T7TE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916 V .. assaaBaaaaaaas- ssaaaaaaaasa. ; r E when she thought ahe amelled chloroform. Proceeding through the house ehe awak ened with difficulty her daughter, Roslna, aa-ed IS years, and her son John, aged 11 year. A pockethook belonging to the former waa found open on the dreaeer and the content atrewn about while a 15 bill which had not been there before was discovered. Police are Investigating. W. F. STOECKER FILES FOR GOVERNOR ON DEMO TICKET W. F. toeelter of Omaha, baa flle for the democratic nomination for gov ernor of Nebraska.- Expert Can't Tell Safe Combination Mystery which enehrouds eafee and their combinations waa as deep after J. F. Ptromherg. an expert, had flnlehed his testimony in the T. J. Buner Wbole- aele Jewelry company's suit aaalnst the FMeJlty and Casualty company of New Torm. as when be began It. The suit was brought to recover Indemnity for H.ono worth of dtamonde and Jewelry atolen May 21, 1916. Mr. Strom here waa ceiled to testify how safe combinations are made and kept, but said he emild throw no light on the subject. LAD MAY DIE FROM COASTIHGACCIDENT Harry Beitelroan Injured, Perhaps Fatally, When Big- Ooaiter Hits Him While on Bled. LAD BADLY INJURED COASTTNO. WHILE UNKNOWN PERSON ENTERS HOUSE, LEAVES A $5 BILL Mrs. John Poeecn. JWS1 Hartman avenue, waa awakened by the banging of a door In her home and Immediately rot up. Read The Bee Want Ada It pays! J HAD OPERATION IN HOSPITAL J'. 1IAKKT BKITEI.MAN. As the result of being run Into Monday evening on the Parker street hill by a big traveler loaded with yrung people, whose names were not rucertalned, Harry H. Beltelman, 16- car-old Burgess-Nash employe, It In a very dangerous condition at Wise Memorial hospital, and may not re cover. He l.i the only eon of Mr. and Mrs. Oranl Bcitelman, 2428 Decatur street, and waa In the seventh grade at Long school until last fall, when hu secured permission to withdraw from school and go to work. He has two sisters. Harry had been reading a book at home Monday evening, and about 8 o'clock be took bis sled and said he was going to slide down the hill a couple of times before going to bed. The accident, whelch may cost him his life, happened on his first trip down the hill. Caasters leratlfUil. I The party of young coasters, who j traveler Injured Harry, picked him up h - 1 1 . k. . . till .L ' atrt. several of them said h had run Superintendent Schreiber of Wei" Into their traveler while trying to avoid being struck by another on, but one or two of the party aald that their traveler had run Into him. All disappeared with out giving their namea or being Identi fied, and so far afforta to locate them have been In valh. It Is believed by the family and Dr. C. C. Impey, Judging from his Injurfea, that the lad must have been struck with terrfln force by the heavy traveler, and hurled bodily against a tree several feet away. He suffered numeroua eerlouo and painful Internal Injurlea, hla kidneys and Intestine being badly deranaed by the force of the Impact His right arm was also badly hurt. Harry waa taken to the hospital the fol lowing day, when a lara-e clot of blood wee removed from a kidney. The oriels In his condition 1 will be reached Satur day, the doctor says, and until then. It cannot be said wnether or not he has much chance to recover. Blight Improve ment. In hi condition la reported and his mother remains constantly at his bedside. Since the accident there has been strong sentiment In the neighborhood In favor of better supervision of eoeater. tn order to prevent such accident In the future. WILL TRY TO PATCH UP MARITAL WOES fare Board to Take Up Non- support Cases. MAT END IN THE WORKHOUSE Jerry Howard Telia i v Welfare Supo Easy . Way to Employ Men Again Jerry Howard .has been taken for the boas. Jerry's Job Is to wave the crowds to one side as the clay and stone wagons approach the aldewalk to drive Into the site of the new First National bank, where the "Inking of the shafts and building of pillars Is In progress. "Are you connected beret", asked a clean-cut young fellow as he approached Jerry. "Sure, and I am." snapped Jerry. "What Is your position, are you the boeer said the young nan. who waa Superintendent Schreioer of the new Welfare board. Trom the questione put to me ye'd think I waa the information bare a." Jerry shot at him. "I wanted to aak if It were possible that in hiring men you might give pref erence to the Omaha men. Instead of floaters," said Superintendent Schreiber, Kure. local or floaer," retorted How ard. 