Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1916, Image 1
Omaf a ' Daily -Beei Call Tylor 1000 If You Want to Talk to Ths Itee or to Anyone Connected With Ths Be. THE WEATHER. lair VOU XTiV-NO. 212. OMAHA, M(v jitXIXO, FEimCAKY 21, lOtft-TKN' PAOKS. 0 Trains, at atoiet . nn's. eo., as SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. L Jfcl Jtv i O , 14 r 4 ELEVENTH AUTO SHOW WILL OPEN ITS DOORS TODAY Magnificent Exposition of the Lateit Cart to , Be Thrown Open for the Approval of the Public. DECORATIONS ARE UNIQUE Dealers and Manufacturers Vie with Each Other to Present the Most Attractive Display. MUSIC IS TO BE A FEATURE "Lend a hand, you." All day Sunday tbls . unending command rang out In the big mu nicipal Auditorium, the motto of preparedness for the Auto chow. Scores of men In their shirt sleeves with collar and tie astray and dit and dirt on their clothes labored and ! (oiled preparing for the opening of j the eleventh annual Omaha motor exposition today. i Bright and early yesterday morn- lng the "advance guard waa on the j Job. In a twinkling a great staff of 1 decorators was transforming the ! Auditorium Into a section of cherry bloBSoniiug Japan. Pink blossoms bloomed out against a clear, blue sky overhead. Pink blossoms twined around matsura pillars and gigantic green grasses suddenly grew up where steel rafters showed. Cute, little gabled fences were stretched hither and thither and Pagoda-like towers divided the fences Into sections and .from these Into little Oriental gardens. As Boon as these little Oriental gardens, vulgarly termed booths by the motor men, took shape the work of wheeling the expensive automo biles Into the building and to their allotted section began. Everybody lieada Hud. Then started the never-ceasing- com mand, "lend a hand, you." a the auto men pushed and pulled. ' "Gangway," came a shout as half a dosen toilers pushed a big Cadlllao or White or Mercer o- Ht'Oon slowly along and into one of tli a bciuUiful little Japanese ' gardens. There are no drones among the auto men, everybody helps. All day Ions this continued untft over o(K) machines had been placed. But the work Is not - over yet. There are still more machines to he placed In the Audl- .Ulv arid the auts Two.' will have a fuli mot nine's work before them today before the exposition can. be throww open to the public, i. ' ; ; ' . An Iwiulstttve reporter slipped by-tha guardlnn of the doors yesterday under of . a police badge and slanted his . exrevt orbs toward the transformation Job. "Kellor hud nothing on these boys," he breathed as he took careful note ot the bn&utlfnl decorations which make the Auditorium look like a veritible palace . instead of the hnrn that it is. I iy, Palated Slams Gs. s There is one thing very noticeable this year In the decorating scheme. Noticeable by its absence. The slovenly painted signs which bung over the booths last year are gone. In their stead are modest Vjtle electric signs. The electrio sign carry merely the name of the exhibitor cr exhibiting company. The names of the cars handled are gone, ' The old painted signs, done -on cheap canvas or cheese cloth In a careleis manner, sometime carried the names of half a dosen ma chines. They were unsightly to say the least,' and the modest, electric signs are a great improvement. To George Reim of the Cadillac, com pany must go the credit for this innova tion. Kelm recognised the unsightlinesa of the painted signs snd he entered a strenuous kick. The other dealers saw that George was right and quickly ac ceded to his suggestion. - Directors of the Auto Show association expect to see all attendance record shattered at the exposition this week. The automobile, show has become more than" a mere display for the curious, as It was when first established, but has become, an educational feature. As a result It' attracts every person who Is in any way Interested In the motor car. The 191C display has been well adver tised throughout the middle west and It la confidently anticipated that hundred! from. Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota and (Continued on Page Two, Column Six.) The Weather Forecast of weather for Monday and Tuesday: For Nebraska Fair. Temperature at Oinaba Vrilr4i7, Hours. De. f a, m 3-S 6 a. m 7 a. m w t a. m 3 a. m Sh in a. m S II a. m 1 13 m 4 1 p. m 2 p. m 4 3 p. m SI 4 p. m f2 & p. m.... ft! p. m U 1 n. m a C'omparatlv Local Kecord. Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: 118. 1!1S. 1914. Hlirhest yesterdar M 41 W T3 Lowed yesterday M S5 ?l 11 Mean temperature 44 JH Tl IS Precipitation 00 .f .0s .OS Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal at Omaha sine Anarch 1, and compared with the last tv.o years: N-irmal temperature .-. fs Kce for the day 1t IVv I deftclfpcv rince March 1 ') IJFi mtX preclpitatlnn ftj Inch efirifnry for the day.. 0? Inch Total rainfall sinre March 1. .2S.W inrbea I k-ficl.Tc-v since Alan li I o.M Inch efl. iencv for Cir. uerhMl. 1911. 1.4." ilu-hea L'eficieiK-y for ror. rx'rioil. 1913. hi inches U A. V1.LH. iocal Observer. ZEPPELIN BOMBS IN PARIS STRIKE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY This picture shows one effect of the latest German air raid on the night of January 29. The bomb, charged with forty-five pounds of trini-trotoluene, crashed through an arch of the subway a few yards behind a train halted at the Avenue de Belleville station. Twenty-three were killed in the raid and twenty-nine injured. i ' . ' It y ' v r s . . . mmfrA'xj. GERMAN SEAPLANES RAID KENTISH COAST Two Men and Boy Killed and One . Marine ' Wounded as Result of Visitation. PURSUIT APPEARS FRUITLESS LONDON, Feb. 20. Four German seaplanes today made a raid over the east and southeast coasts of England, according to an official announce ment made this afternoon. The total casualties are given, is two men and one boy killed and one marine wounded. Considerable material damage was done, 1 The official communication says'. "Four German seaplanes made a raid over the east and southeast coasts at noon today. , . . . , . .' . . . . The first raiders, two biplanes, ap peared vpliowctofL at IX J& a- -m. .and circled ove the south side of the town for five minutes and dropped bombs. In about five minutes they rose to a great heltht and seemingly vanished. At 12:C0 p. m.; the seaplanes were again over the town and then Vanished eastward again. 'Altogether seventeen small high explo sive bombs were dropped. There were no casualties. Considerable damage w caused to outbuildings, to a restaurant and two dwelllng.houses. Two naval sea planes went up at 11.06 a. m. and pursued the raiders, but without result. 'Meanwhile two other German seaplanes were making; for the Kent coast. The first to pass over the Kentish light vessel dropped bombs In that vicinity at 11:20 a. m. The last raider made straight for Walmer. ; Reaching 'that' town at 11:27 a. m., flying at. less than 7,500 fefet. It dropped six bombs and turned sharp: y to the eaat. . Two of the bombs that fell destroyed roofs and broke windows in the neighbor hood. One of them fell close o a church, blowing In the windows' as the congrega tion was singing Te deum.' A third bomb fell on a roadway running along ' the beach, killing one civilian and Injuring one marine. The total casualties were two men' and one boy killed end one marine wounded.' "Two of our aeroplanes which went up from Dover pursued the raider, but ap parently could not overtake It." Captain Covten Can't Use Motorbike that Isn't Latest Model WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. More evidence in support of his charge that the army aviation service Is "contemptibly Inef ficient" wes made publlo tonight by Sen ator Robinson, who declared he would continue 'his efforts for a congressional investigation, despite the announcement of . the War department that it would make an Inquiry In the subject ' The data made public tonight was given out in the form of a statement by Sen ator Robinson quoting from - additional letters he said had been written by aviation officers. . "A letter," said the statement,' "from Captain Cowan to Colonel Reber, dated January 15, 1915, asked for authority to spend $.100 for the purchase of a IflS motorcycle. 