Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
70 TJIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FKIUtrAUV, -M, WW, AUTHOR.. OF "WHISPERING SMITH," "THEMOUNTAIN DIVIDE," "STRATEGY OF GREAT R AILRO ADSi'VET-d COPYTUOHT.'l 9T7 IY RANK H:SrtARMAN: f MOUNTAIN RAILROAD OFE rMv o .T-l - i 2 : i 1 1 1 JIIXTII IXITtlLMRIIT. rsais. Tlttle Helen Holme daughter of Gen eral Holmes, railroad man. la reamed from imminent rlsngor on scenlr m II road bv Oeorre Rtorm a newstxiy. drown to young womanhood Helen saves Htorm. now a fireman, her father and hi friend. Amo Rhlnelander. financier, and Robert fteagroe, promoter, from a threatened collision. Bafartreaker employed bv Ses grue steal tieneral Holmes' survey plan of the cutoff Una for the Tidewater, fatal) wound the general and escape. Her father's estate being badly Involved bv hla death, Helen iroe m work on the Tidewater. Helen recover the eurvy plana from 8efrrue, and though they are taken from her. find an accidentally msd proof of the aurvey blueprint 8torm la employed by Ilhlnelnndcr. Spike, be friended bv Helen. In hla turn save her and tha right-of-way ponlracia when Re (rrue kldnapa her. Helen and Worm win for Rhlnelsnder a race ssainst Heagruo for rlr ht-of-wa jr. (Continued from Last Monday.) a ri.on i.i.. Pesplte Peegrue'a persistent opposition, Rhlnelsnder seeured the rlght-of-w-sy to enabla blra to complete the Superstition cut-off, and. unable to atop tha Tidrwnlcr construction work, ficasnie re.iolvad to try other method to defeat hla rival. Helen Holmes wss enjoying the taste of ramp life that her trip to tha front had brought. And after the excitement had died down attending the dnstruct'oii nf Cassidy's house, the found herself amused 'and Intereated it: Cassidy lilnv self, who was buy ne,st traorning trflng to restore a much-battcrea at ova to'serv lre near the wreck of hla shack. Helen watched hla dated effort until aympathy overcame her and excusing herself, she walked over to where Caesldy wii strug gling to set a fire going. Sesgrue. who had been watching the aunt from a dlatance, aw Helen Join the old fellow and deemed It hla oppor tunity to make) tentative advance toward tha ertlicotlva enemy. Sauntering over, accordingly, ha Joined Helen at a moment In which aba had sent Caaaidy for water and waa heraeir watching the fire start ing In tha stove. Helen looked up In astonishment when aha heard Seagrue's greeting. Indeed, ahe resented his Intrusion so. strongly that aha refused all communication with him and for a time spoke Into deaf ear. "Tou ought not to be too hard on me, Helen," ha urged at length. "Any man will fight for his life against ruin. That's all I've done, (everything I have In the world Is tied up In the Superstitious cut off. But mora than onu I ssld to my self. I would willingly sacrifice It all to regain your friendship.". He spoke slowly and looked so beaten and worried as he lingered In tha pe numbra of Helen's gate that ahe began to denounce him Indignantly for hla vil lainous conduct. He took her stinging repraches with out resentment. "I admit," he ssid, "my temper carried me too far, sometime." "Sometimes!" echoed .len. "A hun dred and fifty!" "When I do get angry,' confessed Kea irrue, "t lose my hesd. I stop at noth ing. When It's all over, nobody Is sor rier for It thsn I am. I know that. Anil what hurts tha moat Is thnt It should have cost ma your frlcndhip and my uncle's." While this talk thus begun between the two was going on In this fashion, Htnrm, who had been busied with Rhine lander experimenting with some new Jacks, noticed what Helen Wss doing; and that the man standing near her was none other than Keagrue. Scarcely able to believe hla eye, -the young rontrur tlontst called to Rlilnclander to look. The Ultrr disengaged himself from his new mechtnes long enough to see what Storm had seen and, putting another man In charge of tha work, he hurried off. fol lowed by Storm, over to Ossldy's tone. They arrived together Just In time to find Seng-rue putting wood on Helen's fire. He turned from his pesceful role to rrret Rhlnelander. quite casually, with a