Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1916, SPORTS SECTION, Page 2-S, Image 38

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Silk Hat Harry's Divorce Suit
Drawn for The Bee by- Tad
Sk SBTH (WELL-) cfy ewrlfX
OEJ-r pal- W LiJJw rZP V ( gosh i &m (xive wr y l
J juiwipjr- n nr,-jir .,-... - , -y--., . iiw-jny j 4 i ...i , i, n i n i n m n i i ' him iim i fri Mn.iiiwwifiiinii ! .i-a ji ii r iiniBnii urn i mi h ii Ii i i i in m il wmm iMiBWMBBBBiiwwwiBfcM(fciMiMwiBBiBBSfcBMMMBBMpBlrf
Win Tourney in Which Handicap
Would Have Been Granted if
Asked For.
Garlow's Colts Who W on City Bowling Honors
Th Gnriow Colts upset th dope when
they won th city championship In the
recent city tournament. This iuad of
youthful pin tumblers entered the to urn a
ment tb take the on Ions chano they
had to win it, and win It, they dll. They
didn't ask tor any donation In the way
of a handlvap, from team considered
atronger than their own, because they
tcallsed the uncertainty of the ten pin
came In a short series surh as a tourna-
. inent contest Is. They knew that reputa
tions alone don't win tournaments, but
that getting the pins does. Their coming
up from behind after a poor start In their
team series, received the plaudits of all
the bowling fan who had practically con-
edod first place to the fnt Ktors team
who had a 1.021 start In their first game.
In a handicap tournament the Garlow
would hire received a good sited handi
cap, as most of the players on the squad
are below acrath average. There are from
twerjty.flv. to thirty teams In the city
who bad the aama Chano as the Oarlowa,
but didn't enter the acratch tournament.
due to their Inability to appreciate this
For th Information of tho who here
misinformed, or misunderstand, th
aamplonshlp title of a city tournament
to always glvea to the team or Individual
rolling; high scratch score whether or not
th tournament la a handicap affair.
p p n n n
: -W :.V;;:X::..V
:tV; -0: r--M
Anothei Organization Comej Into
Existence Following Split at
the secretary didn't have to che;k the
figure. And this same champion had
bn considered a second rater and
would reiv a handicap In a tourna
ment If the advocates of handicap tour
naments had their way. . Anyhow Art
thinks he la lis good aa any howler In
ton and has always been willing to
enter contMia en au euual baHa wlln
other tei-w artists. H certainly dnm-
Carl Morris Knooks,
Out Arthur Pelky
TCX.RA. Okl.. Teh. 12.-Crl Morris of
Why shouldn't Ted Noal hold th city onrttrated that h dldr.'t have to r"ar
alneu. in. -,h. . wu. t , a 'W average to walk away with th
singles title when he la looked upon aa honor, in atournnment where only nine
veins; me oosi oowier in tntg part or tns gnme are rolled a:ros six alleys to ae-
counuyT ciie tn winner.
Why shouldn't Al Wartehow and Oug
McCarthy hold th doubles title, th
strong bowler they reT
Why shouldn't th Oarlow Colt hold
th team championship and Art Teder
sen the Individual all-vnt championship
when both against reputed stronger op
ponents pulled an eleventh hour fintah ParulP. Okl., knocked out Arthur Telky
Miming up from behind late In th series of Canada In the fifth round tonight of
ind grabbing off th top position? their scheduled fifteeo-round bout here.
Ilky was floored twlc In th fifth bo-
owiiar not, I fore he was knocked out. To tnea ar
i" Mets, Ktori and I.niui squads ar heavrwalahta.
till nerk and neck for first place la th , '
nt, .tin mh score fr th MISS MARIE LACEY WINS
fllfi rtl inaj4 In e K a r a I ..... . 1
high T-or.-r.lM by" "M'vV" lu'nein'wIM CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE
mm n wuj lis unMlillt lo roil
emiugh games to be eilklble lur tho Diixc
MIks Marie Icey. th pretty lT-s-ear-
Acwrding to the i handles o theory the old daughter of Mr. and Mr. M. J. Ljieey
fhouia TrViTr.Vo'Xg'r inos s Thirt,eth vnu"' ut ,,uht
1 hey defeated the Urn low folta, prneent t h Auditorium roller rink, won th
champion, In a special haivllcaD match, tin. ohnmnlnmhln nmu half mils
InTXrwh--Til 5rf'Lw.?1m',u Lwlcr' Ker kater of Omaha and also a beautl-
organlsed team. MIbs Bee Murray ha ,l,v,r WPt on-t,1 T Charlei A.
