Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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assi-a a
W.1AHA hlAll Al
Morgan Stringer Extends
Thanks to Tanlac for Restor
ing Ilia Health and Hap
piness. He Suffered Intense Agony
Gratitude la on of th most commend
' able human virtues. Soul la Ita parent.
Th belief la general that people are
' moat grateful when relieved of their Ilia
1 Morgan Stringer preaenta a splendid Il
lustration. It reside at 4932 North Mill
Avenue, Omaha.
"I cannot expreaa my gratitude for
the good that Tanlao ha dona me, Mr.
Stringer declared to the Tanlac man yes
terday. "I hava known the agonies f catarrh
of Ihe stomach and they cannot be over
estimated," Stringer continued earnestly.
"Th pain la almost unendurable. I
never was able to find anything to con
trol It but Tanlac My stomach kept
throwing off a muooua which waa very
' sickening. I had all of the trouble, too,
k ,lvanntlv ttloatlntT. ahOTV
;- . .w A I vvi inA
. . I . . .'. HI niHLII. LmUIWUUUl
. amir stomach. I could eat DU a Mia
or two now and then and waa slowly
starving. I raa down to a shadow of
mvself. all my strength went, and I was
a, hiinAlA fit li.l
t ! have none of these now, so I had i A
better forget them. If possible." wisely
continued Stringer, "for th thought of
sit that misery makes me unhappy'
Tanlao regulates a dyspeptic stomach.
Tanlac makes digestion easy. It Is an
appetiser, strength and health builder.
It stimulates the flow of th gastric
juices. The human stomach hungers for
Its nutritive properties. Tanlac la a per
fected remedy for people who need a
general tonic It sustalna nervous, run
down men and women and pilots them
back to health.
Tanlao la being specially Introduced
at the Sherman McConnell drug store
by the Tanlao man. who explains the
uses of the medicine and makes known
tie results to ba obtained. Advertisement.
"Townasad's for portlaa; Ooode."
T am tor 'a Supplies, J as. Mot ton Son Co.
Llgstlag rut are Bargeae-Oranden.
Kav moot Mat It Now Beaeaa rreea,
. fttokea removed to T4 Bran. Tba,
At Tire Chaia, Jas. Morton Son Co.
Tire, Tornado, Automobile, Bargl"
Insurance. J. H. Dumont. Keellne Utd.
Teasy-, Movta aim cleastne
section today. It appears la Tba Be
EXCLUSIVELY. DiMt ot what th ve,
rlous moving picture theaters offer.
Ubrary Closed Tuesday Th circula
tion department of th Omaha Public
library will be closed all day Washing
ton's birthday. All other departments
will be open from t to o'clock p. in.
Toting Ken's Meeting Th N. N. 8., a
young men's organisation of Grace
Lutheran church, 133 South Twenty
sixth street. Is going to have their
monthly get-to-gether supper at th
church parlors Thursday evening at 7
"To jail for rwddLUur Has or Our La
ma n and J. F. rrr, both giving their
address as Minneapolis, were arrested
while trying to peddle a number of new
raaors, for which they could not give
a satisfactory account to the potto.
They were sentenced to thirty day In
the workhouse.
angry Thieve O Chases Urlau
Co., 604 South Thirteenth street, were
visited by thieves, who stl chs to
th value of 30. Kmmerson & Jensen. 301?
Peward street, report the theft of
quantity of lead pip belonging to them.
O. Jensen, 2316 Vinton street, lost tools
Sunday to the value of 13.
gg to Kansas City John Grant Pegg.
city inspector of weights and measures,
has gone to Kansas City, where h will
attend as a delegate from Omaha a con
vention of negro republicans from ail
states west of the Alleghany mountain.
