inn n.nanA nu-i'Ai nr,rv. rrvnUArvt i.f, ini(. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED lsrtkw BEM1S PARK HOME Tti own'M of on of those beautiful nmes on Hawthorne Ave., between iMtr- nd SBth Sis.. I living the citv nil I will sell nt a sacrifice. Auk ua for full Information. If you want a delightful home In a de sirable and quiet neighborhood, con venient to street cars, gee us bout thia promptly. J. II. DUMONT & CO!, n-ll keellne. Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. SPECIAL, $3,200 Now i-room, all modern house, oak. birch and inutile finish, also Karani'. corner lot, paved street, cur line. nir 25th and Fort St. See me about tills quick. TKBBENS. 6 Omaha Nat l Rank Prettiest Mile Comer Practically new, all modern frame nd stucco home, fronting eaut on the corner of Florence Blvd. and Ellison Ave. Six rooms and sun parlor. oak floors and finish, built-in features, etc. Win positively be sold this spring. o.0ii9. Kasy terms. m BEDFORD. Douglas 'f&i a fine home for very little cash Two-story cottage, oak floors, strictly modern; large lot. Small monthly pay ments. Ames Ave. NORRIS & NORRIS, W Bee Bulldln g. Phone Douglas 4270. ToR SALE Strictly modern, U-rodm houae; hot water heat; south front lot. . frlce 17.000. Phone Douglas ISIS. KOUNTZE ADDITION I ROOM3, all modern, oak finish In liv ing rooms, den and good basement, located near 1Mb. and Lothrop. price 14.000. If you are looking for a nice homo, here It Is. C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Brandels Theater Bldg BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK. 2712 Ames Ave., 7 large rooms, bath and leeplng porch, screens and storm sash throughout; south front, fine shade and hedge. HuO cash and 140 monthly from responsible party. Keva at my residence. B. J. Scannell, 2703 Fowler Ave. Phones Doug. 393 or Coifs x 8511 01- N. 42D 6-room cottage, bath, citv water and gaa, on car line, 11,400; lli down and 130 per month. O'KEKFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg. D. 2T1R 13S SARATOGA, S rooms. H.i'iO; 1100 down and 1"J0 per month. Bath, city , water and gas. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha Nsfl. Bank Bldg. P. Z71S Keystone Park Beautiful g-acre home right In Key stone Park. Koine Improvement. Price 15,000, which la a snap. Owner might divide. BEDFORD. . Douglas 33M GOOD HOME S-4ooih bungalow, all modern. 4109 North 21wt. Phono owner, Colfax 2262. Boat. BEAUTIFUL BELLEVUE BEAUTIFUL BELLEVUE BEAUTIFUL BELLEVUE Do you want a home with several lots or a block T A home with small Investment possible In real estate within ten miles of heart of a large cltyT A home where the beauties of the natural scenery are unsurpassed In this region? A home where educational advantages public, school and college are unexcel led In this part of the country? A home In a community of Intelligence, refinement and morality T A home within reach by lnterurban railway of the heart or zoo.ouo population, witn em nlovment. markets and highest civlllxa- tlonT It this la you laudable ambition, buy in - Beautiful Bellevue Beautiful Bellevue Lot tlOO to $300. Blocks (12 lots) 11.000 to 12.000. A few small homes Rome 10, 20 and 80-acre tracts. Get particulars. GEORGE G. "WALLACE, B4 Keellne Building. HANSCOM PARK. We have a beautiful new stucco real dene with large living room, beam cell ing, f tren ace. built-in book cases: din lng room with built-in sideboard. quartered white oak wainscoting below plate rail; kitchen with built-in cabinet: nutter's pantry between kitchen and dining room with built-in cup board; table lear closet, dust and clothes chute: rooms on first floor fin tshed - In oak; second floor has four largo bedrooms with mirror doors; hath room with tiled floor, equipped with bath tub, pedestal lavatory and shower bath; large attic; basement with laundry tubs, floor drain, toilet, fruit cellar and coal bin; vapor heat; aeral- lndlrect lighting fixtures, screen. Lo- cated S306 Walnut St. Price $7,000. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. FIELD CLUB SPECIAL -46,500 A wonderful bargain In a house built regardless of cost. Owner leaving the city Is now forced to put this fine property on the market at a price far less than It could be duplicated for. Eight large rooms, sun room and sleep ing porch, tile bath; In fact, everything that you would put tn your own home f you were building today. Only four years old and located on one of the neat iota in ins aisinci. iou are ccr talnly losing the opportunity of a life' time If you don't Investigate this at once. 'ARMSTRONG -WALSH CO. Tyler InM. KeeUbe Bldg FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Mew home of six rooms and sleepin porch, overlooking the Gould Diets home and whole block of grouads. Splendid district; only 2 blocks from Leavenworth street car, for 14.850. Owner bull, this last year and says he will barely gat out whole at this figure, but change In business has taken hitn front, the city HARRISON & MORTON, a 116 Omaha National Zfenk Bldg. IN WALKING DISTANCE Strictly mod ern I-room house, and garage, for I machines at th and Leavenworth You can rent rooms and the garage for enough to pay ror the property ' Price only 13.200. Owner might taka vacant lot as Dart payment. Edward F. Williams Co. V. Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. I Ml c-T seil my s-large-room modern home on paved street; cement walks lame barn: nice shade: cement base' nient: laundr) ; gas; electric lights; hot water heat: cistern; bath; sewer; one block from street car and public achoo Worth 11.500: make me an offer. Fro. Mower. (ir -r. 47.0 H. IMh St.. Omaha 4VROOM house And 60-ft. lot. with wale gas and elf. trie light. Price l.30u; to cash, balance easy terms. Address &U . rreaencK. BRICK houne needing repairs, Pherwood, $l,r0. on fin lot. 15th and I. IM7, M tsee 11a Beau. $3,000 ttlofl cash, balance monthly: Ilvln room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and peoroom on First floor; bedroom, ba and sun room on 2u floor: oak si ins pis finish, all modern; sph-ndid lo- alien, clos to school, located near Martha and Kth. C. G. CAIU JSERG, 111 Brand la Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED M lrrlisnru. i-n.-Nf. strictly modern house, Just finished. J'l North loth, 13,0 O; terms. S-K. house: city water, electric lights, gas. sewer, cement wslk, close to i-sr line and school, II. 7; IT) cash, balance monthly payments. Two ft-room houses, renting 130 Oft per month, with 3 lots, all fenced In; nice fruit trees, chicken hotise; price, I3.1.V0OO. Brand new R-room house, strictly mod em, hardwood finish downstairs, W) cash, balance monthly payments. One double house. 4) rooms on each side, psrtly modern, corner of Kth and Martha: would rent Hi for each side: price, i:,f.0n: $.i0 cash, balance monthly payments. Storeroom and living rooms on Ames Ave., Intruding fixtures, '.20).0ft, S houses one 5-rootn. una -room and one I-room. with 7 lots, all kinds of fruit on the place. Sth and Harri son. South Side, iJ.ivro.Q0; terms. Americnn Security Company SC Fo. Kth St. Douglas WH $500 CASH $37.50 PER MONTH Will buy a brand new. nil mod. bunga low, a roonn finished In cak, living ro m across front of house, with reception hnll and cloak closet, beam bookcases and many other specinl fea tures S bedrooms, bathroom and con venient kitchen; 3 rooms unfinished on second floor: furnaie heat; east front lot. r"vd si'eet; 1 block to car; lo minutes' ride down town. Price fjr quick sale. f K. HASP I5KUS. ion McCague Bldg, Doug. 1S3 BOO Ml BAKI5AIN NEW, ti-KOO.M, ?- 8TORV HOI "SB. NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT 13400: REASONAK1.K PAYMENTS. BENSON & CARM1CHAKI.. norot.AS 17??. 42 PAXTOV BLK. OR 8AI.K Omaha Income property. 11.440 per year. Always rented. Price i,ti. rerma. Anaresa me, w r.. in Ht., iTnlveraltv nsce. Neb. IRK and ornado Ins. Myrtle Deuel, 6121 N. 2"d. Phone Colfax Vf1 after 11 a. m. LADY In north part of city with beautiful home would like yr.ung marrifo. coupte to keen house for self and little daugh ter: rent free; references required. Tele phone 7033. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED West. LOT 32. block 6, Jerome Park addition. located north of Farnam on the west side of 41st. Full lot. east front, price IrtOO. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 10l Omaha Nafl. Bank Bldg. D. 2715. W1I.I. BCII-D TO SLIT. TIave 15 first choice lots In Iaven worth Heights Add; easy terms. Doug. 2W1. Csrl K. Bolen. fill Psxtnn Bldg BICE ME for acreage; have choice tracts north or Florence. it ll. i.andcryou, -jji Neville nik Tel. Doug. 67P.S. Honk. 100 HOMES are being planned tor MINNE LUSA THIS YiEAR The most remarkable develop ment ever eeen In Omaha will be going on there In the eummer. imESTIGATE NOW $550, $600, $650, $750 for beautiful loU with all improve ments paid for. EASY TERMS Charles W. Martin & Co. Phone Tyler 187. 742 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. IVIR s A 1. 1-1 At once. new. modern 7- room house, built for Ideal noma, in jood location. Phone Harney ilii. Miser llMBeoaa. PREPAREDNESS Everybody Is talking about It! The United States senate and congress are actually starting In to do It! Do what'f rrepare, or cuurw. ro 11 ucowvc x w in sinn nutting It off any longer and start in RIGHT NOW to PREPARE that home you want, and are going to get. Come now and UBT BUSY. Lt me assist vou In selecting that nice little, or big. home, or a pretty location to build that cosv bungalow or that roomy brick residence for which you t.ave been planning. I've got them either In the West Farnam dlslriit or In Ilanscom Park, Dundee. Happy Hollow, Evanston, Fairacres, Kounlm Place ana Mlnne I.usa Additions. Call ine up tomorrow for an appointment to look over my lialings and arraiiKO to go out ana in spect what attracts you. C. A. GRIM MEL, MS Om. Nat. Bank Pldg. Doug. liiI5 TWO aTRKS, close In. 11.200; siid" o'her acreage, lie to IS.0. No trades. Pat terson, Lwuglaa 2Hi. REAL ESTATEEXCHANGES FUR SALE OR EXCHANGE A BARGAIN 10 acres, clear title; 1 big crystal water springs, neve;- known