Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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"Townsead'a for Vporttaf Goods."
Realtor's Supplies, Jan. Morton Son Co.
Llgbtiaa; natures Burgeee-CJranden,
ae Boot mat n Now Beacon Presa
. Stokes nmnvad to T Brand. The.
Anto Tlra Chain, Jan. Morton Bon Co.
TOTS FOB W. O. umiTXB for county
To Sail ImI Estate Ust It With J. H.
Duraont A Co., Keeline Building.
"Todaya Haft iig'au" eleealfls
section today. It appeare In Tba Ba
EXCLUSIVELY. Fin out what tho a
rtoua moving picture theaters of far.
Keep Tour Money and valuablea In the
American Rafe Deposit Vault. SIR South
17th Bu. Bee Bldg. Boxea rest 11.00 for
J montha. Open from a. m. to p. m.
Wo Ben loo la Oroak Charon Owing
to the Minnas of Rev. Harvalls, pastor of
tha church, there will be no servlcee to
day at St. John's orthodox Greek church,
Sixteenth and Martha.
Mr, roota'a Olaea Msets Monday
Mr. D. A. Foote. leader of the 1W neigh
borhood Blblo classes of the city of
Omaha, will conduct her clans for leader
Monday afternoon at t o'clock In the
auditorium of the Young Men Christian
Beddeo Batorne from Eastern Market
Elmer Beddeo, proprietor of the Beddeo
Credit Clothing company, ha returned
from a three week' buying trip in the
et, visiting Chicago, Cleveland, Cin
cinnati, Plttaburgh, New York and Boa-
ton. He made heavier purchases than
ever before.
Injured Boy BecoTarlng Harry Bel
telman. who was Injured a few days
ago while coasting on the Parker street
hill, is reported a Improving at the
Wise Memorial hospital. He suffered
internal lnjurle and for a while it was
beleved he would die. Later develop
ments favor his recovery.
Puble Card Party Mr. C. U Alt
stadt will give a public card party at Mo
Crann' hull. Twenty-fourth and O streets.
South Bide, Tuesday, February 22. Ten
prize of useful and fancy artlrle will
be given. Everyone will be welcome. A
hand embroidered sofa cushion will be
given at the door.
Jurist Compelled to Fight for Life
m Cott of Remaining at Fott
During Hanser Trial.
St. Berchmaii Will
Show the Grace of
Other Days by Slide
Btudents of St. Barchman' academy
will present a unique program to tncir
many friend at 7:46 the night of March
S at Crelghton university auditorium.
A short drama will be rendered which
will be elaborated by the work of tne
muslo student, consisting of mny beau,
tlful selections from the Works or fa
mous artists. There will also be a slide
of classic dance forms from the German,
French, Irish. Greek and Polish court
and national dances. These are mainly
from the works of Haendel, Mosart,
Beethoven, Chopin and other famous
composers, which will be Illustrated by
the students.
The objeot of the presentation of these
picture Is to offer a convincing argu
ment in favor of the grace and dignity
of other day, in sharp contrast to these
times of hurry which leave no oppor
tunity to be polite.
Ticket will be SO cents and will be
for sale at Hayden Brothers' music de
partment, the Brandeis Stores and Bur-gessfNash.
Illness of District Judge James P.
English which followed tha trial and
conviction of Arthur Hauser of the
murder of W. H. Smith has reached
a stag where the Judge Is fighting
for his life, according to reports
which reached his friends and asso
ciates at the court house yesterday.
Physician said last night that
an operation had been performed to
reliere a dropsical condition of the
liver; that his condition was seri
ous, but that all three doctors who
are attending him are predicting hia
Judge English braved a serious at
tack of grippe to remain at his post
throughout the Hauser trial. After
the case 'ended he was confined to
his bed by physicians' order. For
more than a month he has been
suffering with complications of his
Sentence Wot Prososaeed,
! l snst-e haa nnt vet heard Juris MaK
pronounce the eentence of life Imprison
ment In the penitentiary which the Jury
said should be Imposed on him and the
motion for a new trial haa not been
heard. When told of the Judge' condition
the condemned murderer saU soberly:
"Perhaps he la aa bad off- a I am."
Tha man 1 still being held In the county
When a request was made during the
trial for a continuance on the ground
that Hauser was 111, Judge English said:
"He Is not a sick a I am."