-rji niM oown scores of tli W Frank, manager or the Auditorium,
tartety. and woul.t h rww .ih., 1 . .
1? .. of th. weaker tea that rac l nignt wa. um .woea ,or
atrentrthenlng. , th cup, thg trophy going to th young
Jedlicka the Bntlnard. Kh., star and woman who won two race. Th flrt
lieif." roTl'.hrr"lm0JT' 8t0.r "I 'nnrm c wis bald a taonth ago and Mis
a i ',T"n"n snarse. at stim. early date, a field or twe
'""f tit games will probably be I ..t
rUveJ both Omaha and Fremont, for , . " ,
a lit' puiae. The dale and details have th,n ln
been arranged. half mil In
l.lnooln bowlers plan to enter six or was recond and !lss Jda Miller, third.
lg annual stat. met and will h hen joyed the roller skaUng.
n lone u ooont il. I r
i'renMriit Cat of the Nehrniika Dawl- ten
Lr &nV.liMTlorS' to he "' "n Ktb- ch
?.rL .iin J"aha. Beveral bowler from and
pig annual state meet and will be here Joyed
ui tone u oooat II. Prior to tha race. Wiley Comtrton ehal
ked anyone to a five-mil rac. Th
challenge was accepted by Pick Brit ton
ler. from and th rac will probably b run off
early In March,
I re.d, a o.te. will grab th. opportunity
are he-V.. "'r:'' h."n mt '""
re Here. The Ul n oftlctala are eniL.
tneM",C,,U.'nl n "" toK. "ah
ui, oi.?.,,?h;,:",;,v "tios frin
tionV ouu,le th"r tournament organlaa-
(Continued from Fag On.)
wonderful alhTot irh will stick to
training. . , ;
Reavls Geei to roraell.
In th pole vault ther ar Gardlpe
and Llebendorfer, both good prospects.
RaavbJ went to Cornell and th Uusker
will not be abl to replace hint. In th
hurdle Bolton Is a fair man, while M.
C. Townsend I a good quarter tnller.
John Rlddell la showing up well a a
middle distance man. Th dlstanc men
lnolud. A id rich, Kublk, R. W. Scott,
Rscke, Itlckor god RunkeU all of them
Shaw Is th hes shot putter th. uni
versity ever had. Riddell U good with
th shot and dlscu. whll Captain Corey
of the foot ball team t a good dlscu
man. .
The freshmen squad la also strong,
with Rryan, Bui lard, Finney and Wer
ner as sprinters, Jackson, Doran, Co-
trllo and ICngetrom In th sprints. Reed,
Davlat, Larson, Stephens, Antlea. Bowen,
Hamilton and Wallace in th distance
events, Tllnt. Kelley, Rolf and Wer
ner in th Jumps and Beck ford and
Werner as hurdlers
Henderson, Overton and Valparaiso
have added their requeata tor basket ball
entrloa during th. wek. making a total
tf 14 now in. Pro pec t point to th best
touraam.nt tn tb. history of th associa
tion. At least sixteen Uama foel thm
selves in th running for Clasa A honors.
Chadron in 1h west claim to hav. a
team of championship caliber. Fremont
seems t. be holding th lead in It terri
tory. Cmkha, South Omaha, IJnooln, Be
atrice, Vntverslty I'laoe. Hebron, Geneva.
Wllbor. Crete. 6ldney, Vllnden and Hoi-
dreg hav good records and hav. been
wlrnlng from on another by close
core. Reed say he ha not tiinatd
on tb merit of th Class B and Class
C Uama.
Wesleyan Quintet n
Defeats Fort Dodge
By a "' Single Goal
FORT DODGE, la.. Feb. U.-Soeclal
Telegram.) Just before tho final whistle
blew Johnsoq scored a field goat and
Nebraska Wesleyan defeated Company
O basket ball five. V to , last night
Guardsmen had gained a seven-point lead
ln th first halt and kept ven on .soring
until late In the game when the visitors'
on-rusb broke through th local defense.
Cramer and Monk kept th visiting for
wards down until late in th game when
substitution of thre. men by Nebraska
carried th pao. too fast.
' Monk on th. offenso mad. long field
goals. Yifqualn and Johnson starred for
th Methodist. Klght fouls wer called
on aoh team by Captain Heath, refore.
Nebraska Wesleyan will play at
Dubuque Saturday, University of Wis
consin, Monday; Co, Tuesday; Cornell,
Wednesday, and Nebraska university,
Friday. Th lln up:
Hall , LF. R.F Johnaon
Barton .......R.F.I UP Kiln.
