Till, rKK: OMAHA, Kit I PAY, FKIUUARY IS, mm. IT FOR RENT-HOUSES on Ik. lprt hh-N 1 -.Nfw. modern. A -room cot tngc, picely decorated, '-Sth and A. Hx"-RtwTf. modern. oneTToc'k from car line. 1I0 Kim. E. K rsch. D, 7701. Miser llanrooe. I 1jASIV 6-room mmlern houw, three block from car lino. Special bargain If taken at on Thns. L. McOarry. Keellne Bllg. Red 4!U4. houses ron rknt. CRKKiH. SONS CO. pkk Bt,po. douo, 200, 4-R.. (lowntoKn. colored, 112; 1 and 8-r., lots garden ground. 34-35. Tel. Doug. 217. Evenings Wkilnut 2i37. FOR RENT-APTS AND FLATS Weat. MODERN 6-room apartment. Including Iwpmg porch. Will located. Harney j ran. Blortl. 4.138 CHARLES 4-room apartment, mod em except heat. 112. Pougiaa e-g't. lG N. 17th, 4-r., all modern apt 3A.. RASP BRQg.. POl'O. ! Sooth. NoRMANDIB A PA HTMBNT Park Are. n Paxirix. fine flrat floor apartment. consisting of large reception hall, very large Irving room, dining room, two big hedrocma and bath, large kitchen, pan try, closets, mald'a room. One of the bent arranged apartments In the city. Immediate possession. Price ISO per mo. D. V. SHOLES CO., 91S-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg, Doug. 43. FIVE-ROOM at earn heated apartment, verv desirable: the Chllla Vint a. Soth and Poppleton Ave., 842.60. 322 Bran- dela Theater Bldar. Doug. 16p1. M laoe 11a it eo WARM. COZY APARTMENT. Fine apartment of four rooms and bath, nicely decorated, oak finish. team heat. Janitor ' eervloe; every thing first-class. Be It and you will take It. 8COTT HILL CO.. Douglaa 19. month frek rent. close-in apartment. t-r. and bath, anartment. brick: rood except heat: good neighborhood; 112.50. D. E. BUCK. 313 Omaha Nat. D. Bias. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van ana 2 men, i.s per nour; iurir, $2 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 4338 and Tyler 230. OMAHA moving, Truck Van and Storage Co., packing ouglaa i . storage and snipping Phone Doug! 44. ' GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 239. N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 894 or Harney 1967. Fidelity free Phone Douglas 2R8 for complete list of vacant houaes and apartments; also for storage, moving. IRth and Jackson Pts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE? Separate, locked rooms, for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and "OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE) CO., 804 B. 11th St Douglas 413. J.CHEED.gaiSS 1207 Famam St. Douglas 614. Moving, storage. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR0PTY tores. SMALL store room; very desirable; rent J0; 1620 Cass St. CONRAD YOUNG, 822 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1CT1. STORE! ROOMS at ltw-lll Farnam St. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Kamge Bldg. D. 740. WANTED TO RENT - BastaeM Property, WANTED A good location for a first ' class pool hall. Address Y 249. Bee. Miscellaneous. WANTED Furnished. 2 rooms, kitchen ette and bath, In modern apt; will pay . Address F 769, Bee. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED West. o00 CASH Will bur a brand new all modern bun galow, just finished, at 35th and How ard 8t H. A. WOLF, 614 Ware Blk. Doug. 20K2. ttEAL E3TAT1U. Fire and Oeueral lnsur- anue. Art Thatcher, l7-ls City Na tlonal Bank. Bldg. Douglaa 3801. Nortk. 5-Room Modern Bungalow $50 Cash, $22 Per Month 4tVi0 N. Slst Ave., M block north of Ames; east front; permanent walks. A desirable home for 23,400. HASTINGS A HETYPEN, 1614 Harney Bt. tlJ0 BUYS THIS AoW EQUITY. . Owner needs money and advises us to aell hla nt&rlv new, elegant tf-room, strictly modern home on th above basis. Located on paved street; lot tux 2M; has large garage with cement drive; full cement basement. This snap Is lo cated In Kounlxe Pla.ce. Call and make an appointment, to see It. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, tth Fir. Om Nat. Bk. Bldg. 1). 1781. . TRADE YOUR FORD in as part payment on this nice little t?.0 house, located In the northwest part of the city. If you are looking for goou iive-roora ooiiage, inis will surely suit you. TIT A TT-FAIRFJELD CO. 2V Omsha Nat'l Pk. Bldg. Tel. D. 4. EAtiY PAYMENTS. If you want to locate near the new Ford factory and can use a e-room house, modern except heat, at a bar gain price of fl.800, on easy terms, on paved street, paving all paid, and In walking distance of factory or down town, lot us show you this. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Eth Fir. Om Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 171. o. A FINE HOMH FOR VERY LITTLE CASH Two-story cottage, oak floors, strictly modern; large lot. Pmall monthly pay ments. 231 Ames Ave NORRIS & NORRLS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK-2712 Ames Ave., 7 large rooms, bath and sleeping porch, screens and storm sash throughout; south front, fine shade and hedge. 310 cash and 340 monthly, from responsible party. Keys at ny resi dence. B. J. bcannell. 2703 Fowler Ave. Phones Doug 3!S or Colfax 3611. BIG SNAP. 24TH AND PINKNKY. Pracllcallv new pi-room bungalow, fin ished in oak, and offered at leas than you could build it. A reasonable pay ment down and balance 3-0 monthly. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. D. 3V.i. Omaha Nat I Pk. Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER, Nice five-room bungalow near pret tiest mile. Oak finish, built in features, full cellar, coal and fruit room, sleep ing porch, garage; leaving city, will sell right pried. Terms. 8. K. DOUGLAS. 2024 Fowler Ave. WINTER BARGAIN. Almost new 4-room. strictly modern house, oak. birch and maple finUh; als garage; corner lot. paved street, car line, near -'Mh and Fort; only 2.1JU. Act quirk TKHBENH. 6tt Omaha Nat. Bk. D. M2. i-ROilJl COTTAGIX 32.SO.I All mod., cor. lot, paved Sts.; on car line; N. Bemla Park. Snap In price and terms. MeKlTRICK R. K. CO. Doug. 142. GOOD HO&E 4-room bunralow. all modern. 411 North 21st. Phone owner, Colfax yjM. CHOICE 6-room cottage, modern ex. fui pace: fJrnlture. too. if desired; cheap. Fee It. H. Indtryou. 