Pegg will also confer with th Kansas
City inspector of weights and measures
and will return by way of Dee Moines
for a conference with th Inspector In
that city.
yft have successful treatment for
' Y ..i- an,, !-,! nneratlon. Wa
the only repuiauie yiiyniumiis n
takt sucn caaea upon a dunmnm i
tl-f .ctory reruns, we nave ne-
tvoiea ..... v.- ..." r
have perfected the best treatment In x
'..JL.a.v We do not lnleet Mn.
fine or wax, as It Is dangerous. The ad
. fff- of our treatment are: No loss
My, How Wo'vo Grown!
First Meeting in
New Church Will Be
Held in Two Weeks
-? Nn datentlnn from business
No danger from chloroform, shock and
blood poison and no laying up in a ho
PlALFew of Our Satisfied Patient.
Mr. Teter Blsh. Harvard. Neb.; Arnold
Born. Norfolk. Neb.; W. M. aenslinger.
n irr Neb.: C. S. Judd, Avocs, la.; John
RUI 'ni.i?. vh C. M. Harris. Mal-
Tvern, Orrin Reed. OgaJalla, Neb;
3tannard. Utlca, Neb.j John Hohne, Wis.
ner. Net
tannan, uiw. r""vi "";
er. Neb.; John Cos. Sioux City, .
lurphy, 1B North Hth St..
Ia.: Dan
Neb., and hundreds of others.
Call or write Dre. W1T It XAXKEVT,
SO -., Omaha,
To Overcome Winter
Complexion Trouble
.v. .t.iii .! .ubm vmir skin to dry
and scaie or ooi jr tTii,
First meeting in part of th new rirst
Presbyterian church at Thirty-fourth and
Pamam street will be held two weeks
from next Sunday, according to an
nouncement by the officers. Only th
Sunday school will be held there at first,
the parish house adjoining the main edi
fice being the only part now nearing
eomnletinn. The main church is not yet
! roofed.
In prepej-atljn for a much enlarged
Sunday school work in the new location.
careful cjivas of the neighborhood
will be started next Saturday. All per
sona, and especially children and young
people, living within six block of th
new church will b called upon, and if
they are not adherents of any special
Sunday school, they will be given a per
sonal Invitation to attend th First Presbyterian.
Last fall' "Billy" Sunday oanau will
be used In this connection a far aa pos
sible. The committee rn charge of th
Sunday school canvas included William
Klewit. chairman; Mis Fulton and
George Scott.
New of floor of th Sunday school will
be chosen next Thursday vsning at th
annual meeting. All present officer and
teacher 'will take supper together at the
Young Women' Christian association.
and than will hold the election. Th noml-
ted. before you go to bed epreao a
layer of ordinary meroollu wax over
your entire face. Remove next moraine
with warm water, 'i n is i too ium "--T.-Li"
fnr the winter girl.
The wax gently absorbs th dead parti
cles of surfac skin, so gradually . there s
no discomfort. This give the underlying
.ut . r.tmnf tn breath and to show it
self. In a week or o th new and young
er skin Is wholly in eviienc ana yw
- M.tflh .ua until i ilAY urn.
. ..-i i ll Ira -rioforta dlSaDoesX With
i V discarded outiole a chaps, rough
f ,V blotches, pimples, freckles, black
w vC.V. i '.in. lixt mn aunri of merColltod
- waxNorocurable at any drug store, IS)
enougn 10 renovaio wvn v "-
plexion. .
Wrinkles need bother you no more If
you'll use this simple face wash: Pow
nered saxoltte, 1 os., dissolved In witch
hazel, H Pt Juet one application will
affect vn th deepest lines. lAdverti-
A Sure Way To
End Dandruff
Ther Is on sure way that haa rievr
failed to remov dandruff at one, and
that Is to dissolve It, then you destroy It
entirely. To do this, just get about four
.ounce of plain, common liquid arvon
I from any drug store (this 1 all you will
need), apply it at night when retiring;
use enough to moisten th scalp and rub
It In gently with th finger tip.
By -morning, most If not all, of your
dandruff will b gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dls
solve and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of it, no matter how much
dandruff you may have.
