THK BKK: OMAHA, TH 11 USD AY, FKIUIUAHY 17, l!Mf. My Tired Feet Achfor "Tiz" Let your sore, swollen, aching feet spread out in a bath of "Tiz." Just take your shoes off and then put those weary, shoo-crlnkled, aching, burn ing, corn-pestered, bunlon-'ottured feet of your In a "Tla" bath. Your toes will wriggle with Joy; they'll look up at you and lraot talk and then they'll take another dive Jn that "Tis" bath. When your feet feel like lump of lead all tired out Just try "Tit." lf grand '-It's glorious. Your feet will dance with joy; also you will find all pain gone from corns, callouses and bunions. There's nothing like "Tli." It s the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up your feet and cause foot torture. Get a 25 cent box of "Tlx" at any drug or department store don't welt. Ah! how glad your feet get; how comfortable your shoes feel. You can wear shoes a size smaller If ' you desire. Advertisement. TWO MILLION FIRE AT FALL RIVER Eetail Stores, Hotel nd Many Other Large Buildings in Basinet District Destroyed. NONE KILLED OR INJURED A DAGGER IN THE BACK That's the woman's dread when she gets up In the morning to start the day's work. "Oh! how my back ai bos." QOL.D M KDAIj Haarlem Oil Capsules taken to day eases Uie backache of tomorrow taken every day ends the backache for aU time. Don t delay. What's the use of suffering? Hegin taking OOL.O MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules today and be relieved tomorrow. Take three or four every day and be permanently free from wrenching, distressing back pain. But be sure to get OOL.I) MEDAU Since im OOLD MKDAl, Haarlem Oil has been the National Remedy of Holland, the Government of the Netherlands hav ing granted a special charter authoris ing Its preparation and sale. The house wife of Holland would almost as soon be without bread as she would without her "Real Dutch Drops'' as she quaintly calls OOI.U MBDAIi Hsarlem Oil Capsules. This Is the one reason why you will find the women and children of Holland bo sturdy and robust. GOLD MKPAI are the pure, original Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direel from the laboratories In Haarlem. Hol land. Hut lie sure to get OOU) MEDAL, look for the name on every box. Sold by reliable druggists In sealed packages at 25c, 60c and 11.00. Money refunded if they do not help you. Accept only the OOT.D MEDAL,. All others are imita tions. Advertisement. HEADACHES Thousands t men and women suffer from headaches every day, other thousand hs headaches every week or every month, and still others have headaches occsslonslly. but not si segulsr Intervals. The best Doctor Is often unable to And the came of mau et these headache, and in most other cases, knowing the cause, be does not know what will remove It, so as to give a permanent cure. All he can do Is to prescribe the usual pain relievers, which give temporary rellel. bn the headache returns as usual, and treatment to again necessary. If you suffer from headaches. Do mstter what their nature, talta aatl-kamnla tablets, and the results will be sstis lectory in the highest degree. Yftu can obtain them at all druggists In any quantity, 10o waits, 24o worth or more. Ask lor A-K Tablets. SICK-HEADACHES Mek bead sche. the most miserable of an slok. Besses, loses Its terrors when A-K Tablets sre taken. vVhen yon leel an attack coming on take two tablets, and In many cases, the attack will be warded oIT During an attack' tsks one A-K Tablet every two bouts. The rest ,07 which iollow, can be obtained la no other way. C.MrfcM A-K TmlUf hf m ( At mil afraggMs. ITCHING ECZEMA ISA. CONSTANTJLOOD CRY The Blood Reaches Every Part of the Body Every Twelve' Seconds. FALL fclVEM. Mass.. Feb. 1. Estimates mad by owners of prop erty and proprietors of stores In the section of the business district svept by fire early today, indicated that the total loss would be approx imately $2,000,000. A score of build ings, Including an apartment hotel and several of the largest retail stores In the city, were destroyed and many others were badly dam aged. There was no loss of life and cc one was Injured. ' Police and firemen early in the day were unable to put forward any theory as to the probable origin of the fire. It started In the basement of a four-story brick building at the corner of South Main and Spring streets, occupied by the department store of the Stelger company. The night watchman in this store, Mich ael O'Rourke, said today that when he made his last rounds shortly before mid night he saw no sign of fire. A few min utes later, when he wna on an upper floor, he heard a noise which sounded like a slight explosion. He hurried downstairs and found the basement filled with smoke. Dlgr Store Goes ttalckly. When the fire apparatus arrived the Stelger building was ablase. Within a few minutes the fire had spread to ad joining buildings across South Main street. Help was then called from New Bedford, Taunton and Newport, R. I. Before the out-of-town engines arrived the flames had made such a atart that It was Impossible to stop their progress southward along South Main