THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: FEBHUAUY 20, 191G. 5 A HARD TO FIND OUT TRUTH ABOUT CHINA Government Tapers Minimize Re bellion and Opposition Press Magnifies It. BELIE VXD FORMIDABLE ENOUGH (Correspondence of the Associated Proas ) TEKINO, Jan. 19. Wild rumors continue to center about Yunnan's revolt and Its probable effect on Yuan Shi Kal. Friends of the rev olutionists report Szechuen, Kwei chow and Kwantung provinces In a state of foment and the government denies these reports with regularity. A censorship has been placed on all dispatches from the scene of trouble and little news of a reliable charac ter Is coming out except that re ceived by the foreign legations in Peking and the Chinese government. Even meiwi Binned with the name of leader of the various factions are re pudiated with such frequency that It Is Impossible to ascertain the truth. Forgeries have been alleged In connection with a number of dispatches. Suppres sion and alteration of news Is charged gainst the government by papers hos tile to It, while the government Is making similar charges against newspapers printed In foreign concessions beyond Its control. , Wants Paper Sappresied. Following the suppression of a Chinese dally In Peking which charged- Japanese with fostering the revolution, the Chinese foreign office asked Mr. Hloki, the Japa nese minister, to suppress a Japanese dally In Peking which the government insists Is printing dispatches, distorting and enlargng on the Yunnan revolution reports in such a manner as to threaten the very foundations of the Peking gov ernment. Mr. Hlokl promised to Investi gate the charges, but the Japanese paper was not suppressed. , In the midst of uncertain dispatches and wholesale distortion of news, a num ber of salient facta stand out which show tha Yunnan revolution to be a movement of great Importance, and even the most ardejit supporters of Yuan Bhl Kal now say It probably will take six months to subjugate Yunnan and restore order in the country. Meantime they insist Yuan Bhl Kal should tuke his Beat upon the throne and thua remove all doubt as to the actual existence of the monarchy. The number of troops really at the dis position of the Yunnan revolutionists is variously estimated from 40,000 to 100,000. .Kwelchow province, whose condition Is very uncertain because of Its proximity to Yunnan and the great hold Tsal Ao. the Yunnan leader, is said to have on the officials of Kwelchow, probably has 20,000 more troops. Will Send Four Force. At present the central government is making every effort to settled the Yunnan trouble diplomatically and there are evi dences on all aldea of an indisposition to rush into an actual military engagement. However, the government has announced that four expeditionary forces will be sent to suppress the Yunnan revolt The vicin ity of Chaotungtu, Yunnan province, is expected to be the main battle ground. According to the announoed government lans, as soon as Chaotungf u la occupted by the north- force the Yunnan revolu tion will be finished and peace will be Virtually restored. The outbreaks in Kwantung province re regarded generally by the central government as the. work of bandits. So far tha Kwantung movement has not spread to any large center. Apparently the general policy of the revolutionises has been to stir up minor troubles wherever possible, and thus defeat a gen eral movement on the part of government forces. In many ways the present revolt Is en tirely different from that of 1913. Tsal Ao and other leaders are former friends of Yuan Shi Kal. Many of them are ani mated by personal dislike for tha presi dent. Of course, young China Is with the revolutionists, and with the young China contingent there are many serious and Intellectual progressives. While the mon archical movement Is constanly spoken of as the chief cause for the revolution, it really is a movement against Yuan 6hi Kal personally. The monarchical move ment is secondary. Mora Formidable 'on, . The opponent of Yuan 6hl Kal are far more formidable than those who lined