Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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H "tou4i for Bportln Qooas."
panltor's SuppUse, Jan. Morton Son Co.
LlfbtlBf TUtar Uur-QrniSn.
Have Boot Print It Now Becon Prose.
Dr. BtokM removed to Tt Brand. Tba.
At Tiro Chain, Ju. Morton Son Co.
To borrow mou; on real estate, aeo J.
li. Duniont & Co.. Kotllne Bldg.
Hold Huiwiit The forty-fourth
annual mhnquoruct of the Hajilah J
o.lation will be held Saturday evening
it Washington hall.
"Today's Mono wrotrmm" classify
aectlon today. It appara In Tho I'M
EXCLUSIVELY. Flow oil what tho a
rloua moving picture theaters offer
. nfflrer
inoT. wui o .ouw i " i
1-tlloy Wade, who has been a patient.
at tho Lister hoapltal aa tho resuu 01
a broken leg. will be removed to his
homo at 1232 South Eleventh avenue.
Agroea to XLU Pot Sam Coclatto. 1"
Urara street, waa brought beforo Ju.lge
Ko.ter on a charge of keeping a vicious
dog. tho animal having bitten a little
plrl several days ago. Sam agreed that
the dog be killed and waa discharge!.
Trumbol Improving Oeorg. Trumbel.
who waa discovered In an unconscious
rendition at Tenth and Douglas streets
early Wednesday morning, is showing
signs of regaining consciousncw. .
to those attending him at . joih
Omaha Mas to apeak Richard U Met
calfe of Omaha has received and ac
cepted an invitation from tho Uualnesa
Men s league of Denver. Colo., to speak
on tho subject of "Preparedness" at a
mass meeting In tho mllo-high city Feb
ruary 22.
In tlio Dlvoroo Oonrt Mrs. Florence
K. Musselman haa been granted a di
vorce from Asa II. on grounda of non
support. Mrs. Laura Isbell haa divorced
Maurice T. on account of cruelty. Mrs.
Stella Cory Hultsch Is suing Harry R.
on grounds of cruelty.
Thomas Sle Disciplined Thomaa Rio.
ZO, South Nineteenth street, was sen
tenced to fifteen days In tno workhouse
for non-support of his wife and four
children. Ho will bo releasod at tho end
of this period, and If ho does not secure
employment within a week, will bo sent
back to Jail for ninety days.
Basks! Itora Wo. 36 Opon S3 on. Jar
pure fruit preserves, 20c; corn flakes, lie
pkf. Be; Pyramid washing powder, pkg.
4c. S for 10c; shelled or cracked corn, per
loo lba.. U.40; strictly fresh eggs. do..
I5c; select storage. 23ci no finer beef In
Omaha than tho poi rov .
get at tho BasKel eiaren.
Man Who Held It Under a Leae
Now Said to Be Trying to
Keep Possession.
Again claimants of the famous
"Clark farm," an expanse of 400 or
more acres of beautiful scenic prop
erty, have become engaged In a
v rangle with alleged "squatters" or
trespassers. This time J. R. Wil
liams, barber, of Bellevue, has been
arrested, rbarged with trespassing
on the land without permission of
the owner. "Williams told South Side
police that he had been instructed to
live on the land by William Swiner,
also of Bellevue, who says he Is the
true proprietor of the property.
According to the story given local polios
by Solon Ik Wiley, who says ho haa a full
claim to the property as Joint owner with
W. R. Patrick. South fide attorney. Ma
lease to Swiner. who formerly lived on
the land, had expired by mutual agree
ment two weeks ago. Tho lease waa writ
ten to expire March I. So when Williams
appeared on tho land Thursday evening
In company with Bwlner's son ready to
take possession of the house ha waa ar
rested fifteen minutes after his arrival by
Constable It. P. Larsen of Barpy county.
Williams Is being held at tho South Bide
station and his employer, Swiner. haa en
gaged an attorney to secure his liberation.
The latter alleged that ho has a complete
right to live on the property until March
and probably afterward.
Smoked Eel and lisn
Of All Kind Are on
The Local Market
Bait, smoked and dried flab, are found
In groat variety on tho Omaha, market
and provide a most nutritious aa well aa
an economical diet.