2ut Neville Blk. Tel 1 1 T' FOR " SALE Strictly modern. 1 1-room bouse: hot water heat; south front lot. Price. IT.'OJO. Phone Douglas 1812. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED oab. BRAND NEW 4 rooms, with largo living room. S'tn room on 2d floor, oak finish, f'lll cement basement, modern In exerv particular: east and south corner lot, close to school and near Hansoom bark. In CrelgMon's 1st addition. Price $3.70; $"oo cash, bal ance easy. C. G. CARLBERO, 12 Prandola Theater Rldg. MlT aell my k-lerge-room modern home on paved etreet; cement walks; large barn; nice shade; cement baae ment; laundry; gaa; electric lights; hot water heat; cistern: bath; sewer; one block fmm street car and public school. Worth $4,600; make me an offer. Fred Mower. Owner. 47V s. nth St.. Omaha. BRICK house, needing repatta, on fine lot. IRth and F"harwwd. ii.z-o. l. lleellaaienma. $600 CASH, i7.60 PER MONTH. Will buy a brand new, all mod. bunga low, 8 rooms finished In oak, living room across front of houso, with reception hall and cloak cloaet. beam celling bookoasea snd many other special fea tures. 2 bedrooms, bathroom and con venient kitchen: rooms unfinished on second floor; furnace heat; east front lot: paved street; 1 block to car; 15 minutes' ride downtown. Price for quick sale. I3.W". RASP BROS., 104 McCagua Bid. Pony. W -ROOM BARGAIN NEW, 6-ROOM, T- 8 TORY HOUSE. NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT $3,400: REASONABLE PAYMENTS. BENSON dr. CARMICHAEL, POCOLA.B 1721. 642 PAJCTON BLK. MODERN HOME Chean and on easv terms If taken at once; new 7-rooin house, built for home; oak floors and finish; strictly modern; large comer lot. Call H. siTt FOR 8ALE Omaha Income property, 11.40 per year. Always rented. Price $14,000. Terms. Address me, 40 E. 14th St., University Place. NcP. Ft RE and tornado Ins. 'Myrtle Deuel. 611 N. 23d. Phone Colfax WW after 11 a. ra. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. WILL. BUILD TO SUIT. Have 15 first choice lots In Leaven worth Heights Add.; esay terms. Doug awl. Carl E. Bolen. 614 Paxton Bldg. fcKK ME for acreage: have choice tract north of Florence. R. H. Landeryou, 201 Meviue uik- tel. ioug. tiixtt. 1IAVK $2f0 paid on good lot; want offer. Addresa S 764. Bee. North. BARGAIN 28th Ave., near Yates; lot, 51XUU leei; mane oner. GRIMM EL, 849 Omsha Nat Bank Bldg Month. 100 Beautiful Homes are being planned for Mlnne Lusa thla year. The most wonderful develop ment ever seen In Omaha will take place there. YOU can make money by buying a 101 or two fiun-on easy lerms. CHARLES W. MARTIN tt CO., Owners. BARGAIN. 40x127, south of Hunscom park, to boulevard, for $mj0. W. It. GATES, Omaha National Rank Bldg. close Mlscellamrooa. VACANT LOTS If you contemplate building a home this spring, do not fall to aee us. We nave a list of cho'ce vacant lots In both north and west parts of the city. A. P. TUKEY A SON. Tel. Dour. 602. 1507-6 W. O, W. Bldg TWO ACRES, close In, 11.200; anT ofEer acreage, um io no trajes. rat terson, Douglas 2M1. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE t-ROOM house with 60-ft. lot; mort gage 21.100; will trade equity for second-hand Ford car. See us gt once. 8. P. BOSTWICK BON. ' 200 Bee Bldg. 130,1x4 for a terrace of lit brick flats, well located in omana. Aitg. u,uuu; yearly rental, 22..1O0; to trade equity for clear land. 10 McCaguc Bldg.. Omaha. 1, MO-ACRE ranch. Cherry Co., cuts 600 tons: fine imp.; 222; wants farm. J. A. ABBOTT. Patterson Blk., Omaha, BUSINESS property, Jl.OnO annual rental, for small farm. Campbell A Craig, Keellne Bldg. Doug la a 423. RESIDENCE and flats. Exchange for vacant property. Toland . Trumbull. CAN sell or exchange anything you have to offer. C. J. Canan, McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Daade. Take Advantage of the Future Rise In vslue. Don't envy tho man who "got in on tne ground floor." You take fewer chances tcday than the man who bought ten years ago. The city Is growing to the west at a rapid rate. SAFE TO BUY AND BUILD In Happy Hollow and Dundee's newest addition, because It Is west and the building restrictions assure good houses, freventlng yoi-r neighbor from bulld ng in such a way as to depreciate your property. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY But select a lot In one of these addi tions and start now by becoming an owner of real estate where values are bound to Increase. EASY TERMS One-tenth cash ttnt' 1 per cent cf pur chase price payable monthly. Call or phone us. and we will gladly furnish plats with prices and show you the properly at your convenience. George & Company Tel. D. TT. 203 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Sooth Side. t ACRES and house. South Side; fin place, well Improved, fruit, etc. 24,000. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldf. REAL ESTATE-WANTED HOMES WANTED We have clients for modern homes. West Famam, Dundee or Field Club Districts. If you want to sell your home, quick, try, rvHTEMT r. u L- a. ivi l1cvnv 432 to 434 Brandeia Thea. Tel. Tyler 1024. HAVE buyers for Mod. N. side cottagea. bungalow, easy payments. Ynungman. 2Q1 om. Nst. Rank Bldg. Doug. I47il. WANTED To bay on monthly paymenta! small store room, with living rooms above, in Central school district. Phone Red :HA. fO BUY Store building, 26x40, centrally located, town ano to l.bno, northeast Ne- braska Lock t'tty. Neb. Box 42, South Sioux FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROP'TY for Sal " Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE ISO 8qura rtSI0.. Tha Bh BuUdlns Co. Room 101. Two-Story Brick, 13th and Jackson, $5,500. Here la a nice little brick building 22xpV with a store below and flats suove. Always rented, lvl0 a year. It la one of the beat close-In Investments that we know of. Armstrong-Walsh Co. SOLE AGENTS. Tler 1634. Keellne Bldg. HEAL ESTATF INVESTMENTS J 4th St. Investment IHk Here! We have three choice properties on rth St., right close to Farnam and Douglas Sts.. which the owners will lca.e for long time on very favorable terms. These are ecepfonal ooportunl tiea to speculate with a small margin on coming properties. Big profit within a very few years. Glover & Spain, Douglas WW!. 1-!0 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Six 5-Room Flats Kent hi for $2,580 Per Year New, Modern and Complete In every detail. One block from Farnam street; fle mlnntea' walk to heart of city. Thla opportunity to purchase should not be overlooked. Buy where the values are Increasing daily. Hastings & Hey den, MM HARN'HY ST. FOR SALE. 2 new brick stores and a 6-room cot tage; rents for livtO a year. Price 22,600; 21,600 cash. J. B. ROBINSON, 442 Bee. IViur. STOREROOM end resldenct on good" corner. North 8ld. Totrt! intal 241 per month. Pr'ce tl.K'i; M.RflO cash. F. D. WEAD. SiO . 