Smith ClC Hughe
Tamer ... n.u Johnson
Monk R.O.I L.O Vlfquain
ttutmutlone or Nebraska: Coaler,
center: Urubb, tight forward. Ooals:
Hall (f), Barton, (Smith tn, Cramer (2),
Monk (3). Burn. Klein (. Vlfquain 3i,
Johnaon 3). Anderson (!, Orubb (.'),
Coaler. Fra throw: Smith (3). Klin.
Jack (Red) Murray, transferred by th
Chicago Cuba to th Kansas City club,
ha askad for hi unconditional release
under th clause which gives that privi
lege to a player who has seen ten years'
service. Murray, it 1 said, hopes to catch
on with the Cincinnati Red.
LOUItVlLI.E, Ky., Feb. 12.-A new na
tional amateur base ball organization
cam into exlMenee her today after
delegates to the annual meeting of the
National Amateur Eaee Ball Association
of America had split into two factions at
the morning session. The new body,
styling itself th National Amateur Bao
Ball federation, elected C. E. .Townes of
Cleveland, president It begins operation
with a membership of nine cities.
Loyal member of the old body at the
am time held a meeting In a room ad
joining that In which the federation was
born, continued under the name of th?
National Amateur Base Ball Association
of America and elected Ralston Gosa of
Indianapolis, temporary president, and E.
C. Heaton of Chicago was re-elected seo-letary-trcasurer.
Ben J. Brumleve, Loule
vlll, was elected flrt vice president, nnd
J. A. JeckeU Detroit, second vice presi
Other Officer Named.
Other officers installed by the federa
tion were C. W. Sturr, Cincinnati, first
vie president; Rondowe Abeken, St,
Loulu, second vice president and Thomas
Nokcs, Johnstown. Pa., secretary-treas
urer. ,
President Townes, appointed a commit
tea of flv to draw up a constitution and
Ly-laws and meet March 10 at Cincinnati,
whor a constitutional convention will ba
held March 11. The association did not
elect it next meeting place and Presi
dent Ooa was given until February 22
to say whether ho would continue to bead
the organization. In th vent that ha
retain his office he will designate the
time and place for th next meeting.
Today' rupture ln relations occurred
when certain member who later aligned
themselves with the old association din
agreed with th ruling of Mr. Townes,
who In his capacity of vice president as
sumed th chair ln the absenc. of Presi
dent Patterson of Chicago. When Mr.
Townes decided that proxies could not be
voted and that delegates her. to apply
for admission to th association could
vot Mr. Beaton resigned hi office and
left th room. Mr. Goes' withdrawal
afterward as old George Buechel of
Louisville, second vice president
Present at the meeting that organized
th new federation were: Henry M. Tufo,
W. B. Blckford. Chicago; C. A. Brown,
Toledo; R. 8. WombeJd. Columbus; James
Mullarky, C. T. Townes. Cleveland; C,
E. Martin, C. W. Sturr, Cincinnati; Wll
llara App. Frank A. Relchert, Louurrtll;
Rondown beken, St Louis; Tom Nokes,
Johnstown, Pa-, and Paul R, Purman,
De Molne.
W. E. Van Duaen. J. . Jackal. Detroit:
Dr. P. M. fielxes, Pittsburgh; E. O.
Trautman. Columbus, and George Bue
chel and Ben J. Brumleve of Louisville,
In addition to Ooa and Beaton, attended
th meeting of th association.
When th. two meetings adjourned late
today none of th business th meeting
of th National mateur Baa Ball Asso
ciation of America had been called to
consider had been transacted. From the
session a new delineation of th amateur
player had ben expected.
Sam Foster Shoots
Perfect Score in
Western Handicap
KANSAS CITY, Mb.. Feb. li.-Sam
Foster of Mason City, la., shot a per
fect score ln th Great Western Handi
cap, the feature event of Kansa City's
annual midwinter shooting tournament
which closed yesterday. Foster's victory
was not easily gained, however, for J. T.
Roth of Kansas City was tied with Fos
ter, whon each . had tumpled thirty
white flyers In a row. In the shoot
off Roth missed one of flv. and lost the
F. A. Grapcr of Custer Park, 111., won
the other event of the day, the Interstate
target championship for amateurs, break
ing ninety-one clay targets out of a
possible 100. A sliding handicap was
used. Among the five tied for second
place , with eighty-seven hits, were L.
L. Hoon of Jewell, la.; O. K. Mackie of
Lawrence, Kan., and J. J. Randall of
Grcensburg, Kan.
