THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 13, 101(5. O-M" 2-D HELP WANTED MALE I alra-si aa Solicitor. CARPET aeTeaman wanted; exclusive wholesale ru g house went a good ex perienced road Mlumnn. Address T 5 ice WANTK1 Haleemen whn cant qusllfy In talk rn hour each day to gat herings of retailer, to demonstrate new novel trade pulling specialty, very profitable. . pleaaant work. B. A. T. E., Box 47, low 1t v. I a. THE Vanreuah Wtr Clrrulater will Weop your engine In Ford car eool un- per an conoition. Agents wantea in v county. The Schilling Mfg. Co JT-K S. frh Ht.. Dm she. A ri , sM K.N Educated m-n, command Ing talkers, to sell unique specialty, nil retailers, very profitable and pleaaant; give present and put employment. Ad dress nulrk, Fred Main, low City, la. aKteIv Young man with sslesmsn sliip shinty to travel and call on bank en, roiinty official, etc. Salary and Hrnn. Applicant preferred now liv ing In towna under lfe,iO population. F. :. Weat. Box 476, Kansas City, Mo.' hl"(M'K salesman that want to maka qulrfc, money In a going les Mnlnea con cm. It will pay you to Investigate. 41 Fleming Pidg. fes Moines, !. l iiAVIJ.IMl salesmen; working country hiw: lino premium line; 26 per rent rimmlwlnn; sample outfit furnished; . inferences. Mnrvel Mfg. Co., 3W7 Lake st . Chics gn iA.'l'KM MilMnwn to handled line of advertising sticker on commie! on. An ewer, atatlnR- what tinea ar now being handled. Address Tablet A Tlrkat Co., 1 Went Adsms St., Chicago. Tfil'.r.l7vE. rwvTtet samples: 10 minutea, 111 mnimlMlnii; high-grade, men only; tio other need apply. Advertising Nov olty (X Newton. !. Trai )cjela. "sAvr$5f EE Otm SPECIAL HOI J DAT Omn It you oan't attend day school you can hold your job and at tb . same lima get your aulomoblia. education If you tnro'! In the NIGHT CLA6 Or NEBRASKA AU iO!lfOBT SCHOOL, 1406 l-EAVICNWOKia. RED 3110. MOLEB BAEBER COLLEGE. Man wanted to teem the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It guickly an'l earn berk tuition while learning. Toola Included. Open to . everyone. ' Write for catalogue, lit Bo. Hth St.. Omaha, Neb. GOOD Jitf WANTED' " to learn auto work, for the big erring rush. Fin training work auto aaj electric starting systems, AMERICAN AUTO COTJJBGB, 14 FRmum St. Omaha, Nn. CkaRN-barber trade, mora than mat your tuition while learning. Set of toola Inolnded. Job guaranteed. Call or write ttr catalogue. 1403 Dodge. TRI-C1TY HARBEK COLLKOB. WANT-&-Naea of amliltloua men, li to K winning to become Omaha mall rarrlera. Commence K7 month. A4dreaf Y m. Pee. M taellaaewa. HAN and wife on Omaha auburban place for geneml place and houaawork; good and permanent plane If aatla factory; mum give previous employ ment, and rferenea, with applloalion; out-of-town applicant will he oon- idrre'l Addrvea H 1M, car Hoe. liOVhlt.MIIST foMlTlONH in p.wt office, railway mall and, other hranrhea era good. Prepare for "exam" under former IT. 8. Civil h review Bceretary Kxamlnor. tlooklet O K. free. Write today. Patteraon Civil Bervlce School, rtp. hei.ter. ,V. T. A .Vtt;l A cornpeleol buyer or a ready-to-wear department In baaomant; a man who haa had enpertanoe aa buyer or jttant to buyer, (live full par In flrat letter. Addreaa Mr. L !. lilnck, rare nt bry-Block Meroanllle to , Memplii, Trnn. GOVKRNMKNT POSITION-Thouaande or acpolntmenta ta be made. Kree lookUt telling where they are, what t. ev pay, with apeclman examination quHtlona. Nat l Cor. Inatttute, M Mev- in n ft vysriinnton, l. c .. j iviJOKNT and prtutent advertle- lii4 will "aell any nautDie real eaiata, i'. id tlio largeat of prospective I'uxmi can reached through the I'.'al Kntnte and Want-Ad (lulde to all 'liraler finmhn THE HK11, NOTK i; TO KAHMfcnS. VVl.rn In need of hnlu of any kind vM. tr'tcpVon or call on t ' cr.N'MNCHAM L. A HUH AOKNCT. ' 1 "i-l!!!--.8 1- Oma h a, Nnh. '"T" i j - 'traveler fur lUlik Age 27 to 'V Kxiierlence )inneceaaify. Hnlary, c million and rxnenee ailowanca to v mini J. K. M'-F'rady, Chicago ' t" S.""(jovoi nini-nt Want Cicrkai HK.tuh. Omaha examination April 11'lo tiuteilons freo. Krenklln Inatl ute. lpt. lu'l M., Rochester, N. Y. WANTKt-F1rt claa drug(Ut. BlTer mafi a M.:(,'onoi-U Lrug Co., IKth and T'oilire. frmKlia. A N 1 1 I Younn Japanese for house work. Kiiliiry i0 a month. F-4. Hee. j iKN lor fu-euien, brakemen, 1J( month lv; experience unnecessary. Railway, V TU. Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS li.Vr; THUI KANU DOLLAUX HEVAKD We will forfeit 11.00 If thl la not tn greatest money-making house-to-house-proposltlon advertised In t'eso columns. N. R. O. Little Wlxard 1 bor haver washes clothes In ten minutes, abso lutuly Ul.uut rubbing. It contain no phis i fin or wax and there Is nothing like It on Abe market. Hell for IS cent, et.oucii for tlve family washing. We supply you with all the free samples yoi: xtred. All you do Is to leave the free sample wiih the housewife and when you call asaln ah 1 waiting to become your steady and permanent cus tomer. ' 'I'm Is positively the most scientific and wonderful labor saver of the age. and you will niak a great mistake If you do not secure territorial right at once. A 1-ccnt potl card f-i!i particular. FAKl'HAR M(O.V MFO. CO. Dept O 3B. 1M W. Van Buren Ht.. Chlcsgo. Ill TTVEHY houM)h..-ld." on farm. In small loan or saburbs, where oil lamp are used, neeria and wlil buy the wonderful Alexin Mantle lamp; bums common oil Wroane); gives a light five time's as trlatil as eieotrlc. Anled gold medal at Run Francisco ei position. One farmer lunied over w ta ax weeks hundroiis with rigs earning liuo to MM l-er month. No cash required. We fur nUh cu,.iinl to reliable men. Write oulck for w.inlonle prlcea territory and sample lump for freo trial. Mantis - 1-aiup Co.. - Aladdin Bldg.. Oiloaxo. MAN wuiiP d ii cx4luslQ Rtt.nt We ruanufsi l ii "" style sell-wringing mops, ti'i n'l puroui-cs. Including in slailut)'lv now i oinbinaliun HCIltJIl- HtNU Mil nllMl'. Ihst Is eif-wrin- tng. Kv r anfiiitii wcinta this proven eui-cess. New liivxuerienoed liken make it per dsy. 