HIE BKK: OMAHA THUKSDAY, FKHIUIAUV 1U, iyi(5. 6 CITY DECIDES ON LA FRANCE TRUCKS Withnell, Fire Chief and Master Mechanic Recomemnd One Like Dundee. TO BUY JUNIOR PUMM, TOO Commissioner Withnell mil re commend at the Thursday morning meeting of the city council the pur chase of eleven LaFrance combina tion hose and chemical motor cars for the fire department. The bid of the American LaFrance company as $5,000 each for type 40, which Js of 46 horsepower. The selection of this type of machine is approved by Chief Salter of the fire depart ment, also his master mechanic. It Is believed the council will ap prove the recommendation of the superintendent and chief of the fire department. Chief Salter recently visited Dos Moines, where fourteen LaFrance machines are n service. One of these machines has been in use at Dundee for several years, the purchase having been made upon recommendation of Chief Salter. The commissioners recently expressed confidence In the recommendation 0f Thief Salter, the position being that the chief has had forty years' experience and should know what wants for fire fighting. Three Auxiliary Pump. Three Junior pumps will bo recom mended for use In eonnectlon with these machines at the houses at Thirty-seventh and Jackson streets, Fortieth and Ham ilton streets and Twenty-second and Ames avenue, at which locations the water pressure needs reinforcement. Thse pumps cost JtlOO each and may be attached to the mechanism of the motor apparatus when It Is stationary A Junior pump will throw a single, stream 110 feet. Chief Salter says the recent fire at the Burns' residence would have been stopped In Its Inclplney If a Junior pump had been available. Kach of the eleven combination hose and chemical trueka to be purchased will h a rhemtenl tank with 1W feet of hose. Water hose does not go with the apparatus, hut will be supplied from the new stork of 10X feel recently or dered by the city. Commissioner Jsrdlne Is Investigating prices psld In other cities for fire ap paratus and believes he has struck a lead which will reveal a situation of considerable Interest to the city com missioners before they let a contract. THEY HEAR LECTURE ON SALESMANSHIP AND DANCE Prof, raul It. NyMrom gave a lecture on salesmanship to the employes of the rturgess-Nash and M. E. Smith company In the latter'a dining room, Tuesday eve ning. Mr. Njstrcm was formerly at the Uni versity of Minnesota and while there made a thorough study of this subject and his lerture was Interesting as well as educational, especially so, as almost the entire audience was composed of people connected with some phase of selling. Prof. Nystrom brought out 'hree Im portant facts applying to the art of sell ing. First essential Is to get Ideas Into the customer's mind, namely through the flvo senses, either by appealing to them Individually or collectively. Second, giv ing the customer the right or wrong im pression at the start. Third, the effect of the other two prlnc'ples on the pros pective customer's mind, going by the well knbwn truth, that every Idea that enters the customer's mind tends to be expressed, whether In pleasure or dis pleasure. After the lecture, Mr. Burgess made a few humorous remarks concerning parts of the lecture thst pertained to charac teristics of members of both the Bur-gcss-Nsah and St. E Smith forces. Refreshments were served at 10:3), after which the chairs were cleared away and all participated In dancing to rousing music rendered by an Italian orchestra. Advertiser and customer profit by tha "Classified Ad" habit. MUNICIPAL COURT CASE ARGUED IN SUPREME COURT The suit brought by local Justices of peace to tost the validity of 'the law creating a municipal court In Urn ah a and three appointments by the governor. Is being argued by attorneya before ,ve supreme court. District Judge Rediek sustained the law and the appointments. An appeal was taken by attorneys representing the Justices and the case waa advanced by the high court. Mrs. Mary Kilker Dies at 87 Years Mrs. Mary Kilker, aged years, one of the South Sides oldest pioneers and mother of Mrs. Thomas O'Connor, wife of County Commissioner' O'Connor, died at the home of her daughter Tuesday afternoon. She Is one