Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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- i
Little in Dy'f Senion to WrTanti
Detailed or Specific Com-
The Strange
Case of
Mary Page
By Frederick Lewis, Author of
"What Happened to Miry"
Pictures by
XF.W YORK. Fob. Jl -Thar waa tltt l
In today a rTfunt-tory oln'H markft to
mart-anf dVtalled or eperlflc cnmnwnt.
Tl.lln.a war the amallr-at of nv
ton t hna fur tMe veir anl Ihoir ela-mi- tretma that Miiry thr-ste-narl
irun wan in n--"iiiK it ..- '""' ,wnn it prrvinuai)', anti wary a
Mart- Page, slreea. In ar-rue-il of Hi
munler of I'eirifl I'nllork arirj ia defrfvl-il
by hrr lover, rhlllp lind'lon. Pollrwk
waa lnfolmlo1. At Miry'i trial aha
admits nh harl the revolver. Her roalil
turnover. Tomorrow hoiinay. omnia rnari l:niirat l.nnndnn. How Mary
aoon sfter the dull week-rnl. raneod a ' .imaprwar-il from the nrrnr of the rrlme
further rvorliia of h rrnfeaaional 'le-la a mystery. Hraixlon tells of a strange
ment and ptihllr Intrreet waa wholly hand print h aaw on Mary ahouliler.
larking- International affalra. especially I further rvlilenor shows that horror of
mink prodiura temporary Inaanlty In
Mary. The defenae la "repressed pay
rhne'e." Wttn-sses dearrlhed Mary'a
flight from her intoxicated father and
hr father a auiclde.
tbe reported delicate altuatlon between
Washington and Hetlln served aa an
additional deterrent nd the Hat wa left
largely to It a on de .icea.
opening prlvee ahowed a number of Ir
regular gain, moatlv trivial, followed hy
general derllnea. only a few of which
were retrieved later. Manipulation of
apeclaltlea wss tentatively resumed,
sugar aharea erorlns; anbatantlnl galna.
Hoiith Porto Illco Sugar roae M polnta
1o tha pew record of 172N and Cuban
American Auger i to li.
American .inc. which led laat week a
movement In metala In reapect to Ita ad
vance, waa moderately active and Unite
and Superior and American Smelting
were relatively prominent and firm. Mer
cantile Marine Is.ues were In further de
mand, the Injection of new and Influen
tial Intereata in the propoaed reoraanlxa
tion anaaeatln an early aettlement of
lone-pending difficult lea.
t nlted Plates hteel fell to an ohaciire
place, being- suprrreded by half a dosen
hitherto Inactive aharea. despite) hulllah
gossip regsrdlng earnings for tha cur
rent quarter. War contract aharea aa
a whole yielded 1 to 2 point from laat
week a final figures and ralla (Waaed
to aierclaa the slightest mfluence upon
regulative aentlment. Abeolue stagna
tlon prevailed during the laat half of the
aesalon. ralla falling Into complete oh
llvfon. Tha tone at the close, waa heavy.
Total aalea amounted to ZS'.Ono aharea.
IDomeatlce developments were sgsln of
a conatructlve character, with enormona
gains in western traffic and Increaalnf
rar shortage. All forma of foreign e
chanae were lowaer. except Urea. Iltimora
were current of further old exports to
flouth America and Holland.
r ich trend aa the bond market mani
fested waa towarda aliKhtty lower levela.
Total aalea. par value, l2.C7n.00O. I'nlted
fiatea bonda were un hanged on call.
. .
Number of aalea and leading quotallona
on atocka today ware
AJaek Held
Amerfen fleet SHigar....
Aaterliwa Oaa
4erteee Lrwiotlre ...
Amerttaa i K
Am. a R ri
Am. auaar Reflatnr
Aaierlcaa Tel. Tat
Anerleaa Tihexco
Aacnaew Ceftaer
BaWHrtn leeowoflT
fcaltlaiara Ohin
XMhleMm Htet
Hmotrlra HaDl Tr
CaHfnmla retmlauat 4...
faaaAlaa IMrtrie
flenteal lMttw
(Vieatpeaka Ohta
! (i W
-hiiws. m. a m. r
hlr. N. W
Chicago, H. I. r. By..
Oitao lter
rifrso ruel A Iroa. ..
Cnirthle atael
rner K. O. f
niulllera' 6ecvrtllM ....
nenarwl Rlertrlo
tlraat Nortlwra pf4
lraat N. Ore clfa
(luaaenheiai Kiploratlea..
