Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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Call for Meeting
of Mayors Sent Out
Mayor Dshlman has rsostrsd from
fror Mltehsl of Now Tor a copy of
h eatl for ths National Confsrsnce of
Mayort at Pt. Loult, March I and 4.
when prsparnlrisss will b dlsoussd with
a vlow of furthcrlnir tha president's
plan and arousing public sentiment In
favor of early legislation.
The rait la signed by tha followlni
mayors: Henry W. Kiel. St. tua;
Jam's M. Curley. Poston; William
II. Thompson. Chlcao; James O. Wood
ward. Atlanta; C. E, Sebastian. I.os An
pistes; Gerhard A. Bsdina. Milwaukee;
Martin Behrman, New Orleans; H. H.
Albee. rortlnnd; Henry D. Ilndsley. Pal
laa; J. C Pahlman, Omaha; John Purr
py Mltchel, New Tork.
Each of the mayors mentioned win se
lect a local committee and on February
n William B. Brewster will hs here to
srplaln tha objects of the St. Louis con
ference. Ntw Tork City now has a
local preparedness committee of l.WV
Mayor I'ahlman will announce the
Omaha committee next week.
Time, tide and Bee Want Ada wait for
no man. An opportunity missed I an
opportunity lost.
TV If. Beham. a representative of the
t'nltrd Master Butchers of America, has
been In Omaha for several daya thla
week making the advance arrangements
for their thlrty-flret annuel convention,
to be held here dgrlns; next August. As
Omaha Is the hub around which many
of the cities In the middle weet revolve.
President Kund of tha local association
anticipates one of tha largest ratherlnvs
ever held In Omaha. Secretary Cameron
la assisting the repreeentatlve of the na
tional association In making all plana,
and reports everybody Is co-operating
with the usual "Omaha spirit."
Byron Jones, colored, living at
North Twenty-first street, attacked Hen
rietta Brown of the seme address with
shoe, fist Iron snd poker. Byron was ar
rested and fined IM and costs.
Jewelry from King-Peck Stock on Sale Saturday
All tha Cuff Links, Scarf Tins. Stud Sets, etc..
worth to tl.00 and ft. 10 sals price
All the Full Dress Sets and Combination Bets,
worth to It. 00. sals price
All the Cuff Links and Scarf Pins, Silk Guards etc..
worth to SOc, special .
-mi M. .i,n ip , .HiKii l ip ii Him iiiiini ' nm. i i i in i.iii iiiiiii. 'I'km in i i-ii i ii m.i i r i ii.n p if ixum.
hi, m I, .n - ' ......... rTIi,..,, niililn Hi. , ,ii.i., , Jnii .,..,..,- . i, i. -i in. i, , I., , ,n-jr
King-Peck's Leather Novelties on Sale Saturday
Jewel Cases. Pcsrf Bin Cases. Collar Bags. Lssther Barked Clothes
Kriishee. list Brush Pets In Leather Ceee, Handkerchiefs Cases, Tie
Holders. Military Bet Cases, Card Set Cases, (rather Traveling Toilet Set
.'sees. Manicure Wets. Leather Traveling Rolls, etc.. at the following
prices below cost
25s, SO. 81.00. 81.08. $2.08. 83.08
All the M
en's Pants from KinsHPeck $137
,000 Stock
There is something new and
interesting in the King-Peck
sale eTery day. As lots become
depleted, we are re-grouping
and reducing them in price to
make a clean sweep of every
thing. No matter what you
select, you are bound to get the
biggest money's worth you ever
Saturday morning begins the sale of all tho Men's
Pants from the King-Peck stock. The lot includes
the best makes, such as Paragon, Jack-Rabbit, Daunt
less and others. The best looking and best wearing
materials of Cassimeres, Fancy Mixed Worsteds, Silk
Mixed 'Worsteds, Fancy Stripes, etc. All sorts of colors
most desired, plain grays, hundreds of pairs of blue
serges, blacks, browns and the good looking mixtures.
