Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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J. E. Miller Telli Ministerial Union
the Immigrant Needs Assistance
of Americans.
Wwt braut a forslmi.r doesn't spak
tm lanpuaso ws ars too prone to think
him dull and ignorant and twneath our
selves," said J. H. Miller In an address
on Tha Frels;nr," before the Omaha
Ministerial union. Mr. MIMor la educa
tional secretary of the Young Men's Chris
tian association and has done much work
among the foreigners In the city.
"Tfcasa people who oma to ua from for
eign ellmea may have trod the great
cathedrals and art galleries and palaces
and libraries of the old world,", he said.
TThetr experience in many Inetancea j
la fa broader than oura and they have i
some qualities which we might well cul-
ttvaia." I
Be pointed out the two patha by which
the foreigner becomes either a "liability"
or an "asset"' to the country.
"He Is essentially a social being," he
said. "And if his craving for society Is
not satisfied In good channels he will find
tt tn bad. lie should be met at the sta
tion, helped to find a place to stay, helped
to a job and then Invited into a to
learn the English language. It this Isn't
done he Is apt to go In the saloon to t-at-lsf
his need for society."
Places of Kntertalnment.
He urged the opening of four houses In
Pouth Bide where the foreign element can
find respectable entertainment. These
places would have pool, billiards, smok
Ing rooms, reading rooms and so on.
"If we don't make some, provisions for
the social life of men after the saloon Is
knocked out, , conditions will be worse
than they are now," he declared.
The local celebration of the centenary
of the American Bible society will con
sist of a big meeting In the Auditorium,
to he addressed by William J. Bryan,
early In April.
The following committee for the af
fair waa appointed: Revs. O. A. Hulbert,
A. C Douglass, J. H. Maxwell, O. D.
Baltsly, E. D. Hull, E. H. Jenka and
George I Peters.
Ten Less Scarlet
Fever Cases Now
Than Last Week
Health department records show ten
siarlct fever cases less last week than
the previous week. The following eighteen
new caaee were reported during the last
fofty-rlght hours:
Flolse Oallowsv. 4117 North Twentieth.
Thoebe Hanson. South Tnlrty-
F. Smetks. ?(.?5 Hoiun xweinn.
Prrnlco Rlgoy, J1? Camden avenue.
l-"Mna Frtodcn, ?U Fpomvr.
Harry Pullen. Florence boulevard.
Holm Bell, 4llo Corby.
Frank and James lialkovlo, Zllt South
Frank I'nderwood. Jr., W!i Reward.
Marts Tekowlps. TM9 Templeton
Helen Vlebee, y1l Maple.
Irma Qulren. ;olr.
Iicllle Williams. Ios California.
Lnwless. '.412 Tarkpr.
.Tones, room f, Stnte hotel.
Psvne, MS Smith Twenty-Seventh.
Kll ner Kvans, 1110 Sinth Thirty-first.
Taken to city hospital.
"Poor Man's Bank"
Prospect for Omaha
Superintendent Pchrelnrr of the Wei
fare hoard has received Information that
a group of Omaha men are contemplat
ing formation of a company for the pur
pose of opening a "poor man's bank," to
be operated In connection with the Wel
fare hoard.
Although the proposed hank. If estal
Itshed. will be In connection wtth the
Welfare board's work, the hank will be
operated and maintained as a separate
Institution Insofar as the actual business
Is concerned. Ians would bo made upon
recommendations of the Welfare board
whose InvestlKators look up the appli
cants. A similar losn bank has been In opera
tion In Kansas City for several years
and the report for last yea states that
less than 1 per cent of the loans were
charged off as losses.
The plan Is to make loans on basis of
monthly repayments and at a rate of
Interest that would put the loan agents
and pawn brokers out of business.
Warm Weather Has Established
Fact Considerable Corn is of
Little Value.
The return of wsnn weather has
brought about some unexpected condi
tions with respect to the grain market,
especially the com. It has developed the
fact that there Is a lot of corn that Is
so soft and completely saturated with
water that it Is almost without a market
While the weather was cold, very lit
tle of the corn appeared to be soft, but
with the coming of high temperstures.
corn that during the oro weather of
January seemed pretty Rood, now t so
filled with .water that grain men assert
It Is likely to rnt before It can be dried
out. This Is corn that failed to mature
last fall. On the Omaha drain exchange
this corn Is selling aa low as I? cents
per bushel and Is a drug on the market,
even at this price.
