Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1916, Page 9, Image 9
thi: iu:k: omatia. .Monday, fkimuwuv. 21, 1010. J EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COUR3E. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course In ft reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will he sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking mtirfd investigate thin at once, since Spring Trm begins soon. Call office. Oartaha Bnl pat so nxiL FOYLES COLLI?:. NIGHT SCHonU Every day la enrollment day. Book-te-plne. Snnrthend, stenotvpe. Type writing. Telegraphy, Civil Servli-e-all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. boylts coi.t.FF. Wth and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1W. TIIE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOK K EEPING. I'av School for Young Wwri'ii. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning olasa In typewriting. Tone C Duffy. Owner and Manager. 8"8 B. Uth St. Omaha.. FOR sale, tha following scholarships la a fttst-c1aa Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination buelnes and ahorthnnd couraa. One unlimited stenographic course. Or, three-months" business or steno graphic course. Will be aold at a dlaoount at tha office of The ornnMW" CHOOL OF ViODEliN LANGUAGES CIS as or private lessons, t owntown nt n1t- Phone wen, t: TAXtoX Block School of Lettering and Art tesches paying trades prlvlately. Room ftll. PRIVATE Instruction In Gregg ahorthsnit and touch typewriting. Tel. Wal. txn. PERSONAL FILES. FISTULA CURED. ' Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pllee, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no ' money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dlaeasea with testimonials. ', DR. K. 11. TERRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kid ney trouble, goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite 812 Bee Bldg. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERG. Chiropractor. Tyler 193S. 63.000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. Tne lAMiet nome journiu ;The Saturday Evening Post .. The country iientluman . . . . nal 81.M oat 160 Jl.UO 5iio sutiscrtouons eacn monm uu April earns that 13,000 for Tha Inva lids' Tension Ass'n. Ybur order or re newal contrlbutea iOc.- Urgent, needed - In February. Phone Douglas ' 7163. or address .... GORDON, THE MAGAZINE! MAN, . Omaha. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young . Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary Ave,, where ' they will be directed to suitable board . Ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' gujde at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag line We collect. We distribute. ' Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will - rail. - Call and inspect our- new home. 1110-1U2-11H uooge pi V, MABSAGF.. AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chiropody and manicuring. Misses Gray and-Head. 810-218-214- BaSrd B.k,-. J7th :'-;land Douglas. Douglas 8468. RUPTURE JS&A . operation. Call or write Dts. Wray & ' Mathony. 8" Bee Bldg.. Omaha. PERSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer. - bath, electric treatment. Open a. m. to 8 p. m. Douglas 718. n Ware Blk. OH A XV rjrvuvjHWalT, tei-urn and shower bath. M&ss&ge. Bed or? Dnnm WW VmrhmnYi HI k -a r i m ddt rr. Ul M irOlEUMAfTSM treated successfully, r- suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 814 Bee Bldg. DR. XI C.'Sf6kES has moved his offToe to 474 Brandels Theater B'dg. ' SCltiM'ftFIC masoage. Cii . Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas S372. , . XtASaAOE Miss Webster. 618 Faxtoo Blk. Douglas 8227. FOR RENT ROOMS Pnrnlahed Rooms. SOUTH 2uih St., Three fine, large rooms for 3 or 4 gentlemen; rooms fur nace heat; electric light and modern; batli on same floor, with plenty of hot v.ater: walking distance; private family. -Call. AIko let garage room, rent reason- Hhie. Tel. Douglas in Wl&K furnished room In Apartment 2, walking distance. Harney glow. UMrunviA. li osy, mouern. soutlt v room, walking distance, between Harney and Croa-itown Car lines. Red 429. HOTEL SAN FORD, HOTEL IIARLEY, 20th and Farnam. lHih and Farnam Special Rates to Permanent Quests. r t if.v itiHKU rooms, suitable for two uenflemen. in Dundee, al. V'ii, MODERN front room, 88 month. H. UK C.-(.IK"oRMA, (lllU'i 2 furnished rooms, inculrrn. reasonable. Harney 4001. OALlFOilMA. 7lo4 Nicely furnished roum In private family. lloasrkeeplns; Rooms. SoI'OLAH ST., 2301 Nice, modern, fur. niKiii-d housekeeping rooms. Close In andjasonahle f'l K.sT.silko light housekeeping apari- inent; modern. 2010 Davenport. 8 1 I KNIiMIKb light houaelteeplng rooms -t If dedlred. g7&7 Davenport, liar. 1311. 1 KOi -MS. housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th Bt. NICELY furnished stenm-heated light housekeeping rooms. 2"4 8. .lfth. Board and Hsoi 26TH ST., 811 N I have a beautiful front room, also two sleeping rooms; these are nice, warm rooms. In a private ' home: breakfast tf desired. Doug. 7frt. STEAM-HEATED, rooms, suitable for two; excellent board; reasonable. "The Prstt." 212 S. 15th St. Phone Doug 8i:iS. CALIFORNIA. 