'iui man made II Jo the ond week, no Investment. (tend for 4-ntalogue and ekcluelve territory prop cit.n that will make you Independent. II ILKF.K MtP CO., Mi W. Grand Ave.. CMceg'i. ill - l tiibiir. H lion Hint husp Co.. 1U4 Lancaster i-niiauetpiua. pa. oart Mi" iron II il noap llisus niark, punt sod copvrlklil registered In the U. 8. patent (.lli'fl lemovee lion rust. Ink and all unaxbeie staina from doming, icsrlite, etc. Good seller, big margins. scnts wsnted. The original, IV a tube. Beware of Infringement and the iM-ii<y for making, selling and using en infrln d rucle. ,i ill: N T wFrnlml luoney-iikaser on nn; Vi to liS dsy sure: ur. In- gritiou Invention for picking tip and . srrylng cuspidors without touching bands or clothes; uwix enthusiastic; iniHraed by boards of health; sells wi'HSly by simple denionstrsttoa; no uiri experience rfrry; no raplUtl loaded to start. Write quick for exclu iv terntorv appointment. Address Keith Mfg. Co.. Si kslLh Bldg., Can tin, U t'A N V A-o C K.S iln or lady in evii lo cstny is a-nted by reliable Bianurao luirr to rrpre'fit him wlih a guaxan-i-ei aud si'Usodid line of ladles' apron: and rheaper than In stores; good profits s-id tig demand: sell on slgbt; l o talk nr ; send Wlter for per il and prices: no prft cart Is urrd. '. A I. Mfg. Cv J. 4 vs',inii'H Ht.. Kn'un. M-s C I.KAN C at. ajiTLl.iu- AWsuutn w ith tuatMiul rei'ord to rtiKesnt prom inent nisputact urer of hlxtigrnde Bu iHl-e S'lid to iobliera. drelra and eoa- linns rilary. e-tienses and bonus on :.s btaie se, experience and qua '1 ' i id ..u Icltsr. Box. X e6, AGENTS AND CANVASSERS ITon FOR your next Ji day; epot cash, .Sew money-making Invention for egen'a. general agent, managers; re- ently Invented; l.OOOfta) already eoldj 3"0 more aalrainen wanted at once; nmmit utninati'' rnrriiM es"d h r washlng mnrhlne; washes (ub of clothes) In six minute; no crank to turn or levers to push; no rubbing; work Ilka ma sir. Price only 11.60; make sale at every house: no per cent profit. 1 Palmer, (ilen Allen, Ala., put out on trial 1W machine; sold 107; profit, f 107. Writ today. Wendell Co., luA Oak at.. I finale. O AiRfiis Free eauipl and particular Ielrare'g Naphtha washing tanlets; wash clothes without rubbing: guaran teed not to Injure the finest fsbrl-; no acid. Ilmw or caustic: manufactured and sold by Naphtha Washing 7'ahirt Co.. M H. Iesrtiom, Chicago, III 17l textile mills wlil emt'lo'y everywhere reliable people to take order for drea rnnrtca. hosiery, unnerwear, aweaierm, waist and skirt, from aamplea. Fac tory price. Ppare or all time. No ex perience. Permanent. Msny making over $m weekly, ftleadfaet Mill, Dept. K-20. Cohoe. N. Y. IaKIKi tlcll WaJbclea. poetlvely abolishes rubbing. Hi earn bubble blow out rulnou flber-estlng rrlt. ursnteed not Injurious. Iberia everything. Big re peater. Pig proflta. Hmple and par tlr-ular. free. Wsshclean Co., K W. 7th. Pittsburgh, Kan X OKNTft rinormoii prollta, quick aTie. -Kper es-nea i m i nvs- m"'T". P In daya 811 "KanUeak- Rain coats; no capital required; we deliver and collect; eampl coat and eompleta outfit all free. Hurry. Comer Mfg. Co.. 141 I2ay flt.,Ijrton. O; XlfiXlcXyf diamond, exactly tvrnm genuine; him rainbow fire; stand tests; !! at lght; live agent wanted; fnr sample case offer free. Mexican Inamond Importing Co., Bog A-T, Las i.ucea, is. TWOIilgh class ealastnen by nationally known corporation. Worth 1X4 to monthly to right men to start; oppor tunity to advance; special training; per manent to the men who qualify. Ref erence. President. The Caan -Credit ttya tem Company, Itaytnn. Ohio. Ba LUSUa N fiplendidopeiIng Feb. Uth. Capable salesman for Nebraska to sell staple line on unusually liberal terma Commission oontraot. $sb advanced weekly. Bale Manager, 14 Suite, KX) W'oodward. Ietrolt BXn?.A?fcVi7ar7by ' Psb.' th. ' Rx" per le need any lino to sell general trade In Central West, t'nexoclled specialty proposition. Commlsalon contract. I. weekly expense. Continental Jewelry ., Continental liuildJaaT, Cleve land. Ohio gATarVTXN-apabi. .pecUity mm l..r cinorasaa. staple line on new and ex ceptional terms. Vacancy now. Attrac tive commission oontraot. 1 weekly for expense. Mile F. Blxler Co., 2M Car lln Hldg. tleveland. O Vli'HAvH a specialty proposition with wruua a uve wire man ean make rrom ti'i to 1M per week. If you are a sales man, write for particulars. The War ren Refining s Chemical Co., Cleveland, aue, blKgt and best line toilet specialties, remedies, soaps, sx tract. Liberal term. Write today. Western Laboratories, 194 W. Van ruren nr., i-mogn. A7i.NTB-iiO per cent profit. Free Sam Pies gold sign letters for storo and of fice windows. Anyone can put on. Metalllo Letter Co., 436 N. Clark, Chl caxo. ACE.N't ft ilrand new invention. Vacuum cleaner and carpet sweeper combined; also fifteen other household speclalUca. In to ia daily; free territory. JO. T. Woolnry. Mgr., Reliable Mall Order ' ou rPjI''B" Ord, Neb. AtikNtSI ve a new soap game that's a dandy. New stuff, luo per cent proflta Sample and full layout free. Writ quick. Lacaaslan Co., Dept. . Bt. Ixiula Mo. Alilbxfd'WXK'tfeD-li.O per cent proll jelling useful specialty; used In homes, hotel, stores and by auto owner; good repeater; aample free, Auburn Hneclal l C.IpiJWiuburn. N. T. AtJENTii-SeTl rich looking Imported," ?,'?"!! rll l a,'h -:r,r. Tenn.. sold 114 In 4 day, profit r.7; yon oan do me. Write for sample offer soiling plan; excUuiIv territory. Kondon,ilm Portjjox latonlnRton, Maine. BIO CO-Operatlve sales rimiulim am lutA . 1 1re Pump, Just out Does not attach to engine. Retail A. Large proflta on subsgents we get for you. Success assured. Auto Appliance Co.. IWDt. 130. 5641 H. Mlste Rl rihln. fikkK'8 the winner, absolutely sella on e!ni, per "on i nrorits. reiwat orders sure, big field. 