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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1916)
2 TIIE BEE: 0MAT1A, MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 21", 191C. ALL LANDS OF THE '. LION FIGHT TO END Premier of Australia Says Prepar edness and Compulsory Serr ice Eaientisl. TALKS TO THE CANADIAN CLUB OTTAWA. Feb. 20. -Premier Hughes of Australia outlined the at titude of the commonwealth toward the war In aa address at the Cana dian clnb today. II declared ai a labor representative tbat prepared ness and rompulaorr service are essential for the security of any free people who desire to retain their freedom. The premier's address vas greeted with cheers. Among hit bearera were the duke of Connaught, gov ernor general of Canada; BIr Robert Borden, the premleri Sir Wilfrid Laurlef, '.leader of the opposition, cabinet minister and many of the prominent men of the Dominion. Rrtrtrr ef Caaadlaas. After praising the "dauntless bravery of tha Canadians. " Premier Hugh de clared hlstorto Baleklava wm not to be compared with the chart of the Eighth Australian light home, where only fifteen men survived out of Wft. Whon the order for the charge was given ten hours be fore It took place, the men knew tbat for most of them It meant certain death, and they gave farewell mseeges to friends at home to their comrades In the trenches. Australia has MO, 000 men enlisted, he aid, and i,u have been sent forward to tha front. By Jons It Is expected that wilt be under arms. . . . Vela That Libert r. Australians, the premier declared, valued their democracy and liberty, and were ready to fight for them to the last man. "We eould have purchased Ignoble peace." rremler Hughes asserted. "The Germans were prepared to treat Canadi ans as an Independent nation and to con fer a like favor on Australia. Germany now knows that It Is fighting not only England, but also the men of adventure and resolution In all th British domin ions, who will fight to the end alongside those who gave them their traditions. We shall not quit while Ko remains in us. 'The safety of th dominions of the em pire was due to the British navy, and It Is because of the strengthening of the navy that w live as free men today. Had Britain been prepared as well by land a by sea there would have been no wtr." Browster Is Here To Tell Omaha Men Of Defense Plans The fifty-four men selected 'last week by Mayor Dahlman to attend the national conference' at lit. Louis, March 1-4, are expected to meet in the council chamber t th city hall at I o'clock this after noon. There they will listen to William Brewster, secretary of tb National De t ..I . . . . : ness. tv'hlie the city ball meeting la for .delegates ether a at liberty to attend, Mr. Brewster arrived In the city Sun day afternoon and registered at th Bom hotel. 21 spent th vnlng with frinda. He ts on something ef an extended trip and is visiting a number of cities, ex plaining th purpoee el the St. Louis conference. The following are the delegates named by Mayor Dahlman and who are ex pected to attend the Ft. teuia meeting) .t. Tax ton John C. Cowln frank Johneon N. 11. t t"1lk T. J. No!n J. A. ('ever '. W. banning Thomes J. I iynn John lreil Hurt Murphy T. J. O'JHrten K. BurV.inKliam M. E New branch r. u avr Onuld rlt Charles K. Black n. c. iifv lleerr Murphy Al. Boreneoii On. O. It. Harries Victor lloeewater M. L Learned Va!tr T, I'uf a FVens V. JuiWn Charles W. Hull . f. T. Karlo vy. K. lfor .VOrris Mrnwn J. 11. I 'union t V. U Heller Frank Hamilton (t. I. Hummer Oeorge liMnrrS John T. Ym . H. HoMrege T. Kountsa It M. Uord John I,. WcCague Fred Mete J H. Mul.rd A. 11. Murdook John R. Webeter J. A. O. Kennedy John A. ftlne K. A. Hbotwoll T. J. O'Connor Joe Butler K. M. Howell niflmrd Kitchen T. J. MeOutre U J. TelVw.1 J. B. Watklna 'nrge l'erks T'dward liiack Kred Carey Ned Atchison Garrison Retained ' In a Legal Action smbpams NEW YORK. Feb. lt.