Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
A Million Mothers behind
the purest, cleanest, most nu
tritious of all cereal foods
Shredded Wheat They have
tested it and found it best
for youngsters, best " for
grown-ups a food to work
on, to play on, to think on.
Contains the life of the wheat
in a digestible form puts
gimp and ginger into the
jaded body. Delicious for
breakfast or for any meal with
milk or cream. Made at
Niagara Falls, N. Y.'
i Tmt Aid at JIotM," m
Neuralgia Pln it mot .Ioni
sing1 yl jroa can (top it instantly'
by applying Sloan i Liniment,
l-hick of Sloan's Liniment when
ever you have pain of any kind.
It it a fin Pain Killer. No need
j rub it In yon utt lay it a
aai tha pais titt twiy at one.
i S
"Keep a bottle In your home.".
Price Me. Ms. f l.M .
i . hr anV VaZ-v . A ' -
' LVi Ve( JL
it . --Vl
I a III V3 1
m m. r V j
,' 1" FOR MEN
Final cleanout of all broken lines Of Shirts, plain or
pleated bottoms, some soft cuff, f 1.00. $1.50 and (2.00
values, 5f) rat h; the larger rite., mainly, now.
Jui-t I iv Sixteen Fancy Vests, were $2 60 to $4.00.
tinali kites iu Men's L'ndershlrts, 60c value, slightly
aetled. 15 each, or V fur a quarter. Only a few; get
n early. Ve open at 8: SO a. in.
I'irM Stjuare, near door Wool Sport Scarfs, were $1.50
i. ;.o, et ..t)t. ,
All the world has to lake a back seat when It comes to
; Your I'ncle "amnel grows the union, picks It, pre
.Mtes it, and turns It Into the flnlthrd product. We have
d wonderful aasortnient to .how you, and it's all ready
now pj'poalte the Wool, Goods.
Make a note to tike a peep at the Hutterick'a oldest
and most people say beat of all designers and paper
puttara Bittkeia. Helpful hints. "
i ' .
Second of the Omaha Club Dinner
Dances Showi- Gain in
Hr MRI.I.IFH I Vrhrmmrr II.
Ry the lint of thla evening', dlnnrra,
.t would (win that Mr. Arthur tlulnj
a able to bring the Omaha rlub back
..'n tts own again, i
Thla a the second of t Omaha club
dinner-dances and the liat of reserva
tions ahowa a gain In popularity over
the flrat, held a few week, past.
The largest dinner of thla evening will
be given by the W. A. Kraser.. The taljlc"
will be decorated with a large French
tiaaket filled with spring flowers. Tbone
present will be:
Messrs. and Mesdsmes
W. A. C. Johnson, M. A. Kail.
Kianrla Oalne. J I.. Pnxtnn.
Joseph Harker, .1 K. (Ii-nrge,
Walter I'a.e, Henry Wyman.
Mr. Arthur Remington.
Messrs Messrs -
Hurry MrCnrmlrk. I.uther Drake.
Mr. Conrad Voting entertain at dinner
with hla alater. Miaa Gertrude Youiiit
C'overa will blald for:
Ir. and Mra. Tlolert Uornsler.
Mra, Allan llohlnann.
Mr. t'nnrad Young.
Mr. U. A. Young.
Mia Gertrude Voting
Wllh the Ueorge Uedtcka will dine:
Mer. and Meadarnea
Walter Holier!, narle K. Mrtx.
Mra. Charles Turner of Fremont. .
Mlaa KIUlxth Cohgdon.
Messrs. Messrs'.
Elmer Uedlck. Herbert t'onnell.
$1.00VVINDOW SALE$1.00
1813-1S18 Donraa Bt.
There I
The U C. nrdlcks will have for thc-lr
g!s : and eMdamea
M'iMi i r ' 'olfet r.rr, h red Hamilton,
Jlonr) Wharton. Ilarrv loorl.
VVsrd Horace. Arthur hcfllne.
llarton Millard. .
I lining with the Rom Towlea will be:
Mr. and Mra. Jnhn Madden.
Mra. Men Hovre.
Mr. Allen Tiikey.
Mr. Hubert t'onnell.
The guests of the I.inlovl Cr.ifooli
will he:
Meama and Madamca
Charles T. Kountie. George P. I'rln.,
C L'. tieorge
Mrn. I.uther Kountie.
MrpMia Meaara.
C'harlea W. Hull, Karl. iannett.
The J. J. FltEaerBlda have re"aled Ihelr
dinner Invitation for th'a evenlna.