up against him In 1913. There Is general die trust in official circles, and much doubt exists as to what officials are really loyal to the president. Furthermore, the lead ers of the present movement haro really organized troops at their disposal, a con dition which did not extat In J 913. Peking was alive today with rumors of a plot to blow up all the palaces In the Forbidden City and kill Yuan Shi Kal. The president's office admitted that suave suspicion rested on certain persons living In the Forbidden City, but after their arrest and trial all were dismissed through lack of proof against them, according to an erfieial statement. No explosion of ny sort occurred and the plot is reported to have been discovered before it was developed in great detail. Rumor of exectutlona In the Forbidden City, a a result of the plot, are em phatically denied by official close to the president, who deprecate the tendency to magnify what they describe as a foolish Plot which was detected before it reached any considerable proportions, . Tlie most commonly accepted story in Peking la that plotters had arranged to cut the lighting circuit in the Forbidden City and expected to dynamite the presi dent's palace and other buildings while they were plunged In dsrkness. It U not positively known whether any explosives had actually been Smuggled Into tha For bidden City. ' Miniature of tho Dardanelles 5? h.1 - - y '. a . .. . Jf -.. . WILL SHOW MODEL OF SUNDAY SCHOOL How Institution Should Be Con ducted Will Be Demonstrated at Convention. COUNTY ASSOCIATION TO MEET IN TUB FOR EG ROUN T 13 THE MKDITERRANEAN SKA. THK STRAITS) LEAD UP TO THE SEA OK MARMORA. CONSTANTINOPLE IS RUT 100 MILES AWAY. SHIPS ARB SEEN GOING THROl'QII THE STRAITS. New Negotiations With the Vatican (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) ROME, Feb. Not since the fall of the temporal power of the pope, some forty-six year ago, have there been o many attempts of hitherto indifferent countrioa to re-establish diplomatic rela tion by thi sending of ministers to the Vatican, In addition to those already ac credited to the government of Italy at tho qulrinal. England and Holland have renewed dip lomatic relation by sending minister to the Vatican, while France la thought to be represented by the principality of Monaco, which I the latest to renew old relations. Of course, since the entrance of Italy Into the war, the Austrian am bassador to the Vatican left, as woll as the minister from Prussia and Bavaria, respectively the Earon von Rltter and the Baron von Muhlbcrg. While these three countries Just named; did not In any sense break their relations with the Vatican and perhaps even now try to keep In better connection than ever, it woe Impossible for them to remain openly here, due to the peculiar position of the holy see. England has never bad a permanent representative to the Vatican until tho recent coming of Sir John Howard, for merly British minister to The Hague, England having In past time ap pointed special agents to deal with the special rellglou question affecting It Cathollo populations. LOAN COMPANIES MAY SOON MOVE INTO OWN BUILDINGS The Occidental Building and Loan company and the Bankers' Mortgage Loan company probably will move to the new quarter within two or three month In the Curtis property, corner of eigh teenth and Harney streets, the building In which the Keen hotel Is located. John F. Flack, head of the Occidental, ay tha move la likely to be mad within this time, and that nothing can be done about erecting a new building until the present leases are expired. Harry Keen of the Keen hotel hold a lease that still run nine year more, as It waa made last year for a period of ten year. ; INQUEST OVER DEATH OF : JAMES MURREY TUESDAY Coroner Crosby will hold an inquest Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock Into the death of James Murrey, auto truck driver, who was killed Thursday morn ing when his truck was hurled from the Douglas street bridge. A list of witnesses Indicate the pro ceedings will be lengthy. Dardanelles in