'My official reason,' wrote Captain Cowan, 'for wanting to purchase this motorcycle Is that the latest modern motorcycle we have here Is 1813. Wi should keep track of the Improvements and be ready to recommend the type beat ! suited for our work. My personal reason I for wanting to purchase this motorcycle ' is to provide myself with a means of , transportation between North Island and my quarters at Coronado.' " Howell in Lincoln Confers with Corrick (From a Staff Oorreaponnept.) LINCOLN, Feb. 20. (Special.) R. B. Howell of Omaha, national committee man of the republicans for the state, arrived In Lincoln tonight and at once entered Into a conference with K. P. Corrick of tbls city; state chairman of the progiessle party. The prngreHslves will have a state mass mneting February 22 here, at which time they are to select candidates for the primary. : r-- v f H L t i 1 : ftr vv I it v .v JiJL x 1 1 ins SL&m City Council Will Consider Lighting Question Today The city council committee of the whole this morning will consider the five-year contract proposition submitted by the Omaha FJectrlc Light and Power com pany for street lights. The proposed plan, prepared by the city electrician, contemplates Installation of "SB additional lights and changing the old type of lamps to a 400-candle power Maxda lamp such as la being used In the South Side. BOB DRAKE WINS INSURANCE SHIT Omaha Man Comes Out Victorious in Long Suit, Getting: Judgment -for Half Million. .vV STRODE PUSHES CASE THROUGH Nebraska friends of Bob Drake of this city will be pleased to learn of an important law suit he has Just won In the northwest country, which will add $600,000 to his exchequer. Ten' years ago, after Drake had accumulated about a million build ing bridges, he went to Washington, and built the largest lumber mill on the coast. He sold lumber to any one who wanted it, regardless of any lumber trust. They made all sorts ot trouble .for him and finally the Drake mills were utterly destroyed by fire. ' ' Then more trouble came when all the bin Insurance companies combined and refused to pay him any Insurance. Now comes Ed Strode of , Unooln , Into, the game. He went to Wsshlngton aa attor ney for Drake and started suit against the tire insurance companies. The trial of the suit IsAted four months and the other day It was decided by giving Crake a' Judgment against the Insurance cora pales for about fMO.OOO. It Is said that Instead of being wiped off the map. Bob Drake still holds title to about $3,000,000 worth of timber land In the state of Washington. Pro-German Tracts . Packed in Tobacco Shipments to Europe ROTTERDAM (via London), Feb. . The unhampered entry Into Holland of American tobacco which is virtually the only article heretofore unlnterfored with under the Dutch Overseas trust conditions Is likelyto be Jeopardised by a discov ery just made by the authorities In a consignment of leaf tobacco from Rich mond, Va., of the presence of a quantity of pro-German propaganda and literature and sealed letters 'addressed to persons In Germany. This Is the first discovery of propaganda and literature in bales of American to bacco and although there Is a possibility that It has been practiced for some time the shipments have not been excluded. The result of the discovery Just made la that the entire consignment Is being -sent to a prise court in Kngland and both the consignor and consignee, the latter a Rotterdam firm, have been placed on the black II t. Seek to Amend the Shields Power Bill WASHINGTON, Feb. . Conservation champions in the senate have begun a determined fight to amend the Shields Mil so as to strengthen Its provisions for development of water power in New York streams by private capital. Amend ments to thai end soon will be Introduced by Senators llustlng, democrat, and Ij Foliette, Kenyon, Norrls and Cummins, republicans. An amendment drafted by Senator Nor rls would give the t'nlted Htates au thority to take over plants after expira tion of grants upon six months' notice, anil one by Senator Cummins would make the proposed law apply to un r.avlgahle streams whenever the I'nlted (states enters upon their Improvement to make thcin navikuble.' " .i ". 41 CHURCH STRUCK BY CYCLONEJEPLACED First Service in. New McCabe Metho . dist Church, with Sermon by Bishop Bristol. MORE IS TO BE ADDED SOON The first service In the new Mc Cabe Methodist church. Forty-first and Farnam streets, was held yester day morning. Rev. W. H. Under wood, the pastor, had charge of the service, and Rev. Q. A. Luce of fered prayer. The portion of tha church now completed is only a small fraction of the whole structure, as planned. It Is a very large room, comprising about two-thirds of the first floor of the proposed church.. The other one-third will be built this arumwer on the area now occupied ty tna congregation's old frame church. About' $15,000 has been spent so far. The complete "church will cost close to $70,000 and the structure as pictured by the architect