Illlnota Central
iBlerhArmigb faa. Cora...
Inaelraflon (nipf .......
In'ernatlorial iUrraatar...
K 'tr Houttaara....
LrtlrH Valley
iMilavllle Nt.hvllla...
. Vnlta Petrnleaal
Miami Copper
Mlaemirl, K. T. p....
Mlaaenrt TacitM
Nallmial niaoall
Kattneai lal
ira4a Popper
New York raniral. .......
N. Y.. N. H M
Narfolk A Weeiera
Northern Pacific
raclfte Mall
Vaclfte Tel. Tal
nr coa. oippor
tllerafeltc lm 4 el ...
Poutliera rarlhe
FmiW-m Kallvay
P'tvAehsker Oompaay
Tanneaer Opper
Tavaa IVtmpaae .....i....
tTntoa fanfio
VnlrHi Paclfle pfd
t nlte4 piatM Hiaal
t H. Hieel pfd ..,
t'tah Cn?nr
Watni I'nlna
W'el tngnova Rlectrle ...
Vnaiana Pnwer
-rl Moim
V ahaell B (
Ititornallnnai Marina afl. -I ana
Tnial aalea tur tha Ur. zti,aM abaraa.
alaa. Itiih Iw. O e
l,m 71'i u4 j.s
ana m V114 1014
4 7i :n 1s
4 tan u i !'
ana 44
1. 100 I no, lot lot
n ltrs tit1 111
ana 1114 III 1t:s
a a tr, w irh
II. ana tns ati, aa
7 no too, in in
4, Inpt, I Oil, M4
ann i vi M
tna nt i, MH
ItO 1S MI !'
.ana M ' '.
no ciS ,L
tni t. ir.t, m
luat 174 l.n 1MI
1 jrn 144, It
4"1 40 l 44S4
Vw) ,s 4IS 44'4
IIM 40S4 7IS 7'
. )i
1,404 il 4H 4
7 4S M
4 1714, 1TI I'l
ins iS
I. an 4.'.' 4444 44
70 17S l'S l'S
,0O 47 S 44S 44V
ua M S t
44 ims ims Mv
1.4(a) r
, 1.nt at 44 l,
, 1hS 14i 1H
w 061, 101' 104'4
n 444 47'4 04
4ni H7S Ills lit
. I an III llrs HIS
, !. I'S lS lS
! 'i'ioi 'iiii srwj
. 14 r.4 x
tna 7IS 71 74
nn us s liS
I nnn fv, 44S MS
l.i ms S
, I not 144 141 141. 'i
poa H 4414 aS
, I.4A4 t7S
l.tna 1M "S tX
yon M 4-', a-ajl
II. 7 ' 4?' B4j
4 II" S H4S
us S ft
ma as 4S "H
t7 4414 os
4A4 4a 471 471
t'l 17 K S
.1 4na 7S IIS US
what the note
Philip and
la aafe In
New York Mower Marfcoi.
C'ANTILK PAPER !Wf0l4 per cent.
bill", S4 7I; demand, )4.7; cable. 4 7ti.
HILVER-Har. &6c, Masioaa dollari.
HOXPR-Oovernment, aleady; railroad,
TIMR l.OANrt-Stegdy; alxty and
ninety do) a. tSrtJi per cant; alx morjtha,
:Si'.l per cent.
CAIX MONKT-Steady; l.lgheat. 1 per
rent: low eat. IS per cent: ruling- rate,
14 per cent; laat loan, I per cent; cloa-
Ing bid. IS per cent; offered at I per
Cioalnc quotation on bonda today war
aa followa: .
U a. r la. rag... ISl. aV N. nal. 4a .... 44
4a esapoa NkM HAT I 4a.. 71 s
11. B. . reg lot Ma. fac. row. 4a..,i4
khimii t Moat, l-aeor aa 4444
V. . 4a. rea llN. T. t' 4k 4a....ll4S
aa nMieca Ill N V fit? 4Sa I07S
Aat. Sraallera . . IIIS'N. Y . N. H. H.
