Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 16

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! i
is Going On
in Society Circles
Crfighton Glee Club Concert.
Ro parties for the Crel((hto unlveraltj
Jle club concert at the Brtndol theater
Thursday evening: will be given by Mr.
1.. B. Buahman, Mm. Charlea F. Crowlev,
Olr. C. W. Hamilton, Mra. D. V. Staple
ton, Mr. John D. Cteltthton and Mr. Lea
ter Caldwell. Mem'wta of th faculty
111 alxo orcury boxes. The Hat of
' etron-ies for thin mueical eent In
cludes: t"Mn Mir
'. i . A'llon
K.'nv L'. barton
.S J. Hrfira
1 lie He a lr. Men ton
A. M. BA;:I nil
eorte Hi niwli in
M. V. Hurklev
W. T. r.uitia
I.. H. flimhrnan
T. C liyrne
lt9 T. Hyrne
.oaeplt in rne
Will Coad
V. H. 'ff man
"'liarles F. Prowler
U. V. . Cnnnell
A. I. Crelch
h Award ( relshton
I.. P. Crofoot
V M U 'H'
. O. 1 1 or ford
VV A. P. Johnaon
Arthur Keellna
J. A. P. Kennedy
F. T. Kennrdv
A. V. Klreler
A. B. MfComiell
J. A. McSlian
T. .1. Mi-Shane
K. J. McV'mtn
John Madden
T. J. Malionev
Paul L. Martin
K. W. Naah
Y, A. Nnh
K P. Nrh
Harold f'rltrhett
T. P. Redmond
Thomas H. Coleman Nohert Ketrer
J. W. TJnttgherty Clarence Kihheraon
K W. Dixon
P. J. Smyth
W. J. Tore
John B. Furav
Paul Gaiiasher
P. W. Hamilton
Y. .1. Hamilton
J. McMillan Harding
Marv Hurklev
Nettle Biiahnian
1-Men Crelahton
Miry Duffy
Mary Furav
Ophelia Harden
Kvcln Hooper
l. P. HiHPleton
Adolph 8tor
Tliotnns Swlfl
E. A. Wirkham
A. Kwartilander
Mlanche K'lnaler
Ruth latcnaer
Maty Mumhhoff
Nanette) Murphy
aire. 'Vooa-d
Marie Woodard
luncheon in Chicago.
Mra. Ralph Modjenka of Chlrago. who
la well known to a number of Omaha
people, entertained at a beautlfull ap
pointed luncheon on Thuraday of laat
week In honor if her mother, Madame
Menda. who hnd Juat reached her eight
ieth birthday. The house, wii filled with
floral gift a to Madame Bends and a
charming touch waa added to the lunch
eon by the plate tarda painted by her
Kranddaughtcr, Marylka Mojeaka. tal
, ented atudent at the Art lnatltute, and
presenting the different nerloda of cos
fumes since her grendmoUier's birth.
Tha guests Included Mra. lilackalone,
Mra. Oliver B. Orover, whoa h unhand
did the mural decoratlona for the Black
atone library: Mrs. Lorsdo Tsft, Mme.
Vareal, noted Italian singing teacher;
-Mr. Dewey, Mra.' John L, Shortall. Mra.
Modjeaka. Mri. Clement Cliaae and Frau
li'ln Marie Meyer, who played tha pari
of Mary Mngdalene In the Paaalnn I'lay
at Oberammergau In 1010.
Off for Warmer Climea.
Mr. and Mra. Ward Burgeae left laat
evening for a month's atay at Belle
clr. Fla.
Mr. and Mr. Jame t. Pazton end Mr.
W. A, Redlck arw among; thoae planning
to leave thla week for California.
Mr. Y. Far nam Smith and Mr. Ben
jamin F. Rmlth left Saturday for Palm
Hraoh, Fla., for aoveral waaka' atay.
