, , s $ .v, '4 ii'1 ' - x I jr - i n . t Jll r V"-' i ' '4 ALL, ABOARD LOST ZEPPELIN -PERISH , ,i, ,i. . ' i t Twenty-Two of Cfrew of Dirigible Meet Death When Craft is De stroyed in France. FIRST SHOT, BRINGS IT DOWN PARIS, Fob. 22. The .entire new of the Zeppelin air'sbtp brought down by French guns near Brabant Ie-Rol yesterday, twenty-two in number, perished,' according to a Iiavan dlapatch from Par-Le i)uc. The Zeppelin wm brought to earth by the first shdt from an auto- n'oblle mounted cannon at Ravlgny, the dispatch adds. The Zeppelin waa one of the latest model, according to the advices, being of the marine type, and numbered L-Z T7. Another Zeppelin was following It fifteen kilometers behind when the French gun ners began to fire. . The crew of the second Zeppelin, wit nessing the destruction of the L-Z 77, turned ' their airship sharply -and pro, coedod In another direction.' The 'pres ence of the Zeppelin waa announced be-' tween '1:80 'and 1:43. It fought against the wind and advanced slowly. As soon as It was within range the cannonade begnn In the rear of the dirigible, while an Incendiary projectile seemed to tear across the Zeppelin, Igniting the right side of the craft. The fire waa soon sweeping along the entire length of the airship. It burned steAdlly, no report from an explosion be ing heart. Little by little It came down, lighted up by flaming pieces of the en velope which becanio detached, . . Touching the earth the bombs which the Zeppelin carried exploded. An enormous crowd of persons who had run serosa the country from all direc tions gathered, while the roads were filled with automobiles .on their .way to the scene. Those who arrived found on the ground nothing but the debris of the air craft, among which lay from twenty to thirty bodies'. tivll War Vrlrrsa lleail. ALAMKDA. Cel., Feh. 2l.-.MaJor Dan lei F. t'alllnan. I'. H. A . retired, died at his resilience here tolay after an Hlno's of sis months, lie U survived by four sons and a daughter. i . Senator Lodge Advocates Return to Ideals of George Washington MORRISTOWN. N. J., Feb, 2:.-l nited States Senator Henry Cabot Lodxe of Sfttssachusetts In a speech delivered here today before the Washington association paid tribute to the popular government which Waahlngtun founded snd which, he asserted, has been lost. Senator I-odge said that when the opin ions of l ashlngton and Lincoln on gov ernment by the people were quoted, "we acre told that IJncoln lived fifty years ago, and Washington In a period of great antiquity, and although they were un doubtedly remarkable men In their day, they could hardly be compared with tha master minds engaged In undoing their work and. moreover, that everytning had altered aince they flourished. "I have said frequently and I will ven ture to say sgalo that while I sm far from thinking that all the wisdom died I GERMANS CAPTURE FRENCH TRENCHES Teutons Report Taking Sight Hun; ' dred Meters and Paris Admits . the Loss. GALLIC . ' ATTACK. ',' IS . FAILURE ,, BERLIN (Via London), Feb. 22. The capture of 800 metres of French positions east of 8ouches by German troops la announced today by the German war office. The official statement is as fol lows: Western theater: After several bazy days the weather, cleared yes terday, thla leading to lively art'll cry activity at many points between La Basseo canal and Arras where, following up our efefctlve artillery bombardment we captured by storm 800 metres of French positions east of Boucbes and made seven officers and, 319 men prisoners. VOetween the' Bomme and the Olse, on the Alsne front and at several points in the ' Champagne, fighting activity grew Increasingly violent. Northwest of Ta hure, a. French .hand,, grenade attack failed. "In tho hills on both banks of the Mojse above Pun, artillery bittlea de veloped which grew at certain points to considerable ' violence and continued throughout last night. "There have been nerlsl engagements between aviators on both sides especially behind the onemy front. A Oermsn air ship fell victim to enemy flrer near Bcvlguy during tin nliiht. "Kastern and Kjlkan thaateis: The situ atlon U generally unchanged. I'art of foslltoa Hetakea. PA11IS, Feb. "2.-Vla London.) Otrman forces yeaterdny evening delivered strong attack against the French pnst tlons St. the Forest of fllvenchy (east of .touches) accordlpg to official announce ment made by the French war office thla afternoon and were successful In pene trating the first lines of the French trenches for a dUtnnce of 8 JO miters. Thar then oecupiiul soma of the French com municating trenches, but a French coun ter attack resulted In drlvlnz them from all but a few of theso pet itions. with our forefathers, I am perfectly cer tain that all the wisdom was not born yesterday. "Kvery thinking man." continued he, "of any age is disposed If not eager to welcome new ldess, hut the condition of his doing so Is thst the Idea shall be really new as well aa beneficial." He lsued a warning to. the "peace at any price" advocatea and In conclusion aid: "The men of Washington's day .who were for peace at any price, frankly be cause they were afraid and cared more for money than aught elae, are forgot ten, but the name of Washington Is enshrined and teterenced by all nations. !