Amateur high scores for the tourna
ment were: F. A. Grapcr, 441 out or
445; William Wetleaf of Nichols. la., 438;
W. L. Hoon. 437. Professional high
cores for the same number of target
were: Fred Gilbert Spirit Lake. 111..
44S; II. T. Kennlcott, St. Louis. 441; O. G.
Spencer, St. Louis, 439..
Huskers Will Not '
Violate Rule for
Game at Portland
LINCOLN. Feb. 12. tSpeclaD-Chancel-lor
Avery has received a letter from the
president of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege relative to the game to be played
between Nebraska and the Oregon Aggies
next fall. Some objection had been raised
at Nebraska by reason that the game
waa scheduled for Portland.
Avery Is Informed In the letter that the
Portland field Is the "home grounds'' for
the Oregon Agricultural college and there
can bo no violation of the rules because
the frame Is played there. Missouri Valley
conference rules requite the game to bo
played on tho homo grounds of the com
peting teams. Dr. . Avery will ask the
conference to define "home grounds"
before taxing final action.
Nebraska's athletic board will dlsnose.
of Guy Chamberlain's case at it moeting
a week from next Monday. Board mem-,
bers admit there Is only one course open
and that is to disqualify the Husker star.
Such action will undoubtedly be taken
It haa been reported Chamberlain I tn
pin) at Annapolis next fall and other re
ports say West Point, but close friend?
of th. big end huliev. h. 1 through with
foot ball and will not return lo school
next fall. Chamberlain is Jn a position to
tuke his degree at any time.
CRETE. Neb.. Feb. 12. 'Special Tele
gram.) Doane college met defeat on Its
new floor by York last night M to 11. The
JJoane team showed great improvement
on th last game, but the superior basket
shooting and team work of Hawkins'
pupil was too much for them.
Th score at the end of th. first half
was 13 to S. For Doane, Baser, th big
center played a good gam as did Conrad
at guard. Brake and Sander played th
best game for York. Th lln up:
Sicncer .
Illaylett ..
Haxer ...
Conrad . .
Mlckel ...
Referee: Towle. Nebraska,
ers: King and 8. Taylor.
..Forward ,
...Guard.... Sander,
, . Brake
.... Cox
.... Blur
The Omaha Tramps defeated th. Sar
gent of Council Bluffs on th. Council
Bluff floor Friday night M to 20. Mao
farland starred for the Tramp and Nat
ion for th Sargent. Lineup:
Russum L.F. R.F.... Deffenbaugh
Usher R.F. L.F.. ...... M. Nelson
Longwell C. C... G. Cook
Macfarland ,...UG. R.G Schlott
Glller R.G-I L.C Lowrey
Substitutes: Smith for Usher. J. Joaeph
for Cook. B. Joseph for Schlott Field
goals: Macfarland (S), Usher (J). Long
well, Glller, M. Nelson (4), Cook t. Low
rey (5). Foul goals: Oilier 7, M. Nelson.
Cook. Referee: Smith. Tim of halve:
IS minute.
Be trie. I Victor.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Feb. l.-Sre-clal.r
Beatrice High achool defeated Ne
braska City High achool at basket ball
Uat night S to It. Th attack of th
Queen City lad waa too much for th.
ine Jii-ntlngt-m hanHrio louriim.n
' ih n ru v ni i.'w.i..... ... .. - . . .
. hr,.. lhey hav, U.. eekln Th. ii ha
,. , V" I aw t'li in 111. 'J
i.inir n-1 ll run
I.- .. ." J' n "fnterir IHul'i Im ti.m.
tr h. ti,Ml
, np: x-i"ti..iit
.V, w T "n ""'ojolltan all.-x i
int. aiKive n.i ri -,
m nt.
uj'n in
II. .Ih
in-r.ts vlth n tw-i.ion tesii",
k,,y returned to tho tial.. Oily lua.ue
,.o ...M.m.-n me iticka for
lnk ite count In his fleet atlomot.
f , f .h . , ro" moving this
t.V ir.. ? . V n."nlo,'r or straw
i .. n u "cm exenanue
"Uad" luntlnifion haa r. turned front
JUS lour of the slate 'n an rnlhnl..n,.
no1. II. says bowling I buon.ins In
"" Ple h. vlmted. Dad out
t'ooating hi handle y tournan-ut and
promised evrl entriea. 11. didn't
1'ia v many r.iat. h mm on tho account
of United time and the crowT.d couriii oo
ii! the allet a.