Mr, and Mr. O. W. Wattle and daugh
tera, Mary and Margaret, hava gona to
their winter Jiom at Hollywood, Cal,
Mr. and Mr, lloxl Clark., who hava
been gueala of Mr., Clarka'a mother,
Mr?, itlla fqulrea, have gone to New
Vort, "going isn from'-. thr q Palm
Mra,) Arthur Roger and three children,
Julin, . Mary Allr and Margaret, tear
Sunday for a southern trip, (topping first
at Tucaon, AH., .and later going on to
the coaat. I
.Mr. and Mr. William A. Da Bord, who
are at preaent In Hawaii, aalied thla week
on . the Mataonla and will rtalt V
Angelra, El Paao and San Antonio before
returning to Omaha In about two or
three week. " , '
Sooiety'i Gueit Lit
Mr, William Meddara and alitor, Mia
Mary Meddara, are the gxieeta of their
brother, Dr. E. A. Meddara,
Mra. Daniel U Korn of New Tork City
arrived Saturday morning to be' the gueat
f her parenta, Mr, and Mr. Morrla Lrry.
Mr. Boy Jone of Applet on, W1., has
arrived to be tha guea of her alater,
Mia. A. J. Love, at Loveland Farm on
Weat Ijeavenworth atraet.
Ml Ellen Wearl of Charoke. la., la
the gueat of her coualn. Mia Dorothy
Weller. In her honor Mlaa Weller will
!ve a brldg party Friday.
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Dumont are enter
taining Mr, DumoHt'e alater, Mra. J. E.
Kb raola ot Denver. Mr. and Mra. . Du
mont gav a dinner Thuraday evening in
Mra. Eberaole'i honor and aoveral email
affairs are planned for thla week,
Mra Meredith Nlcholaon of Indlanapolla
arrived Saturday to be tha guest of Mr.
and Mrs. C. T. Kountsa. Mr. Nlchol
aon la a! way a popular gueat In Omaha
and many thing are being planned for
her entertainment during her two weeks'
lay here.
Mr. and Mra. A. O. Baeaon have a
I heir gueat for the week and Mr. Bee
aorta alater, Mr. Oliver Pierce, and Mr.
Pierce of Lafayette, Ind.. who arrived
Friday morning, and Mr. Beeson' ether
liter, Mra. R. J. Green, and Mr. Ore a
of Lincoln. Mr. and Mr. Plerca will
leve the firat of the week with Mr.
and Mra. Oreen to pnd a few day In
IJncoln before returning home.
Mr. Charles llochatetler. brother of
Frank B. Hochatetler, has been vlaltlng
at the reaidenc of Mr. and Mr F. P
Ktrkendatl for the past week. Mr.
Hochstetler haa lived many years In
Kngland, hta wife Wing 'jie daughter of
the late (Jeneral Oiif'.ith of the British
army. Ha haa three brothere-ln-Uw now
ausvely engaged In the war. which put
him In loa touch with the actlvltWs
There. Mr. llochatetler waa unable to
visit his brother on account of the III
neea of hia niece, Mlaa Franoes Ho hatet
ler, with scarlet fever.
Fromite of Social Calendar.
The Week End Dancing club will give
a maequerade party Saturday evening
at Chambers' academy.
An afternoon bridge at the home of
Mra. Alvln Johnson will be one of the
affaire of Wedneaday.
The annual Washington's birthday
dinner of tha Omaha club will be given
at 1 o'clock on Tueaday evening, Febru
ary U. Following the dinner the mem-
bera will be addressed by Hon. W. t
Bailey, former governor of Kansas, and
by Hon. Kmnaet Tlnisy of Iowa.
MeKlnley Ladies' auxiliary of the B'nal
HiUh entertains at a leap year dancing
part at Prairie Park club Wedneaday
r-tiiri. Valentine decorations) and
heart-shaped programa will be usvd. alias
iulvma. Newman heads the young worn'
n a organisation that la giving the
The teiebratibu of the first aniUver
kiy vt the .lulcl Kor.teiiclle will be held
KSlS.jr tuning. February A, when the
I : :
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k L A-Lw it Ji:7 WM.
i T ys
iHj. Arthur lietline
management proposes a ball to be ten
dered to It patron and friends. As ail
of Omaha society I enrolled a steady
patrons, tha ball promises to be a large
and Interesting one, for which card will
hortly ha laaued.