Here are fine mackerel, both the kind
that growa in tho Icy water around the
Norway coast and tho cousin rnacierel.
that Is caught by our own Now England
fishermen. .
Salt herring are also hero from Nor
way, though tho price haa almost eou
ki. inoa the war started.
Salted "lake" flan, formerly known aa
......... .ri.t. ara on the market. Finnan
haddlea, from 8coteh waters, are still In
good supply in sptto or mo
ulmnn are especially line.
If nothing but Holland herring will
. rat. it by paying
sausry - ----- . .
about two and a half times aa much for
.... vn am a year ago. vu.
i . j -
You can even get smoked oei In the local market
fixes Itself upen eotne solid object, pre-fe-lyrlHt
of the little oysters
are swallowed up and smothered by
drifting aand and mu. but a few survive
out of the minions that are born from
the eggs of a single female. When the
w..t. first become attached in
lliwo j ..
olonles to the bottom incy "
Vf wt,.n ther aet large enough to
bo transported to other place where they
mar finish their growth, they are called
seed oysters." There la a good deal to bo
learned about an oyster besides the way
to eat It
Three Big Nights
of Entertainment
for Market Week
The throe big nlghta of entertainment
for Merchants" Market week have been
definitely agreed upon. Tho Mercnams
Market week committee met and went
over details at noon.'
Merchants' Market week la the week
beginning February 28. when merchants
will be In the city from all over Ne
braska and a doxen neighboring etatoe
to lay In Stocka of goods for the spring
and summer trade.
The three big nights are February .
March 1 and March 1 The evening of
Kebruary 29 there is to be a theater parly
Ht the Orpheum. when the local Jobbers
Hie to treet the visiting merchants to
The night of Msrch I the visitors ars
to gather at the Commercial club rooms.
rT B nne of surprise entertainment
Is to be provided and where a fine line
of prizea are to bo distributed to the
The night of March 2 there is to be
a big dinner and dance at the Fontenelle
hotel given by the wholesalers strictly
for the visiting merchants.
Pappio "Bridge at
Ralston is Swept
' Away by Flood
The bridge' over tho Tapplo creek be
tween Omaha and Ralston was swept
away Thursday evening at 7 o'clock un
der the pressure of the tremendous cur
rent that resulted from melted snow
waters. Car traffic between Omaha,
Kalston and PaplIUon was tied up for 1
several hours before a connection was
made by the usa of four cars. People
were compelled to walk across the tor
rent on a small wooden bridge, tempor
arily constructed. On tho other side they
boarded cars for Ralston or PspllHon.
The University of Wyoming Is invading
the western portion of Nebraska and Is
co-operating with the United States In
terior department In an effort to give the
flock masters some expert Information rel
ative to carrying on the sheep Industry.
A special demonstration car Is working
out over the Burlington and Northwest
ern, carrying a party or University or
Wyoming students and professors and
government represent tlves. Their cam
paign will continue during tho balance of
this month and the first week In March.
Stops are made at stations tn the sheep
raising sections of western Nebraska and
Wyoming, where leotures are given on
sheep feeding, treatment of diseases to
which sheep are subject and the handling
of wool In getting It ready for sale.
A maaked ball will be given by the
Tel Jed Sokol society In Tel Jed Sokot
hall Saturday evening. All the money
realised will be given to the Bohemian
fund for relief of the sufferers In the
European war. Poor this reason no
prises will be given this year. How
ever, tho best six couples will receive
Child's Tongue
Becomes Coated
If Constipated
If cross, bilious, sick, feverish,
and full of cold,
take no chances.
"California Syrup of Figs"
can't harm tender stom
ach, liver, bowels.
Children love this "fruit laxative," and
nothing else cleanses the tender stomach,
liver and bowela so nicely.
A child simply will not stop playing to
empty the bowels, and the result is, they
become tightly clogged with waste, liver
geta sluggish, stomach sours, then your
tittle one becomes cross, half-sick, fever
ish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally,
breath Is bad, system full of cold, haa
soro thoat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea,
listen, Motherl Bee If tongue Is coated,
then give a teaapoonful of "California
Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all
the constipated waste, sour bile and un
digested food passes out of the system
and you have a well, playful child again.