Mr. Kdward W. Ilar. of PounMI Illuffa
five 'one of the laraer dlnnera of th
evening. The table will be decorated pro
fuaely with piln flow era. Thoae preaent
will be:
Meeerr. and Mradamea
Howard II. ItaldrlgeK. H. Hprafue.
J. T. Ptewait, 2d, I'harlea T. Htewart,
A. I,. Heed. of t'ouncll llluffa.
I'r. and Mra. .1. K. Summer.
Mlaa KMaaheth llv
llrmii Meeara
A. H. Wan-en, Kd vard W. Hart.
Among the othera taking reaervatlona
for thla evrnllu are:
Meaara Meaara.
l. A. Mover. I'rank It. Johnaon,
J. A. ('. Kennedy, t'lnrke Powell.
Honon Former Omahan.
Mra. I'harlea t Helden gave a lunch
eon at the t'nlveralty cluo room thla
noon, complimentary to Mra. Hamuel
!lawer. of 1-oa Aneelea. a former
Omaha Woman, who la the aueat of Mra
Krnnk ,l. Ilrlatol. When alie lived In
Omaha - .nany yeara no Mra. Htw
er occupied ono of the old homca at
Sixteenth and Davenport atreeta, then
the faahlonahle aectlon of the city.
Pprlnir flowera brlRbtened the luncheon
table and covera were placed for eight
1813-1815 Oonfla. t.
to hot against his hogahlp. We lout out, and we are almost persuaded that there la something li the old belief,
after all. We are through invoicing. Thanks to you and othera, we had a very .satisfactory year. Just before put
ting down on our books the final Items, we threw to one side certain lots, here, and there, and these we listed so
low that we can now afford to let you have some things almost at your own priee. We intended to tell you about
I hem last week, b'ut the tempernture was so low we decided to defer the announcement.
Odd lots of Gloves. Kid Some damaged, some
aollod, some stretched from tryon gathered together
after going through the stock in a sort of Spring house
t'leanlng. It matters not what the original prices were,
we prefer their room to their company
30 per pair for Lot One.
CJOtf Per Pair for Lot Two.
Not a bad idea to have on hand 'a few
eitra gloves impoaxthte and xwllle. Think
Wo wonder If leap year has anything to do with the
special activity of women these days? Do you realize
that I hi. la no mean city? Becoming quite metropolitan
with our art displays, etc. The pictures remind us of
happy days long ago. - In retrospection we find ourselves
wandering through the Louvre, the National and other
galleries,' and it. makes our hearts ache. Oh, for a
Hogarth, now, to axonse the world with brush and can
vas! That master painter of satire, who was benevolent
withal! We think of his "Rakes Progress," that wonder
ful sermon; "Marriage a la Mode," etc. We hav before
us now the picture of the blase, old man, the wife
yawning with ennui, and the pious Methodist steward.
All started through reading of a Hogarth in the Art Col-
lection. It you haven't seen the paintings, do it. today.
Take a peep into our Western Aisle Saturday. We
want you to see
We have made up a few just to give you the exact
effect. We can still take a few orders for Immediate
delivery tthat Is, In about a week I. $2.25 1lir mak.
Ing. Measured by an expert, finished by man tailors,
absolutely correct In style. We never spread before you
a mote desirable collection of Choice Wool Fabrics.
Whatever the scarcity elsewhere, here you get the bene
fit of pkfi'Ahkuxkks. '
Ht.tml Shoulder to Hhoulder With the
Satin Flag Iloxea, filled with Chocolates and Bon
Buns. (JOd i HOi Pound. .
Juvenile lloxes, with ribbon bow, 10.
Salted Nut with flag. 75 the doien. .
Solid back Hair Brushes, worth up to $1.00, will go
at 5O4.
Plnaud s Lllas Vegetal. 50 Instead of 75c.
Madame Iae'bell's Face Powder (white only). 1)
bos; the reguler price 1 50c.
Rlcksecker s Cold Cream, 21) ir: regular prlca
Is 50c.
4711 Soap. 12 P" cVe
. Elder Flower Houp, 3 per cake.
Manicure Sets File, emeryboard, buffer and orange
wood stick, 10 tu B't-
Elki Dancing Club.
The follow Imc mere preaent at he Klka'
dancing party, held In the el'.ib room.
Thuraday evenlna:
Meyar. and Meela:ra
nny l. Hart.
A. M. FdmonatOn.
A. W. Klt?lmnna.
Tavlor T. l ay.
(Snrdnn T. Kyle,
'. B. KfferniBB.