Hauser promptly recovered from a
slight sore throat. The Judge became dan
gerously 111.
Trial AtfTSTitri Illness.
The attack of grippe waa aggravated by
by tho heat and vitiated atmosphere
which was the result of the dally pscklng
of the court room by hundreds of specta
tors. Judge English frequently requested
that windows be opened and by his order
the room was aired during each recess.
Several consultations vof physicians
have been held at Judge English's home,
625 South Thirty-first street.
Judge English haa more than a local
and state reputation. He waa formerly
county attorney and for many years has
been a practicing attorney In Omaha. Ho
was appointed Judge of tha district court
to succeed Howard Kennedy and wa re
elected by the voter. .
Judge Grave of Pender, who presided
in Judge English's court last week, was
asked by local Judges to return this week
and agreed to do so.
.T-TTrr.,1111 "i wiu 1 jawagaamu..,.
Mrs. Doane. Finds Lack of Employ
ment and Illneai Chief Causes
of Present Distress.
Medical Fraternity ! NEW YORK SYMPHONY
Men Give a Smoker i ITAnw.mT ,mnn
AM liUrHAttW iitittB
"You Just don't reslite the con
ditions of some families until you j
go out and make investigations. " re- j
marked Secretary Doane of the As- i
sedated Charities yesterday while I
she was discussing the week's work.
She added that the warm weather j
Alpha chapter or the I'M Heta PI at
Crelghton Mr-dual college gave a amukrr
lst night at the ftwvrttsh auditorium In
honor of the medical ilassc. About
seventy five attended.
: Piwikers were I'r. Robert lU-tscr. dean
'of Crelghton Medical ro!loe; Pr C1;id
i Puren of the Pnlversltv of MlrliUan
.medical school, ami Pr. F. O Peck of the
' deimrtmont of medicine of the t'ntversity
'of riid-ago and Pr. Pits Morganilialer of
fit. Joseph's hospital. Hay Hyrne. archon
(of the chapter. a tnastinaster.
Great Orchestra and Famous Pianist I
Coming Under Auspices of 1
Auditorium. !
D. R. Wolverton, Eleven Years Chief
Statistician in Zone, to
Live Here.
Musicians' Union
Objects to Women
The controversy between the Omaha
Musicians' association and the Krug the
ater over the Chicago Ladies' orchestra
has been taken up by the American Fed
eration of Musician. Joe N. Weber,
president of tha federation, wired from
New -York yesterday directing that the
local organisation shall hold 'the matter
In abeyance until he ha had time to make
an investigation.
Secretary Wheeler of the local musi
cians wrote Manager Cole of .the .theater
stating that his organization demanded
the dismissal of the women musician be
cause of alleged violation of some rule of
the union. Manager Cole declare h does
not know what rule ha been violated.
Olive Calkins, leader of the orchestra,
states that all of her player are mem
bers of the national federation, one 1 a
member of the local union, the other are
members of tha Topeka local, and ah
furttier says she tendered appllcatlona for
the four Topeka members who wished to
become members of the local here.
The orchestra will continue to play at
the theater.
School Board Will
Open Bids on Bonds
The Board of Education will meet Mon
day noon to open bid for S.VW.000 school
district bonds. These bonds are the sec
ond half of the $1,000,000 issue authorized
by tha voters last May. The money is
to be used In carrying out the building
and site program already announced.
Great Damage Done
Wooden Bridges by
Swollen Streams
Great damages to wooden bridges In
Douglas county la being done by streams
swollen By melting snow, according ta
reports made by County Surveyor Loul
E. Adams. Eleven bridge on tha
Papplo. Including every one from Canter
treet to the county line, are washed
out. and four are gone near Millard.
The Elkhorn river haa Ice Jama above
Elk City and below, and Is piling up
near Waterloo, where it Is reported to
be still rising. The Union Pacific rail
road la blasting lea to relieve Its bridge
near Waterloo.
All steel bridges are reported to be un
harmed. LOUISVILLE, Neb.. Feb. 20. tSpeclal.)
The water In the Platte river raised
about eighteen to twenty Inches last
night, but the Ice ha not broken yet,
although it 1 bulging In many places.
In many places on the channel the Ice
measures two feet thick. Tba Missouri
Pacific ha a gang of men hare protect
ing Its bridge. The Bock Island at South
Bend ha been dynamiting tha lea away
from their bridge to prevent a gorge.