U? go dry: 10 acres under cultivation, 70 more can be cultivated; great potato land; bal ance in timber; 4-room log house, barn for 4 horses and 12 head cattle, bay lort above, implement shed and tool house, 12x12 frostproof root house, warm hog and chicken houses Lullt In under bank with it-foot high fence: milk house at big springs; wire fenced all sround and cross-fenced: 4 mile to school and 8Vi miles to Dead wood, e'outh Dakota. Price I4.0 cash, or will accept close-in t-room bungalow in Omali:i. V Rogerson, 2017 Chicago tt.. (una ha iAND-TOBTtJITT PROPERTY We have a number of good farms, some of them In eastern Nebraska, that we can exchange for good income city proerty. Farm lands are steadily in creasing In value and those who buy land at prevailing prices are bound to realise a large profit on their Invest ment In the next few years. A. V. TCKEY 4k SON. Tel. Doug, toe lf.07-g W. O. W. Bldg. CHOICE Minnesota farms; we have sev eral of the beat at bargain rices and will take considerable trade. Alao have city Income property and merchandlae s'ocks. trade for laid. I.aie western rauc hes to trade for farms in central stales. What have ou to trade? J. 11. e'tiMliien, t.'l Security Building. Minne apolis FARMS 0 acres or .'40 acres, to put lit on iiardisaie slock: good, smooth, tilla ble corn, clover and alfalfa land:. near loan eastern Kanms; want tft.OuO or im.Ort stock; pay balance cash. Box tM. Gallatin. Mo. ?EiL. TTE-EXCHANGES TWO modern house.4 on a coiner lot, room for one more: exeept furnace; now paying per cent on t."0, walking dis tance; price. 14.2); mtge. of ll.sso; both Sts. paxed. en goto t-t., blk. Irom l!4lh St. and business center; also a late date fmir-cyl. Bulck auo; want R or -r. bungalow: will assmi e. C J. Can an, SinMeyasue, ltldg.,Omaha. h.l.M. I Kit' Kgg Tester patents for the Dominion of 'nnad.i: large factory here In maha, behind on orders: unlimited possibilities for big money for one lth ability and can appreciate an oppor tunity when presented; universally In use by all small and large egg dealers; for land or Omaha Income, See sample. Canan. CI. K A II deairablc first-clans Ittt-e. farm ing land that will stand Inspection, In Keya Paha county Neb., In middle part of the state; rich, deep, black poll: for a home tn Omnha: price, 4.0"0; will as sume: or for good vacant lots accept able to owner. C. J. t'anan, flt) Mct'ague Bldg.. Omaha. (-A. hlgh-gi Ade Ian I lit Rusk Co., Wis consin, close to town and By., rich soli and fine timber; small II, i-yr. mtg.; price, 30 for quick oral: have personal property If required, for a mdse. or rooming house business of such a chsr scter'to Interest owner. Iook Into this offer. C. .1. Canan. MQ McCague Bld. .no 10-r. rooming and light housekeeping on Dodge Bt . close to high school; rent : for money or an exclusive rooming house. C. J. Canan. 1-s.V-No. o Oliver visible typewriter for an acceptable phonograph. Canan. WANThD A suburban lot for money and an auto fully equipped, running order. C. J. Canan. MO McCague Bldg. M.Wi-One of the best located seven-r. modern homes In Ilanscom Park dis trict; corner, both ts. paved: for va cant lots, an auto or farming Isnd. C. J. Canan. 1J First-class Improved farm of 120 a. In Burt Co.. Neb., for hdwre. business; might consider Income. C. J. Canan. iNKW Brownell Hall aud F Ira ere district lot. corner 0xl3K. chrap at 11,000 for a late date first-class auto: adtolnina the J. Is. Kennedy home site; observe the many fine homes there, costing from ten to thirty thousand dollars. Csnan. WANT 7 or It-r. modern home, walking distance, paved St. and car line, for a (r. blk. in the New Brownell Hall and Falracre district on West Dodge 8t. Csnan. I"tv lieslrable residence lot on Pinkney ci.. net. ,itn ann 30m. . rront. Non resident owner will take an auto up to Itoo. bal. 15 monthly. A snap. Canan, McCague Bldg. II.0111 clear lot, original city plat, on cor ner Id and Oak Htm., will accept an auto up to v, nni. monthly or gs. Oiun. 100 West Wide lot. 48th and Wool worth Ave., nne, blk. from car line, for auto up to 2T5 to 1376, balance i monthly. Canan. II.OOO lot. new Brownell Hall and Fair- acre district, corner ixl3r. opposite Hon. J. T. Kennedy home site, for sn auto worth the price. See plat. Csnant IIS Km a., level as a floor, wheat land. close to city of Kimball, Neb.,- for de sirable house and lot acceptable to owner. . Full particulars exchanged. anan. CI,KAR city drug store. In fine location, nir iann or an aoceptnnie nnme; will as sume If worth the money. Mean huaU nesw. C. J. Canan, MO McCague Bid g. HlOH-URADK automobile for vacant lots. If interested call for particulars. C. J. Canan. 510 McCague Bldg. 10i) Oliver Visible Typewriter for any kind of an auto that wHI run. or other ynwmai property 1 can use. canan. LFCI.I.r equipped Rambler touring car In peneci conaition tor a vacant lot Canan. FIR.ST-CL.AR8 late date foredoor Over- land; elec. it. and Davis self-starter, for a lot. C. J. Canan. 