'If they need a man here they need a good one, and If he's a good. trotig man. he gets the Job, whether he's from Omaha or Kslsmasoo." "1 might as alao that when you need men you call me up at the bureau," ot tlnued the superintendent. "We have a ajood supply of men that want work." Mure, and when we want men, we'll have no need of calling you." replied the reedy wit "for there'll be , enough ' them waltln' here at the gate every morning." Three Are Hurt in Coasting Accident On Florence Hill Mies Minnie Letovsky. Mia Annie Welcher and Wilbur Itced. all of Flor ence, were eeverrly Injured In a coast Inc areldent at Florence Wednesday evening. Mire Lctoveky auffered a fracture of the leg below the knee, Mlas Welcher a broken leg and Reed a broken ankle. The Injured young people were mera bera of a coasting party and the big traveler sled on which they were rldln awerved to one aide end got away from Its pilot while traveling down the hill In front of Tonra arhool houee at a rapid rate. The sled crashed Into a tree, wtth the result that the above three Buffered their Inlurlea. Other mem he re of the party escaped with minor bruiaea. Social Centers Will Open Again in March The board of Education has advlaed the ru.-reatlon board that eoclal center and tx evening actlvltlee In public schools may be resumed In the publlo schools on Marsh I. These actlvltlee were suspended three eerKe ago on account of the ecarlet fever eituailon. During the week of March 1 the evening eewtng end cooking elaseee k1 be started at the South High school There are 1Q young women reslstered for theee claaaes. which ware Juat being formed when the eloatng order was Issued. PARRISH ASKS FLAT RATE EE MADE FOR AUDITORIUM T.. V. ParrUh of the publicity bureau of the Commercial club, haa tmi Inter viewing city coraraUtalonere with a pur pose of securing a flat rate of IjOS for n reeding mutches at the Auditorium. Mr. Parrtoh belivea these matchae are a bustrwss asset to the illy and should House Dresses A new line of House Presses for early spring, made of ging ham and percalr-a. In irray, bine, black and white and pink, strlpea and checks. All site, from S4 to 46. Special Saturday $1.00 New Wath Dresses ' for Children Ginghams, Chambraya, Per cales, In smart new plaids, checks, stripes as well as plain colors; daintily made, attractive ly trimmed and made. Satur day, at JJL to $1 to $le98 HiliEiiv;s;iMiiii TO the clone observer of fashion in this community, the gathering of garments in this store will immediately impress the fact that "authority" and "lowest prices" are not merely an assumption. AMERICAN resourcefulness and adaptability have done wonders to meet the demand for ' fashions that have been so largely supplied by Europe, but the strain has been sudden. Merchandise never was so hard to get. HERE is an indisputable fact that will cause this institution to stand ont stronger than ever this year: Preparedness, constant and concentrated effort of this nnequaled buying organization and the inducement of ready cash have brought to Brandeis Stores and Omaha greater stocks, greater variety, greater advantages in price, than any other store in the land. -The leadership of Brandeis Stores is unchallengeable. New and Smart Hose ".75c Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, all new shades. Silk to the knee with a lisle garter hem; full fashioned, high spliced heels and toea wltn dou Ue soles. Pair Women's Fiber Bilk Hose, In many bright ahadea, alao black. 11 seamless, double heels and toes, wide double carter tops. Special Saturday, pair OUC Women's Silk Boot and Fiber Hose, black and white. Fash ioned and seamleea, spliced heels and toea. 8 pair for $1.00, pair Children's School Hoae, heavy and fine ribbed. Spe- Altai vei t sesa.ej.asaeeee e -ss- - 35c 15c Superintendent Schreiber and At torney Mcdulre of the Welfare board are working on an ordinance which will provide for effective and expe ditious handling of non-support caaea. It la proposed to Invoke this reasure only when moral suasion fulls. The plan will be submitted to the board next Monday evening for approval and then the ordinance will go to the city council for passage. The main purpose of the ordinance will be to give the city authority to I handle these cases through the po lice court and workhouse when ar rests are made. Mr. Schreiber gave this explanation of hie plan: "When complaints are made by wives, charring nonsupport, we propose te call the husbands as well as the wlvet before us and give an Impartial hearing to both sides. As a rule such difficulties are caused by minor misunderstandings or domestic Jnrs which need readjust ment. My experience has been that most oases ean be satisfactorily