A. T. a T. T. 4S4 l'"44 . as IMS
Anclo-Kraarh a .... IMK.. Pioltlc 4a ?S
Airhlaoa aea. 44.... 4S da t tS
Hal. a Ohio 4a H O f L rof. 4a M 4
Hut. ateel r. aa I'l Par T. a T. 4a 100't,
Cr. fSrliie lot KSMa eaa. 4S Vs
(7ha O. T. 4Sa. 4S go gea. 4Sa. .....Ills
- B- A J. I. 4a ... M'tlUaglaa aea. 4a 44
47. at. A a. P. . to..l1SM I. A M. K r. 4a 4S
4 K. I. P r. 4a. 4; Sao Pao. ? ta Us
C. A a. nf. 4Sa.... '.' go ref 4a 4.M4
Tt. A H. 0. e. 4a.... 7asa Rallarar 4a lo's
Frio gea aa ....74 I a lea fa-Ida 4a.... 4?S
tiaa. Elaclrle la. .. 104' go c 4 ani
(it. X la4 4a HMV a. laboir ria4
III 4aa. rof 4a ... MS!' l. Hleei la Iis
l.t. M. M. 4a aasweat. I aiog 4Sa ... P" S
K r. ta. ret. 4a... H Weat. Ciea. at. I. 1J4
(t'onllnued from liat Saturday.)
The Swrae'a atora,
iJingdon. opening; the door of the wlt-
neaa-room, alanced in. A aharp little
frown of anxiety etched two fine, ver
tical llnea between hla evea. .but at
alght of the tall, trimly-clad woman
talking; to the doctor a emlle Dt relief
replaced tha acowl. Ha came forward
"Thank goodneaa you were able to net
here." he aaiit. taking: her hand In both
of hie. "It meang go much to heve you;
and yt under the rlrcumatancea I didn't
Ilka to Inalat, or rail the law to my aid.
How la the recalcitrant patient?"
"Oh. the patient la doing aplendtdly,"
tbanka." ahe anawered with a emlle.
but I ahoulil have come anyway, duty
or no duty, now la Miaa rage Rear
ing; up?"
"Very bravely, all thlnga conaldered,"
aald Langdon; but now nig tone waa
crave with a hint of wlatfulneaa.
Aa on the day before, go fraught with
terrible revelationa. It wag Mra. Pae
who waa the firat wltnegg.
I have only a few queatlona, Mra.
Page," paid Uingdon gently, "but I muat
aak you to tell the court the rventa
that directly followed uptin the death of
your huabgnd."
I I'm afraid that what happened di
rectly afterward la not very clear o
me," ahe aald with unconacloua pathoa.
"It It waa a terrible auork, of
courae." Her llpa quivered.
Juat anawer my queatlona then. How
long after your huaband'g death waa It
that you learned the whereabouta of
your daughter?"
'It may have been an hour or per-
hapa leag."
'Do you remember
"Tea; It waa from
Don't worry. Mary
Jamlaon'a home. For obvlnua reaaona I
advlaa you not to coma here till later.
Will then explain all.' "
"What did you do upon reading the
"I went and got my hat and cloak to
go to her. but David Pollock drove up
In hla automobile Juat aa I waa going
down tha path to the gate. Ha Inalated
that I return to the houae and talk to
him. Ha waa very excited and urgent,
but I ahowed him tha note from Phil
from Mr. Langdon, I mean and aaked
him to take me to tha doctor'a In hla
car. He aald ha would if I would give
htm flva mlnutea' convereMlon flrat; ao
wa went back to tha houae. Ha aald
ha hated to diaturb ma at auch a time.
but that I muat remember that Mary
waa hla fiancee, and ha waa getting tired
of Mr. Langdon'a attitude. 'I am the
ona who ahould have taken car of har
laat Bight.' ha aald, 'and I demand that
you Immediately atop Langdon'a Inter
ference.' I told him that my poor child
had Buffered enough; that I would not
la any way Interfere In tha future. In
fftot, I I blamed him for tha awful
tragedy of the night before. It Beamed 16
ma that but for him my daughter would
be aafe and well and my huabgnd living,
and I told him ao. Ha aald that If I
would not deal with Lang-don, ha would,
and that ha would expect MUry to ktep
her word to him. Then he left. At tha
gata ha met a boy coming In with a
note, and after aoma talk, ha gave the
boy aoma money and took the note hlm
aelf. Ha tore It open and read It; then,
crumpling It In hla hand aa If angry, he
flung It aalda and got Into hla motor.
Aa aoon ha waa out of eight I ran
out and picked up' the note. It It waa
addreaaed to ma, and It aald: 'I am
taking Mary to Dr. Foeter'g aanltarlum
outalda tha city. She beara up bravely
under the newa of her father'a death.