610 MoCague Bldg., Omaha. WELIj Improved 120-a farm in Burke county; all In cultivation; 3 miles south of Iecatur, for Income, or a hdwre. business. C. J. Canan, 610 McCague Bldg.. Omaha. WANT Omaha Income for 20-a.- Kansas imp. wneai larm close to Neb. line. Canan. ST0 a. desirable wheat land In lgan Co., vuiu., mr a nome ror a rarmer in city wuere ne can educate nvi boys, fans n. clear Inside residence lots for land; lota on paved Bts. C. J. Canan. 120 a. Bo. Dak., Gregory Co.. for Income. CttH for particulars. C. J. Canan Near Ilanscom Park The owner of an elegant I-room home, easily worth I7.H00, will put same In all clear, aa part payment on first class farm, will assume and pay some cash If deal Is good. BEDFORD, Douglas SX9j WANT a good farm In eastern Nebraska r or western lowa ot around X60 to ) acres, tn exchange for cash and one of the best general farms and bearing orchards In Florida. Good soil, pure water, splendid climate, chutvhes, schools, many northern and western patople. What have you and what Is It worth? Address owner, A-762, Bee. VB have listed from owners high-class Kansas City Income properties to ex change for farms; If you want to con vert your farm Into choice monthly In come property, send us complete de scription of came t'haw Realty Com pany. Reserve Bldf., Kansas City. Mo. HAVING moved to Nebraska, will give excellent deal on my 420-scr Missouri farm; would taka small Neb. farm or Omaha residence up to !6,tM). Price tSo per acre. Also have t.OtO acres grailtig land at 5. Adrdess Box 1S7, Cambridge. I BPKCI A 1.17,10 In snaps. Got any snaps to trade? Farms, ranches, city prop erty, merchandise. Tell me all first let ter. 1 charge regular commission. Outhier, 402 Bcarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. W ROOMS, strictly modern. Equity $t- vw; encumoranoe Its.bW; trade lor west ern land or lots. O'KKEFK REAL, ESTATE CO.. 1H Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg. D. Z71S. LAND for city property. We have 2 or I well-Improved farms In central Ne braska to exchange for Omaha property. Write us or call. dward V. Williams fo. n. KM. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. TWO new exceptionally hlL'h-class Cali fornia bungalows, one of which has J'it been finished; rental. Hi. Price lio.oio. Might ronsdder .rood land trade. ftfrDKORn, noroi.AS sms HAVE 40 A.. miles from town, Mills Co.. Iowa. Want to trade for Improved Omaha property. Will assume some difference. TIIOS. L, M (JARRl, Kee line Bldg. Red 4444. Mi.Uw for a terrace of 12 brick flats, well located In Omaha. Mtg. 112.600. yearly rental 12.300, to trade equity for clear land, its aicvague wag., omane ,0uu KQl'ITY in 12-acre fruit and truck farm close to Council Bluffs, to trade for amall house In town, good Improve ments. Price. la.SSn. R. O. Ballbeck, n. n Mt.. Omaha.' "WANTED Newspaper or general mer chandise stock In exchange for 160 acres good land near Alliance, Neb. Address Kox is. -ewman Grove, Neb. PEAL. ESTATE. Fire and General Inaur- nee. Art Tbatcrer, II17-1I City N tton Bank Bldg fiouglaa tll RESIDENCE and Tats. Exchange for vscant property. Toland - Trumbull. Il.evo CONTRACT first Hen on a 5-r t.uiKniov ar a 4 lot, win traae ror gooi REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN BENSON FOR SALE OR EXH ANGE. 4'4 acres, lays nice and high, close to 2 good streets, 1 mile from city, good bouse, good outbuildings, young fruit. Price ti.Mt. Fred A. Bailey, fcCl Mala rt " i'oaaull Bluffs. TWELVE clear hits in Council Bluffs, all or part for good car. Campbell aV Craig. nz3 Kee line nuiining. noun, vb Usade. $350.00 CASH This sum of money gives you a deed to a fine uinoee coiner let nOxlM. Th i lot is the northeast comer of Suth and lxard. and has water, sidewalk and paved street. This will make a fine home site or a fine Investment. Hut today. CREIGII, SONS & COMPANY Douglas go VA Bee Bldg NON-HEbIDENT owner of t-room mod ern home on 6 foot lot near- Happy xtuiiuw, wtnta oner, nee us. V. P. WKAD, 214) B. Utb 8t.-Wtad BIU REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN GOOD DUNDEE HOMES AT RIGHT PHICES 14 so buys a well built "-room house, bungalow style, located on north front lot nOxl.a feet, pl-e shade treea, one half block from car line, having living room with large ftrn place, dining room, kitchen, bed room, lavatory and toilet all on first floor, also 3 bed rooma and bath on second floor, fin ished In oak and white enamel with oak floors, plenty of closet room. This Is a well built home, not too large, but with plenty of room and in priced right. Terms tl.tmo rash, balance monthly like rent. le.noft buys a good full J-story. I-room. modern house located on south front lot SOxlVi feet, one block frnm car line, having tiled vestibule, reception hall, living room, dining room, butler's pan try, convenient kitchen and roar entry first floor; 3 good slied corner bed rooms, titled bath room and outside porch with door opening to same from second floor; full cemented basement, laundry connections, furnace heat, oak flnleh first floor, newly pointed and decorated and tn first rlsss condition throughout. Terms 