100 agwnts wanted Im mediately. Write, C. Albert Co., R-J. Marlon, lnd X6RNTH-M,vke"i' to "4 dally. S'o ex- r-nence. rToe catalogue and asm pita New goods. Quick ealoa Big profit. World beater. Cruver Co., Jackson CamplieJlcnilcagOjja pKNTS-i)ur good are uaed In a inil- iiun iioims; every nooseketper uus and keep bjylrig. Hell at Pis. cot rou sc. Ad.frei ." a. r. Hpenoer, ail Franklin nt Buffalo. N. T SiyiX and women to aell our aura win. nor; every home a customer. Big monev. Hsmnle free. Bowman Chemical Co.. IW N. learborn Pt.. Chicago. WANTED. iffTiifTrtrii Man or woman, for soliciting women's fraternal Insurance; good pi-opoaltlon ; all cr part time. Call Jio, V. O. W.. Monday a m. or S-lt. Phone Use asm fORTRAit men", writ quick for new csiamaue; z-nour snipmenta, prints or finished work; expenses advanced relia ble men. Roberts, Wholesale Portraits, -' "' i' J, i'l VI Ci k NT B make COO per cent profit selling ........ T - it wirun, snsroiiants nuy 10 to lt on sight. 0 varieties. Catalogue 7V..?ui"v'?.., 13a w- Van Buren Pt.. Ch caao. II Xct quick; automobile " aaaoltna solos up; sell Gaao-Tonlc; equal gaeolln at (c a gallon; eliminates carbon; dollar an hour profit; sales guaranteed. Whit Mfg. Co.. fiept. 10. Cincinnati. O S'tOf slaving; yoJ can makelS dally; eoeoiuieiy new proposition : writs to day; unlimited fUld. Trauacha Supply Co.. H tie, MB. U b fit Cnf ffcflo. HI. V. I 1'.0C II. . . I " I 1 I!, every wnere, sell our ui iiii--uiinui nousnoio srticie; ' quick seller; big profits; samples to workers. Writ today. Merrlll-Thomes Co., J7U Jackson Blvd.. Ch'csao. Ill fAIIORING senls; write f-r easiest selling, money-making, guai AT teed line four fHicee eO to sell at els; union label. N. Nelson Tailoring Co, 241 W. Van Buren. Chleae. Combination eieutno atove and toa- tr rut household work half; demon stration creates ssnsatlon; coat 7tie, ell at lght $3M: twenty sale dally eaiey. Triumph Products Transporta tion Bldg, Chicago. iOKN'TH Laiss manufacturer wstits re liable men, wot.ien, to sell guaranteed hosiery', underwear, shirts, direct to home. Writ for free sample Madi son Mill, tsg Broadway. New York. O Hl'NK, sua or crasy not u. but we let you collect the money and keep It all. 8 m 1 1 capital needed tn start. 11. Jl. Mfg. Co.. lept. 11. Columhua, O. ACFNTS wanted for small household ar ticle which no housewife ran (wsi-t. Hells at almost every home. Lawloo 1 'isirlbutln- Co.. Imlsv'lle -oo o AfjETsTend your name tolv. You'll be glad you did. Are nts Service. 817 Herald Pldg, Jul et. ill IfSKNTS New lauidry tteoeaaltv, con stant repeater. per cent profit Free aaunpie. Kouo rrvoucts i o., mv. t, Philadelphia, Pa. . HELP WANTED FEMALE Sleree 4 Offteea. nd typist fiirnlshed for any typewriter Our service I free. Roys I Typewriter Co.. 1 H lh. Tel. D. 1. FrEXO. end DHrfTTft., out of taen T BTKNrt. nd BK:(1'R. out of town. . WE NEED fiTEN'oA, 140 it I. WATTS RrT. )., Mo 41 Brand. The. Pn slsssleas nasi Tra 4m, CORot5T3 We lustiuct oui-n by mail to beoonie expert corset makers. Easily Irarned. Larxe proflta National Corset H-liool, Mornlngside Ave.. N. T I.KAINbsTrdreslng at The ipf nbelm! Balewoa) mm tleltotw. WO M EN li-ke II In ll weekly selling well knows exclusive tollsl articles: every woman want and the majority buy; big proflta: free sampl: outfit to ui era, jj. tm H. Cheiukai Co., Dept, HELP WANTEDFEMALE gales eaiea aa iirltera. LARilG manufacturer wlil establish ao tlve lady of good addreaa and ability in permanent, prnnranie ruin-ss in her home town. $."i0 to Jl' per month. Kx perlence unnecessary. All or spore time. Occupation congenial to woman tf refinement. For particular addreaa Parker Mill. 27S4 No. Ulh Bt., Phila delphia. Pa. o. RKr'JNKI) woman to ell direct from mill to wearer, high grade silk hoalery; plain, clocked mnA embroidered French styles; Individual trade only; not sold to atorea; liberal compensation for full time or splendid opportunity to augment a slender Income; experience not neces sary. International Silk Mills, Norrl tnwn. Pa SA LKrt.M EN wanted. Inclusive territory in Nebraska. Iowa Missouri, : to t-J) per month. Reference required. Tn- ?'ilr for MoCredy II arte, Kontsnelle, mm I lit 1 It m.. Mnnllx fir Tll WVMEN WANTKD-Fuii time, salary !&, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; arm an hour, spar time: per manent: experience unnecessary. Wear- PjroofHolary,Norrltown, Pa. f Kl TvV"tRj liy women paid liberal spare time Income to Introduce I'rls cllla rahtiea. Laces. Hosiery. Dresses. among friends. Liberal term. Klta- I. nsnes tii., Trenton, is. j. It VV Kt.K, expense advanced. Women to travel and appoint aaenta for con centrated food flavors In tubes. Reliable rMfg. Co., m Como Pldg., Chicago Ileesekolg mm4 saeti. ' f J i a Ads for get ant girl's will be run I days free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to THE) rwi.ri oirice. i-none Tyler 10. Unit he ehi. a i.i .i Colored preferred. Apply Mr. Dr. Hostetter, pre) 8. loth. Doug. T7I. WANTED Oood capable 'school girl, over 1 year ef age, to assist with house work. Will give room, board end seme waie to aood rlrl. Wslnui U9i lh.L Oood girl for general house work; no washing, good wages; refer. en res required: white nre ferred lun I srnsy nt. Phne Hsrney ITTt. v'ANTKI About February a corope- iwm maio ror cookini and general nousewora; amaii lamuy; good wage: no washing. Harney 2f,. KL tilrl for general h ftauaewoi-k : on who can go home nUht; no oook lng; none but good girl need apply. 2uU i. imn nr.. VANTKiD A housekeeper for general noueewor in a small family. Writs me. rrank Pllger, Pierce, Neh. WANTI Young white girl to assist with general houaework; no cooking; small family. Har. VM. 41 Francis rt. WANTKlJExperlenced girl for gitneral nouseworx; also second girl; foi;r In family. ITT B. Ht. Harnev !13. WANTKD 6irl for general housework ; no wasning; small family: while pre ferred, till N. 2i'th Pt. yVANTED Experienced girl for general nousewora, no wnsning. Mar. 1 no. inn hi. Call a fter 6 p. m. WANTKI Co rn pe ten t giri for general nousewora, ino wasning; gooa wage. iiarney ym. or can xii Harney Ht. WANTED Good while girl for general rouse worn; in family; good wage. Har. KliiB. 