You will find all Itching and digging of
the scalp will stop Instantly, and your
hair will b fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky
and soft, and look and feel a hundred
times better. Advertisement
Itching Torture Stops
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, ringworm, rashes and slm
liar skin troubles. A little semo, gotten
at any drug store for Sc. or fl.00 for
extra large bottle, and promptly applied
will usually gi-e Instant relief from Itch
ing torture. It cleanses and soothes the
skin and heals quickly and effectively
most skin dlseaaea
I Zemo is a wonderful disappearing liquid
and does not smart th most delicate
skin. It Is not greasy. Is easily applied
and costs little. Oct It today and save
all further distress.
Zsmo, Cleveland.
Milk and ScarletFover
Long Betxh, Cal.. Feb. 20.
To the Editor of The Bee :
At an old friend of your piper, I
take the liberty of calling- your at
tention to the fact that epidemic! of
icarlet fever and alio typhoid,
diphtheria, teptio tore throat and
measles, can almost invariably be
traced to infected milk. This is
also the main cause of tuberculosis
in its various forms. My twenty
five years of labor combating- milk
infection by pasteuriiaton has fully
convinced me of this fact, which has
since been sustained by physicians
and bacteriologists all over the civ
iliied world.
I hope my recommendation will
prevail to make investigations and,
if verified, take proper measures for
future prevention. Dairy interests
usually object to such measures, but
I trust those in your city and state
are more enlightened.
Chairman of Executive Committee of
Commercial Club Selects Some
The personnel of seven more of
the Commercial club's standing
committees has been named by
Chairman Randall K. Brown of the
executive committee. Following; are
the farther committee appointment
he has Jnst announced:
Paul Rutins, chairman.
J. L. Palter, vice chairman.
W. Li. Bursets. John Cogan.
J. M. Herding, J, W. Gamble.
,T. H. Konlets, V, V. Thoma.
Tale Holland, nmer pedicle.
Oeorge Joslyn, W. 9. Jardln.
J. A. Liucey, E. O. Hamilton.
J. Van Rensselaer,
I , Nicholas, ohalrman.
Ronald L. Paterson, first vice chairman.
II. O. Wllhelm, second vice chairman. .
F. J. Anderson,
J. T. Dysart,
J. M. Olllan.
hating committee consist of Ouy Ross, V Harding,
chairman; Miss
I. Shook.
A. B. Mill and Mrs. C.
School Board Sells
Half Million More
Bonds for Schools
The Board of BMuoatlon yestsrday sold
to th Harris Trust and Savings bank of
Chicago S600.000 school district bonds on
a premium of 121,400. Th bond will b
delivered Wednesday,
Th premium aooepted reduces th In
terest to 4.15. Th bonds bear 4 per
cent Interest and run for thirty years.
Eight bids wer received. The lowest
premium waa 17.685.
Th premium offered by th Harris
company 1 taken as an Indication that
th bond market is favorable.
Th first half of th 11.000,000 Issu was
sold last ummr en a premium of HS.TtO.
Upon receipt of th money for th bonds
just sold th Board of Education will
hav 11,000,000 on hand for th prosecution
of the building progrsm already outlined
In detail.
M. 8. McFayden.
J T. MoUucktn,
M. T. Thorson,
Allan TuVer.
J. Iean Rlnewr,
W. P. Megeath,
J I. O. Steel,
W. H. Taylor,
J, Rj Hyland,
Bt II. Benner,
H. a. Hoel.
W. a. lijrm.
C. U Svke.
Joseph T. Votova,
. Maatetpal Affair.
Oould Diets, chairman.
Alvln V. Johnson, vie chairman.
Karley Moorhead, John P. Breen,
Oeorge Campen, Oeors Msaney,'
John Rine. W. O. Brandt,
Oeorge F. West, Oeorge H. Payn,
Dr. C. C. Allison, P. A. Broadwell.
Oeorge Brandela,
Rallrond Improveneat, Exteasloa.
J, A. Sunderland, chairman.