W ill rail later, Philip.' Tha next I re
member ta lying cm tha bed In my own
room and hearing our doctor gay. 'It a
tMt too much for bar. I wleh to Ood aha
i.nd eonie lelHtlteu ,,r ....nicune to h-'p
fccr." "
'That ia all. Mrt4. Page, upleaa the "tale
haa aome queatlona to aak." Hla voice
roae Interrogatively, but the proeecutor
ahook hla head.
"I'r. Angua Footer!"
Only tr-e fear of the dire threat of the
Jutlge to "( rear the room If fiere waa any
diaturbance'' held the ppeMatora allent a'
the Bound of that name, for Dr Foster
had played hla role In many another
court rrnm. while hla fame waa a hyworl
all over the world. Klnga of Wall alreet
owed their grip upon affalra to hla care
when mental breakdown aeemed Inevit
He waa not a tall man. but the
dignity of hla carriage and the way he
held hla ahnuldera, lent him an appear
ance of great height aa he took hla
place In the wltneaa boa and held up l it
right hand to take the oath.
Dr. Foater, you apcclallre In dtaegaea
of the brain, do yon not?"
"I do. In both mental and nervotig ilia"
"Have you a aanatnrlum Jut outaldn
thla city?"
I have."
Have you ever acen the defendant
before ?"
'I have aeen Mlaa Page on aeveral
occaalnna. The flrat time waa when I
aaw Mr. Ingdon, whom I had known
for aome yeara, drive tip with a girl
healdn him In the motor. Hhe aeemed
to he aaleep or only partially conecloug.
Phe opened her eyea aa I eame up and
got unateadlly to her feet, and then I
noticed that her heavy veil hid the fact
that her face waa llvldl from gome great
gufferlng. After we had given her Into
the charge of Nurae Walton I took Mr.
I.angdon Into my office, where he told
me briefly of Mlaa Pa gea attack of
madneaa and the Incldenta that had led
tip to II. Do you wlah me to reiterate
the atory In detail?" he aaked. turning
toward the Judge". "Tt la aubataxitlally
the eame aa that which haa already been
told by Mra. Page and the man Mac.
( To He Continued Tomorrow.)
j hut generally to 12 polnta h'ghr on
I the fnlliire of the official aMca m phow
;any eaalng of ocean fre'ght lute re
' ncwed rnvifiiii. foie gi t.uvlnK. a-id 4
' little df niand from local trade lnt reta.
I Prlcea were will mnintalncd during the
I rimming, but there waa a -altering near
1 month a llntildatlm accompanied by c n
li ci. till ewlt'hjn? from nir to lat
u.'titiia. and Hie marki t later ena d fl
urn er iralirlng. wltti Yav ontrnta gel.
log down from .v to 7 Mc, while te-c'-mbcr
rawed off from I7c to I u. T e
cloan waa 4 to 9 rw.lnn n. t low r Sl-i.
I r li'dlnc awitcbea, 719 0 bn-a; r" i ri-arv,
71V: Mr h, 7.7i ; Aptil, 7.7.V; Vmv. " hi, .
June. 7,7c; li.-ly, 7. ".'; Xiiruat. r
tcnitei, .2c; October, 40 r Vn-rniVr
8.1'ir; December, Hi.-; .lan arv, . 7 -
ftot coff c, ateadv; rilo'.". '.: pTii
4a. lf,lc. Snnt'ie 4a wer, reftte rn 4
offrrcd !n l'e coat end freight mir'
here at 1" (c to '.-- f v re-ili - nh
ment.. l-ala Kncliah rrcd t. ft waa re
ported that two Pritiah ptamera were
loading cofree cargoea In Rraxll for the
1 nlted Htatea. The official reported a
decline of it-Wd In the rate of Rio
ca ge on Ixndon with milre a prices un
t twanged.
aaaxar Market.
NKW TOPK. rh. T 'I'dA R Re w,
im-nlnal; rentrlf'igal. t 0Mj.V:; molaaaea.
4; refined atead) ; cut loaf, 7 a-c;
cr-ifhed. T.?.c: mold A. 7oc; eubea.
6.7: XX XX powdered, a. 4c; powdered.
I; ; fine granulated, .Z".c; diamond A.
ron'ei tlonera' A, Inc; No. 1, l"r-.