good morning; Helen, In good spirits, was stepping rapidly around preparing a meal. Rhlnelandrr looked from one to the other In amasement, and striding forward, confronted Seagrue. "What does all this mean?" he demanded an grily. "What are you up to now. Sea grueT" Seas rue met the wratful greeting com poaedlr. Ilia anawer waa amiable and unruffled. "Wa have been talking over old times, I'ncle Amos." Ha Indicated Helen by the slightest nod. "I've told Helen, what you well know, that every thing I have In the world haa been tied up In this fight. Rut I've also told her I would sacrifice every bit of It to regain your good will and hers. I'm sorry for tha lengths I've gone to. It's been a mistake. It doean't reflect any credit on me. T know that. Hut can't we for get tlT Torget everything, here and now and work together, you and I, for the fu ture Instead of trying to cut each oth ar'a throats? Why not combine our In terests. uncle, and take a fresh start?' But Rhlnelander, gentle though ha wsa In disposition and forbesrlng to a degree that surprised hi friends, was yet too old In the ways of the world to put his trust in assurances without deeds to back them. Ha regarded Seagrue firmly "Tills fight," he said briefly, "was not en of our choosing. Keagrue. You forced us into It." ha reminded hi nephew "Wo cannot compromise now when sure of success.' Sesgrue. whether hopelms. or dogged In his attitude, took the matter hard. He eld not reaerit It, but he looked down and out. So much so that Helen felt sorry fcha even made occasion, aa he stood gloomily watcblng her, to go over to him and express ber regret tlist Rhlnelsnder did not feel, aa she did. that It might ba better for everybody to try to be friends once more. Storm, who hsd stood apart and was churning insi'l at tha situation, now In tervened: "Tome over to ramp, Helen. Tlist man doesn't mean a syllable what lie says. You're wasting time list enlng to him. Come along." She resented the positive way la which tie words were spoken. Her manner when site anawered revealed soma of he Impatience: "I II come." eh said, with a suggestion cf cordless, "jut as soon as I r-t tlirouvh here." fthljielenuer detected her resentment He knew better tban anyone In the world that tha spirited girl could not ba driven asul cou'.d pot ba coaxed too far. He beckoned to Storm. "I-et'a (to." he aug rested In sn undertone. lorm seemed agslnst the proposal. Rhlnelsnder nuletly urged It. "You can't do any good," he explained In a low tone. "1 know what's best. Come me." Storm, angry aa a schoolboy, at whst he deemed the folly of giving the slight est countensncf to Scaaue, followed liln friend reluctantly. But having averred she would not go. Helen, conscious her self now of the strain of the situation, turned to Sesame and told hltn she m ?t be leaving. He extended h i hsn1. ' I'm sorry the trouble has gone so far," she ssld hurriedly, as she shook hsnds wl'h him to show she bore no Irremovable ill will. ' But I guess there's r.o help for the si iint Ion at present." . i;!.-yr-. r ! iifeic; : - cW ;&) Vil ' "'-.SdN' Hesgrue watched her follow Rhlnelsnder and Storm, who waited for her on the edge of the camp. The three went on to gether towards Rhlnelsnder' s outfit car still discussing the troublesome subject. Sesgrue, however, realised he . must du something, if not in one way In another, and he left Cassldv's to send for a loosl attorney who had already acted for him In rlgt-of-way matter.- To him. when he arrived, Sesgrue ex plained his present predlcsni'-nt for ait outlet. "What I must know Is," he said, "whether the oily of Las Vegss will grant our people a right-of-way along here throjgli city property?" The attorney shook his hesd. "I don't think that can over ba put over." Hesgrue waa cold. "You've got to do It. There's no other way fr ua to get through. If you hold ua up on It, we shall ba compelled to abandon our line here." With this cannon cracker exploding uniier him. the attorney promised ne would see what could be dona. "Out I want you along with me," be declared. to lay the case before the city author ities yourself." The