8424 Dodge Ht. ' WANTED Competent maid for general housework. Reference required. 141 N. 41 st PI, Ha rney 2241, - W ANTED Woman to do cleaning half day. Steady work to right party, lili Capitol Ave, WANTEIJ (trl or woman for general houaework. One who understands cook Ing. Web, tm W"A N T E D od whit girl for general housework; no cooking, l'ot Lake bt. Web. 23l. WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family. Red. 47(7. Tit N. yth pt. WANTED Olrt to assist with house work and car ef small child. Phono Harney "6.M. W ANfD Middle-aged lady to do cook ing. Nurees' Centrsl Club. 2420 Harney. WANTED ExperlciicedinaTd for general housework 10 B. '.th Ht. Har. TuS. WANTED Good, plain sook and laiin dress. References required. Har. a"f tA NTED Cifrl for general house work? MS No. IMh Pt. S.tperlenced girl for general housework. vh, t4rr. Mlscellaaeon. gj to PER month extra money to employed women and men without in terfering with regular work. No sell ing, no canvassing. Positively no In vestemnt. ln"mployi need not apply. Ppenfer Co.. g7 W. Madison. Chicago. WANTEl Gill or woman for lajies' pressing and to attend to telephone. Permanent place to tight party. Oood wagea. Stat Dry Cleaning Co., 111-130 N. 12th Ht. MAKE money knitting hosiery for u; bast machine furnished either plan; season now on. Write today. Oleason, 103 Madison, Chicago JTaDIES Make shields at home, 110 per 10t: no canvassln roauired: send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Eu reka Co.. Dent. 10S-C. Kalttmaxno, Mich. WANTED Persons to color art plotures at horns: easy work: no experience: good pay: sampla free. Wheeler Co., M Madison. Chicago EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COL-BOB STUDENTS 8A.VB MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell, fog. a variety of course in a reliable buatneeo Kohool. on of tb leading busi ness college of Omaha Will be sold very reasonable away below regular prtoe. If you are considering taking a eourae investigata this at one, since Spring Term begins soon. Call ofllo. Omaha Be. DAT SCHOOU BOY EES COLLSOB. NIGHT SCHOOL. Rvsry day U t-nroUment dar. rV-tb. keeping, shorthand. Htenotypy, Type writing. Telegrapby. Civil rv u Commercial and agllsh br snub as. Cat aiugue iree. BOTIKS COLLEOK, llth and Harnsy Btg. Tel. Dcuglaa l&n. TiiE vaNSant SlT( gTENOORAPHT BOOKKKF.PINO. Day Hchool for Young Women. Evening ttcbool for Young Men an4 Women. batuiday mora leg class ta typ writing. Ion r. Duffy. Owner gad Manager. 108 B. lJUh Bt Omaha. X)R sale, the following ecbnlarslilpa la s first-class Omaha Business College: Ou unlimited eorablnatios) bus ess and shorthand oouraa. Ona unlimited ale no graphic ooursa. On tars msntm' business or io grapnlo eourse. v. ill u sold at a dlsoount at th offic ef Twe Omana Bee. Class or privet leasona. Downlowa studio. Phone Web. toot. Fax ton B'.k." aVhool of LeftVrtiig and Art i hi i ion io per montn, ioug. at. PRIVATE Instruction In Gregg enorthand and touch typewriting. Tel. Wal. tai. PERSONAL rTLEB. nTUA CTTRED. Dr. E. K. Tarry cures pi Is, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cur guaranteed and n money Paid until cured Write for book sa reotal die sees with leatliuoaiaia DR. L H. XAtttiY. tea be btdg. U, TO FENolON INVALIDS. Th Ladles' Hn Journal tl.M The Saturday Evening Post ll.M tle CeunLry Oealiataaa II is) a suuscripiiob un mnnig till April win thai I3.0W) for Th lava Ills' Pension Assn. Your ordsr or r Mwal cvalrlbute eoc Urgent. 0 needed an February. Pboue Doughs 71al ur a4- 'Gordon, the maoakinc man. Omaha. Na. PERSONAL HIIKLMATIS.M. atomach. liver and kid-" ney trouble goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination free. Call Suit tlx. Be Bldg. DR. W. H. KNOLLEN'BERQ. Chiropractor Tyler 13. IOUNO woman eomlng to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th 8L and Ht Mary's Ave,, where they will be directed to suitable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers guide at the Union Biatlon. Tli fc Salvation Army Industrial home o llcita your old clothing, furniture, mag aalDaa. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 41M and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 11)0-1112-1114 Dodge Ft SlAPHAOre AND KlKCT"RIC BATHft, chiropody and manlqurlng. Mlsse Gray and Head. 210-212 214 Bxlrd Plk.. 17th and Douglas. Douglag WW. UT f P T 1 1 Ttfi SuceeetuUy treated U X iUflL without a sumlcal eps ration. Call or write Drs. Wray Xiatheny. S" Pee Bldg.. Omaha. , feronaT-Snse 8tapla AV Khaffer. bath. eiccirio treatment, upon a. m. m p. m. roiig. 713. 4"! Ware Block. P. C. CALDWELL, lusttce of the peace, bonded by Iton Surety and Bonding Co. office 24th nd M street. FTth I cured my daughter by simple discovery: particular free. Z. LTTP80, Islnd Ave., Milwaukee, Wtw. M. BRUOMAN. gtesm and shower baths. Red 7717. Ttoorn 2. Karbach Elk. RHEUMATISM treated ucceaf ully, re sult guarant'd. Ir. Bowser. 114 Bee Bldg. ITCa iHTSTOKE STias rnoveOls offlci to 474 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Scientific massiigs. i Be mStt Phone Douglas mil. HJZXX'S S-Vis Wobotor, 111 raxtoa Blk. Douglas Kit. FOR RENT-ROOMS . Kwr-lsheg Reel a. fcOUTH luth Bt, Three fine, large room ror I or 4 gentlemen; rooms fur nace heated, electrio light and modern; bath oa same floor, with plenty of hot water; walking distance; private family. Call. Also let garage room, rent reason Shis. Tel. Douglas T7. FOR GENTLEMEN: Bteam-heated fur nished room, with bath; privato flat 7U 8. lcth fit. Apartment . ONE vary desirable singlo room. In new apartment- good heat, adjoining pri vate bath, not water always, large closet. 111 per month. Four blocks from potofflce. Doug Is Sa4, WE HAVE a very nice front room with ' two large closet, one block from Hans corn Park car; everything modern; prt vte family. References. Harney 2441. ('OUR sleeping room; private family: , everything new; convenient to several car lines. 