18th. Wead Bldg. FINANCIAL Heal Kaae, Loan, Mortmra, WB ara rady at all Uma to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Kates on request. UNITED 8TATE3 TRUST CO. Ill Bo. 17th St t TO i for loans on Oest class city resiacncea m amuuma up; also farm loans Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. MM Farnam Pt. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina O'KEEFK REAL E8TATE CO.. Omiha National Phone Douglas 2711 MONET TO LOAN, for ( years, on Improved properties. 6HOPFW CO., Doug. 4.'41. WIN ROS Omaha Natl. Pk. Hldg UOO TO II .OOO made promply. F. D. Wead.' Wead 1 ildg.. 18th & Farnam StS; . IdONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Bhider. O'ty National Bank Bldg ropertv. Large loana a specialty. Thomas. mate Hank mag CITY and farm loans. &, 6H. per cent. J. H. Pumont Co.. 411 utat te bank CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlberg, 810- "O 12 Rrandels Theater Bldg Kof MONEY. HARRISON & MORTON, m Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Flaanclai Wasted. 13,600 FIRST mortgage Field Club home, 4 per cent. Addresa C. SUA, care Ree. tii.tulu LOAN, 7. cloae-ln acreage, a or 6 years. Address B. 78. Ree. Stocks and Boada. l.sJ0-t-YBAR S PER CENT MORT GAGE FOll SALE. A customer wants to borrow 21. MO, giving mortgage on a 10-acre farm with 8-room house, barn and chicken house, 4 mile from good R. R. town In Dodge county, near Fremont, valued at t8,000. Pee us promptly If you want this. I2.0U0. 7, well secured, personally guaranteed farm mortgage for sale. J. H. PI'MONT, Keellne Rldg. o 7rZ. Paid on Your Money 7rx. 1 0 In Home Builders Shares plug the Increase from surplus profits, amounting now to tl8 CM on each 100 shares. Our booklet, "The New Way," explains fully. ' AM. SECURITY CO.. F. A. OMAHA. tl.Oirt FARM mortgage bearing 7 per cent, secured by property valued 23,700. Tal-mage-Loomls Inv. Co., VV. O. W. Bldg. Abstracts al Title. GUARANTEE Abstract Co. The best abstraot la tna cheapest. Room T, Patteraon Bldg. D.l lpDU Title guarantee and Abstraot ""--" Co., a modern aDsfact oince. 205 8. 17th Bt. Tel. D. fc47. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 209 Brandela Thea. FARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lauds. A LITTLE farm. A. easy terms; Cali fornia imports carloads or chickens and eggs. Here's a chance for poultrymen. My 2-acre tracts are Just big enough for chickens and are close to town con veniences and market renters. Write owner for full Information. P. R. Goss, Sheridan. Placer county. California. Louiaiaaa Lands. THE grass-covered, cut-over pine lands In the sunny uplands of southwest Louis iana offer great possibilities to the farmer and stock raiser. Two-crop coun try; summer heat tempered with ocean breexe; land sold on easy terms; for fur ther particulars write or call J. H. Ko plets. 473S S. 24th St.. South Side. Omaha. Btlaaesota Usta 140-ACRH inipioved farm, 20 miles from Minneapolis; 100 acres under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture; good soil; 10-room bouse, barn and all other build ings that are needed; school house on land; price, 300 per acre; one-half cash; or will sell farm wltn full equipment of horses, cattle, machinery, etc. Will make very reasonable price on personal property. Immediate possession can be had. Schawb Bros., 1U Plymouth Building. Minneapolis. Minn. Mississippi Lssdi, AS A SAFE. SOUND and reliable investment a pecan orchard excels any other known. Investigate our orchard proposition If you would make vo ir financial future secure. W. T. SMITH CO.. Douglas IS19. City Nat. Bank Rldg. RICH corn, alfalfa upland farina, 310 per acre upwards. Buy a home and be Independent; O. P. Htehhlns. Missouri Laads. IN DENT COUNTY. 344 acres half mile from city limits of Salem, M.. Jw acres in cultivation; all fenced with woven wire; 1-room house; smokehouse with cellar under It: fair barns and cribs. This is a rich, well kept farm, with fine orchard; no finer stock and dairy farm In the state: will grow 80 bu. of corn to the acre and 2 or 3 tons of timothy hay per acre. Spring and running water. ITIce V) per acre can make terms, snd will show you anv time you ssy. an or write. W. S. PRANK. 201 Nevl'le Blk. Omaha. GREAT BARGAINS 36 down. 35 monthly, buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, souinom minsouri Price only 3300. Address Bos sua. Eg oelslor Springs, Mo. Nebraska Luanda. 1 ol GLAS COUNTY, NEB.. FARMS. hive strictly first-class smooth farms, mostly all under cultivation, mile from Ralston. 