Ken Sciple wore out two pairs ef
hoea last k, walking liweri tl.a
rarnam alley and a bowling aupply
hoaa.. After uur. haalnr aome thro, or
. four bolu and trvtr.g tnem out. he was
Mil uiiMtlaflrd ami had l aend tn Oh.-
tao for one. II. la n.uking all kinds of
m(j:ciiona as to now th. pins will
t'imbie hn h. r-eU. his new nt Bill.
That ll.-rald crt in liie Xlerr.ntile
leaau. haa sure lilt th. "to'.o ; '' Inou
j ii I thirten of th Ut t.fte. n inri
iiaa OA't a crimp In their permaiuMil
aAii1! aliens.
A it.t I never expect tn see A vacant
ruoin in th. Ornah. old Howler.' hum. I
ImmKitiiHi after the cii y lounum-iit
tliei. wer rrl ai,iliin'A for entry
In this well no luhlllulKn.
Art P-dran. the pr.wt t l.i.lder nt the
it y I mi 'vitu Hi rhani-I'm. lo tltie n eo
h v
Team Standing and Individual Averages of the Local Bowlers
KlfrriNOTOffB I.BAOf
w. u ret.
Omaka B. g.
CiUiit.l. UM. O.U t
U4l UmtAmm. 14 I .
NlrlwiW W t .'
Kvra-Haan ...m t .-
Illlirl k t .k
KliM hat'l Basal.. I 1 .
Muilua 1'luw (a 1 it "
A. O, V. W. NU. 17. I IS I I U .
InaivUaal araaa:
Nab. Av.
WrwuAdd ...174 M-ntaa.
wdlrlrk ....171 liMnta ,
W.Bhera ....ill tNne
W. N.iaoa...K0 iLftuimaa
Luuarva Youiia ...
r atiraakr. .IMI Mall, k .
Murviir l MuaAawita.
HiaipMi , ...! lml. 1MI
thMBdlrr ...ImIaa. Mlraatr.H
H.MlMB'r !! ...U
tela UT Oiriiiausaa..l
f. lcS lat Woltt ....
J. rraaol....l3 ,
Hr-i. IU Ruiia ....
aiaA IM k. r'raacl.
J.rja ... 1M TarlB
Hlillmrd lUUlh
AatberM. ...lAIWIlAua
riH ...
A Irk..
HabiiII ...
Hglqutat .
MvWnrr ..
iAnir .
hvrka ....
ruui ...
wnbAna .
J. CM)
l-l A lwroal..H7
. .IaJ Wanes
. ll Haru ....
.HI kiw
..IWtrrMt ....
..1.4 K.ka ....
..IIIToiu.1 ....
. in liwraa .
..U4 Steal
..liu l'Uk ....
..Ik AUIr
. .Iki Ham
..Ill Krall
..1(4 relic ...
,.IM fMeraaa ..
114 (tiapniit ..
Taaa. W I. rVI
IdMl Mitrta .....M 1 .44
lal livtium M '4
I'IkaaIi -.ta U tl .111
IaaI Oreiall. u .41S
Miua TuMt M .444
lJrA4tiov.;hla Il M .f.f
In.t'.iauAl avaraaM:
Naaie A v. Hn.
'Aarar .lT0)Aau
ni . 11 Parker .
KlrklukSI ...1M'U ...
Ijim 1 -T M
H,.l.nrl ....i:4r1tM
l .iUa u honon
. 147
Maallko ... Ml Malay Ill
Ul 141 I'M Ill
boner! ... HA hlrk Ill
JohBMoa ....14 MarDoaaa! 1"
Phaipa Ut ttiafiira 12
GrAiuua ....IJr? i-oMrtar ...llfr
nanon 131 Knea 1!4
llAiaAdla. ..Hi Harrinatoa .IM
Utvr Ul LU4B.II Ul
TPtrilOriB LXAOl'B.
Tmrnm. W.UKcl.
OAneral OffiO. U Ik .WT
Audllora 31 IT .5
Wlra 1ileta M K .i
Accoanltua Ii I" il
I mm rl Dull ii Plant ...II 4 ...
i. RlActrt. .... SI U .uo
KnilDMn kV 94 .M
IWIrarllia 11 rtl
lnMAll4Uiua II II .Ki
Traltle U M .14
Iaiivi4aI avaraaaa:
Kaoia, At. Ntkia Av.
PrlAiAAU ... IT! lAtmrm 14
W. J.oaoa. 11 HPAionlAf ,.14
ttalelaa VM "!. ...m
Kaat l!4cAnall ,,..IW
Ktiraa lMAAtttoa Ill
Hoiuaar ..i Uartiea ,
Hair 1'B PraalAa ...Uf
I Inch ....!