2616 Templeton. Colfag 171J. IbTII, 11)7 N. 1 warm rooms, furnished or unfurnished ; sleeping or nousekeep In g. Walking distance. Web. ZM. fcoTEL SAN FORD. HOTEL H A P.LeT. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnsxa. . Hpecial Rate to Permanent Quests. KITH HT., 6li N. Have several room" Just vacant which I will rent to people wanting a home. Douglas 6Ti. FINE room; modern homei West Far- i nam; walking distance; for one or two refined gentlemen. Harney 193. llOWARD. lata Nice, large front room, well furnished, for two. Phone Red fr EltONT parlor, also sleeping room: mod- ern. newly furnished, Dougls 76.1l. CALIFORNIA. 2104 Nicely furnished room In private family: well heated. CAPITOL 2411-Clean, pleasant south room, adjoins bsth. Reasonable rent. WARM room In new brick flat. Reason able. JW07 Jones. Tyler Wl-W. Itif H, Swf? N. Two modern rooms, n Ished; cheap. Webster 4001. Cass, wzi Large front room, suitable for two. Red. i40S. ' 1 x r j , jt fg, c'w , . iTobRNsiee ping rooms. Harney 4014. lionsekeeptng Room. THREE furnished hocsekoeplng rooms In private home; references. v ai. fiiREli furnished rooms for light house- kecplng. Webster 4461. 2ti24 F.rsklne. TJAH8, iCO Furnished rooms; imxlern home; reasonable. Harney Kxo. 2023 ST. MAKY S AVE., modern south front housekeeping room. Board and Itoos MORCHOFT. 123 H. 2Cth Ave. Iarg well heated room, with running water, also private entrance; southern exposure. Also large aouth room, suitable for three or four. Hcrv excellent board. "'WAkM, COMFORTABLE KOOMS. Newly furnished, home privileges to the right parties. W rv good board. Call Webster 7171. STEAM-HEATED rooms, suitable for two, excellent board, reasonable. "The Pratt." 113 S. 26th Ht. Phone Doug. I1.S8. BOARD and room In private home In Dundee, prefer on or two gentlemen. Walnut 3477. ' SOUTH - roonC modern home; prlvat fa mlly; close in: for may, l'oug. oaia. HOWARD. 3213 Warm front parlor and beat home cooking. Cloao In. 16.09. FOR RENTtFURNISHED Apartment 4 House. PARK AVE, 13 Two new. modern, team-heated flat: each large, bright room; summer. 42uO; winter, 160.00. King wait, hrandels Theater Pldg. Apartment. CHOICE -rooin apt.. 2717 Dewey Ave., sublease; new; has built-in bed; nicely furnished for 131 summer, 130 winter. Janitor will show you through today. HAHTINQS ar HEVDEN. 1614 Harney FOLK room complete. Including gaa, electricity, heat, wster and telephone; excellent location. Phone Harney 189. Jlttest-e. A BUSY, busy door bell and a steady stream ef replies-after your bEH Want-Ad has told iU story. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. KOOJullNG OR HOAKDINO HOl'SB. In central location and within walk, tng distance of the retail district This place has 11 room, la modern. For a Person who wishes to keep roomers or boarders this is th bouse to rent It interested call CHKIOH, SONS 4 COMPANY, Doilglss Its) . 606 Be Blda HOME tor private family in lest resH acne aintriai or west Farnam; 10 room. 3 bath. un room. Urge dressing room with lavatory, laundry anit.t.iilat in basement, hot water heat. Will lease for on year or longer, I. 00 per mo. Can be seen by appointment Phono Harney w - Six K-Rooin all modern home, within v waiaing aistanc or lh and Farnam streets. Tui house will he redecorated and put In flrat els a condition for re sponsible tenant For further partlou- wr,, nu i THE BYRON TtlCirn rYiMPiwr Ml P. 17th Pt.. Omaha. Neb.. Doug r7 BRICK Hi 1X1 V. No. tut Farnam Street ; 4 room, sleep. Ing porch; In the heart of Omaha's i n reainenriai oistnot. rtenc S4U, W. FARNAM HM1TH CO., 1S30 Farnam Ht. Doug yV4 ll " H 31 at. modern. I roo:ns. 130.00. 2f48 Douglas, mode rn, I room. IttOO. South 41st, modern. T rooms, I vOSv JOHN N FRtNZKH. Douglss K4. Yon rent: 1633 Harney Bt, mod. le-roora brtek nous a. gjoi water neat. Inuulro T. J O'Brien. Tet H. 104: D. in I ROOMS, hot water heat strictly rood- em. . O'EICEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. Wig Omaha Nat L Batik Bldg D. 1711. feoo DOtKiE, 7-roo i modern house. Har- ney ana Bterta. NORTH 1Mb AveT! neir Cumluu. rooms, strictly modern: gaa and eieo trlc It y ; good furnace. Only 1 .6. A great bsmt'n u Kern: real jxtate co. 101 Omaha Nt. Bk. Bldg Ioiig fHS CrCiOM'. full basement, newly reualrvd. cistern and well. ta for cooking and i .ka.m as e wm u,h" a w FOR RENT-HOUSES Nertk. DKTACHKD. 1H N. Slat Ave.. 7-r.. modern, fOT.'O; 731 S. 37th. -r., mrxlern, $; 1S10 California, -r., mod. except heat, reduced to X; 4m Nicholas, -r.. mod. ex. heat, W, rVeaarr I Bt . b-r.. mod. ex. ht.. 115; ZK7 N. 2i",th. &-r., pt. mod. (colored), tit: 2"11 N. 2'.th. fr-r.. part mod. tcolored), tL&; 7712 N. 2th. -r., mod. ex. heat. 12; 2W2 Pierce Ht , S-r . mod. ex. ht.. 15. ATTACH EI). WOl N. 2Mh, 7-r.. inrxl., .50; inf N. Stth, 7-r., mod., tM. FLATB. 710 N. 23d. 6-r.. mod. t t. Tat. .m; 71 N. 231. t-r., mod. St. U flat. IV.; KU N. ,24th, -fl.. T-r.. mod. ex. ht.. l; laJ0-R N. 24th. z-r.. T-r.. mod. ex. ht.. 115 Will decorate these flats to suit tenants. A. P. TUKEY A HON'. t Phone Dour. Ua. 1.'i7-X W. O. V. Bldg. FINK brick residence, 11 N. 40th Ht.. 46. i ruiiinn, mm i loor. i-i i.umina,", i n i;i , -.ill iiur, . . JOHN W. ROfmi.N'S. 1H2 TARN AM .T. : N. 2iTH St.; -room hrl k flat, mod ern: first class Condition Tel VVmI ',11 felX-ROOM cottage, paved street, mnd rn but hest. nil's) yard. Walnut SS. mrmcxt-f Ff.. T-r. com.. modeTrria; r. nan, srtj rtamge mng. u. 740 iM N. MH AVE. 6-roora house. .0. 'nll Weh. 4!no. goam. I-HOOM home In Hanscorn Park District, 1134 Georgia AM., with garage; nicely decorated, excellent condition. IX. ..... ........ n n. i r-. mn n amey gy IiESIRABLK 6-roora cottage, modem ex- vTfi ue ,0. iin Ave. tllxen- 130 GF.OHGIA AVK.-NE3AR MASON- all modern, first class. Key next door. HOUSE for rent, IK,; all modern. 70S Bancroft. Tyler 201. aikaftellaaeoaa. Peters Trust Company Modern Home." -R. WKHT FARNAM. 1304 Davenport Ht., good modern home. ' -R. iXi'i Harney Ht 140.00 -R, 4Sl Webter St Dundee 32.60 -H 27i Parker Bt (colored) 10.00 -R. 1143 Park Ave 30) -R.