Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1916, Page 8, Image 8
J UK HKK: OMAHA, MONDAY, FKHHUAUY, 21, 11U6. Want-Ad Rates . oam wm. obdb 1C ff word each lneertlo CM A Ml BATMl on tlm U ?Tr line' 7.7. three cnn-eeutl-e time (Count sis wtd to th Hn. BFSCIAI. BAT--I Farm aid Ran,h I-n',",1I. . each lnrUo (Count 1 wrfrrtjo th line) WTiRrirtV ADVERTISING UNDER AOENTS OR HEM' WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: - .d on time l4r.rwora'..'t'r. consetl- time no ao Tiiw roi A TOTAt Of too 0 -. TWAW 10O K PAT. CARD Of THANK. fKTH AND FUNERAL. NOTICES. le rr it". ; l""rtl" (Minimum charge r'n,"J ... Monthly Rat tor standing ade ebg-g of ""P-V-- L,1?ri!T " 'fount 1m words to the llne.l Coatreet rte ea appUcatto. THE BEE will not be re-po-ibl for mon than on Incorrect Insertion or jn adrtlement ordered for mor then on time. ADVERTISER should retain rsrel pi glren by Th Re In payment Ada. a no mistake can b reetirii wlthTr.t them. VMS THE TELEPHONE f you eannot con-enlentl- bring or -nd In your . Ak for Want Ad Taker. nd you will rorve the nmii riwl erriee a wns gll-er1ng your d t the offlc. PHONE TTT.ER 1900. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSB EVKNINH EDITION" .li t J! MORNING EDITIONS V- u THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Aniweri tn question "Where to go tonight." Owwratwww. EMPRESS, 15th & DOUGLiAd 'GOLD DUST" J-UEKIi ESS. THE WROXO MAN" VITAORAPH. 4 ' SET j! G -TRtUUN K ' ' fRlNCESB. Ill 7-1 UOUOLA.3. Anna Uttla and Jack Rlchardaon In "When Llahl Came." 4-art Weatern drama. Ueora-e Ovry In "Too 1'rouil to KlKht." comedy. "Heaven Protect the Working Old," comedy. GARDEI 1318 KARNAM ROBERT WARWICK IN "The Yuits of Desire." North. ORANDT 16TH AND BlNNET A a Woman fiowa. R-reel drama, fea turing (iertrude Itoblnaon; and A good comedy. JjOTHROV. 24T1I AND LOT UROT. Triangle preirnta J'lll Dean In "Matrl m ony." loath. APOLLO. 28.4 LEAVENWORTH "Th Fortun Hunter, t-rel ljubln. jkOHLrr', Xbttl LEAVENWORTH Theda Para In "The Oalley Slave," one- reel r ok oomeoy. liOULEVAHU. lid LeAvenworth Sunday, rontlnunualy from 1 p. m., the dlatlngiilahrd atane alar. Cha. J. lloaa. In "Th Senator." and llluatraled aonga.' "eil. MONK'S K. 2656 FARNAM. Arthur Hoop In "Th Danger fUgnal." from "Carnavan, the Man Who Had Ht Way," by Rupert tltighea ath aide. 1 GZHIEUW. iTTli M ' "Th Smugglers of ftanta Crus.' feat. Charlotte Hurton and Wm. Rusa.ll. Merry' Revenge." feat. Oeiw Ovev. "Hula's Huakv Helper." "Mr. Bulla. Comm jter.' audviiie." liKSiaE 24TH AND N. "A Due! In the Deaert," I reel Btingarea Story. The fable of "The Widow and the Mesmeree and th Hx." aanay. "l'ou'r Neat," Vltagraph. r Otar Features Tbe are Bpeclal Brtra Rl Picture ow appeartag at the following Tbeatere; tOTHROP. S4TH ANu LOT U HO P. Triangle present Julia Dean In Matri mony.- "PRINCESS; 1S17-1 FARNAM. Anna 1 .11 He and Jack Richardson In "When Light Came." APOLLO, 2-24 LEAVENWORT1L "The Fortune Hunter," six reels. GARDEN. 1.1s FARNAM Robert Warwick In "The Frulls o " iiEtjJ, 24TH A N. "A Duel In th Dert," two-reel JninK area story." iiONUOt- 6n6 FARNAM. Arthur Horps In "The Danger Blgnal from "Canavan. the Man Who Had Hia Way," by Rupert Hughe. HUULEVAHD. 33d . Leavenworth The 8rnator.' GRAND, lefll AND B1NNEY "As a Woman 8owa.'' k-reel drama, featuring Certrude Robmain kUHLKr. .-l LEAVENWORTH. Theda Bare In "Toe Galley Slav. Fox Whatever may b your need, a Bee Want Ad will get It for you. The Easy Way is the Telephone Way PHONE TYLER 1000 All You E-Save to Do Is Call up Tyler n'TII (Ml IIAHILJIIITIIK' iTtK V-SlrrMrtii-. alien d'l, Kehtu arv 17. She la umlvwl by three eons. John. Tatvld and William, and one daughter, Mri. I'. A. Hell of Denver. Kuneral Mnndav morning frn-n tlcntlcmen's chap ttT at K 30 a. in . to St. Peter's rhur' h at Intei tiient Holy flepnlc her cemetery. M'KNNia Mra.Thciesn. a-ed 31 yeara. Remain at llcafey A Heafev parlor. lull larnam awaiting huetand of Tndll. 8. D. notified. MAUHULKUM. WHT bury your dead In th cold ground In stormy weather when you ran b'iy n tomb In a marble build ng at reasonable Wirtt Tel. MAUKOLKUM CO. I. 7. VI NEKAI. NOTIi'E". The Tuneral of Mlea Cora V. Tarbell will be held Mondar at 1:30 p. m . from Hurhet'a parlora, Fu l-eavenworth. KLuHmri. lATM s. flnnata. wm hamam bT D, os L. HENDERSON, INI joiilaa I J. 1A M rmer Klortata Telearapn A-l Aaan fTLbrt A BWUHOL'A, HI.) Karnam St. A. IXNAGI1UK. IJ ianr. Uou. lun. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS ilUAHA 4r COT An I L. HLUH'n HilikLl RAILWAY COMPANY. Paraona having loa tomt artlcl would do well to call up th offlc of th Omaha A Council Hluffa Street Railway company to aacartain bthr thy left It In th atrert cara. Many artMea earn day ara turned In and th company la uiloui to roator them to th rightful owner. Call rHi- ap. OUTlFlUTirsTlJliHT We have a l uetnini-r for a five or lx roomed honae, alt Mated aouth of ata tlona. Muat ha inoip-i n and well located, i nn pay .'ii raah. What have you to offer? W. Fanintn Smith & Co., 1.130 Kai nn m f t Tel . I oug 1 i4 ,c ihT -miimII lnrk It ather liMiuinaa. r ri- ilny tnortiliiR. net ween :'in aim jrmn '.