will be I one of the handsomest In Omaha. . Built of dark colored brick, with light stone trimmings, shallow arched windows, graceful ' square tower with many pin nacles. It will have that dignified and Impressive gracefulness characteristic) of. the early English Gothic architecture. This beauty Is already apparent even In the small part of the final structure now completed. Destroyed by Cyclone. The building committee consists of John Lewisi c. C. Crowefl, Jr., and Jonathan Mellen. representing the church trustees. And Rev. Mr. I.'nderwood declared yes terday that "since that great day. In March, 1913, when V. was decided ' we Lwould have a new church there has been not only labor but heroism among the people whose hearts a r set on building the new church." Bishop Bristol declared he ' wss glad he ' didn't have to preach a .dedicatory sermon nor raise money on this occasion. He preached a sermon of practical ' re ligion, "for," eald he, "the older I grow the more I realise that all there Is to religion Is the practical part of It, after all." His text wss ths Incident of Christ's preaching from Simon's fishing boat to the people gathered on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Thrlst la 'Yosr Bsxlseas. ' Christ come Into your place of btinlnes as he came into Peter's," he said. "He came Into Peter's ship. Iet him come into your shop, your office, your substitute for the administration's con farm, your locomotle cab or hnrever tlnental army scheme, failure of which you do your work. - ' "Other things being equal, Jhe Chris tian business man, lawyer, doctor, mo torman la a better, more 'successful, more .reliable man than the non-Christian business man, lawyer, , doctor, mo torman or anything else. . "Bs something, for . Christ. I have no pstience with that old song, . "'Oh, to be nothing, .nothing, Only to' lie at His feet ' "Christianity haa made labor of all kinds honorable. Before Christ, slaves, Anglo-Raxon slaves, were sold In the markets of Romo for ." cents. Today practically everything we have. Is a mon ument to the dignity snd worth of labor and to the value pt Christianity whk'h hss made labor dignified and worthy." Scarlet Fever in The Higbee Home fi'arlet fever Saturday Invaded tha home of lie v. Melvln V. Hlghee, 9011 Maple street. Rev. 11 r Higbee and four of the children moved to the home of A. A, Lsmareaux, where they will re mam. The daughter, Helen. Is down with the fever and Is quarantined at the home, her moths remaining with her. Rev. M. Higbee Is aslor of the North Presbyterian ihiinii and on account of the quarantine he dil not fill the pulpit HimdHy. The morning sermon was by Ir. Ilerron of the Omaha Theological aem Inary and the evening preac hing by Prof. Halsey of the University of Omaha, ROBBER TRIO IN A STOLEN CAR PUTS ON FIVE HOLDUPS Three Mysterious Bandits Establish Reign of Terror in Early Honrs of the Morning. LAWLESS LABORS GET LITTLE Nearly Half Doien Jobs Staged Briny Them in But Thirty Dollars. WOMAN IS AMONG THE VICTIMS Three bandits In a stolen light runabout established a reign .of terror Just after midnight Sunday with a scries of daring highway robberies. , Though they perpetrated five Jobs within a space of a few minutes, and worked apparently according to carefully-laid plans, work v of the bandits netted them less than $S0 and a few articles of Jewelry. MM f Victims. The victims: Homer Peterson, 511 South Twenty sixth, an official In the Omaha Print ing company, lost t2.0 and several articles of Jewelry at Park avenue and Pacific. A young woman whom he waa escorting home waa not mo lested. , Arthur Winters, Union hotel. Tenth and Mason, robbed of $4 at Thirty- nrth and Farnam. Walter Hughes, nn Sherman ave nue, lost 14 at Twenty-fifth and Cali fornia. rils Ments. a painter, living at 261H ninney. lost $1 and a watch at Twenty-fourth and Hlnney. Kd Newman, employe of the North Bide garage, 4120 North Twentieth, lost $16 from cash drawer. . , Machine Stolea. A few momenta before midnight. Lewia Nelson. 