2618 Board and. room for two In private family; references re- lulred. Tyler IM, BOARD and room for gentleman; private family: large southeast room. Web ster "DOUGLA8, 2J6 Large south room, suit able for two; with or m-tthout board. Untarnished Roosi. t UNFURNISHED rooins, walking die tanoe. Phone Hamey 438. 22D ST., S12 N. Utifurnlshed rooms, mod ern. Douglas 6703. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Asart nirnls. MONTH FREE KE.VT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 8-r. and bath, apartment, brick; mod. exoept heat; good neighborhood; 81160. D. K. BUCK. 811 Omaha Nat. D. &!'. Bo BSCS. ADVERTISE! yonr property as thougH you believed its sale or rental to be Important, by keeping It listed In the Pig House. Horrut and heai EfUte Guide THB BEE NEW stucco house wiin gaiage. BiitP fully furnished. Inelurlii.f piano. H-nt 8-j. Referenoes required. Webster Ttii. VEKY denlrable. stri. lly toudeTn 6-roUm 1-ROOM; porch, gas, water. Harney 4. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. NI.NK-KOO.M, all m..1ern home, within easy walking distant of lsth and Kar- iam streets. This hotiee will l re,le( orated and rut In first-class cnmlttiott fur responsible tenant. For further par- iit'inars cni Till: KYKON RFiF.D COMPANY. Ill S. rth St.. Omaha. Neb. Pong. W. Douglas, mivl'in, H rwmn fM.rt'. ll'jfi S. Jlst; mrwlern. 8 rooma, tvi io. i1" S. 41t. modern, 7 rooins. - On. JOHN N. FREN7.FR. tvniglwa -4 I RoC.Ms. all modern, &Uh and Jon.-s Vacant March 1. Practlcallv new. li W. I SF.I.HY SONS lViuslaa 1M l-R. house, slveimi4 porch: Field Club pt: "fin s SMh Ave. Harney SC. North. CLKAN, newly decorated. S rooms, mod ern except heat; givi neignnnrhoort ; reduced to I?" Corby St. Weh. T.A. 1M5 GRANT ST. 7-r. com.. modernTI T. F. Hall. 433 Ra.mgo Bldg. Doug. 74 Hnth. S'KAR depots and Brownell hall, new ex tra fine -room flat. 815 Worthlngton l lnoe I'oi'giss ,zu. tESlRA HLE 6-room cottage, modern -cept furnace. e: S. lth Ave. Hixen baiigh. P. 4238. SIX-ROOM, modern one block from car llne. 1910 Kim, fc. Karsch. D. T7ol. 6-ROOM house, modern except furnace. 818 S. ?4th Ave. Har. 43o 8-ROOM, strictly modern house. 2S0S B. Uth St. M laoellaneoaa. FOR OARPENINQ AND IOULTRY. -r. downtown, colored. 111. Also a I and a 8 (like bungalow) and ACRE GROUND, tfi and IT. Also 8-r.. Cali fornia, bungalow and acre, 114. Tel. D. ZKT7. Evenings, Wal. 2S8T. MOTTOES FOR RENT. CRKlOH. SONS CO. 508 BEE BLPU. DOUG. 200. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. X. FEW of the very well ar "Pwls-hr Apartments' left. Thl arranged a la nrana new building ana is certainly Ideal. Apartments ranging; from i to 7 rooms. CALKINS CO.. Douglas 13J3. City Nati Bank Bldg. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steamTlieateJ apartment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBB1.NS, 1SQ2 FARNAM ST. MODF.KN 6-room apartment, including sleeping porch. "Wt.ll located. Harney 1S&. North. FOl'R and 7-room apartmeut nenr P. O. low rent. O. P. Stehbens. 9u3 N. 17th, 6-r., all modern, apt :fi.j0 RAHP BROS., DOCG. 18.3. Booth. NORMA ND1E APARTMENT I 'ark Ave. and Pacific, fine first floor apartment, consisting of large reception hall, very large living room, dining room, two big bedrooms and bath, large kitchen, pan try, closets, maid's room. One of the best arranged apartments In the city. Immediate iossesslon. Price 850 per ino. D. V. SHOLES CO., mr-lfl City Nafl Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, very desirable; the Chula Vista, 80th and Poppleton Ave.. I4-'.M. 32! Bran dels Theater Bldg, Poua. 1571, 4 ROOM, all modern steam heated apartment, located at 2ft h and Dodge, Will be vacant first of March. Phone Doug. M12 or Har. E62Q. after 41 p. m. Mlseelloneona. WARM. COZY APARTMENT. Fine apartment of four rooms and bath, nicely decorated, oak finish, team heat. Janitor service; every thing first-class. See It and you will take It. SCOTT 4k HILL CO.. . Douglas 10"9, MONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT, s-r. and bath, apartment, brick; mod. except heat; .good neighborhood; 812.60. D. E. BUCK. 918 Omaha Nat. D. 628. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores. ' moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van and 2 men, H-26 per hour; storage, U per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 4.i: and Tyler 2ao. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 21. N. Uth St- Phone Douglas S4 or Harney 17. OMAHA Truck. Van and Storage Co., moving, paumos. nuraiQ aiiu suippiug. Phone Douglas blDELITX vicb Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for stora ge, moving, lftth and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate, locked roonu, for household gooos and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE- CO., ROD 8. Wth St. . Douglas 4103. Jn RVFIi E Press Co. Moving, . L. riXaU pacKk1n, an1 storsge. 1207 Farnam St. Douglas (148. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY tores. MODERN store room, shelving, coun ters, living rooms,' low rent, good lo cation, 24th and I, South Omaha. J, Casey. Alao 7-rootn modern home. SMALL store room; very desirable; rent 830; 1630 Cass St. CONRAD YOUNG, 82 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1671. bTORE ROOMS at 1VU6-U1I Farnam t. Thos. F. Hall. 1S3 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. FOR RENT-SUBURBAN CHOICE modern suburban reldenoc, 5 acres of land on paved road near Flor ence. R. H. Lauderyou, 3& Neville Blk. Phone Douglas 666. . WANTED TO RENT Islsralihtd Hswn awd Flats. ( TO 8-room blgh-ciass houses In West Farnam or Dundee. w., li hki.hy fe HONS. Doug 1610. i V U.-1T T 1 1. I 1 7 l." O v V I. il ZI 1 1 If you hove a good house and want to rent It tell us. Thos. L. McUarry, Keellne Bldg Red 4344. Bwslwews Property. WANTED An empty building In a good live town suitable for a restaurant. L. A. Murray. Arlon. la.. Box m. WANTED A good location for a flrst class pool hall. Address Y 24 J, Bee. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED West. West Farnam 7 Rooms Modem $3,500. Only two blocks from the corner of 40th sud Farnam. Up-to-the-minute square two-story house, finished In the finest of quarter-sawed oak. On full lot. with the paving paid In full. House Is lust newly deoorated and In apple-ple order. Here la one of the most com fortable homes we know of. In a loca tion tha equal of any In the city, at a price for less than you could bulla a house for. It's a snap. Art quickly. Armstrong-Walsh Co., fyler MM. Keellne Bldg. ivjo cash W1U buy a brand new all modern bdn galow, Just finished, at S6th and How ard St. H. A. WOLF. H4 WsreTtJk Doug. 80H8. jfAROAlN, new seven-room houaowithT garage; Cathedral district. Harney c-; REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Knrth. tTN A 8Vl.T.Tf 10 TliToM"TkM K This la worth l','"'. hut owner la go ing to sscrlfic It at 8.?.'. House In oak throuKhoiit nM'I bus he-lined cell nns, paneled walls book cases, and a ri.inily ivtmblnstlon sun room snl slerpms por. h In fact, there Is not a house In Omaha t lint wl'l compare with llns st e'icb. a price. This place Is located on :Mh Avenue a shrrt distance north of Farnam St. This Is new. When can you see If PAVNF. INVESTMENT (VMl'ANT, Mh Floor Om. Nat Hk. Hldg.. D. -a WHO WANTS THIS? & Room, strictly modern cottnge at ?Mh anil Moulevard on north 'Ui street. No paving; taxes Living, dining room and kitchen aid S bed rooms and bath on 1st floor. A He floored; full basement with furnace. This plnrp Is nearly new Did von ever hear of a place of this kind in Ibis location for 8J.4O0. But owner wants fr"i canh. Conie quick. Tor it won't Inst long at this price. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, M7 Om. Nat. Bsnk.. Dong. 17S1 o BF.AIT1FUL PRAIRIE PARK-Si71i Ames Ave., T large rooms, bath and sleeping porch, screens and storm saali throughout; south front, fine shade and hedge. 10 cash and 840 monthly, from responsible party. Keys at my resi dence. B. J. Bcanncll. S7iiS Fowler Ave. Phones Doug !' or Colfax WU. BIT Y FROM OWNER." Nice 6-room bungalow near prettiest mile; oak finish; built-in features; full cellar, coal and fruit room; sleeping porch, garage leaving city, will sell riant priie. Terms. 8. B. Dougla, rowier Ave iliii'KK.v 7 rooms. 6 closets, bath room, pantry with built-in china closet, large basement, hot and cold water, H acre of ground, well, set to fruit. Phone Henson Ki-W or call at JOW N. rt. S-ROOM house and 8 lots for sale cheap. Will take good team on part payment. Call 4623 N. 16th StL rhone Colfax 1 !.. GENUINE liARGAIN I have 6-room house, city water, ras; lot 50x127; will take 8100 for my 8471 equity; balance 81.W0; monthly pay ments. Write t '. Jtee. CHOICE modern 7-rooni residence, H block west of Miller Park, worth 84. wr; considerably less will buy It, Very easy terms. . R. H INDERYOTT. 202 Neville Blk. Doug. r7fiT. FOR SALE Strictly modern. 11-room house: hot water neat; south front lot. Price. 87 000. Phone Douglas 1R1H. South. SNAP For Investment or home, two all modern six and eight-room properties, on large lot. Very desirable. Hanscom park district, walking distance. Kent for 8.V). Sacrifice for quick sale for 4,800, worth 86,600. Cnrrles 83.000 building loan. Would trade equity for small farm or close-in Improved acreage, or auto and cash. Phone owner, Harney 8ti87, or ad dress F-7KZ, Bee FOR -rtALE-Htrlctly modern seven-room house, nearly new. Field club district; faces east on the boulevard. Will sell cheap If taken at once. Buy direct from owner. Phone Harney 7S&8. af I see I ) a n ootae. WHY PAY RENT? when for 8150 cash and III per month you can buy a good 6-room house, with city water and largo sised lot, 60xl:i). This place Is In a fine neighborhood and close to car line. Address 4416 Decatur St. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglass 2011. m Bee Bldg NINE ACRE BARGAIN fi-room house, full cement basement, rood barn and chicken house, fine well, electric lights and telephone; only thre Mocks to car. Price, 16,760. Will accept cottage as part payment. BIRKETT & COMPANY 423 Bee Bldg Doug. ' M. SMALL ACREAGE pays the best. We have a proposition In small acreage that can be bought for ' a small payment down, balance monthly without Interest, - --W. T. SMITH CO.. i . . City National Bank Bldg. 8-ROOM BARGAIN-NEW. 6-ROOM. I STORY HOUSE, NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT 8,4O0:- REASONABLE PAYMENTS, BENSON & CARM1CH AEL, DOUUI.A8 1723. 