TJIB HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEUKUAKY 10, 1010. J CHARGE COMBINE AIDED REVOLUTION Lery Jiayer Allejci Hanreiter Com pany Adranced Money for Aral for TncaUn Insurgent. AIMED AT SISAL MONOPOLY . WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. CbarRPd Irat the International Urventer company bad furnished money for arms and ammunition (or tbe Ortoi Argumedo revolution atcalnnt the C'arranza goTernment In Yucatan, Mex., were made today by Levy Mayer cf Chicago, In the senate agriculture committee's Investigation into an al leged monopoly for control of the ainal market Walter L. Flaher, former secretary of the Interior, counnol for the Harvester company, displayed to the commute a bundl of till!, part of l.SOO.uuo pesoa leaned by the Yucatan communion, formed for controlling the sisal crop. II was undertaking to explain that the bills had come Into the possession of the Harvester -company from a draft for Itao.Ono gold issued. To Tnccllno Monies, a sisal purchaser, .mho tha Yucatan planters assert represented solely the Harvester company, when he was In ter rupted by Mayer, who declared they cava tha draft to raise money for stirring up a revolution. "That s Just talk." retorted Mr. Fisher. "W will be sble to show and Introduce Into tha records tha Invoices and bills showing that at least part of the money want to an arms purchasing company of New York to buy rifles and ammu nition," replied Mayer. Mr. Fisher asserted tha money from tha draft was given tha Yucatan govern ment In exchange for the commission's money In order to have currency to pay the sisal planters. Tbe Ortea-Arslraedo government had control of Yucatan for a short time In 115, and was overcome by the Carranta army, Deale Boeatlasr Price, 'Testimony given by H. 1 Daniels, manager of tha fibre department of the International Harvester company. In tha government's anti-trust suit wss read to show that the International company, la im, after having bought 220.000 bales of alaal at 4 to 4Vk cents a pound, put tha price up to Vi centa to prevent tha Plymouth. Cordage company, which It then was fighting, from making a profit that year. Mr. Fisher declared the Harvester com pany. In spite (of purchasing Ha alsal at a low figure, had not taken advantage of the Increase In price to raise Its price of twine to the dealer, Its profits that year being an average of only 2 per cent the lowest of any year'a twine busi ness. Dr. Victor Rendon, a planter and banker from Tucatan. Mexico, gave, testimony intended to show that Arthur Pierce, ' British consul general and Avellno Montea. sol alsal buyers in Yucatan, had combined to control the market and set an arbitrary low price. SCANDAL ALLEGED . A ; in aerial service (Coutluued from Page One.) aviation section near Ban Diego. He said: "It U t good thing for the aviation section for you to put en your company manners end show off when members of congress turn up. You can giv them rides, get them Interested as much as you can, but positively decline to give thslt wives, sweethearts or others Joy rides in the air. stating that you did his once and the War department howled for your head, which, although not a fact, will sound terrifying to tha applicant.' "The captain pursued the above Instruc tions to the letter. In a letter of Sep tember 10. 