two started for town togethsr. In "escrue'a camp, Spike, an hour later, waa seated In from .of a tent cleaning a lamp a hen Heagriic returned, still In company with the attorney. Their sounding out f the city fathers :d been unsuccessful nd Heugrue hsnded his foreman a notloe to post on the bulletin board: 'Work will be suspended on tha Coast nd Colorado cut-off until Iaa Vegas grants a right-of-way to allow this com pany to rei h the Superstition mine." - Spike, sauntering over, reaJ the notice. Seugrue'g eve fell on him at thai moment and a recollection or what ne lermea. Spike's treachery came to his mlnd.'I( poke to the convict roughly, "I suppose ou know that In helping Rhlnelsnder got those contracts, you caused , tnis trouble, Spike?" Spike glunced at him with an angry. shake of the head. "Rhlnelande dldn t need me to get the contracts. Helen Holmes Is the on that boat you, Sea- grue." The remark did not help to sooth Sea- srue's Irritation. He kept after Spike alt the hsrder. "If you cross m again." he said, threateningly.. "I ll hand you over to some high voltsge, my fi-l-nd." The wrangle wss go'ng from bad to worse when Rill came In with grannie's coat. The latter, putting It on, took "his hat. directed Lug to pst the bulletin. beckoned to tho attorney and accom panied by him and Rill, started for tha ststlon to cstch the main line local, then due. When the train pulled In Sesgnta and the attorney boarded It. Hill started back for camp. Spike, left alone, went Into Ids tent. He sat some moments thinking.' Then he ive and from a comer got out the suit of clothes, carefully put sway, that Helen hsd bought for him In ls Vegas. The least he could do. he felt, wss to take this Over to Rhlnelsnder's rsmp and return It to her with such Isme ex planation ss he could invent to cover the occasion. lie found Helen alone- She regarded him strangely ss he spproached. Spike would rathrr hae faced a sheriff thsn to fsre her on such an errand. He shuffled towsrd her HI at eaxe and her silence did not help to ally his embar rassment. "I know you bought the clothes for me." he muttered, "because 1 heJoed vw set tn. roiilra. l I hated In turn Ksck - - - the way I did to Sragrue's camp. I hata to bring these back to you. Rut tha way I'm fixed I can't double-crosa Sesgrue." Helen saw he wss greatly humiliated. And she wss mystified a little by his word. "Spike." she ssld. kindly, "the clothes are nothing. But what have I done to you that you should treat ma In the way you did?" Ha labored In continued confusion ts explsin. He tried to tell her Beagrua had dona many things for him; ha told her be owed Beaarrua a lot of raonay and ha had no hop of ever paying him back except by work, and that ha didn't fool he ought to break away now. Storm and Rhlnelsnder cam up at that moment. They greeted Spik. He avoided their eye aa much aa possible and returned their creating In a aharae- faced way. Helen answered tha surprise that overspread tha fare of Btona eat Rhlnelander. "If a no wonder fca 4MkMM0SJHBHWASSleaej - - . -), . .1 - - ' )f ' ,v"v " '-" "' " Je Sw hm ... naf r I T S f ' A C -.. Is . cC miff h :Ay . i. - n I'll .1 V'-.T-'i I V .' S 1 X?:.ii I W V. Ktf t - 1. 1 iii V- 1 1 agru Met the Wrathful Greeting Composedly. Khinelander mul Siorm ricked Up ttplke. 8 "V Are Ktinning Awsy!" Storm CYled to Hhlnrlandet-. 4 "I Kat to lttitig These Hnck to Von, hut I t'em't Double-CrtH Hoatcue." ashamed to speak to you," she said se' verely. "Tou would hardly believe it, I know; but tha fact la he has turned over to Sesgrue again." ' The two men looked at Spike with un disguised contempt. Their attitude made him desperate. "Oh, I know whst you think of me," he said with a reckless awing, of. hla head, , VI' can't,;I can't explain. It would take me from now" till tha middle of next week. If I tried and then you'd think less of me than you do now. Never be kind to me again.. It'a hopeless for me but I can't help it." Ths three, watched him shuffle away. Rhlnelsnder shook his head., "There's a mystery somewhere In It I can't make It out. Soma day wa'll know." At Seagrua's camp Rill am! tha pay master were handing checks ut to the men., Tba latter stood about the car In discontented groups and dlicussed over 'heir situation In being thrown so sud denly out of work. The paymaster handed Bill a check. It was ftr Spike, lilll yelled his name: A man hard by pointed to Rhlnelsnder's camp. 