2 miles from So. Omaha stock market, Vt mile from loading sta tion; nothing belter to be had. These farms range from 80 to eio acres, 2 seta of Improvements. It you want a choice farm close to Omaha at the right price and on good terms, see us. F. T. WALKER A COMPANY. Omaha Nat. Bk. Hldg. Omaha. ALL THE TIME YOU WANT Owner of 240 acres In Cedar county, 44 tnliea from Sioux City; will make very literal terms to first-class farmer wbo can make a reasonable cash payment: farm has about 180 acres In crop, la well Improved and clou to town. Prloe, tluO an acre. What's the use of renting? PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat'l panic Hid: . Omaha. FARM PRICK REDUCTION. To secure a sale by March 1. earner authrrizos price of a good fertile. well Improved eighty, 26 miles from Omaha to 3110 per acre; tarries mortgage of 36,00V at 3 per cent. OK' iR'lF G W A LACK Keellne Bldg BARGAIN 30 acres fruit farm with 10-room house, good barn. ete. Close tc Ft. Cal houn city park. Bargain at 31l.". Joe Bolen. Ft. Calhoun. a liUSHELS WHKAT I AM). Uo PUR aure, Cheyenne Co.. best small iiraln Co. in state, few snapa for etrly buy ers. lAvt agents wanted. Write Fund Ingaland Inv. Co.. Siplney. Ne'j GOOD TERMS lWVacre central fiouglas county farm, well Improved, ad.loinlng town, 817f per acre. J. E. Gibney, Elk horn. Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS .M'nnta'na Unit, ONE OF THU BEST FAKMS In Cedar count v. Neb., ?4o aerea. per. Relyea and Clifford. 216 Ksinge Bid., Omaha, Nrh WteooBata) L4Ba. VPFkU WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sals at low prices on easy terms. Aak for booklet 64 on Wis consin Central Land Orant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands aak for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept.. ooo Line Railway. Minneapolla. Minn. H,lsoeHasse HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALUf Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, 8aturday morning and every Saturday evening and Bunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for U;wM words, 24, or words, 24. Largest circulation of anr Iowa news paper; 2ou,000 readers dally In four great states. )TOR any and all kinds of acreage located on or near car line, call C. R. Comba, 116 Brandela Theater Uldg. Doug. 2ll FARM UND-FOR RENT J, Til AND ROYD. 4 acres, iinlmuroved. 11 arres grass, west Miller park. John N. Frenaer. Douglaa HA. HORSESLIVESTOCK-VEHICLES HARNKSR-llln harness sale; save ) to per cent; write today lor my bargain price. Marvin C. Van lerveer, 2tth BL. goiith Wde, Omaha. Neh. Thirty-two milk wagons iur sale, cheap. I V. r. r ...... r. . U 1 ' n llth mmA I I. ,iny..-- ,i , v, . ii v i'hii wiiu v.ami M. I I1AV-O W ton. A. W. Wagner, Mil N. 14. I 3 il ' POULTRY AND PET STOCK UXD grain. 100 lbs.. ILiST Wagner. sOlNTM AUT0M0B1LES-F0R SALE ILXCEl'TIONAlTB AUG A1N S IF YOU are thinking of buying a good used car now la your opportunity to save yourself money and secure a first class car. liok over the list and write or call on us. One 1!H5 Maxwell (460 One 1H14 Ford touring oar with Iota of extra equipment, extra tires... 271 One 1h14 Ford roadster with extra equipment, demountable rims snd new Urea. In first class condition, 272 One Hupp "20" 126 One 3b horsepower, Msxwell truck. This car Is bolng thoroughly over hauled. Good tires all the way around 800 One t-cvllnder Maxwell roadster. Presto tank and klaxon horn 100 One Chalmers "20 roadster, in good shape 275 C. W. FRANCIS AUTO. CO. U4 Farnam Douglas K. TIRES TIRES We hove Just secured a Job lot of standard tl.cs and offer you, subject to pr'or salo: IJKxS jvixitvs Non-skid. W.25. 24x4-214. !. SA4M:-21S.7S. St-.xl'r D. r. plain tread casing. $30.00; non-aklda. KltO. 8omo slightly usod at 18.00. 27x5 Racine, country tread casings. ...h 9in roilea 111 fcn each. Other sixes In proportion. Call up. write or lomo In and see what bargains we have to orrer in tires, uupic iiri vo., 9MB P'smam. D. 4K7S. 1191K BRAND new Monitor tounn.,.. WIS Ford touring, good shape S00 1914 Studebaker-alx, touring 460 1912 Cadillac touring 560 1914 Ford delivery, closed body; Ilka new ; 1912 Overland touring, starter and lights 871 Auto Clearing House, 2209 Farnam. D. 8310. f HAVE a 1910 modol Stoddard-Dayton 6-pasxenger car in No. 1 condition, in evfi v way except self-starter, and worth 3W0: will sell for $.Vx) and take ii cash and balance I will trade out In auto hire at regular rates. Some one tuke me up on this genuine bargain. Bi.lle 702-4 Keellne Bldg.. 17th and Harney G'Mjl' second-hand I.WJU-pound Bulck truck, 33fO. IMenrasKa nuica xuio vo., 114 Farnam. Douglas 721. "Aatomobllea Wanted. WANTED to buy, second-hand Ford; must be cheap lor csan; siaie iuii per itculara In first letter. Lock Bog 174. Tabor.' la. ' Auto Livery and uaragea. LI Industrial Oarage Co.. 2th A Harney Sts! Tnto Tlree Bappllea. "At'TO TtRES ilALF" PRlCrl Homer Hill, mil Chicago Bt. An to Repairing; and Palatine. Automooile painting done by experta. 20 years' experience in Omaha; work guar. years I, l in 1 1, w i ll uiniim , wui R I u.r- anteed first class. Johnaon-Danfortn Co. TJUITuEX tires laust longor, are stronger and more durable; 3tx3Vi, 34.60. 213 Farnam St. Douglas 48. 1100 reward for mag neto we can't repair. Colls repaired, rtaysooner, no in. 18th. Free winter storage when cars are paint ed and repaired. Johnaon-Danforth Co. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2n2 Far. D. M lacellaneons. AUTOMOBILK 1N8URANCR. Fire. Theft. Liability and Property Damage at Lowest Rates. KTLLY. ELLIS A THOMPSON. 13-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2813. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES Ii Alt LEY-DA VI DSON AlOTORCYCI S. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." t7o8 Leavenworth. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS. MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the rearni.r annual meeting of the Stockholders of the SOUTH f LA I I K kAMI UOMPANT Will be held at the office of said Company, Room 701 Flrat National Bank building. linupun, nffDnuni, at. ii o ciock a. m., on the first day of March. A. D., 1914. Lincoln, Nebraska, February int.. 1214. C. H. MORRILU President. W. W. TURNER, Secretary. Feby ld30L ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 17 COTTON fW quiet; middling uplands, ILGuc No sales. I he coiloit market cloaod steady at a net decline of three to twenty points. . Cotton futures opened steady; March. . . , ,,.. f..l.. ,Qf-i.. a . . 