street until they had reached Columbia street. There the Edward building, with a double fire wall, served as an" effective check, and by flooding the building and adjoining property the firemen got control of the conflsgratlon. At the north end of the burning dis trict ar water curtain on the department, store of R.' A. McWhlrr Co. prevented a further spread. The granite walls of St. Mary's cathedral protected a residen tial district nearby. ;aeta Driven from Hotel. The Tenox hotel, diagonally across the street from the Stelger store, was one of the first buildings to suffer. The guests were hastily roused and made their way out by fire escapes ana doors In the rear. The front of the hotel was then In flames. Throughout the progress of tbe fire drug stores, restaurants and churches were thrown open for the relief of fire men, police and people driven from their homes. The guests at the Lenox hotel were given shelter In private residences. The fire was the most disastrous In the history of the city. The majority of the structures burned were constructed of brick, three or four stories In height. The heaviest individual loss was suffered by the Stelger company. Members of the firm estimated It at 1000,400 on the build ing and stock. p . Admiral Grant Asks Four Battle Cruisers And 183 Submarines WASHINGTON, Fb. 1.-Rear Ad miral Grant, commanding the American submarine flotillas, told the house navat committee today that the safest defen sive policy for the nation was to build, first, a great number of submarines, then scout cruisers, battle cruisers next, and dreadnoughts afterwards. if only four capital ships wera author lied this year. Admiral Grant said, all should be battle cruisers. Bat1e cruis ers, scouting craft and submarines should be added immediately to the fleet, he said, to secure adequate coast pro tection. The admiral reiterated that the country should have 1SS submarines, or lit more than are now building. Admiral Grant said It would take S.Stt enlisted. SS3 warrant officers and S3S commissioned officers to man such a submarine fleet. "Taking all facllltlea In the United States, I think forty-eight boats could be constructed in the net twelve months." Admiral Grant said, "but I do not be lieve we could get the officers." There are approximately TO,flOO,000 Bares tn the akin of a human body. These con nect with the blood channel by means of little canals. Tnese canals axe sorce trmee filled with poison and tha akin scales and blisters, gets red and raw and becomes like so much tissue fire. Salves do not reach the source of the trouble. To make the blood pure la the only scientific method of relief. 8. S. S. Is the greatest blood purifier because it is a natural one. There Is no mineral of any sort in 1U It is purely vegetable. So great Is tha fame of & 8. S. that many substitutes trail along In various sections of the country. They all, sooner or later, die a natural death. S. 8. 8. builds up weak and acidy blood, gives prompt relief to almost every caae of eczema, winter tetter and other skin maladies. You owe yourself the duty of trying a bottle of 8. B. 8. Take no sub stitute. Write for our free book on skin diseases. Confidt ntlal letters replied to by our Medical expert. Write Swift Specific Co., Department 33, Atlanta, Ga. 5t 11 TOM zJM j CH9S.STORZ. Block at Midland, Mich., is Destroyed; One Woman Killed MIDLAND. Mich.. rb. 18,-One person was burned to death, one Is said to be missing and damage estimated at Sl&O.OOO was paused bv a fire which deatroyed a block of Midland's business district early today. MIbb Delia Taylor, a milliner. escaped from her rooming house, but later attempted to save some of her be longings and perished. It Is rumored that a man who rushed Into the building and tried to rescue her also lost his life. The postofflre. a general store and jewelry and shoe stores were among the build ings burned. , Two Alliance Ploaeere DM. ALIJANCK. Neb.. Feb. l.-(!peclal. Death claimed two of Alliance's older cltl sens on Sunday. T. F. Brown, for sev eral years a resident of Alliance, passed away at his home from an attack of heart trouble. Mrs. Calvin Hashman. wife of County Commissioner Hashman, died at her home, five mile north of Alllanca. after a short Illness. Both funerals will be held In Alliance. Two Steamships and Pier Burned at Brooklyn, N. Y. NEW TOWK. feb. 1.