'There's Spiko." said tha man,' "over thra st Rhlnelander a." Rill's sharp eyes followed the gesture. Spike at that moment was Just leaving Rhlnelsnder,' Helen and Storm. Bill, a knave of mora than ordinary discernment and one who hated Spike for hla share In the fleht at I.s Vesa saw In the incident nis chance to get even. , He put tho check aside and a moment later when Spike appeared at the pay csr, Rill wss ready. Iesrcnd'ng- tr car alep. Hill called to Spike a the latter came for ward. Rill advanced ta meet him. "What do you mean, Spike," demanded Hill In loud and aggreaiive tones pitched that everybody might hear, "by running over to Rhlnelsnder's camp all tha time? What are you up to now. Spike?" Spike wss In the worst possible mood to ba badgered by anybody. With a hot explt:vs he b.ide Rill mind hi own husiners and offerei gratltuous'y t- brcuh his hrad. Rill turned t.j the men a shout: "Tills is the duck." he cried, "that helned ' .." """,",rr our "ani-oi-way. boy. ui., i j .... I l" u ,h"1 thrown us all out of 1 u U J. ...... 1 weak. What do you know about lhat? Sp'ke, In most opprobrious language, flatly gave BUI the lie. The men, most of whom were sidling for a row closed J In to hear and devour the heated argu ment that the two enemies engaged In. Accusations, and denials fell thick and fast; abuse followed sssertlnns. hard words and a deep-seated enmity raised the tempers of both man and lull, with out further warning, swung and sent Spike wtlh a terrific left-hander to the ground. Spike wss no sooner down than up. He eama bark at Bill, goaded to fury by the unprovoked attack. Men crowded up. Their cries and shouts had already at tracted the attention of Storm and Helen, who stood with Rhlnelsnder still discuss ing Spike. Storm waa the first to perceive what waa going on In Seagrue'a camp. "They're after Spike," he exclaimed "Look! Down ha goes that bull-necked Rill hit him. He'a up aaraln. The whole bunch are Jumping oa fclm. They'll kill t 4 that fellow. Well," he mused, aa the clamor grew and Spike, fighting desper ately to keep from being surrounded, went down again. "I suppose he'a no arreat loss." f "Hut," cried Helen, "we can't see a man murdered before our eyes. I. won't stand It- I'll go and halp him myself . if. nobody else will." . . , t'ndlHmajcd .by. the undertaking, Helen,, followed by Rhlnelander, trying to atop her, hurried forward toward Seagrue's camp. Storm, ' with more forethought, hastily got together such of his men as were within hearing and yelling in hla turn to Helen to wait, started after, het and Rhlnelander. Fast aa tha men ran none could overtake her flying feet. She dashed Into tho thick of the fight ahead of everybody and seising Spike, pushed back his assailants. They stopped an instant irom aheer amasement at seeing a lovely girl, seem ingly, fallen from tho sky. In the middle of the hot scrimmage. Rhlnelsnder . rushed to her side. "Hands off," he cried, putting Spike behind him. - "Shame! Twenty to one! Where's your manhood?" Without pausing to consider this irrcl evsnt question, the mob started Irj to hammer. Spike Rhlnelander both. It was then thai George Storm's prepared ness waa vindicated. He fought his way Into the ring, followed by a dosen hus- klrs, who beat bark Sragrue's men till Stortn was enabled to pull Spike away his men holding the line back of him. Rut this diversion wss good tnly for a moment and Storm not 4inucd to riots and flshilng know better than his companions the necessity of further in stsnt distKialtlons. Helen had kept close to -her friends. We've got to get him out of here quick." eiclslmed, Storm to her. "They'll tesr lilm limb .rom limb If they get him SKaln. Helen." he cried. 