Ai kioa ...IMKaltr 117
Hun lVfiKermlr. ...It;
B. Nnlaad...UT rvnAbr ....It
Hharkh ...11.7 Bra.-. !H
Kaaw U-7 I am IKS
rkllllna lfclhaaAlron ...If.
(l.o4 .. 1UI
Kaller Ib4 HAio.ouka
R jAhaao..li4 Imff
lobnaua lftl leirtdla
rerklia .....1M Bra.le ..
lAmhart ....HI Hulitlxa
HtmrhmT ....IM tAaliwra ..
Oaul4 IM KkM
BAMkaai ,...1M rAjiaAAtsck
r.tAro ..14 Biiia-ui ...
CkMi ia rwe
I d ia 14 ma4 ....
O. Johaaoa. 14? rtarheat ..
Hfrnolda ...14TrhAraa ....
.144 I.a4na ..
.VA4 (Wtmbla ..
.lAtroiev ....
1U HlvxiM ...
.14 W. HolRM.
.144 lAirhaac.
.144 ItAklkA
Wilier ...
0.a4 ..
0-kl. .
a..A ....
1 4A ....
W. NoUa..l44 BaUwIa
HAklla. 143 ttrrr .
ull 141 Mio. .
r mow. 141 Hmanr
IU DirN 140 lt'enM
141 I KrA.a 140 .Iti
I u
.. :
Taaoi. W.UlVt. Old Aa M 34 .
All Sura II I .ail
I'uulAy'a eipeclAla ....17 11 .40
g. U. TrlArcbaatA 14 I .u
Indlndual awArmaaa:
Nam. At. Nam. Av.
Warx-how ,.ll lApm.kl ...17
l-'aaArbwa ..Ut;ttiad4 174
Ham IM Fliiaral4 ..111
rVdAnoa .. 17 fuk.r 174
Hull IMKlnAATmaa .114
rrltrhar ,. TooIa 171
lflAT 144 Hnc-k 171
KeaaadT MJtoOAld ...171
hall 1w H-wle 17
lAuaar iw Hrlaa. 147
rill i:. 144
DavIim .....ltl Ixioner IM
raiaraoa ....inunbaJ 1U
maoio rtrr uukot-B.
Uaaa. B.
Taaoi. WL 1V4
OBlurto Oak 11 .411
KWrnra' BMchAaa. ..14 t .47
Murvhr Colu 14 M .447
burAU Aalmal tod.. VI It .447
irt'a Pramlaaia ....17 II ,4M
Curo Mia. tjariasa. . -t 1 l7
Indlvldttal avaracea:
Naaie. At. Naate. At.
NAlaca .... a .'larboara. UT
KAkar 1 rwaalaua ,
Tadner 17 I'olAfUAa ..
f'AderAaa ...17 Mortaaaea
.IT Vaara ....
Ill M.. field .
.171 SuUlvaa ..
.Ut Culkla .
.lrUrka ....
.141 Had una
K Tarlor
Maaeer It Brllton 134
Plan ......137 Unvr Ill
Kotnbart ....n4 AndrA ,...117
Malluv 13b GrleAver ...11
Ptrkard ... IU Hunt 124
Knee l.M
W. Ia Pot.
Cmplraa ...)
Jeaola ( T .4.11
Brook fleldA T t .447
UlilM I
.Individual avaraKf:
NaaM. At. Nana.
LurliMi 1771 UaI.i
(1 KAaar...la4 RaaII
ClaAfak u. klAaianaael
la ! UrAadrrv.
...11 Man
...11 Rnale . Te ...
...IfctVearr ..
...v arkAtar
Ul.-aoa ....
Oitai ...
Heftoa ....
A. blAk.
Fnn4 ..
Crvna ..
HMkfer .
Y MTn. .
W. BlAk.. .147 HarUaato. .ut
Anna. itutrRg utAora.
w. u p.
PHvera U II .4VT
OdK. M II .4
twtMit 14 rr .47ft
uerlntadaU ... IT 14 ,M4
ladlTlduel aTeraaa!
Nam. At. Na.wi. At.