Birthday Celebration.
Mr. Richard Johnson was given a sur
prise party on his fiftieth birthday at
his home Saturday evening. Game and
dancing followed. Those present were:
Messrs. and Meadamea
Ernest Peterson, John R.Young,
Lewia Henduraon,
John Ijarson
N. O. Andereon,
August Johnaon,
Joel bloom.
Ilror A. Johnaon,
Knoch Johnaon,
John Knqulat.
Oacar tiallqulat.
Victor Danleleon,
Axel Ahlgren,
A Inert fetereon.
Charlea A. Carl arm. Andrew Pearaon,
Ouat Nelnon, Andrew Pollock,
Nela j. Auoeraon. K.d Clone,
August Wahlatrom. Klorrell.
Sveii Wickman. Frit Nolaon.
Diehard Johnaon. C. r . Johnaon.
81 a ii Aselaon,
Hlgne Andnraon,
Marie Amteiaon,
Holen I'eteraon,
Helen lntaleon,
Anna Nelson,
Norma Johnaon,
Thyra Johnson.
John V. Erron.
Charlea Andarson,
Olnf Carleon.
J. A. Weaaman, .
John Nyatrom.
tvar Nordquiat,
Andy Carlson,
A. Johnaon.
A. A. Anderson,
Krnet Oberg, .
', H. He,
ttudolnh Peterson,
(ilen Danlelaon,
C. F. Johnaon. ,
Ax 1 11 Ctirlaon,
C. O. Johnaon, '
K F. IVteraon.
Merman, Johnaon.
8. Wedwen.
AUffiiat Anderson.
Naia rH;iidaien.
t'arl Nelson.
N. It. Petereon,
Carl Johnaon.
P. F. I-areon,
Axel Borrren. '
Harry Johnaon.
W R Jhnon.
Harold Heiuleraon.
Walter Luiidiuixl,
Prettiest Mile Affair.
Mlaa Katheryn Petera of Pt. Louis Is
the guest of her sister. Mr. 8. 8. Car
The women of the Prettlert Mil Golf
cluWwlll be the guests of Burgesa-Nash
A Co. at their Indoor golf course Monday
afternoon from I to I o'clock. Prises
will be awarded In a putting and driving
contest. -
Bulletins from Sick Boomi.
Mrs. H. P. Whllmora Is convalescing
from an attack of grip at Battle Creek.
Although Jittle Mlaa Wynne Fairfield
has entirely recovered from her recent
attack of scarlet fever, the quarantine Is
still oa there, Mrs. Fairfield having re
inained with her daughter in their apart'
inent t the Colbert.
W. It. HUi-hola. vie jirraldetit of the
Omaha National bank, haa been con
Patronesses of Creighton Glee Glub Concert
.:n,X 1 v 1
ii ' i, i tit -ji w i a ii
l: I i ) I 11 i J
'ill' lA'lL f t' n ' J
IJ , - 1 Z.t3?7ZZ..m. an. ..wot
Hhs. A.J. Beaton.
fined to his house for tha last week with
a slight attaok of grip. Mr. Buchols la
contemplating a vacation shortly, and
may go to Palm Beach, Fla.
Sorority Affair.
The alumna of Delta Gamma were the
guesta at luncheon Saturday of Mra. F.
R. Hoeg'and. who wao assisted by Mr.
W. B. Fonda. The afternoon was ipent
aervlng for a charity organisation. Tha
members are:
Irving Cvitler.
neorge Iamon,
Henry Carpenter,
1. C. Buel.
F. A. Jor.ea.
F. A. Cuacaden,
Albert Kurts.
M'indaor Mgath.
Hallle W'llaon
Jorothy Rlngwalt,
Kthel Dietrich,
Nona Bridae,
lva Sackett,
Iaura Hrldice.
Kalan Cheaney.