1914, to Csptaln Clark. Cap tain Cowan wrote: " "It will be undertod that you will not be required to fly In time of peace. . although nothing need b aald abeut this n the official communication.' aaseete Pals Roll. "A conclusive evidence that Colonel ', Rabr prompted Captain Cowan to make : false reports concerning the true con dition of the service I quote from his letter ef February IS. XllS. as follows: " "He (General Scrtven) wttl probably ask you for tbe personnel of the first aero squadron and I suggwat that you ' have prepared list showing the offi cers who. shall X say theoretically, be long te the same. If you find It neces sary to full up by putting In the names ef the. aviation students, put them In and give him the list' "In hla letter of May 1. lstt," aald Senator Robin on. "Colonel Heber cun ningly suggeaU to Captain Cowan to make a false report. Informing him that the answer which he had made previously to certain inquiries was not tha correct one at all and that he would find the answer In Colonel Reber'a endorsement on a letter of General Murray, copy of whtoh was enclosed. He also said: " 'Sit tight and any nothing to nobody until the Inspector turns up and then answer his questions along the line In dicated In my endorsement.' " , Farwratteaa ta Allege. Senator Robinson said he had photo graphic copies of letters passing between Colonel Keber and Captain Cowan, show ing favoritism to certain aviation offi cers and a purpose to demote others. Senator Robinson reiterated his belief that the defectiveness of the aviation service could be established beyond a doubt, angl added: "I ballev It can easily be demonstrated that there la no sincere effort upon the part of Colonel Kober te Improve the service; that the aviation lo the Vnited States army is contemptibly Inefficient and Us true condition dellberatly with held from thoae high in authority In the War department and that misrepresents lions aa to the progress being mad by the aviators are deUberatly and repeat edly made to the department. All of these drcumstanoea. ' in mv Judgment, make Imperative a congressional invesllcatlon. If tha eoramlttee decides to make the In et!gatlon I will take the liberty or furnishing the evident e to estalvilsti fur ther the statements now made." After etanator Koblnaon had- submitted his evldt-ocj, several senator declared tha resolution should b pasaad and ln qulriea were made as to how 'long ft would take a committee to go to San Tiego to make an Investigation. file tsrts la e 14 tfare. lrufi.-1t refund money if laio Oint ment fulls to cure Itching. Blind, Bleed ing r Protruding Hie. First applica tion gives relief. Advertisement, i KAISER'S YOUNGEST SON IS TO WED NEXT MONTH The kaiser has announced the Wedding date of Prince Joachim as March 11, at Potsdam. The brido will be Princess Marie IV Justine, daughter of Prince Edward of Anhalt. CM LAW OF SEA TWO . CENTURIES OLD, SAYSMR. LODGE (Continued from Pace One.) concern at the recent German naval order to sink sll armed allied merchant ships. He said the Issue brought the United States to Its "gravest International crisis." "Instead of yielding to the claims of the German admiralty," ho said, "their very mention should meet with vigorous pro test. Instead of denying this old right of the seas, we should new, of all times, vie with this or any other nation In seeking to uphold It. H is pcsslhle some danger will be incurred, but I do not much fear dangers will be Increased beyond what they are at present. But I do know that, let horror occur In which American lives are Involved, and this administration and the world will know that there Is a real America, not supine, apathetic and hesl tatlng. but St rone, militant, if need be. and ready to respond to those noble Im pulses of liberty 1 and humanity which have been our heritage from the begin ning. Ne.w Problem for Diplomats. "For peace commissioners, for Interna tional Jurists, there will be a new prob lem, and that will bo to limit the de structive operations of the ,submsrlne to ar craft, and to prohibit forever the de struction of commerce and passenger car rying vessels by means and at risks that shock humanity and shame our civiliza tion." Discussing the right of Great' Britain to arm its merchant fleet for defense pur poses. Senator rHerllng said: KIMBALL GIVEN VERDICT FOR ARCHITECTS FEES HASTINOH. Neb.. Feb. 11.-Kpeclal Tela-ram.