Millions of mothers give "California
Syrup of Figs" because tt Is perfectly
harmless; children love it, and It never
falls tt acf. on the stomach, liver and
Ask yocr rieupglst for a 80-eent bottle
of "California, Syrup of Figs,' which haa
full directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly printed
on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits
sold here. Get the genuine, made by tho
California Fig Syrup Company. Refuse
any other kind with contempt. AdYer-
lit Is To Your
I Interest to Order
Suit brought by Mrs. Rose Lcvlne,
v idow of th late Isidore Lavlne. who was
killed In 1M1 by a police automobile driven
I'V Roy Fuiatenburg. has gone to trial in
l'intrict Judge Relick's court. Fursten-
U-rg, after conviction on a raanslaugler I
As good as the best, but
costs you less than most
high-grade beers.
Save coupons and get
Thone Douglas 1889
and have a case sent home.
Luxus Mercantile Co.
Friday, Feb.. 13, 1916.-
-Burgess-Nash Store News For Eaturday.-
-Phone D. 137.
Exquisite Collection of New SILK Blouses
'Way Under Usual Price
Burgess-Nash Install Circulating
LIBRARY On the Fourth Floor
IN KEEPING with our policy "The greatest service to the great
est number" we hai'e installed for the convenience and benefit
of the public at large. In connection with our Hook Section, which
has been transferred to the Fourth Floor, a splendidly equipped
CircMlatiMg LUbrairy
All books worth reading will be added to the library as soon as
issued, including fiction, standard works and Juvenile reading.
It costs you nothing to become a member of the library and you are
invited to Join Saturday.
Cricket Room 4 to 5 P. M.
Program by.
Miss Elaine Dale, Soprano
Miss Ruth Gordon, Contralto
Burgess-Nash cordially Invite you to this first of n series of after
noon Teas to be given in the Cricket Room (Main Floor, rear) Satur
days during February.
With a dainty luncheon to refresh you, the best vocallBts In the city to
entertain you, and congenial friends to chat with surely a delightful
hour is assured.
Bnrgasa-Wash Oov Cricket Boom, Main Tloor.
Special Saturday Evening
Cricket Room, 5:30 to 8:30
Cream of Tomato Soup
Green Olives
Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing
June Peas
Hot Tea Biscuits
Waldorf Salad .
Neapolitan lee Cream
Caramel Layer Cake
Tea Coffee Milk Chocolate
We are distributors of the fa
mous Martha Washington "Old
Time Home Made" candles.
Mullane's Cincinnati candles,
"The candy made with a loving
Johnson's Milwaukee Choco
lates. La Zeus Chocolates, etc.
Special Saturday
Cocoanut Bon Bons, lb., liiW.
Chocolate Marshmallows, strict
ly fresh, lb., 85c.
Barg-iraah Co. Crlcist Koom.
Chic" New Spring HATS
Only One of a Kind, $5.00
THEY represent the showroom samples from a high class
trimmed hat maker of Chicago. A hat to match any
dress or suit.
A charming selection of clever new hats, representing all the new
est and smartest styles of the moment.
There are hats for young misses and women. Hats for street, and
tailored hats.
The new colors.
The new shapes.
The new trimmings.
Every hat la an exoeptlonal value. This is a very special offer, so
we recommend an early selection.
' Xnrrese-Jreah Oe. souad Tloor.
BAGS Are Rare Values at $1.00
THE SELECTION Is extremely varied full plaited canteen, Trench
and round shaped bags, some with covered frames, others white
metal, all silk lined with purse and mirror, some with Inside frame
purse. Many have fancy linings; handle are made of same leather aa
The strap purses are the popular Toklo leather, real pin seal and
morocco, silk lined.
Bore-ese-lTasa Oo. Main Tloor.
You Will Want Several Pairs of
These Women's SILK HOSE at 85c
THEY'RE remarkable values strictly perfect Quality. Pure thread
silk. In black, white and colors, full fashioned -and with double
garter tops.
.Women's Black Silk lisle Hose, 35c
Full fashioned, regular made foot, double garter tops, usual 60c
. values.
Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hose, 15c
Tan shade fiber silk boot hose, with double tops and full seamless.
Children's Mercerized Hose at 16c
Fine ribbed mercerised spainless hose, black or white.