Lot 1
Every model a man could ask for, including cuff
bottoms, plain bottoms, semi-peg tops, English models
and conservative models. All sizes for men and young
men from 30 to 50 waist. It's like throwing money
away not to take advantage of such a sale. It provides
without question the most extraordinary opportunity
in men's pants ever known in Omaha. Come early
Saturday. The entire stock is divided into five lots
Lot 5
Every man should provide
for the future during the
King-Peck sale. There is no
telling what prices you may
have to pay for clothing next
fall, with the increasing cost of
all materials and labor that go
w,ith its production. Why not
prepare now by laying in a
supply t
Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
U SJLlMWA 5p:li ife .i SS -v. 4 Oft i : tt IP m m " - 4JL-J u
Fur Overcoats
Go on Sale Saturday
Saturday we mil place the Men's Fur Overcoats from the King
Peck $137,000 stock on, sale at great concessions in prices- There
is a very limited quantity of these coats and the purchasers of
them will be fortunate indeed.
Among the different fore axe
Coon Coats, Hair Seal Coats, Northern Red
Coats, Russian Calf Coats, Siberian Dog
Coats, Kangaroo Coats, Horsehide Coats
This is a supreme- opportunity to own a fine fur overcoat. The wearer
gets many years of pleasure from it. Aud when it eosta but a small amount,
why not! .,
AH the Suits aod Overcoat
The fact that you may take your choice of the King-Peck stock of fine Suits and Overcoats at one
of three prices, those prices being $7.50, $10 and $15, should need but little supplementary argument
to Induce you to come to the store Saturday. This is all clothing that we would be proud to offer you
at much higher prices clothing that you would be proud to own and proud to wear of such are the
suits and overcoats that will be placed on sale Saturday in three big groups at
7 s
SlrtfTfM I ill Jim S
Choice of All K.-Ps High Grade Shirts at 95c
Together with 100 Dozen High Grade Sample E. & W.
Shirts (Ely Walker), St. Louisa Regardless of Former Value
You will find the greatest shirt values in this sale that we have ever offered. Silk, silk and linen, satin striped madras, Rus
sian corded madras, satin striped repps and oxfords, also light-weight French flannel. All sizes, 14 to 20, all go at one price
iur quicit sening
Lisle Hose, 1 91
worth to 20c, at
Dress and Street
Gloves, worth to QC
$2, at , .'
Silk Fiber Hose,
special, pair
Dress and Street
Gloves, worth to
All the Wool
Ccata, worth
to $3.50
All the King-Peck Wool and d? AO
Worsted Union Suits, worth to $4, atP "O
All tho Ribbed and Fleeced Union HQc
Suits, worth to $1.25, sale price .
All the Wool Shirts and Drawers, , y q
worth $1-50, special Saturday, Garment.'
The Balance of the Boys' Suits
Saturday in Two Lots
including "about 150 high grade suits from our own stock, from
lines that were broken. I'lemy or good patterns and styles. Ages
f7 6tol7years
Boys and Youths' Union Snits
u u sO xAcv
11 . m vj 1 ui ? .as-ar:
boys' and Youths' Union Sulta. In Dart
wool, natural color. Well known brand.
Ktaf-Pk prist
piic.. .....89c
Boys' and
Touths' Unloa
ulu. In heavy
flecd cotton,'
(ray only, well
known . brand.
King-Peck pre
to $1.00. cn
our pries? J
Union Bolts on Main Floor.
Boys Overcoats
Ages 2Vi to 8 years
- $1.89 and $3.89
Boys' Furnishings
$1.50Panta, Sat 75c
$1.00 Wafcta, Sat.... 50
f2.50 Sweaters, Sat.. 98
$4 Sweaters, Sat.. $1.98
25 Silk Ties, Sat.... 15
All the
From the
$137,000 Stock
Offered in One
Large Lot
Saturday, Your
Choice for
All of King-Peck's Men's Hats
Saturday, in Two Lots
Saturday we will place on sale all the Hats from the
King-Peck stock for quick selling, divided into two lots,
regardless of former prices
.LOT 1
LOT 2-
All men's caps from King-Peck stock,
regardless former prices, in one lot. Choice
Boys' Headwear
All Boys' and Children's Headwear from the
King-Peck stork, regardless former prioea. la
thrse lots Saturday, at.... 10. 2f 45
7 l-fm- -1
1 . 4fr-Vjf
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