-1: 1. th Pt ts.tfl I-R.-2120 N. IMh Ht 15.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R. 124 N. 17th Ht , $30.00 -R.420 N. 17th St 25.00 6- R. 2H38 Vinton Ht 1H.00 6-R. Hhelhy Court, close In 15.00 6-R.-3H1S Howard St 10.00 6-R. 3116 Leavenworth St 1.00 4-R.-013 N. ISth Pt 12 00 4-R.-30OI ct. 2),th Pt 6.00 4-R.-2616 N. 31st Bt 8.00 Peters Trust Company 1622 Farnam ft. Dougla m HOL'toiil KTRll'TI.V iuVi V 3416 r.iiison, b rooms 1.60 XiAt "li" Ht., 7 room io.oo fj California, I rooms.... v 2'.60 Woolwoitn Ave., 7-r., garage.. 30.00 , 1103 I'ark Avo.. 7 room a2.60 2117 Vlrt St., rran., garage 40.00 mil 8. ath St., ft room 40.00 116 8. th Ht, I rooms 40.00 ,HOLSE- PARTLY MODERN. Z4i Hnra toga, b rooms 16 00 3114 Miami. 6 rooms js 00 2!c3 Charles, 4 rooms itf'oo t;"1!? v,u 1?,'v' Ave - 6"r- cottage.. 30.00 1W4 N. 20th St., room 17.00 FLATS, MOD, AND PARTLY MOD. 3908 Leavenworth. 6 rooms 1)2.60 it-'3 Cass St.. & rooms m 00 1 8- 16th St., rooms 20 00 230? Dewey Ave.. 6 rooms 27.ii0 (act comnleto ll-f - n,,H ARMflTRONO-WALSH COMPANY, irr in.-. IVjfcIJAK KI. Ml u?:,f- "r-. -ll modern house. 136.00 -21 Capitol Ave., l-r. all mod. . house 25 00 Cas St.. -r. all mod. house'.! 25.00 JJ,T,i5pner 8t-'r' mod. house 22.7.0 ,N. 41' bt., -r. all mod. house, 22.60 LU Van Camp Ave., 6-r. all mod- ' era. house , 20 00 867 N. 27th St.. -r. part mod. house , ... m no jOa Howard St. 6-r. pt. mod. house wi&O 12 S"-81'- -r- P'- rao1- house. 16.00 I' 2l8t Bt- Vt Pt mod. house 13.00 llf.3 Ijeavenworth St. 6-r. part mod. flat 16 50 907 ?' Sst ' 4-r- P'rt modern! for COIeORED 10 00 ALFRED O. KENNEDY CO.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. IIUI H1.AN T ,I'!J2'J'-,f '"llr St., I-R., water. " 12.00-1564 N. 16th St.. Lr.. modern ex cept beat. ,0u32a S. 23d St. I-R.. modern except heat. 18 00 2512 Jones Bt, 6-R., modern except heat. 9n IY I 1Tnl.ll. n .11 . . ,,i, .., nil inuuvi II. 26.00-4107 Lafayette Ave., 6-R., all mod ern, newly decorated. 28.00-6312 Florence Blvd., 6-R., all mod ern. 30.00 1124 N. 19th St., S-R.. nifty bunga low. 37.60 lth and Emmet. I-R., new house. 86.00 West Farnam St., 13 rooms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ir? Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1781. HOUSES FLATS $ 10.00 4-rt, 2H N. 16th St., modem ex cept heat. 20.0O-45-R., 3714 N. 30th St, modern. 25.00 7-R., 2619 Ames Av., modern. 30.00 7-R., 2S7S Fort St., modern. 3f..00 7-R.. 6116 Cass St., modern. Sfi.OO 7-R., 4102 Lafayette Ave., modern. 40.00 8-R., SS26 Harney St., modern. 46.00 7-It, 6412 Florence Blvd.. modern, garage. 60.00 7-R, 331 8. S7th St.. modern, gar age. 60.00 x-R., S3 Farnam St., modern, very desirable. OEOHOF. COMPANY. "Phone D. 766 una City Nat l Bk. Bldg FREE RENT TO MARCH 1ST. 4oSl Charles, 8-r., modern IJS.flO 2417 Capitol Ave.. 7-r., mod. ex. ht. W.OO 111 S. 27th St.. l-r.. part mod 16.00 WS4 N. 2th St.. 4-r., part mod 10.00 2i'J4 Dupont, 6-r., part modern 7.00 1817 K. 21st St.. -r.. part modern.. 15.00 4415 Iecatur. 7-r.. city water 11.50 1618 N. 82d St.. 4-r.. city water.... on 81 Maple. 4-r city water 7.60 T616 6th St.. 4-r.. city water 7.60 U Miami. 6-r.. well 9.00 83X1 F.mmet, 6-r., well 1.00 32 W timet. 4-r.. well 6.60 3003 Lindsay Ave., 4-r., well 7.00 CREIOK. SONS COM PANT. Tvniiflea ?oft . WW Bee Bldg. tROO.NTTTs:! N. l?th St.. modern except heat 113.60 7-Room, 211 S. 41st St.. new, modern 4".fl0 T-Room. V S. 2th PL, modern .....30.00 T-Room, Si N. 26ih St., modern, hot water heat 25.00 T-Room, i:c.n N. 40th St., modom . .. 36 oo l-Room, 1433 Sherwood Av., mod.. 36.00 in-Room, 2414 Cass St.. modem.... 40 00 10-Room. ln S. 30th Ave., modern 25.00 7-room. 3617 D street, modem. South Omsha 27. "Jl BENHON A MYERS CO., 4?4 On s ha N a t. Bank Bldg.. Doug. 746. U H. 2&TH AVE., 4-r., first floor. Ill; oil ri., -r., ii S. 35th Ave.. 4-r.. first floor, til; 111 N. Itth St., 6-r.. third Toor. 116; 821 N. loth Ht.. l-r., 130: 1621 N. 4th t.. l-r.. 113: 434 S 14th St.. t-r.. f: Jin N. lth St.. -r., 116: 1607 Burdette St., 7 r.. flrt floor. 126; 813 Mason St. T-r.. 136; 117 8. 36th Ave.. -r.. 140. for cotRrn. 45 N. 8th Ave., 4-r.. 110; 253 Burdette St., 4-r.. 11200 TH H BYRON RFEO CO . TOM'. 37. VI S. T7ih St t6n rent! ' T room, strictly modern, full lot, on paved street ZV4j blocks from ear line, 130 per month. 6-room modern brick house, freshly paperea. in nice coudltlon. 3 per month. 3 rooms, over orick shop. In rear of xi 14 Hamey Ht.; clean, well papered and in gooa conaition. 13. J. H. DITVONT CO.. 416-18 Keellno Bldg. Douglas !. t I.OO 4 room cottag. 3tlt and Patrick Avenue. 14 00 Flv room cottage. 3304 Frankllii. Mk Five room cottage, K3i 8. 30th. 30.0iWril room cottage, bath, gas, electrio light, nice piece, 1412 Evans 26i Seven room, modern bouse, 17 Oeorela Are. SO uo Sven room, modern, hot water heat, corner 31 and Hamilton. 26 no Fight room, modern, in Kotintge Place. V. H. OATES. W7 Omsha Nat l M.ek Pldg D irM HOT S EH 17a V. 3th St.. 6-R cottge loo 8. 3th Av.. -R. house 3' 211 8 t'.th Ave., 7-R. houae. mod... ' 3(C3 Irficuit St.. 7-R house, mod... 18 0 FOR RENT F-I.AT. 3571 Ctimlnt Ht . 3-R. flat 160 first tri "T co . v ... s e ..w js m FOR RENT-HOUSES Mlsceil 1429-33 N. 17th rooms, brick, mod.. .t.'i .So I5IWI N. 17th 7 rooms, brick, mod.. 26 On 1712-1 Charles g rooms, brick, mod.. te,.m 1715 t'harlcs I r., frame cot., mod... i.M I7:'S Charles 5 rs.. frame cot., rood... 25. Oi 1421 N. 1th St. 4 r.. fr. cot., mod... 24. on 14; N. irth 7 rooms, brick mod li-iO N, 17th rs.. frame, 2 families., c.u We have also chennor cottages from l to II, In good shspe. but not modern, all within walking dlstnnce. PtIOEN IX JXVKSTM F.NT COMPANY. Doug 4' ft. soo Hraiuicis Theater Pldg. LH3 DA VKAI'i iltT. I rooms, modern ex cept heat, IXJ.OX Vti H. ,th Ave., 8 rooms, strictly mod ern. 0o. 2010 N. lth 8t rooinit, strictly mod ern. 110 H. ssth Ave., rooms, strictly mod ern, lio.oii. io 8. 22d pt., a room, city water, ewer and gas, 110.00. 