THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 191fi. SOCIETY MATRON AS GODDESS AT BALL Mrs. Thomas appeared as "Artemis" in the Gods of Greece di vision at the Ball of the Gods, given by the Society of Beaux Arts Architects in New York last week. The divinities of mythology were impersonated by the leaders of society in a gorgeous pageant. H Out-of-Town Visitors to Auto Show Should Tak i( ' h i I 1 I I v.., ... W a M- I THOMAS. V i f '4a v I 3oa HO "FREAK" AUTOS AT OMAHA DISPLAY Every Machine Exhibited at Omaha Automobile Show Will Be of Tried and Standard Make. RACING MA CHUTES TO SE SHOW? There will b no "freak" exhibited at the Omaha Automobile shsw thta year. In peat years there wars a few auto mobile manufacturer ho built freak. machines for ahow exhibition purposM and nearly averr ahow had an exhibit that waa purely for the purpoaa of esu aatlon. But auto man. have come to realla that an automobile ahow la atrlctlr a buelneee proposition, la essentially to lncreaae ln- tereat In the motor car and la not a eld ahow. Thua It la the day of the "freak" has passed. But In saying; there will be no "freaka" on display doea not mean there will be a lack of the unuaual. For the Oman ahow thta year will Include an extraor dinarily large number of unueuat cara. But theao unuiual cara are all at an J ard machlnea, they have been tried and tested and have been found to contain merit. EsalbM ! d Tare. For Instance, tnere will be at leaat two exhibit of apeed cara. Three pow erful machlnea are capable of eighty and i.lorly mllea an hour upon the road and have even been known to cover the dis tance at a faster rate when puahed. Thle will be the firet time that such apeed machlnea wlH be exhibited at aa Omaha ahow. Rut while these machlnea are built for lee4 and are of the low, racy type, they re eo constructed that thrjr can be placed In general uae In town or country. They can be throttled down to a apeed of two or three mllea an hour aa eaaily a they can be puahed up to fifty or a sty. Moat of the New Tork and Chlrago ohlbita will come Intact to the Omaha ahow. All of the cara of atandard manu facture ahown at the national ahowa r.1'1 be la Omaha. The ihow open Monrtay at the Au1l turiuni and continue all week. Double Patriotic Celebration is to Be Held Tuesday The military and patriotic aocteliee of Omaha will celebrate Waahiptton'e and Lincoln' birthday at court room No. 1, OouKlaa county court houae, next Tues day evening at I o'clock. The following program haa tieen arranged: Call to order by the president of the Monument aesoclntlon, Major R. 8. Wilcox.. Bong. "America," by audience. Invocation, Kev. R. H. Jenke. Introduction of chairman. Henator Nor- rt Hrown. Hong. "Red, -White and Blue," by audience. Address. "Waahlngton." Hon. J. I Kennexlyi -- Hong. "Hattle Hymn of the Republic." by audience. Address. "Uncoln." lion. John ! Webster. , The publlo la Invited. Following la the committee In charge i n. 0. Wilcox, C. U Adams, F. W. imp- eon, Jonathan Edward. When all Want Ad. other' way fall, try Bee Night North Bend ' Watchman Kills Self NORTH BEND. Neb., Feb. ll-Ppe. clal Telegram.) Frank Btrayer, city night watchman, waa found dead on top of Ice In Bireet'a Icehouse at o'clock thla morals g with hie own gun In hie hand and a large hole through hta head. He had been at the Union Pacific depot In the umt vicinity at o'clock and hi brother-in-law. Jeeae Foyer, who talked with him, ootioed nothing ua usual. He went home laat nlgbt for midnight lunch, but did not return for breakfast. HI wife became alarmed and eearra bad be gun when be waa accidentally found by Mr. Street. Mr. tUrayer had been In poor health for some Umt. He leaves a wife and four children from I ta yeare otd. etrayer la a brother of Mr. Arch FargTiaen. who with two children, lumped from a bridge Into the I'UUte river laat spring. The bodies were found eeveral Delay Inquest Over Death of Auto Pilot Ne Inquest wilt be held Inquiring into the death of Jams Murray. s yearn. whs) waa allied Thursday moraing aa a, result of g street ear-aata tmok col Uaoa the toataa gtraet bridge, Until Motomtaa C O. Craava rwoevere from hi tnjurtee, CraM la eon fined to hla home aii4 at noay be awvaral daya beore he 1 afcla to get aawvc. It hag been learned hat ' Murray oame ta Omaha from , eatUe, wbsew he bad been a member of Little Bobbie's Pa By WILLIAM r. KIRK.. I may have to talk a little run oaver to the other aide, aed Pa to Ma laat nlte. The other side of the street T aald Ma. l Oh, no, aed Pa; the other aide of the os nun, wolumbla deemanda that 1 ehud go, aed ra. I ran ace her aweet, die tressed face hear her calling me, aed Pa. You doan't say eo. aed Ma. Oh. yoa, aed Pa, I hear the call. If you ewer iiotleed, aed Pa, every t'me there la a grate crlala In thla country sum men spring up, aura atrong cur-agua man like me. that knows not the meaning of the word feer. All that I have, my hoam, my munny, my Job, aed Pa, I owe to my country. Therefore I hark to her call. You do? aed Ma. Well, while you are harking hark a little to the call of Friend Wife. You owe me something, too, you ewe little Hobble aomethlng, too. rvoesn't he have to tell everybody you are hla dad T You are not going abroad. Do I maik myself perfeckly plain to my fat heero? Put 1 reely ahud go, aed Pa, I doant think Kernel House can git along very well without me. 