-ta., and Karnam hool. Telephone llaniev irrt. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Varaltare a-d lloaar-ol tiauila. AM LEAVING CITY and muat aell complete aet of new household furniture, conalatlng of Hunk aa ranite. Ice boa, china cloaot, buffet, dlnlriK room taltle, dining room chalra, library table, eettee, writing deak, par lor and dining room rtiKH. 12 amaller rii-a nuhmanr bedroom atilte. brae bed. bureau, cota and numeroiia other hoiiaoliold articles. Call Harney inT OMAHA PILLOW CO.-r'cIt and hair m.tttreaaea made over in new ucaa ai half the price of new onea. Phone 114 for sample of ticking. vn Cuming Ht. Doualaa !W. - PlAINO, muelc. caliinot, weather oak din ing room set, gaa camnri ranne, laundry atove and oilier hotiacbold fur tilablngs; reaaomible price; leaving town Mhn-h I. S7 Kowler Ave. RIO BAKU AINH. Furnltur. ; atove. bda, springs, mattr a. i an, wuinj comtorta, blanketa. N. 24th. W, 1W. ALL HKPAIItSWater fronis, fnrnac toll, ef. ijuh-b aervi.. '"' w Repair WorVa l!oa-' IqiiIh Tyler HlioMS, good furniture; 1 for quick sale. ITOh Ieavcnworin. iniru nuui. Dniigliia 7W Fl ' It.N I'l'i ' KK of two-rMiiii apartment. I7R. 1 ' a I la fter 2 p. Ill .jl 1 9 .JI1'A-J Rl'FKKT, bedroom furniture and rug nearlv new. an waiiiui riaao and Maateal laatraaueat. f"U""ii IThi;-! I. A KI'MhTl) OAK playkk PIANO. I Mi'.D or r. !. Ill, r..- TH IH IS 4u"fe OK IT VALIIK. OW .N KK I I h I) PBKKl'AHV . CLEAR titi.k APiiitr.en r n. r.--. SMITH UARN KS upright piano, fin condition, till Tyler 14 PIANO and bench, oak caae, '7.W cash. . alnut 3479. Bla ner montli. A. Hoan. 1M2 oUKlas. ' Atore aad Offlc fr'lslar. fjKBKS. eafea. acalea, anowoaaws. shlv ... -i ui K., aell. Omaha Fixtur A Vu'pply Co.. AlAjdtglltU. Doug., 2.24, lri saa KvOatea, ti'i.MS uavalepmi frv if purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 He Hldg. Dept 0. Jawelry, UiaaaoaAa, Wateaea. bKOL'EOAAKD "lucky waddioa; ring at loth and Douglaa Bta tlutklaa, Kara, titc. ljKKHrf suit outfit for aai cneap. Coat. irnuMcra and white ails veat: cost new In perfect condition; haa leen worn only anuui a uocen iiinea. Diae as cneai, )U walat. 29 troiiarra Inaeam. Also white kid glovea, two rtoaom atiirta. rouara and Ilea, alt 16. Muat sscrlfice, so beet rash offer takes th outfit. Address Hee, t) 7HH. Vt'K buy and sell tailor mad suits and overcoata. fTieaman. iiu iuugiaa bi. kevtluif Maeklan, "WVVJLNO MAClLTNES W rent, repair, sell ndle aad ptrli ef all sewing mac4ilnaa NEBRASKA CYCLE CO- tlth and Harney Bta. , lug. 11C1. Typewriter m pitlU. NEW machines sold the am a rant. fj par month. Be us ixiior you guy or rnt. Shipped any place 00 ten days fre trial. Butt T)tewrltr Exchange. Il 8. lll.. Omaha, Neb. MIDI-AND KlBROiX AND CARBON CO. We mak tiicm in omana. wnat 7 Typewriter rlbbona. 8 up pi It for th offlc iMiublaa 2147. j- Bee Bldg. SPECIAL OunrHnteed tyiH'Writer rib bon 1 for VI. Reliance lUDtwn ex 1 aroon Co., lHuglaa s.42. ClUllAN' l'EiT yK-w riier Ribbon. iier d o. Butts Typewriter Fxc. H S. Kth. SENT an Oliver typewriter 1 mo. for U. Oliver Typewriter Agency. ie rarnaio. t YPERSV ri'EUS sold tNntrl Tvnewr'ter F.xc. Famsm. f YPEWR1TER for rent, t montha. Butt 1 ypewrller r:xc. am w. iin ni RENT a "Remington'' not Jut a tyi)- wnter. ixiw rn t.aii io-hiii "Billiard aad fuel Table. FOR BALK Nw and second-hand carom and pocket bl'liara taoiea ana oowung aila aud acowtaurtea; aend for cats; ay paymenla Th Brunswick. Balk-Cullndr Co.. 407-4U B, 10th Bl. PrlBlt-B aad tllllc Supllea. CNE writer ires fur printing Imitation typewriter letters: on invalid aanltary Chair; one collapalbl go-cart. Phone Webster 715f. l'HIN'IKKS' te racks and cases. In flrst-claas condition, will sell cheap. Room ft. Bee Bldf. TATKR -BARN HART Ptg. Co., qoalit, printing Tel. Doug. IH. 14 S. Lilh BC CENTRA L Printing Co. DOUO LA SJii tOI'6LAB Printing?-. Tel. Douglas uT M laeellaaeeaa. LAWYERS ATENTION On set North western Iteporter and large dit-ala for aale at a baiaaln. Will lor iiifoi nutlon. Room 210. 1-4 N. Spring M., Loa Aiigelea, Cel. 6Y high atandard ot quality will be maintained; 4 quart of Old r outeoelle whlaky, M.-5; bottled la bond. Henry Pollock, rnall order no-. Douj. 71U. UZ-II4 N. Uitl bt. The Bee will hereafter accept telephone orders for Want-Ads at the CASH RATE of one (1) cent per word and a collector will call a day or so later with the bill. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS " Tlx-ellatieoaa. VOH KALIS CHKAP. Buaineaa College four. Full and complete x.