Acrosa the river north of Loulevllt the
Rock Island tracks are nearly unde
water and tha bottom lands are partly
PENDER, Neb.. Feb. 30.-Speclal Tele
gram.) Aa a result of the overflow of
Logan and Rattlesnake creek Pender Is
completely surrounded by water. Aside
from the inconvenience, people are tak
ing the situation philosophically. 8tock
has been removed to safety. At 1:83 the
water was at a standstill.
CRETE. Neb.. Feb. 2u.-(Spedal Tele
gram.) Crete la having the same trouble
this year as last, when the lea In the
Blue broke up and carried away a bridge.
Dynamiting the Ice Jam In a gorge below
the upper dam has been resorted to.
The Panama canal slides have
been practically conquered, accord
ing to the statement of D. R. Wol
verton, official government statis
tician of the canal gone during the
last eleven years, who retired from
active service January 31 and came
to Omaha Monday to make his res
idence here, probably permanently.
Government dredges working on the
Culebra cut section of the Isthmus havi!
cleared away the greatest part of the
surplus dirt that haa been pressing down
rock strata on either side of the canal
to such an extent that the base of the
canal Itself waa forced upward.
"It wa only a question of removing
enough of this surplus soil that had lain
there by nature's processes before the
slides would be forever eliminated. Al
though the government forbade any
shlpa going through the International
water highway until March 1, It la safe
for ships to pas through. Only those
ships that have been stalled alnce the
laat slide In the cut will be allowed to
pass through."
Mr. Wolverton arrived In Omaha last
Monday. He secured his release from
government service the isst day of Jan
uary, and coming by way of New Or
leans arrived In the states February V
tha first time In eleven years. He vis
ited Chicago and later decided to come
to Omaha to learn tha Insurance busi
ness under his brother. TV. Wolverton,
local representative of one of the biij
eastern life Insurance companies.
Wolverton has been awarded a Roose
velt medal with three bar attached, sig
nifying that he ha served In the canal
sone for three year during it greatest
strife with the malaria and yellow fever
plague. Ha haa passed through three
attacks of malaria but was never stricken
with tha yellow fever germ. His aid In
combatting the mosquito waa rewarded
with special mention both by Washing
ton representstlves and Colonel Goo tha Is,
underwhom he worked directly.
Sport Weekly Will
Be Published Here
By Jake Isaacson
Jake Isaacson, for several years a sport
writer In Omaha, announces that he has
forsaken the field of dally Journalism
and will shortly become publisher of a
weekly sport sheet. The inaugural issue
will be published within a week or two.
Isaacson's paper will be called tha Omaha
Sportsman and will be devoted to all
branches of sport, with amateur base
ball and bowling featured.
Read The lire Want Ada. It pays!
Veteran Pythians
Talk of Old Times
About fifty members of the Ne
braska Pythian Veteran association
sat down at annual banquet Saturday
evening at the Loyal. February 19
is the anniversary of the founding
of the order, now fifty-three years
of age. and this waa the nineteenth
time the veterans bad gathered to
gether to observe the great organl
cation's natal day. Many of those
at the hoard were from towns out In
the state.
One of the features of the evening was
the reading of a letter from K. E.
French, first secretary of the association,
now a resident of Wsshlngton, who sent
a message of cheer to his brethren. At
It) o'clock a toast was drunk, standing,
to Brother French, who had agreed at
the corresponding hour, which would be
12 o'clock at hi home, to drink to the
old boy. A message more touching was
received from Frank J. Kelly of Lin
coln, who Is fatally 111. bidding his as
sociate goodbye and wishing them all
happiness to the and. The secretary waa
Instructed by unanimous vote to reply to
Mr. Kelly'a letter with a message of
lov and sympathy from the association.
John Q. Goss, the oldest veteran of the
lot. was missed for the first time from
the table, his Infirmities having reached
the stag that prevented him from com
ing. John M. McFarland presided In the ab
sence of President Goss, and the speak
ers were:
"The Grand Iodge," G. W. Meredith,
grand chancellor.
"The Pythian Natal Day." George A.
Magney, past grand chancellor.
"Pythian F. C. and H." Will H. Love,
grand keeper of records and seal.