-Llndley M. Gar rison, former secretary ef war, it was announced tonight, has been retained by th flatten Protective committee tor the common stock of the International Mer cantile Marine company to assist In the legal fight to have vacated the receiver ship f the company and rector It to Us normal status. OMAHA LETTER CARRIERS FOR THE PEftlRQSE'GRIFFIN BILL Branch No. I. National Association of Letter Carrier, met Saturday evening for the purpoee of considering the PVn-reee-Urlfftn Indefinite leave ef absence bill, recently Introduced In the house of repreaentetlvee by Per. Id J. Griffin of New York. It Is known as a bill grant ing Indefinite leaves ef absence to super anueted employee ef tha postal servloe. The Omaha branch of the association, of whk'h the Omaha earners are mem bers, endorsed the bill and pledged them selves to use all honorable means to se cure. Us passage - Union Pacific Saves ' Bridge Over Loup COLUMBUS, Neb.. Teh. SO. (Special Telegram.) Setting off . chars after charge of drcamtta, the Union Pacific foroe at the. bridge over the Loup, two mllae from town, succeeded in opening a channel and bringing the situation out ef danger so far ae tMs point ts concerned. Railroad officials consider this their moat critical spot. Taking edventeg of a, baJxny spring day, . ever Looo peoUe wt4.3 their way eJSng the tracks to the scene. Thuy were rewarded at times br seeing huge cakes of Ice burled 11 feet in the air. Tfcrew Of! lee aad rveat Uria. When ye feel a cold coming on. take I&atlwe Broita Quinine. It removes cause -of Cm da end Ortp. tM'jr one "Hr-JTBO Ciulnln.-' K. W. UroveS slgu lurw on box. 2oc-Advert leouwiut. Villa Captures Band Of Carranza's Men :L TAtKt, Tex., Teb. 30 -General Ve nvietlano Carransa, head of the do facto Mexican government. In a letter to An dreas a. Garcia. Mexican oonsul here, tods? declined the acceptance of a loan, sM to have been tendered by a syndi cate of Chicago bankers, and declared to have been of an unlimited sum. Francisco Villa has cdptured a small band of Carransa troops sent front the Guerrero district In western Chihuahua, to Attack him. PLUTOCRATS HOST PAY FORDEFENSES Incomei Will Be Taxed More In stead of More of Them Being Taxed, it it Beliered. CAN RAISE HUNDRED MILLI0X3 WASHINGTON. Feb. JO. The proposal to amend th Income) tax law io to Include smaller Incomes la virtually certain to be abandoned In favor of an Increased rat on those already taxed. It was declared laat night by democratic house leaders. Sentiment agalntt lowering th exemption limit In order to provide additional revenue for th prepared ness program crystal! tod. It was aald. In tb democratic caucus Thursday night, when Democratic Leader Kltchln declared against changing the present minimum of $3,000. gince then protectants against alt re duction plant hav become more out spoken dally. Caa Meeit It Tats War Leaders declared tonight that virtually the entire preparedness revenue burden would be met with Income taxes. Tenta tive bills looking to raising solely by an Increased Income tax rate are being dlaouesed and will be offered soon In committee. One of the demooratle leaders who will be active In framing the administration blU, eeld tonight that he would suggest doubling the present 1 per cent rate en Incomes below 130,110 and possibly make the tax on Incomes above that amount as high as S per cent He also might suggest lowering the minimum Income subject to the t per eent rata to 118,000, he said. Married men, according to this plan, would be given the advantage of an additional $1,000 exemption as In the pres ent law. How Meek Needed. Although neither the naval nor military affairs Committee has Indicated what amount of money will be needed to meet the expensea of preparednnes. It generally la understood that for tha first year it win be eloee to tM.000.000. Tentative plans. It Is said, will proceed, therefore, on the theory that about 1100,000,000 will be needed. Reject California Moose Compromise RAN rRANCICO. Cel., reb, r.-Com-promlae between the republicans and progresalvee of California In tha nomina tion cf California delegates to tb re publican national convention, to be held In Chicago June T, was rejected by the executive committee ef the republican state central committee ac a meting here yesterday. Walter R. Bacon of Ban fran oisoo, chairman of the executive com mittee, told the committee that Meyer Llaaner, progreetve leader, had offered to let the r nominate thirteen of the twenty-sia republican delegates U a like number of progressives would be acceptable. It was dsolded by the committee that tha California delegation to Chicago should go unlnstruoteo, HILLSTROM'S. ATTORNEY ' : MAKES GENERAL DENIAL SALT LAKH CITT. Utah, V Feb. . O. N. Hilton ef Denver, attorney for Joseph irillstrom, the