W, M. Burgess, vice chairmen.
F). Buckingham, Oeorge H. Kelly,
Oeorge UrandelS, J. L. MrCsgue,
R. K. Brown. O, W. MeOeath,
W. A. Praser, C. II. I'lckens.
Live Stolt and AsrrloaKas.
H. O. Edwards, chairman.
A, W. Mtryker, vioe chairman.
R. C. Ilowe. J. p. Coad.
O. J. Ingweraen, H. O. Powell,
A. H. ludley, A.J.Love,
H. R, Oould, K.Buckingham,
W. II. Conrad. Will H. Knnrf.
O. C Holmes, M. R Murphy,
Daughter Witness
Against Father in
White Slave Case
A daughter Is th principal witness
against her father In M white slave rase
which opened in the federal court before
Judg T. C. Munger and a Jury.
John K. Woods Is charged with Uking
his daughter, Hasel Woods, from Omaha
to Chicago January 7, 1915, In violation
of th Mann act.
Woods has been in Jail since his arrest
last March.
His daughter appeared In court dressed
In a tailored suit, silk shirtwaist, stand-up
rolls, bow tie and a little hat with larg
black-and-white checkerboard top. She Is
IS years old and of very prepossessing
Th Jury drawn for the cas wa mad
op almost entirely of farmers. Kacn
Juror was questioned by the attorneys
regarding th number of his children.
Th first hs leven. the second Juror
baa five, th third nine. And so it went
through th whole jury, th total number
of children for th twelve men being
Taylor, H. O. Kiddoo.
Trade Extension.
T. B. Coleman, chairman.
J. R. Rockwell, vice chairman.
M. C. Col
P. CJ. Hi
Don T.Im,
R. A, peiissler,
H. O. Wlndheim.
Missouri River is
Getting Attention
H. M. Roger and J. B. Whit, re
turning from St Louis, where they at
tended a meeting of th Mississippi Valley
Terminal league, report that th Missouri
river has been brought greatly Into the
foreground of th thought of rlvr navl.
gatlon enthusiasts alone the Mississippi,
particularly sine a uooas has been
made of the little barge line between
Omaha and Decatur.
This league seeks to Interest all rlvr
town In river navigation, and urge all
towns Willi river frontage to arrange as
soon as possible for adequate terminal
facilities so that th boats plying th
river may hav a proper place to land
and unload.'
-relet about It
Inrrsaes strength of
deUcaXe, a r v a a,
run-down peopl lot
per eat la tea day
la many tnataao,
Jle forfeit If 11
fail a par full s
pUnatUM la Ui-s
artlol soon to ap
pear In this paper.
aa yww aoctar
rmu atcCu
fug atore alway oarrx it la ataok.
A man whose name has not been as
certained Jumped from the window of
Northwestern passenger train last
Saturday where the tracks of this rail
road cross the West Dodge street pike.
Trainmen Immediately Investigated, but
the man ran at their approach and It
was learned later that he spent th night
at th farmhouse of C. A. Raber and
left.. The authorities are looking for
the man, who sustained injuries, as he
is apparently demented.
H. O. Krans,
W. Boyd Arnlth,
1. W. Metcalfe,
Pred O. Moore,
T. J. Donohue.
Oeorge H. Miller.
Wholesale Trad Commtltte.
C. H. Pickens, chairman.
Joe Kelley. vice chairman
T. W. Austin,
r.. ii. jones.
A. w. Carpenter,
M. O. Hayward.
i. J. uruner,
Don T. Ie,
A. 3. Cole,
P. J. Hoel.
B. K. Harris.
Morton Hieg,
H. O. Porster,
II. deWaai.
Boy T. Byma,
tester Drl-li
J. M. purke.
F. J. Hughes.
William MoAdam,
B. P. Marshall.
O. C. Wharton,
a B. Tow I.
M. a. Waller,
E. T. Reotor,
Charles Chansstrora lavld Cole.