11,000 cash, balance monthly. TVin't fall to see ua about homes If Interested In getting a good place In Dundee, in good condition, at a right price. GEORGE & COMPANY" Phone r. TS6. WIS City Nat. Bk Bldg DUNDEE DARGA1N Very attractive home, moderate priced. In one of the prettiest blocks In Dundee square, house with Colonial front en trance, fine large vestibule opening Into living room, extending along the entire east Side of the house. Frettth iLwrl opening to the left on to sun porch, j iire-piace, ooog-casea straight aJieafl, also stairway; to the right through wide cased opening la the dining room, beam selling, quarter-sawed oak floor, nook for buffet; gem of a white ena mel kitchen with cupboards, work table, bread hoard, refrigerator that opens Into kitchen, but la filled from the outside; full bssment. good furnace; hot and cold water, floor drain, coal and vege table rooms. Four fine bed rooms on second floor; the two front bed rooms having bay windows; one bed room ar ranged for aleeplng porch; good cloeets off each bed room, and bath. Thin Iioum can be bought right. Asking f&.;fiO. D. V. SHOLES CO. 1f-l Pity Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 4!. 4817 CUMING ST., 4819 CUMING ST., 4821 CUMING ST. These three new houses will be com pleted this week, are five and six rooms each, exceptionally well arranged, well built, modern In every way. Will be turned over to the purchaser complete, with textile roofs, also Including all decorating, window ahndes, sidewalks, fixtures snd all paved street, with paving all paid. Within three blocks of the Farnum car, which runs to 4th and Cumin, snd within four blocks of the Dundee car. Will he glad to show these houses on application. HIATT-FAIRFIELD CO., 2tt Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. nouglas 4M. DUNDEE 7-room. almost new, home; near 60th and Cuming Bts. All modern con veniences, and a sacrifice at to 000. Look this over now for a bargain. BEDFORD. Douglas X3. REAL ESTATE-WANTED loAMKU A modorn -r. house In a modern, up-to-date neighborhood, for a -acre block In Fairacres and the New Brownell Hall district. Write for par ticulars. C. J. Canan, 610 McCsgu Bldg, HOME WANTED. Between 84tn and 27th, north of rail road, modern, or 7-room house; sums cash, balance monthly payments. OKORIIK O. WAI.UCB, 814 Keellne W K WANT a few rood, small, close-1 n cottages, on easy payments. Kdward F. Williams Co. D. 3602. 443 Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. r'ANTED To buy on monthly payments, mall store room, with living rooms above, in Central school district. Phone Red 7HM. HAVK client for 7-room house, hot water heat. What have you. O. p. ttteDblna FOR SALEBUSINESS PROP'TY Las for 8al Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE 110 Bquar Feet fSO.OO. The Bee Building Co. ' Room 101. - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS 46xlU-ft. with double brick dwelling In front and X-story brick building ou alley. Income 11.400 per year. Price SJl.uOO- IS.uOO cash, balance long time at 6. The flats can be converted Into stores at amall exDenae when deal red This Is a cracking good buy as prices have more than doubled In that vicinity within the past two years, and ate ad vancing rapidly. Brick flat on 30th St., close to new Oraln exchange: Income Sl.lla. Price 111 Ota). Double brick terrace. rooms and hsll each side; oak finish downstairs, white enamel with mahogany doors upstairs; oak floora throughout; tiled bath rooms: cemented bssemetit and cemented porch floors. Price S12.60U. This houae is Ideally located and la only two years old. It la lessed to good tenants at il.ajo rer veer. . Double stucco and frame dwelling In a hlah and sightly location, lncoms. Including gsrage, fl.MO per year. Price SU.M0; K.OuO cash, balance fairly easy terms. Corner, Ax75 ft, near Kd and Cuming Els. Income MS per month. Price il.uVu, J. IL DUMONT & CO., 41-lt Keellne Bldg. Phone Poiiglas CV - INVESTMENT Ws have brick flats, close-In, latest In modern euulnment. paying 11.41 per annum. Will sell on easy terms. Might consider a good, well located lot, or even-room house If priced light, aa part payment. TRAVER BROS., Tut Omaha Nat.. Rank Rlda imJUii W1I.L, buy a 1-story fire-proof building, asixisz, JH blocks from the city hall, renting at present for 17. a year; tenants take care of everything except taxes; one-half cash, balance long time. J. 11. R0BIN8ON. D. KM, J I tee Bldg; ImMm All.!., buy a prominent coiner on Iouglas bt., renting for I..7UU a year, one-third rash, hslauce terms. J. B. ROBINSON'. P. fi 44J Bee HAg CI1 Y Isaigalis: 10 aci-a,; io I.