-t us not depart from his teachings or from his high conception of a man's duty. Iet us spply that conception now and put it Into action without fear or favor." GERMANY WILL GIVE ADDITIONAL ASSURANCE ASKED Information from Berlin Indioatos that Poiition of the United States is Aoccpted In Largo Fart. DIFFER ABOUT WORD DEFENSIVE Kaiser Takes Poiition DefemWo Armament May Be Used for Of fensire Against Subseaa. WANTS TO DISCUSS PROPOSITION WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. Confi dential advices from Berlin tolay in dicate that Germany soon will lo ft rni the United Stateg that Its pre vious assurances thft unresisting liners will not be attacked without arulng holds good for future sub marine operations, provided, how ever, that such liners do not carry armament. The German government will con tend, the advice stat, that what new ia characterized aa defensive atmament really is offensive arma ment when submarines are con cerned and will propone dlscuseioa with the United State of what do fen Rive armament properly may be. As none of the British and French liners now clearing from American ports carry any guns whatever, ruch assurances from Germany will be In' the nature of reassurance for the safety for the neutrals they carry, even under the terms of the new submarine campaign. Mag Not Re Sntlefaetorr. How far such assurancea will go toward meeting the Htate department s oojecuon mat the Lusltanla agreement aa at present drawn applies only to the past and not to the future, probably only can be determined when they are formally laid before Secretary Lansing. There were Intimations from official quarters today that the United States would not permit the negotiations over the general subject of armed ahlps to be drawn out Indefinitely. Tfre adminis tration. It la said, wants to have tho alt uatlon clarified without delay. Wllaoa Talk with Leader. Last night's conference between r real- dent Wilson, Senator atone and Repre sentative Flood, chairman of tha con gresatonal committees dealing with for eign affairs, and Senator Kern, tho dem ocratic floor leader, waa aaid authori tatively today to haVnjKTn'LetJf In order that the president might Inform tha eon grosslonal leaders on tho status of nego tiations . with Qermany over submarine warfare.. ., . v .. Secretary Lansing discussed the ska. tlon further with the president this morning. The president does not believe these should be much discussion of tho foreign situation In congress because of danger of embarrassing negotiations be ing carried on by the Htate department. Children of Slums Healthier Than 41 Those from Farms . DETIUDIT. Mich., Feb. . School ehlU dren of the city alums are healthier aa a rula than those who attend rural schools, said Thomas V. Wood, professor of physios! education In Columbia uni versity, addressing tho National Council of Kducatlon today. Ho urged that school authorities In tha rural . districts devote more attention to tha physical welfare of children. . , "Tho general death rata In rural New York," he said, "has for five years been greater than that of New Torlc City. Apparently within tha last decade or two, the health of rural America baa do ollned below that of tho cities, or per hops It Is truer to say that within thla period the standards of living and health of the cities have risen above those of tha rural regions. Much of tha beat human stock, particularly within tho last half century, baa moved from tho farms to the cities." Mr. Wood recomended that rural schools adopt general health rules. Including regular examination by health experts of all school children, examination and care of acholara' teeth, service of a school or district nurse, warm lunches, effective health Instruction, sanitary buildings, generous space for outdoor recreation, and better trained and better paid teach- ers. , Five Men and One Woman Burned to Death at New York NEW TORK, Feb. C Four men a4 a woman lost their Uvea today In s fire which destroyed a theatrical board lug house above a restaurant in tho thea ter section of the city. Early reports said that a number of the actors and actresses who were stopping la the house had perished, but the dead were Identi fied later as employes of the boarding house, and Thomas Keratsas, one of tha proprietors. Thirty Victims of 1 Avalanche Missing BERLIN. Feb. K. By Wireless to 8a yvl lie.) Reports from Saleiburg aay that thirty peraons are still missing aa a result of tha avalanche In tha Hochkoe nig region. No further deaths have been reported In addition to the fifty-five made known yesterday. - The elide occurred at a season when such movements are unuiial. Working men were clearing the roads for winter sport and had been Joined by tourists when the avalanche d acended tho moun tain side In two sections. One hundred Russian prtaenera of was are assisting in tba rcscoa woc