E. H KdgRcoiub, Prank Zeller,
H. O. Morphy, J. J. Iten,
li. La. Pranch, 1.. M. tVhn.
P. li. Hoohstetler, I. Kldredge,
R. .1. Dinning. P. Richardson.
E. B. CarHgan. R. C. Ooddard,
. ill
Rudolp C. Coffse, Chicago, head of th
of th social servloe department of the
B'nal B'rlth, will be In Omaha Thurs
day evening, enroute horn from a west
ern trip. His stop will b only between
trains, but h Will b met at th Union
station by a number of th leading Jew
ish cltisens of Omaha.
Asststsnt Superintendent of Schools N.
it. Oraham, former superintendent under
South Omaha administration. left Satur
day, evening for Detroit, where he will
represent Omaha t the National con
vention of principals and superintendents
of cities of th country.
m COMIrsQ CUT? j
Dandruff cause a feverish Irritation of
the scalp, th hair roots shrink, loosen
and then th hair come out fast. To
stop falling hair at one and rid th scalp
of every particle of dandruff. Oet a as
cent bottl of Dandcrlne at any drug
store, pour a ilttle In your hand and rub
It Into th scalp. After a few applica
tions th hair stop coming out and yau
csn't find any dandruff. Advertisement
Child Gets Sick
Cross, Feverish
If Constipated
Look at tongue! Then give
fruit laxative for stomach,
liver, bowels.
"California Syrup of Tigs"
can't harm children and
they love it.
A lasatlv today saves a slok oh lid to
morrow. Children simply will not taks
th tlm from play to empty their bowels
which become dogged up with waste,
liver get sluggish; stomach sour.
Look at th tongue, mother! If coated,
or your child is llstlees, cross, feverish.
breath bad. restless, doesn't eat heartily,
full of cold or has or throat or any
other children's aliment, glv a teaspoon
ful of "California Syrup of Plga" then
don't worry, because It Is perfectly harm
teas, and In a few hours all this constipa
tion poison, sour bik and fermenting
wests will gently move out of th bowels,
and you have a wall, playful child again.
A thorough "Inside cleaning I ofttlmo
all that is necessary. It should be the
first treatment given in any sickness.
Bewar of counterfeit fig syrup. Ask
your druggist for a 60-cent bottl of "Call
form a Syrup of Pigs," which has full di
rections for babies, children of all ages
and for grown-up plainly printed on th
bottl. Look carefully and see that It Is
made by th "California Pig Byrup Com
pany.' Ad vertlsoment.
urgess-Nash GoriPArix
IrvKWTrswtf grrostr"
Monday, I-ph. It I, 10 111.
Hlore) New for Tnwlny.
George Washington Was Famous
for His Honesty and Integrity
Tins STOKE is hewing to tHo
same principles in quality of
its merchandise, the fairness of ita
pricings and its high standards
of service.
The same Ftandards and idoals
that immortalized Goorgc Wash
ington have caused this store to
assume the foremost place in the
ranks , of the meroantilo institu
tions of the middle West in just a
little over two short years.
But this is only the beginning, there are greater
things to happen at Sixteenth and Harney for this is
a store that has builded its foundation on truthful
ness in advertising and presentation of merchandise
as well as on quality and superior service.
You will find infinite satisfaction in dealing with
Special Washington's
Birthday Luncheon.
Cricket. Room. 3 P.
A delicious g p e c i a 1
luncheon will be
served in the Cricket
Room, Tuesday, Washing
ton's Birthday,
Bnrgeae-Jraea Oe, Mala Floor.
"Martha Washington'"
Famous Candies
"PHE family candles of th
Nation" Just pure,
wholsom old-time homo
made candles no frills or
ribbons, that's what Martha
Washington candies are. We
are also distributors ot
Mnllane's Cincinnati randloa,
the candy made with a loving
Johnston's Milwaukee choc
olates. Zens chocolate), etc.
Tiara -ITssh Co. Orlefces SVMU.
