Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1916, AUTOMOBILES, Page 7-D, Image 43

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I President McClaren of Mitchell
Lewis Motor' Company Enter Into
Discussion of Auto Business
time" among th bsnkt'rs for the tnstiu
fncturrs of automobiles who dresitrd o
lesrn rspotlv standing amonx th
rnt-n who extended credits?
A grvat transformation has taken placv
Th maker vhos company la well
founded finds no difficulty In foorrowtnir
all tha capital ha needs for Incrvaaed
business. Tha act condition of every
motor plant la known In the Inner of the
financial world..
The MitchelMewla Motor company haa
no obligation! It cannot meet at the mo
ment It la expected to meet them. The
company haa Increased It business be
yond the fondest dreams of Its officials;
there Is nothing In the business sky that
looks like a storm cloud. I am proud to
be known as the president of a concern
that haa lived so long and done so well.
My keynote, nloftan. or whatsoever It may
be called. Is:
There's no time for failure, for every
moment of manufacturing and merchan
dising time la taken up with Dullness. If
the success of the Mitchell company re
flects the Industry as a whole, then 191
will mark the greatest motor car mak
ing conditions ever known.
Ryan of Lincoln
to Handle Marmon
Fred Ryan of tAieoln. haa taken on
the Marmon agency for the eastern half
of Nebraska and certain counties In west
ern Iowa.
The temporary location of the Omaha
show room la at lOJt Farnsjm street. Aa
soon larger quarters can be found the
Ryan company will more Into them.
A. Hothwell will hare charge of the
Omaha branch and will locate tn Omaha.
K. M. Welch, factory representative. Is
very much pleased with tha oonnectton
and anticipates a good showing from
the Ryan Motor Par company. Mr. Welch
will be here during the Omaha show.
Why AC Plugs
Aro Equipment of
Best Made Cars
Vp to a few years ago the automobile
manufacturers In selecting the spark
floes with which to eo,ulp their cara were
considering two points, as fnr as the per
formance nf the plnjs arc concerned;
that the Insulator would not crack too
easily and that tha plugs would not soot
too quickly.
At that time motors had lower com
pression and were run at lower speed and
the automobile buyer did not expect the
performance out of the motor that he Is
looking for t day. Later high speed mo
tors were brought out nnd experience
showed the me.titifacturera that labora
tory and dynometer tests were not suf
ficient; that these tests were all rlRlit
as a preliminary, but when they were
completed It vtas to their advantage to
go In a hilly count ty to test the plugs In
actual service as .- wider rangw of re
quirements shows different results than
could be obtained on the block. It was
then found that spark plugs were pretty
bad. When taking a long the motor
woi'ld run all right until they reamed a
ceitaln point on the hill, then It would
backfire and mlos. At times the carburetor
was blamed and everybody that bad tho
same trouble felt that the hill waa too
much for tho motor.
Hut tho Champion Ignition company,
manufacturers of A O plugs, made a
study of these conditions and found that,
tho spark plugs were to blame truest of
the time for knocks, backfires and miss
ing when going up a hill, also miming at
hlph eed.
These points were brought out t the
manufacturers who took a great deal of
Interest In tne matter and made compara
tive tests which showed tl.em tUat It was
not only necessary fo:- a plug to have a
good inmilntor and not to soot too easily,
bu of eiu,i Importance la the fart that
It must bo g tight and stay a as tleht
after tho motor becomes hot. With tht
ordinary design of plugs that Is not ob
tainable as the snetal shell and tightening
nut will expand under heat so much more
than the porcelain that la praciloally
loosens the porcelain In Its sent and
causes a serious leaksge.
Mushy Voxels Wreck Monjee.
"Many a marriage that otherwise
would have been happy Is wrecked on
the shoals of Idealism, falsely created
by 'mushy' novels." Such la the opin
ion of .'4 California librarians In session,
"Plsllltialonments following this senti
mental reading embitters young married
women." declared Miss Zrvilo llrown,
secretary of the association, who nlxo
declared that girls should not be allowed
to devour novels becauoe ft weakens
their minds. San Plrso I'nlon.
Anybody who has driven a motor car
knews that It Is harder t'o start tha
motor In cold weather than It In at other
times. The motor, on account of tha
cold, ta naturally stlffer and must U
turned over more rapidly In order to
start. On this account the Nehraaka
fltorago Hnttery company advise that the
best of rare be given a storage battery
In order to have It do Its work properly.
The first thing they recommend la that
the battery be kept filled with distilled,
water and that a hydrometer teat bo
made at least once a month to make sure
that the battery Is sufficiently rhnrgfd.
A fully charged battery will not freeze
at any temperature In which motor cars
are driven. In fact It requires 9S de
grera below xero to freexo the solution
In a bsttery whose spertric Gravity Is
kept tip to the proper point, which la
Ily H. I.. M'fXARRW,
President Mltchrll-I.e wis Motor Co.
Automoiiile dealers who deal in plati
tudes In discussing the manufacturing
situation In 1H15 end the outlook for 1916
are wasting words. Simple truths tell a
story of prosperity, profitable returns
: on Investments and hopeful prospect for
I the cumins season.
The scarcity of materials that enter
Into tho makeup of the automobile, and
the consequent high payments for fln-
Iinhed products required to keep dealers
ur.d agents from clamoring for deliveries,
put a tax on the energies of many mak
ers last . year. The latter had to over-
'como a stiffer resistance to produce cara
and when, finally, the machines were
shipped to dealers, the cost production
pi lco was out of line, to the sorrow of
i he manufacturer. In every case where
the automobile company waa well
founded had its neighborhood, material
wes bought at higher prices than those
that should have prevailed but the pride
r ' tiio maker offset 'this he wanted to
keep up his reputation for manufacturing
efficiency, nnd clipped off much profit
t i tirl cars out as specified or, perhaps,
as faithfully promised.