Miniature at the Brandeis Stores Real "war stuff" will be In an exhibit to open next Monday at the Brandeis Store, third floor. It I a working model, complete In every detail, of the Dar danelles, the scene of the recent bitter fighting between the allies and the Turks nd Teutons. J. 8. Price is the builder of the model, He has been through the Dardanelles five time. The model I twenty-five feet long and seven feet wide. It show the Mediterranean Sea, the Oalllpoll peninsula. Dardanelles, Asiatic Turkey, Pea of Marmora, Bophorua, Constanti nople and a corner of the Black Sea. Little battleship are seen In the water and one battleship sails through the Dardanelles under It own power and without any visible guidance. White it Is doing so the tiny gun In the fort belch their fire, lighthouse ere lighted up and wireless flashes come from the various battleships. Mr. Price will lecture during the demon stration. ... NOT TOO OLD FOR CHARM? i Cold StoraajA Earai Deliver Meeaaae Ela-at Year Old, hat la Work la; Coadltloa. "How long doe an egg In cold storage remain edible V "Does an egg ever possess' the power of a love charm?" These question perplex Miss Leonora Kronfleld, of 1 Russell place, Summit, N. J. . When employed In an egg packing house In 1906 Dale Bain of Marlon, O., wrote his nsme and address on an egg. Miss Leonore, a high school pupil and muslo teacher, bought that very egg and eleven others .In a Summit grocery on January 1 last She did not eat the egg, for her parent have taught her to be reverent to age. But she wrote to Mr. Bain and he re plied: ( "This la a funny episode. The last time I wrote my address on an egg was In 1908. A you have survived the egg, I would like to hear from you again. Who know but that I may be in New Jersey aome day?" eT-fW Vl " OMC TON I miymmmmrnmrnvmaam RIGHT! FROM THE How model Sunday school is conducted will be one of the demon strations at the annual convention of the Douglas County Sunday School association, to be held in Omaha. At the opening session, Monday even Inf. February SI, at the First Con gregational church, the opening ex ercises of a model Sunday school will be used for the beginning of the contention. A Sunday school folk ouaht nni tn come late and annoy the prompt pupil. iie isomer at this session or tha con vention will not be admitted during these model opening exercises. Dr. James M. ratton will be In charge of them. BesMes quite a number of Omahan. speak rs for the convention aoaalnn. win be drawn from other part of the county. ana isveral will also come from the staff of the State Sundav Sehnnl iua. elation. Among the latter will be W. H. Hlmberly, business manager, and Mia MUraaret Kllen Rrnwn niin.. . - J vi the state Interdenominational work. Rev. s. H. Suell and Rev. Ralph II. House man. tate superintendents of Congre gational and Presbyterian Sunday school work, respectively, will also speak., SssaBBaaaBsBBSBaaBaBBSBSBBBBBaBBBBBa Frank M. Coffee Killed in Action (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) 8TDNET. Australia. Jan. IT.-Frank M. Coffee, ion of Frank Coffee, a publisher and one of th most prominent American residents of Sydney, where he ha long been established In business, waa killed In action upon the Oalllpoll peninsula th mlddlo of November. Young Coffee wa a lieutenant In th Australian fore having enlisted in Melbourne. He wa 27 year of oge and a newspaper man by vooatlon. He wa born in 4 auburb of Sydney, but waa educated at Leland uni versity. Subseauentlv ha was mninv,H In newspaper work at Vancouver and else- wnere on the Paclflo coaat. Several years ago he returned to Australia and for some time prior to enlisting ws on the Melbourne staff of the Sydney Sun. Beaton to Add to Apartment House With Seven Stories The Beaton Realty company, ronslstlng of Charles 1 Beaton and J. It. Beaton, expects soon to build another apartment house adjoining the present Beaton apart ments near Thirl y-seeond and Farnam streets The deal has Just been closed, whereby, the Beaton company has pur chased a thirty-two foot front lot on Farnam