Special Announcement
We Invite You to visit our Pattern Department
Wednesday, February 23
Mrs. F. W. Snyder
Special representative of the Pictorial
Review Company of New York will be
here to explain the many distinctive
features of Pictorial Review Patterns
4 which make them superior to all other
The patent cutting and construction
auides furnished only with Pictorial
Review Patterns save timet labor and
material in every case. They show just
how to lay out the parts of the pattern
on the material to cut and how to as
semble the parts in completing the
garment. Do not fail to meet Mrs. Snyder
and learn of the many advantages con
tained in Pictorial Review Patterns not
found in any other pattern.
urrsss-Jreaa CoMela moor,
VsiBurgess-Nash Company Everybody ' Storey
A complaint has been sworn to and a
warrant Issued In county ocurt, oharglns
Dr. C. II. Smith, first and real name un
known, with Issuing a check without suf
ficient funds In th bank to meet It He
is alleged to hav paased a worthless
check for 110, drawn on th Fanners'
Bute bank of Big Eprins. Neb., on
Beaton Brothers, druggist. Th Dr.
Smith sought on th eomplaiut does not
live In Omaha
m arnciM
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the
Ointment to soothe and hfel those con
dition which affect the purity and
beauty of the skin, scalp and hair.
Samples Tree by Mall
' OeasMia Sob aa OtoMMot aula rmrrwaere,
laI nim el a mini frae VI tk IS-, bask.
I VMaw,-' IN, su, auste. j
With th arrival ef dear weather and
lh Increase of trafflo, Offioers McDon
ald and Dudley hav been stationed at
the Farnam and Park school, respect
ively, to keep th speed limit constantly
befor tbe eye of sealou motorists. Aa
orftcer also wilt b stationed near th
Wis Memorial hospital, where consider
able unnecessary cols has been mad
by machines
Get a small paokag of Hamburg
Breast Tea, or as th Oartnaa folks cell
It, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any
pharmacy. Tak a tables poonful f th
tea. put a cup of bolilng -. iter upon It,
pour through a slev and drink a teacup
full at any tlm. It la th most Sffeotlve
way to break a cold and cure grip, as
It opens th pores, relieving congestion.
Also loosens th bowels, thus breaking
a cold at one.
It Is Inexpenatv and entirely vegetable,
therefor harmless. Advertisement.
It 1 not necessary to shampoo quite s
frequently If your hair is properly cleansed
each tlm by us of a really good
shampoo, Th asiest to use and quick
set drying shampoo that w can reoom
mend to our readers msy b prepared
very cheaply by dissolving a te spoonful
f eaathroz, obtained from your druggist.
In a oup of hot water. This rubbed into
the aoalp creates a thick lather, soothing
and cooling in Ita action, as well as wry
beneficial to scalp and hair. After rim
ing, the scalp Is fresh and olsan, while
th hair drl-s quickly and evenly, devel
oping a bright luster and a soft flurrinese
that makes It seem very heavy. Adver
Bait akd Wiit Uwitio at Psomoiitoit Point, Mat 10, 1869, ir Junction
or Union Pacific and Cintkal Pacific Liris
Fating en th tinglt trmth.
Hail a W9fl bthind tack back.
Brtt li rlt, - What thi MngintM Said."
Driving the Golden Spike
completed the first line of this great
railroad system and gave our country the first adequate
communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
No other event in the History of Transportation was so
widely celebrated or o important in the public mind not
even the building of the Panama Canal.
The completion of this first transcontinental line was the
climax of a quarter of a century of agitation and three years
of record-breaking construction. The occasion was cele
brated by public meetings and parades in all great cities of
the country. Every blow on the Golden Spike was recorded
by telegraph over the whole land. Public rejoicing in San
Francisco lasted three days.
Travtltrt and ihippert know that the first road west is still first.
Joint East and Wui with a Boulevard ot Steel
General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb
V V-!
" .
V1 V1. V-1 -v-