64J PAXTON BLK. MODERN HOME., Cheap and on easy terms If taken at once; new 7-room bouse, built for home; oak floors and finish; strictly modern; large comer lot. Call H. ml MY NEW HOME. 8 large rooms, sun p. and s. porch, fireplaces In I. rm. and bed rm. Hard wood throughout. Stucco. You'll like It 1'hone D. ML after Id, m. call Wal. m. ACREAGE I have for sale 1, 1W. i, 6 and two 10-acre tracts. Prices right on all. Some Improved. See me. Phone Doug. 1610. William Colfax, t-uute 7"Z-4 Keenne mn:g. FIVE and a half acres and large two story modern house; close to school and car. 8!'."0. Colfax 4Wi. FIRE and tornado Ins. Myrtle Deuel, 6U1 1 N. 23d. Phone Colfax M63 after 11 a. m. fROOM strictly modern bouse at 5X9 a Ztlh bt. Harney dlii. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED . West. EEE M'E for acreage; have cholue tracts north of Florence. R. H. Landeryou, 8u8 Neville Blk.. Tel. Doug. 67R5. Iforth. I LOTS S. E. corner 4th and Emmet, 10 each. Phone Florence 3,r24. loath. MUoeliaaea VACANT LOTS If you contemplate building a home this spring, do not fall to see us. We have a list of oho'ce vacant lots In both north and west parts of tha city. A. P. TUKF.Y A SON, Tel. Doug. 602. Ihi;7- W. o. W. Bldg. TWO ACRES, close In, tl.4u07and bther acreage. UbO to 8o0. No trades. Pat terson. Douglas 2IMI. RLALSJAJE-EHJNJES FOR Hale or Trade By owner l6Tots In bearing fruit. modern Bungalow with good cistern, well and windmill, extra good barn and chicken houses; 1 block to paved roa1. 2 blocks to si-hool and street car. For cssh, rash snd trads or all trade If suited. 1'hone Benson 401 or 2fci. J. W. 1'araoiis. llENTAL K.2. p,i;. 84,ii67".',id will take - , ""- irge apartment site tcorneri; walking dintance; south and west of high school and Crelghton ollege; houses that oocupy only 4 of ground. Mxir-J. with easement, making i'.'."1 lL'MJLlM- JBvenings. mail wants inoome or lot (clear i,,r ,m,. win assume, iiaa several lou Ut.i to 8175 each, nearly clar. Tel. p. 2107. Evenings, Wal. i7. WB have listed from owners high-class Kansas City Income properties to ex change for farms; If you want to con cert your farm Into choice monthly In come property, send us complete de scription of tame r'hsw Realty Com pany, Reserve Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Will saidiange two business lots clear of encuiiRirance, corner of 24th and new ard. Price 82,ts. for house of equal value. i. B. ROBINSON. 442 Bee, I. gn7, FOR r.XCHANUE Laud clear of in curabrance. in Dundy county, Nebraska, for land In the Red River Valley 6t Minnesota or North Iakota. Will as sume. K. V. Andrus, 3jo Kndlcott Bids.. Ht. Paul, Minn. ' Will trade well Improved 176-acre farm In western Iowa for good clean slock of hardware or Implements. Prefer eastern Nebraska or western Iowa lo cation. Address H. C Hynea, b'JH Flor ence Hlvd . Omaha. Neb. I HAVE some Moo. I iietinrni stocg to trade lor u'l'jiiy i'u- ian1 tr city prop erty. W. B. Maliiiore, lr,7 Omaha Na tional Bank. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES Ft'R SAI.K. or trade Ti acres goo,l land near eoimtv seal for Diiiaha pinperiv or arnogc, So iih Side preterred W rl'e particulars. Cyrus W 'right. R. . Marsh liehV Mo. FiHt i:i 'HA.VC.n '7.'i.lV "c'lultj Jit acre fsim is miles froi'i Sioux City, for clear iVIor.ido or Dnkoia bind' nnd l rt,l ci"i V l.lli -x l',, ;i Sloan. .i clit'li'K afl Mn s. tu-ar town joiinson Co , for goml Omalm properti . CAMP BFLL CHAID. Ki llne HI. Ik i. 4v.';i Foit SALE or liaue, a room houie and lot at Burwe'l. Nelv Will take In good car K. W'. Oruher. Or,l, Neb A !-K)M Tioiise tor sale "or Ti:idTor smaller house. Douglas MTU. :i.,s v, SMh Ave. R IC.-i IDrTNCE and flats. ' !; irli an ii (Vr vacant proper! y Toland eV Trumbull. CAN' sell or exchange anvthlng oiiTiae to offer. C. J. Canun. McCague Hlilg REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN llensoa. THREE ACRES, CHOICE CORNER. On paved road near Benson. Easy terms. MADS A. HANSEN, 407 McCague Bldg. Foil SALE OR EACH A is' tD- 4 V, lays nice and high, close to two good streets, one mile from city; good house good onthiillrtlngs, voting fruit Price' 13 600. FRED A. BAILEY. 6C1, Main 8t Benson, N-.-b. Dawdee. tI NDEB UAllUAlM Just listed a nifty e-rootn nearly new home, strictly modern In every way, hear 4Rth and Farnam, on the IJiicoin Highway. House has oak finish through V1.""1,"11 ''"H'-ln features. Ijirge lot, 60x160 me of the prettleat views In the city. Let us prove It arLNM INVESTMENT COMPANY. Hh Floor Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.. D. 17M l-o "nnth Side. 1 ACRES and house. South Side; fin place, well Improved, fruit, etc 84.000. W. T. UKAI1AM. Bee Bld. REAL ESTATE-WANTED HAVE buyers for Mod. N. side cottages. bungalow, easy payments. Youngman. M Om. Nat, Bank Bldg. JQojj-Jj!l WANTED To buy on niolUhly paymentaT small store room, with living rooms tboS?lrln Cenlral school district. Phone TO BUY -Store building. 