.-ugar fiiturea are very quiet. with
pi iceg 2 or I polnta net higher at noon.
Dry fiootta Market.
'oilen goo4.a advanced todav and trade
a active In peralea. bleached gooda
nl gray cloths. I La w tilk waa in good
1 nmnd.
toffee Market.
maiket for cof'ee fiiturea waa rather Ir
regular and uneettled today, an early
advance being followed hy e'larp re
action In the late trading, The market
r pined at a decline of t polnta on April,
Stork Market.
IX5NDON. Feb. II American securi
ties on the Ktock market fiulahed dull.
aeailian Paciflo waa a fairly active ex
ception ,
"H.VFR Har. it ItVlod per ounce.
MONK. V 4'i4l, per cent.
hl-tol'NT RATKi Chort bills and
hrr months. 5S per cent.
Bank leairlaga.
OMAHA. Feb. tl-Hank clearings fur
Omaha today were 3.lf77.1irl i2. Tha cor
respond. ng day laat year waa Washing
ton day, a legal holiday.
I atta Market.
q.let. middling up land a. II fct;
aaiea, ai naiea.
p'utuiea t-ned steady; March, 11 tic;
May. ll.iK; July. 117-; October. ll.Wc;
eililee 1'Ouo
The cot ton market cloae I et-ady at a
HH de ha of from I to 19
I.I 4 hhllklU reb. Zi. tfilTuA Spot
eaa er; good middling, totd, middling.
f.T.d; low mkldllng. T.4ld; salea. a.taM
I vary ona should drink hot watar
with phosphats In It,
bafors brsakfsst. '
If you have Catarrhal Deafness
or head noises go to your drug
gist and get 1 ounce of Parmlnt
(double strength), and add to It '
pint of hot water and 4 ounces of
granulated sugar. Take I table
spoonful four times a day.
Thla will often bring quick re
lief from the distressing head
nolaea. Clogged nostrils ahould
open, breathing become eaay and
tha mucua atop dropping Into tha
throat. It la eaay to prepare, coats
little and la pleaaant to take. Any
ona who haa Catarrhal Deafneas
er head noises should - give thla
prescription a trial. Advertisement
Read This Special Grocery Sale for Tuesday
4 8-ln. anrkA boat high Rrad Dia
mond ' IV Flour, made from the
best Mlclpd No. 1 Wheat, noth
ing finer for bread, :fa or
rakea, per sack $1.45
16 lbs. heat iure Granulated
Sugar 9I.(M)
10 bara Beat-'Km-All, Diamond
"C" or laundry Queen white
laundry Soap 25c
10 bars Pearl White Soap. . .."Wo
10 lba. best white or yellow
Corn meal for 2.1c
5 lbs. best rolled white break
fast Oatmeal 25r
Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup
for 3Kc
1-lb. pfcg. Condensed Mince Meat
1 pkg. makes 5 pies; special
Tuesday, per pkg ..!ic
4 pkga. best Domestic Macaroni,
Vermicelli or Spaghetti .... 25c
4 large cans Condensed Milk 2Nc
4 cans Wax, String, Green or
Lima Bonn 2H
4 cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy
or Bauer Kraut 2Mo
G lbs. choice Japan Hire . . . .25c
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg fie
W. O. C. or K rumbles, pkg;.. ,0c
Yeast Foam, pkg. Sc
MnrLaren's Peanut- Butter, per
pound 12 He
6 cans Oil Sardines Ifir
The host Sods or Oyster Crack
ers, lb .' 7 c
Fancy uncolored Japan, English
Pork Chops, lb
No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb. '.
10 lbs. Leaf Ird ,
Breakfast. Ceylon or Gunpowder
Tea, regular 60c seller, Tuesday.
per lb 48c
The bet. Tea Stftlngs, lb., 12te
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per
lb 20c
The best Strictly Fresh Egs,
Tuesday, per dozen 25c
The best Creamery Butter, car
ton or bulk, lb 32c
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter,
per lb 2e
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. 27c
Fancy Full Cream N. Y. White,
Wisconsin Cream or Young
America Cheese, lb 4e
llnwhel Rox of Roman ' Beauty
Apples $l,40
. Extra Fancy Grape Fruit that re
tails for 7Hc: Tuesday, each, Be'
1 5 lbs. best Red Rlrer Potatoes
for 80c
Fresh Beets, Carrotg and Turnips
per bunch 4c
Fresh Shalots or Radishes, three
Lunches for loc
3 large Soup Bunches 10c
Fancy Cauliflower, per lb.. ."He
Fresh Cabbage, per lb lc
Fresh Head Iettuce, head, 7 He
Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, lb llic
Fresh Strawberries, quart.. 45c
Fresh Mushrooms, lb 85c
1 1 m i- .j 1
A stnMSm !