"Friendship, tha Corner Stone," Dr. L.
A. Merrtam. past chancellor.
"The Old Guard of Pythlanlam," Jamaa
C. DHhlman, past chancellor.
"Just Plain Talk," W. 8. Leyda, 8. R.
"Loyalty to Our Country a Tenet of
Our Order." T. W. McCullough. knight
Pythian Fidelity." W. w. Young,
P. S. R.
The Occidental Building and Loan
company and the Bankera' Mortgage
Ioan company probably will move to the
!Tw quarters within two or three montha
In tha Curtl property, corner of Eigh
teenth and Harney streets, the bul d n
In which the Keen hotel is located.
John F. Flack, head of the Occidental,
ays the move Is likely to be made
within this time, and that nothing can
tie done about erecting a new building
until the present lease are expired.
Harry Keen of the Keen hotel hold a
lease that (till run nine year mora, aa
It wa made last year for a period of
ten year.
The body of David C. Moore, elec
trician for a steamship company at
Shanghai, who was drowned In the
Shanghai river October 15, arrived In
Omana yesterday and was taken to a
receiving vault at Forest Lawn. He is
a son of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore of
Omaha, and waa 17 years old. Bealdn
his parent, who live at La,throp. he
Is survived by two brothers. uneral
arrangements have not yet ueen made
as relatives now in Florida have not
r. 'rived.
Many Republican
Candidates Coming
to the Smoker
The McKlnley club of Omaha will for
mally open the republican primary cam
paign the evening of February 2s with
a amoker and reception at the Rome.
Ben a tor Cummin of Iowa and Henry
D. Kntahrook of New York have been
Invited and have expressed Intentions of
being present. Mr. Kstabrook will de
liver his tariff speech. These men have
filed for the presidential primary In th's
state and their appearance on the dat
mentioned will Interest all republicans,
assert a President Byrne of the McKlnley
Among other candidates expected are
John U Kennedy. Chester H. Aldrlch.
A. L. Sutton, C. J. Miles, Ernest M. Pol.
lard, Walter A. George, William Mad
gett. f. R. M-Kelvle, Myron L. Learned,
William F. Ourley. R. B Howell. C. F.
McGrew, Hen 8. Baker and David H.
Republican from many towns In the
state will be present. The McKlnley club
Is the leading republican organisation of
Douglaa county and Is not factional.
Announcement is made that no Indorse
ments will be made at the smoker and
Acute Malingeritis New Name
For What Ails Hobos, Says Doctor
The Nebrnk rhapter of Alpha oin tia
Alpha of the University of Nebraska Co!
lev of Metltfliie hsa chosen the follow-
reduced the calls for coal, but did lng m,mN,r of thr ..,, of h. k.
not hare an appreciable effect on j curti. o w. iinfrmristcr, f. w. nh
the number of calls nor the extent ! bans, wtuiam shepherd,
of the work. Lack of employment j A,i'" "", A,'h ' honorary
. ... ... i.i i ! medical scholarship fatcrnltv. Klectlon
and Illness are to of the chief . (o Wf u iippn ,h prhv
causes of distress. Many men called j nrshlp record of the four years of med.
during the week asking for work. I i.-ai study
The charities will co-operate In j
every way possible with the Welfare I
board which has Just been estab
lished, j
The most distressing case handled by
the Associated Charities during the week
wa that of a family of husband, mife
and five children from I to 9 year of
Mrs. Doans called at the address sent
to her office and she found the seven
members of thla houehold huddled to
gether in two small rooms. The father
waa out of work. He had picked up odd
Jobs. Some of the children slept on the
floor of one of the rooms. Abject wsnt
wa depicted on the face of the children !
and the surroundings were unsanitary.
Five Chlldrea la Sad PlUat.
A case like thla Is a problem for the
charities. The family w-as given tem
porary relief. Here waa a husband and
father unable to care for his wife and
flv children. The children have not been
receiving sufficient food, nor have they
been reared In surroundings which would
Inspire Ideas of cleanliness or right liv
ing. They were timid children, made so
by their surrounding.
"You would hardly bellve It If I told
you thla family has lived aome week
on II and even leas. It Just makes one's
heart ache to sea little children required
to endure such a life," wa a comment
of Mrs. Doane.