26x40, centrally located, town 800 to l,6i0. northeast Ne- r V?"kVT Loelt Box Mouth lou city. Net). FOR SALE BUSINESS PROP'TY Lestva for 8ala Good Location ' for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE 130 Square Feet 130.00. The Bee Building Co. Room 103. FINANCIAL Heal Kstate,- Loaas, Mortgraares. WE are ready at all tima to make loan on firgt-clasa city property and eagtern Nebraska (arms. Ratei on request. UNITED STATE3 TRUST CO. 311 Bo. 17th 81 t TO for loans on best class' city realrioncea in amounta SJ itM . . farm loans. Reasonable commissions PETERS TRl'HT CO., 1622 Farnam 5" OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farma O KEKKB REAL ESTATE CO, 18 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 8711 MONEY TO LOAN, for t yearsi nn imDMVM nmn.r-tua BHOPKN A CO.. Dou. 4M4 GAltVlNBliOS. UA I1....I.. Natl. Bk. Bldi FARM loans, 6, eastern Neb., or wi.t ern la. Toland A Trumbull. 448 Km ims (100 TO 810,000 made promply. F. D. Weadl Wead Bldg., lHth & Farnam Sts. MONEY on hand for city and farm toana H. W. Bnder, City National BankBlds. ClTY property. Large loan a specially. W. H. Thomas. t State flank fn.l City" and farm loans. 6. b'A. per osnl. J. H. Dumont ft Co.. 416 fltate Bank. 6 citv ijiani- (. n. i-DriU,- n r 0 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. ' V.1NKV HillUIMilU JL luMii-fT i Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. G1LT-EDUE stock iij reliable Omaha firm paying 10 per cent; no better. Ad dress M 7K7, Bee. 2.7.'i0 FARM mortgage bearing 7 per cent. seeuren oy property vaiuea ll,H. 'jel mage Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. Abstracts of Title. GUARANTEE cheapest. Room 7, Patterson Bldg. D.'iHI ttThllilift-a guarantee and Abstraoi IVZ'jXVi.l, Co,( a modern abstract office. 806 8. 17lh 61. Tel. D. 64 REED ABblRACT CO.7 oldest abstract office in Nebraska. Hud Brandsis Thea. REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE Trackage for Lease. Will lease trackage, lots lMxI&O, Union Pacific tracks on property, Uth and Reward fits. v Norria & Norris. 4QQ Bee Building, Phone Douglas 4270. WHEN the renting problem Is under con slderatlon either from the standpoint of the tenant or landlord the Raal Es tate and Want Ad Guide to all of Oreater Omaha The Bee 4s the best medium for sure and satisfactory re sults. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands, ltiO ACRE, k,iptta count) , level good soli; house, barn, fenced, cultivated, 81.Z80. Owner. Da1s, 33 Houth Penn, Denver, t'olo ( a wad la a l-aads. MANITOBA FARilM FOR tiALE: ' rive hundred dollars cash and 8700 per year, principal and Interest In cluded, for good 830-acre Manitoba farm, five milea from railway town; iiiO aurea broke, fifty acres fall plowed; house, stable and granaries. Price 8H,o. Hsve a farm of your own. This is as cheap as renting. Write E. Bla quler, port Arthur. Out. IF "YOU own iaiidlirranada that you wish to sell write Walcn Land Co., Win nipeg, Canada. California Lands. I LITTLK farm, 8X0. Easy terms. Cali fornia I m porta carloads of chickens and eggs. Here's a chance for pouliryiuun. bheiidan. Placer county. California o owner for full Information. P B. Ooss. My S-acre tracts are Just big enough lor chickens and are close to town ci, venlenoes and market centera Write owner for full Information. P. B. Gose Bherldan. I'laoer county, California. o Idaho Us4i. BIO LAND bALkT In Idaho. February 26. Wis, the State of Idaho will offer at auction at Boise and ( aliiweli.-Idaho, 14,0oo acres of Irrigable land in Ada and Canyon counties under the Payeue-Bolse project. Forty years to pay for the land, 30 years to pay for the wster. Write me gulckly for de tailed Information and get In on this NOW. H. A. SMITH, Colonisation and Indus trial Agent. Union Psclflc System. Room A 5"i, Union Pacific Headquar ters, Omaha, Nebraska I FARJAND RANCH LANDS I ii a b m m -i WANT MONEY I Let me tell voti how to get It. lrtah land Is full of It. snd the land Isn't xerv hlali priced, either Climatic and In lug condition are excellent - electrlc Iit used for cooking. Imlitlng and heat ing on mnnv fa i ms - e,l jcatuuial advan taca unexcelled. There are many tracts of land Irrl- Cat.'ii and non-ln igMed - suitable for all Ituls of farming, for sale cheap and on reasonable terms Peed raising highly rentable I will give conn Icte intoi ma Ion to you free for the asking. R. A. SMITH, Colonisation AV Industrial Agent. I'nlon Paclfio System. Roou joe. l I'nclilo Headquarters, Cifisrn. Nchr-'ka ' o Ion a Lands. i. t.T lit isirrn't V7" TiTvi" a "T'TiVm Possession kIm ii March I.Mh im acres choice corn, clover, wheat and blue Kikss. in lu st part of Tnvlor count v. All plow land, profitably tolling. Extra well Improve, well located. g"od black soil, well kept, good water. Owned bv I'hyalclan, who must sacrifice Price. 14S acre, easy terms. Address O 7S3, Bee. Bee. 60-ACRR farm near Council Bluffs In the hills. 6-room house, summer kitchen and bam. Possession at once. Price tin per acre. DAY HESS COMPANY. 