1 1 , ni r , it.wv, tfuajr, Ai.uoc, tjctooer, 12.17c; December, 12.J40. LIVERPOOL, reb. 17. COTTON Spot, earfler; good middling, 8.14d; middling, MiW; low middling, 7.63d. Sales, t.ouu Diuca. Oil and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Oa., Feb. 17. TURPEN TINE Nothing doing, last sale, Febru ary 15, at 63c.; sales, none; receipts, K2 bbls.; shipments, U lbls.; stock, 10.838 bl.ls. ROSIN Steady; sales. 712 bbls.; reoalptg, bbls.; shipments, l.dnrt hbls.L stock, V..1&0 bbls. yuote: A, H C, D. E, F and O V..20; H snd I 36 ; K, 3V86; Ml. tfl ftj; N. 3H 76; WQ. 37 20; WW. 17.60. Metal Market. NEW, YORK. Feh. 17.-METAL-Lesd firm; spot. 34.27U bid: spelter not quoted. Copper firm; electrolytic, neaby. 38.60; 4un urn isier, 9tn twpzi nai; iron steady n unchanged. Tin strong; spot, 341.7tw At London: Spot copper. 104 10s; fu tures. II'U 10a: eleetrolytic, 134 m. Spot tin. 181; futures. A HI. Antimony not quoted. I-ead, .12. spelter, t)2. Evaporated Apples aad Dried KraKs NEW YORK. Feh. 17. EVAPORATED API'LE4lill and nominal. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet but steady; aprloota and peaches, dull; rais ins, steady. Liverpool Oral Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. lT.-WHEAT-pot. No. 3 winter. 13c d. CORN-Spot, American mixed, new, 11a Sd. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light, but Trade it Slow to Lower Sheep and Lumbi Steady. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN HIGHER OMAHA. February IT. Receipts were; Ilogs. Bheetv 0"Hi Mnnv ... Off leal Tuesday ... Ofricinl v nil. -day. Estimate Thursday it w-i -i 1672 M.HI.I M.4U0 1.2 II. VI ,M0 Four days this week.lM47 Same daya last week . ..Hl Same days 2 wka. ago T. 717 Same days 2 wka. agof4.M7 Heme daya 4 wka. a.2'.'rt rsme days last year.. . The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Houth Omaha market for the year to data aa comitarfd with last year: lit. 1913 lur. lee. Cattle iw.li ?X M.72S Itoaa Att tu All IIS 21H.ftA Sheep ...2:9.UT S71.0VKI 41.S.S The following table shows the verage prices of hogs at the Omaha IWe stock market for the last few days, with eom- pariaona "ta'e. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feh. Feb. Feh. I t aaul Til e I T 7U 1 W I 41 ( l a mi a" w m t m ..I - a Ml 1 I4i f Sk I M T 7tVl 41 II S 19! t T 77 4 4 a in) a nl 1 ml I T 111 w el K 41 n r n R7 4 Ml 'I 4W ( 2 t Sal g SO Feb. T 7y T74 T au 7 K nl sol 77 jj, . Feb! 41 4 01 7 01 8 To 6 7 H w Ik I 04' TF7SI I 01 4 44 a 24 Feb. 4 MS 2 01 hundav. ... w RrcelDta and fjlimosltlon of Jive stock at the Union Btock yards. Omaha. Nco fur twenty-four hours ending at I P. yesterday: KBCBinH-WUAiin, ...... Cattle, lioga. enerp. ma. C, M. 8t 11 22 Wabash Mlaaourl FactflO 3 Union Pact MO 4n C. A N. W east.... 1. C. A N. W.. west... 2-t c. m, p.. M. o.. 21 C, B. A Q., east 3 4 M 17 2 41 8 4 6 4 19 M. A weai.... mi C. R. 1. A P.. east.. 12 C, R. I. A P., west. 4 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gt. West.. 1 Total reoelnta,...173 '.'44 29 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cat' I1?. IlOgS. DH.-e,. Morris A Co 6H4 619 1.774 1,1 tiwlft A Company CudsJiy Packing Co Armour A Co Pchwarti A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... Ko. Omaha Packing Co. W. B. Vansant Co Hill A Bon K. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. K. Hum Hosenslock Bros F. O. Kellogg Wertheimer A Degen... H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Kros Rothschild A Krobs Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlgelns 'Huffman Roth Meyers Glass berg Banner Bros John Harvey Dennis A Francis Kline Jensen It Lung re n Other buyers J.M7 2 4T 2.442 2.UO 6.0WI l,a l4 S.107 817, 3 53 U 17 til RS 7 :m :o t,9 14 4 11 Irt 6.1 3 7 2 12 2 X 201 .18 61 '.'4 460 va Totals .J13 oippn w Uinilnla todav 14.464 4,919 were liberal n., -... ..... ik. total for the four 'Jays Is small, amounting to 1,447 head. almost neao smaiier ". - -rv- ago and the amalleat of any recent week. Still, receipt are running large as com pared with a year ago. the total tor tt9 four days being double what It was dur li g the corresponding period last fee- Packers were not quits so keen for beef gteers this morning and the mr,'i opened rather slow, but steady to Mo lower. Cows and heifers were in pretty fair demand at about steady prices and the same was true of stockera and feed ers. Tha average quality of the cattle was pretty oommon. but there were 'some beef steers here good enough to b In g 38.10. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. 37.06140; fair to good OMvas. 37.3f?.H0; common to fair beeves. t.36; good to choice heifers, W.2MH.00; good to choice cows. ..t.0; fair to good cows. 6.2Wf6.0) common to fslr cows, 34.261 25; good to choice t"?. 37.OOfry7.3o; fair to good feeders, "Vfl tOO; common CO fair feedora, 36.601.60. good to choice stockers. ft tl .; slock heifers. 36.7tj7.00; stock cows. .". stock calves, 36.607.76; val oaWes. 37.00 tj.7t; bulls, stags, etc., .i-,iv.'- Bepresentauve saiea. HEEF STEERS. Ko. 10 , I , 24 14 It 14 14 1 3 4 11 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 A v. rr. NO. rr. ,.M ID " Is 7 0 7 ' TT1 1 17 W ' .I IMI T 4-1 37 Ul i J ,.lll) t io H"" I J :.imi in i ;; ; i.M I k 3t im 7 ,.U7 II COWS. .. 4 31 1. M 13 1, . . se 6 it t. ..10 IN 12. ., M IK i H EIFBR8. .. 4. .. til 4 71 T. BULIifl. ..lis in 1 ..law 4o l CALVE8. ....1110 t Tf ....110 I M .... swi I st ....1141 M .... 