2562 Meredith reported to the no lice the theft of his Ford runabout, which he had left .perked at Seventeenth and Jiarney. The machine had painted In, bold letters on each side: "Allen A Rey nolds Coal Co." Scarcely had the desk sergeant finished notifying the patrolmen out on their beats to watch for the car, when Peter son reported his experience. In qiilok succession came the rest ot the series of robberlea as the bandits biased their trail northward across the city. Winters waa tha neat victim, and Ulughes, Ments and Newman followed in quick order. By the time the polio cars got In atlon, tha robbers had ceased their operations for tha sight and disap peared, although if they abandoned their ; stolen-mgcMnsfftfr ibiUt Job. U Vai3 not peen recovered at the hour of eolug to press. ' Costatss Tare M. ' . Mr. Peterson said he waa Walking to wards the horns of his woman companies) when ths car drove up.- It contained three young men, one of whom remained at ths wheel - and ths other two leaping cut. While one kept htm under ths menace ot a pair of pistols, the other mads quick work ot the" looting." No effort waa made to molest ths woman, nor wss the conduct of the bandits anything but courteous to wsrds her. When they finished their work they leaped Into ths ear. Ths clultch shot In, and the next Instant they were lost to sight. .... Mr. Hughes, who was held up at Twen-ty-slxth and California, related practically tha same experience. He eald bs thought one of the bandits wore a false "Charley Chaplin" moustache. All appeared to be less than K years of age, and none of them wore overcoats. They appeared to be clean loklng young chaps, hs bellersd not. ths kind ons would sxpsct to be en gaged in such work. Immediately after the robbery at ths North Bide garage, the police had a report that the car was seen going at full speed south on the boulevard. No further trace of them was found. Would Have 100,000 Men Training in the U. S. Military Camps WASHINGTON. Feb. 80. A sc heme for expanding the civilian training camp movement Into a definite organisation of federal volunteers will be proposed to the house military committee by Repre sentative Kahn of California, ranking re publican member. Under ths plan ths organisation would be t a measure a before the congreaalona! committees was one of the factors leading to the resigna tion of Hecretary-Oarrlaon. Details have not been worked out, but Representative Kahn said tonight he had been lu correspondence with those urging direct aid by congress for the summer camp movement, who told htm 100,000 men could bs enrolled If such aid were granted. Mr. Kshn believes several reglmenta could be formed who would obligate : themselves for service In time of war In return for the Intensive Instruction they Yerelve st the ramps. Chairman Chamberlain of tfie senate committee has prepared a proposal to tins these training camps In a general plan for training reserve officers. It would authorise ths secretary of war to direct that camps bs held on government re nervations or elsewhere, thw government meeting all expense except for clothing and other personal equipment. A system of winter courses In theoretical matters would be provided, and men who passed successfully through this training for a period of years would receive commis sions ss second lieutenants la ths reserve officers' corps or probationary commis sions in ths regular army in the saraa grade. FIRES DO SLIGHT DAMAGE TO ROOFS OF. FOUR HOMES Roof fires did slight damage Sunday at the heedhurat. 10 North Twenty-fifth, street; John Swedlund's home, 211 North Twenty-eighth avenue, and at the resi dence of Mis. K. Page, SMS Leavenworth street, also Benjamin Payne's place, ttlt Patrick avenue. FIYE ARE KILLED AS FLIERS CRASH OUT. 0FSP0KAHE North Coast Limited Meets Burling. ton-Northern Pacifio' Train in Rear End Collision at South Cheney. FORMER NEBRASKAN IS VICTIM Elten Fulmer, Brother of Chancellor of Nebraska ' Wesleyan, Among- Dead. WELL KNOWN UNIVERSITY MAN SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 20. Five persons were killed and six Injured, three seriously, today, when North ern Paclflo passenger train No. 2, known as the North Coast Limited, eastbound, crashed Into' the rear end of Northern Faciflc-Burllngton train No, 42, eastbound, at South Cheney, Wash., seventeen miles from Spo kane. The dead and Injured are all from the Northwest. The cause of the accident has not been ascertained. The dead and In jured were brought to Spokane. Dead: ELTKN FCI.MKR, state chemist. Pull man. Wash. I. J. MINNICK. deputy grain inspector. Spokane, Wash. . , B. I BRRKKV. Portland. Ore. J. J. WHITE, Spokane, Wash. Ths Injured: R. J. Hpear, Pomeroy, Wash., seriously. Dr. J. V. Matthews, fcverett. Wash., Seriously. Unidentified