-et, Ju room houae, H.uW. O. P. IStel bins ' FINANCIAL teal Kstale Loaas. Mortgagas. WE ar ready at all Urn to make loana on first-class city -property an4 eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. . UNITED STATES TRUST CO. Ill So. 17th St. Vm TO ' for loaos on Pest ciaae city resldeuc-ee in amounts U.uOO up; also farm UsaoS. Reasonable commissions. tUrCfLRA TRUST CO.. 1C2 sarnam bt. REAL ESTATE Mlsref latiraa. Two High-Class Investments Apartment House Renting for $3,510 Per Year Rented on yearly leases; located in the West Farnam District, ten minute' walk to the heart of the City. This bulid ing is almost new, finished in oak and lurch throughout. Tile bath room floors; built-in bed?, and one of the most complete apartment houses in the City. Six 5-Room Flats Renting for $2,580 Per Year New, Modem and Complete in every detail. Ono block from Farnam street; five minuto'g walk to heart of City, This opportunity to purchase should not be overlooked. Buy where tho values are increasing daily. Hastings &-Heyden, 1614 HARNEY ST. 7 Guaranteed Dividend Earning Stock Dividends payable January 1st and July 1st fcach year. You participate with us in the earnings of all our Apartment Houses, Flats, Additions, Farms, Mortgages and Contracts. Tou can buy one or more shares now at $107. This stock is guar anteed, to pay 7 pr cent on par value, but has always paid more. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 1300,000.00. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY STREET FINANCIAL Real Katataa Losss, Hsrlisges. OMAHA homes, itaat Nebraska farina, O KKlir IC RCAli E8TATK CO.. HH Omaha National Phone Douglas ITU llONhiV TO LOAN, far t year, on In proved properties. BHOI'KM ec tu. Doug. 4Ui. MOHTOAUK IN VfciKTMfc.NT. Borne first-class mortgages ier cent In t e rest. W. T. Q raham. Bee Bldg. FARM loans, b, eastern cleb., or west ern la. To land Trumbull. 441 Ue Bdg. TOtYIKBIiQgrV, Bk"Niu,g. liOO TO 110.00U made nromply. K. D. Weed, WeHd Bldg., IMth A Fat nam Bts. kiONKY on hand for city and farm loana If. W. HKbder, city p. s Clonal Hank Hldg ClTT properly, iarge loans a s)ecla!ty. W. If. Thomas, State Bank llldg. CITY and farm loana, i, uV4. per cent. J. H. Dumont Co.. 411 State bank. Cci. CITY IX)AN9, C. Q, Carlbarg, 110- " lv 12 Brandels Theater man. rc MONEY. HARK1BON JIUHTUN, "" !6 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. tatcka aaaltloaals. U.TfiO FARM mortgage bearing T per cent. secured Dy property vaiuea .ii.iiw. ibi mage Ioomts Inv. Co.. W. J. W. Bldg. HA8TIN08 IIKYDHN. 1614 Harney Bt. Abstracts at Title- gUarAKtee km,: chespest. Room 7. Patterson Hldg. D.?4T vt'ni) THIo guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract offloa. 108 ft. 17th Ht. Tel. D. 64K7. Rf.ED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract ofiloe in Neorasxa. oranoeia inea. Al leoellaaeoaa. AUTOMOBIL.M INSURANCE!. Fire, Theft, Liability and Property Damage at lowest nates. KILIY, VAAA . THOMPSON. 81V14 City Nut. Bank Hide. Doug. Jj9. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Alabama Lands. I'OR SAI.K i acres cleared; new bun galow; DO acres; cement block house; 1iO Satsunia orange trees, W Pecans Address 1-;. 1. Alumina, Uobei tsdnJe, Alabama. Calif oral Leeds. A UTl'l-K farm, 1X0. Easy terms. Csll fornia linporta carloads of chickens and eggs. Here a a chance fur poultrymen. blierldan. Placer couut). California. owner for full Information. P. B. tloss. My 2-a re tracts si Just big enough for chickens and aie close to town con venPmue ami market centers. Write owner for full Information. P. B. Ouss, Bherldnn, Placer county, Californla. o UaIJFORnTa Improved alfalfa fruit dairy and poultry farina for sale. Terms write E. R. Waits, (Shawnee. Okl. (aaaal la a Leads. IF YOU own land In Canada that you wish to sell write Walch Land Co.. Win nlleg, Canada. Florid Lands NOT one cent "of purchase money required to secure a truck or chicken farm site, driving distance from Jsck sonvllle. Kla, Good fertile soli and title fnaranteed. Possession ahenever you ike, and pay for land whenever you like, 25 eais or mure if del,-el. Not more than 40 or less than 10 aires allotted to one person. Any bank, city official, chamber of commerce, or com mercial agency In Jacksonville our ref erences. Write for particulara. Jack sonville HeiKhts Improvement Co., Jacksonville, Fla. FOR BALK In Miami. Kla., near boule vard, twenty-three-acre grape fruit gtove. Treea. IS years old, bearing best of fruit. Can be subdivided. Price, 111, 8.0. Owner. W. J. Mallholt, 7G14 Coles Ave., Chicago WANT northern piopcrty, will exchange fiod Florida Isnd, 40 to l.!Mi aires near stnous Hastings potato section. Hml full irtkulsrs first letter. Party go- ing down. Address, r 7'i. Hes. lowa La ads. FOR BALE 3b"acres4 miles town' very ilih, good avll, fem-cd bog-tiaht; school mile. Price av, II juO i ah, balance 10 years at 1 per Cent, 1 L. Wright, LunUp, la. , REAL ESTATE Miscellaneous. FARM AN0 RANCH LANDS Idaho I.aaaa. WANT MONEY t t-t me tell you how to get It. Id aba land la full of It. end the land Isn't very high-priced, either. Cllmatlo and living conditions are excellent electric ity used for cooking, lighting and heat ing on many farms educational advan tagea unexcelled. There are many tracts of land Irrl- Cated and non-Irrigated tillable for all Inda of farming, for sale cheap and on reasonable terms. feed raising highly firofitahle. I will give complete Informa ion to you free for tbn asking. R. A. BMITH. , Colonisation