Industrial Work ers ef ths World leader who was ex ecuted her November II for the mur der of J. O. Morrison, makes a general denial and challenges tha Jurisdiction of the supreme court of Utah in his answer filed today In the disbarment proceed ings instituted, here by th Utah gut Bar association. Th proceedings grew out of an stldress made by Hilton at Hlllstrom'e funeral In Chicago, In which Hilton was said to have asserted that he Utah supreme court was Influenced by the Mormon church in declining to grant Hlllatrom a new trial The ludgee who presided In the Hill strom ease. Including all the members of the supreme court, are non-Mormons. raebla III. PUKBLO. CY.IO.. Feh. iO.-Mahlon O. Thatcher, president of the First National bank of Pueblo and promlnunt In finan cial affaire In Colore do. ,.rlmily til at his name here. Members of the family nave ea summoned train van a go. A WOMAN'S at t a man as pipe's as old as it J '.,1 -T II) IT SHIPYARDS OF 0. S. RUSHED WITH WORK Crowded at KeTer Before in Their Eiitory and Refusing- Con tracts for New Type.. LAMES VESSELS BLEW BUILT WASHINGTON", Feb. JO. Re ports to th Bureau of Navigation, made public today, show that Amer ican shipyards crowded with work aa never before In their history, ar refusing all contracts calling for new types of veaseli and confining con struction to thos types for which construction plana already have been drawn. With 230 merchant vessels, with a total tonnag of about 1,000,000 tons building or about to be started, the United States now is being out stripped In construction only by Great Britain and navigation bureau expert ae in th boom a prospect tbat th country may recover the position it held befor th civil war when it was tb foremost nation In hip building. Dan bled WKhta Year. The amount of tonnage under construe tlon In American yards has doubled within the last year. It has increased nearly (0 per cent since Decemeber 1 and yard are so filled with orders that many have work that will keep them steadily employed until well Into 1917. Thirty-nine ships have been completed slnos last July. Ths steamboat Inspection service la preparing for an expected shortage In men to command merchantmen by chang ing regulations governing Issuance of licenses. The age limit for officers was) reduced In an order several daye ago and other changes In the regulations are being considered. Department of Commerce officials are Investigating a plan by whloh Its pro moters claim structural steel may be used on the veesel construction. It It proves suooeaaful, It Is declared, con struction not only will be cheapened, but an Immense advantage will be given to American yards because structural steel Is produced In such large quantities in the United States. Lara-er. talpe BelaaT Ballt. Ons prominent fact th navigation bu reau's investigation revealed was that much larger vessels are under construc tion than In previous years. . ' SWEDEN DENIES ASKING AMERICA TO CO-OPERATE LONDON, Feb. 80, A. Copenhagen dis patch to the Exohange Telegraph com pany says, that a Swedish official, state ment denies that Sweden has requested the United States to Join In a conference of neutral countries. , Dispatches from Washington on Febru ary IT said that Sweden had appealed to the United States to eo-operate with her and other neutral natlona to maintain the preservation of rules of International law concerning the protection of neutral commerce aad navigation. The Swedish appeal, according to the Washington die patches, was signed by Swedieh Minister Ekengren. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mies Belle Hatch and - Miss Dodge, trimmer, have gone to Chicago on a buying trip. Mrs. Cart Brandels and daughter, Miss Stella, on their way to the ooaet stopped over In the otty at Hotel Frmtenelle yesterday. They Intend visiting moet pieces of Interest, not returning east lor eight or nine months. Culled from the Wire Harry p.