6 .... W7 4 ....11 40 ....1(1 4 1 .... IN TW .... Ml I M 10 M l tao I M I 1.. u w jt wu- vu AND FEHDERH 7 1 "44 4 4.. T. i Im ( M 7 I 7 I II t ra t U IM 1 U 7 is HI 14 HOOS Supplies were almost as large as on either Tuesday or Wednesday and " I nronnrtlons for a Thursdsy, arrivals being estimated at 247 caxs. or U.4O0 head. Total for the four daya of . naan im m. 2 (mo head as oomparea wun iaei and 6, smaller than two weeks ago. but larger than last year uy ''"V Shippers dupllcatea yeaioruej. . formance when they started out early buying everything they could get their hands on at 10c higher prices. They made the big end of their purchases at 3xuk0.10, aa agalnat a range or ,'-' 100 lor their orovee t'i"--operated heavteat on early rounds, of course, but stsyed In the market unUl the finish. . , The fart is that the general rnarket was almost an exact reproduction of Wednesday's. Packers took a little mora time about getting started today, but when they finally got going outside com petition waa so strong that In a great many rases they had to outbid shippers. First hogs bought by killers were pos sibly no more than a dime higher, but aa a general thing their droves were put up at a lowl&c advance, and towards the finish they paid a (1st 16c higher In a good many cases. After It onco got started trade was fully aa active aa yea. terday's and a good clearance was made by 10 o'clock. The biggest string landed at 300, while bulk was quotable at 37.MpS06.. and the top touched 3 16. a flat 16c higher than yesterday's best price. Current valuea are 16q'-uc, and In most eases ion, higher than the close of last week. The up turn is most noticeable on lights. Representative sales: No. At. M. IT. Ns. Av. ga. Tr. xa tat ... T at II ll ... T H It IM ... 1 W 7t Ul M f M 7i i ... k ft ... I ia T Mi KO IK M Ml ... 1 M 14) ... 3 1 17 ... 3 14 PIGS. ..' U ... 1 10 24 11 ... t I 101 U ... I SO t 133 ... I 0 SHEEP Supply figures dropped to a tery moderate notch today, when only about taenty-elght cars, or head, were received. This ia the smallest run of the week to date, and considerably smaiier tnan for any Thursday In re cent weeks. The four days' supply to tals 34.41(4 head, being 40iO smaller, but almost 2.600 larger than two weeks ago. Cattle. . 4 .T .. 6.721 . 4.19 . 4.0 ,! .4M 7H.4M 44. M4 n w is 7.I7 .IM tl.OHS 44.114 M.4U M.MJ I iom. iitiia.MSM.iiFii.-mijimiwii rh. iTT iahhT Ti TTm i M J " Ken. 17 g 7f ( Ml ""l ! E ! 2 reb. a. I r -vsi 4 ! i im t k o:. t w h. 4 '. T ei-V, 1 171 T i) I 7 0' Feb. e l . 74 Ml T 8Ht 06 t W and a gain of 2. If" over the same das of last year. The lamb Irade opened out In pretty good season on a generally stendy Imsls. The rrsrket waa a feat urcloi-s artiilr. iiuallty being on the w hokp poorer tlian most previous daya of the week. The 21100 quotation was retained on Mrxl cane. but the general run of prices showed the falling off In quality plainly. Today's trade makes the fourth one of steady prices, and rurrent quotations are very little different from last Fri day's figures. The merket had a stronger tone early In the week, al though there waa no quotable advance In prices, while yesterday the tendency waa. If anything, easier. Aa compared with total receipts ewe supply waa verv fair, but prices held about steady. For the third time In three days Relmont s good fed westerns dy Hflmonl i loft! 1 wmiwih 27. TO. while a decent kind of west mane i.., wniie a aeoeni aino or wrat- ems made 7 (M. and Melcana that had . the much desired light weight, but did II"". tall I IV UV IIIUI II BIT-fSII "tilt Cl 27. . A new high mark for feeding lambs was aet today when a bunch of I'taha sold at 210 00. The eagerness of buyers of feeding and shearing lamha to pay almost fat lamb prices continues to bo the feature of the trane. Quotations on sheen and lamha: Iimha. good to choice. 210 km II 00: lambs, fair to good. 210. iMr10.ro; lambs, clipped, 2S.U0 A . A V". . f . La .A .k.l.u liuk, 1 $0 Jf uS.Tf.; yearllnga, fair to choice heavy. $ 0"Vr9.2.; wethera. fair to choice. 27 IS tiH.OO; ewes, good to choice. 7.40jj'7.70; ewes, fair to good. ttt.R0O7.40. Representative sales: No. Av. . VSt . 77 . 7! . a'. . 70 . M .llH . 7J . hi . 41 . 74 , wt . 90 Pr. 7 70 W T lo 7" t 10 r 10 f 7 4! 10 M frd ewea I M7 Idaho Iambi ! idrtho lambs culla M4 Idnho feeder lambes H Idaho feeiler lambs 114 fed ewea 12 fed lambs 241 Utah feeder lambs ., V cull feeder iambs IN Mexican lambs 2.1 feeder lamb 34! Mexican ewes ........ 10 to Oil 11 01 lo 70 7 f tHICAOO DTK STOCK HIAHHKT Cattle Irregelar llega laaettled . ghee Firm. CHICAGO. Feh. 17.-CATTLK Receipts, 3,000 head; market Irregular; native beef cattle. t "4i9.; weatern steers. W Wxl H.JS; stockers and feeutrs. 2n.0ii7..IO; cows and heifers. t:.!6flH !; calves, 8.7Mfll.2i HOGS Receipts, sa.li0 head; market un settled. llc advance partly lost; early lop, tf0. was highest point of years; bulk, tt.luflS.3;p; IlKlit. 27.SOpjjs.40: mlied. tK.iti8 46; heay. t.0.'PtH.4h; rough, ts ovffp 3 IN; pigs, fvtMj 1.40. BHEEP AND l.A MRS Receipts. 10 000 head; market flnn; wethera. 7.761f8.20; ewes, tr.&0ia.2S; lainhpi, 2.W 11.60. glaag City 14 ve Stock Market. HIOUX CITY. Feb. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.700 head; market, firm; native steers, t.fiBf'7.7r. : butchers, t6.00ti.Hl; cows and heifers t4.(Kkftl.0; stockers and feed era, 3u.0iW7.3O; bulls, stags, etc, 34.7nO 4.60. HOn.t-Recelpta. 12.000 bead; market W 16o higher; heavy, 3.xw 16; mixed, 37.90 ti; light, t7.7tG7.W; bulk of sales, 37.85 il OK SHEEP AND T.AM RR Receipts. l.Wfl head; market steady; ewes, tT.7.vrN.W; lambs. tO.ftO. , gt. Lonla Live. Stork Market. PT. LOUIS, Feb. 17. CATTLE Re ceipt a, f.iViO; market strong; native beet steers, 37. ft WW 60; yearling steers and heifers, 3..60p1T.RO; cowa, 3A.rmtt7.Mt: stockers and feeders, 1.60T.2:, Texas and Indian ateers, 36.2T'fl.0ii; cowa and heifers, t4.oupfi4.CO: native calves. tHOmtt 10.75. HOOH Receipts. 14.000 head; market kl.l... . I . llki. C C.W..U IK. . I .4 and butchers. j-Kpjti f0;' good heavy, 33. 4j t!.M. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2600 head: market etrong: yearling wethera. t" ofvfno.00; lambs, t!00pfjril.&0; ewes, XI 60 tin.co. Kansas City Live gtoek Market. KANSAS CTTT. Mo.. Feh. 17. CATTLR Receipts, 3.600 head; market strong; prime fed steers, 3K.4V1.00; dressed beef ter iP.w.iu fir.. ....... -r.Aa. 3 16: stockers and fdera. 30 OOifT.'Js; bulls, j.i.amje.60; csjves, i.iptTn.tiu. 1 1 CM IS Receipts, ttead; market higher; bulk of aalea, 37.IVVtiS.3n; heavy, 3S.1O0J3.SO; packers and butchers. tSOO 3.2f: light, 37.W-tr4. 10; nlga, 1,ru7ft6. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpta, 2,400 head: market lower; lambs, 310 4nf ll.no; yearllnga, f . WpfMO.OO; wethers, 37.7i'xfS.a6; ewes, 37.ttklf7.7t. t. Joseph Lira Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. F"eb. 17. CATTLB Re ceipts, 1,700 head; market strong; steers, 37.pw.2fi cows and heifers, 4.00t)4.60; calves, 34.0HPtrio.60. IHH1S Receipts. 11.000 head: market higher; top, I ;W; bulk of pales, KW.. np 1 1 Ann iiAStio- tiefjeipia, head; market steady; lambs, 10.60tT11.00. Stock In aigiht. Receipts of lira stock at th five prin cipal western markets: came. nosa. nneep. Sioug City 1.700 .. 2.6110 .. 3.600 .. i.OfiO .. 4.200 1.600 Kansas city ... St. Louis ....... t.fl 2,600 lO.flno 4,600 Chicago ......... Omaha Totals !kkw vomT UM0 84,600 23.100 GENERAL MARKET qoetatlens of tkei Day oa Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK. Feb. 17.-FLOUR-L'nset- tlod. WHEAT-Spot. easy; No. X hard. $1 .38; No. 1 durum. 31.48:. No. 1 northern. Du- luth, 3160. and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, l.67i. r. 0. b New york Kutures, easy; May, 11. 8714. CORN Spot market, easy; No. I yel- OATS Spot, steady; standard. 64iifMdc. low, Wio, o. 1. f.. New York. HAY-Steady; No. 1. $1.26fll.S0; No. 1, $1.17Vt1.22H. HOPS Hieady; state, common to choice, IKl.V irit27c; 1H14. ttjOo; Pacific coast, 1916, 12tl6c: 1!4. SpfflOc. HIDES Firm; Bogota. tl832c; Central America, 110. LEATHER-FIrm; hemlock, firsts, SJif ow, peconoa, hat. PROVIBIONS-Pork. steady; mesg, 321.40 tZSOO; family, 321.6ixapn.60; short clear. fJOOHpfrU 60. Beef, steady; mesa, $17.'KKit 17 60; family, lis pWIIW. Iard, easy: mid dle west. 3IO.2Ti4i.10 36. TALLOW Uulet ; city, 314o; country, Wr; special. '4C. BUTTER Firm; receipts, 7,171 tubs; creamery extras, avwx:; nrsts, aupg4o seconds. 27(ti2o. EV1S Unsettled; receipts. 10.633 cases: fresh gathered, eVtras, 7646c; extra firsts. 244T4c; rirsta, zTav; seconds, CHEBfiF-8teady; receipts. t.ll$ boxes; state, wnoin mug. flats, nein, colored, specials, lM'c; same, white. 18c; same, colored, average fancy. 18c: same, white. 17r; flata, current make, specials, 17c; seme average run. 17ft I7n. POTTLTRT Dresaed, strong; chickens, 1'V(i2tc: fowls, 14t20c; turkeys, 2ifi,Hic; alive, weak; no prices established, hold ers asking aa follows: Chickens, 16c1; fowls, le''pi 17c; turkeys. 20c, Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. CTiFFKrJ There was a less active demand In the market for coffee future here today, while there a Plies red to be more disposition to take profits after the recent sharp advances and pr4rea eased off In consequence. The opening was at a decline of 4 to 11 points In reaponse to less favorable cables from Brazil hut there was a good deauaud around tha Initial nrtcea and thai r'u u rallied to about laet night 1 closing fig-1 urea ouring tne eariy trading, with May selling at 1112c and December at l.3c. or Into new high ground for the season. Offerings Increased around these figures snd the market later eased off, with May selling down to c. and lieceitiber to 8-2ic. Closing prices ware 3 to 16 points net lower. Bales, 67.0m bags. February, 7. Mr; Maroh. 7 Vir: April. TK-'c; May, 7 7o; June, 8Hr; July, Ids.-. August, 8 lie; September, .14c; I h toiler, gl;; November, 8.23c; Iie rember, 8.25c; January, 8 2So. Spot, steady; Rio 7e. 4c; Santos 4a. bM.n. A fair busi ness waa reported In ths spot market hero, hill the coat and freight situation waa still unsettled, and It seemed difficult to obtain representative quotations. The official cables reported a decline of t-32d In the rate of Rio exchange on Ixndon, with the Rio market 60 re is lower and Santos unchanged. Santos reported a clearance of 2t.0O0 bags for New York. Omaka Hay Market. OMAHA, Feb. 17 PRAIRID HAY Choke upiand. 810 0ijraU 6or No. 1. tuit'tt 10 110; No. 2. 7 6ifTH&0: No. 3, $5 6o"!7 611. Choice midland. ! .fsiflo.0O; No. 1, tOi-i 60; No. 2. t4 6po 60; No. 8, 16 Vi Ml. Ohnlce lowland. 3a.d0; No. 1, 17 bpku (w, No. 2, ! 64'7 iO; No. 2. 34.0UG..V. STRAW Choice wheat. $i.00r36.50; choice oat or rye. $6.uiti.60. ALFA I. FA Choice. $14.01314 60. No. 1. tW'd'WM. No. X tl.OIV(tai.tjO; No. 3, $7 00 UV0I. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Demand for Wheat ii Active nd Pricei Range Unchanged to a Cent Higher. CORN RULES FAIRLY STRONG OMAHA. February 17. m. Csah wheat was generally stronger, ranging from unchanged to a cent higher. The nemaml for wheat was qiili active and the sales were fairly heavy. The corn market was pretty strong but the cash demand waa rather alow and the MP, w,re comparatively light. Corn m.ih v.. ,,.k..j Ci.k.. v. ruled from im.h.nnri t i higher bulk of the sales going at lo advance. oats ranged generally from unchanged to higher. fats receipts were fair and there was 'od demand for this cereal. The demand for rye wss moderate and the market remained practically un changed. Barley was quoted at unchanged prices. t'leamnrea of wheat and flour were e iual to 7K000 bu.; corn, 4:aJ.00O bu.; oats. :i7.04) bu.. At Liverpool wheat closed lHd higher; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat reoelnta van 1 fmt flnn mi. ana shipments TO7.000 bu.. against receipts of ,() bu, nd shipments of , bit. laet year. iTtmarv corn reeelnts were lftM.OO bu. and shipments m.Oiio bu., against receipts of TSO.OiiO bu. and shipments of 474,O0) bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 4a2.no bu. and shipments 711,ono bu., against recelpu of 729.0K) bu. and shipments of 497,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RBX'F.IPTS. Wheat. Corn. Osta. fhlcaao .... ..144 414 liMlmieapolls Duluth lomaha 1 Kansas Oty ... 22 ...H'7 ...144 ...1?4 104 74 44 11 40 . ot. iiti a Wlnnleg ! 290 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. II.Mc! 1 car, $1.23. No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars. 31.21; 3 cars. 31.20; csre. 3120; 4 cars, 31. ; 3 care, $l.l; T ears, 3)1.1. N. 4 hard winter: 1 car. i.iiaj; I cars, 'p. 3 cars. 31.1W; 3 cars, 31.14; 1 rar, $1.12. Sample hard winter: I cara, $1.07; 1 ce-. 