-Thmn rt Klmhall of Omaha was given a verdict for pJ.7Ht.50 against W. H. Lannlng, wealthy philan thropist. In the district court today on a contract calling for the preparation of plans for a hospital building and super vising conet ruction work. Mr. Lannlng alleged that he contracted with Kimball In the understanding that the building whleh he projected aa a memorial to his daughter, the late Mary Lnnlng. would not cost more than 170,000, but the lowest bid was more than H 00. 000. Mr. Lannlng then hired another archi tect and the building was finished a year ago. A deduction of tM for traveling ex pense was the only deduction made by the Jury from the claim as presented by the Omaha architect. Yaaag-Wltaer. Frank W. Young and Mlsa Luella Wit tier, both of Crelghton. Neb., were mar. rled at the Tearl Memorial Methodist church on Wednesday evening at o'clock. Rev. Earl E. Bowers, tholr former pastor, officiated. Saturday Drug Bargains at Beaton's THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 60c Smart's Dyspepsia Tablets. for . .20? 2 So Beat on 'a Cold Tablets. . 10 Joe Carter'e Liver Pills. ... 7 25c Beecham'a rills 1G" 25c Mentholatum 14 60c Pebeco Tooth Paste. .. .3-4 26c Packer s Tar Soap 15 60c Belt's Podolax iiOe IS. 75 llorllca'a Malted Mim 82.74 60c Poitord'a Powder iJOt 60c . Casavera Oreaseleaa Cream, for 25c Colgate Tooth Powder. 15 11.00 Madam Yale'a Hair Tomu, for 51), tt.00 Meiitol Depilatory. .. .fj 50c Herplclde Bea Weed Cream, '0Ar 20t 60c Kargol Ult 2 St KKgot J7. Ii.oo a. 8. s foji 25c Bucklln's Arnica, Salve. . 14 60c Samuel's 8-P Capsules. .27t 10c Lust rite Emory- Hoards... 5- $1.00 Woodbury'a Hair Tonle SO, 60c Charles Flesh Food 20 60c Pom pel an Massage Cream of) 2f.e K. Z. Tooth Filler 12 DEATOIJ DRUG CO., tm ERZERUM TAKEN AT POINT OFJAYONET Charge of Caucasian Troops Said to Be Moit Brilliant Feat of the War. TURKS TAKEN BY SUBPEISE ! PKTROGRAD, Feb. 18. (Via I London.) The fall of Erzerum, the rt'ost Important Turkish stronghold iu Asia Mlaor, and for a long; time considered Impregnable, offera the t'nprecedented spectacle of a flrat c'lieg fortress built on a steep moun tain ridge a mile above aea level yielding to baronet attack after only thirty houra' bombardment. The operations were conducted tin ker the most severe weather condi tions, the snow being deep and the thermometer registering at times 'more than 30 degrees below zero, Fahrenheit. Tarka Taken by Sarprlse. ' I The Turkish army defending Errerum, taken by surprise under the methods adopted by the Itusslane, la now said to be In dlsoredrly flight on the roads lead ing to fllvae. As the garrison apparently raftered In all directions. It Is assumed here that large numbers of men were taken prisoners, although official figures are still lacking. After the taking of Niksala ft appeared that the Russian attack would be directed upon the Turkish right flank and by rapidly transferring troops the Turks made all plans to resist the main assault from this qusrter. Apparently they had little fear of the success of this attack be cause of the strong character of the forti fications In thai direction and even less apprehension of danger from a frontal attack. Meat Brilliant Feat of War. Nevertheless, after the Russians took by storm tho first line foits on February 3 there began a persistent bombardment of the Turkish center, followed by a bayonet charge, the Impetuosity of which swept the defenders off their feet. The highest tribute Is paid to the bravery of the Caucasian troops, whose charge. Is considered likely to go down In history aa one of the moet brilliant feats cf the war. It Is recognised here that the success of the assault was due almost entirely to the bayonet work of these troops, since the artillery preparation was Insuffctent In intensity snd durstinn, according to military experts, to reduce even a strong field position. The wiping out of this Turkish base