A. C. Hunt.
H. V. I Krkermati.
larene F. Hall,
r. A. He vine,
C. K. heepe.
' '. 1 1. I etl nien.
F. IVatt liar nod.
K. F. Mlllama.
f'erry K. ) y une,
U. '. W Intpraon,
Orace H'ibertaon,
Anna Niemann.
Hertha Swirtx. '
(race I'frlffer.
fit to Nlelaen.
P I,. Swancutt.
K. H. Mawley,
G A. ISowlea.
V. II. I'latner.
.1. W. tivrratieet,
H. H K Inyotin.
.. B. Hohertaon,
I V . Freaton.
(I W. Johnaon.
I. ynn .1. 1'i.tmtn,
f" . Tliemaraon,
I. '. Uoerke.
f. F He via.
F P flint,
K. J. Kulm,
'. II. fin k.
M'aaea -Freh.l
Marie Ktmr..
f IHlren. , '
.lamra P'ay.
.leniea W hitney.
Dr. l. J. ooda.
Past Hospitalities.
r. and Mra. fc.t F. Illnea. who hnve
been attending thf laxt few taeeka here
on their honeymoon at the. noma of
Mir. and Mra. Joaeph Rutty, have been
the Rtieata of honor at a number of par
tlea. Among their hoata and hoateeaca
have been Meaara. and Mradamea F
Mohatt. Rusty, George Hill. ,f. Tamleea,
A. I.,. Tamleea. K. J. Mohatt, Mlaa It,
Kernan and Mra. M. t'roirn.-
Mra. Kdaatrt Matirer. Jr., a recent hrlde.
waa honor gueat at a box" farty at the
Krtig theater, followed by dinner at the
Henahaw, Thureddy. The party Included:
Meadatnea Mccdamee
Krlmard Maurer, Jr., F. fteynolda.
II. t'annon.
A. Kucl afa
F. Herrlirower.
F. H.
Personal Mention.
Mra. Juliua N'lchnla of Columbua,
la a Kueat of her aunt, Mra. K. O. Hamil
ton. Mra. E. B. Towle la confined to hr
homa by lllneaa. . ,
Mra. C. W. Hayea la apendlnf a few
day. at Colfax Spring..'
Scottish Rite Affair.
A mualcale waa given thla afternoon
at the icottlah Rite cathedral. Each
member waa to bring one gucat. The
program waa tinder the direction of 'Mra.
M. M. Ifottenatall and after Ha numbera
were given, a aoclal meeting followed
and refreehmenta wer aerved. "
Suits! " " Restaurant Frocks
Coats!! . Popular Priced
Dresse3 ! ! ! Dresses of Silk
Waists!!!! Exclusive
tra i
ues pairs of
it over.
We sweetened ip an odd lot of Silks left over from
last Saturday' sale. - 40 again Saturday. A, real
worth-while lot.
And Here' Another Just in from the land of the
Wisteria A big purchase of Japanese Pongee, the real
thing; Just rigUt for -waists, nightgowns, pajamas, etc.;
25 Inches wide, 33 per yard.
Tha Japs are a wonderful people. They . beat the
world when it comes to Pongee 8ilka. If interested, a
morning rail will show wisdom on your part.
We have ' just received THK Spring Models in
priced specially at $2.05. $3.05 and $5.00.
Th Irfitect tiliadea.
Few Are the Women Who Dislike Being Remembered.
Do you realise that St. Valentine's day la so near? As
a token of affection, as a remembrance, CAMV beats
Rosemary or Panslea. Mothers, wives, sisters or sweet
hearts will be pleased with txmil'8. Dainty boxes filled
with Chocolate Bon Bons and Heart Confections 1, 2, 3,
4, 6-pound boxes at CO the pound.
Cinnamon Pure eiugar Hearts, Pony Hearts, Conver.
Mitloit Hearts, 30 and 40 the pound.
After-Dinner Cream Hearts. 0 pound.
Bby Cream Hearts, 40 pound."
Juvenile Heart Boxes, 10 each.
Ice Cream In brick, with red heart center, $2.00
the gallon.
Individual Hearts, $1.75 and $2.00 the doten.
Saturday Specials Old-fashioned Black Walnut
Taffy, 30 PM"I box. If you have ever eaten anything
as good, please tell us.
Chocolate Meltaway Centers of . delicious, crispy
randy, covered with pure chocolate; nuts cunningly dis
tributed through the chocolate. Just place one on your
tongue and the melting process starts. "Oh. Joy!" a
miss exclaimed ihe other day, "aren't they good!"