The charities are caring for twenty
families who have betn vlalted by scarlet
The New York Symphony orchestra
with Walter Pamrosch. conductor, and
Joseph llofmann. the pianist, as an added
' attraction, will be hoard at the Omaha
chooses four members cr:::::;:!-
lat tilaht hy Charles A. Frank, man
aiier of th Auditorium.
The orchestra consists of more than 100
pleres. This famous body of artists will
be heard here as the result of more than
three months' effort on the part of 1 laV
Auditorium management to Induce them
to stop over on their transcontinental
tour. This was finally arranged last nluht.
The seat prices will ranae from ."a! cents
to I-'.
Butter Men Gather
In Five-Day Course
The annual short course for cream sta
tion operators and butter makers Will
open In Unroln on Tuesday and con
tinue until Hsturday On large cream
ery concern ha requested thst It b
allowed to send all Its station operator
from all over the I'nlted Ftate. Appli
cations for admission to th course hav
come from Indiana and Illinois. Th
main feature of the program will b
cream grading.
Th regular Instructional staff of the
dairy department, composed of Pro
aors Frandsen, Woodward, Thorsen and
Markham. will be In charge of the work.
lrof-ssor O. 1 McKay, eecretary of tha
American Association of Creamery But
ter Manufacturers and a leading autho--Ity
on butter, will assist In the course.
Professor F. W. Rouska, late of the
lowa state college, now with the H?
atrlc Creamery company at Chicago,
will bring his practical experience to bear
oh th prohlems under discussion. Pro
fessor J. D. Jsrvls will also assist In 1ht
wot k.
I endorse the
Dort and stand
back of its
It is a splendid car,
and my word for it,
you will be highly
pleased with it.
I s-s'yK
dLia ViiJa
The Popular Car for Five
'The factory that builds the Dort has built good vehicles 39 years.
This factory la reputed to be one of the most reliable, and financially,
one of the strongest In the country.
It builds the Dort In a $650 model because It has demonstrated that
for this money tt oan build and guarantee as good rsr as money and
brains can produce stripped of lavish finish which makes automobiles
"high priced." The 1650 oar is the populsr car for the family of five.
It runs easy, looks well, Is strong, economical, easy to handle, has ex
ceptional endurance and speed. Compare specifications with those of
any oar In the $1,000 class and see If It hasn't them beaten
DELIVERIES You are taking no chance on dellrery, as we have
bought outright 1,260 cars and we are obliged to take them 1,250 Doris
will actually be delivered. Notwithstanding we understand there is a car
shortage with a good many popular priced cars.
Completely Equipped,
Electric Lighting,
12th and Farnam Sts.
Omaha, Nebraska
Klltm of (rood Digest lua.
When vou sea a cheerful and hsnnv alil
you msy know that she haa good
settl n. If your dlK.-stlon Is Impaired
r If you do not relish your meals take
a d.-se of Ohnmherlain's Tablets. Thejr
Arthur 1 Weatherly. one of the dele
gates of the recent peace trip to Ruroe,
will tell the real story of the Ford exiiedl
tlon st the council chamber In the city
hall Wednesday, February S. at I o'clock.
VI Vatherly also hsd many lnteredlna;
Experiences In connection with the prog-
j res of the peaie deli-nates thr.mxh the
st.enrthen tho stomach. Improve the dl
?Mlon and cause a gentle movement of j various countries visited and particularly
t'i - boels. Obtainable everywhere I during the twelve hours they spent In
If your oldest son feels too Indisposed
to work and finds relief only in Kelly-
pool, deal sently with mm.
U the policeman on your beat goes to
sleep against your oarn, don I move me
barn, or laugh.
If en Itinerant gentleman cornea to
your back door and solicit food sn1
then gently but firmly refuses your prof
fered woodpile employment, bless him
Tep, that's the etuff; deal gently with
'em. Alwaya keep thla In mind: They
may be somebody's father. Also and
this "alao" business Is tha real gist of
this effusion they may be suffering
from acute malingeritis.
WotlnelllsmallnKerltlsr' you pray to
be Informed.
MsTlngerltle. according to Dr. J. T.
Pwyer, la an ailment cauaed by an In
aldloua grm which ateala Into one's aya
tem ani consumes all desire for labor.
It la brad of dogmatic epigrams and
Nourishes especially In the springtime.