'Him a me haa the alm Idwe In a way, aed Pa. only my ideea are mear cl-erer a better dee-fined, a deer wife, aed Pa, reemember. If any thing ahud happen to me while I am In the War Zoan, tell little Bobble that hie father died a aolger'a deth. Fare thee well, a If forever, aed Pa, then forever fare thee well. My hart la bursting eevan now, aed Pa. 1 gues It la yure lungs that ta bursting, aed Me. Talk oft that oaveroot. Do I heer correckly, aed Pa. Are you to atand between ma a duty? , You newer hard more correckly In yure life, aed Ma. Talk off that oaveroot a X dldent raise my huaband to be a aolger, aed Ma. It ain't In him. Talk oft that cote. Bo Pa took off hla oaverrote a aet down In the chair at which Ma was pointing at. That la better, aed Ma, You look tnoar Ilka yureaelf sprawled out at esse, she aed. If the eolgera was all like you, she sed, thare wud newer be anything exoep the softest kind of dove-like Peeea. Now look plreunl a keep still till I ffhleh thla new novel bv Oertrood Ooogle-eye. It ta a gripping story, uitm i anal! reea It aloud to you. It la called The Redemahun of lUta RuffMuff. I doan't want to beer It, sed Pa. Burely a huaband has sura rltaa. The only rites husband like you de serve la the laat aad ones, sed Me. Bit up strater In that chare! Then Pa ea,t up strater. Thla Is a grata novel, sed Ma. It dee Is with the eternal problem, the pro b lam that Is as old aa the wurld, I used to be good at problems, sad Pa. I think I wud have been a grate riter If I had wept to college Insted of lernlag the printing business. On thing sura, sed I Pa. If I was riter I wud be a fearless , rascal. I wud see the truth a tell It. 1 wud be bralv. Veep still, will you! aed Ma. a Pm kep til. nnij rui bii mm MOW UmW GASOLINE GOES SO LONG AS OMAHA HAS THE Comedian Frank Burt Chief Chauffeur Effervescent Maudie Heath At the Honk Horn iMlM. If. rim U 1 LLS) ummv Speediest Bunch of Joyriders That Ever Went the Route on "High" E7.CM "1916 MODEL" T BEAUTIFUL HUES And Not a Jitney 3us in the Bunch "Your speedometer would bo as help loss as a coffee grinder to record the speed attained by this GARAGE OF BEAUTY! AN UNUSUAL FEATURE THE WAITES MII9TDKI IHM Dill I Uf UID CDftftYrDt BURLESQUERS SNUGLY ENSCONCED IN THE TWICE DAILY AUTO SHOW WEEK Second onlv to the Big Auto Snow Itself. . The one show in Omaha next week that fits the oc casion. It's "In the Picture" No Punctures No Engine Trouble No Blow-Outs 3111 Just H neea. dDeea.! doee Public Demonstration Daily at 2:15 and 8:15 P. M. Bring Your Ladies Along to Help Ballast the. Car BURLESQUE IS EVERYTHING EXCEPT WHAT. THOSE WHO DON'T ATTEND THINK IT IS Wetosie Auto lei To the Remodeled Millard- Hole. n It "NVe want not only Auto Men but all Omaha men and women to dine in our cafe. You will be surprised at the dinner wo serve and the prices will be even more pleasing. 1 Our Lobby Very Home Like A few moments' rest in our comodious lobby will make you realize how home like the Millard Hotel is. The class of people you meet here are of the very best. We are very strict with our rules about renting rooms to only peoplo of lcst character. All Rooms Redecorated and refurnished so you will be comfortable in any one you choose. '"Honesty - Cleanliness - Service" is the motto of the Millard Hotel Management, a hostelry where any family can enjoy all the , comfort 8 of homo life while in Omaha. We are close to both Union and Burlington Depots. MILLARD HOTEL i i i i i ii i i ii assaq 13th and Douglas Phone Douglas 924 Automobile Dealers' Headquarters NEW HEN SHAW HOTEL Fireproof The Hens haw Cafe is Omaha's Attraction MUSIC ENTERTAINERS DANCING DINE A LA CARTE Matinee Dansante Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays From 4 to 6 P. M. The Henshaw Cafe is the most popular place in Omaha. Make it a point to meet your friends here. SERVICE COURTESY ENTERTAINMENT WELCOME AUTO DEALERS To the Merchants Hotel We have changed the Bervice in our dining room and gentlemen's grill from American plan to the A LA CARTE SERVICE (pay for what you got) Our bill of fare is strictly Hpular priced. We handle everything in season and the best the market affords. Breakfast 6:15 a. in. to 11:00 a. ra. Breakfast Specials 15 cents to 40 cents. Noonday Lunch 35 cents 11 a, m. to 2 p. in. Choice of 2 Soups, 3 Meats, 2 Vegetables, Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream, Bread and Butter, Tea or Coffee. Supper Speciala-5 p. m. to 8 p. m. 20 cents to 40 cents. Steaks, Chops, Fresh Fish, Oysters any style, Lobsters, etc., at all hours. The Merchants Hotel 1508-10 Farnam Street DAN W. GAINES. Prop. BE Exa Best 1 H the Waiter