Immediately east of the pres ent apartment, between Thtrt.v-firat and Thirty-second streets. Here Is where the new apartment house Is to be built. The properly waa purchased of t W. Fartridge for I12.M0. Mr. Partridge bought It In mi. Prior to that time It had been In the hands' of the Dufrrne since 1W. The abstract Is remarkable simple. Bines the property up to this time ha had but three owner In It history. While the present Beaton apartment house Is but three torle and basement, a seven irtory apartment Is contemplate,! for th iww structure. It Is the Intention to eo conrect the two that they may be operated from one plant, with respect to heating, and other Important service. New Structure for Bank to Be Built at 16th and Dodge The gray atone building at the south east corner of Sixteenth and Dodge street, occupied by the Banker Savings and Loan company and eeveral stores. Is to be wrecked and a new structure I to be erected there of a half dosen stories or more. The Banker Bavins and Loan asso ciation la preparing to vacate and will move Murch 1 Into the old location of th Commercial Saving and Loan at 1001 Farnam street. Jake Srhlossburg owns the property en the Dodge corner and la to erect a big building there to be occupied by the newly orgar.lied. Central State bank. The bank t to occupy the corner with quarter lSjti feet Th rest of the building will be devoted to stores. At least four big store are to be provided for In the general plan of the building. The new ctructure will ex tend thirty feet east from Sixteenth tract. Wanted Some Want Ad in exchange for lota of answers. Phono The Bee. Bays Tnlsa f lu. Jsck Letcher, formerly secretary of the Tulsa Commercial club, one of the mov. Ing spirits In the organisation of the Western association and anient fan, has purchased the Tulaa franchise for $2,600 from Hoy Purpus, owner of the club. POODLE SAVEOJTHE FAMILY Dor Itefnaea In He Sillied lalll lllare la Knnart and I hrekefl. The Intelligence of a poodle averted what nilitht have Veen a disas trous fire In the rear of .111 Went Sixty seventh street. New York. Just after dinner Mr. and Mrs. William Forbes, ho live on the second floor at that ad dress, were entertaining friends In thor kitting room. Powder, the pocdle. very murh excited, ran liarklrig Into the room. Mr. Forbes bade tne dog lie oulet. and thereupon th animal grapcd Mrs. Forbe" dress In his mouth and tried to make her rise from her seat. So Ins'stent did Powder hecome that Mr. Forbes made an Investigation and discovered smoke coming from a lower hallway. Policeman Hardlmsn turned In an alarm, and for more than an hour tha firemen fought the flra, which wa caused. It Is thought, by a poorly In sulated wire. . Had tho dog not given th alarm the flames might have proved disastrous, be cause there Is a large garage In th rear of the Sixty-seventh street address. New York Herald. WHEAT, CORN AND OATS ALL TAKE SMALL DROP With fairly heavy receipts for a Satur day, the Omaha grain market was off, wheat being 1 cent lower; corn, 1 to I cents, and oats. H to 1 cent. On the market there were ninety-six cars of wheat. Belling at ll.lKffl.1S': in of corn, selling at 48 to M cents, end ten of oats. Belling at 41 to 47 cents p?r bushel. AnAnsverFouRc to the question of what medicine to keep In your home, ever ready to take, when one of the family succumbs -to bad weather or any of the common ills. Because such ills manifest themselves in congestion, which is but another name for acute catarrh of the mucous membranes, through which we breathe and through which our food is absorbed, the first step is to remedy this catarrhal condition. A medicine that will relieve coughs, colds and grip; that will restore Impaired digestion, correct Irregular appetite and drive out all that clogs tbe A J J ierienceaus that Peruna does tnese inings, rtromntlv. surely and gently. Us safe for all It has stood, the test of 44 system. Is tea one for rou. years, and it has won thousands to a devoted adherence and advocacy as their family remedy, above U others because it makes