1?3 Pearl Mreet. Council Bluffs, la. liTi-Acltis tmproveii farm for sale, near Council Bluffs on Lincoln Highway, 4 miles north Well Improved. Price 8H& per acre. Terme easy. The Koos place and land adjoining, Dav A lless Com pany, 123 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, Mole A gent a FOR BALE 80 acme 44' miles town; soil Very rich, good well, fenced hog-tight; School 1k-mTle. Price 81.600 ; 81.600 cash, balance 10 years at per cent. L. K. Wright, Dunlap. la. 10 ACRES, all In trees, apples, eto., on Lime Kiln road, at 8100 per acre. DAY HEHH COMPANY. It Pearl Street. Council Bluffs, la. Louisiana Lands. THE grass-covered, cut-over pine lands in the sunny uplands of southwest Louis iana offer great possibilities to the farmer and slock raleer. Two-crop coun try; summer heat tempered with ocean breese; land anld on easy terms; for fur ther particulars write or call J. H. K plcts, 4,H . E4th Pt.. South Hide. Omaha. Mlasonrl Lsais, IN DKNT, CO., MISSOURI, J have some fine bargains In Improved arms of sll sixes; price, 816 an acre and up; timber land, that will make good farms when cleared, In tracts of 40 acres and up; prtoe, 88 to 116 per acre. I have Just returned from down there and feel sure the oounlry will suit you. Call or write for booklet. W. 8. FRANK. 201 Neville Blk.. Omaha. BLUE Grass Land 2) acres highly Im proved, 60 miles south of Kansas City. 100 yards to shipping point on Frisco. An Ideal general purpose farm. Your Inquiries are aoflnlttsd. Walter M. Knoop, Dwight Bldg., Kansas City. l , GREAT BAHOA1NS-86 down. 85 monthly, buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only fM, Address Box god. E oelslor Springs. Mo. alleelssl ppt Lands. RICH corn, alfalfa upland farms, 810 per acre upward Buy a home and be Independent. O P. Htehblna Hi Ch upland; oorn. aTfaTrai hoga, 810 acre: large and email tracts; easy term O. P. Ktobhlns. Minnesota Lanaa. 180-ACRE" Improved farm, 80 miles front Minneapolis; 100 acres under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture; good soil; 10-room house, barn and all other build ings that are needed, school house on laud; price, 800 per acre; one-half cash; or will sell farm wttn full equipment of horses, cattle, machinery, eto. Will make very reasonable price on personal property. Immediate possession can be had. Schawb Bros.. 102 Plymouth Munning, Minneapolis. Minn. FOR best land In Minnesota come direct to H. B. Kampe. Morris, Minn., and save from 86 to 810 Per acre. Montana Lands. Four sections eastern Montana corn belt lsnd. Will sell for 86 to 811 per acre. For terms and Information write Sam'l 0"Connell, Rosebud. Mont, Nehraska Lands. WALLACE'S! FARM BARGAINS. Saunders Co.. 40 aoree, fenced, half In cultivation, cheap at 86,Ou0; only tboO cash; balance 8 per ceut; purchaser's term. Might take clear Omaha Income property for part. Sarpv Co. 80 acres, lesa than Xi miles from 18th and Farnam, I miles from good R. R. town, all under cultivation; , all fenced and oross-f enoed ; hog-itght; good buildings; fine water supply; cheap at 6126. but reduced for Immediate sale to 8110; a great snan. Carries 8.1.010 mort gage at f per cent; fcalanoe cash. Washington Co., well Improved, up-to-date "Si. near good R. R. town, at a low price and will take modern resi dence property In Omaha; clear, up to ttl.ouo, as part; some cash; balanoe easy. Washington Co., over 200 aeres deeded bottom land, 100 In cultivation. Never overilows: oniy 8 per acre wkii wm acres additional acres accretions; good pasture. An unusual opportunity for an Industrious farmer. UfcORnKG. WALLACE. 614 Keellne Bldg., Qui aha- FOR SALE loo-acre slock farm, good Improvements; 8 miles to Elgin and 8 miles from Ord, Neb. Will sell cheap. F.. W. Oruher, Ord, Neb ALL THE TIME YOU WAN Owner of 840 acres In Cedar county, 48 miles from Sioux City; will make very liberal terms to flrst-olass farmer who can make a reasonable cash payment; farm has about 1M acres In crop, Is well Improved and close to town. Price, till an sere. What's the use of renting T PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT. umana Mat 1 nank nine. Omaha SOLD to 8. 11. XVeldner. Fremont, Neb., the 1W acres advertised last week. Write htm for his opinion of Cheyenne oounty. We have 8 0 acres, well Im proved, level land, black soil, perfect location; 70 seres plowed: 4 miles from town and accredited nigh school. We wont have It long at this prion III. 400, .1.i0 cssh; balance, for I years. No trades. Write Nugent de ixingpre, lyinge r'nie, Neb. PLATTE VALLEY farm, nicely located and In the alfalfa belt, constating of 176 acres, all In cultivation, excepting 10 acres In groves and pasture: improve ments not large, but a real bargain at 82.60 per acre. Address owner, M 774, I'.ee. BAROAiN-For silo. 180-acre farm In York county, Nebraska. 1 miles south of Bradshaw. at 814 per acre; 140 aores IS under plow, lo acres timothy and afalfa, 10 acres pasture; 8J.O0O Improve ments. Farmers ritste Bank, Hender son, Nell. W E 1 IA V EAN-EA ST "E R fJ7F. BRAS KA farm bargain amounting to 812,600, Can use 8A.0OO Income exchange. This Is an A-l proposition. Kelyei Glfford, 318 Ramge Bldg., Omaha, Neb. a ULbHELH WHEAT I AN ). LO, PKR acre, Cheyenne Co. best small grain Co. In sste, few snaps for surly buy ers. Uve sger.ts wanted. Write Funo- InaiUnd lriv C Hldnn. K.' I. '4 At.'REH Improved grain ani, stock rarni, . per acre, itiw rasn; bal. safe. If not sold by March 1. will lease; SS70. 1 iox rs. rirosen now, ."Nen. i- ACRK truck farm for rent or sale. Richard Kuehle. fcath and Ames Ave., Omaha, or Benson. 