man, seriously. J. A. Pay ant, I.os Angeles, not seri ously. ' Two negro porters. Identification of the dead . waa made from cards found In their pocket. The accident occurred In a dense fog. The Burlington' train waa standing In front o the station and Its rear Pull man was telescoped by an empty day coach ot the other train. Elten- Fulmer, noted among the killed, is believed to be a brother of Chancellor C. A. Fullmer of Nebraska Wesleyan university. He was a graduate of the University of Nebraska In the class of 1SI. Oklahoma Sends Out Call for Chief of The Peace Workers OKLAHOMA' CITT, Okl., Feb. 50. Democratic 'Insurgents In refusing, in Caucus to vote for 0,ie emergency clauae to tkvlrehral registration bill, forced the 1 majority party in the house and senate to ' abandon plans for final ad journment last night. The legislature will continue 'Into next week. - The . special session was convenevd to enact an eleo tlon law to ' take the place of the one recently declared unconstitutional by the United States supreme court. Good feeling prevailed during ths de liberative aesslons today and ths tur bulent outbreak yesterday, during which the- air was thick with flying Ink wells and other missiles, waa mads ths sub ject ot pointed Jests In resolutions of fered during the day's business. Ons resolution, which was received with vigorous approval, Instructed tha chief clerk of ths house to telegraph ths "chief of ths peace party" to corns immediately te Oklahoma. Another resolution recom mended stationary Ink wells In the new capitol, which Is under construction. Representative Lor is Fj. Bryant, who clashed with Arthur H. (Teissier, republi can state chairman, exhibited a tele gram from the democratlo county chair man at Sklatook, which said: "Con gratulations; have wired president to re serve war portfolio for you," Tanker Crashes Into British Freight Boat NEW YORK, Feb. to. Tha tank steam ship John I). Archbold of S.ST4 gross tons, owned by ths Standard Oil company, broks from Its anchors gs off Stapleton, Btaton Island, late today and crashed into ths British freight steamer Hova of 4,Ui tons, also at anchor. A large hole was torn In the slds of the tsnker and the bow of ths Hova waa crushed In. To savs ths Archbold and Its cargo of oil, tugs towed It te ths Red hook flats, where it was beached. The Archbold, reputed to be the largest tank steamer In the world, was to hsve sailed tomorrow morning for Messlnl, Hlclly. The Hova arrived today from Palermo, Italy, with a general cargo and was at anchor waiting until a dock could bs prepared for it. The heavy wind is believed to have caused the anchor chain of the tanker to part. Gets Twenty. Years; Sold Wood Alcohol KATTLK. Wssh.. Feb. 20. Tasuo Takano, a Japsnrse proprietor of a drug store, recently convicted of manslaughter for selling wood alcohol, labeled as grsln alcohol, to Tom Shannon, who drank tha fluid and died, waa sentenced today to twenty years In the state penitentiary. SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. J.-Tha Jury In the case of F. P. Tallent, a druggist charged with selling alcohol without a prescription, was discharged today after the Jurors announced they were unable to agree. For forty-three hours the Jury stood sight for acquittal and four for conviction. Testimony In tho case was to the affect that Tallot sold ths alcohol for use as a balr tonic, HARRY BETTELMAN, HURT COASTING, IS SOME BETTER Harry Beltelman, ths youth who was Injured while coasting last week on the Parker street hill, shows continued Im provement st Wis hospital. It la now believed bs will recover., TURKS IN FLIGHT PRESSED BY RUSS ALONG SEA COAST Grand Duke's Annies, Co-operating with Nary, Posh Moslem! Back Toward Seaport of Tre bizond. HOPE TO SURROUND MAIN ARMY Several - Divisions Caught When They March Into Trap Set for Them. DEEP SNOW IMPEDES ACTION ' PETROQRAD, Feb. 20. Grand Duke Nicholas, commander of the Russian forces In .the Caucasus, nasi left Tlflis for Ercerum. PETROQRAD. Feb. 80. The Rus sians are pressing; the advantage gained at Krr.erum. On the right along the Black Sea coast, by tha co-operstlon of the sea and " land forces they are driving; the Turks from one position after another to the east of Trebltond and active op erations against that important sea port are expected soon. In ths last two days the Russalns have tocupled Wltde (Wld.leV and pressed tor ward ten or twelve