tends to disrupt the whole Caucasus cam paign of the Turks, as It not only served aa a baae of the operations In the Cau casus, but also of those In Mesopotamia. Its fall leaves no strongly fortified point between Erierum and Blvas. shout l?,n miles to the west, and brings more to the front consideration of an eventual attack upon Constantinople from the east. Attempt at Reeaptare Kspected. An attempt to retake EYierum Is an ticipated, but there are enormous diffi culties attending the bringing up of Tur kish reinforcements, aa It Is assumed that Turkish forces In Mesopotamia cannot be Spared. The alternative for the u Turks teems to be to draw upon those at Con stantinople, f rem which all possible routes towards nrserum are long and arduous. The moat practicable la by railway, to Urfa, whence it would be necessary to march overland more than MO miles. The Black Pea route to Treblsond has become Impracticable because of the Russian domination of the Black tea littoral. ' Hives Is regarded' ks the next proba'.ilo objective of the Russian armjea. The capture of Erserum has' had the effect of making more secure the Russian posi tions along the Black Pea. Heart Failure Takes Cambridge Doctor CAMBRIDGE. Neb., Feb. IS. t Special Telegram.) Dr. 8. A. Aiken, a well known and well-to-do doctor o fthls section, fell over the steering wheel of his automobllo dead of heart failure this evening. He was making a call south of town and had his two daughters with him. - Tho car rant Into a ditch and the engine stopped, but luckily did not topple over. Until the fatal moment came he had apparently been In the best of health. Rebtaava Completes Filing. LINCOLN. Feb. . (Ppectal.W. W. Roblnaon of Bloomlngton has filed for the democ ratio nomination for the stale senate from the Twentieth district, com posed of the counties of Nuckols, Wen ster and Franklin, represented In tbe Is session by W. L. Weesner of Red Cloud, a democrat. Dsss aella 1-lrk. NEW YORK. Feb. 17. Manager Jack rhinn of the Baltimore. Internationals, announced the sale of Charles lick, third baseman, to tha Philadelphia Amer icans. 25c 4711 Rhine Violet Talcum Powder 12 25o Meunen'a Talcum 12a4 00c Zlora, Antiseptic Astrin gent, used as a gargle, recom mended by Physicians ' and Denttsta for removing all niti dis from the throat that would cause Infection of Scarlet Fever, etc 3f Crude Carbolic Acid, pr pt. 40c Chloride of Lime. Vi lb.. 5; 4 lb.. 100. nd 1 lb 15t 60c DeMara Dlainfectorlne, pint bottlee 25g 60c Formaruint Tablets 30c 25c Woodbury'a Facial Boap, l(e 25c William's Holder Top Shaving Sticks KJt 10c Wllllara'a Cup Sharing Boap, for 5 10c Colgate's Cup Shaving Soap. tor 5 25c Harflna Rbap IOC 20c Pears' Unscented Glycerine Soap Ha loo Colgate' Natural Roes or Violet Poap, 4 fur g5e JOo Colgate's HI Hath Hoap. doa. .Oe 1 doa. s-grain Aspirin Tablets, in o r- inal sealed boxes ,.,.ato Sic Casturla ai 151h snd Firn:n Sb. HINDU TROOPS IN EGYPTJN REYOLT Cologne Paper Sayi They Have Been Sent from Sue So They Will Not Hare to Fight Moslems. ONE REGIMENT KILLS OFFICERS BERLIN, Feb. 18. (By Wireless t- Sayvllle.) The Cologne Vol Lea Zeltung says that Major General Sir John Maxwell, commander of the British forces in Egypt, baa ordered the withdrawal of Mohammedan troops from the Sues canal and their transportation to another war thea ter where they will not fight against other Mohammedans. It la aald there hare been frequent desertions among these troops. A mutiny -of Hindu troops In Egypt is reported by the Cologne Volksseltung aa nuoted by the Overseas Newt agency. It is said an entire regiment mutinied killing twelve officers. Including a major and that other Hindu troops went over to the mutineers. After a battle of two hours. It Is said, the mutinous troops were routed. The News agency's "state ment follows: "The Cologne Volksteltung publishes a report received from