Huh Wallace,
Lyman Perk,
W. C. Kamiey.
Arthur mlth,
R. B. Uodlke.
Paul Hoaaland.
Coe Buchanan,
H. C. Kvarta.
K. R. Ha rrta.
M tears
Carol Howard.
Ida Darlow,
Ruth Mill.
Loutee Curtis,
Ruth uould,
Ruth Rlnehart,
Hasel Howard,
Franoo-Belgiaa Belief Event.
Mlaa Florenoa Sohofleld and Mlas Ble-
nor Fell will apeak Monday evening at
o'clock at the Rome hotel In behalf of
the fatherless children ot Franca and
Belgium. .
Eastern Btar Entertainment.
Maple Leaf chapter, Order of the East
ern Star, will give its annual card party
and danc at Chambers' aoaxemy Tuea
day evening. Invitations have been ex
tended to stater chapter in South Omaha.
Omaha and CouncU Bluff, also to tha
atate grand officer. Mlaa Meta Wolf,
worthy matron, will head the danue com
mlttee, while Mra. Orao Smith and Mra.
Luella Shrum wilt hava charge of the
card tables.
Wedding Guest.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Fellhelmer and
Mlaa Ruth Arnateln wnt to Bt. Lout
Tueaday to be preaent at the wedding of
Miss Habette ftraua tc Mr. Howard G
Kornbllth. The wed ling was solemnised
Thureday In tha preaenit of over 1
guesta. forty of whom were f 10:11 out of
town. )lin Arnlvin waa one of the aix
trlJ. KiimloV Mr. ar.d Mrs. Fellhelmer
end Miss Arneteln roturned home Satur
day noon-
Fast Festivities.
Mrs. John L. Kladerat entertained six
guests at a Bt. Valentine's tea Thurs
day afternoon.
Mlaa Eugenie 'Whltmore entertained at
an Orpheum party and supper at the
Fontenell Thursday evening for Mra.
Jean Marl Gutalain, those In the party
being Mrs. Guislaln, Mrs. Tyler O'Con
nor, Mlaa Whltmore. Mr. Frank Haskell
and Mr. H. P. Whltmore.
Mr. C. El Allen entertained the Birth
day club at a 1 o'clock luncheon Wedne.
day. Tha valentine Idea wa carried out
In the decorations and favor. Mra.
Jerome Llllie entertain the club in two
weeka. The member are:
Meadamea Meadamea
C. Winter. J. M. Wataon,
W. Wilier. Jerome Llllie.
J. O. Fdmundaon, C. B. Allen.
Corey Vaow, W. J. Norman,
Tha Bachelor Girls B. O. D. H. club
waa entertained Thuraday evening at
the home of Mlaa Lillian Krechy. The
evening wa spent In playing whtat and
plana for a leap year danolng party to
be given February J9 were discussed.
Th members are:
Misses Misses-
Mabel Merka. Ethel Clark.
Mabel Warner. Iura Krauae.
Bxe Wataon. Oretchen Hamann. .
LimanKrechy. Kdlth Weekea.
Oinoiam Club Dance.
Th Clnosam Dancing club will hold its
ninth dance on Thuraday evening neat at
Bcottlah Rite cathedral. Th roaak ball
to hava been given on that evening haa
been postponed and the regular dance
will be held Instead. The laat danc of
the season w 111 be hel i March IS, at which
time officer for next year will be elected.
At Excelsior Spring.
. Mr. E. O. Hamilton la at Excelator
Spring, Mo., for a two week' atay.
Mr. and Mra J. B. RaJun and Mra.
W. E. Palmatter have gone to Exoelalor
Springe to join Mr. Palmatler and apend
a few day there.
Mr. and Mra. C. F. Weller have re
turned from a week's vlatt to Escalator
Comui Club Entertainment
The Corona club waa entertained Thura
day afternoon at the home of Mra. E.
U. Ferria. The decoratlona were read
heart, t-tpida and Valentine place carda.
Mrs. W. IS. Swisher was the guest of
the afternoon. Prises were awarded to
Meadamea George Harris, J. W. Hood,
Daniel Tillotaon and J. T. Dlmmick. The
club will meet In two weeks with Mr.