In normal folk, and In all seasons where
are concerned the victims who may In
duce others to contribute to their sup
port. "It la not a new discovery to medical
silence," declared Dr. Dwyer, before a
clinic Crelghton medical college yea
terday. "Happy Hooligan, who haa
been parading through tha comlo supple
ment for a long while, ta a good caae in
point. Ho are most of the I. W. W.s and
lower Douglas street panhandlers."
It all cama about when a husky look
ing person came whining Into clinic yes
terday morning.
"Doc," be groaned, "I don't know
what'samatter aid me. I'm all busted
up like a l'uo Flivver. My arms bend
up this way, but they won't bend ha'k
like this i business of Illustrations), I got
pa'ns ever'w'er, an' I ain't h'en able to
work sence (Jrn rat Coxey man ned to
All the medical students crowded up.
anxious to get an earful for future d.i
pensstlon at 12 land up) per !lsrense
Dr. Dwyer rolled up his sleeves and
put tne patient on the operating table.
He rave him a thoroUKh examination.
Then he snickered most unprofeslonally.
"Young gentlemen," ha declared, aa
soon as ha wiped off the smile, "here Is
a esse most persons find difficult to
properly diagnose. I call It acute ma
lingeritis" Turning to the patient, he aaked: "You
want to he sent ta the county hospital,
don't you?"
"Yep; I gotta eat and I can t work."
groaned the patient.
"Wa will aee If my diagnosis Is cor
rect," continued Dr. Dwyer, turning
again to the patient.
Uam! He walloped him across the
stomach with his open hand.
Biff! Ha cracked with his fists The
students crowded closer, Interested.
Ir. Dwyer whispered In the patient's
ear: "You lasy stiff! You're stalling In
order to become a permanent drag on
the taxpayers!"
Illff! And ha walloped him again.
"This la the ancient method for treat
ment of malingeritis." he explalm-d.
smacking the patient attain
The patient couldn't atand any more
With a bound, he leaped to his feet and
was out (ft the room. In less time than
It takes a .lawyer to start a suit ha was
In South Omaha.
"Acute malingeritis." repeated the doc
tor. "I waa aura I waa right."
It took the medical students fifteen
minutes to see the polut.
i hev sav that rlurina a lull in a recent loruf
artillery duel In Inlander some British officer
ut the to. lowing nonce aa a eiaciuoam
which they held bov their trench: " A aport
Ing offer! We'll stop strafing yon for tha
reel of the day II you cnticg us over ten una
.of Hitnatogen.
1 from the
London "Evening Standard"
November 11.IQ15.
T"TT""TessTTaBTrirliasaas ilsj'iassisss an n s i Mil
ssaaslssSMsai li n i i mi umh: -j.Y.l
- T. "
." K
An Incident in the Trenches
A stray bit of war newa in no
way affecting the issues at stake,
yet of appealing human interest.
Ten tins of 8anatogen and no fighting
for tha rest of the day I It sounds gro
tesque until wa remember that there do
exist certsin commodities which knew no
boundaries (n rime of peace and which
a van now amid tha fury and bitterneasof
war serenely hold their own, still appre
ciated by friend and foe alike. Sanatogen
Is on of these.
As a food-tonic for bodies and nerves
orn down through tba stress and strain
of work and care, Sanatogen has been
popular these seventeen years in eviry
European country and far beyond. So it
waa but natural that at this time It should
play its part in helping restore the strength
and energy of those wounded on the field
of combat, and that it should be welcome
even at tha vary front of battlewhere
tha need for a real tonic is great even with
tha strongest.
And this same confidence in SanatogWs
help, as axpreaaed by the soldier at the
front and tha physician in tha hospital, will
ba yours, too, after you have learned for
youraelf what Sanatogen can do.
me I
Sanatogen is sold by good druggists,
everywhere in siseg from 91.00 tip.
Orand Vise, nierwatfcma! Cowsvess of Utdieint, Lmdnn, ft 13
v ;t .
Jt i Vi
SrfiffiaTt) m gym gteww
for Elbert Hubbard's iJooJt "Haalth in the Making." Written in bis attractive manner and filled with hia
shrewd philosophy, together with capital advice on 8anatoRen, health and contentment. It is FREE. Tear this off ss
a reminder to address THE BAUER CHEMICAL COMPANY, 37-J. Irving Place, New York City.