good. Profit by This Yourself The experience of others is the surest guide. Every community has some one who has been greatly benefit ed by Peruna. What it has done for them it will do for others. You are In need of a reliable family medicine yourself--why not use the one that has done so much for thousandst T0U BUT OBTAIN riRUKA IN TABUT TOB FOR COWYIMINCf, Tne Peruna Company, Columbus, Obi 4$ SPECIAL COMMISSION TO J SUPERVISE REBUILDING (v'orrespnndence of the Associated Tress.) BERLIN. Jan. 17. The extent of the de vastation done by the Russian Invasion of East Prussia Is shown by the fact that no less than J4.0 dwelling houses must be rebuilt, of which 1.000 are In cities, and 150,000 houses must be equip ped with furniture. The government has created a special commission, with Its headquarters at Koenlgnberg. which ts charged with tha duty of seeing that the architecture of the new houses is of a. sort harmonising with their surroundings. If! J ? Here's a Real Opportunity to Buy ' pekin goa: And Get a Registered Key Ring, Perhaps a Ton of Coal Free! Pekln Coal la one of the most widely known qual ity coajs soia in umana. l is very low In rlrs and last cost and Is well adapted for use In furnaces, hot water plants, heating or cook stoves. The Plan Read This Carefully W ith each ton of Pekin Coal, sold during thla sale, we will give free a registered key rlnir with an aluminum numbered tag. This number will be recorded at the office of the Nebraska Ful Co., PltPP I "Ild- should key be loat at any time, the ring Is re- rKr.r. ' tuinable to this olflce and, by means of our record ,. VI , .U .1". V, ,.. W " ., . ' J .V. ,U , VIVC. for one tn of I'ekln Coal will be delivered free. Understand, however, that each customer for Pekln t'nal. whethtr receiving coal free or not, will receive the key ring absolutely free. Orders will be re oelved at our office In person or by 'phone (Douglas 410) and key rings will be registered In their proper order to be called for at your pleasure. While w? have a splendid tonnage on cars at the present time, an unexpected ruah of orders might temporarily ex haust our supply. In thai case, we reserve the rlgtijt to fill orders from freahly unloaded coal In our bins, rcsireeiitng same carefully and getting coal to you In tho SHJiie condition ax If delivered direct from the rars. We ciar&ntee all orders to be filled with freshly mined coal. Here Is your chamo t'i text out this remarkable coal before the spring acts in. JuHt phone us today, and your, order w ill have our immediate, personal, courteous attention. Pekin Coal Is $6.50, Order Your Ton Today I Free Offer Applies Only to Pekin Coal. Oaa high quality tampered steel key ring with aa aiamiaum a u m . bared tag. This number will be registered -at oar of (toe -witn own. er's a a m a and address to aid la the return of your keys la ease of 1ob. Tigers Himm Seml-Pre. Announcement came from Phllad-lphia the other day that the Itetrolt TL;f-rs huil aimed r red Moore, a Quaker 'ity cml-pro, second baseman. Maranvllle te Father. Waller Maranvllle of tho lioaton Braves lite father of a glil. OTXEB OKAOX Elkhora y-rrodnct Coke.. 9 60 Slkhora By-Prednot rea... S.SO Canon City Lamp , . S OO Canon City Vat B.bO Arkansas Spedre Anthracite S.bO Peerless ST at, oieaar and lasting TOO Pekin Lump, Egg and Slat. 0.60 (Fastest selling eoal la tha west) Xamptoa Lump and Slat... S.00 Nebraska ael Lump S.60 Hebreeke ruel Mat 4.60 rUEXJI 3VBT KECEITES. Irtaxd Boraatoa aTut 911.00 Hard Boraatoa Egg sad Mange lo.TS Hard Boraatoa Orate 10.50 etroleum Ooke S.M Toaghlogheay Coke S.SO Bfonareh Lamp T.00 Illinois Lamp, Egg and Slat O.SO Walnut Slock S.SO Cherokee o Special Vat .... S.SO Iowa Lamp B.oo Iowa Mat 4.SO Hard Wood, Chareoal, Kindling. Nebraska Fuel Co. Ronald L. Paterson. President 411 South 16th St. Phone Douglas 430 Orchard & Wllhelm Co Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets, $28.50 to $37.50 41446.18 South 16th St. Bedroom Furniture After all, this is a moderate priced stock, Bbowiag a better assortment of better made and better designed fur niture at prices that you can accept as Bargains. NOTE THESE EXAMPLES: , , " ' Ostermoor Mattresses. $15.00 Colonial Scroll Design Furniture Is Always in Good Taste. ' This Dresser (like cut). Is an excellent example of a .pleasing design, well made, serviceable and a . blc value. It Is an exceptionally large Dresser, In quarter Golden. Oak plank top ... .