adjusted out of eourt and It will be our aim to straighten these tanglee without oourt procedure. Xflaa l.latea lltasra, Tn the ease where a hasbend is not amenable to reason and will not do. the right thing after we have heard all of the facta, an arrest will be mado. As a rule the arrest changes the mental atti tude of the husband. After arrest we wilt provide that if the husband shows a dis position to mend his ways he wil be paroled to a responsible person. If, after arrest, the husbehd still maintains a de fiant attitude, he will be sentenced to the workhouse. It la my contention that when these husbands are sentenced te the workhouse provision should bs mads foe allowlna the dependent family a weekly, allowance." anan has complained to the welfare 1 hoard atttblnet the husband of his daugh ter, hla story being that the daughter and 11-year-old child have been thrust upon him for support for two winters wnue the husband lives with bis mother. OMAHA FIRM TO BUILD COAGULATION STATION Houghton A Ansel, Omaha contractors, have been awarded the contract for a new P0.0GA coagulation station at Florence to I be hullt for the Water board. P.RANDRET l rears nil riui. Aa Effective Laxative Purely Vaspetabse Gonsiipaiion, 'Indigestion, nr'rmanasia. an. . Q Oft Q QaNfct flie Early Buragli t Suit v Gies Greatest Satis- . faction to the Wearer To be among the first to wear the new styles is not alone the satisfaction of pride in being first, but in these days of short seasons one really derives the greatest benefit from wearing while the "newness" is new. Itight now we are showing a new lot of spring suits that just came from the design er's hands, which sparkle with touches of artistic tailoring not previously shown and a most attractive feature is the extremely low prices. Irj this group will be found all the new styles in jackets, from the short boxy Eton style, to the semi-fitted flare effects and the Norfolks. Attractive are the self-toned embroideries and braids, strapping and buttons; smart collars and cuffs of contrasting shades of silk. Smart new gabardines, serges and poplins in a great variety of shades, navy, Copen hagen, gray, tan and shepherd plaids, and also black. By all means you should see these suits priced at $1Z.50 9 "2 Urn StS C) Zd 2.50 Final Reductions on Children's Coats It is absolutely necessary to .make room for new spring merchandise, so we make a final cut in price on children's and juniors' coats. They will all be divided into two lots for a sale Saturday. Lot No. 1 Include all the Children's and Juniors' Coata in corduroys, chinchillas, zibelines and broadcloths and many novelty cloths. Values to J Q Q $12.50, special $fVD Lot No. 2 All the Children's and Juniors Coats in chinchillas, kerseys and noveltv cloths. Worth to $8.98. fi nfi Saturday OlVD TETTER ON HANDS FOR WEARS Itching and Burning, Would Scratch a II A a r 1 - J ror noun. Aimosi uisxracieu. Could Scarcely Get Any Rest. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "Dry. reuca places would appear oo my beads emompenlsd T itchlne and burnta;. It was so sorer that I would have es ervau-n and rub my bauds for hours aa a time until 1 waa almas distracted. Bomettmaa tbsy would ererk opra and bleed aod would aet so sore that 1 could Do vae than fur nays. 1 could scarcely get aay res at nlihl. "Al last nnahle to endure H toncer I bad a trtetmeot but found none the aaade a parmanaut cure until I obtained Cutioura Soap and Ointment. I had beta effected wltb tetu for ahout tea ysere aod I had only used one bos of Cutioura Ointment and one eaka of Cutlcura Soap until my hands were rompletaJy heeled.'' ' (SKned) Mrs. Geo. Robertson. Uarrodsburf, led., July 31. 1015. Sample Each Free by Mai! Wltb SI p. Sxla Book oa request. Ad dress post-card "Cwriaara. Dst. T. ea ts." foil throughout the world. Smart Spring Blouses-Extra! Indeed, they inust be if they are to be considered as quite the style for spring. Designers have sur passed all former efforts to produce prize beauties and here are some that are "delightfully different" Extra Quality Crepa de China Dlouseg, in rose, ilagua blue, Nile green, white and flesh; values to $2.50. , $1.75 Dressy Georgette Crepe Blouses, all the new colorings, trimmed with dainty filet and oriental laces; others are daintily embroidered; also hand smocked models. $5.00 to $8.98 Jewelry 5om vmry attractive articles offered Saturday at temptingly low price: Gold Filled La VaJBerea, sol dered link chain, set with real cameos. Worth f 1 Q Q 13.60, at aPiesVO Solid Gold Hat PI as, atone set S on a card, worth $1,00, Efl g special OUC The New Circle Pins, ng S on a card for