-The steamships. Bolton Castle and Pacific, and a 900-foot pier belonging to the New York Pock company, at the foot of lloneer street. Brooklyn. N. T., were destroyed early today by the moat disastrous fire on the Brooklyn water front In years. Another steamer, the Pallaala, was damaged, about twenty-five scows and lighters were partly or wholly burned, and up wards of forty of the coolies from the Bolton Castle and Pacific were missing after tne fire. The loss Is estimated at considerably more than The origin of the fli is unknown, but susplolons that It was Incendiary were aroused because of the fart that rome of the steamers were loading with war munitions, aome of which was Intended tor shipment to the Russian government and to be delivered at Vlsdlvostok Tha Bolton Castle was loading with gasoline for Russia and this fed the flames. The boilers of both the Bolton Castle and the Pacific blew up when the fire was at Its height, completing the work of destruction. Several barges loaded with gai-nllne lying near the steamers were destroyed. The Bolton Castle, a British vessel of S.s tons, arrived here on February s from Slngspore. Port Natal and St. l.ucln. The Pacific of 111 tons, arrived from Hull, Kngland. yesterday. Both be long to the .Castle line. The burned pier was leased to Barber A Co., eteamshlb agents, and Is believed to havo been filled with merchandise. Including war muni tions. Six hours after the fire started the police sstd they accounted for all but two of the nilsxiug peianns. It was then believed that the loss of life would not sjeed that number. Ijite reports placed the eallmated prop erty Ices at more than IS.tW.tW0, A state ment Issued on behalf of the asents for the owners of the steamships Bolton Cas tle and Pacific said their Investlgstlon "thus far hss fslled to develop any evi dence which would lead to the conclusion that the fiie was of incendiary origin" Vse The Bee's "Rwarper'' column. Henry James Serlowsly lit. LONDON, prb. 1 The Illness of Henry .lames, the author. Is so serious thst even a temporary Improvement In his condition Is not expected, but because of the nature of Ms nialsdy. It cannot be said to be Immediately critical. II1!ll!l!llllllllllI!in2IHllU!!!UUUIU!!!!ilUnil!l!HUin!!!!!:f!!mni 621 Residents of Nebraska TIMCS SQUARE registered at Hotel Astor during the past year, a 1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath. A cuisine which has made the Astor New. York' leading Banqueting place. Single Rooms, without bath, fl. oo to f J.oa Double . . . ' j joo to 4.09 Single Rooms, with bath, 3.00 to 6eo Double . . . 4.00 to 7-oe Parlor, Bedroom and bath, 10.00 as 1 14.00 At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of New York's social I and business activities. In close proximity to all railway terminals. J) nfunnitiiniiitiiiiiiiiniittiiiiiiitintiiiiiiuniiiiiiiistiiiitii Creatow Girls Wla at HsisfsW. UUMrilRRY. Neb., Feb. 16. (Special.) The Humphrey High school girls' basket ball team was defeated last night by the Creston High school girls' team, 10 to 9. HYMENEAL. FILINGS NUMEROUS IN JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIRBURY, Neb,, Feb. 16.-8pecial.) There is considerable activity In local politics and a number of additional filings have been made with county clerk C. O. Marthls in the lsst week. O. N. Ed wards has shied his castor In the ring for the democratic nomination for sheriff. making altogether seven aspirants for the office two democrats and five . republi cans. A. F. Smith, Charles McOee and Oscar N. Gernsey, republicans, havo filed for clerk of district court. Mr. Oarnsey, present Incumbent, has held the place for thirteen years. F. I Rain, repub lican, has filed for county attorney and Is asking for his fifth term. - K. A. Wun- der and Jeff Moss, democrats, sre seek ing the democratic nomination. AV, C. C. Wooster and W. H. Stinson, republicans. are aspirants for county assessorship to succeed O. R. Jones. D. B. Cropsey, county treasurer, filed yesterday for re nomination; C. O. Marthls. clerk, and Henry Abrams, superintendent, have filed for . renomlnatlon. County Judge I J. Nutzman will soon file his petition of 4ft0 names to have hla name placed on the primary ballot. James A. Axtell, a re publican of this city, will file for repre sentative for the Thirty-aeeond district. It is said C. Id. E. Blauserm, democrat, who represented thp Thirty-second dis trict in the Nebraska legislature last session, will file for state senator from the Fifteenth district and oppose Thomas Lahners, the present republican incum bent seeking re-election. , GaaerKlabwnae. Miss Augusta Klabunde of Irvlngton, and Herman Oade of Tripp. 8. J., were married Wednesday afternoon at t o'clock by Rev. Charles W. Savldge. The bridal couple were accompanied by Miss Morma Hess of Elkhorn and August Klabunde. brother of the bride, of Irv lngton. In the party also were Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Abendroth of Omaha, Henry Klabunde of Omaha, Ernest Kla bunde of Irvlngton and Chris Thompson of Washington. Iloffmaa-Betls. NORTH BEND, Neb.. Feb. 1.-8pe-clal.) The marriage of Miss Emily Betts. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ft L. Betta. to I. Hoffman, botn oc North Bend, occurred at noon.' After the ceremony and luncheon at the bride's home, the couple left for an bury. Wis. DEATH RECORD Joha W. Hsrbasgt. RAVENNA, Neb., Feb. M. BpeolatV- John W. Hurbsugh, veteran of tha civil war, died here Tuesday at tha boma of his son, William Hurbaugh. Mr. Harbaugh was an early settler in this community and was honored and respected' by all. Hs has'' been in-poor health for several years. - ' PIMPLES ON FACE ITCHING INTENS SYRACUSE HIRES ENGINEER TO DRAW LIGHTING PLANS SYRACUSE, Neb.. Feb. 1,-(Srclal.)