Industrial Agent. ( Union Faciflo Hystem. Room lov, Union i'aclilo lieadiiuartera, Omaha, Nebraska o BIO LAND HAI.K. In Idaho. February 2i. Iflrt, the Btate of ldrlio will offer at auction at Boise and Caldwell, Idaho, 14.0UO acres of irrigable land In Ada and Canyon oountles, under the I'ayette-Hoise project. Forty years to psy for the land, SO years to pay for tne water, write me quickly for de tailed Information and get In on this i u w . K. A. HM1TII. Colonisation and Indus trial Agent. Union Pacific Hvstem. Room A W0, Union Pacific Headquar ters, tiinana. rxetirasKa HAVK irrigated land In Twin Kalla oouuty, Idaho, for sale or exchange; II full paid and free from debt; fine range for stock on protected foreet re serve nearby. Can sell or exchange UK) to i.i acres. For details address J. 1. I -an dee, Hotel Itasbach, Kansas Lily, Mo. Mlaaeaota LaaSa 160-ACRk Improved farm, SO miles from Minneapolis; iuo acres unaer auitivation. balance meadow and pasture; good sou 10-room house, barn and all other build- Inga that are needed; school house on land; price, xni per acre; one-nair caan or will sell farm with full eautoment o horses, cattle, machinery, etc. Will ' make very reasonable price on personal property. Immediate possession can be nao. McnawD Bros,, mm riymouui miiifling, Minnes polls. Minn. Mlaaoarl Lands. 6REAT BARGAINS- down. V monthly. buys 4fl acres, good fruit and poultry Isnd, near town, southern Missouri. Price only 1200. Address Box 808, Ex celsior Hprlngs, Mo. BETTER live on your own little farm In Dent Co.. Mo., than be a renter. Call or write for booklet. W. 8. Frank, Neville Block, Omaha, ' Mississippi baste 11114 YEAR HOOK. tT. H. Dept. Agriculture says: Imports of nuts amounted to fl9.Mt.iiol In 1014; exports. !m,t7. This tells the story. Pecan-grow tnir pays. W. T. 8.MITH CO. D. 281. City National Bldg. RICH corn, alfalfa. Improved upland 110 acre upwards. Surest and best invest ment possible. Lrse and small tracts. O. P. Htebbens. o RICH corn, alfalfa upland farms, 110 fier acre upwards. Buy a home ana be ndependent. O. P. Btehhlns. Nrbrasla Lssla, ONLT $471 Buys a 820-acra school land lease In Box Butte county. Most all can be put under cultivation;, good A bargain. Write owner, U C. Crandall. 404 First National Bank Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. AVU THE TIME YOU WANT Owner of 140 acres lu Cedar county. 40 from Bioux City; will make very liberal turns to firsi-Caas farmer who ran make a ruaaonable cash payment; farm has about 1st) acre In crop, la well Improved end close to town. Price. Hot an acre. What's the use of renting! PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT, Oinsha Nat l Bank Bid.. Omaha FOR SALE t0-aoie atock farm, 4i miles irom stoyg yaras, noutn bU Paul; rail road station on farm; 200 acres under tulilvatlon, balance pasture and wood; flowing stream runs through farm; sluing always open; fully equipped wllh necessary buildings; lU per acre; easy terms. Hastings, Minn., P. O. Box 16 ACREH. For lease or will sell on payments. This laud Is , miles northwest of Florence. s Improved and hss a 4 rouiit house and a barn. For pi li e call CRKIOIl, fcONS sY COMPANY. Douglas 2iQ , Dos Bee Bldg. BARGAIN JO acres fruit farm with 10-room house, gocd barn, etc. Close to I't t'al houn city park. Bargain at tl'I.Ouo. Joe Bolen. Ft. Calhoun. ii Ul BiiKLH WHKAT I AND, Ui PKit acie: a. -neyenne CO., best small grain Co. In stale, fow snaps for erly buy ers. Iv agents wanted. Write Kuud- inusland Inv. Co.. Hldney. Ne'j ABSOLUTELY an Al ranch; l.iKU acres- IX per cent level: 17 per; terms. Relyea a- inrruni. ai naiuge oiug., unnna, Nebraska. r'OR" BALK Best large ho ly high grade medium priced land In NsbraaUa; very little money required, t,-. Bradley. Wol lar-ll. Neb. M At'itKH. Improved, splendid corn an grain land, 6 miles from Niobrara, IJuo per year. I. an. nee. Pa aw York I.aaala. NEW YORK FARM 8 FOR liALK. WHY CHAME A HTAK INTO UNDHi VkiLOPED FIELDS? ISO-acre farm, ifo cows, team and tools. fl.OW. HOME FOR THK IIOMEI.rX" AND JOY FOR THK RENTER. fcO,aere farm, new bungalow, heuaa vlilase I mile; city, I; prUe, 11,400; tea) casn; f-v y-eiiy. Vi lir IIA1IMKH ALONO THK LINES OF CITY STARVATION 7 46-acre river view farm, t-oaa. team tools, crops; prl-e, tt.mpt; w cash, liu) ycatly. so snow In Syracuse. H. U. fare one way to purchaser. E. ML'NUON. at. eaitna St. Syracuse, N. T. FARM AND RANCH LANDS WlMin UPrF.R WISCONSIN Meat dairy an'l general crop state In the union: settlor wanted; lands for sale at low prtoea oa easy terms. Ask for booklet U on Wis consin Central Land Urant. Excellent lauds for stock raising. It Interested in fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address I .snd and Industrial rept.. boo Line Railway, Minneapolis Minn. Bt laeel liarssi. KAVF. TOU A FA KM FOR 8 A f. KT Writs a ood description of your land nd send It to the tiioux City (la.) Jour nal, "lowa'a Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Runtlay for one month, giving sixteen ads on inilva different days for Ui or to words. 