Plenty of Material on Hand.
Tho Mitchell-Lewis s .wotor company,
with its. fine record and its origin dating
, hack to 1S"4, when Its output made for
the greater advancement of Badger
i state, waa fortunate in having executive
units that had the right perspective on
tho needs of the fall of 1916 and tha
spring of 1913, and there waa never an
' hour in tha production eohedule under
the direction of Engineer John W. Bat.
. when the factory waa In danger of com
ing to a manufacturing atandstUI beoause
of lack of material.
. ' In years gone by the veteran organisa
tion drew upon Ha stored-up supplies of
materials quite aa naturally aa a. squirrel
upon tta winter store of food. There
was the natural dally demand and some
one had followed the precepts of tha
Mitchell company In providing; tha atore
V house to draw upon.
hortagr of Ant omsttilf.
Were X to venture an optrrlaav Z might
, cay: Ixjok out for a shortage of auto
mobiles tho comlnr Bprtng.
Not all of tha concern sow IxjUdtng
cara and marketing a large percentage
of tha finished product will be able to
get material. That la obvious. Mat all
will ba able to keep their plana cp to
the 100 per cent efficiency standard. They
wfll find a Beared ty in th labor market,
perhaps, or a total disability problem In
tha getting of parts essentially vital to
manufacturing". ' Tha concerns that are
run aa la tha Mitchell-Lewis Motor com
pany will have little or no trouble in
I providing tho factory with. ma
! terlai. Soma dealers, shrewd, forehanded
I and enterprising", will havo tho cars
ready for tho demands. They will clean
, up and will have the Jump on tho men
: whose parent companies aro temporarily
' embarrassed by tho lack of material.
We expect no untoward effects, no
' matter what tho spring demand may be.
i There never was a period In tho history
! of the company when it was so well pro
. pared to meet every call upon its manu
' facturlng facilities. During tho last two
I years tho plant has been raised to Its
highest phase of efficiency and a brand
1 of prosperity that fairly made organisa
tion. It makes the officers of tho oom
. pany proud to scan the results. They
are certain to be pleased with the results
' of the coming season.
Did the call for winter types of cars
come In from tho four corners of the
i country the Mitchell-Lewis factory was
ffiual to the demand.
I Md the popular fancy become obsessed
J'V the nlftv vnsHntpe thnt was nrnvMH
on "'The Blx of '11" chVssts and threaten
to swamp the plant with orders? Mr. Bate
niet the emergency, and, as a well-known
critic puts It, "Put out enough of the
sweetest roadster Job to keep all the
dealers pleased."
Optimism tha Idea
Optimism, some more, optimism, and
then a lot more of this buoyant feeling.
Is the message that the president of the
Mitthell-Lewis Motor company would like
to have reach the farthermost points of
the I'nlted States. The moat wholesome
dt mand for good cars produced by con
cerns with reputations covering a ' long
ranKe of manufacturing years Is about
to make Its presence felt. Our factory is
ready, the Mitchell dealers from New
York to California points are keen to
take away every car we can make and
Mitchell owners who possess unbounded
loyalty to the traditions and product of
the veteran Racine company aro tho as
sets that make for tha greater valuo of
our Investment.
New York conditions, by many con
sidered a good oeonomlo barometer, never
were better so far aa tho Mitchell com
pany is concerned. I know little abooC
the relations of tha rival mrairttio with
tha Atlantla seaboard, dealera Bat I do
know that wo bad orders (or so many
City alone that wo had to resort to gaily
shipments by express to co-operate to tho
highest degree with our dealer. It waa
Bo uncommon -thing to find ozproao ears
backed u to tho aiding near oar plant
twice a day, ao formidable did our daily
IWslneso with tho oast become,
JVfaat hag booom of tha "perilous
'V-ei 1 w.t j it, tM. jar
"Built to
Roadsters and Touring Cars $950 to $1485
f . o. b. Flint, Mich.
Satisfy a DemandNot to Meet a Price
Buick Sixes
Sold and
To Date
You Have
To Back
fe o. b. Factory
At the Omaha Automobile Show is the real place to
compare the different cars side by side, and we invite you
toebmpare The Buick with any car exhibited.
Visit our Booth, have our salesman go over the Cut
Away Chassis with you, have him explain the principle of
Valve-In-Head motor construction, and why it is the most
efficient type motor built.
Have him show you the Heavily Reinforced Pressed Channel Steel
Frame The Full Floating Rear Axle The Cantilever Springs The
Cellular Radiator, and its many other Mechanical Superiorities.
Then go over the complete car. Note the Graceful Body Lines The
Beautiful Finish The Roomy Interior, Upholstered in Genuine Leather
The Silk Mohair One-Man Top with Inside Operating Curtains.
By placing Your Order NOW you will Insure Delivery to Suit your
Convenience, li you wait you may be disappointed, as a great many
were last fall by not being able to get a BUICK.
The Spring Demand will be the Greatest in the History, and the
Great BUICK Factories at Flint, Michigan, are working day and night to
supply this demand, but they are far behind w ith the orders from dealers
.who have foreseen this demand and are preparing to take care of it.
Make our Show Rooms at 1912 Farnam
St., your Headquarters During the Show
You Have
The Experience
of Over
200,000 x
to Confirm
, Your
of The
Le Huff, Mgr.
I!. E. Sidles, Gen. Mgr.
S. C. Douglag, Mgr.