Bsjvaes-irash Oo Kala moor.
Women's White Venetian SILK
Union Suits, Usually $3.50 for $2.25
A N EXCEPTIONALLY good Quality white Venetian silk, low neck,
a- knee length, all reinforcements, crocheted tops.
Women's Cotton Union Suits, 49c
Made Dutch neck style, with elbow sleeves and knoe length,
medium weight.
Women's Fleece Lined Union Suits, 59c
High neck, long sleeves, white cotton, usual 75c values.
Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests, 10c
Made low neck and sleeveless, white cotton, svvlss ribbed.
Bnrg s-trash Qo. Main noor.
Final Mark -Down Saturday
on Women's BootsSecond Floor
WH consider ourselves fortunate indeed in
securing this splendid group of new
Mouses esjMH-inlly at a figure that nllovs of
such a liberal underprioing.
The offering includes:
Striped Tub Gilks
Crepo Da Chenes
Lace Effects
Heavy Jap Silks
There are n score or more charming new
models from which to nmke selection, lllousea
Unit will match your new Spring suit nud we
consider them extreme values, every one.
You will want several of these waists when
you see them They arc so pretty and the
values are so unusual.
Bnrress-Hash Co. Baoona floor.
Women's Wash
Chamoisette Gloves
TWO-CLASP chamoisette wash
Cloves, extra quality, In plain
white, also with black stitched
backs, grey, pongee and black. -
Women's Kid Gloves, $1.25
Fine lightweight leather, black,
white, tan, brown or grey.
Borgesa-Vaasi Co. If si a Tloor.
Toilet Goods .
Pebeco tooth
paste, 60o
else 2iie
Monoxide tooth
powder, 2 6 o
else 14c
Dr. O r a v e ' s
tooth powder,
50o else. . .ttc
Colgate's tooth
paste 10c
Jap rose soap,
cake 6c
Daggett ft
cream, 35o
slie 20o
DJer Kiss faee
powder ...4Ae
Le Trefle face
powder ...OAo
Plnaud'a lilac
toilet wa
ter esc
Dabrook's lo
cust blossom
perfume, per
ounce SOo
Massatta tal
for .
p o w -
rose tal
powder ISo
A BIO one day olearaway of all women's loots left from
il the season's selling the values in every instance are
most unusual. -,,Trn
WUJHXfcN D DilUIiO, $3.00
Women 'b tan Russia, laco or button, boots,
were to $5.00, Saturday t y r jj
for the pair tp.OO
Women boots that w ere A QC
te.UO, Saturday, pair Ja".i70
Womens boots that were o OP
, Saturday, pair PJ.OJ
Womens boots that were
$4.00. Saturday, pair
Women's boots that were
$3.50, Saturday, pair. . . .
Bart,ossBTaab Oo. a.ooaa rioor,
Emery boards,
1 dot 10e
rocket nail
files. In
case Ifto
Tweeters, Be,
1 Oc and BAo
Buffer, remov
able c h a -
tools' 10c
Gillette razor-
pocket style,
$5 value, S2.08
Complete man
icure aet with
buffer ....10c
Hair brushes,
Nail brashes,
2 5c values, 19c
Rubber gloves,
pair 25e
Hospital cot
ton, 1 lb., 23o
Thermos bot
tle, 1 pt...08e
Remarkable Clearaway Sale
O151'9 ' an1 "'n('" of fur scarfs and muffs accumulated from recent
selling. All new pieces skillfully made from carefully selected
pelts. A iiartlal list of the special values:
Hudson Lynx Muffs, were $6.50, now
Hudson Lynx Muffs, were $10.00, now 93.00.
Hudson Lynx Scarfs, were $7.06, now ft.07.
Hudson Lynx Scarfs, were $5.00, now 93.00.
Black Lynx Mnffs. were $15. oo. now I2.(M.
Black Lynx Muffs, were $29.60, now 911.75.
Hudson Beat Muffs, were $20.00, now 910.OO.
Beaver Scarfs, were $15.00, now 97.110.
BTurgess-Haaa Co. oooad floor.
