Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1916, AUTOMOBILES, Page 24-D, Image 60

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    24 -T)
Longer Wheelbase Handsomer and Roomier Body
The Same Marvelous Motor Greater and Unusual Power
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HE price of the. new model Chandler Six the leading tlx Is $1295. The Chandler is built for the thousands of men, and women who are
ready now to buy this great car at this low price. It offers the motor-car quality they demand at a price that pleases them. We are proud
that with steel and aluminum and leather and all other motor car materials so high we can sell the Chandler for a price so low. Yes, there
are lower prices, but there is no price so low for such a car. We could build a cheap car. That would be easy. But it would be a problem,
indeed, to build a better car. We could build a small car, but the people who want the Chandler want roominess, power, sturdy construction and
style. So we build the best six cylinder car in the world then we fix the price as low as it can be made.
oHHIS policy has made the Chandler a price-pioneer
Mil in the duality six-cvlinder field. This policy
ut on the market three years ago this month the
rst hfoh-erado six selling for less than $2000. the
$1785 Chandler. This policy reduced that price a
year later to $1595, and this policy brings you now
this Greater Six for $1295.
"Large production " cannot be the explanation of
any lower price than the Chandler price. For our
20,000 car production for this year is large enough
and more, too to earn lowest costs.
Tha Walnut-Fended Tonneau Cowl
ed, anywhere
that any automobile
owners would ever
to use.
More than 999
out of every
thousand car
want or dare
The Marve
lous Chandler
Motor built
in the Chandler factory for three years
past and famous the world over.
"Low overhead" cannot explain any lower price, for
engineers and manufacturing experts and other car
builders marvel at the simplicity and economy of our
factory operations.
"Financial strength" cannot explain any lower price,'
for the Chandler Company's resources are extremely
large, as nearly everyone now knows. , So we have
reason to be proud of the Chandler price, just a3 we
are proud of This Greater Six.
Seating Arrangement, Chandler -Passenger Roadster
Most Beautiful of All New Motor Car Bodies? Before the Season's Oyer.
! Any therType Will Be Out of Date V
Chandler Mechanical Excellence Admitted
Every on knows the Chandler pretty well row from tha
mechanical standpoint. Every one knows how Chandler pio
neered the light Six field lonr in advance of any other
six at a price lets than S2.000. Every one knows how the
Chandler has made good right from the beginning.
The Chandler is almost everywhere In America now. Thou
sands of them, from coast. to coast, in the hands of happy
owners. So, we say, you know the mechanical excellence of
this car. Now know the handsome new Chandler bodies.
The big aeven-passengtr car, with new body and walnut paneled
tonneau cowl, is simply a delight In grace of line we do not
belitve there la any other car to match it You must see the car
itself to know just how much we mean when we say it is the
handsomest car of the year. We cannot describe it The car
itself makes any attempt at describing it eeera futile.
Room to Sparc A Comfort Margin
..-'." . - . . , .
There are good many automobiles with seats,, out not room,
for seven persons. The big Chandler is a real sevenpassenger
car. There's room to spare a comfort margin. The seats are
wide and tilted a bit end every one speaks of the "leg-room."
The Interior finish, too, is In keeping with the rest of the car.
The deep, pillowy hair cushions, upholstered in the new long
grain, semi-glazed leather, the walnut paneled tonneau cowl
and all the other niceties of finish and completeness, reflect the
Chandler Company's thought for your comfort and your sense
of style.
So come now and see this car. We have the new Chxnilers
ready for inspection and demonstration, and can give you deliv
ery at any time yoa designate, provided yom place year
order now.
Interesting Chandler Features
- ; ' . s. . '
Body Finish handler blue, high finish Fenders, wheels and
motor hood black. Deep cushioned upholstery cov
' ertd with long-grain, eemi-glazed leather.
Equipment HiflJiwf grade equipment is. a feature of the Chand
ler now as always, including Bosch High-Ttneion
Magneto, Gray & Davis separate unit Electric
Starting and Lighting System, Chandler aluminum
crank case. Chandler full-floating silent spiral-bevel'
near rear axle,' silent chain drive for motor shifts,
annular ball bearings,' Stewart -Warner Magnetic
Speedometer, Stewart Vaccum Gasoline Feed, Non
skid Tires in the rear, and all the usual incidental
Vo Want Everyone to Come and Sec the Big New Chandler Touring Car
and the Nov; Chandler Four-Passenger Roadster
Space 30 at the Show. , Ft. E. DAVIS &. CO., Omaha