-holarahlp In on ef th beat Omaha burlnea school. Good reaen for selling, perfectly relia ble: worth full prbe. but will be Bold Very reaeonahly. If intereated Inveatl gate at onca, becauae eprtng term bealna on. Ther are a variety of coree for sale. For particular Inqulr at th of-ftc-e of The Omaha He ALEX JETE31 LTyUoR UOb'Sk, Thirteenth and Douglaa. Pottled-ln-bond bl'ky, luc, ILOA, 1 IS, full quart Ii'llVr"! ,b- cf 906 Gunpowder of liju j,pn tea with vrjr ie lb, of beat coffee, parrel poat. St I2.7. Iavea C of fee Market. Ull Leavenworth M . timaha Neb. OKKKItiMI for aale l.-ton 4ft-lh. S relalng rail; practically new; cheap. A. Ferer A Son, 101-113 S. th Ht $3.20 O.l.len Weat Whlaky, 4 full aiians bottled In bond, prepaid. Cackley Pros, Omaha , ('OA j. 6 haaketa ."delivered. (1: Illinois vviu But lump, 6 u par ton. PmraN22fM.lJt ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR I '' H 'NT Y TRF.AKI'RFR EMMET G. SOLOMON lllOUF.GAAI'.DH "Lucky Wedding Hlnra" at :th and Douglaa Bta, CXKR'1SF. AT T. MCA. Buaineaa men. Everytklag; for 1'amea. Af'COHIiKlV aide, knife, aiinburat. boa pleating, covered buttona. all alaes and styiea; ncmstlK iiing, point euging; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut wont bultonholea, Ideal I'lcating Co., JW uougiaa uiora. Oouglaa I'.'M . oalamea. THK largest stock of masquerade and tliratrbal coatuinea In the country. T 1 1 edJ .Ii.Ik-m Ht r 1 1 1 . 1 .M 4 Hw a rd . I. IMS fTlKATKiCAL gownaTfull dreaa suits, for rent. N. lilh Ht. John Feliiman. Drmaiikiss- LADIK'H aulta remodeled in the latest style. Ull Karnam. Douglaa I1KUB.M AK1.M1 " by t he "day. Work guaranteed. Webater Mt.aj, D A Y w r k . Waeiiin g, eewing. Red. ilHH. MUTT A Z. dreaainakDr" M& 8. 24 A v. kelateVe" Dressmaking Col. 1JS City Nat. rrry Dreaamak g college. 20lh A Karnam. WORK GUARANTEED. WALNUT mi. Plain aewitiK WHiiled. 210 8. 2tnh. Har. 1043. tl.W!N at home or out. Red 3'1. t blrupraetora, spinal Adjast meate DRH. JOHNSTONS, Chiropractors, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce thety locatKn at ivn ti .si., Houui Umaha. Cnnaultailon free ond Invited. Phone South 4"1S. Lit BURHORN, lMh end Karnam, Wcad Blag. u. 6.MI; t'r.lmer ecnool graduate. t)r. J. C. Lawrence, ! Uaird tildg. D. Mi.l t klrupodtats. Carrie J. Ruford, cu Pax, ttlk. Red 4M7. Itrallata. Pr. Bradbury. No pain. Wl W.O.W. Pldit. fvi.rn ,a nr. Flckl. a. 724 Clt Nai. Bank. ... 1 1 n;,n, Vr.ii" tinnuUa 11 2 1 T I Ju.tlcea uf lb A eace. H. H. CLAIBORNE M 2 Pax ton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. W. brans. DRTTOS at cut price; fright paid on 110 order; catalogue lie, h nor man dt Alc- Connril Drug 1. 0., omana -eo; Flatarra aad Wirlaa, TlTTRKTM Electric washing machines, AlAlx-.--i ei00t rlo irons and reading la mpa. Z2-1 Cumin g ht. ooug. -& Aeeoantant. E. A. DW0RAK. C. P. As . ' Z,7 ,T , 4J3-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 74K. Farriers. I AM KNKETFR. 1ao Farnam. Red MM. fl. Huthol. '1 l-eaveuworlh. 11. 7iA Movlsi 1'letor Alachlae. OMAHA Film Fx., Hth and Doug. Mo- tlun picture ma c nine and film bargalna. fa tea la. p. O. Bamell, Pax ton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. )l. A. ."turg c. tt-m Bramlwi Theater Bldg. Plaao Inatraottoa. Ragtlm piano playing positively taught In W leseona. 4.-. t.iiming. wai. 3J.9. Vlae aad Lluaor. BUY your family liquors at Kllen'e Liquor house, bsi N. loth. Douglas 1K. I t arpealera mmd C'oalraolora. Leaaard A Bon, 1M Cepltol Ave. T. icq C. W. Ilokanaon. S-0t l.vnwth. Tyl. 21!i"-J. Deteell vea. JAMKS ALLAN. 312 Neville Block. Ev dene secured m en csaes. Tyiar ii:ic ' kaVaaeaad l'lawarT HAPF.RSTROH. 40? Hamilton. We I. J7I. Live Stock Coaaiaiaatoarra, MARTIN BROS. A CO. Bxchang Rld. Ualeopala Pkyalvlan. JOSFPHINE ARM-STRONO, 15 Ree BMf. CURLED, dyed. Elscle, 11M City Nat. Seal Uepalrtaa. Out. Standard Scale Co., 81S 8. lth. D. 11. Icl Celilaaa. CARTER pheet Metal Company, 110 8. :. Towel Bappltea. CrTAHA Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. P. 828, Traak aad Mali tun, FRF.L1NG A PTEINLE. 1S0S Farnam St, " . 1 1 : j 1 ri 1 " Kttra aproiaiiaia. Christiansen. 2d fl.. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. ex p. YVeddlac Slatloavry, Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. Ad-ertialaa- Neveltle. f. F. Sharer A Co.. U'th-Farnara. D. T474. Arehllerta. Everett 8. DoddjlPa xton Rlk. D. Wl Altoraeya. C. T. Dickinson 511 Paslon Blk. D. 1V4 Aartloaecra. Dowrt Auction Co , 111IUU W.O.W. R Uakerlrs. t. H RFFDER. 150GN. 18th, Wob r7. Braa aad Iroa Foaadrle. FsxtoM-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha St a. Daarlaar AradeutTea. E LUX ACADEMY. HI 8. lth St Klertrlral Heyalrlaa, AH1I.L ELECTRIC CO., Bee Bid. T am. Eletrlya. Vtoa Ailemlar. 