- Gamble cf Boulder, Colo., formerly a dlettict Judge in Denver, was appointed adjutant general ef the Colo rado National Guard by Governor Carl son to succeed Ueneral John Chase. Oscar S. Ptrev.s ef New York City and Horace 8. Wilkinson of Byracute were recommended as delegates to the pr grHaiv national convention at Chicago at a meeting cf the county chairmen of the progressive party iu New Tork etate. Mlea Anna MrLean Towler. said to have been the first woman hank presi dent In the United fitatee. died at St. I.ouia after an illncaa of two years. A few weeks e ro she waa re-elected i.reet. dent Of the First National bank of Mount IMeaeant. Tex., of whloh ahe had been the chief executive for more than twenty years. The exemtnatton of veniremen aa to religion, politics, likes and dislikes, netted one more possible Juror to try William lortmer for alleged bank wreeklng t Chicago. The peealng of Frank W. lielm buoh, brought the lint of those tenta tively accepted, but still subject to chat lenae i'p to eeven. Helmbuch is married, a landscape gar-Oner and aa Independent democrat. A Tat Increase of 1 cent per hour In the wages cf approximately S,KX allied shopmen of the Denver Rio Grande railroad System extending from Denver to Oeden, Utah, was granted by officials cf the company following a conference at Denver with an executive committee of the ehopmen. according to W. E. Meders, representing the machinists. old as tho looks, IJ . i r i cia as no reels, a tastes. API PEof VELVET always tastes juit old enough. "For VELVET Ts just old enough when it has had its two years of natural ageing which brings out the best that is in Jventuckr Hurley tobacco. Wounded Man Was Resident of Omaha Cletn Morrison, reported seriously shot st pvanston. Wfo., lived In Omaha dur ing Me early life, at the northwest cor ner ef Sixteenth and Vinton streets. He Is a son of Morris Morrison, who was ac tive In local politics more than thirty years ago. Clem Morrison la 45 years of age. He left Omaha yeare ago and has been In the oil business In Wyoming for years. FLOODS HIT TOWN OF WATERPROOF Louisiana Bnrf Unprotected by Lereei and It Za at Mercy of Water. MAEOOiJZD THOUSANDS HT7XQ&Y NATCHEZ, Miss., Feb. JO. A re lief expedition left here today on tha government steamer La Fourch for the Buck Ridge Crevasse In the Mississippi river near Newellton, La., where several thousand negroes are reported flood marooned with little to eat Waters from the crevasse had flooded a vast area tonight The break had reached a width of 800 feet, it waa reported. The flood has reached the town of Waterproof, La., which la unprotected y leveea and is at the mercy of the water. Re ports from St. Joseph said that town was more than one-third cdvered with water. Mayor Jacoby or Njtwelltown reported that a number of marooned people were brought there today from the country. He said supplies there had almost given out and that boats were needed to rescue hun dreds caught by the flood In the Tensas Basin. YEAR IN JAIL GIVEN ON WHITE SLAVE CHARGE LINCOLN. Neb.. Pen. 20.-Judge T. C. Munger ln federal court' today sentenced John W. Campbell, 11 years old. to a year In the county jail at HasUngs, Neb., on his plea of guilty to a charge cf white slavery. Judge Munger said on account of his youth he would spare tho prisoner a penitentiary sentence. Csmpbell confessed to bringing Belle McMahon, an U-year-old girl, here from Sioux City for Immoral purposee. Fol lowing his plea of guilty and before be ing sentenced, Campbell and the girl were married. . M IK" . , D 1 ,r- Thousands of dissatisfied Building Owners have silently kept the story of their Building Experience to themselves Some have done so. because they feel that they, themwlvee, should have looked into the various ways of conducting the bust. ; neu of butldlns ft little more carefully before they let their contracts. Others Boy as little as possible about their unsatisfactory building- experience, because ln spite of the fact that they have . always considered themselves good business men, and in spite of every precaution and cars possible on their part, their building , did not turn out aa expected. Only the man who has had building experience Is ln a posi tion to fully realize the value of a careful analysis of the busi ness of conducting building operations before signing contracts with anybody for upon making such aa analysis he will quickly et see that a business which has so many technical problems as the business of building requires organisation ln order that Archi tects, Building Engineers, building superintendents and building mechanics shall each perform their part of the work at the right time and in the right way. Such a man would readily recognise ln this Company's Mod ' ern Building Organization an instrument that will Insure