'Racs. the outfit cars down the cut-off for us. will you, as oulck as the lrd w-lll let you! Well hustle them Inside one." Helen ran. Rhlnelander and Storm. nicking up Spike, now almost uneonc- oua. dragged him, fast aa they could from the scene, their men covering their were . Z .7. .Tu. ..-.., . ' 111. . T VI IJU1U hers. Fighting stubbornly step by step In this way. Storm and Rhlnelander drag ging their burden in front of the pro testing liiie-whlch thi-eatened every mo ment to give way under the fierce as. saults got Spike to the rut-off track. Helen had reached the engine cb and was ready to pull out the cars. Together the two men threw Spike bodily into the open door of the last car. Climbing aboard after Rhlnelander. Storm signaled to Helen In ths cab. She opened the throttle and Just as Seagrue's angry men reached the car, Storm slammed the door shut snd Heten moved the string hastily down the track. . The Incident would have been closed, with the hind outfit car making rapidly towards safety, had not the wholly un expected happened to upaet Storm's plan. That very day Rhlnelsnder's linemen had set in half a dosen telegraph poles and tha anchor wire of on of the placed v... " near the track, caught, as the second last car sped past, on the step. The pole swayed violently. For a moment Rhine lander's men, watching, hoped It might clear. But crashing suddenly forward, it fell between the last two cats, struck the coupling heavily and sprung the knuckle. Helen, . watching from the cab, saw what happened. She hastily spplled the air and feeling they were now far enough away to be safe from the angry men, did not worry about the accident until she perceived as she brought the train to a stop that the outfit car, last In the string, had become detached from the train and waa running away. Inside this Rhlnelander and Storm were working on Spike. He opened his eyen after a time and they told him he was safe, not suspecting themselves, that their car was now running wild and down a long grade, to the main line. Indeed, they felt so relieved st Spike's return to con sciousness that .several moments paraed before igna of the accident recorded themselves to Storm's experienced ear. The car waa running too far and too fast and springing to the door ha pulled It open to see what Helen was doing In the cab. A glance told him the atory. "We're running away," he cried to Rhlnelander, who Joined him. . Storm sprang for the side ladder. Helen was alive to tha new danger to her friends. But how to help them taxed, for an Instant, her Ingenuity. To chase thern with the engine, - to -they were headed for. the main line, might end In a more, serious disaster than now seemed Imminent. 'Tho main line passenger train was almost due at Baird, and the thought of this' fact waa first in Helen's m'nd. Near where she stood was Seagrue's motor car, the one her abductors had used only a few days before. She ran to this and springing into the seat, turned over the engine, accelerated as - fast aa she dare, and was off In pursuit of the runaway. . . She was sure she must pass Arden sta tion before she possibly could catch the wild car and pull'ng the cushion from the seat beside her, scrlbbed hastily across It with a piece of chalk: "Runaway csr from Cut-Off on main line. Stop passenger at Ralrd." With this In her hands as she tore past Arden station, she rose to her feet, bal anced herself with an effort and flunj the cushion with all the force she could summon through the operator's wlndo On the deck of the runaway car Storm had seised the brake. He mU'ht have saved his companion and himself even then, hsd not the chain weakened by rust, snapped under tl tre mendous strain put on It. The deck became Impossible and to avoid being shot off It, Worm climbed down the swsying ladder again Into the car. At Arden station the astonished oper ator had Just time tn dodge Helen's fly ing motor car cushion as it smashed through the window. It lsnded on the floor. The chalk scrawl on the top caught hla eye. The dispatcher sprang to his train sheet fitting at his desk and a dispatcher wss on his trick at the Instrument. He an swered Arden Instantly, took the start ling' message, wslked hurriedly over to I the chief and