624 Be Bldg. Red S5 WANTED TO BUY llALF-PltlCE-lf you atca the "For Sale. Miscellaneous' columns of TUB BEE. you'll often see article which ar for all practical purpose alraoet aa good aa new advertlad for half th original prlc In THE BEC. DESKS DESKS DESKS Nsw desk, used deaks. housht. Bold and traded. J. '. Reed. 1J07 Karnam. NEW and art ond hand iucl fixtures fur our new stores. Uaeket Stores offlc. 611 Brandei Theater Bldg. Phone Tyler 440. Notice to Bee Want-Ad Patrons FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND BETTER SERVICE SWAPPERS' COLUMN I'Hi iKKSSI" )N A L ennrging cement wltn -Inch condensing ler.aea ana meow inr Tungaten light; will man en largenenla In 1 to i mlnutea; tn per fect condition and nearly new; will trade for new lumber, power wnehlns machine or valuable articlea. Addreae a. '. eeJ HAVE larae Jack, found and reglatered. has a lltetlm oertUiCHte. hands blgn an I weigh about .f0 Valued at II, ''. W HI trade for mule, horaea or rattle. or cheap autnmobtlea valued at this figure, or what hav you? AJdress 8. '. !ee. R5a UrtlK.'t. lichtwelght. two-puaeiiKer. 1KII model, Jjat overhauled ana tuny quipped, will swan for the beat ll model motorcycle or motorcycle and Id ear outfit I ran gat; but It muat b A 1 condition. Addreaa 8. c Ji. fee. MAVK email diamond ring wbl trade for rug. Sluat I In giKxl -atiape. ill good rug, will give even exchange or w trade for furniture of aome kind, or what have you? Addreaa H. C. Di7. Bee. I HAVK a new Honey Moon eewing machine and a te owe flrelea cooker to id for a braa. bed. aprlngs and mattreas, a S-drawer swell front tlreaaer. B C. 73. Hee OAS H.NUINK 4-11. P. Kairbanka A Mora engine. In fine condition and all comnlete, to trade for a 1 or I-H. P. uiglne, or what have you to trade? Adtlreaa H. C. 2. Bee. WANT quarter or half K. W. cloeed core transformer; ave thirty-two loit automatic, a t2S eel drawing Inatru- inenta and various electrical appliances. Add res H. C. !" Hea. HAVK 44-callber. ) Bhot Colt'a repeating rife. alao douhle Parrel. l-guage. breei h-loadlng ahotgun to trade for anything of equal value. Addreaa S. HAVK five-year-old bay mare, unbrok and sound., with foal to Jack, with colt paiil for, valued at $M Will awap for l ord, or wnat have you 7 AUdreaa a. c. it nee. IIKKK vou are: have kodak, mandolin. .at-catiner revolver; aiao laniea or genta KnKllah saddle. What have you to of fer for one or all? Addreaa 8. C. VK. !W. wo used pool tablea for typewriter In serviceable condition: swapper will hnvo to amp taniea to ntmfir from forty mile eaat of Council Bluffs. H. C. PR4, He. HAVK beautiful Scotch Collie dog, houae broke, nice around children. IX month old: valued at IJal; will trade. What have you? Address 8. C. WS. Bee. bUf NSWICK pool tsble, regulation size. pool balls snd cues and cue rack. Will ttade for something of equal value. Ad dreaa 8. C. 0. Bee. llAVPFmotoroyole, i-cyllnder, free engine clutch, ihij model, in good condition. win trade for old wrecked automobile, Z'Vr'Pi ."" n"T" you; I "MM nave you to oiior ior i gai- 1 one nign nouae paint, or will trade m. 00 or 90 gallons. Addreaa 8. C. V.ib. Bee. llAVK ai-horseoower marina eo.ln. t trade for anything of equal value. Ad dress s t'. wt, noe. WllAT hav yu to offor In exchange for quarter sawed oak sideboard. Ad - dtesw S. C. W3. Bee. HAVE H-karat diamond ring; alao ring with rtiny ana two diamond. nut have you to trade? Address S. C. Wl. nee. (i(K)li auuare dining table, iron bed and spring for atnaii range, niac records or Edison rour-minute recoroa. Address p. C. isifi. Bee. HAT HOE alxe trunk to exchange for dln- IKh. ., MM " rfAf mare" colt, i year old. fat and soun.l WPKht about sno. valued at 175. Will gnt snout "uo, vaiuea at .o. win swap for what have you 7 Address 8. C. HT, ttee. BRASS slide trombone In good condition to trade for .-Z rifle, revolver or any thing useful. Addreaa w. i viz. Be. Uoi roreign ana u. o. siampa 10 iraoe I for United Uroflt Hharlng cerUflcates. Address S. C.. 900. AUTO delivery body, encloaed, for trade for something or equal value. Address s r 9. Bee WANT ED To trade anything for a six or nine-inch swing screw cutting lathe. H C B7I Bee I t. , . , , . . 1 FIRST class barber chair, to swap for auto of any kind, in good condition. I Address S. C. wU. Bee. XDDi NCTSlACH 1 N E Will trade for Ford 1 auto, books, ofilce turniture, or wnat nave your a. v. nee. NICK pluycr piano, rest o6. to awap for cows, pigs ana cnicaen. iaarea a. . iwtl. Beo. ii0 L'PRIOHT mahogany piano for auto. or wnat nave your Aaureaa o. tr,, nee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile baraalna sea the "Automobile" ciselft cation. EXCHANGE Half-section for automo- bile or business. Addreaa I, 778 Bee. WHAT have you to trade for an Angora " cat, thoroughbred. S. C. 57S. BUSINESS CHANCES MOVING PICTURE BARGAINS ' Well etabllhed Omaha ahow, seat a bi, first time offered for sale, clearing over I too per month, 14,000, t-yr. lease on good suburban show. seata i. money-maxer, Half