of the few oldest residents of Omaha having lived on the South Side for more than fifty years. In ISM Mrs Kilker removed from F. Joseph to Omaha, making the trip by stesmbost. Sixty years ago she migrated from Ireland to live In America. Poring her residence In Nebraska she held a homestead In the country about Colum bus, which was later sold In a forced sale to Indians who then Inhabited the country. Ijnter She returned to the South Side, where she conducted a hotel for many years. For the past twenty years she has been living with her son;ln-law, Thomas O'Connor. The funeral will be held . Thursday morning at the home to St. Bridget s church at :.10 o'clock. Interment will be In St. Mary's cemetery. Detention Home Has Three Cases of Scarlet Fever Riven lew Intention Home for Chil dren, a county Institution which l the refuge of fifty war1s of the Juvenile court, has thtee cases of scarlet fever, recording to a repoit made by Superin tendent Thompson to the Hoard of County Commissioners. The victims are Karl Vandercieek. seed 10. Mahel Keys. . aid Hxe Osvls, 8. They are Isolated In Cte hospital, and al though ten days have elapsed since first symptoms of the dieaie were manifested none of the nher rt Huron has been af fected, according to the superintendent. Dr. Van Camp, county physician, ami Dr. Oalhreuth, house doctor, are treating the youthful patlT.ts. All three cases are said to progressing to the satisfaction of the physicians. all four counts, with bonds fixed at I'M on each Your Health is Safe WHEN THE APPETITE IS KEEN WHEN THE DIGESTION IS NORMAL WHEN THE LIVER AND BOWELS ARE REGULAR Any disturbance of thoso func tions should be corrected by HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters D0RAN BOYS ARE UUUND OVER ON FOUR COUNTS EACH O. Doran and A. Doran waived pre liminary examination to four counts of robbery In police court Wednesday, and were bound over to the district court on SUES FOR INJURY IN A FALL FROM THE PORCH Because his wife fell from a porch at their luvme. till North Twenty. first street, hen the railing gave way, James Mollis I suing Minion S. Atkisson, his landlord, for .Loss In district court. Mrs. Mollis waa .seriously Injured. It Is alleged. (at This Mat It la nli Money. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, en close with ic und mat; to Foley Co., Chicago, III., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for lagrlppe coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for lame back, weak kidney, rheumatism, bladder troubles, and Foley Cathsrtlo Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, bil iousness, headache and sluggish bowels Sold e Very w here Ad vert Isement. CARMICHAEL TALKS AT MEETING 0F R0TARY CLUB At the weekly noon luncheon and meet ing of. the Botsry club. B. M Wahlgren of the Omaha Optical company was chair man and W. YV. .CarmlchaeV of the Dleti Lumber company was the speaker. Militia Company of ! Wireless Experts is Electricians' Plan A militia company of wireless experts, electricians anil youthful electrical ex perimenters. In co-operation of the nation- wide 'preparedness'" campaign, Is an Imminent prhaMItv for Omaha. Such a mlllt la company, to be attached to signal corps duty, to utlllv.e Fort Omaha, and to give special attention to wireless tclciraphv, fit-Id telegraphy. Wat telephony and other electrical matters, was proposed at the regular monthly meeting of the Omaha Kleetrlesl cluh at the Commercial cluh rooms at noon hv Dr. F. 11. Mllleiier, wireless expert of the Vnlon Pacific railroad. The cluh voted unanimous endorsement of Ihe plan, decided to start such a militia company, and authorised a com mittee to devise ways ami means of put ting Ihe plan Into effect. Dr. Mlllener, '1. l.atta of the Oeneral Electric com pany, who made the motion, and A. J. McCall of the cluh. were appointed on the special committee. President .Bines CoKr and Secretary' J. B. tlarnaey of the club were antong the twelve members of the cluh who attended Ihe meeting and voiced approval of Dr. Mlllener's Idea, which the latter has been thinking over 'or many months. Rub Rheumatism Pain From Sore, Aching Joints Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old 'St. Jacob's Oil." i What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop drugging! Not one case In fifty requires Internal treatment. Rub sooth- V Ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" dlractly upon the, "tender spot" and relief oomes Instantly. "St. Jacohs Oil" Is a harmlesa rhecmat'.sm and sciatica llhlment, which never disappoints and can not burn th skin. T.lmlH-r up! Quit complaining! Get small trial bottle from your druggist, and In Just a moment you'll be. free from rheumat'c and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Re lief awaits yon. Old. honest "At. Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of rheumatism sufferers In the last half century, and Is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains and awell-Ings.-Advertisement. READ THE BEE WANT AD3 r i "It is precisely what we want" they all say. . .. The Dort is meeting my expectations, i I said that the car was peculiarly fitted for this part of the country owing' to its great power and wonderfully constructed motor and compact design. Every purchase is bearing me out in this estimate of the car's woTth. 'j c vi ? 7 I "It is precisely what we want," they all say. Our allotment is coming through on time, so there will be no possible delay in deliveries. President. no Completely Equipped. Electric Lights, Self-Starter X VL 2 The Car That Wins in Nebraska We.tinghouie Two-Unit Starting and Lighting System Tha Oert Tlv.-ange Tearing Cmr, sturdily ballt and ahoolutele dependable, represents Ihe most ami lha beat la light car const ruet loa Ihe Msh-peed-leag-tfok avatar miiiii wonderful power and (leilhillt jr. The nun! rxhau.l eliminate bark prewar, the reeling system Is most efficient largs walrr Jaekrt completely surround each r Under nod eneh valv. caf. This Insure cool BiMor ander every coed It km f hard r fast driving. It has the well knew, rannaettrat haltory tip ignition, which delivers th hottest apark a lew speed and an hard awlla. Tbla tmi newer when yea ad it. It ba aa Irreversible steering gear which and mesas held th car ta lb f handling. v th loag M-tnrh rant Merer springs la th rear gtv great riding ramfert and economy a tire. combined brak aad clutch, automatic r. Iras ef emergency braki aervplan fan, ane-man tap el genuine mohair and Hair tap holders, erewa fender, electric bora with km button ar "big-car teaches" which lift th Dort lata excluaiveaea. v DORT MOTOR CAR CO., Flint, Mich. Some Valuable Territory Open to Live Agents. Don't Wait. The Dort Is Going to Lead. FOSHIER MOTOR. CO. Kansas does things. When she does things everybody hears about it. And everybody listens. That's one reason why agricul tural Kansas gets ahead. Hot does she manage it? Is there an idea here for other localities to follow and cash in on? Without a doubt. Read Kansas, U. $. A. It's a two-part article amusing, keen, suggestive on how Kansas got on the map and why she stays put. ; It starts today in ; vcivxj d-b I iV 1 aVj A Poultry Disease Chart Diseases, causes, symptoms and reliable treatment are all listed out for instant reference and action. Pork A City's By-Product How Michigan contractors save Grand Rapids a .third on its garbage bill and make money on 5500 hogs. Green Manures for the South Experiments showing large crop increases following the use of legumes and how to use them. Fruit from Worn-out Land A detailed account of the first year's work in putting an old farm to apples, pears and ' peaches. Diana of the Moorland The second instalment of the mystery story by Louis Tracy, author of "Wings of the Morning." And a great deal more . including Market Garden Equipment, the second of three articles about getting into market gardening; Everyman's Garden, telling varieties of flowers to plant; the Buff Plymouth Rock, by Judge W. H. Card; Squeezing the Water Out of Corn; De horning Old Apple Trees; Your Boy and. His Own Money a duty laid upon parents; Iceless Refrigerators and how to make them; a dozen delicious ways to cook Turnips; and a score of other good things, including the regular farm and home departments. tat f-(Dlay or feomatrcr f i at nsxvs asaiar orboyagsiit DISTRIBUTORS r l 12th and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Nebrask . n Ml I