handed It to him: 1 H- C. W. Runaaay car from cut-off on main line. Stop passenger at Baird. L. The dlpsti her sprang ta his train sheets and back with them to the chief who dic tated tha only possible answer: Passenger left Baird four minutes ago. It was too late to avoid a collision They could only await the Issue. With Arden station left far behind Helen, making the utmost possible speed In Seagrue's machine, scanned the track ahead for a glimpse of the wild car. Resolved at any cost to overtake It, ahe was running tho machine on the right of way and on the track Itself In her determined effort When she csught sight of the runaway, no one was to be seen upon it. but she knew Rhlnelander and Storm were liutlde and as she be gan ta overhaul the chase, she sounded her horn insistently. The two men, leav ing Spike, who In the faca of the com mon danger had pulled himself partly together, looked out of tha aide door. To their amasement they saw at their heels Helen bumping violently along In Seagrue's machine. She signaled them excitedly. She tried to shout to them bilt could not make a word heard above the deafening noises. Rhlnelander and Storm did make out. however, that she wanted them to go to the top of the car and the two men climbed the side ladder again. Helen, still close behind scribbled a note, folded It hurriedly, took off a shoe, stuck the note Inside and with aim, threw It up on' top of the car. The men secured the shoe and read the note: Passenger due must ditch car Jump. Rhlnelander and Storm looked at each other and looked down the line. The smoke of the passenger train rose on the horizon. There waa nothing to do but what Helen directed. They thought of Spike below, but Helen was calling to them and without further delay the two men Jumped one after tho other Into tha machine. They told Helen of Spike's plight She nodded aa if the diff'culty were no mora than a detail, slued tne machine from between the rails, drove around tho outfit car, slowed alongside it and all three shouted. Spike, hearing his name, listened and sat up. . He saw the machine outside the door and crawled forward but he was unequal to a leap. Rhlnelander and Storm urgd him to make every effort. He got to his feet and did the best he could to wsrd a Jump. The men together half caught and half pulled him Into the maiine. With the three aboard, Helen sped on ahead of the runaway. Storm had decided what to do. "I'll drop off the hind end. Helen," he ex claimed, "and derail the car.'" She saught his Idea. "Quick!" she cried. "No time to lose." 8torm rolled over the back of the ma chine and dropped to the ground. A bridge spanned an arroyo Just ahead. Running forward. Worm caught up such loose rocks as he could reach and placed them along the track. Helen, choosing a negotiable point, turned her machine Little Stories By II . H. STAX!BrRY, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt was enter taining a group of reporters one day last week with a discussion of his favorite subject corrupt politicians. By way of Illustration he said: "Representative Hlank, having been duly elected to congress from a western state, brought his wife to Washington for the opening session. A few nlghta later, after they had retired, sha-awak- ened him with a scream. 1 'What's the matter, dear?' he in quired, anxiously. , " " 'Oh, William,' she answered, sleepily, I dreamed there were thieves in the house.' ' 'As a congressman's wife, you must not let such .matters disturb you,' re plied the husband; 'there are also thieves in the senate, I am told,' " Mr. Joseph Choate was the presiding officer at a recent meeting; of the Na tional Security league at the Hotel Astor. Many women were present. A military training for young men who are to com pose tha proposed continental army waa being discussed. Mr. Choate waa in fine form. "Mr. Bryan declared not long ago that In the event of war we could raise an army of 1,000,000 men overnight," Mn Choate said. "He asserted we could cell an army of this size at sunset and find the entire outfit In arms at sunrise." Then leaning forward, and lowering hia voice aa