( I III i J 4W" .. y 1 , II-. r -i r
jjJ I
.ft. 00
Metal Market.
VF.ff YORK. Feb. U -M KT
f,r, !eiler, not gU4Od. t'optwr:
trm: elM-trolilc. nearby, 42s. M; Jane
and later, t'7 t' Irua: Urm; N. I
fiorthwr. t-H No. I. Ii ;6j-J
So 1 auirthern. tJU-UaUl U: No. 1 lit Ti
C"l Tin: J-lrui. r.jK,t, 43 UVHi. K,.
At Lsmi4in (owr: bpnt, iiue; futun-a.
ati ia: rtecLrol vric, iisi Tin: tipot,
t. future, tiav ia. Lata, t-M h pal
ter. MM.
U tak la lckl.
Kertpts af atH at the flva prln-
Hjl Baater nuarkata: ,
Cattle. Iloaa Bheep.
Viuu Cll ll.tas) 4a) U
r veo .... II wJ 5 ia 14 01
Ti!. 4) l ( 4a 14)
-i. Iy4..ia I 7a )4 4
atis tir i.iu iu4 tij
T'AaJ receipts '.. )u6.Sar i4vj
To feel aa fine aa tha proverbial fiddle,
we muat keep tha liver waahed clean, al-
moet every mumlns, to prevent Its
apon-like pores from closrslns with In
digestible material, aour bile and poison
ous toxina, ssys a noted physician.
If you get hradachea. It'a your liver. If
ou catch cold eaally, It'a your liver. If
you wake up with a bad taate, furred
tons", naaty breath or stomach be
comes rancid, It'a your liver. Sallow akin.
muddy complexion, watery eyea all denote
liver un leanllness. Your liver Is the
most Important, also the most abuaed an J
neglected organ of tha body. Few know
Ita function or how to release the dam-med-up
tody waate, bile and toxina.
Moat tolas ra-aort to violent calomel,
which la a dangeroua, salivating chemi
cal wntch can only be uaed occaalonally
because It avumulates In the tlasuea,
also attacks the bones.
Kvrrv man and woman, aick or well,
should drink each morning before break
fast a glass of hot water with a tu
spoonful of limestone phosphate ia (t, to
wash from the liver and bowela tha pre
vious days indigestible material, the
poisons, aour bile and toxina; tbua
dee eeing, sweetening and freshening the
entire alimentary canal before putting
mora food into tha etc. roach.
1.1m eat one phosphate does not restrict
tha diet Ilka calomel, becaua It ca not
salivate, for It ia harmleaa and you can
aat anything afterwards. It la Inexptn.
slve and almost tasteless, and any phar
macist will sell you a quarter pound,
which la sufficient for a drmotialrallun
of how hot water and limestone phoa
pbate cleana, etlmutatee and frrehma
the liver, keeping you feeling fit day In
and day out Advertisement.
If You Do,
Buy an Electric!
The purchase of a motor car is a simple mat
ter. But to secure the greatest amount of pleasure
and satisfaction from your Investment requires forethought.
First of all, why are you buying a motor car!
If you want a car for city ue, for every day conveni
ence) and comfort, by all mearfs buj an Electric.
Do you wish a limousine in Winter of greatest
roonfort and conveience at the lowest possible costt
Bo you want the Ideal Summer car? If you do. buy an
Do you want a car that any member of your
family can drive, that is mechanically simple, that
runs without coaxing:, tlra trouble or motor complications!
If you do. buy an Electric.
Do you desire a car of strictest economr,
whose monthly cost of operation you can compute
practically to the penny? If you do, buy an Electric.
Do you want to do away with repair bills,
noise and odor, work and worry? Do vou want last
ing erlee aatlsfactloa. If you do, buy an Electric.
New Electric Cars Displayed
By the Following Dealers:
26th and Farnam.
Omaha Electric Light
& Power Company
t g
' "First in Peace"
"First in War"
"First in the hearts of his conn-
"First and big advertiser in
With all his strength of character and
goodness of heart, Washington was a far
sighted business man and realized the
value of publicity.