him ana'nst the expensive mistakes and the general Inefficiency of the olderday building methods for back of our highly organized force of widely experienced building professional men and build ing tradesmen stands a big and financially responsible firm which guarantees, as soon as plans have been completed, that the building will not exceed a certain price. Under these conditions it will be realized that this company is providing the kind of building service that the prospective builder cannot afford to do without. We are equipped to handle the designing and erec tion of A City Residence A Store Building A Theater A Dank NOTE ITALIAN AIR FLEET INVADER AUSTRIA Rome Squadron Attack Laibach, Capital of Carniola, After Fierce Battle. 0SE MA CHUTE SUHR0TODED ROME (Via London), Feb. 20. The loss of one aeroplane ln an air raid by an Italian squadron on an Austro-Hungarlan town Is reported In the official statement Issued to day. The statement follows: "There have been artillery ae(lona at various points on the front, ln ad dition to reprisals of fire against In habited localities. Aerial Raid Made. "In retaliation for the numerous violations of International law by the enemy since the beginning of the war, a squadron of our aeroplanes made a raid on Lubiane (Laibach) yesterday morning. They were shelled en route by numerous anti aircraft batteries and were attacked by groups of enemy aeroplanes, but our daring aviators succeeded In reaching their objective. "Descending when over the town to a lower level among the clouds, our squadron dropped several dozen of mine grenades and bombs. Oa Machine Lava da. "One machine waa attacked and surrounded by six Austrian aero planes and was forced to land on. enemy territory. The other machines returned ln safety to our lines." Laibach li the capital of Carniola and Is forty miles northwest of Gorilla. It has a population of ap proximately 80,000.' Death of Corvin Is Fourth in Brief Time in One Family Ae fourth death within two months In the same family occurred yesterday when M. V. Corvin, 78-year-old civil war veteran, who lived at S330 South Forty second, passed away. He was thirty years a cltlxen of Omaha, and was widely known. On December 80, his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Burke, died, and three days later another sister-in-law, Mr. Catherine Mitchell, was called to rest. Last Suit, day his wife died. The only surviving relative Is a nephew, Lawrence Burke. No funeral arrange ments have been made.- A Hotel A Court House An Apartment House A Public Library A School Building A Club House or A Church Other Public Bldg. Financial assistance furnished to those of our building customers who require it. For further particulars, add res (Assets Over One Million Dollars) Offices Ground Floor Be Bldf., Omaha, Nab. ur Monthly Magaatoe ltodarm atoildiae; tstaodV will prove Interesting to any prospective builder, bend for a Copy Its Kree. ELEVENTH AUTO SH0WWILL OPEN ITS DOORS TODAY (Continued from Page One.) even a few more distant stales wilt come In to Omaha. Maay Dealer Ex skirted. Last year LMQ dealers la outside cities visited the show. Practically vry on of those dealers came her on business bent. Local representatives with whom the outside men work In conjunction re port that at least S.S0Q outside dealers will some In for th show this year, and tbat la a coneervatlve estimate, too. A special feature of the xhlWtlon this year will be th music Neble's Sym phony orchestra which met with such favorable approval last year, has been re-engaged. The orchestra has also been considerably augmented. ttaartet WUl tlaer. Th La Salle Opera quartet of Chicago, one of the beet mixed quartats la the country, ,wlll assist tha orchestra. Con certs by the orchestra and Quartet will be given each afternoon from I o'clock until (, aad every voins from T:JU to 10 .ax Th musical program today Is a fol lows: AFTERNOON. Mardh Thundering Cannons WUhelm Wacek Selection Ermine Tbeo, Tobanl Popular-America, 1 Love You Leslie and Dottier Walts Dance With Me....Wallle Herser Overture Zanored Rossini Selection Oirl from Utah.. Jerome Kern Popular Numbers ) Get Over ftol Walter Herser (b) Ragging the Scale Cleypoole Walts La t)parnola..Vlnceneo dl Chlara Characteristic Dance cf the Rose Msidene Bdumund B rah am Nautical Melody Before the Mast... Laurendeau Mtorch America First