Hnllr.(h'..l aArair4..1M
IkuAAau ....IU U Levtaakl 111
tirnift lkl FirUAAiuAa .. IJ
Unix Ul A tPlnAkl 14U
luolrr Ul tdlddialoa .. l
' 114
Kab lii 'tirovtr ...13
Pioomaalat .is u. Miiua ...IM
Klafar Ul NolAoa U4
Heha 1t 1.!l.h.r ...11
Kkdahl 14 RalwrtAa ..lit
Hoot 141 K. KAAAAr.Ul
HrAru-t ....1441 HAAklu ....111
llrnh 134aorma ....Itf
TTaat. I
m. a. awMk
F.vd Molar
Nek. Clolkla C.
lrcaar4-WlikAlm ,
Tboaua Kllpatrick
ladttldAiel Traaa
Najaa. At. Nbiba. At.
MarokT 1 rl rooakarr. Ill
Korertae ...171 flvrt 14
Kalaoa 1 Vatler lit
wAiaraBr 1 Aaar ....
Kalla 144 Haaarai
HuaAaaM ...lit b. Ml ...
C, SrAl.k .. 144 Maallka
Marrraaaa ..144 M.uray ,
Sralkk 1M Mlllrr ..
Ttbi 14 Hulchlaa
Turlaaar ...1IXmt ...
Kiha 141 rrOT4 ..
trf-rholal ..) bra
Pullank ....1" K.,vi
4AB.D4 14 H.n.tBt
lAoib liKr4r .
T.lkl. ... I-M Hull
KIM 1(4 ArmAtroua
RadM Ul Muiiv- ...
Ktrkataa .. U4 tl.Ka.a. ...!( Tb.naAA .
Fkaakav ...HT SteAaar .. ....U4 tAttiiAaa .
I.unt l.i 1-AAfcy ...
! k .....Um MaIbi ...
W I. Pet.
.. 11 .411
.13 II .111
.11 11 .1VI
. 3 IS .UT
..! B .417
..3 14 .4.1 XI
..a 11 .41
.10 14 .17
.17 IT .114
Ik .Vw)
..144 Krataer ....14
MII. M.Maous.131
..141 Buraeaa 11
..141 Italia It
. .14 Hberaiaa
..1?4 ljBTAoa ....IIS
..U U ktcMaaua.117
..U Brraoa Ul
Kadina .
ThAArua .
IHtr ..
Dola ...
Huofir . .
Wood Bra.
riar-Bobloae. ...
Tats briA.
fba luvra
I'. 0. tarda V .
V. S. Varda Bank
ladlTlduel ararasea:
Naate. At. Nam.
Kella 171 Van.a .,
Joknnn. ,.,.171 KanyoQ
ThoaiAA 144 MaIIot ,
ErnerAu. ....14 Pewvra
I'.TVIIkanMa.lU Bandar
40 IT .101
.14 U .le
..B 34 .474
. .14 11 45d
..11 a .M
..17 4 .194
rhxk IU AruiatAdar
Flauk IM BarnAr .
Maiwall ...,lf TlAlball ..
Hotdaaaa 16 PAka ...
(illlaa 1 Oaknaaa .
HaadAll ....UT F. King..
Blark 164 HarrlB ...
llurk U4 M W'llk'raoa.1.1
Hanaaa 14 Krvua Ul
KaoAkl IM MrdiAlibara ,.U1
b,iaax ....161 UHoblaaoa 117
ln IM na 14
O. Klus IM Kir lib . .. I'il
Rot. Uff Kl. k.rd ....19
Parker ViO Tajrlgr 14
UTHocBiAPHkraa- lsaox'b.
w. 1. p-t.
Laarv 41 u ,k
OniAk 41 11 .M7
Roe II 14 .!
Haaoook .14 t .4.1
Hubar 1 4T .144
kiAee-BarlUtt 14 41 .la
ladlTldtuai avavas:
Hanaaa ....
Ohaaaer .,
klrlMar ...
r, im
Horraiaa ..
Roirnj7 ..
A. Plow..lo Kobler ..
W Uaaabw 1 M.ratAkr
SSart U rAianraa .
IMambatk .14 Kuril ..
H PuUT .1.1 Ba,IIt ..
MalloT 1 SalluB ..
.174 rarer
.17 Orua
.14 r
.147 ttoal
.147 hebl
.14 r. And,
. li Hokr ..
.11 IIM4B
.11 1'nuk
. 1 J
Kraada ....WOwmi ..196
Andaraoa . .117 Seltier 11
Hutcblaaam 111 Paauaka ....lui
Taaaa. W.UPM.
rpdlk Orala Ca 4 t .
TraamlanaAlpvt M 14 .74
Natk-U. Urala O 14 U .41
Grata Inaveotor II 11 .iJt
Nr-r" -K. Co. ...a M .III
Albara-Fallauk Co.. . 44 4o .441
rrowell Rla. Co 14 t .444
Mann. Mllllaa 0....I4 .r
Omaha, BiCTAtur . .11 k .11
farera Kleraior Oa.,17 St .131
Peter Mill 4 II II .IM
Hobarta Orala Co 14 ST .