$23.00 Same design In Golden Oak, except that tt Is smaller in size and has two top drawers Instead of four, at 822.00 Same In Mahogany $24.00 Linoleum We have. received some especially fine linoleum, suitable for. Bath Rooms and Kitchens and are offering a new grade of solid colored printed lin oleum in 6-foot widths, showing new blues and grays, priced at 85 P"" square yard. Wfe are also showing an Inlaid linoleum consist ing of a little lighter weight quality than usually sold, which we are offering at )3 per sq. yard. The color, however, is printed clear through the pattern and will not wear off. c o William and Mary Design Dresser (like cut) Either In Walnut or Cane panel back. " Dresser, Mahogany Dresser, Walnut ........ Chiffonier, Mahogany .... Chiffonier, Walnut ...... Dressing Table, Mahogany Dressing Table, Walnut. . . Bed, Mahogany Bed, Walnut . . Mahagany .-$30.00 ..$32.50 ...$20.50 .$30.75 .$25.00 ..$20.50 .$20.00 ..$30.00 Post Design Suite Dresser (like cut), all genuine Mahog any, dull finish, a big value $34.00 Chiffonier $32.00 Dressing Table, triple mirror . . .$28.0O Poster Beds $24. $25. $27, $28.50 Our Gift Shop Offerings f 1.85 Danish peasant shoes of braid straw, quaint as flower holders for the veranda of the sum mer cottage 70e $1.35 Chinese Chow basket, with the addition of a silk cord and tassel, an artistic work basket. 70 $1.60 Chinese Chow basket SO $5.00 Reed waste paper basket .S2.50 $9.00 Reed waste paper basket $4.50 Both good library baskets. $5.00 Bamboo and copper flower basket, artlstlo with fumed oak furniture $2.50 16c Little green baskets, with handles, smart Tit tle bits for the Children's Easter eggs and May baskets ' 8e Rug Offerings Our Carpet and Rug departments have been receiving almost dally new Spring Merchandise and are better equipped than ever to take care of your wants in these lines. Among recent arrivals are the following, which should be of unusual Interest due to low prices and splendid assortments. An Unusual sized old fashioned Hit and Miss Rag Rug, size 26x60. at 75 each. A Novelty Black and White Stripe Rag Rug, size 27x54, t 5 each. Large lines of Tapestry Brussels Rugs, made seamed and seam less, in Oriental and all-over designs, light, serviceable colors, es pecially suitable for bed rooms. 8-3x10-6 size, ranges in price from 813.50 to $10.50 9x12 size, rangesln price from $14.00 to $10.50 Another medium priced rug that Is much in demsod is our Seamless Velvet K'ug. We have an unusual assortment of these rugs in prices in the 9x12 size from $20.00 to $24.50 each. The assortment of Axminster Ku is large and varied, among which ere some Chinese effects and patterns suitable for any room In the bouse can be' selected from these at very low prices. Ws quote only two sizes to give an idea of values. 8-3x10 6 six $10.50 to $23.00 9x1 2 size, seamed $22.50 to 825.00 9x12 size, aeamless $20.00 to JjJIiO.OO Drapery Offerings Pyramid New Lace Voile, Ecru and White ground, with Pink, Blue, lilack and Brown borders. A popular Curtain material offered for first time at Op reduced price. Itegnlar 50c yard for, yard sJOC Also Pyramid New Lace Voile in curtain pattern lengths, 2)4 yards long. Ecru and White ground, with Blue, Rose, Oreen, Black and Brown borders. Regular $1 75 Of n pattern, for.-. pIuD This Stewart Range $30.00 Full nickel trimmed with high warming oven and wsrmins plates. Flat baso $30.00 STKWAKT 11ANGK A fine one, leg base $29. OO You should see our full line of beautiful Round Oak and Stewart ranges. 30 days' Free Trial. Then $5.00 Monthly Payments if you wish. It .; Curtains $4.85 Pair 12 patterns Clunyy Du chess, Voiles, Arabian, in Ivory and Ecru. Values to $8.00 pair, for e $4.85 Pair