T. H. Loeep EVENING. Orand Opening Marcrh Auto Show Bpecial A, M. Fairbrother Selection Chocolate Soldier Oscar Strause Popular Number My Sweet Adair.... Joeeph W. Stern Quartet Rlgoletto Verdi - La Salle Opera Quartet. Conoert Waltsee Hawaiian Farewell Song Carl Fierier Overture Lustaptel ........... Keler Bela Selection Otrl from Utah.. Jerome Kern Blue Danube. ....Strause Lafialle Opera Quartet. Popular Numbers a) Sweetest Olrl In Monterey.. Remlch i (b) It's Tulip Time ln Holland.. Remlch Waltsee Missouri T. Jf. A. Fora-ter Overture Light Cavalry Suppe Exit March Semper Fldelaa..J. P. Souse ALLEN OF LINCOLN HEADS BUILDERS' SUPPLY MEN CLEVELAND, O., Feb. JO The Na tional Builders Supple; association closed Its annual convention here today with a short morning session at which the offi cers were elected, as follows: H. H. Allen, Lincoln, Neb., president; William A. Fay, Cleveland, vtoe president, and J. B. Des mond, Chicago, secretary. Read Bee Want Ads for profit Use them for results. ft -v ' XT 1 S ECZEMA ON BABY'S HEAD AND FACE Started With Little Pimples. Spread All Oyer Her Face, Head and Neck and Got Real Sore. HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My Btle daughter had a bed case of ecsema on ber bead and face wbeo she was five months old. She took It with just a few little red pimples, and It started from that and spread an over ber face, bead and neck. They got real sore and she would scratch as they would Itch ber so nrach. She was terribly cross and fretful. "While It lasted, ber face was dls.lgured. She could not sleep or res until I need Out! cure Soap and Ointment. I started with Just a free sample and It relieved ber so I purchased more and about two months after, she waa healed." (Signed) Mrs. Alice Wilbarger, R. T. D. 4, Alliance, Ohio, July 34, 1019. Sample Each Free by Moll With sa-p. Skin Book oa request. Ad dress post-card "Catleara, Dept. T, Baa IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS You have swollen feet and hands! Stiff, achy Joints! 8harp-ehooting, rheu, matic Pains torture you. You have mrh- Jng back, pain ln th lower abdomtn. oiincuity when urinating! Look ou' ! These are danger signals. Trouble is with your kidneys. Uric acid poisoning, in one form or another, has set In. It may lead to dropey or fatal Bright disease if not checked. Oet some (ini.11 MKHIL Tlwanlnni nil Capeule Immediately. They are an ol I preparation, used all over the world for centuries, combining natural heallnr oil and herbs, well-known to physicians and used by thousands In their daily practice. i ne vapauies are not an experimental, make-shift "patent medicine." or "salt." whose effect is only temporary. Thev are a standard remedy, and act naturally. genuy ana quickly. But when you go to the druggist, innlst on getting the pure, original Haarlem Oil In Capsules. Be sure the name GOLD MEDAL, In on the . box and ' thue nrotect yourself against counterfeits.- Advertisement. PLASTERS r W orlTt GrsafMf rsal Rtmtdy. Baokaohe, Rheumatism, Lumbago. Any Looal Pain. tntiti ee Having ALLCOOCS. AMCSEMESfTS. i u-savoted to rlUiaat Mnaloal Boxlesane Tl'JlfC nil! V 1U Mat, tcday llllbfc UAill vi wunrAn t? c how high W SI V wnitiKl GASOLINE IS As Long ae Jee Hurtlg's ,' MS are snarly eiv eoonoed here la fh Oayety Garage AUTO SHOW WEEK Jey-Ridinj Bcsuty Chorus .7.V DEAR REAUgR: This tribe of ped mealto cure fit Into till. WMk'a bis picture, th. Aula enow. Ye., daar hurt, ev.ry TUttor to OmsJ will alM raclater h.r. For hook boak "tmftph.r.." n.rbe I'll ssrfum. IT) lbs thMler with HMline. E. JOHNSON. Mgr. Svenlngs and Bnaday xcatlaees. .W. W9 Ml. r W. yr; MAtS.i5eind25st leo, sse, eoo ana too. CSv rata u n us, cue ee MROttny lADnfej' ifJe at awt wse TICKETS vv SAT XATZaTKI Sab? Carriage Oarage la the Lobby A U T 0 NOW OPEN Closes Feb. 26 AUDITORIUM Admission 35c lilt A. M. te 19:30 P.M. g ae Boa. m mmmm or WAirfiK tub IaUy Matinee. Sila .Bvery Jtignt, US. i - I t K hr .t. Iqu UMk. Vaaala Brloo I " CkrtMouu;" Maat 1 Qulrogal Stoart turan; Ii.n I A Mnat a HI. Cowboy.; nt: ua a Mart: Two Took-Bor.: Orp!lu Trav.l V,iklr. Pru.: huIiim. a.ll. . Utc. twet e l.xeept Saturfer aa4 euul Xtc. Nlthu. lSc, tuc and Tr. Tref-NEWr TONITE 8:20 Tort Brothers Stock Oo. oca naw MiirisTsa-" . mm a at aa TitrpiD s acnoc. 01 uancin List your aiu ae. fr isona e--s CI f m , ; ran a i i ; f. Sa.lll!lilaV W JITNEY IS f