1HM Farnam St., 2d floor, 6 rooms, modern except heat. I17.S0. . W. FARNAM SMITH At CO . , J0 Farnam Ht. Doug luf.4 io Itarncy t-t., rms., all modern. IK. 00 r. hi., g rms., all mod 3ft. 00 4 3. JAth Ht.. 7 rma.. all mod 32.50 40S N. 2th Ht., R rms.. (1st floor). modern except heat 11.60 V! Chicago Pt., 6 rms., part mod., 1"9 lxthrop st, I rms. all mod.. IS. on 2f2 N. iSth St.. -r.. mod. ex. heat 16.00 1721 l.ake St., rma., port mod.... 'i.VS Ha.hier St.. R rms.. part mod... 13.00 BIRKETT COMPANY. 4-a Bee Rldg Douglas 6S3. 6i2 S. 19TH-W-room all modern house, newly repaired, every room papered, new oak floor laid, well arranged for renting rooms, close In, I4&. 2R10H Bristol St, 6-room, part modem, 114 00. )27 Manderson, 6 room modern except heat. 118. RAPP BHOS. DOT'GLAS 1.' HOI SES TO RUNT. Ill B. Juth St., 10-rm.. steam heat, mod. KmO N. 17th Ht., 8-room. ItVJS N. 17th SU, 9-room. 2421 Pratt St.. 7-r., strictly modern. Zli N. 24th Pt., 14-room. modern. CITY TRCST COMPANY. 1th and ITarney Bt. Telenhone Douglas 780. i 2O07 STMary's Ave., 10 room, modern. 140410 N. 22d, 10 rooms, modern. 1.102409 Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, modern. $30 s. 28th, 6 room, modern. Ii' 3116 Chicago, 6 room, modern. 115214 Seward, 6 roomti, toilet, barn. tlO-Includlng water, 2218 Clark, I rooms. RINQWALT, Brsndels Theater. 117 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 1310 Ames Ave. 126--r., all mod., 2(4 8. S2d St. 16 7-r., strictly mod., with garage, fine lo cation. 18 Plnkney. TEBBBNS. Omaha Nafl Bank HOCSKS FOR RENT. CREIGH. SONS CO.. hep: bldo. douq. too. 4-R., downtown, colored, 113; 1 and t-r., lot garden ground. 14-45. Tel. Doug. 1107. Evenings Walnut 2687. FOR RENT-APTS AND FLATS West. THE MAYFAIR, CLaOSEIN, JUST COMPLETED Located at 2222 Howard, good location, walking distance, no car fare: coneleU Ing of living room with built-in bed, dining room with built-in bed, good light kitchen, tile bath. 3 ROOMS, WITH 6-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. All outside rooms, well ventilated; rooms beautifully papered; choice light ing fixtures: Individual porches; IN FACT everything to make It one of the most complete and up-to-date apis. In the olty. Rent reasonable, 1(3.60 sum mer, 138.60 winter. Only three left. Open today from 2 to 6 for inspection. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, 1614 Harney. HEATED APARTMENT. A party leaving the city desires to sublet a very choice 6-rooin apartment In the West Farnam district. Price too. PAYNE SLATER CO.. 616 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. ' THE ST. UEOROE. Five-room steam heated apartment. First-class and up-to-date In every respect. Choice location In West Far nam district. Very desirable. AR.MSTRONG-WALHH COMPANY, Tyler 1S36. KEELINE BLDG. APARTMENTS. 4-r., Flo-Lea, 2th and Capitol.... 135-140 4-r.. Fl'i-Lca. iOth - tsp., 1st fl.l27.60-.50 l-r., Georgia, 1040 Georgia Av....T7 &) 6-r., West Farnam district IjO.Oi) PETERS TRUST CO.. Doug. 80S. HEATED APARTMENTS. Two well-located Wet Farnam apart ments, I and 7 rooms, loo ana 160; sleeping porches; garage, 15. A. P. TUKEY & SON. Phone Doug. W2. 16n7-g W. O. W. Bide; 4-R, THE HARNEY, 3006 Harney Ht. is w. lias sun parlor, Duiit-ln pea; ood location; very choice: sublease; 17.60 summer, U2.60 winter. Janitor will show you through. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney MONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT, t-r. and bath, apartment brick; mod. except heat; good neighborhood; 312 60. D. K. BUCK. 912 Omaha Nat l. D. 62K FARNAM ST. STORE 1018 Farnam St.. stories, elevator; win make good terms on lease. W. F. Graham, Bee Big. but i'HEAHT APT. 4 rooms and bath. 3009 Harney St.. sublease at special low rate for summer. Call Harney 357. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam heated apartment on West Farnam St JOHN W. ROBBINS. ltwi FARNAM ST. MODERN 6-roora apartment. Including sleeping porch. Well located. Harney 1W9. STEAM heated apartments, low rent. Near P. O. n. P. Btetnin. Nertk. -J08 N. 17TH All mod. apt., heated, 135.60. RAHP BROS.. DOUOLAS 1.3. 4338 CHARLES -roora apartment, mod- . I .l'l 1 1 em except heat. 111. Dougla S1 ONE MONTH FREE. 12 for 6 months. Examine. 1122 N. SWh. Tel. web. XSi .' uaH. Three rooms for i close IN. The AVALON, 6uS 8. 28th. good light rooms; walking distance. This Includes heat, water and 4anitor service. Open todav. Janitor will show you through. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney FLATS. l-r., 311 Leavenworth, mod. ex. ht.1'6 6-r.. 123 8 10th, 2d fl.. mod. ex. ht....ll2 6-r., Hhelby Ct., close In. mod. ex. lit.. 114 t-r., 720 S. 36th St., near Leavenwo h 113 PETERS TRl'ST CO.. Doug. 898. FIVE-ROOM steam healed apartment, very desirable, th Chula Vista, totsj and Poppiston Ave., 143 60. 323 Braai ei Theater PHg. Pom. 1I7T1. $-RoOM modern flat K-3 S. 21st St Doug las 62K9 If taeellagteeiaa. WARM. COY APARTMENT. Fin apartment of four rooms and Pa til, nicely decorated, oalt finish, steam heat. Janitor service; very thing flral-claaa. Hee It and you will take It, SCOTT v Hn.! CO.. ivuglas Ik sIONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT, t-r. and bath, apartment, brick; mod. except heat: good neighborhood: tll.TO. P. Ev BUCK. 913 Omaha Nat L D. 6.J6. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ship; t-hora van and I men. II 26 per hour; store. 13 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 43.01 and Tyler 33U. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing :i N. iltn Bt. Phone Douglas 34 or Harney xtXti. FIDELITY vTiAc- raEE Phono Douglas 33 for complete list ef vacant houws aud apartments; also for stole, moil, lath and Jackson tka M0VmQAND STORAGE FIREPROOF W A REHOUSE Kerarate. locked rooms, for household good ana pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. H. lth St. Douglas 413. OMAHA Truck. Van snd Htniage Co. moving, packing, storage and shipping Phone Don iImIW J C REED P' Moving, -T- packing and storage, 1207 Farnam St Douglas 6146. FOR RENTBUSINESS PROP'TY ktc !.., lv7 Aniea Ave., 10x16 ft. i'2 ..v-ins Sherman Ave.. I3x. ft. 4ti.t-3)ith and Ame Ave., 24x66 ft. lVXO-f, S. lith St., 6"0 block. 