Omaha grain receipts consisted of 1M
ears of whest, 242 of corn and thirty-two
of oats. Wheat waa I to I cents off, sell
ing at $!. to SI 1& per bushal.
Poor Cora Lower.
The better grades of corn were a cent
up to 4 cents down, with the poorer stuff
off considerably more. Corn that graded
reasonably high sold at W to M cents, but
there was more thst sold all the way
between and 4& cents per bushel.
Oats were a cent to 14 cents lower,
selling at 42 to 42Vs cents per bushel.
Stocks of grain In storsge at the begin
ning of the present week are more than bushels less than on the corre
sponding date of last year. At this time
theie is to exceed 1.W0.W0 bushels more
of wheat In storage than a year ago. The
big decrease Is In corn, it showing a fall
ing off of more than !,,, due to the
fact that cereal mills and feeders in
states to the east are constantly on the
ground buying tip all the best of the
grain aa fast aa It arrives.
I.raa Grata la storage,
Stocks In storage In Omaha elevators,
in bushels, now and one year ago are:
Now. Year gn.
Wheat I2VV0 1
Corn 1..177..HM S.137 f0
Oats : 1,Vi.0)V l.lHo.flnii
Ke , 4!. W.iAi
Barley 71.000
Totnla S.ioti.OOO 4.ST7,
The total derresse is 1,1-1. ft bushels
with the Mg decrease In torn. It la ex
plained thwt the tncveaso In the quantity
of wheat In ttorage Is due to the Inability
to secure shipping facilities to l-.urouc.
Omaha grain dealers assert that If spoce
for wheat could be secured In ocean ves
sels, Omana elevators would be cleaned
of their storks Inside of forty-eight hours.
I. R. Lines, Toung Men's Christian
associating ssoetary; U C. Sholrs. super
intendent, and Mrs. Carrie lawson Scott,
Women' Christian Temperance union
worker, were the speakers at temper
ance programs given Sundsy at both
the Hanscom rrk Methodist F.plseopal
and the First Presbyterian churches.
"The Brewers' Big Horses" was sung by
ravtd Rebel and a choms under the
direction of Walter Orahsm. Herbert
Wright, Oordon Hayes, Fred Phtnroc'
and Miss Katharine Horsey gave temper
ance readings.
The death of Judge F.ngliah will have
no effect on the status of the Art Hauser
trial and conviction, according In opin
ions expressed by Judges and attorneys,
The motion ty the defense for a new
trial for Hauser prohahly will be mads
and argued before Presiding Judge Fears,
It waa said.
Ten Douglas County
Bridges Washed Out
County F.nglneer Adams la Investigat
ing the results of high water In various
parta of Douglas county. IV ports from
hia office are to the effect that ten or
more bridges were washed out or badly
damaged by the recent spring rise In
Miss Haiel Bocho, 1721 I'avenport
streot. discovered a man In a bedroom of
her mother's home Monday morning. At
sight of the girl the msn fled precipit
ously wltn Mrs. Ilocho's purse, but wss
rspturcd after a chase by two boarder
who answered the girl's cry of w-arn-lrg.
The police were summoned and the
evlprlt was placed under arrest.
Boris Corney, painter. Twenty-fourth
and Chicago streets, fell from a scsffold
at Thirteenth and Pnuglas streets, sits
tatnlng a scalp . wound and a severely
wrenched hack. He was attended by I'r.
T. T, Harris and sent horns.
Ouch! Lumbago!
Rub Pains From
Sore, Lame Back
Rub Backache away with smali
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacob's Oil."
Bark hurts youT Can't strslghten uD
without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches
and twinges? Now listen! That's lum
bago, sciatica or maybe from a strain,
and you'll get relief the moment you rub
your back with soothing, penetrating "St.
Jacobs OH." Nothing else tskes out sore
ness, lainencsa and stiffness so quickly.
You simply rub It on your bck snd out
comes the pain. It Is harmless and doesn't
burn the skin.
I.lmber up! Hon't suffer! tict a small
trlsl bottle of old, honest "ft. Jacobs O.i"
from sny drug store, and after using It
Just once, you'll forget you ever had
backache, lumbago or sciatica, because
your hack will never hurt or causa sny
more misery. It never dlsaipolnts snd
hss been recommended for 0 yrsrs. Advertisement.