Charlea Everaon.
Viking Sewing Club.
Mrs. A. G. Larson entertained the
members of Viking Sewing club laat
Thuraday afternoon. Those present were:
Nels Johnson,
Auguat Valatrom,
Oust Anderson,
Alg-ot Anderson.
Adolph Anderson,
Nels Anderson,
Kflllh Heck nan,
81 Kite Axelaon,
Bixne Aadereon,
bather Uualafson,
Berger Anderson,
John Larson,
Charles Carlson,
Kvar Pearson,
E. Y. Blldt.
A. G. Larson.
Anna BJorkman,
rJtigla HJalm.
With the Card Clubs.
The Flnola High Five club entertained
at the home of Mrs. Harry J. Thompsett
Wednesday afternoon. Miss Margaret
Moore, Mrs. L. Huftlea and Mra. C.
Mterachelm won the prise. Th member
of the club are:
O. A. Pylee 1
J. Connolly
A. Heine
C. Mereohelm
V. Itoeaing .
Margaret Moore
L. liuftleaa
A. J. Jackaon
K. J. Lynch
F. A. Peward
H. J. Thompeett
May Finney
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mra. L. Raduslner will enter
tain at dinner thla evening at their home
to celebrate, their first wadding anniver
sary. The following will be present:
Messrs. and Meadamea
J. Ratluslner
L, Raduzlner
'Mrs. 8. Hoth
Father Radualner
Bernloe Radualner
C. Ktern
I. M. Wintroub
F.thei Kxduslner
Anna Crouna
William IWIuslner Herbert Wlntroub
Jneth Kailuilner Harold Stern
Joaeph Hum , .
South Side Affair.
The Kntre Nous club of the South Side
will give a dancing party MonAy even
Ing at Rushing hall. It wUI be a valen
tine affair,' with decoratlona, programs
and favora in appropriate design.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mra L Kulakofsky announce)
the enicaicement of their daughter Ida,
and Mr. David Goldwar of Ceylon, Minn.
Tha engagement and approaching mar
rtage of Miaa Helen lindaey, daughter
ot Mia. John U. Reynoida of Sidney,
Neb., and Mr. Roger Holman of Omaha.
I son ot the lata John B. Holman ot In
jdlanapolls. Is announced. The wedding
will he celebrated this mon'.h at the
home of tha brlde a mother In Sidney.
The a graduate of the Sidney
Normal school and has studied dramatic
art. A Cuban trip la planned for the
At the Henahaw.
Dr. and Mr. T. .T. Dwyer entertained
a party of eight at aimer Friday evening
at the Henahaw.
Mr. .d Mr. Thorn., P. Rodmond irav.
dinner party for six guets at the
ahaw Friday evening.
: Hold Charity Ball at Auditorium.
The fourth annual bull of the Daughter
of larael Ald society will be held at the
Auditorium tonight. The funds derived
from the ball will go toward the building
of an old people's home.
The Daughters of Isiael Aid society was
I organised four years ago and has held a
charity dance each year, with the result
that over tn.OOO is now in the treasury.
The society haa 400 rembers.
It is the plan to start conatructton on
the Old people'a homo in the spring at a
cost of between $20,000 and $35,000.
The committee In charge of the ball to
night consists of
Mends mee .
li. Kreldel.
H. Milder.
I. , h'neeter.
M. Cioldenberg,
A. Silverman.
Joe M. Btclnberg,
8. Kavltx,
N. Tatel.
M. Kort.
T. Schalfer.
I. Levi,
Fenonal Mention.
Miss Betty Fairfield Is now staying j
with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connell.
Miss Catherine Lacy left Saturday for
New Tork, to be gone for several week.
Mr. T. H. Clark of Pleasant Mount.
Pa., la spending the winter with her
brother, Mr. E. F. Riley.
Mrs. Charles O. Everson ha returned
from Oalesburg. III., accompanied by her
mother, Mr. O. C. Curran, who will 1
pend the winter and spring month here.