awOC Jl New Assortment of Real Leather Bags, ailk and leather lined, with fitting. f j (( Special DleUU A very fine lot of Gold Filled La VaJUeres, stone set and aol dered link. Very gn special OUC Detachable Bracelet Watches, 15 Jewel movement, 25-year gold SaSsT?. $10.00 Oenulne Plenumae. pure white, per. f.ct cut. it k. solid e i r f o sold mount ln; about I M carat. Special. . .. r mmr v w New Wreaths,$l arid $1.75 We hare just received twelve doten Wreaths from New York, and the purchase is too. good to hold. They are all imported wTeaths of fruit and flowers, some having . originally sold as high as $7.98 and others down to $2.98. We offer them in two lots, at $land$1.75 Satin Shapes Saturday we offer you a sale of beautiful satin shapes in many different styles, some with straw facings. A splendid and unusual value at $1.00 Melba Faca Powder. Rerular 60c site Palmer's Almond Meal, Saturday, 25c atse Woodbury's Facial Cream, 26c else Madam Isebell'a Faca Powder. 60o alia Ida Uay Faee Vewder; special, 25c else. . . . Melorose Rouge, spe cial. 50c site Pond's Face Powder Regular 60o else 29c 16c 14c 29c ...16c 29 c 39c Drugs, Toilet Articles and Household Needs Espey 's Fragrant t Cream. 2Sc site IOC Lustrlte Nail Pollah, 26c site Packer'a Tar Soap, speclat, the cake Mennen'a Talcum Pow der, can Cream Merldor. Regu lar 60c atxe , 4711 Toilet Water. Sat urday, 75c alze 16c 14c 11c 29c 49 c Possonl'a Face Powder, 60c alee El Parfeeto Veda Rouge, 60c aise Orarea' Tooth Powder. Saturday, 25o else Fletcher's Caatorla. Saturday, 35c size Horllck's Malted Milk. Q special hospital aise. . . sWeO7 33c a..29c 14c 19c 29c Bromo Seltser, special. 60o else Mentholatum. Satur- Qf day. 50c else a&tC Rubber Sheeting, 26 OQ Inches wide, yard aCa C Thennoa Bottles, pint rt r else 70C Wizard Floor Polish, special, 60c Bile Polly Prim Floor OIL $LO0 slxe 29 c 69c Peroxide Soap, 10c cake, special ..........t Lilac Rose Glycerine Soap, 10c cake O&nthroz Shampoo, 60c slse Manicure Scissors, 75c kind Djer-Klss Face Powder, A q special, box OC Doiin'a Brunette Rouge, jq. box OC Shamrock Corn Piaster, 10c rallies 6c ...6c 29c 49c 5c L Violets Large Bunches of Violets. 50 in a bunch, Saturday Resea and Camatlone at Special Prtcee. New Neckwear Wind-Up of the Family Shoe Sale Saturday is the la6t day of a record-breaking sale of shoes. Few sales have interested a larg er number of people seeking to save money, for these are BARGAINS IN SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. In the interests of your pocketbook, tome to the sale Saturday last day. 1,600 pairs of Women's fin est 13.50 and $4.00 Shoes included are women's Bronze Kid Gypey Boots djo OQ in all alxea Je&eO7 WOMEN'S FINE RUBBERS All sizes, strictly first quality, storm cut style. Worth 75c a Q r pair Hand Embroidered Collars, In all the latest styles 75c, $1.25, $1.50 laAeaTaiia aTBeaaaaam sT Ba! 1 Ba BSa aV Bjvraiv viK ea I ail 9 waas- broldered la gold. ?Q Special, each 03C A Largs aaaortment o Laos IVestees, in all atylea and prtoea. B -Dainty Embroidered rn Collar and Cuff Seta.... OUC H 400 pairs of Women 'a Dreaa Pumps and Sllppera. all mads wtth hand turned aolea; worth to $3X0 at $1.25 1.500 pairs ot Men's Fins Dreaa Shoes, worth up to 13.50 a pair; every alia In this I lot wui DS marked ... $2.25 , Lata Shipment of 1,200 Pairs of WOMEN'S FINE SHOES These were to hare been in for the first day of our Family Shoe Bala, but on ac count of delay in freight trains they did not reach us in time. The entire lot la on sale Saturday at HALF PRICE for quick clear ance. . Patent Leather, Doll Leather . and Tan Calf Shoes, button and lacs, all sixes, worth 12.69 a pair, at $1. All Girts" Shoes, dull calf skin and patent Jeather, cloth and kid topa; all sUea in lot; IH to 2; per pair $1.39 All the Boys' Shoes, aU ' Bites, 1 to 1, st pair. 1 1.55 Smaller sizes. Up to natural shaped lasts $L15 AM the Infants' Shoes, alsee up to I; broad toe, band tamed and sewed aolea; worth $100 pair. at 69c J Fresh Sweetmeats X Every imaginable sort of candy freah from our Candy Kitchen pure, wholeeome and deliciout tweet meat. , Special New Hickory Nut But ter Taif r. Regular 60c OQ grade, Saturday, pound. OaC Delicious Opera Fruit Roll, rolled in nuta. Special, nr. pound aCiOC Special Cream Peanut Squares, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Pound IOC Full Cream Angel Food Taffy, all flavors. Special Sat- m mm urday, pound IOC Fresh Maple Confeo- Q tlona, pound aCUC Our Luscious Pompeian Cho colate Bitter Sweets and Swiss Style Milk Chocclates, Fruit and I nut Cfn.tra Prv.inrt a v I bos : zyc Black Walnut Taffy. ' Ve cutout !.