Interest In one of the flneat equipped suburban picture shows, five- year leaae, 4tn. Only ahow In Neb. town 1.100, lady owner wants to go west, cheap, !.. Oood show tn Neb. town 10.000, seats W0, owner has other interests and can not look after both, U.OOO. We have twenty other good shows In Nebraska and Iowa at priced from f tut) to ,0U0. QMAIIA THETER SUPPLY COMPANY Moving Picture Equipment. OMAHA, NEB. DMA It A manufacturing buaineaa no' reorganising, wanta two capable men, one for Bales manager, one for factory manager, and good salary: want party will take to 16.000 atock; our plant la fullv euulnoe.1 : rur output la aosoiuteiy sts pie; sells to it. Ms., pack. ma lloua, linn, eievuior. creaineriea. wholesalera; company haa no debta and all It need i two rrackerjack men wno can quaiiry ror above post Hons: expect to have entire reoraanixa tlun finished by March 1st at lateat. Better aee ine. aa It meana the chance of a lifetime ror right men. J. A. ABBOTT. Rm. 4. Patterson Blk.. Omaha Neb VloVINU Picture Theater, real baraaina: machlnea, repair, auppliea, acceasorlea. new and seciui-nani. see us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO. Balrd Bldg. Doug. 8420. 1000 and Give Your Ad-The Rest is Done For You BUSINESS CHANCES Our N'ebiaaka farm mortgagee are not af fected by European war fn? or panlca. Amounts $l" 1 to I-.'). We collect all Intereat and principal free of charge; X, yeara in the Nebraaka farm field without a loa la our reoord. KI1KE IWKRTMENT COMPANY. 1 Omaha Nat. Bank Illdg.. Omaha. Neb. P A T E N T S THAT PROTECT A.NI PAT BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE Send sketch or model for "rch. Highest references. Beet results. Promptne aaaurtd. ton E. Coleman. ATEMX y ., r rr..,. n ., n?iii.iuiwri i. . Ml f1'!" lie sold by r-ebruui my tobacco and rndy atote; beat l.vntlon in Council Pluffa. Bta West Hroadway; ahowing good buaiyeen; inly S. per rriniii ri rem,, uitiiMiuia lieni, iikiil noi wate. I'hone Ki, or nee oner at nnotlx r. HJK CALK Clothing store, including men'a nnd boy' clothing, shoes, bats snd men's furnlshlnr, with a good cleaning and pressing establish ment. The only eatabllahnierit of this kind In a good, live, up-to-dnte town. mall tent and Hsht expense. Oood re.-iaon for selling. Inquire of Arnold yentlnei, Arnold, jsetv OFFICE FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE SAM IS FLOOR AS BEE OFFICE THE BEE BUILDING OFFK'K ROOM 101 AN F.STA m.lPilHD manufacturer wants state manager to open office and man noe aale. men New. hleh-claa article H00 to 1700 c apital ne'eaaary. Tou lianril own money, win pay expenses to 1 hl- rago ir you are man we want. Andreas Secretary, 1012 Republic Hide., Chicago. VBLL located moving picture allow in city. Equipped wit 11 latest 1'owers A machine, piano plnyfr, opern choirs snd everything complete, Buaineaa baa always been a money maker. I am leaving city and will sell cheap, with or without building and give reasonable terms. Call owner. fouth aML BUTTER - KIST Pop Corn Machine for unutn Omaha. FOR SALE Oood. clean stock of Hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Oood reason for selling. Be quick. Ad dress, Y 2i7. Bee. FOR SALE OH station In 3. D , 40 mile from another Independent Co.; 40,uoO gal. atorage warehouse, tank wagon, horsea and other acceasorlea. Will aell at a bargain; other business Interferes. Addreaa boo Oil Co.. Madison. S. D. WILL aell my furniture cheap for cash. Oood money making proposition. Pays all expense. Nice income. Doug. M. FOR SALE Infants, children s and la dles furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a bargain; best location In town; doing aa excellent business; want to retire. Bog No. 5. David r-u. Neb. WAjrTKU-lliive 1300-110 to Invest In Reality Tarlor or would consider part nership arrangement. Address M 7m nee. STOCK Five shares of the capital stock- of the Prairie Life Insurance Co. for sale cheap. Addreaa A 778, Bee. ftrTTir i.- 'i 1 ; j ' , 0, , L . buaineaa for sale. State cash nrica and complete particulars. L. jr. Bush, Rlln neapona. Minn WILLIAMS, established a years, to buy or sen nusineaa; nee mm. 411 Mcuague rsidg., rererence u. B. rat. nanK. r on BAi,is nest naaery iseor. county sear ti.w". siocn ana iixiurea, ai.cssi. nikf WT A V QTflTrv DTT"i' ux-u. uivai, uiuvjv vxx. FOR SALE Completely equipped cafe, doing good business. In a hotel: an at tractive proposition. Address E 74J. Bee. THEATERS Buy. lease or sell your the ater, maenme ann supplies tnrougn Tbeater Ki. Uc. liox yirnim u. iti. Office " for real estate or inaurauce; same rioor es Bee ortice; 11x21 reet; vxk in nee niag.. orrn1 noom lua. 