31.04; 1 csr, 3106; 3 ears. 31 01; 4 cars. Pec; 2 cars. Wc. No. 4 spring: l car. iui r.o. 1 durum: 1 car, 31.20. No. 4 durum: sack a. 31.10. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. i.i: t car, 3)1.18. No. 4 mlpd durum: 1 car, $1.14. Jiic. No. 4: 1 car. SWc. oc:i Rye No. 3: 1 car, 3C. Mo. : car, wva. No. 4: 1 car. 9oc. Barley No. 3: 1 car, 470. No. 4: 1 car. 44c. Sample: 1 car. 4214c. . Corn No, I white: 1 ear. ewj. dno. white: 3 cars, 47c. No. 3 white: 4 cars. 4,'lc; 3 cars. 3c; 1 oar. 41c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 6of4c; 1 car. 660. No. 4 yellow; 3 cars. pSHVto; 1 car, !tc; 1 car, S7c. No. yellow: cars, 4Sc; 1 car, 2c. No. 4 yellow: 1 oar, 40c; 1 rar, 1 car. 6e. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 4vc: No. 4 mixed: T cars, 4tiVe; T cars, "Stic. No. t mixed: 1 car, 6lc; 6 cars, 40c; 1 car. 69Hj; 3 cars, iXc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 6tcs I csr, 67c, 2 cars, 6Vc; 3 cara. 6c; 1 car, 66c; 3 cars, tuc. Sample white: 1 car, $7Mic; 1 cara, 4t)c. Sample yellow: 1 rar (white mixed!, I!V; 1 car, 47c; 1 cara, 45c; 1 car, 40c: 2 oars, Sac; 3 cars, 37c. Sample mixed: 3 cars, 4ie: 1 car, 87c. Oats No. t white: 11 cars (choice!. 47c; 1 car, 460: t cars, 46Wc No. 4 white: 1 car, 46o; I cars, 44Vc. Sample: I cars, 43c. omana Caah Prices neat: No. 1 hard, 1 1.224 1.24; No. 3 hard, 31171-Mtl.21: No. 4 hard. 11.11171.17; No. 2 spring. $1. 2291. 26; No. 2 spring, 31.1pVpi1.22, No. 2 durum, !l.lit1.2ip; No. 3 durum, tl l'tpl If. sam ple. iHVsiPjil.o;. Corn: No. 3 white, Sc; No. 4 white. 46V44TW7c; No. t white. wtui;i'; No. 4 wnlte. u'aoc: No. 3 yel low. aOHtjTOc; No. 4 yellow. tffiHr; No. 6 yellow, 2vi'!tf ; No. I yellow. 6KP one: No. 8 mixed, OSKfWrijC ; No. 4 mixed, tKMrAA; No. 6 mixed. MH'aOOc; No. 4 mixed, MTJItc; sample, wid, 'c. nets: No. I white, 4THlit7', standard, owtir; No. 8 white. 4fllvpj47o; No. 4 white, 44S,p 4iV. Barley: Malting. 44-tfc; No. 1 feed. Krf66c. Rye: No. 2, tXi'Jlc; No. 3. 309 9le. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, stock and grata . brokers. u soum bixteentn street. Omaha. Artlcle Open. High. l,ow. I Close I Yee'y. Whea3 May. 1 31 -OK 1 21S 1 24y 1 28'All 8OI4S 1 22 J I 22s 1 23Vfc .July. 1 23t4el 1 24'4l Corn. I May.lTTpTBi Jul v. 7vpai 804 I TTfaiTitlTa, 79S V7SHaii Oats, i 1 I May.4IKUH July. I 46V 4l 4s;49''t?,, 4N 4a 47 i-ors. May. 120 7-r 2071 20 70 1 20 70 20 34 21 00 I 20 72l 20 72V! 20 37H 10 46 ' 10 I2HI 10 2? J 10 40-42 10 lu 40 J 10 40 J 10 40 July. 21 00 Lara. May. 10 4A .(ul v. 10 424 Ribs. May, July 11 46 11 76 11 1 H 60 I 11 60 1 11 ( 4714 11 77HI 11 40 I 11 40 I 11 72 CHICAGO tiRAIW AND imOVI$10N$ real a ree of tka Tradlngr aad rtoalagr Prices oa Board of Trade. . CHICAGO, Feb. 17,-Estlmates that Argentine shipments had trebled lq vol ume, as compared with a week ago, gave control of the wheat market today to the bears. Prices closed heavy, T4c to 140 net lower, with May at $l.Mt1.2av4 and July at 31.22V Other speculative articles, too, shewed a setback corn, Sc to Stp Sc; oats, '40 to lViyle, and provisions, 12'to to 26c. Reports of big shipments of wheat from Argentina were accompanied by ad vices that Australian shipments would slso be substantially enlarged. The ef fect waa to wipe out speedily all trace of an advance which had taken place here In the first part of the session and to send the market later almost uninter ruptedly down grsde. It waa said In thla connection tbat Franca and Italy had made special freight arrsngementg to provide transportation for largo amounts of wheat already . under contract In Argentina. Hessian fly danger waa chiefly re sponsible for a temporary bulge at the outset In the value of wheat. According to a leading crop expert, th peat has' spread westward in Kansas over an Im portant wheat-producing territory. Coarse gralna eased off with wheat. At first, however, com showed an ad vance. Influenced to some extent by com plaints of dry weather In Argentina. Oat were bearlahly affected late In the day by word of Canada offering oats freely to the east for shipment at the opening of navigation. Provisions weakened under heavy sell. Ing by longs. Higher prices oa hogs caused an upturn, but not of a lasting sort. New export business waa noticeably small. Chlrsgo cash Prices Wheat: No. I red ll.SMVfii :"; No. I red. 1.2trl.2f; No. 3 hard. $l.W; No. 3 hara. 31.2--W 1 .30. Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, TsCtc No. 4 white, 7'.xtr7:n4c. Oats: No. t white 4ti''?i47c: standard, 4SVitVp0c. Rye: No. 2. !.! Barley, Wir7Hc. Seeds: Tlmothv. 3".fpfr 00; clover. 3lO.0flifli8.60. Provisions' Pork. tl.orfta0.60; Isrd, tl0.34; ribs. 110 75 j1l 2.-.. POULTRT-Allve, lower; fowl. He; springs, 17c. BUTTER Higher; creamery, 24tM2e. POTATOES lxwer; receipts ) cars Michigan, Wisconsin. Minnesota and Da kota whites, 36P-41 11.02; Minnesota and Dakota Ohlos, acinic. KiiOri Higher; ivcipts l.99casea; firsts. n'li'-'IVic: ordinary firsts, sunJuc; at. mark cases Included, lu'lc. Mlaneapols Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feh. 17. WHEAT Msy. tl.27Sfl-1.2714: July. $1 '4. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1 3f4; No. 1 northern, tl.JSSI 1.22; No. 2 northern. $1 fll 20S.. FlaOUR Fancy patents, 7.10; first clears, 36 80; aecnnd rleara, unchanged. BAULKY -4Wt7Sc. RVl'-W,fr(ll4c. BRAN Ilium! 21 00 COlfN No. 3 yellow, 77flp71e. OATS No. 3 white. 45W'046e. FTA X F E ED-$2. MVtOt .87 aj. Kanaaa City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 17.-WHEAT-No. t hard. $1 22471. 29; No. 3 red. $l.2ofl.; May. tl lHt; July. tl.WU. CORN-N0. 2 mixed. 71c: No. 1 white. 71tr71Hc: No. 2 yellow. ;2p6r73c; Msy, 734c; July. 74Hc. OATS No. t white. 4lfl 50c; No. I mixed. 41 47c BUTTER Creamery. 30c; flrat. 28cj seconds. 34c; packing, Vt EiiOS Flrsta, Kic; aocoUiia, too. POULTRY Hens, 14c; turkey. 80c; springs, lo. 1 t. I.oals r.rala Market. ST. I1UI8. Feb. 17 WHEAT No. 1 red. tl-33; No. 3 hard, nominal; May. ii Juy- ti.is. XRN No. 2. 7c; Vo. J w hite, 74', ; May, 77c: July, 77ft77'.p. , O.ITS-No. X 47'ji.c. No. : h:te, if'jc. 1