Candied Frulta Pears. Plums. Figs. Pineapple
Fingers, GO ,n P"d. usually H"c. '
If you're a Cobbite, wa've got you going now or,
rather, coming We'll see you Saturday.
Fashion Hint
0 We--"-'?" tj. ry.
v it"' ' 'f
By I, Hti ti l Kt
The aallor hat la uahered In again, dif
fering very allghtly from the one. ahown
laat eeaaon, except In detail. ' The aliape
I. quite the aame. aa far aa general ap
pearance goea. Such combination, a.
Today's Affairs.
Mr.. Fred Thoma. rive, a luncheon at
her home thla afternoon to ten guesta.
The decor.tlon. were spring flower..
The Mixers' club of Crelghton univer
sity give a dance this evening at Cham
bera' academy.
The aid societies of the Trinity Metho-
Famous Saying
Thla la to many a new gospel, but
nonethelcBa worthy of acceptance.
It la a re-vernal of what seems to be
the ruling doctrine In other lands,
and, Indeed, a reversal of a doctiine
which haa been all too common In
our own country.
; "Tla well to pause occasionally and
taKa an Inventory of ourselves: No
Uma mora flttlne; that on the birth
day of the Great Emancipator, the
Man of SrrlUes and Sorrows, who
trove - bigger and bigger In the
world'a estimate aa the years roll on.
We started In after Groundhog day
: r
mllan straw and glazed Kid, or nil cloth,
and chip alraw are ahown extenalvely.
The colora In the. latter are miiny and
are developed In plaid, dotted and
checked effects. The ar.llor Illustrated la
faced with rose mllan. the top being a
roao and white plaid oil cloth.
dlat church ,lio!d a parcel post sale In
the church parlors today. .
The Dundee Dancing club frlve a dance
thla evening In Harte's hull.
Amateur Musical Plans.
The Amateur Mualcnl club meeta thla
afternoon for the firatMlme thla acaaon.
After thie the club will meet every two
week, at the home of onu of the mem
bers. The hosteaa of this afternoon Is
Mrs. Harry C. Nicholaon. The members
of the club are: .
George Mi'Intyre.
Gilbert Hitchcock,
H. P. Whltmore.
H. C. Nicholaon,
X -T. Ma honey,
Kugenle Whltmore.
WlUjmn F. Baxter,
S. S. Caldwell.
.T. A.'C. Kennedy,
Kd Balrd.
Gretchcn McConnell.
For Mrs. O'Brien.
Jonquils made their m pen ranee today on
the table of a luncheon given at the
Omaha club by Miss Ellrabeth Bruce.
The affair wa. In honor of Mra. Rdward
OBrlen of Poughkecpsle, nouae guest of
Mia. Iuiee Dinning. Cover, were laid
for fourteen.
Mr.. Ben Wood gives an afternoon
bridge for Mr.. O'Brien Wednesday.
It Depends
On the Boy
Boys differ. If you are the
parent of a real live Amer
ican boy you will save money
if you buy
They are better made of
better material. They will
outwear two pairs of ordi
nary boys' shoes. Br,j your
boy to Drexel'a today.
Little Gents', 9 to 13
Boys', 2 to 6
Parcel Post Paid
1419 Farnam Street
is the rii't Saturday for the
choice of Women's and Misses'
Coats; also a few Dresses and
Suits actually sold for and up
to $.,3.U
We have jahout forty High
Grade Suits that fcold at $33.00
and up. Out they go Saturday
for only $14.75.
l.j)8-U) Ooiifrlas.
Fr r 1 1 ' i li i CW r-J
fcki u.d t. C t tHu.
Daughters of American Revolution
to Unveil It in Hotel Lobby on
March First.
A bronze tablet In memory of Logan
Fontene'le to be placed In the lobby of
the Hotel Fontenelle will be unveiled on.
Matth 1, the fifth annlveraary of Major
Iaaac .-aaler chapter of the Daughter,
of the American Revolution, which la
preeentlng the tablet. Mrs. William
Archibald Ptnlth la the regent.
"Thla tablet, ercrted, 191, by Major
laac Sadler chapter, la dedicated to the
memory of 1-onnn Fontenelle, chief of
the Omaha tribe, 18.11-55, " la the Inaerip
t'oh. Flaborate ceremonies are lieing planned
In ronnect on with the unveiling. Mra.
George Thatcher Guernsey, atate regent
of Kanaaa: Mra. Charles H. Aull, atate
regent of Nebraska: Mra. F. K. Straight,
regent of Omaha chapter: Mrs. Harriet
MacMuiphy and Robert F. Glider will
be the honor guesta at the unveiling and
at a luncheon to be given at the hotel,
preceding the unveiling.