'vVANTrfbMlddle aged man with 1X, Tor gilt edge proposition. Should pay rrom 15 to2S per day, a 781. Bee. FOR SALE 150 bbl. flour mill, altuated In Kansas wheat belt; In operation; money maker. Addrese T 143. Bee. 7 ROOMS, all nicely furnished, for sale cheap; all rooms rented; cheap for cash. 408 N. lth St. WANTED A good location for a flrat- ciaaa pool ball. Addreaa Y 249. Bee. TO GET In or out of business call on QANQESTAD. 421 Be Bldg. Doug. J477 TO SELL or buy a ualness. call oe Buach A Borghoff. Frenaer Blk. D. Ml. TO QUICKLY aell your business aoy- where. write Jim Wray, Sioux City, ll f-nOOM rooming house. 510 B. 21st Ave. all first claas furniture. Douglas 7Hl.. UOOD opening for barber In small town. Address Y 2u2. Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Mai. POSITION wanted: young man with sue cesaiui racoru in tn hardest aeiung gam ther I want position off the road: present salary fc.100: experienced , In office, manufacturing and retail end 01 iuwi Ruoai lines; naa rinuuva aou ltv and forealahtedneaa: detalla In cor respondence; would not accept best road position, but want Inside work or city saiea. Addreaa y 3v. Bee. WORK of any kind at any place; I ara atrong. rename, capable, best ot rerer- ' ence; please phone and I will Stat what line of work I ran qualify In beat; 1 muat support others, therefore need work. Please phone Douglas Ask Tor Johnson. Vol NG man with good character wants Job aa carpenter and palnteri been working 6 yeara on thla line: a ma wage at beginning. Addreaa Jac Evans. Oeneral Delivery. MARRIED man wants ro1tkn. exoeri nee city aaieaman. oooKKeeper and collector; acquainted with the grocery and bakery trade; reference furnished. wen. at), a POSITION wanted as cook on short or ders: day or night, or neneral restaur and work: moderate wages: sober and reliable. H. Clark, care Teddy, 214-16 South 14th ALL kinds of odd Joba and Janitor work by hour, dav. week or month; experi enced In all lines of work. Webster iutt. Ask for Johnson. S ANTE1 Situation to work on farm by man and wife, who nave their own furniture. Charlea Krapp, MIS S. 20th. Tel. South SBKai. POSITION wanted by A-l bookkeeper end cashier: 0 yeara experience: mar ried: first class reference will go out of town. Tel. Red twos. As k for B. MAN snd wife will consider work- of any kind, any place. Best of references. Johnstone, IiCa ti. Mary s Ave., t none t WANTED Position on farm: young man il years old. Write to D. Francek, tieneral Iellver-, Omaha. It Is sometimes a bother to coin down to THE BEE office to place your Want-Ad and then, stain, it ia quite often inconvenient for you to come down this way to pay the bill for an ad you have had inserted this way you never have to budge out of your home or place of business to get Bee Want-Ad service at the CASH RATE. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. Vol Nil man wants position In auto mobile line; experienced: ran furnlah be at o f references, t'n 1 M.ou g. 8.rt2. J?H wented. houae carpenter. In atore or office building, by competent me chanic Phone Harney KXPEKIKNCEH young lrbr wlahee a position In city or nr Omaha. Ad oresi 714 H. 17th Ave. Phone P. 4112. ItJSITlON wanted ny aober, all around t. ;it. her and aausag maker. Addresa Y .Til. lee. VvAJftWi'-JanTlor work. Can take care of any kind of a furnace. Cal U Web. 3 NO. V. CAKLS' N, PalnlTng a'nU Paper Hanging. JMjJJSth Pt. H. t'. KM'I'.KlkNi'Kr Ford driver wanla po sition. Plmtia Tvler IS Vernal. POSITION WANTED Work of sny kind in apartment, rooming or boarding houae; neat and trustworthy: long ex perience; beat of references; ned work badlv. . waaea no ohicct: citv or out. Phone Douglas SW.. Address Mrs. John- 'ImiJ!JrlAry : MIDDI.E-AUED lady wishes work sal housekeeper for small family; no objec tion to leaving city; will exchange reter encea. Mm. nara Mack. t. Kd St. A NEAT, reliable colored girl wanta po sition 10 nssisi wttn ngnt Housework, or plain sewing, csn glv references. Call Colfax 1H6. v AS'l ED By truatworthv lady, general housework, where family la emoloved during the day. Call Weh. i or call at hoarding house. r74 Urant wt. V A. l ull work aa a practical nurae In private Jewish family. Address Miss B. Scblaifer. 2M I St., South Omaha. Tel. -out! :Jf.. REFINED widow with child desires posi tion ss housekeeper. Doug. 6674 after t p. 111. "RELIABLE white woman watits work. 1 ior.- nr. COUolthD girl wlstics housework or chamber maid work. Weh. 12IH. TWO experienced colored girls wlah chambermaid work. Webster 2P77. I.aaadry aad Day Wwrk. A . WOMAN wants day work. Douglas .!. LAUNDRY, washing, cleaning.-Har. 91. Bl NDLE washing: neat work. Weh. 2157. DAY work of any kind. Web. t2S. Mary. WANTED Bundle washing. Florence KX WANTED Day work. Phone Web. T4167" IVANTED Day work. Call Red 7.. NY kind of day work. Douglaa 4. WASH I Nil and Ironing. Colfax I0. NY kind of day work. Harney 1780. W'ashIVO and ironing. Colfax 1KS. WOMAN wants dsy work. T. IW. HELP WANTED MALE Storea and Offlcea. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAGER. Traffic managers are In demand. The field la most fertile for an ambitious man to arise into a high salaried posi tion, fano per mo. and up. Special coach ing and training. 14Q1 W. O. W. Bldg. Proreeefoaa ! Tradee. MASON, alao carpenter, well digger and all-around repair man; enough, jobs for each to pay down payment on small home. Address P V9. Bee. ANTEi) 1 w o or three good Uuggy or coach builders: steady employment. Des Moines t asset, lies Moines, la. Drug Store snsps. job. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Salesmen aad Solicitors. BALdSSMAN-To sell from factory to dealer, glsss. china, white, gray and royal blue enamel ware. Big commis sions paid weekly. Small samples. Part or ' entire time. L4ve salesman can make t75 to $100 per week. Herthal Manufacturing Co.. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED city and country salesmen. If you measure I to our msiiureitienu you can form ssttsfactory connections with the Guarantee Fund Life As n of Omaha. Frederick IxveJoy, Room SMI Brandels Theater Bldg. HXPHR1ENCEX Nursery salesman wanted for immediate woric By one or i'i.55.e."t Nursexr comrnlea In the We are offering permanent in., vii r.v. positions to good . salesmen. Address Y If. Bee. MANAGER EXCHANGE Business chance department; experienced man; excellent opportunity. 6X3 Brandeia. WANTED Hlh class stock salesman. Drummond Motor Co., Jbth and Far nam Sts. WE PAT f-K a week and expense to man with rigs to introduce poultry com pound. Year's contract. Imperial Mtfg. Co.. uept. 7s. farsons. tvan. aitCKUKK tn call on Phvaloians- Es tablished trade. Expenses and commis- "n. iie ". " ; --- i-iij. r v-.. . . ii. i. TO sell now snd until June 1, cardboard WANTED Young girl to help with house fans for advertising to all classes of work; no washing or cooking. Wal. 117. rape. rine.ue iin-, ww-wjru, .vti; 1 ol-l lrl for arenert t-T v"Pnet-H U'Pt- Kemper Thomas WANTED Stock and bond aaleaman Standard security at invcaimeni 1,0., ion tt i VL' Hlrtf- Omaha. STLTATlTo aell well Vnown tine oi gtwllne engine., cream . separator. ..sollne enalnes. cream separator.. . v.hra.ka dealera: aide line: lib- eral commiaslons. Apply personally. Omaha Western Sales JO., attley Bldg. Trade Schools. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL. HOLIDAY OFFER. If vou con t attend day school you can hold your job and at the aame time get your automobile education if you enroll In the NIGHT CLASS. OF NEBRASKA A UTO MOBILE: SCHOOL, -to LEAVENWORTH. RED 110. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Man wanted tn learn the irade. We have originated a plan to teach it quickly and earn back tuition while learlng. Toola included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th t.. Omaha. Neb. p.iSfin urM WANTED to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. iMrmriu aitto COLLEGE. W Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. EV.ARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ for catalogue. 14UZ Dodge. TR1-CITY BARBER COLLEGE SEN wanted to lcarn'the I arber trade. Tuition, US. 1HP8 Caaa St., omana. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE.. Mlaceliaaaoa. ok-kMt'E manaaer wanted with l-'X) to Lnveat In a large guaranteed prom sharing business; this office Is located In large city end only one more man at work, therefore experience not nec essary, but the rlKht party must be able to give good reference as to hon esty snd character, steady position, with good monthly salary. Address Y 2M. Omaha Bee. . A middle-aged lady, leflned. competent and experienced, deelrea a poaitlon to take rharge as a houskeeper in a family of two. no laundry work. Or take care of an Invalid, or position ss child s nurse. Highest city references furn ished. Phone Wbter 3-14. HELP WANTED-MALE Mlar-llaarwaa. Government Wanta Clerk IliiJ month. Omah examine Ion April 1. Ka imple questions free. Franklin InAlt t. Dept. 21 M.. Rocheater. N. T ' tu NOTICE TO FARMERS. When in need of help of any kind write, telephone or call on ua. Cl'XMNUHAM LABOR AOENCT. Ill J. 13th St. Omaha, Neb. WHITE, male, all-around reetaurant cook, capable of taking rharge of kitchen; referencea required. Addrese Packard's Cafe. Pelmond. la. l A.NTKI Lady or gentleman to work In laundry; prefer someone who can invest aome money. M North Main St., t'ounctl Hluffa. Ia. W A N T K D Name of ambition men, ll or over. Wanting Railway Mall clerk po sitions. rr.VOO month. Answer Immedt ately. T 241. Pee. MEN for firemen, brakemen, 1J0 month ly; experience unnecessary. Railway. Y 2M. Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS OA K'lJilDK 8 Iron Kuat Soap Co.. lnf.4 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. Ge.rt slde's iron Bust Soap (trade mark, print and copyright registered In the U. 8. patent office) removes Iron rust. Ink and all unwasnanie sisins rrom clothing, marble, etc. ood seller, big margins, s gents wanted. The original. ?5c a tube. Beware of Infringements and th penalty for making, selling and using an tnfrlnmcd article. CANVASSERS Man or lady In each lo cality is wanted ny rename manufac turer to repreaent him with a guaran teed and splendid line of ladles' aprons: better and cheaper than In stores; good profits and big demand; sell on sight; no talk necessary; send letter for par ticular and trices: no nost cards answered. C. I. Mfg. Co.. Dept J, 6U4 n.iiiniinn pi., nosion, 3isaa AGENTS Bell rich looking Imported. rugs: si racn t arter, rsnn., sold 115 In 4 daya, profit S7; you can do) same. Write for sample offer solllne; plan; exclusive territory. Kondon, Im porter. Box 12, Stnnlngton. Main. PORTRAIT men. writ quick for new catalogue: 24-hour shipments, prints or finished work; expense advanced relia ble men. Roberta. Wholesale Portraits. Kansas City. Mo. - SELL ma your spare knowledge; aver age person has a.ouo to ?,( j worth; no peddling, tinkering. Holden. Box 3V4 iweu. ia. i DRUNK, sick or crazy not us, but we let you collect the money and keep if, all. Small capital needed to start. V. 8. Mfg. Co.. Dept. 11. Columbus. O. DLL. advertlalng pipes: sample and pare ttouiara rr. Japanese xvoreity .. Clinton, Ia. o HELP WANTED FEMALE ' teres and Office. STENOGRAPHERS and typists furnished for any typewriter. Our service 1 free. Royal Typewriter t o.. 31 f. istn. Tel. 0. lwo. WAN'i'Eli ulrl to answer telephone. Ap- Rly to Mate Dry Cleaning Co., lls-30 o. 12th St. Profession aad Trade. LADIES and girls wanted for decorating;' at home; experience unnecessary good pay. Call forenoons. 27 So. 13th. LEARN halrdresslng at The Oppenheim. Saleawomea aad Bollcltor. LARGE manufacturer will establish ac tive lady ot good addreas and ability In permanent, profitable business in her home town, sou to juo per month. Ex perience unneceaaary. All or snare time. Occupation congenlat tq woman of refinement. For particular addre Parker Mill. 2764 No. 12th St., Phila . i f delphia. inueinunini women imuci uu-rai spare time Income to Introduce Pii- cilla Fabrics. Laces. Hosiery, Dresses, among friends. Liberal terms. Flu- Charles Co., Trenton. N. J. HoawkoU aa Doaavatla. u-ivti.' l . rr-i k..- i yfmn Of-"to "rtst wltn housework in exchange for board, room and small wages. liar. 4RS8. WANTED Competent whit girl for gen- erai nousewora; oanisn preierrea. in quire 6016 Florence Blvd. Colfax 79. FREE. Ads for servant girl will be run I days free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to THBJ BEE office. Phone Tyler 1000. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing. IZ3 bo. sun , St. Call Har. B84 after p. m. 1 WANTE1-A girl for general housework; 1 small family, good wagea. .ail wen. 1 or at as Aiandereon. rQ h-' u-,.0-rter n0T,undrf. Harney" 8192. wanted White Kir I ror general noueo- work. Four In family. Apply MO bo. 22d. or phone Douglas -126. WANTED Woman or girl for Phj In county; must heWA Je. for good I - ."'- T "- end good character. Mteaoy place, xo right person. Walnut 1907 anytime after 8 a. m. Monday. WANTED Experienced second girl; only those with references need apply, wi 80. 86th St. Harney 8913. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework In country; two in family. P. H.. R. 2. B. 81. David City. Neb. W'ANTED CJlrl for general housework; no washing, lis 80. guth tn. WANTED Competent seoond maid. Re ference required. Harney an. Appiy at So- S. 82d Ave. W'ANTElD Experienced girl for general housework in small xamuy. iwa a. stttn Bt. Harney 4i2. WANTED Girl for light housework. Three in family. No washing. 108 ISO. Hh. Harney 687.. WANTED Experienced laundreas for hair day each week. Kereren ces re nutred. Mrs. Stewart, 2231 80. 82d sve. WANTED A competent white girl for general housework. Call Walnut 2696. 4L'Q3 Dodge St. GOOD girl for general housework. Tel. Harney -X or call in person. Address 70S 3. 29th Bt. WANTED Girl to assist wltb house work and care 01 small cniid. f none Harney 7558. I GIRL for general housework. Mra. J. A Lcary. 3213 Poppleton Ave. Har. 4340. WANTED Girl for general houaework. Mrs. WArren. 112 So. 38th St. Her. 8--i. WANTED Girl for general houaework. 629 Lincoln Blvd. rted ejm. WANTED White girl to aist with houae work. Web. 63.'. Mlscellaaeoas. - 1 WHEN YOU "tAn to THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT T List your property In THK BEE'S Big House. Horn and Heal Eat at Guide. Buyer of real es tate ar exacting usually. Valu muat b there, and apparent ric ahould be an Inducement. but make th Information definite and you will get respon front persons really Interested In vour offer. If you run It In THE BES. WANTED Girl, foreign or colored pre ferred. Omsha Paper Stock Co., Uth, and Marry. "No Need to Walk Them in When You CanTalkThemin" PHONE -TYLER 1000 i f v