He was the owner of considerable unde
veloped land and improved property and
during the years just previous to and after
the Revolution he used the newspapers
extensively in disposing and selling of
thousands of acres.
The following is a copy of one of his ad
vertisements taken from the Columbian
Mirror and Alexander Gazette, . February
20th, 1796, Philadelphia, Pa. " ,
Tha flrat, uM Round Bottam, Is akamt H
mllaa balow Whcallng; a little abava Captaaon.
and oppoalta to Pipe Craafc: bounde4 br tha
tha firer la a similar form tor 1 mllaa, ani US
poliw, eostalntas 447 aaras.
Ransad. Ia tha tint lersa Bottom teloar tha
mouth of tha 1.1 tt I. Kanhawa basianlsa t oa
4 mllaa balov MarlatU. Ita Vnaath oa tha
rtvrr la s miles and 120 aolea, and aootsata
I.ai4 acraa.
Third. U about ss mllaa atlll lowar bn
balng tha 4th larsa bottom on tha. a. S. aids
tha r1sn balow tha UttHm Kanhaara. . It Is
bmndad or tha rlTr t aillfa and 41 patoa and
la furnlahad (as I hava bam Informant wit aa
sxcrUant anlli aaat; raatvnta 1.444 anres.
On tha Uttla Miami, uppar aida. ulthta a
mils of tha Ohio, (30 anraa. About f mllaa as
a aald Uiaml, rft arras, ana. tan mllaa from
tha mouth thcraof, l.n acrea. Total oa taa
IJttl. Mlatnl. t,0l ima. la Kantuekr: Oa tha
rough anuwa. of Uraan rtrar ars two trsets ad
Jolnlna aaeh othar, ona oontaialng taroa aaJ
tha othar i 000 arraa. 4. MB aim. .
Of tha laat aamod, I haTa no othar kneartada
than wbat la darlvad from tha raporta of tna
aurrsTara. mada oa tha praaiaaa aama a 1 and
M yra alar, which eorttfy that taaj ara Ua&s
of first aualltr.
thj TTmiw ok which Aiju rum
Ona-fourth of .tax- coot la be paid whan tha
bargalaa ara concluded, aad tha conajfancaa"
ahall ba mad.
Tha othor thr-fourtha la fir mis, vrth
lal.rMt. anauallr and punctually paid.
A mortgag upon tha pramiaea will b takaa
for aacurina payment of tha unpaid principal
in, at tha aad of tha ahnr. term, of flTa raara:
and aaquestloBabl aacarltr for tha pnaetual
aayment of tha tntereet oa "tha dar, ' la erarr
yaaa- last II shall become due, at tha ta ef nr
reeldeace; ar to ear agent I marl appoint; er t
b deposited ta each beak, ar banka, aa anall
a agreed.
.4s tk leads, partleulailr oa ba Oh (a mat
Kanhaara.' are unqneetloneblr among tha moat vJ
ambl on the western water; end I em wtlllag to
allow time to eiplor them. 1 will enter So r an
tra ot a for anr part of them sntll the lat of Sep
tember aoxt; but will reoeWe proposals at ear
time preeloue thereto. Oa that dar a pr.fareao
will be alvea to tha peman or persona who ehall
hare mad tb hlgbaat offer: provided ther ara
acteanate to the real Tela of tn land, aad tea
terma karela mention ar atrlotlr entered lata,
end eampiiaaoa therewith le aerured.
Tea plats ami aurrerora rrporta of all these
lands smt be eea hw anr who are inclined to
beenane adewturr la tha purthae of aar r
ell of them br applying mr prlT.ta aeoreury,
Mr. Dsndrldga. Oo. Waahiagtoa.
It is one hundred and twenty , years since the publi
cation of this advertisement. During that time mar
velous changes have taken' place in the method of
marketing almost every known commodity, but the
classified columns of the newspaper still remain as the
best. place for buyers and sellers of Real Estate and
Land to meet and f-tudy their needs and wants. A
greater indorsement of value and worth could not be
Begin NOW to read the classified columns of The Bee
and to advertise your property, whether for sale or
for rent the answers are 6ure to come.
You will note in the above ad that every single bit of
information was given; that's the way to write Y0U11
ads; put in enough to give the reader a clear under
standing of what you have and the difference in the
number of replies will surprise you.
Phone Tyler 1000 and put in an ad now