Dr. F. W. Slabaugh ha returned from J
a aix month' stay in southern Calif or-1
nla, but Mr. Slabaugh and daughters, I
Virginia and Helen, will remain tor ome
time longer.
Mrs. F. H. Davl and Mia Elisabeth
Davla leave thla week for New Tork
and will be joined there by Mlaa Mellora
Davis, who went east to attend the Tale
"prom" at Naw Haven.
The Misses Marguerite and Minetto
Rousseau, who spent the past six month
visiting In Dubuque, Eugene, Or a, and
Twodot, Wyo have returned and are for
the preaent at the home of their aunt,
Mr. E. W. Nah.
Mis Maud Ryan of Portland. Ore., Is
visiting her slater, Mra. Cornelius Riley.
Mr. and Mr. Frank R. Creedon have
returned from Do Molne, la. They are
accompanied by their baby daughter,
Elouiae Elisabeth, born In De Molne.
The Mlaa Gertrude and Hannah Ko
paid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Kopald, are expected home Wedneaday
from a delightful stay ot several month
In Buffalo, where they were the guests
of the brother. Rabbi Louis Kopald. The
Omaha girl were extensively entertained
during their stay In the east.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mra. Ouy L. Smith has returned from
a two weeks' trip to Chicago.
Mr. Andrew Rosewater has returned
from a several weeks' visit at the home
of her brother In Chicago.
Miss Malvlna Newman I (pending the
week-end In Oakland, Neb., the gueat of
Mr. and Mr. Michael Krasna.
Mrs. Frank Hamilton and small daugh
ter, Exllona, have gona to Phoenix,
Aria., to bo the gueat for aome time of
Mr. and Mra. Jaok Barber.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf expect to leave
Friday or Saturday for Los Angelea,
where she will be joined by her alater,
Mrs. Herahey, of Portland, for an ex
tended visit.
Tho Mlases Agnes and Gertrude Lynch
are In Dea Moines, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. If. McCarthy. Mrs. McCarthy
was formerly Miss Anna Lynch. Before
their return the Mlsse Lynch Will visit
in Carroll and Manning-. la.
. Mr. H. B. Lemer returned Monday
from New Tork,' where ah and her
mother. Mra. H. C. Van Oleaon, were
called by tha lllneaa of tha tatter's
brother, Mr. T. B. Van Emburgh, who
1 now Improving. Mr. Van Gleson re
mained in tha east.
Society Notes
Mra. Henry B. La mere returned Mon
day from New Tork City. Her uncle,
D. B. van Enburgh, to whose bed
side she had been called, with her
mother, Mr. Henry C. Van Oleaon, la
recovering from a aerlou attack of
Mlaa Gladys Goodman entertained at
tea at her home laat Saturday for guesta.
Miss MUdred Brown; ot Hampton, la.
Assisting tha hostess were the Misses
Gertrude Alkln. Florence Hegbeade,
Helen Weeks and Marghrette Geinmel,
all classmatea at Rocktord college.
Mra. Elisabeth Goodrich has returned
from an extended visit In Chicago. Minne
apolis and Detroit.
The Tennyaon chapter of the Chau
tauqua circle, met Monday with Mra. W.
B. Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George entertained
at dinner Thureday. preceding the ub-
crtptlon dance at Turpln'a academy.
The Dundee Dancing club gave a dance
Friday-evening at narte' hall.
Mr. and Mr. A. Glenn hava moved Into !
their new home at 104 No. Forty-eighth ,
street. J
Mr. A. J. Elllck has returned from a j
two weeka' visit In New Orleans.
Edwin Harts, who has been at Mani
toba. Canada, since his graduation from
Ames college three years sgo. Is at horns
visiting hia parents. Mr. and Mr. John
H. Hart. Loula Hart and hia bride
are also her.
Mra. W. A. Ptxley Is in Chicago, where
he haa been undergoing som aerlou
Mrs. Jamea Chadwtck is In Chicago
with Mra. Lewi Reed, who I 111.