reliable sources In Cairo that strong opposition has devel oped among the Hindu troops to the British. A captain of the Australlnn troops named Brown on January 10, shot two Mohammedan servants, who had made a mistake, the Gazette aays. Two Hindus who witnessed the incident killed the captain with a bayonet. "The whole regiment then mutinied. A majority of the officers saved them selves by flight, but twelve of them, in cluding the commander of the regiment, and a major were klled. "Other Hindu troops were sent to suppress the uprising but refused to fire on the mutineers, to whom part of them went over. After two houra of fighting with Australian regiments, part of the mutineers fled Into the desert. The others were killed or wounded. "There have been other cases of mu tiny, but the British have prevented publication of the details." HYMENEAL Sellere-Boyd. FA LIS CITY, Neb., Feb. l.-(8peclal -Mlss Nettle Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyd of near Salem, and Paul Sellers, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hellers of Falls City, were married In Kansas City on Wednesday at the Pentecost church. They were accompanied to Kan sas City by the parents of the groom. The newly wedded couple will return home on Friday for a few days' stay bo fore going on to Callaway, Neb., where they will make their home on a ranch. Oats-t'onstaa t Ine. FALLS CITY, Neb.. Feb. i.-Speclal.) Miss Frelda Constantino and Henry Gats were married Wednesday at 7 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meln ser, sister of the brio's. Rev. M. 1 Plats, pastor of the Evangelical church, offi ciated. A wedding dinner followed con gratulations, after which tho newly weda left for their new home on the Oats farm three miles northeaat of Falls City. . WlMmsns-Aasto. rtCLO. Nb.. Feb. ll-(Spcclal.)-Mlss Mary Panto and Bernard Wlsamann were married at the Catholic church here on Wednesday morning. A wedding feast followed at tho home of the bride. The couple went to housekeeping on the Eanto farm near Rulo. Medicines, Like Men Kara Character Appearance, Quality. Merit, Baeults. The flrwt favorable impression made by Hood's Sarsaparllla is confirmed by con tinued use. It Is a harmonious combina tion of compatible Ingredient.' perfect pharmaceutical that la. It Is the finest product of most skilful pharmacy. And In therapeutic value or power to cure It la ono of the best medicines America has ever produced. On the practical ride, which, of course. Is the most important to you. Hood s Sarsnparllla for forty years has been demonstrating Ita curative Bower In re- ! Kevin complaints arln'ng from Impure iuw iwa ui ni-aivn, pour aifesiion. Inactive kldneya and liver. For your humors, or for rheumatism. weak stomach, loss of appetite, that tired feeling take Hood's Sarsaparllla. It will Uo you good. Advertisement. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. a Neuralgia ? "First Aid at Home."' M C Neuralgia Pain Is most sonl S aioj yet yoa can stop it instantly S 7 PP''"4 Slosa s Liniment. C Think of Sloan's Liniment whea- .... ... h.. . l ... Vir.,1 It is a fin Pain Killer. No need to rub it in on just lay it on ao4 the pain way at once. Sloan's Liniment KILLS PAIN 'Kcp a bottle in your home. Pric tsc too. I1.B 1 Own your own home. You can purchase one on easy monthly payments like rent. Read the real es tate column. I The Store For Shirtwaists New Spring Blouses for Saturday's selling have just been unpacked. Second Floor. Good Hosiery News A Special: ChlMrcn's fine ribbed black cot Inn hoso, .poclal for Saturrlny only 18c, 3 Pairs for 50c. Women's Silk Llale Hose with cotton Hole and garter tops 35c, 3 Pairs for $1.00. Silk Ho fancy and plain shade to match ahoes or costumes; also in black, white and na tnral $1.00 a Pair. DOWN A Few Steps to Lower Prices the 95c Waist Section Basement Balcony. New wash waists shown for