14. or 7s words, tx. largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 260,000 readers dally in fot.r great slates. To TMOSK desiring the best Improved farm of 1-i acres, where crops never have railed, large orchards of apples, cherries sni all small fruits. In fine condition, soil, buildings and all Improvements the vei y best, for a more fuller des-rl tl-n Address owners, 44 Khsi Kth. nilASH ISLAND, Mill. SEND your name today. Receive offers from Isnd owners, agents, everywhere. 1'NITKD REALTY ASSOCIATK. Jollet, 111 FOR any and all klnda of acreiifte located on or near ear line, cell C. n. Combs, lis Rrandsls Theater Bldg. Doug. -I FARM LAND-WANTED W ANTKIV To hear from owner of good farm for sole, fend csslt price and de scription. D. V. Bush, .Minneapolis. Minn. FARM LAND-FOR RENT FOR RUNT lt acres of land, 4 miles from Clerks. Neb. ; l-fo a. in cultivation. (H) a. In wheat, ba'ance first -class hsy Isnd. There la a small house and bsrn on the place. Rents tor H per acre caso. A , Bee. . . , FOR HUNT ItiO acres one mile from Hamlll. Houth Dakota: fair buildings. Address Mead, Nebraska, U. No. 1. Box No. 71. H 0 RSESLIVESTOCK-VEHICLES bOO ACHKH. 8 miles southwest of John son, Brown County, Nebrsska. Loan at K.400. Will trade for anything worth the money. C, ). McNeil. 2660 I'ratt Pt. HAY HI. Ml ton. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. Pi. far gala. Art I am getting too old to work, I have necioofi to sell my teams, tine team, weight S.soTl. In good condition; also team, weight 1.4on. both right off from hard work. Forced to sell by the IMh. Your cash price. la mine. Inquire rear flj California. ONE- puce-hced Duroo-Jeraey boar, about - poiinn,- sjftj one ren bow, d' ei ror April litter. $lfc; both well and healthy. Tel. Benson, 6081. C. C. Roe Route 7. Benson. . BETTI.INt up my estate. Have spsn of mules and three young inn res, all used to farm work. S417 Dodge HI., lady 'owner. EXCELI.KNT young gentle family cow. easy milker; wnignt annul l.iuo pounds. Tel. rVnith 1640 Bunday, or South I thereafter. Fa 111 of farm marea In foal. 2.400 lbs. Aged between and 10. Cheap for cash. am irou ulna. . FOR HA 1.10 fix head of good workinif horses. American Transfer Co.,- 14Ui and Mason 8ts. Thirty-two milk wagons for sale, clieao. Johnson-Danforth Co.. luth and Clark. TiooD horse and Unlit delivery wagon for sale. Tel. 8. t.rai7. THAM of good work horses, weighing t.airt Iba. Phone Tyler Ism-W, 9 TONH ot alfalfa for sale cheap. Doug las 6m. POULTRY AND PET STOCK ROUP rats profit. FIkIiI It off wFIT Con key's Roup Remedy. Goes right Into the drinking water. Roup la contagious, so treat both the sick and well birds. A! wsya keep a package handy, riild an 1 guaranteed by your dealer. Get a Pack age be prepared. 7rd"lTfKm No nay. That'a what we a.'v of Conkey's Poultry Tonic. It maks rens lay better and eggs means profit, let a pail at your dealer's today and help your fagged-out hens keep the eg basket busy. No filer lust pure tonl? WlTTfer a few New ZealandRedBteer. grey black silvers snd solid white giant rabbits, Robt. Lleutel. Denlson. Iowa. ktXO grain. 100 lbs., 11. 1 j. Wagner. lolN.u AUT0M0BILES-F0R SALE NER. BU1CK AUTO a). 1,000 LB. TRUCK, ABSO LUTELY FIRST CIASS CONDITION. ;50 II. P. OVERHEAD VALVE MOTOR, TIRES PRAC T1CLY NEW. FOR A QUICK SALE, $300.00. iJXCElTlOilTlJlaWATKa IF YOU are thinking of buying a aood used car now is your opportunity tu save yourself money and secure a first class car. Look over the list and write or call on ua. One 116 Maxwell . Una One 1114 Ford touring car with lots of extra equipment, extra tires... ITS One 1914 Ford roadster with extra equipment, demountable rims and new tires. In first class condition. TS One Hupp "iO" )js One 3b horsepower Maxwell truck. This car is being thoroughly over hauled. Good Hies all the way around 10 One x-cyllnder Maxwell roadster. Presto tank and klaxon horn 1W One Chalmers 3" rosdster. In good C." w! FRANCIS AUTO. "a . 221 Farnam. Pouglss 85S TIRES, TIRES We have Just secured a job lot of standard tires and ofi'er you subject to prior ssle: aOxH. K7H; ax:, nonskld. I' s4x4. 114.25; &x4H. lu.76: txti C. H. plain tread rasuiKS. i, Nonsklda. .'2 6il; some slightly ua, d st 11; STxi. Racine country tread casings, used 2s) miles, each ! .j. Other sices in propor tion. Call up, write or come In and sea what bargains we have to offer In tires. DUPLEX TIRE CO., 2611 Farnam Bt. Douglas 478. I-X)R SALE 6RTRADE-Chevrolat rod ater. will consider Ford In exchange. Call L. E. Miller. Douglas 4130 F14 Ilupmoblle In first-class condition. New tires. Colfax 17. Aaloiaaobllss M astral, WHOLESALE BARGAINS. About 60.0ta tquare fuct of asle sysce, In the heart of the most desirable wholesale district, and being ti.e aoum aost coiner of 11th and Douglas &t. t-nlendid ele'stor. lnd j-trjurtioo In price. Also can be had ution vi-rv f-..rsi' terms a ier cent Unn tlcfcrted t mi'iits, or will lie Usre f-r ft-.,- . i , at a vary Momiii-il rviit. i-uM j r u . lars al oiri-e. W FARNAM liMlTit f'j. 15A) Faruaui bt Tn. liu .ig. ItsH.