871-J. Texas 1-aeda. tm'Xft mrrr. 4rt seres land In Partner oounty, Texas, for sale or trade. Will trade for food Omaha property, well located, or inn land near by. Address Lock Bog 4. Sloan, la Wroulsg laadi. FOR SALE, or will traie fTir Ford auto, late model. In good order Relinquish ment of 160-acre honiestaa 1, eastern Wyoming, close to U. P. survey, 11 miles from good town on C. B A Q Nearly level, all tillable, no sand. Ad d reas Box 417. Kearney, Neb. WImuli LnnZ " CPPER WIoCONbLN'-Best dairy an4 general crop siata in uis union; settlers wauled, lands for sale at low prtoee on easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wis consin Central Land Grant Excellent lands for stock raising. If Inter led a fruit lands ask fur booklet 00 apple orchards. Address Land and ladueti-lal Dept., too Line Railway. Minneapolis, Minn. . . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE Iottk nt Ihp t 1, V . ""I " .yo" In ""' m''t for a new or used rr yen ,? i,L,V .m,V(r l?.-ihJr A"", (.,'"r," House. We haie the largest stock r lrJ ,'J7. ,n, ," VNr" Ti',r ,. cieryone-no matter what you want ,i i?.1- '' -' ?".". The prices, as ou can read, are lower than EVER, m,.nri 1 KH J''!''"' Jo,.n.lh'' h"ppy '""'"v. " one of our satisfied cus-oinera-we haxe hundreds of them. rA.j 1. ..... ....... ca o or , 1 i r.e iener. join toe 1 turners -we haxe hundreds of them. l!ltl Monitor touring, new brand ....K.0 I'M.". Mulck condition roadster. fine .. 8 0-. tour- I'M Studehaker-six Ing. bargain at ... 1!1 Ctialmers-slx run X miles roadster: 8IVA l"18 Packard touring, verv fine condition 81,i0 "IS King roadster, shape 1!I6 Ford touring, shape; p I 0 n t v ment fine ....T,f4) good eunip .... 112 Cadillac touring 8V1 Wi Appersnn touring: heat ' cunuuion iia ANNOUNCEMENT half their original rost and giia raVitee t Hon. WHY NOT INVESTIGATE? S200 FARNAM TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 810. Stratiaer. Managers Caryl if. TIKES AI)YXC1NU ..?ilt ktV h-' PHre down. Hsve 8-..000 stock, all stsndari makes su-h as United States. Diamond, Good rich. Flake, Racine, 4.000-Mlle Guar anteed and others. 0x3 96.75 0xH s.76 2x3H .8o x 115.00 ' 34i4 lI.60-$14.2B-flS . "x $11.50-116 xdi $20-122.60 , 7x4H $20 7x6 122.60 Some used tlreg at $8. Come and see these bargains or write or phone Duplex Tiro Co. 2618 Farnam St. ' Douglas 4878. Si BRAND new Monitor tourlngTTT.i'vS 11B Ford touring, good shape 800 1U14 Ktudebaker-alx, touring 800 1W18 Cadlllao touring 660 1HI4 Ford del., closed; like new.... a)' 1M18 Overland tnurlag self alerter.. T,i Auto Clearing Tlouse. 2'JW Farnain. H. Wn A (WoMOlTn.rnnsurance-f h-e, t heft',' Via- rimy ann asmage. ART THATCHEH. 1211 -is v uy inm i. iHlllglas M01. 80-H. P. Maxwell roadster, electric lights, self-starter, excellent condition; sacri fice. 8M S. 88th. Harney 19k8. FARM AND RANCH LANDS HAVE YOU A FARM FOR BALK? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for Ui or 60 words, 64. or 76 words, 16. Largest circulation of any Iowa nsws paper; 860,009 readers dally in four great eiaire. TO THurtE desiring the beet Improved farm of Ififl acres, w nere crops never have failed, large orchards of apples, cherries and all small fruits. In fins condition, soil. hulldlngs and all Improvements ths vary ovet, lor a more runer aescripuon Address -owners. 404 Eaat lh, UHAWII lHIANl), N KB FOR any and all kinds of acreage located on or near car line, call C. R. Comb 6ls Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 8811 FARM LANDS WANTED WANTEDTo bear from owner of good farm for gale, f-eud oaab price and de scription, u. v. uusn, Minneapolis Minn. FOR RENT-FARM LANDS FOR SALE OR RE NT -March 1, nice i ei a ore rarm in narpy cvuniy; goo a Improvements, fenced and arose fenoed. 7 miles west of Millard, 4 northwest of Gretna, Rent t'M per year. A. C. Wakeley, 406 Omaha National Bank iNTElXlOKNT and persistent advertls Ing will "sell" any salable real estate, and the largeat number of prospective buyers can io reached through the Reel Estate and Want-Ad Guide to all of Greater Omaha THE BEE. HORSES LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES TEAM farm mares, 1.200 lbs' Box i, South Omaha. For Sale, NOT ICE To FARMERS. My estate mares and mules arrived, 18 mares from 4 to I yis. old, l.Juo to 1,600 lbs. These are my best r.rood mares; Some In foal; well matched dapple greys, roans, blacks snd bays, 6 and -year-old dapple grsy in'ilea; also brown mules, 2.400 lbs. per span. 2-.17 Dodgs Ht. Ikdy Owner; FlR SaI-EV-Otis brown mare, J years old, weight about LloO lbs.; city broke, also single wagon and harness. 1401 Wirt St. Webster JH6. 