Mra. Smith, the regent, will he the
chapters delegate to the national con-,
greaa, to be held In Washington In April.
Mlaa Carolyn Barkalow la the regent",
alternate. Other alternates elected are
Mra. F.arl Stanfleld, Mra. A.-V.Dresher,
Mr.. E. G. Kldrldge. Mra. Richard
Kitchen, Mra. ,T. F. Weir and Miss Ire.
Dorland. Jf '
The delegatea to the atate conference
to be held In Lincoln, March fc, 16 and
are Mrs. Smith, regent; Mra. Ira W.
Porter, delegate;: Mrs. Weir, Mr.. D. K.
McCulley, Mrs. E. L. Delanncjr nd Mrs.
E. C. Conley, alternates.
What the President
Had for Breakfast
Of course the president of the I'nitfd
States is only a human being with some
of the fralltie. and errors of Judgment
that are common to ordinary mortals.
On his recent .peechmaklngr tour Presi
dent Wilson addressed great audiences
in eight of the larger cities. This atrenu
ous adventure called for the highest phy
sical fitness and endurance. He was
aturally anxious to keep himself at top
notch condition. Here Is the breakfast
ha ordered at the hotel the morning he
irrlved In Cleveland, aa publiahcl by
ho Cleveland riain Iealer:
Shredded Wheat Biscuit and Cream.
Two Kour-Mlnute Boiled Egg.,
Hrolled Bacon.
Buttered Toast.
An Apple for Mrs. Wilson.
Fine Arts Exhibit
Closes After Sunday
"The Discouraged Art Student." one
of the painting, at the Fine Art. exhibit
at the Hotel Fontenelle, which leaped
Into first place In the popularity contest
on account of the admiration expressed
for It by two unknown children, still
iiold. first place. The fancied resem
blance between the "art. student" and
Will Burns, popular Omaha clubman, is
arousing considerable comment among
the friends of Mr. Burns who have
viewed the painting.
The exhibit closes Sunday night and
will be open the last day between the
hour, of 2 and 10 p. m.
Student Banquet at
the "Y" on Saturday
Almost 200 men are expected te attend
the annual student banquet of the Young
Men's Christian association, Saturday
evening. Aa the event falls on Lincoln's
birthday, subjects of the various speakers
following dinner will be related to tha
life and example of the great e manic
pat or,
Harry O. Palmer will be toa.tma.ter.
Among those who will respond to
will be: A. B. Patrick, J. U Cotton, John
Fixa, P. J. Stoke., H. K. Pederaen, I 3.
Bchafer and U. M. Newman. E. P. Fitch
will give a stereoptican talk. ,
Member, of the Omaha club will follow
their usual custom and celebrate Washi
ngton's birthday this year with a ban
quet at the club house. Twentieth and
Douglas street.. 'Edmund M. Fairfield,
president of the club. ha. announced the
affair in letter, to all the members.
Gue.t. of honor who will make addresae.
will be - W. J. Bralley. former governor
of Kansas, and Emmet Tlnley of Iowa.
The Return f Baeklp.
Buckles have come into their own again,
appearing on hat., on .hoe tip., In varied
and novel material.. Moat beautiful are
those of. enamel and steel. In subdued
colorings, or with a touch of scarlet;
touches of brilliant Chinese red, a red
which h'. much yellow In It, are aeen
on many .mart things. Quite a. effec
tive are the buckles of carved wood, often
In the natural wood without other deco
ration, or with a touch of vivid red or
green. A most exquUlte buckle la of
carved Ivory, touched up with ocher to
resemble an antique; thla will lend dla
tlnctlon to any costume, however almple.
Moat of these carved buckle, are oblong
or oval, while thoe of enamel and tinted
metal follow the shape, of beetles, but
terflies and birds, much conventionalised.
Buckle, are also seen In cut and bur
nished steel. In copier, covered with
leather or with ribbon. They are worn
at the back or front of the costume, or
even at the side to hold a aa.h; while
on the hat, the buckle, are placed at
the knot of loop, of ribbon, or at the
place of attachment, generally appearing
at the front or on top of the crown, for
often the loop, only decorate the top of
the hat.
(Correspondence of the Associated Pres..)
VIENNA. Feb. l.-Of ths.liOOu male
H teacher In the German Teacher.' a-.Oc-
lalton. 55.(100 have been called Into tb
army. Beven are captain. 4.800 lieu
tenants. J.JCS deputy lieutenant, and .p
sergeant majors and other under officers.
In addition 5.11 teachers in the field
have received, the .