V 11 1 1 '.' " 'I 1 ".!
a as ma w - - - - ... - . -
t ;. '.
1 - - " -- rn,r
Death Eesults from
Scalding His Foot
Joseph Brkl, aged 2A years, died Satur
day at his home, 4133 Bouth Thirteenth
street, as the result of complications fol
lowing the scalding of a foot which he
sustained about three weeks ago. While
at work the man stepped into a barrel
of boiling water.
He Is survived by his widow and two
small daughters Vlasta. aged 6, and Ve
nuska. aged t years. The funeral will
te held at 2 o'clock this afternoon
from the residence to the Forest Lawn
cemetery. Cremation will take place at
the cemetery at o'clock Wednesday
Gould Dietz Goes
to See Mardi Gras
Gould Diets, member of the board of
governors of Ak-Sar-Ben, - left Sunday
evening for New Orleans 'and other
southern cltlea Hs goes with a commis
sion from the board of governors to at
tend the Mardi Oraa celebration at New
Orleans and bring back some new ideas
for improvement in the local fall fes
While In the south he also Is to make
an Investigation of certain features of
municipal work of various kinds In order
to have soma new ideas to- present on
his return to the municipal affairs com
mittee of the Commercial club, of which
he is chairman.
County treasurers from all parts of the
state will meet at Hotel Rome today
for three days for the annual conven
tion of the 'State County Treasurers' as
sociation. Peter Mcintosh of Adams
county Is president and Noon McMurran
of Furnas county is secretary.
William Jackson, colored, was rudely
notched from the Midway Sunday
evening and hustled to headquarters. He
explained to the Judge that he had done
nothing wrong, and knew not the reason
of his abduction. He further explained
that he was a veteran of the Spanlah-
American war. and with several oiner
colored gentlemen helped Roosevelt take
San Juan hill. Honorable discharge pa
pers from the Ninth and Tenth cavalry
were exhibited by Jackson and the judge
let him go.
The Mutual Insurance company of New
York Issued Its first policies on the first
day of February, 1813. At that date no
other existing life Insurance company
in this country had yet begun the Issue
of legal reserve policies. The Mutual
Life, therefore, Justly claims to be the
oldest life Insurance company In Amer
ica. From the beginning it has been i
purely mutual legal reserve company.
writing only standard business on satis
factory medical examination. Always
conservative in its Investments, Its-1m-
pregnable strength no one pretends to
question or haa ever questioned.
The company's achievements, past and
present, in the matter of benefits to
policy holders, have long attracted public
attention. In 1915 it paid policy holders a
total of 167,978,329.32. The balance sheet
for 1216 shows a contingency reserve on
December SI, of IH.625,57.1. This wss
an Increase over the previous year "of
31,977,963. 7, while in that year also theie
had been an increase In this item Cf
ll,S0,10S 97, making total increase in the
two years of 13,658.072.94.
The new Insurance paid for In lHlS, In
cluding dividend additions, waa 3118,176.
711. Many policy holdera sddIv their
dividends each year to Increasing their,
insurance In force, which explains tho
' term "dividend additions."
It will be noted in the balance sheet
that the caah on hand at the close of
the year was 111,507.163.76. It Is the com
pany's purpose to keep its funds closely
Invested, and this balance is much larger
than usual.
The real estate holdings of the com
pany at the close of 191a amounted to
321.679,165, which was only it per cent of
the company's net assets.
ounty Treasurers
to Hold Convention
Five Minutes! No
Gas, Indigestion
Or Acid Stomach
Instant relief from sourness,
heartburn, headache,
'Tape's Diapepsin" is quick
est and surest stomach
' relief known.
Why not get some now this moment,
and forever rid . yourself of stomach
troubls and indigestion? A dieted stomach
gets the b'.ues and grumbles. Give it
good eat, then take Pape'a Diapepsin to
atsrt the digestive' Juices working. There
will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas
or eructations of undigested food; no
feeling like a lump of lead In stomach or
heartburn, sick headache and dlzslness,
and your food will not ferment and poison
your breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin costs only GO cents for
a large case at any drug store here, and
will relieve the most obstinate case of
Indigestion snd upset stomach In five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take gas
from the stomach and cleanse the stom
ach and Intestines, and, besides, one sin
gle dose .will digest and prepare for as-
almllatlon into the blood all-your food
the same aa a sound, healthy stomach
would do It.