1LTRNEH&-U1 harness sale; save 20 to 46 per cent; write toUay for my bargain price li m v In C. Van Werveer, 4eJ8 il h St., South Hide, Omaha. Neb. l'AN of bay mares', 2,U, iu, span of gray mares. I.lso, 2; spsn of draft horses,, hw. jjtiw is. Mih. fhlrty-two milk wagons for sale, cheap. J o h n son-1 U n forth Co.. 1 t h an d Cla r a. GOOD young huise for sale; Hue buggy and harness. Iinuglaa 24W bl'ld.iu wagon, luniu PATNtj wagon, lumber wagon, sn3 small scale. Ui B 14th St. FOR HAhK-A home and buggy, j. Wee- set, rt. awin p' reel FOR SALE Jersey cow; goo3 milker. or.. i . V? 1 llAY-87-iJ Ton. A. W. Wagner, eul N. IS. POULTRY AND PET STOCK CYCLE hatcher and brooder for sale. Flftv-erg sli.e. has been- used for a number of successful hatches. Easy, cheep and practical to operate. Cost to, will sell for ta. 141 N. ilst St. liar nejlluT ; . WE offer a few New Zealand Red Steel, grey black stivers and solid white giant rabbits. Robt. Beutel. lnlaon. Iowa. U X Dg'raln" Toil Ihs.. tl.'tt. VVagner. eTilWH CHiCKENH for sale. Benson (10. LEGAL NOTICES rJOflcli OF BTX:KU6Lt)Kkg. MEK7TING. Notice is hereby given that the reg-tilar annual meeting of the Stockholders of the SOUTH PLATTE LAND COMPANY will be bald at the office of said Company, Room 7ul First National Hank building, Lincoln, Nebraska, at U o'clock a. io., ,a the flret day of March, A. D., lis. Llnuulo. NebraaKa. Kel'ruary Ut., 1818, C. H. MIUIHII.L, PrwsideoC W. W. TURNER. teanMary. rby IdJOt. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE List Brlow: 1!18 Auhtirn-40 touring... VA 1IM2 Sloddsid-Dayton tour ing, a sacrifice 810 UI4 Oakland touring, first class condition 842S 1!11 Ford delivery car...8r- 1!I4 Ford delivery. Inclosed body; very. classy 8:vvli I!11 Chalmers touring... 8W 1RH Krll shape . , touring, fins ...8460 good ...8200 good ...8260 1H Melt shape roadster! 1!I2 Flanders louring condition IH Veils touring, In condition good ...6260 1!M1 Bulck roadster, at bargain. Lm in la 1. h,(, lM pleasure car at bolutely perfeot eondl- STREET. Mogy Bernstein, Look at these ued cgrg before you buy. Here are fifteen bargain t clean up prices: 1 HUDSON-1814. sl-M, seven-passen. gar. elect rlo lights and starter; fully equipped: seat covers. 1 HUDHONr-1814. slx-64. seven-passen-. ger. electric lights and starter; fully Mulpped with Redan top. S HLDBON-hsw. slx-40, six-passenger. electric lights and starter; fully equipped. 4 HUDHON-1918, stx-64. flve-passen- ger. electric lights and starter; fully equipped. HUDSON-1818. sl-S4. flve-passen- ger. electric lights and starter; fully equipped. HUDSON-Model 87. faur-paseanger coupe. electrio lights and starter: fully equipped. T FRANKLIN Model "," gg-cyn. der. seven-passenger; fully equipped; seat cover. I rRANKLIN-Flve-passenger. four- cylinder; fully equipped. I FRANKLIN Model "H." elx-eylln. der. seven-passenger. 10 RAUGII A LANQE-Electrlo coupe, four-passenger. U COLE-1H14, four-cylinder, flve-pes- enger, electrio lights and tarter. 1J MARION Five-pas s . g . r, four. cylinder. IS MIDLAND-riveaa,.,,,,,., (mlr. cyllndsr. 14 MUPMOBILH COUPE IC le c t r I c lights; complete equipment. RA M BIJ-;R-Five-passenger, f o U r- cylinder, ' GUY L. SMITH "Serrlce Firgt." B-4llS Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. ' GlKtD car cheap; easy payments; It will 1 fay yo" to look Into this. Colfax K.n O'' Ol second-hand 1,000- pound Bulck truck, 8i0. Nebraska Bulck Attto Co" 1014 Farnam. Douglas 711,. AntomoelloB Wanted. WANT ED to buy, second-hanj Ford' must be chesp for cash; state full carl ttoulara In first letter. Lock Horn 178 Tabor, la. Ante) LI Terr aag Clara area. Industrial Garage Co.. toth AY Harney Sts. Aato Tlrae ana Bnppllee. ty.,EH.T.'i,ly aimshlne for BFlS ?y?-t Ur- f -l- CaS Al'TO THtka HAtJA PRlga Homer HiU. 1AU Chicago at. Ante 8iepalrln nag raJatlnaT. Automobile painting done by experU'"3a years' experience In Omaha: work guar. anteed first clsss. Johnson-6anfoith c. DUPLlfir tires last, longer, ar stronger and more durable; 8oU MWT tl8 Fsrnsm Ht. Douglas tOTgT , lloo reward fcr magneto we can't repair. Go'1 rei-ahedJBays'lorfer, M N g Free wTnter storage when cars arePaTnTi ed and repaired Johnaon-Dan forth Co. OmaTia lUdTator Rep. Co., jutf FarTDTiSl MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES SINGLE cylinder Indian motorcrel. Telephone Douglas 47tt Call at 614 n!' HARLKY-bAViDSON " MOtORCYCI Jtl Bargain In used machines. Viator Rooi. -Ths Motorcycle Man." t: Leavenworth. Any City Can Make Its Own Death Rate "This snti-sptttmg campaign needs alt the people of Omaha to get back of It and give It a good push." said Mrs. H. C. Buniney yesterday afternoon after she had rounded up half a dosen doctors who will tell the street car men ef the dangers of spitting. These talks are to he brought about through a letter from the street railway company expressing a desire to help In the campaign. Talks will be made each eftemoon this week at the three main houses of the rompany. Those who will speak are: Dre. B. W. Christie, U K. Bushman, K. C. Henry, J. N. Banister. F. J. Wearne and J. M. Patten. Mrs, Sumnsy says she ha been Im pressed with a slogan which she saw In New York. Public health Is purchas able. Within natural limitations, a com munity can determine Its own death rate." AD CLUB MEMBERS OBSERVE WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY The Add club la to observe Washing ton's birthday with a program Tuesday at the Pax ton hotel at 18:18 p. m. Phila delphia day ta to he observed along with Washington s birthday. Charley Doch- erty la to tell something of the "City or Brotherly Love'" and "Outflanking Competition," la a subject to be dlcused by Tome O. W arfleld. The Add club Is getting out a bulle tin, known as the Ad Club News, which contain ltsms of Interest about the t-er-sonnel of the elan.