IndlTtdual aTarasaa:
Nam. At. Naaaa, At.
Iwnaiaa ....lliwil.a 144
Kerr 1. Oraar IM
lHtr 171 JubAAo. ....Ul
Olbba lTIPrsbat 141
Uadarkala 174 klcCardal ...14
IN70M PAcmo LBAatlV
W. U Pet
Car Raoord at u .n
MatlT. ror I 1 .11
Nebraska blTlatoa..! II .4.)
RnaiBaara II M .tutf
alia. AoooaaUk. U n .lu
Uamka Shav II M .4.4
Oaueral riht...- IS .414 .
PaAaur ST W .a
IndlTldual sTarac:
Naaaa. At. Najba. At.
PIMIat ia P Ark AT 16
R. Nuraard. .1 Hiidbua...l4i
Bukl.r 144 Daaa
araar 11 Sblll
Aiidra ....! Volat ....
Hcrartfk ... IU Vim ...
PurAAaaua...!! Plokett
cri'aader .. In Mania ..,
Baraaat lw btorr. ...
IA Lm brudkeok
BryABt Ik loknAoa .
U. Nuraard..U Kedtl44
Fowler ....
derrick ...
UokllB ..
Peterao. ...
VABoa. ....
flarford ...
HMriealB ..
167 krteba
. 144 twauan.
.14 Ctoulter ..
.1.4 Kixk ....
.164 llraaa,
.1.4 Voraad
.14 kaaaa ..
.U4 BV-hradar
.io: riouid ...
.Ul Vdarara
.Ul Skaodr .
.lk-.fcV.AAAU .,
,LU) Bute ...
.. lo
...111 .
Omaha High School
Adds Another Game
University Plac basket ball tam fell
before the Omaha Central High achool
five last night at University Place, 1$ to
11 Better blocking on th part of Omaha
and team work of tb first order were re
sponsible for th victory.
ltd ta
in th'S
ORINNELU Ia.. Feb. ll-apclat Tele
gram.) Ames and Orinnell met here this
evening, and th gam was a battle royal,
even though th score waa 1 1 ,one-lded
aa 19 to 7 In Grlnnell'a favor at th close.
At the end of the first half, it was 13
to 6. The Ames boy wer magnificently
muscled, quick aa cat on their feet and
heavier than Orinnell, but they
outplayed. Grlnnell'a teamwork and
terferenc were well night perfect.
Fouls wer about equally shared
first half and largely wanting In th last
Ames lost lime in nnoing aome one ei
their own men to take th ball. Ames
eould not seem to reach th basket In
the laat half, scoring only two from th
foul lln. Kellogg of Iowa, waa rafere.
' Coaaolly R.-lg-n.
Outfielder Jo Connollv of th Boston
Braves baa re-signed with tho Boston
Anyone Can Now Mako Their Own
Liiuor at Home and Save Money.
well-known distiller of thl city ha just
produced a Concentrated Extract. with
which an yon can mak right at horn,
any Whiskey, Liquor or Cordial, at a
saving of over fifty per cent of th liquor
Dealer prices. It'a very simple and
eaay. A few minute doe th work, re
quiring no apparatus, no boiling, no ex
perience whatsoever. It 1 said that 'the
Liquor mado ar far superior to tho
that can be purchased at most Liquor
Stores, and aa a reault of thl discovery,
thousand of peopl all ovr th country
ar already making their own Liquor
at Home. Th legality of hi method ha
been carefully investigated by th high
est authorities and found to comply with
th Law ln every respect. No on now
need b without their favorlU Liquor,
aa it can be mad right at horn or any
where, in a Jiffy, lust when wanted. Tho
news of thl amaslng diaoovery haa star
tled th country and h haa already re
ceived thousand of letter of praise.
Anyone can try a quart of hi favorite
Liquor fr by writing to M. W. PrlcaaU.
tll Universal Bldg., Cincinnati. O., and
aak for hi booklet. S
ereta of Making Liquor at Horn,"
which h. will aend FTee to anyon send
ing their nam and addroas. Adv.rtlae
Harley Davidson
Champion Roller Skater
of the World
Fancy THck, Acrobatic and Spe,
(.xnirmions Kvery Mght
Thl We
Admission 25c. Skate Fl-M.
Wrap Checked Free
Ir ort lit fium of tiiv real of tt uo) I