A special sale
of high grade
hot water bot
tles, one year
$1.75 value,
for Oc
C o m b 1 nation
outfit ...91.29
A u t o m o b He
chamois, high
grade, large.
full skin, wash
able kind,
$1.75 value.
for 91.15
Household am
monia, 1 qt
for 18c
8a ni flush, 25c
sice 17o
Crepe toilet
paper. 10c
grade, 4 rolls
for 25o
Haskln's cocoa
nut soap, 7
cakes .... 25e
Liquid Veneer,
25c sice... 10c
Liquid Veneer,
60o size... 82c
Witch Hatel, 1
qt. 20o
Pure Castile
soap, 10c cake
for 7o
Peroxide o r
glycerine soap,
lOe cake. . . .8c
Sal hepatlca
50c slse...20c
arress-ZrasB Co. Jfala Tlooi.
Men Your New
Spring Hat is Here
MAKE a not in your ap
pointment book to be
sure and see our line beforo
Just the bat that will suit you
best is here. Among the new
Stetsons are the "Nobby," "Fea
ture Hat," "The Pace Maker,"
and "League." Price range from
$3.50 to $10.00. Oo. Tourth floor.
Men's 4-In-Hand Neckwear
Was $1.00 and $1.50, Now 65c
A CHOICE selection of mon's neckwear in new designs
and rich colorings, large flowing ends and that spe
cial feature of a slip easy band. You'll realizo this aa an
opportunity of unusual proportions.
Men's "Mesco" Quality Hose
Sample Lines to 75c, Pair 19c
FINE COTTONS, lisle threads and some silk In an assortment ot plain
colors and mixtures; excepUonal values In silk and wool and all
lisle, double heels and toes. Anticipate your hose needs and benefit
by this offering Saturday.
Men s All Linen and Fancy Chiffon
"Handkerchiefs to "25c, for 10c
ANOTHER feature In men's furnishings for Saturday that will bring
forth a generous response. Pure all linen and fancy chiffon hand
kerchiefs,' large size, were to t6e, for 10c each.- .-..; j
Bargees-Ween Co, Malm- Tloor. . .
Ready Styles Are Different
TT7HY shouldn't they bo different? What would the best
t V tailoring brains in the United
States be about if they only made
the same old kind of clothes year in
and year outf
Little differences, little improve
ments come in every year. Men's
clothes have always improved. They
are better today than thoy over were
at any time in history.
, They are smarter. They arc more dig
nified. They fit better. They wear better.
Men's Strictly Hand Tailored
Clothing, $13.65 to $40.00
Made expressly to conform with our
specifications, the
Buurgess-Nftsh Standard
which is the best possible at any price.
The Btyles, the fabrics and the color
ings are the very latest and there are
sizes to fit men of every proportion.
Burroas-lTash Co Tourth Tloor
Exactly Like Cut, for 25c
PTIU pattern berry sets, consisting of
one largo bowl and six small berry
. j-i
bhuoo uibiiea,
all highly jol-
ished, exactly
like illustra
tion and very
hjecially priced Saturday, nJ
7 piece set for OC
3c Tumblers, 6 for 10c
Presned glass table tumblers, plain or colonial
pattern, regular 8c values, special 8atur- f
day, six tumblers for XVC
Semi-Poroelain Plates, 5c.
White semi-porcelain breakfast plates, also an
assortment of soup plates, fancy shapes, spe- f
holce uv
daily priced for Saturday at, cl
' Bor(aaaaTash Co. I
These "Wirthmor" Waists Are
Exceedingly Good Looking at $1
Tt-8 REALLY a pleasant
aurnrlaa tn ana wliil ar.
cellent waists are sold here
for a dollar. Many people
who have never seen these
Wirthmor models on sale at
our store, have a wrong con
ception of what kind of a
wulHt one dollar wilt buy.
They have been accustomed
to associate the price with
a waiut of the Inferior sort,
which as a rule Is correct;
but hore we have been sell
ing waists at this low price
that are pretty and appeal
ing, and that do possess real
merit; waists of such char
acter as any woman who desires to practice a
reasonable economy should be pleased to wear.
We know that the very becoming styles which
go on sale Saturday win rneet with a ready sale,
and so advise an early call.
Borvoss-Bash Oo Basemaat,
Burgess-Wash Gompjoti:
-hare, was paroled.
I .1 1 I
a.. ""JMTTi "1T- - -