-The village board has employed J. A. Marts of IJncoln, who did the engineer ing work on the water extension last fall, to prepare the plans and specifications for an electric lighting plant to be owned and operated by the village, and In rtructed the village clerk and attorney to prepare an ordinance to submit the bond Issue to the people at the spring election, the estimated cost of the plant being about 1,0"0. . A marriage license wis granted to Henry F. Gartner and Miss Annie C. Hahn, and they will be married tomorrow at the bride's home west of this place by Rev. Peter Ott. an 1 wilt reside on the groom's farm. Kates froaa f.otkeaharaj. GOTHKNHl'RO, Neb.. Feb. 16. 8p elal.) The funeral of Cyrus Van Sickle, the Illinois Central detective, who was shut In Chicago last Friday, was held at the Methodist church in this city yester day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Attack of the Methodist church conducted the funeral at the ohurch and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' lodge took charge at the cemetery. Ills wife and three sisters re side in this city. Prof. C'ollett, who came here from Fairmont last year, has been ri-elebted to his position as superintendent of tha Oothenburg schools for two years with an Increase of U0O per year. An Ice gorge was formed in the Platte river about six miles eaat of here and all the land between the river and the I'nlon Pacific tracks are under water. Hundreds of dollars worth of hay will ruined. Began Getting Bigger. Large, Hard and Very Red. Scattered Over Face. Had to Scratch. HEALED.BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT '1 aoUosd that my fare wss covered with pimples which began getting bigger. They were large and hard and were very red and there wera so many festered ( a time that I had to squeeee them out and they formed like a boll under the skin. They scattered all over my faoe and tha Itching was so Intense that I bad to scratch my face so much It Med. "The trouble lasted about a month and I used tablets, but they did not do any good. I noticed a Cutacnra Soap and Olntmsot advertisement so I thought I would try them. Tha neat day I saw tha pimples were going away and I used two cakes of CuUcura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment and I was healed." (Signed) Eugene Vogt. 7122 Tremont Ave.. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. a, 191 S. Sample Each Free by Mall With a-p. Bkin Book 00 request. Ad drees post-card MCatUra. Ds. T, Tmm tmm." nM thmwhnnt tHo world. You Can't Brush Or Wash Out Dandruff Whatever may be your need. Want Ad will set It for you. The only sure way to get rid of dan druff Is to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounoes of ordinary liquid ervon; apply It st night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it tn gently with tha finger tips. Do this tonight, and by morning, most It not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and traea of It, no matter bow much dandruff yeu may have. Tou wilt find, too, that all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will bs fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, snd look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug Inexpensive and never fat's oik.-Adverlls-ment. 1 Bu - store. It li to do the A ni mm Vim i Qa 1 6J What Is Your Farm Worth? You may want to borrow on it. The loan' appraiser will set the value. In this article he tells how he'd figure your farm as a "going concern The Time To Sell a Horse Farm chunk, drafter, mare and gelding each brings top price in its own season. Here are tips for men on both sides of the deal. Ditching and Draining Will it pay to drain this field of yours? How can you tell where to put the ditches how make them best? The instructions in this article are plain and practical. A Game and a Gamble The true story of an implement dealer who decided to sell for cash and charge for service. This article tells what happened to him. It's one of a series. ' From Brush to Blue Grass A farmer had 300 acres of brush to clear. A big job. It struck him that brush is goat feed. He put $501.78 into goats. Now he knows, and tells, how to use them and whether they pay. ' j. Spreading Yourself Too Thin Herbert Quick, in his characteristic, pithy, kindly way, advises against biting off more than you can chew. A timely word from a good friend. Your State Board of Health Do you realize all it does to protect you, your family and your livestock against disease? Do you know what else it will do on request? A doctor tells you. And a great deal more : Florida's Neglected Products some delicacies you've never tasted ; To Kill or Not To Kill about pests and bounties; Diana of the Moorland third instalment of the fascinating story by Louis Tracy ; The Black Langshan, by Judge W. H. Card ; plans and itemized costs of a Potato Storage House; how to make a Porch Swing; Bean Crop diseases and their cures; pointers about Your Title to Your Land ; Mushrooms in the Cellar; a Woman's Club that does things; pointers on cooking Dried Vegetables ; And the regular farm and home departments Si 21 I1M If LMM AT' ! si? 13 safe