the first time Saturday, dainty styles, all sizes, 95c. New Middy Blouses, 50c and 95c. House Dress Section Basement. Attractive wash drensea for house wear during the Spring aeanon. From $1.00 to $3.50 $1 Gloves, 69c Trefousse Duplex Fabric Gloves, white only, all sizes Regular $1 Quality Saturday, 69c New Spring Models of Redfern Corsets Are Now Here Two in One One pair of Boy's shoes that arc tho equal of two pairs of the ordinary kind. That is what you get when you buy a pair of TEEL HOD HOES They are better made of better material. Thous ands of satisfied parents testify to the extra quality of these little shoes. The best shoo value ever of fered. Boys' 1 to 5V2 $2.50 Little Gents 9 to 13y2 $2.25 Parcel Post Paid. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street. - il f fmniniBfcjgBSae; I j i 4 ARTISTS That's th Size of Our Staff UCTTERIIEAD DKSIGMNQ aMa'aatarea u4 CrawlarB ef all deeorlptlone. ha toncUif ktl offrapha, rebulldtaa plotarM, aa4 all klaaa of art work. KXOHAV1XUS. ELECTKOTYPK8 nd HTKKEOTYPE9 At Tow Seirlee. Bee EngraTing Dept. Vhoae Tyler lOOO ee Oi .IITflFV TAXI W Baa I WFR 9fl l5 im a TII0flP50N-BElDEN6CO, The Fashion Cenier of Ko Middle WesK Esb Wished I886l' New Dresses for Spring Wear Attractive to the eye Pleasingly Moderate in Price The Dress Section is unusually popular this season and deservedly so Here you will find a comprehensive offering of the newest dress styles for the Spring season, at prices you ordinarily asso ciate with apparel of lower quality and inferior character. Spring Suits, Coats and Skirts are now ready for your inspection. Display of Exquisite Spring Hats Showing early importations of Copies of French Models Embodying the latest ideas from Paris; also Original Models of our own designing at very moderate prices. A choice selection of Smart Tailored Hats $6.75, $7.50 $8.75 and $10: Millinery Section 2d Floor. AMI SEMEXTS. She Trusted Him Was Her Faith Justified? LOVE HONOR FRIENDS All were nvrept away by his ruthless paselon. Vhat good tho bitter tears they cannot wipe out sin. t Was his punishment Justi fied? You cannot Judge until you see CarlyleBlackvvcll in HE DOYD THEATER TOV.YV, SUNDAY', MONDAY'. New Price All the Time. Ilnlrony 5k, Lower Floor 10 No Higher. e Oontinuona 1 to 11 P. M. 0RPHEUM Road Show Directloa KABTZV BXCZ. I .AST TWO TIMES Matin Today, 205 Early Curtain tonight, 8:15 Vest Week a. BUI aa Batertafiila aa tbe Orpbeuxa Boad Iuw, with remay Brtoeaaa Qulrof a, -OKHal Trm eXBTXB. IflSTTIMF Mif TflflAV "iiy i ROUftDeRS" START. TftMITC at I nil a wimii fc. 8.30 Aad ComtlBUlna lac Best Bat, Mat., BBBaMAuto GirU".?- Iaiea' Dime Week -Bays. RRAHDEIS4 daysb TBI1TU Btatlaee Wee fflaBlma BO Wedaeeear A. K. WOODS Freaenta FOTASII &FERLMUTTER Tke World-Wida lnfkta Beasatloa. Hat.. 80c te Sll Era- SAo te SI .50. We watch the style cen ters so closely that each new style note is shown here only two or three days after it makes its ap pearance on Fifth avenue. A very popular group are the t O ft dresses at ? Other models from $16.50 to $85. AJIHEMESTS. ERROR Throufh a Mistake Our Alver. tiaement Stated tha LEO M. FRANK notores would be sbowa at the GARDEN THEATER Feb. 88th and 88th. It should hava beea Today and Tomorrow The 18th and 19th EMPRESS oZr CONTINUOUS VAUDrviLLK AND FOTO PLAYS UNDINE Five Weal Sametlan 1 0r ADMISSION f fig, Raamd Seats 10c Extra UG Today, Last Appearance KATKEBXBB BAEXiBXD, In "THE WINGED IDOL" Keystone Comedy HIP P Today JOHN BARRYMORE NEARLY A KINO. Today Ff E YV f Tonlte 2:30 ..KUW 8:20 Borth Bros.' Stock Co. la "TSMPSBT ABD BUBBJUBB. Turpin's School of Dancing Tweoty-elKhth A Farnam. Its Classes. Mat your name noe. Private logons aay Urn SLABBET 6143. ff " Where the Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FAItXAM THEATER CAMERAPHOXE GEM LOYAL PASTIME LYRIC MAGIO HANSCOM IVY PALACE DIAMOND IU'KT ALMO OMAHA BENSON I'MIIIKXCK