Mr. and Mra. G. Q. Gulnter are leav
ing for Florida this week.
Mr. C. J. Morton and Mr. William
Pendell. are at the home of Mr. and
Mr. 8. R. Ruh.
W. A. Graham waa call ad to
Buffalo, N. T.. Monday, for the death
of hta mother, Mr. F. If. Boyd.
The Dundee Luncheon Kensington club
postponed its regular , meeting to Feb
ruary n.
Mrs. H. J. McCarthy entertained at
luncheon at the Fontenelle Tueaday, In
honor of Mra B. Gant of Kanaas City. 1
Mrs. E. O. Hamilton Is a gueat at the 1
El ma' 1 Excelalor Bprlnga, Mo. !
Dr. F. W. Slabaugh haa returned from 1
a winter rpent In California. Mr. Sl-
baugh and two little daughter, will re
main another month or two. '
Mra. J. J. Dodda gave a luncheon Wed
nesday afternoon at her home, for Mis
Helen Llndxey 0f Sidney, who la eoon
to be married to Roger Holman of
The Olrl Bible claa met Friday with
Mis Ether Wcsterfleld.
"T understood that Crimson Oulch w
to he a dry town."
"Te." replied Three Finger Sam.
"We're all prohlbltlonlata now."
Ana you are, no oouur, ne&unier man
mUn-t be aurprl.ed. Center,
Hen-,whlph s a w)(le open towri ls four mll.
!away an' aome of the boys that never
took no reswa.r eaerelae before ts wam
in' the distance twice a day." Washing
ton Star.
The Silk Shop
211 City Nat'l Bank BIdg.
Opening Sale of
Fine Dress Silks
Monday and Tuesday
36-Inch and 40-lnch, $1.50
to $2.25 Value,
00 ,$150
Many exclusive patterns, con
sisting ot the new Gros de Lon
dres and Armure Rousseau
weaves, Phoenix and Regatta
Oress Taffetas, best Americaa
make, fancy monotone stripes,
self barred plaids and Jacquard
checks. Fleur de Jeunesse,
fancy Kitty'Kat and Pussy Wil
low Silks, Blouse and Shirting
Crepes and Habutale, all new
Spring silks at about H less
than sold elsewhere.
E. A. B E S S I R E
An especially fine shampoo for this
weather can bo easily made at trifling
expense by simply dissolving a tea
spoonful of canthrox in a cup of hot
water. Pour slowly on scalp and mas
sage briskly. This creates a soothing,
cooling lather that dissolves and removes
all dandruff, excess nil and dirt. Rinsing
leave the scalp spotlessly clean, soft and
pliant, while the hair takes on a glossy
richness of natural color, also a flufflness
which mskes It seem very much heavier
than It ia. After a canthrox shampoo
arranging the hair Is a pleasure. Adver
Should Be a Box of
Th kind $hm liktt will
fc atily BtUctud from
or & itock.
The Parker Flower Shop
ill South ISth Street
Oty National Bank Building
25c Size Bottle of
Swissco Hair Tonic
Peasant this eovpoa at anr of tha Bnw
Ra Sj MoConnall lni Co.'. 4 Storaa. end
raeelve trM. a full Vx mtmm hotil. of
"MwtaKa" Hair Treatment.
Cltr state
"8wt " Impart rotor to rrwr or f44
hair, alrta hair arowtta. nmovM dajidruff
atoa falllaa hair au4 analp trouble.
Coniwu Good Until Feb. 23.
Tboaa 6utela of Omaha will nt a fra
bottla by aendlna eanv in atampa dtract
to Mwlaaro Hair Tratm.nt Co., c P. O.
ertiMra. uinrinnatl, Ohio, to palp cover ax
benae of parklnii, poatasa, ate.
Clearance Sale
or aczsrs. wonri ajtb '
r.largarctte Lemon
S4 Floor Pataaraoa stlX.
ITth aa raraaa. Vcmguta twos.
OmaJta. Ilea.
Kali S lv J1.CI a
Priet - , Wiek