if speaking In confidence to his auditors, Choate added: "I wonder in whose arms?" United States Senator James A. O'Gor- nsn, who was formerly a Justice of the New Tcrk supreme court, is a stanch friend of young lawyers. Ho told this story, however, a few days ago at the expense of the younger members of his profession: "Pome time ago a man was haled Into court on a larceny charge, and, not hav ing counsel at the trial, the Judge as signed a young lawyer who happened to be in the court to represent him. ' 'Judge.' said the prisoner, when tho Jury had returned a verdict of guilty. makes ood complexions Many an otherwise, attractive man or woman is a social failure because of a poor complexion, if yaurtVxn is not fresh, smooth and glowing-, or lag suffered from an unwise use cf cosmetics, let Kesinol Soap help nature to clear it, in a normal, healthy way. Men tt'M Itudtr faces fintt that Kesinol Shin-tug Stu l v,j it i ;1,U:ch, I courageously off the right-of-way and steered safely down the embankment. The outfit car struck the rocks Storm had thrown on Ihe truck. It reeled, plunged wildly Into the air and shot headlong over the bridge to the bottom of tha arroyo. In the distance the oncoming passenger train wns whistling for a crossing close ahead. Storm running back to the track, cleared it hurriedly of the obstructions. The engineer of the train, scenting trouble, tried to check his train, but 16 was too late, and torm. to save him self, dropped down between the ties and hung there till the heavy train hurtled past. No engine driver was ever more re lieved than the man In the passenger csb, when he saw himself safely across. He stopped his trsln. From tha foot of the brldRe Helen. Spike and Rhlnelander were making their way to the top and were with Storm when the crews and passengers came back. Tho eng;lneman angrily told the conductor the trouble. But aftev Storm's' brief story, he was as grateful as he had been Indignant. The conductor, knowing the snxlety among the dispatchers, urged his pas sengers on board and the train hastened on. The moment It pulled Into Arden the conductor gave the details to the operator and the latter wired head quarters. In the dispatchers' office It wss the chief himself who Jumped to the in strument when he heard the Arden call. It was the chief who took the message, telling how Helen and Storm had seved the train. Rut the chief, ss he wiped his face with his handkerchief, reflected that It wss only another Incident In the day's work on the rail, happily. Instead of tragically, closed. At the bridge Spike waa trying to ex press his gratefulness to the three who had rescued him. They left the scene together In the commandeered machine; and with perhaps a little better under standing of one another than any of them had yet reached. ' (To Be Continued Next Monday.) of Big Men 'may I say something? ' Tou may,' answered tha Judge, 'If you will express yoursalf briefly.' " IV b about my lawyer, Judfra,' an swered the prisoner. T would be very sorry If he waa ever assigned by your honor to defend an innocent man.' -621 residents of Nebraska registered at Hotel Astor during the past year. Single Room, without bath. fi.oa to ti-oo Double fj-oo to S4.001 ' Single Rooms, with bath, 3.00 to 6.00 ' Double f-o to r7-oo Parlor, Bedroom and baths 1 0.00 to 14.00 TIMES SQUARE At Broadway, 44th to 45 th Streets the center of New York's social and business scrivitiei. In close proximity to all railway terminals. iHUlHHH!ia!!I!n!.!!!!!!rnnni!t Weeks' Dreak-Up-A-Cold Tablets For Colds and La Grtpp 25 So good that yon can afford to insist and sea that you got tne genuine Lilt Packag Shown Sold by best druggtsU everywhere. Simply use Rcsinol Soap regu larly once or twice a day, and see if it cjocs not quickly soothe and cleanse the pores, lessen the tend ency to pimples, and leave the com plexion clear, fresh and velvety. the akin la in a very neclertr con- tinn. apt .ad oa jum a hllle Rmant hntnvnt lor tea or bhceo mum bet, u.lrj krind Suap. keiimil Sup la sold brail dnimoti. B lor a trial ail rak. rilc to tlcpt lo-l'. Ilea- iaui, blUroore, Md. ' I H m