20xt ft., steam heat. li'.Virt-10 Farnam St. 20x133 ft. steam heat 17r.On2lft.lg g. jsth St., 40x00 ft., stesnf, heat. GEORGE A COMPANY, Phone D. 75 nnj City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg 1206 Farnam St., 2 atcry and basement. 21 , in Hu es it and retail district. 317 S. llth., 30x60, 2S. 1H7 Farnam St., 12x130. Pilfi Farnam St., 12x1.10. W. FARNAM SMITH CO, 1.120 Farnam St. Doug, ini.t V1IL ux up liaHe.ncnt In Paxtun block, inth and Farnam His., to suit a good, rellablo tenant. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1 20 Fa rn a m Ht. Doug. lQfii STua LEA VK.N WORTH 117..) 19 Cuming St 27. M 2413 "N" St., South Side. Call for particulars. ARMSTRONG-WALSH OOMPANT. Tyler 1S;. Keellno Bids Foil RENT line of th liest locations in Lincoln for n automobile sales agency; will tie v.i cant nd for rent April 1. Hue been occupied by the Overland agency for six year. Address F. D. Eager. Lincoln, NcK STORES TO RENT. 2104 Cuming St., stores, good. 1411 Harney St.. stores. Rood CITY TRVHT COMPANY, 16th snd Harney Sts. Telephone Douglas V9 S.MALI, store room; very desirable; rent au; 1620 Caas St. CONRAD YOUNG. 822 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1671. STORE ROOMS st 19M4-1M1 Farnam Ht. Trios. F. Hall. 4:3 Ramge Bldg. D. 740. GOOD location for pool hall, large build ing. ChII Walnut S27. . 4fficea and Desk Room. OFFICE, second floor, 1504 Harney. Office, second floor, 1506 Harney. O. C. RED ICR", Attorney. Phone Douglas 1612. WANTED TO RENT WE have a client that wants a 7 or 8 room house within walking distance, on a street car line. Price from 13.6'M to 15,000. win give 1600 caih, balance monthly, PAVTTE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 5th F!-. Om Nat. Bk. Bldr. IX l.M. I nforalahed Houaea aud rlata. WANTED to rent March 1 3-room apart menr. By married couple. Call Col. 1753 Mlacellaneoas. TRAVELING man wants to rent fur nished room close to town In Jleam or hot water heated building. Address P 700. Bee REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Weat. A REAL HOME NEW BRICK RESIDENCE This beautiful residence has re-ln forced concrete poroh floor, . brick: balustrades with Bedford stone coping; front vestibule with tile floor; coat closet with mirror door off vestibule; living room with fireplace, ' book cases: French doors between living room and den; beam ceilings in living and din ing rooms; built-in buffet; window seat and paneled wainscoting below plato rail in dining room; oak finish ou the first floor throughout; kltehen with, built-in ' china cupboard; broom and table leaf closet, with clothes and dust chute; rear entry for ice box, with, drain; second floor lias three large bed rooms with large closets and mirror doors; large sleeping porch; bath room has tiled floor, base tub, pedestal lava tory and shower bath; large attic; basement equipped with laundry tubs, toilet, floor drain; piped for gas and wired for electricity with necessary wall plugs for fans, Irons and vacuum cleaner. Entire house has up-to-date seml-lndlrect lighting fixtures. All walls nicely decorated; screens for entire , house. Comer lot with fine shad trees. Paving all paid. Price !7,5X. Terms. NORMS & NORRLS 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglag 4TW. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT BEAUTIFUL HOME TWO FINE LOTS MUST BE SOLD Hero is one of th most desirable homes in Omaha. Big living room, din ing room panelled In oak, parlor, library and kitchen on the first floor. Six fine bed rooms on the second floor. Billiard room on the third. Laundry with stationary tubs: Rudd hot water heater and soft water piped to every faucet In the house. Fine shade. House alone cost over 122,000 to hulld. We have a sacrifice price of 39.000 on the whole property. Act qulcklv. Owner will carry back 16,000 at per cent. - ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 153 Keellne Bldg. FOR QUICK PALE. i Owner has reduced price of this prop erty in order to make a quick sola: 6 room, 3-story house. In Cathedral dis trict. Just 1 block from Saunders school: In one of the best neighborhoods In city; lot Is 60x110, east front; building and losn association loan on property of 31,000. See us at once. Plica is 13.000. . ALFRED f. KENNEDY CO., S FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. DOUGLAS 722. WALKING DISTANCE. This strictly modem. 6-room house and garage with cement drive, right in town, hn been put on the market for 13 800. H should sell for In.OOO. Whv not buy this and gain what the owner loses-? If not wanted a a home, this would make good Investment. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6th Floor Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Ioula17Sl. o BEMIS PARK DISTRICT The owner of the house at 3512 Lafay ette Ave. has reduced the price and wants to aeil this month. This place is modem, has 6 rooms snd la worth tha price asked. Will be glad to show you thi house If you are looking for a liar- CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY Dourlas I'm. VW Bee Bldg. 41ST AND DAVENPORT I-room brick and stucco home: quarter-sawed oak finish and every kind of modern, up-to-date conveniences. Very large comer In Omaha's finest resi dence section. Pric 114.600. BEDFORD. Douglas 33? tJ0 CASH : Will buv a brand new all modem bun galow: Just finished, at 3lh and How ard St. H. A. WOLF. 84 Ware Blk. Dong 8088. BEAUTIFUL Utile modern homo, near 14th and California streets. A real bar gain at M.Ots), very reasonable terms. If you want a n1o home, ee me about thl. WH.LIAMS. 411 McCagu Bldg., 1Mb and Iodge streets orm. GENUINE BARGAI5T " I have t-room house, rlty water, gas lot Krxl27: will tske t'.jl for my 4 ) equity; balance tl.a: SJl m.mthlv pay ments. Villi also sell the f un ture. complete f.r ho'is-'eenipe f r till Norm Ji.iU Ait I'hiine t'nir.v w e