miles westward. The ' fleet has destroyed several shore bat teries and by keptng well in advance of the land forces and by destroying bridges over several streams In ths path of tha ' retreating Turks, haa rendered their re treat more difficult Ths fleet has been working so closu to the shorn that the . warships have been reached by rlflo firs from the Turkish troops. Tsrks Pies Hoatbwaral. On the left flank, after ths occupation . Of Koph, ths Russians pushed on to. Mush , snd Achlat, the latter on the north shore of take Van. From Koph to Mush, sixty miles over mountain roads, they fought ' several battles and occupied Mush by storm. The Turks fled southward toward Plan Bekr. the next objective ot ths Russians. Once in possession of Dlarbekr, it la inly a day's march tp the Bagdad railway,,, ths , last remaining communication Into Syria. The rapid Russian offensive beyond Krserum, It Is believed here, makes it probable that the retreat of the Turkish corps operating along the Black Sea coast, and of those troops which wars active in ths Mush district before ths Russian oo cuiiatlon, will be entirely cut off and that the main Turklnh armies will bs sur rounded. , Torks March Is-Trs.' ' ) This fate has already 'overtaken ' ths Thirty-fourth division of ths Tenth eorjs. Wlrtetf js brderedrom Olt.l to Bixerum before tha fait tt tha fortress. As tele phone communication between this group of Turkish forces' and ths garrison at Krserum haa been entirely destroyed by' the Russians, the Thirty-fourth' division' marched aerenly on to Krserum without supic1or that tha fortress was' then, sbout : to be surrendered. . These troops reached Krserum from the northwest at the very - moment - that ths ' Deve-Bolna, line, of forts fell into Russian hands and' the army which they had corns to assist was In full retreat. The road over which they had rassed was Instantly occupied by Russian cav alry and, ss they wers completely sut rounded, there waa no alternative but to surrender with arms, equipment and ar tillery. . , Other Is Same. Plight. It Is regarded as almost inevitable that the Turkish rorpa retreating along the Black Bea coast, under ths destructive fire of the fleet and the pressure of the Russian armies, would be caught in ths same sort of a trap as ths Turkish troops falling back from Wldjs to Oum- Ish Khsneh still have a greater distance to gs titan the Russian troops which are advancing from Krxcrum to cut them off. On the Turkish right flank. Where ths Ninth corps Is operating, ths TurKS fiud themselves in tho same precarious posi tion, since all the roads of retreat to ths north are gradually falling under Rus sian control, Tho retreat of tha Turkish army every whrra Is 'Impeded by deep snow and the difficult character of tha country. They are without food and and lack war supplies and there seems to be little possibility of their offering even temporary resistance of any strength to the Russian ad vanes. Daylight Burglars Leave the Bed and The Stove Behind Burglars visited ths horns of M. A. McDonald, 201H Deer Park boulevard, be tween noon snd 2 o'clock Sunday after, noon and when they departed about all that remained In the hcuso was ths stove snd the bed. The rest of the family poses Ions they took w 1th thera. Shortly sfter noon Mr. snd Mrs. Met Donald went out for a walk, securely locking the doors. They wers gone close to two hours and when they returned they found both the front and rear doors open. Going Inside the house they soon discovered that practically all the cloth ing, the Jewelry and silverware had, been taken away. Drawers bad been pulled out and their contents scattered about trunks had been broken open and ths contents of closets carried away. Taking aocount of atock, the McDon alds estimate that the burglars took st least tl.iO worth of property. Including three overcoats, suits of clothes, shoes, women's wearing apparel, two gold, watchea. a string of gold beads, three traveling bags, a child's bank containing some 13 In pennies, a pair . of sliver bscked military brushes and numerous other articles. None of the neighbors noticed anybody around the McDonald house while th members of the family were sway. f'sa vr.atloa. HeauralMStes Joet. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. ll.-Meyor Henry U. Jost was renominated candidate for niay-r on ths democratic ticket in tha oity convention of ths party feera-iodaja- f