When Diapepsin works your stomach
rests gets itaelf in order, cleans up and
then you feel like eating when you come
to the tsble, and what you eat will do
you good.
Absolute relief from all stomach misery
Is waiting for you ss soon as you decide
to take a little Diapepsin. Tel) your drug,
gist that you want Tape's Diapepsin, be
cause you wsnt to become thoroughly
cured this time.
Remember, If your stomach feels out-
of-order and uncomfortable now you can
get relief in five minutes. Advertisement.
Four wives have filed suits tn dis
trict court seeking divorces aa follows:
Ida J. against Oscar R. Gabriel; Marie
against Alfred Menrtlfa; Mabel against
Morris H. Qarfunkel; Flora against Kid
gar Sullivan. A decree of divorce has
been granted Kleanor Ruratsll High
against I.yle E. High, and the latter is
ordered to pay her 3! 5 a month alimony.
It takes but a mlnue of time to save
collars when you read The Bee Wsnt Ad
, President Mohler of the Vnlon fa
nifio left last night for Chicatto. where
he will confer with other officials of
the Harriman system relatle to some
business matters.
Clarke Forcade. city ticket agent for
the Missouri PsrlNc, now In a local hos
pital being treated for Bright s disease,
haa so far recovered that the latter part
of the week he expecta to go to Hot
ftxlbca Arlsy to remain a month.
It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Fori
Beware of the habit of constipation. It
develops from Just a few constipated
days, unless you take yourself In hand.
Coax the Jaded bowel muscles back to
normal action with Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Don't
force them to unnatural action with
severe medicines or by merely flushing
out the Intestines wlih nasty, sickening
Dr. F.dwarda believes In gentleness,
persistency and Na'.ure's assistants.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the
bowels; their action is gentle, yet posi
tive. There is never sny pain or grip
ing when Dr. Edwards' Ollvs Tablets
are used. Ju.t the kind of treatment
old persons should have.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a vege
table compound mixed with olive oil. you
will know them by their olive color.
Take one or two occasionally and have
no trouble with your liver, bowels or
stomach, 10c and 26c per box. All drug
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus,
TOW into the habit of boosting
your town. For
you'll find you'll soon be
JiH others boosting, as well,
will be glad you spoke well of your
too, and
The judges had you in mind you, every man, woman and child in Omaha
rwhen they selected, from more than 1,300 suggestions, "GROW WITH
GROWING OMAHA" as a new slogan for Omaha.
The contest for a new slogan, conducted recently by a local newspaper, was
the result of a demand for a phrase that would directly affect each one of us.
"Buy It in Omaha", "Omaha, the Gate City of the West", "Made in Omaha"
and many others, are frequently used, but none quite fills the bill, none ap
plies individually to each of us.
The judges in this contest, eight successful business men, representing as many
different lines, said that "GROW WITH GROWING OMAHA" should be our
slogan. It is not a boost, they said; it will stand the test of truth, is pleasing,
is an invitation to outsiders, and it applies to all of us alike.
We all want to grow. If you are in business you want your business to grow;
if you have a profession, you want your clients to increase; if you are on a
salary, you want your firm to prosper; if you are a wage earner, you want
work to be plentiful. Your business, your profession, your salary, your job,
all will be better if your city is prosperous.
Help your city and yourself by boosting. Use this slogan every time you can.
- Try it on your neighbor, your wife, on your enemies and your friends.. Boost.
Boost With Boosting Omahans
And You Will
. Grow . With Growing Omaha
Omaha lias more than 400 live, progressive factories, turning out
things you want, things you must have Their products are always an
good often better than articles from other cities that you buy. You
pay no freight on them. So you get more, both in quality and in
quantity, for the price when you buy Omaha-Made Goods.
You muy want something in the boiler line; an Omaha factory,
the Drake-Williams-Mount Co., will supply you. Butchers and packers
can buy the equipment they need from a homo factory, the 0. B. Liver
Co. The Omaha Foundry and the Lawrence Shot & Lead Co., Omaha N
factories, can fill your order for anything in their lines. There are
Omaha factories malting nearly everything used. Investigate before
you buv.
H"""! U S' A. V
r made: in
T""! U.S.A.